1000 resultados para South Carolina Department of Transportation--Employees
This sheet tells about rabid animals, rabies prevention and dealing with exposure to rabies.
This review was initiated based upon allegations from multiple sources of possible fraud in the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) administered by the South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS), which was implemented in response to the 10/3/2015 statewide flooding from Hurricane Joaquin. This review’s scope and objectives were: Assess SCDSS’s D-SNAP implementation for compliance with federal guidelines, with emphasis on fraud preventative controls; Assess the SCDSS’s post-disaster review and audit methodology for compliance with federal guidelines, with emphasis on understanding the fraud risks and resolution strategies; and Identify residual risk/suspected fraud not addressed through the SCDSS review and available opportunities to address.
The South Carolina Statewide Transportation Improvement Program is the six-year transportation improvement program for all projects and program areas receiving federal funding, including pavements, bridges, upgrades, freight, safety, congestion mitigation and air quality, transportation alternatives program, railroad crossings, planning, State Infrastructure Bank payments, preventative maintenance and operations, and public transportation. The STIP is formatted to include summaries of statewide programming, as well as project information by county. In addition, regional project tables are included to account for multi-jurisdictional projects.
This report provides an overview of the recycling and buying recycled activities of state agencies and colleges/universities for fiscal year 2016
Since 2008, the South Carolina Department of Commerce has published the Economic Outlook, a monthly snapshot of key state economic indicators on income, employment, and real estate.
Get all the information you need to enhance your coastal experience from one dynamic web page. Coastal environment: rip currents and beach advisories, weather and ozone forecast, tide tables and boating safety, fishing and shellfish harvesting, preservation and conservation and much more.
The Public Participation Plan provides direction for effective participation in the development of the South Carolina Department of Transportation’s (SCDOT) transportation plans and programs. For SCDOT’s stakeholders, the participation plan describes opportunities to participate in identifying the statewide priorities for transportation investments in South Carolina. Two major components of the statewide planning process are the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan and the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan provides long-term guidance for the development of transportation programs and establishes strategies to achieve transportation goals for a 20-year period. The STIP is a short-term program that lists all roads, bridge, and transit projects scheduled for improvement based on available funding over a six-year period.
This annual report from the Department of Transportation includes an executive summary, agency accomplishments for the year, plans for future needs and a listing of firms and companies doing business with the Department including the amount of money spent with each company.
The South Carolina Department of Transportation publishes Qualified Products Listings which include pre-qualified materials that may be used on construction and maintenance projects as specified in the project proposal. This document deals with qualified coarse aggregate sources. It is broken down by supplier, location name, SCDOT number, location, fineness modulus, absorption, specific gravity, bulk SSD and soundness loss.
The South Carolina Department of Transportation publishes Qualified Products Listings which include pre-qualified materials that may be used on construction and maintenance projects as specified in the project proposal. This document deals with qualified fine aggregate sources. It is broken down by supplier, location name, SCDOT number, location, fineness modulus, absorption, specific gravity, bulk SSD and soundness loss.
Historically SCDOT ranks in the top 10 each year for highway conditions and cost-effectiveness as rated by the Reason Foundation. With billions of dollars invested and billions to be invested it makes sense to invest the public's tax dollars as wisely as possible. Therefore, assessing what we have or better yet what condition what we have is in can be vital to public safety and setting priorities. The focus of this project is on the maintenance responsibility of Roadway Inspection as outlined in SCDOT Engineering Directive Memorandum #8. This memorandum is a portion of the way SCDOT provides for the safety of the traveling public and keeps South Carolina's most expensive asset in working order.
The purpose of this research project is to investigate project delivery as it relates to construction projects to help support the Department of Transportation's vision. The project delivery goals of the Agency as it relates to this research include: Fifty percent of construction projects are completed on schedule ; Ninety-five percent of projects are closed out within 270 days ; Seventy-five percent of construction projects are authorized on schedule. The goals of this project are to determine what factors contribute to unsuccessful project delivery and determine how these factors can be improved. This project will mainly investigate Construction roles during the Preconstruction phase of the project as well as examine the project during construction and identify areas that prohibit effective and timely project delvery.
Each year the South Carolina Department of Transportation produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, organizational profile, program descriptions and budgets and discussion of strategic planning.
This executive order by Governor Nikki R. Haley determines that an emergency exists in the State South Carolina for the limited purpose of complying with the declaration of emergency in the State of Georgia and accordingly direct the South Carolina Department of Transportation and the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, and the State Transport Police as needed, to suspend the federal rules and regulations that limit the hours operators of commercial vehicles may drive, in order to ensure the uninterrupted supply of gasoline and other fuels needing to be moved on the highways of Georgia.
This executive order by Governor Nikki R. Haley declare that an emergency exists to suspend the federal rules and regulations that restrict certain registration, permitting, length, width, weight, load, and hours of service requirements as set forth below in order to ensure the delivery of gasoline and other fuels as well as the efficient use of gasoline for delivery of any item, further directing the South Carolina Department of Transportation and the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, and the State Transport Police as needed, to comply with this Order.