924 resultados para Social areas


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A idéia do envelhecimento como declínio da existência humana começa a perder sentido nas sociedades contemporâneas e dar espaço a uma outra concepção da terceira idade. Neste contexto, a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, campus Vergueiro São Bernardo do Campo, oferece o curso Universidade Livre da Terceira Idade, que tem como finalidade a formação de agentes sociais. Um dos eixos desse curso é a educação ambiental. Meio ambiente é aqui entendido como entorno do indivíduo, sendo ele natural, construído e sócio-cultural, com suas instituições, saberes e valores. Assim, o educador ambiental apresenta conhecimentos sobre as questões ambientais e habilidade ao lidar com pessoas dos mais diferentes contextos. Nesta perspectiva, o agente social da terceira idade desenvolve os atributos necessários para atuação enquanto educador ambiental, uma vez que trabalha o saber ambiental necessário às ações de intervenção e consolida sua formação pessoal. Este trabalho objetiva analisar a percepção ambiental dos alunos da universidade da terceira idade ao iniciar o curso, dentro do módulo de educação ambiental. Verificar se os conteúdos e metodologias utilizadas na disciplina de educação ambiental contribuem para a formação do agente social da terceira idade e para sua atuação como educador ambiental. O corpo teórico desta pesquisa foi composto pelo conceito de complexidade de Edgar Morin, as idéias de meio ambiente de Enrique Leff, a concepção de educação de Paulo Freire e a compreensão de educação ambiental de Marcos Reigota. Como instrumentos metodológicos, foram utilizados técnicas de análise de documentos, questionários e grupo focal. A apresentação e interpretação dos dados coletados sugerem a viabilidade da atuação do indivíduo da terceira idade como educador ambiental nas ações de intervenção em sua realidade local.


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As questões do desenvolvimento humano desde tempos remotos são de interesse das diversas áreas do conhecimento. Tendo em vista o aumento da expectativa de vida, as questões relacionadas ao processo de envelhecimento ganharam importância, principalmente no que tange às políticas de saúde. A saúde é preocupação central no campo do envelhecimento, uma vez que problemas de saúde podem acarretar diversas dificuldades para os idosos e para suas famílias. Este estudo teve por objetivo buscar identificar as associações entre percepções de suporte social e autoeficácia em idosos. Suporte social e autoeficácia são variáveis estudadas em contextos diversos. Estudos revelam que ambas são capazes de colaborar para proteger e promover saúde. Suporte social diz respeito ao grupo de informações que leva o indivíduo a acreditar que é valorizado, amado e estimado e que o faz sentir-se pertencente a uma rede social de comunicação recíproca. Autoeficácia pode ser definida como o conjunto de crenças que o indivíduo tem sobre suas capacidades para organizar e executar ações para o cumprimento de tarefas específicas. Portanto, identificar a existência de associações entre as percepções de suporte social e autoeficácia pode contribuir para dar maior solidez aos conhecimentos já existentes sobre esses temas e sobre o processo de envelhecimento. Participaram do estudo 61 idosos de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 67 anos, com grau de escolaridade que variou entre ensino fundamental até pós-graduação e participantes em ações de promoção à saúde. Todos foram voluntários e autorizaram sua participação por meio da assinatura de termo de consentimento. A coleta de dados foi feita mediante a aplicação de questionário contendo escalas para avaliar os construtos, além de questões para caracterização dos participantes. Os dados foram analisados eletronicamente por meio do cálculo de frequências, percentuais, médias e desvios padrão. Para se testar a hipótese, foi calculada a correlação (r de Pearson) entre as variáveis do estudo. Entre os resultados obtidos, a percepção de suporte social, tanto na dimensão emocional quanto na dimensão prática, para os idosos participantes deste estudo, é de que muitas vezes são amados, cuidados, estimados, valorizados e, que pertencem a uma rede de comunicação e obrigações mútuas. Em se tratando da percepção da autoeficácia, constatou-se que esses participantes possuem crenças de que às vezes é verdade que são eficazes e que conseguem organizar e executar ações para o cumprimento de tarefas específicas. Aponta-se ainda que não existem correlações significativas entre percepção de suporte social e autoeficácia, ou seja, os níveis de percepção de suporte social não variam proporcionalmente à variação das crenças de autoeficácia em idosos. Isto significa dizer que para estes participantes, não seria eficaz investir em melhorias do suporte social, pois isto não teria impacto em suas crenças de autoeficácia. Indica-se a realização de novas pesquisas com idosos não participantes de ações de promoção à saúde, pois se pode pensar que idosos não engajados nestes tipos de ações poderiam necessitar de maior suporte social e assim, terem suas crenças de autoeficácia associadas à sua percepção de suporte social.


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Esta pesquisa é uma proposta de aproximação das diversas áreas de conhecimento e flexibilização de suas fronteiras, a fim de estabelecer interfaces entre os diversos campos conceituais engendrando novas práticas que ensejam formas mais abrangentes e holísticas de aproximação com a realidade. Através da avaliação da qualidade de vida, suporte social e sua relação com o absenteísmo por lesão ocupacional. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram desta pesquisa 47 trabalhadores, do sexo masculino, com idade variável entre 30 e 60 anos, que trabalham no setor de centrifugação dentro de uma fundição em uma indústria metalúrgica do ramo de autopeças em São Bernardo do Campo. Instrumentos: Foi analisado o prontuário médico de cada um desses trabalhadores, sendo analisadas como variáveis: se esses trabalhadores apresentaram lesões ocupacionais avaliadas e diagnosticadas pelos médicos. Avaliação de um questionário social, composto por quatro questões abertas: idade, nível de escolaridade, estado civil e número de dependentes. Instrumento de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL Bref. e Instrumento de Avaliação de Suporte Social: Escala de percepção de suporte social (EPSS). Análise dos Resultados: Os dados coletados dos prontuários foram agrupados em quatro grupos chamados de: grupo de absenteísmo 1, grupo de absenteísmo 2, grupo de absenteísmo 3 e grupo de absenteísmo 4. Sendo o primeiro composto por 15 trabalhadores que não apresentaram lesões ocupacionais. O segundo grupo composto por 10 trabalhadores apresentou de uma hora até seiscentas horas de absenteísmo por lesão ocupacional. O terceiro grupo composto por 11 trabalhadores apresentou absenteísmo de seiscentas e uma horas até mil horas, e o quarto grupo constituído de 11 trabalhadores tiveram absenteísmo superior a mil horas. Resultados: Nas comparações entre os grupos de absenteísmo e as variáveis do questionário social não foram encontradas diferenças significantemente estatística, o mesmo tendo ocorrido na comparação entre grupos de absenteísmo e os escores do EPSS Analisando os grupos de absenteísmo e os domínios do WHOQOL Bref. Foi detectada diferença com significância estatística de P = 0,01 maior dentro do domínio físico no grupo de absenteísmo 1 que não apresentou absenteísmo em relação ao grupo de absenteísmo 4 com maior número de absenteísmo. Conclusão: Visto que as lesões ocupacionais interferem na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos, o que se pode constatar é que o modelo biomédico ainda é muito forte, principalmente dentro da saúde ocupacional que na busca de soluções ergonômicas defronta com os interesses econômicos imediatistas que não contemplam os investimentos indispensáveis à garantia da saúde do trabalhador. Sintetizando as análises conceituais e os resultados deste trabalho, mostrou-se que os problemas de saúde ocupacional são conhecidos há muito tempo. Apesar da crescente produção de trabalhos acerca da construção , conhecimento das características da saúde do trabalhador e a existência de uma tônica predominante que sugere a mudança das situações encontradas, há um escasso empenho em efetuar as transformações necessárias, num descompasso entre avanço do conhecimento e perpetuação de práticas insalubres. Para tanto é necessária uma compreensão das determinantes da saúde. Além do investimento material se faz necessário emergir um verdadeiro diálogo entre as ciências. Ressalta-se a necessidade de estudos longitudinais para elucidar a complexidade das relações entre qualidade de vida, suporte social e lesões ocupacionais. Os achados apontam para a relevância de estudos futuros acerca dessas associações.(AU)


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Resiliência representa o processo dinâmico envolvendo a adaptação positiva no contexto de adversidade significativa. Estudos sobre o conceito têm aumentado com o advento da Psicologia Positiva, pelos potenciais efeitos na saúde e no desempenho dos trabalhadores. Outros conceitos importantes para a saúde circunscritos no escopo da Psicologia Positiva no contexto de trabalho são os de auto-eficácia, definida como crenças das pessoas sobre suas capacidades e/ou seu exercício de controle sobre os eventos que afetam sua vida e o de suporte social no trabalho, que compreende a percepção do quanto o contexto laborativo oferece apoio aos trabalhadores. Pouca literatura existe sobre resiliência no contexto de trabalho e nenhum estudo envolvendo os três construtos foi encontrado. Por isto, esta investigação analisou o impacto da auto-eficácia e da percepção de suporte social no trabalho sobre a resiliência de trabalhadores. Participaram 243 universitários trabalhadores da região metropolitana de São Paulo, com idade média de 23 anos (DP=6,2 anos), em sua maioria do sexo feminino (69,5%), cristãos (católicos=51,5%; protestantes=18,1%), atuantes em cargos de apoio administrativo e técnico (49,1%), oriundos de organizações de diversos ramos. Foi aplicado um questionário para coletar dados sócio-demográficos dos participantes e três escalas brasileiras válidas para medir a percepção de suporte social no trabalho (Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social no Trabalho EPSST), as crenças de auto-eficácia (Escala de Auto-eficácia Geral Percebida) e nível de resiliência (Escala de Resiliência de Connor-Davidson CD-RISC-10). Foram realizadas análises estatísticas exploratórias e descritivas, análises de regressão stepwise, análises de variância (ANOVA) e teste t para descrever participantes, variáveis e testar o modelo. Os dados revelaram que os universitários trabalhadores apresentam níveis de resiliência e auto-eficácia acima da média e de suporte social no trabalho, na média. Auto-eficácia se confirmou como preditor significativo de resiliência ao contrário dos três tipos de percepção de suporte social no trabalho (informacional, emocional e instrumental). Os achados indicaram a necessidade de aprofundamento sobre o tema e foi apontada a necessidade de novos estudos que auxiliem na compreensão dos resultados desta investigação.


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Purpose - The objective of this paper is to uncover the underlying dimensions of, and examine the similarities and differences in, personal uses of advertising, perceived socio-economic effects of advertising, and consumer beliefs and attitudes toward advertising in Bulgaria and Romania. Moreover, it aims to identify the relative importance of the predictors of attitudes toward advertising in the two countries. Design/methodology/approach - The paper draws upon findings of previous research and theoretical developments by Bauer and Greyser, Sandage and Leckenby, and Pollay and Mittal. The study uses a stratified random sample of 947 face-to-face interviews with adult respondents from major urban areas in Bulgaria (507) and Romania (440). Variables are measured on multi-item scales as a typical application of the reflective indicator model. Findings - Results show that there are significant differences between Romanian and Bulgarian respondents in terms of their attitudes toward advertising. Romanians are more positive about advertising as an institution than the instruments of advertising. Romanians seem to accept the role of advertising in a free market economy, but have less confidence in advertising claims and techniques. Bulgarian respondents seem more sceptical toward advertising in general and are less enthusiastic about embracing the role of advertising as an institution. Moreover, Bulgarians are highly negative towards the instruments advertising uses to convey its messages to consumers. Research limitations/implications - The research findings reflect the views of urban dwellers and may not be generalisable to the wider population of the two countries. Interviewer bias was reduced by eliminating verbal or non-verbal cues to the respondents, and by the use of stratified random sampling. Practical implications - The paper suggests that the regulatory role of codes of advertising practice and industry regulating bodies should be enhanced, and their ability to protect consumers enforced. Marketing campaigns should be more inclusive to involve diverse social groups and reflect generally-accepted social norms. Originality/value - This study reveals that, while general attitudes toward advertising may be similar, attitudes toward the institution and instruments of advertising may differ even in countries with geographic proximity and low cultural distance. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Many students starting courses in business, accounting and similar areas want to update their mathematical skills, and are seeking a suitable text; this book addresses their needs. Written in an informal style, emphasising understanding and application of techniques rather than formal proofs, it covers all the mathematics needed by entrants to BTEC, undergraduate, MBA and related professional courses. Plentiful worked examples and exercises with solutions make the book a practical self-study aid for those wishing to revise before starting their course.


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Social policy is a very complex area, and this chapter has only offered a brief summary of the most significant recent changes to the UK welfare state. Social policy expenditure has fluctuated over time, with considerable increases through the late 1990s and 2000s, but reductions planned in many areas by the current Coalition Government. The UK welfare state has slowly come to terms with women’s engagement in the labour market, but failed to overcome the persistent inequality between male and female incomes. While competition and choice have been introduced in many areas of the welfare state, their impacts have been varied and contested. Aside from health and education, UK social policy has become increasingly ‘residualised’, with many transfers now means-tested and services like social housing becoming less widely available. At the same time, however, different patterns can be observed across the UK, particularly in the fields of social care and education, where different arrangements apply in different nations. Future developments in social policy are likely to be shaped by the challenge of an ageing population, and the recently hardened public attitude towards particular groups of social policy beneficiaries.


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This thesis considers four broad areas:(i) ANALYSIS OF THE STRESS FIELD.(a) research studies, relevant to the British Social Services considering the cultural setting, and the rigor with which they were conducted; (b) models of stress, specifically examining the theoretical soundness and practical application of the Medical, Engineering and Transactional models;(c) organisational models of stress relating specifically to human service organisations.(ii) QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES.(a) the appropriate application of each respective methodology and the particular usefulness of qualitative research designs; (b) the relevance of understanding the language and terminology associated with the subject area prior to the implementation of survey methods; (iii) FIELDWORK.(a) Phase 1. By use of focus groups, in-depth interviews and diary keeping amongst a small range of teams and managers, the Researcher develops a basic conceptual framework of stress within a Social Services context. In addition a small scale personality inventory was administered to participants.(b) Phase 2. This consisted of three key elements: 6 case studies in which the Researcher implements and appraises the impact of a range of intervention strategies designed to assist teams and their managers in dealing more effectively with stress; the administration of a large scale survey to all the field social work teams within the Social Services Department; an analysis of the user role within the stress process by way of two focus groups.(iv) THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT.


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The thesis compares two contrasting strategies employed with the aim of combating particular forms of racism within contemporary Britain. Both are assessed as political strategies in their own right and placed within the broader context of reformist and revolutionary political traditions. The sociology of social movements is examined critically, as are Marxist and post-Marxist writings on the role of human agency within social structures and on the nature of social movements. The history of the Anti Nazi League (ANL) in the late 1970s and its opposition to the National Front is considered as an example of anti-racist social movement based on the Trotskyist model of the United Front. The degree to which the Anti Nazi League corresponded to such a model is analysed as are the potential broader applications for such a strategy. The strategy with which the ANL is compared is the development of anti-racist and equal opportunities policies within local government in the 1980s, primarily by Labour-controlled local authorities. The theory of the local state and the political phenomenon of municipal socialism are discussed, specifically the role of various groups operating in and around local authorities in the formation and implementation of anti-racist policy and practice. Following this general discussion, two case studies in each of the areas of local authority housing, education and employment are explored to consider in depth the problems of specific anti-racist policies. In summation the efficacy of the two strategies are considered as parts of wider political currents in tandem with their declared specific objectives.


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The aim of this thesis is to examine the specific contextual factors affecting the applicability and development of the planning, programming, budgeting system (P.P.B.S.) as a systems approach to public sector budgeting. The concept of P.P.B.S. as a systems approach to public sector budgeting will first be developed and the preliminary hypothesis that general contextual factors may be classified under political, structural and cognitive headings will be put forward. This preliminary hypothesis will be developed and refined using American and early British experience. The refined hypothesis will then be tested in detail in the case of the English health and personal social services (H.P.S.S.), The reasons for this focus are that it is the most recent, the sole remaining, and the most significant example in British central government outside of defence, and is fairly representative of non-defence government programme areas. The method of data collection relies on the examination of unpublished and difficult to obtain central government, health and local authority documents, and interviews with senior civil servants and public officials. The conclusion will be that the political constraints on, or factors affecting P.P.B.S., vary with product characteristics and cultural imperatives on pluralistic decision-making; that structural constraints vary with the degree of coincidence of programme and organisation structure and with the degree of controllability of the organisation; and finally, that cognitive constraints vary according to product characteristics, organisational responsibilities, and analytical effort.


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This thesis develops the requirements of the Cumbria Division of the MAFF to have detailed information on a number of rural topics of particular concern to the area's socia-economic advisory service. Information was generated upon the effects of road developments upon agriculture; the possibility of economic and employment growth through tourism, industry, forestry and agriculture; and upon their relationship with conservation and development control issues generally. A working conference was organised (The Whitbarrow Exercise) to review in specific terms a number of the above problems, in which representatives of the major groups active in rural policy formulation and implementation participated. The study was extended to consider these policy issues on a more prosperous agricultural estate; and in the county of Cumbria as a whole. An examination of the development and likely future impact of agricultural policy upon rural policy generally was also undertaken. All the research was set in the context of an extensive literature review. The results indicate that while state intervention to relieve those problems collectively known as rural deprivation still has an important place in modern rural policy, the scope for such intervention to be successful is limited. Opportunities for employment and wealth creation through tourism, forestry, industry and agriculture are limited for social and economic reasons; developments in these sectors can have adverse effects upon the environment; can compound existing problems; and are often resisted by local people. The lack of success of such ventures indicates continued structural change within rural communities, with some adverse effects for the less privileged members. Recognising this it is argued that fural policy seeks to adapt to, rather than attempt to fundamentally alter inevitable change, recognising that in the long term social and structural problems will resolve themselves. It is further argued that a reduction in state support for agriculture appears inevitable, and this can bring considerable conservation benefits, even in upland areas where positive links between agriculture and conservation have been found by some commentators. It is also argued that for social and economic reasons, and because of the declining importance of agricultural land, a vigorous landscape and ecological conservation policy is pursued by planning authorities and is reasonable. With regard to road developments on agricultural land, the research has shawn that although it is the norm far the agricultural community to experience severe difficulty during developments, these can be overcame by increasing the resources of professional expertise available to affected farmers. This indicates a possible important increased role for the MAFF in the development process.


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This thesis is related to the subject of technical innovation, specifically to the activity of design in microenterprises operating in less industrialised economies. Design here is understood as a process, which is not the sole domain of formally trained categories such as engineers, architects or industrial designers. The 'professional boundary' discussion in this investigation is perceived as secondary as, in this context, products are designed, copied or adapted by workers, entrepreneurs themselves, or directly by the poor community. Design capacity at this level is considered to be important both in relation to the conception of capital and consumer goods and to the building up of technical knowledge. Although professional design emerged in Latin America little over three decades ago, this activity has remained marginalised throughout industry. Design activity tends to be concentrated in some product categories in the formalised industrial sector. For microenterprises operating informally, industrial design appears to be unknown. The existing literature pays little attention to 'informal design' capacity. Other areas of knowledge, such as development economies, recognise the importance of microenterprises and technological capability but neglect the potential role of industrial design in small manufacturing units. The management literature, though it focuses on technical innovation and design, has also paid little attention to 'informal design'. In less industrialised economies this neglect is felt by the lack of programmes specifically tailored to create or stimulate 'informal design'. There is a need for recognition of 'informal design' capacity and for the implementation of programmes which specifically target design as a central activity in the manufacturing firm, independent of their size and technological capability. Addressing 'design by the poor for the poor', requires a down-to-earth approach.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate what sort of people become social entrepreneurs, and in what way they differ from business entrepreneurs. More importantly, to investigate in what socio-economic context entrepreneurial individuals are more likely to become social than business entrepreneurs. These questions are important for policy because there has been a shift from direct to indirect delivery of many public services in the UK, requiring a professional approach to social enterprise. Design/methodology/approach – Evidence is presented from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) UK survey based upon a representative sample of around 21,000 adults aged between 16 and 64 years interviewed in 2009. The authors use logistic multivariate regression techniques to identify differences between business and social entrepreneurs in demographic characteristics, effort, aspiration, use of resources, industry choice, deprivation, and organisational structure. Findings – The results show that the odds of an early-stage entrepreneur being a social rather than a business entrepreneur are reduced if they are from an ethnic minority, if they work ten hours or more per week on the venture, and if they have a family business background; while they are increased if they have higher levels of education and if they are a settled in-migrant to their area. While women social entrepreneurs are more likely than business entrepreneurs to be women, this is due to gender-based differences in time commitment to the venture. In addition, the more deprived the community they live in, the more likely women entrepreneurs are to be social than business entrepreneurs. However, this does not hold in the most deprived areas where we argue civic society is weakest and therefore not conducive to support any form of entrepreneurial endeavour based on community engagement. Originality/value – The paper's findings suggest that women may be motivated to become social entrepreneurs by a desire to improve the socio-economic environment of the community in which they live and see social enterprise creation as an appropriate vehicle with which to address local problems.


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Relationship-based approaches to leadership (e.g., Leader–Member Exchange theory) currently represent one of the most popular approaches to understanding workplace leadership. Although the concept of “relationship” is central to these approaches, generally this has not been well articulated and is often conceptualized simply in terms of relationship quality between the leader and the follower. In contrast, research in the wider relationship science domain provides a more detailed exposition of relationships and how they form and develop. We propose that research and methodology developed in relationship science (i.e., close relationships) can enhance understanding of the leader–follower relationship and therefore advance theory in this area. To address this issue, we organize our review in two areas. First, we examine how a social cognitive approach to close relationships can benefit an understanding of the leader–follower relationship (in terms of structure, content, and processes). Second, we show how the research designs and methodologies that have been developed in relationship science can be applied to understand better the leader–follower relationship. The cross-fertilization of research from the close relationships literature to understanding the leader–follower relationship provides new insights into leadership processes and potential avenues for further research. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Online communities of consumption (OCCs) represent highly diverse groups of consumers whose interests are not always aligned. Social control in OCCs aims to effectively manage problems arising from this heterogeneity. Extant literature on social control in OCCs is fragmented as some studies focus on the principles of social control, while others focus on the implementation. Moreover, the domain is undertheorized. This article integrates the disparate literature on social control in OCCs providing a first unified conceptualization of the topic. The authors conceptualize social control as a system, or configuration, of moderation practices. Moderation practices are executed during interactions operating under different governance structures (market, hierarchy, and clan) and serving different purposes (interaction initiation, maintenance, and termination). From this conceptualization, important areas of future research emerge and research questions are developed. The framework also serves as a community management tool for OCC managers, enabling the diagnosis of social control problems and the elaboration of strategies and tactics to address them.