999 resultados para St. Catharines (Ont.) -- Commerce -- History
Indenture of mortgage in fee with dower between Patrick and Mary Burns of the Township of Grantham and Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots no. 19 and 23 in the 5th Concession in the Town of Grantham - instrument no. 14820. Listed in Book E, folio 339, October 3, 1864.
Indenture of mortgage deed between Owen Clifford and Margaret Clifford of the Township of Grantham to Samuel D. Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding 36 3/4 acres in Lots numbered 12 and 13 in the 8th Concession in the Township of Grantham - instrument no. 187. This was registered at the Registry Office for Lincoln on April 30, 1867 in Liber I, March 29, 1867.
Indenture of bargain and sale between Patrick and Mary Burns of Grantham to Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding part of Lot 23 in the 5th Concession in the Township of Grantham - instrument no. 491, December 10, 1868.
Indenture of mortgage deed between Owen Clifford and Margaret Clifford of the Township of Grantham to John Charles Rykert and William B. Gilleland of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots no. 10 and 11 in the 9th Concession of the Township of Grantham. Registered in the Township of Grantham Register on September 15, 1870 - instrument no. 804 and registered in the Township of Grantham Register of February 8, 1872 - instrument no. 1104, September 15, 1870.
Indenture of deed of land between Margaret Clifford of Grantham and Samuel D. Woodruff of St. Catharines for lots 12 and 13 in the 8th Concession in the Township of Grantham. This was registered February 7, 1872 - instrument no. 19112 [?], February 2, 1872.
Indenture of bargain and sale between The Corporation of the Township of Grantham of the County of Lincoln and Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding part of the road allowance between Lots no. 12 and 13 of the 8th Concession of the Township of Grantham. This was registered January 8, 1874 in the County of Lincoln - instrument no. 1650, October 24, 1873.
Indenture of deed of land by way of quit-claim between Margaret Adams of St. Catharines and Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots no. 20 and 21 in the 5th and 6th Concessions in the Township of Grantham. This was registered in the Lincoln County Registry on January 21, 1875 - instrument no. 2053 and instrument no. 4819, January 20, 1875.
Indenture of deed of land situate between George Adams, George Peirce and Julia P. Peirce, all of St. Catharines to Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots no. 20 and 21 in the 5th and 6th Concessions in the Township of Grantham. This was registered in the Lincoln County Registry on January 21, 1845 - instrument no. 1818 and instrument no. 2052, January 20, 1875.
Indenture of agreement for sale of land between Samuel D. Woodruff of St. Catharines and Terrance Johnson of St. Catharines for purchase of lot no. 20 in the 5th Concession in the Township of Grantham. This is accompanied by a printed letter which states the S.D. Woodruff is to make a conveyance of the lands to Edward McArdle. The letter is signed by T. Johnson, February 19, 1877.
Indenture of deed of land between Samuel DeVeaux of St. Catharines and Hamilton Killaly Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding parts of Lots numbered 20 and 21 in the 5th and 6th Concessions of the Township of Grantham and part of the road allowance between the aforementioned Concessions – instrument no. 9353, Jan. 17, 1894.
Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society [PALS] held its first meeting at Brock University on June 21, 1976. Its first executive consisted of Robert Hoover, Rick Teather, Debbie Kehler and Bill Forster. Some objectives of the organization were "to seek the preservation of valuable farm areas from non-agricultural expansion and development and to foster development and support of federal, provinicial and local policy which will provide a secure financial future for farming." Gracia Janes and John Bacher are some of the organizations' well known advocates. The organization was active in raising public awareness of the issues surrounding encroaching development onto existing agricultural lands. The organization is still active today [2016] in educating the public and attempting to influence governments at all levels to protect valuable agricultural lands.
Cheque to H.K. Woodruff from Welland D. Woodruff, Feb. 1, 1909.
Cheque to W.E. Woodruff from Welland D. Woodruff, Feb. 5, 1909.
Cheque to H.K. Woodruff from Welland D. Woodruff, Nov. 25, 1909.
Pendant les années 1950 et 1960, Montréal se modernise sur plusieurs aspects. L’influence de l’administration de la ville sur cette modernisation est bien connue. Toutefois, les perspectives des acteurs extérieurs sont souvent ignorées. Ce mémoire examine donc les opinions de la Chambre de commerce de Montréal sur la modernisation de la métropole québécoise lors de ces deux décennies. La source principale utilisée pour effectuer cette étude a été la revue hebdomadaire de la Chambre, Commerce-Montréal. Dans le premier chapitre, les opinions de la Chambre de commerce sur la gouvernance municipale sont examinées. Celles-ci montrent que la Chambre percevait l’assainissement des moeurs politiques et l’amélioration de l’efficacité administrative comme intrinsèques à la modernisation de Montréal. Le deuxième chapitre porte sur la circulation automobile et le transport en commun. La Chambre proposait des moyens d’accélérer le débit de la circulation qu’elle jugeait crucial pour la modernisation de la métropole. Le troisième chapitre traite du développement urbain. D’après la Chambre, la modernisation de Montréal exigeait le renouvellement du cadre bâti de la ville, tant résidentiel que commercial. L’étude de ces trois thèmes confirme que, pendant la période 1950-1970, la Chambre de commerce a contribué de manière significative aux débats concernant la modernisation de Montréal. Nous relevons aussi que l’organisme, malgré son désir de paraître apolitique, a été influencé par sa fonction de représentant de la communauté d’affaires francophone. L’importance accordée à la rentabilité de la modernisation, ainsi que la hiérarchisation sociale attribuée à certains sujets, confirment notamment les orientations conservatrices de l’organisme.