949 resultados para Spinal muscular atrophy


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Descreve-se um surto de distrofia muscular nutricional em ovinos no semi-árido Nordestino. Foram afetados animais de 3-4 meses de idade, da raça Dorper, pesando 30-40 kg. Os animais eram alimentados, à vontade, com leite, ração balanceada, capim Tifton e sal mineral. Dos 70 animais Dorper, 6 adoeceram e morreram em um período de 48 horas. Apresentaram temperatura, entre 40 e 41ºC, incoordenação com posterior paralisia e decúbito, depressão, prostração e diminuição dos reflexos pupilar e de ameaça, flacidez da língua e mandíbula, salivação, edema submandibular, dispnéia e aumento da freqüência cardíaca. A morte ocorreu após curso clínico de 6- 12 horas. Na necropsia de 3 animais, os músculos esqueléticos estavam de coloração pálida, o fígado estava aumentado de volume e de coloração amarelada, os gânglios parotídeos, submandibulares, retrofaríngeos, prescapulares e mediastínicos estavam aumentados de volume e avermelhados e os pulmões apresentavam áreas vermelhas. Na histologia havia necrose segmentar de todos os músculos examinados e congestão dos gânglios linfáticos e pulmão. Posteriormente mais três animais adoeceram, sendo tratado com oxitetraciclina e complexo vitamínico A,D e E. Desses 3 animais, 2 morreram e um sobreviveu. Na mesma fazenda havia e não adoeceram 20 ovinos da raça Santa Inês, da mesma idade que os animais afetados, que recebiam a mesma alimentação exceto o leite, e 900 ovinos de outras idades. A superalimentação em animais com rápido crescimento e o estresse causado pela restrição de água durantes 2 dias, para aumentar o consumo de leite, parecem ter sido fatores predisponentes para a ocorrência da doença. É possível, também, que algum dos minerais suplementados tenha antagonizado o Se presente na alimentação.


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A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença de origem genética, cuja principal manifestação clínica é enfraquecimento e atrofia progressiva dos músculos. Os cães da raça Golden Retriever podem apresentar distrofia muscular, com características genotípicas e fenotípicas muito próximas à distrofia muscular humana, sendo considerado o modelo animal mais apropriado para o estudo da DMD. Foram realizadas radiografias torácicas látero-laterais e dorsoventrais de 10 cães Golden Retriever afetados pela distrofia muscular, com o objetivo de relatar as alterações radiográficas associadas a essa patologia. O exame radiográfico da cavidade torácica evidenciou: (a) padrão pulmonar intersticial e alveolar predominante, (b) um quadro de pneumonia e edema pulmonar em fase inicial, (c) a cardiomegalia como o principal achado de comprometimento circulatório na cavidade torácica, (d) O megaesôfago torácico foi observado deslocando a traquéia e silhueta cardíaca ventralmente e, (e) a cúpula diafragmática apresentou modificação morfológica, mostrando protrusão para o interior da cavidade torácica e hérnia hiatal, com deslocamento do estômago para o espaço mediastino caudal. Os achados de necropsia evidenciaram efusão pleural e enfisema pulmonar e lesões compatíveis com processos degenerativos e metaplásicos da musculatura diafragmática e intercostal. A avaliação radiográfica constituiu-se como um meio diagnóstico auxiliar essencial na identificação de doença cardíaca e respiratória em cães Golden Retriever acometidos pela Distrofia Muscular, capaz de identificar processos pneumônicos primários, permitindo o estabelecimento de terapêutica adequada de tratamento, com prognóstico reservado nos estágios mais avançados desta alteração.


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Solanum glaucophyllum (Sg) [= S. malacoxylon] is a calcinogenic plant inducing "Enzootic Calcinosis" in cattle. The 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, its main toxic principle, regulates bone and calcium metabolism and also exerts immunomodulatory effects. Thymocyte precursors from bone marrow-derived progenitor cells differentiate into mature T-cells. Differentiation of most T lymphocytes is characterized not only by the variable expression of CD4/CD8 receptor molecules and increased surface density of the T cell antigen receptor, but also by changes in the glycosylation pattern of cell surface glycolipids or glycoproteins. Thymocytes exert a feedback influence on thymic non-lymphoid cells. Sg-induced modifications on cattle thymus T-lymphocytes and on non-lymphoid cells were analysed. Heifers were divided into 5 groups (control, intoxicated with Sg during 15, 30 or 60 days, and probably recovered group). Histochemical, immunohistochemical, lectinhistochemical and morphometric techniques were used to characterize different cell populations of the experimental heifers. Sg-poisoned heifers showed a progressive cortical atrophy that was characterized using the peanut agglutinin (PNA) lectin that recognizes immature thymocytes. These animals also increased the amount of non-lymphoid cells per unit area detected with the Picrosirius technique, WGA and DBA lectins, and pancytokeratin and S-100 antibodies. The thymus atrophy found in intoxicated animals resembled that of the physiological aging process. A reversal effect on these changes was observed after suppression of the intoxication. These findings suggest that Sg-intoxication induces either directly, through the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 itself, or indirectly through the hypercalcemia, the observed alteration of the thymus.


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O modelo experimental canino Golden Retriever portador da Distrofia Muscular (GRMD) é o melhor substituto entre os modelos animais para estudar a Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne. Além da musculatura estriada, a doença pode afetar a musculatura estriada cardíaca e a musculatura lisa, e desta forma, o funcionamento do trato digestório, já que o músculo liso é o elemento primário dos órgãos tubulares. Através de estudo morfológico descritivo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se a distrofia muscular afeta a arquitetura geral do trato digestório e como se dispõe sua estrutura muscular em animais afetados. Foram realizadas avaliações descritivas macro e microscópicas com colorações de Hematoxilina-Eosina, Tricrômio de Masson e Picrosirius. Entre os resultados apresentados, verificou-se que o esôfago e o fígado dos animais afetados encontraram-se alterados, assim como o estômago não ocupava seu lugar habitual. O músculo diafragma apresentava-se atrofiado e diferenças histológicas foram encontradas na camada muscular do sistema gastrointestinal, em geral. Outras estruturas do tubo digestório de GRMDs apresentaram-se de maneira similar a de um animal normal.


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A proposta deste estudo foi avaliar se existem alterações nos padrões hematológicos e bioquímicos de cadelas da raça Golden Retriever portadoras do gene da distrofia muscular progressiva em comparação aos valores obtidos em cadelas não portadoras de mesma raça e idade. Foram analisados 33 animais, distribuídos em dois grupos, um composto por 19 cadelas Golden Retrievers não portadoras (GRNP) e outro composto por 14 cadelas Golden Retrievers portadoras do gene da distrofia muscular (GRP). Os dois grupos foram submetidos aos mesmos testes hematológicos e bioquímicos, com a mesma frequência e durante o mesmo intervalo de tempo. Apesar de existir diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos para alguns parâmetros hematológicos avaliados, todos os resultados obtidos estavam de acordo com os valores de referência utilizados. Na avaliação dos parâmetros bioquímicos séricos a dosagem de ALT no grupo GRNP ficou levemente acima da média, porém sem grandes significados clínicos A CK também apresentou níveis elevados no grupo GRP, devido à degeneração e necrose muscular característicos da doença, as alterações encontradas nessa análise já eram esperadas. Os demais parâmetros não se alteraram.


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An outbreak of compressive myelopathy in cattle associated with the improper use of an oil vaccine is described. Neurological signs were observed in 25 out of 3,000 cattle after 60 days of being vaccinated against foot and mouth disease. The clinical picture was characterized by progressive paralysis of the hind limbs, difficulty in standing up, and sternal recumbency during the course of 2-5 months. A filling defect between the L1 and L3 vertebrae was seen through myelography performed in one of the affected animals. A yellow-gray, granular and irregular mass was observed in four necropsied animals involving the spinal nerve roots and epidural space of the lumbar (L1-L4) spinal cord; the mass was associated with a whitish oily fluid. This fluid was also found in association with necrosis of the longissimus dorsi muscle. Microscopic changes in the epidural space, nerve roots, and spinal musculature were similar and consisted of granulomas or pyogranulomas around circular unstained spaces (vacuoles). These spaces were located between areas of severe diffuse hyaline necrosis of muscle fibers and resembled the drops of oil present in the vaccine.


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The aim of this study was to describe the topography of the spinal cord of the red-footed tortoise to establish a morphological basis for applied research in anesthesiology and morphology. Six tortoises from the state of Maranhão (Brazil) that had died of natural causes were used. The common carotid artery was used to perfuse the arterial system with saline solution (heated to 37ºC) and to fix the material with a 20% formaldehyde solution. The specimens were then placed in a modified decalcifying solution for 72 hours to allow dorsal opening of the carapace with a chisel and an orthopedic hammer. Dissection of the dorsal musculature and sectioning of the vertebral arches were performed to access the spinal cord. The results revealed the spinal cord of G. carbonaria to be an elongated, whitish mass that reached the articulation between the penultimate and last caudal vertebrae. The cervical intumescence (Intumescentia cervicalis) was located between vertebral segments C5 and T1, whereas the lumbosacral intumescence (Intumescentia lumbalis) was located between T6 and Ca1.


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A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma miopatia severa de caráter recessivo ligada ao cromossomo X e o modelo animal de estudo mais relevante é o Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD). Além das severas alterações que ocorrem na musculatura estriada, muitos estudos mostram que outras estruturas, inclusive viscerais, podem se mostrar alteradas nesta patologia. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou análisar e comparar possíveis alterações estruturais e funcionais do rim em cães GRMD. Neste modelo de estudo, foi possível observar a presença das faces convexa e côncava, do hilo renal e dos pólos craniais e caudais dos rins. O órgão mostrou-se envolto por uma cápsula fibrosa. Em um corte sagital do órgão, notou-se a presença das regiões cortical e medular e da pelve renal. Na análise microscópica foi possível identificar a zona medular e cortical com suas estruturas: os corpúsculos renais formados pelo glomérulo e pela cápsula de Bowman, os túbulos contorcidos proximais e distais, os ductos coletores, vasos sanguíneos e os segmentos das Alças de Henle. As dosagens séricas de creatinina e uréia encontram-se dentro dos limites de normalidade. Desta forma, de acordo com os nossos resultados, podemos concluir que os animais afetados estudados, não apresentaram alterações estruturais ou funcionais dos rins, o que nos permitir sugerir que apesar da ingestão hídrica comprometida, a estrutura renal, mantem- se preservada nos animais GRMD.


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Multiple episodes of blood-brain barrier disruption were induced by sequential intraspinal injections of ethidium bromide. In addition to the barrier disruption, there was toxic demyelination and exposure of myelin components to the immune system. Twenty-seven 3-month-old Wistar rats received 2, 3 or 4 injections of 1 µl of either 0.1% ethidium bromide in normal saline (19 rats) or 0.9% saline (8 rats) at different levels of the spinal cord. The time intervals between the injections ranged from 28 to 42 days. Ten days after the last injection, all rats were perfused with 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The spinal sections were evaluated macroscopically and by light and transmission electron microscopy. All the lesions demonstrated a mononuclear phagocytic infiltrate apparently removing myelin. Lymphocytes were not conspicuous and were found in only 34% of the lesions. No perivascular cuffings were detected. In older lesions (38 days and older) they were found only within Virchow-Robin spaces. This result suggests that multiple blood-brain barrier disruptions with demyelination and exposure of myelin components to the immune system were not sufficient to induce an immune-mediated reaction in the central nervous system.


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We studied the effect of complete spinal cord transection (SCT) on gastric emptying (GE) and on gastrointestinal (GI) and intestinal transits of liquid in awake rats using the phenol red method. Male Wistar rats (N = 65) weighing 180-200 g were fasted for 24 h and complete SCT was performed between C7 and T1 vertebrae after a careful midline dorsal incision. GE and GI and intestinal transits were measured 15 min, 6 h or 24 h after recovery from anesthesia. A test meal (0.5 mg/ml phenol red in 5% glucose solution) was administered intragastrically (1.5 ml) and the animals were sacrificed by an iv thiopental overdose 10 min later to evaluate GE and GI transit. For intestinal transit measurements, 1 ml of the test meal was administered into the proximal duodenum through a cannula inserted into a gastric fistula. GE was inhibited (P<0.05) by 34.3, 23.4 and 22.7%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. GI transit was inhibited (P<0.05) by 42.5, 19.8 and 18.4%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. Intestinal transit was also inhibited (P<0.05) by 48.8, 47.2 and 40.1%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. Mean arterial pressure was significantly decreased (P<0.05) by 48.5, 46.8 and 41.5%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. In summary, our report describes a decreased GE and GI and intestinal transits in awake rats within the first 24 h after high SCT.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between the electromyographic (EMG) activity and heart rate (HR) responses induced by isometric exercise performed by knee extension (KE) and flexion (KF) in men. Fifteen healthy male subjects, 21 ± 1.3 years (mean ± SD), were submitted to KE and KF isometric exercise tests at 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The exercises were performed with one leg (right or left) and with two legs simultaneously, for 10 s in the sitting position with the hip and knee flexed at 90o. EMG activity (root mean square values) and HR (beats/min) were recorded simultaneously both at rest and throughout the sustained contraction. The HR responses to isometric exercise in KE and KF were similar when performed with one and two legs. However, the HR increase was always significantly higher in KE than KF (P<0.05), whereas the EMG activity was higher in KE than in KF (P<0.05), regardless of the muscle mass (one or two legs) involved in the effort. The correlation coefficients between HR response and the EMG activity during KE (r = 0.33, P>0.05) and KF (r = 0.15, P>0.05) contractions were not significant. These results suggest that the predominant mechanism responsible for the larger increase in HR response to KE as compared to KF in our study could be dependent on qualitative and quantitative differences in the fiber type composition found in each muscle group. This mechanism seems to demand a higher activation of motor units with a corresponding increase in central command to the cardiovascular centers that modulate HR control.


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Seven days after transection of the sciatic nerve NADPH-diaphorase activity increased in the small and medium neurons of the dorsal root ganglia of the turtle. However, this increase was observed only in medium neurons for up to 90 days. At this time a bilateral increase of NADPH-diaphorase staining was observed in all areas and neuronal types of the dorsal horn, and in positive motoneurons in the lumbar spinal cord, ipsilateral to the lesion. A similar increase was also demonstrable in spinal glial and endothelial cells. These findings are discussed in relation to the role of nitric oxide in hyperalgesia and neuronal regeneration or degeneration.


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The objective of the present study was to identify neurons in the central nervous system that respond to spinal contusion injury in the rat by monitoring the expression of the nuclear protein encoded by the c-fos gene, an activity-dependent gene, in spinal cord and brainstem regions. Rats were anesthetized with urethane and the injury was produced by dropping a 5-g weight from 20.0 cm onto the exposed dura at the T10-L1 vertebral level (contusion group). The spinal cord was exposed but not lesioned in anesthetized control animals (laminectomy group); intact animals were also subjected to anesthesia (intact control). Behavioral alterations were analyzed by Tarlov/Bohlman scores, 2 h after the procedures and the animals were then perfused for immunocytochemistry. The patterns of Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) which were site-specific, reproducible and correlated with spinal laminae that respond predominantly to noxious stimulation or injury: laminae I-II (outer substantia gelatinosa) and X and the nucleus of the intermediolateral cell column. At the brain stem level FLI was detected in the reticular formation, area postrema and solitary tract nucleus of lesioned animals. No Fos staining was detected by immunocytochemistry in the intact control group. However, detection of FLI in the group submitted to anesthesia and surgical procedures, although less intense than in the lesion group, indicated that microtraumas may occur which are not detected by the Tarlov/Bohlman scores. There is both a local and remote effect of a distal contusion on the spinal cord of rats, implicating sensory neurons and centers related to autonomic control in the reaction to this kind of injury.


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Immunoreactive substance P was investigated in turtle lumbar spinal cord after sciatic nerve transection. In control animals immunoreactive fibers were densest in synaptic field Ia, where the longest axons invaded synaptic field III. Positive neuronal bodies were identified in the lateral column of the dorsal horn and substance P immunoreactive varicosities were observed in the ventral horn, in close relationship with presumed motoneurons. Other varicosities appeared in the lateral and anterior funiculi. After axotomy, substance P immunoreactive fibers were reduced slightly on the side of the lesion, which was located in long fibers that invaded synaptic field III and in the varicosities of the lateral and anterior funiculus. The changes were observed at 7 days after axonal injury and persisted at 15, 30, 60 and 90 days after the lesion. These findings show that turtles should be considered as a model to study the role of substance P in peripheral axonal injury, since the distribution and temporal changes of substance P were similar to those found in mammals.


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The complex nature of spinal cord injury appears to demand a multifactorial repair strategy. One of the components that will likely be included is an implant that will fill the area of lost nervous tissue and provide a growth substrate for injured axons. Here we will discuss the role of Schwann cells (SCs) in cell-based, surgical repair strategies of the injured adult spinal cord. We will review key studies that showed that intraspinal SC grafts limit injury-induced tissue loss and promote axonal regeneration and myelination, and that this response can be improved by adding neurotrophic factors or anti-inflammatory agents. These results will be compared with several other approaches to the repair of the spinal cord. A general concern with repair strategies is the limited functional recovery, which is in large part due to the failure of axons to grow across the scar tissue at the distal graft-spinal cord interface. Consequently, new synaptic connections with spinal neurons involved in motor function are not formed. We will highlight repair approaches that did result in growth across the scar and discuss the necessity for more studies involving larger, clinically relevant types of injuries, addressing this specific issue. Finally, this review will reflect on the prospect of SCs for repair strategies in the clinic.