936 resultados para Small interfering RNA (siRNA)


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Dictyostelium discoideum is a social amoeba that serves as a model system for RNA interference and related mechanisms. Its position between plants and animals enables evolutionary snapshot of mechanisms and protein machinery involved in investigated subjects. MiRNAs are small regulatory RNAs that are evolutionary conserved and present in animals, plants, viruses and some prokaryotes. They have roles in development, cell growth and differentiation, apoptosis and their miss-regulation is associated with many diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and diabetes. Recently, through sequencing of DNA libraries miRNAs have been discovered in D. discoideum. In this work, it has been shown that heterologues miRNA let-7 can be expressed and processed in D. discoideum. Expression of let-7 miRNA in social amoeba resulted in a strong developmental phenotype suggesting an overload of the processing/silencing system or/and endogenous targets. The various effects on prel-7 strain have been observed and characterized, serving as a background for postulation of miRNA roles. An artificial miRNA system has been established and imposed to D. discoideum, showing that miRNAs in Dictyostelium could mediate gene expression on the level of mRNA stability and on the posttranscriptional level. Furthermore, presence of translational inhibition as a type of gene control was shown for the first time in this organism. Due to it new structures representing co-localities of miRNA and target mRNA have been detected. Taken together, this work shows functional artificial miRNA system and postulates roles of endogenous small RNA in social amoeba.


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Los gliomas malignos representan una de las formas más agresivas de los tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC). De acuerdo con la clasificación de los tumores cerebrales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los astrocitomas han sido categorizados en cuatro grados, determinados por la patología subyacente. Es así como los gliomas malignos (o de alto grado) incluyen el glioma anaplásico (grado III) así como el glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, grado IV),estos últimos los más agresivos con el peor pronóstico (1). El manejo terapéutico de los tumores del SNC se basa en la cirugía, la radioterapia y la quimioterapia, dependiendo de las características del tumor, el estadio clínico y la edad (2),(3), sin embargo ninguno de los tratamientos estándar es completamente seguro y compatible con una calidad de vida aceptable (3), (4). En general, la quimioterapia es la primera opción en los tumores diseminados, como el glioblastoma invasivo y el meduloblastoma de alto riesgo o con metástasis múltiple, pero el pronóstico en estos pacientes es muy pobre (2),(3). Solamente nuevas terapias dirigidas (2) como las terapias anti-angiogénicas (4); o terapias génicas muestran un beneficio real en grupos limitados de pacientes con defectos moleculares específicos conocidos (4). De este modo, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas terapias farmacológicas para atacar los tumores cerebrales. Frente a las terapias los gliomas malignos son con frecuencia quimioresistentes, y esta resistencia parece depender de al menos dos mecanismos: en primer lugar, la pobre penetración de muchas drogas anticáncer a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB: Blood Brain Barrier), la barrera del fluido sangre-cerebroespinal (BCSFB: Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier) y la barrera sangre-tumor (BTB: blood-tumor barrier). Dicha resistencia se debe a la interacción de la droga con varios transportadores o bombas de eflujo de droga ABC (ABC: ATP-binding cassette) que se sobre expresan en las células endoteliales o epiteliales de estas barreras. En segundo lugar, estos transportadores de eflujo de drogas ABC propios de las células tumorales confieren un fenotipo conocido como resistencia a multidrogas (MDR: multidrug resistance), el cual es característico de varios tumores sólidos. Este fenotipo también está presente en los tumores del SNC y su papel en gliomas es objeto de investigación (5). Por consiguiente el suministro de medicamentos a través de la BBB es uno de los problemas vitales en los tratamientos de terapia dirigida. Estudios recientes han demostrado que algunas moléculas pequeñas utilizadas en estas terapias son sustratos de la glicoproteína P (Pgp: P-gycoprotein), así como también de otras bombas de eflujo como las proteínas relacionadas con la resistencia a multidrogas (MRPs: multidrug resistance-related proteins (MRPs) o la proteína relacionada con cáncer de seno (BCRP: breast-cancer resistance related protein)) que no permiten que las drogas de este tipo alcancen el tumor (1). Un sustrato de Pgp y BCRP es la DOXOrubicina (DOXO), un fármaco utilizado en la terapia anti cáncer, el cual es muy eficaz para atacar las células del tumor cerebral in vitro, pero con un uso clínico limitado por la poca entrega a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) y por la resistencia propia de los tumores. Por otra parte las células de BBB y las células del tumor cerebral tienen también proteínas superficiales, como el receptor de la lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDLR), que podría utilizarse como blanco terapéutico en BBB y tumores cerebrales. Es asi como la importancia de este estudio se basa en la generación de estrategias terapéuticas que promuevan el paso de las drogas a través de la barrera hematoencefalica y tumoral, y a su vez, se reconozcan mecanismos celulares que induzcan el incremento en la expresión de los transportadores ABC, de manera que puedan ser utilizados como blancos terapéuticos.Este estudio demostró que el uso de una nueva estrategia basada en el “Caballo de Troya”, donde se combina la droga DOXOrubicina, la cual es introducida dentro de un liposoma, salvaguarda la droga de manera que se evita su reconocimiento por parte de los transportadores ABC tanto de la BBB como de las células del tumor. La construcción del liposoma permitió utilizar el receptor LDLR de las células asegurando la entrada a través de la BBB y hacia las células tumorales a través de un proceso de endocitosis. Este mecanismo fue asociado al uso de estatinas o drogas anticolesterol las cuales favorecieron la expresión de LDLR y disminuyeron la actividad de los transportadores ABC por nitración de los mismos, incrementando la eficiencia de nuestro Caballo de Troya. Por consiguiente demostramos que el uso de una nueva estrategia o formulación denominada ApolipoDOXO más el uso de estatinas favorece la administración de fármacos a través de la BBB, venciendo la resistencia del tumor y reduciendo los efectos colaterales dosis dependiente de la DOXOrubicina. Además esta estrategia del "Caballo de Troya", es un nuevo enfoque terapéutico que puede ser considerado como una nueva estrategia para aumentar la eficacia de diferentes fármacos en varios tumores cerebrales y garantiza una alta eficiencia incluso en un medio hipóxico,característico de las células cancerosas, donde la expresión del transportador Pgp se vió aumentada. Teniendo en cuenta la relación entre algunas vías de señalización reconocidas como moduladores de la actividad de Pgp, este estudio presenta no solo la estrategia del Caballo de Troya, sino también otra propuesta terapéutica relacionada con el uso de Temozolomide más DOXOrubicina. Esta estrategia demostró que el temozolomide logra penetrar la BBB por que interviene en la via de señalización de la Wnt/GSK3/β-catenina, la cual modula la expresión del transportador Pgp. Se demostró que el TMZ disminuye la proteína y el mRNA de Wnt3 permitiendo plantear la hipótesis de que la droga al disminuir la transcripción del gen Wnt3 en células de BBB, incrementa la activación de la vía fosforilando la β-catenina y conduciendo a disminuir la β-catenina nuclear y por tanto su unión al promotor del gen mdr1. Con base en los resultados este estudio permitió el reconocimiento de tres mecanismos básicos relacionados con la expresión de los transportadores ABC y asociados a las estrategias empleadas: el primero fue el uso de las estatinas, el cual condujo a la nitración de los transportadores disminuyendo su actividad por la via del factor de transcripción NFκB; el segundo a partir del uso del temozolomide, el cual metila el gen de Wnt3 reduciendo la actividad de la via de señalización de la la β-catenina, disminuyendo la expresión del transportador Pgp. El tercero consistió en la determinación de la relación entre el eje RhoA/RhoA quinasa como un modulador de la via (no canónica) GSK3/β-catenina. Se demostró que la proteína quinasa RhoA promovió la activación de la proteína PTB1, la cual al fosforilar a GSK3 indujo la fosforilación de la β-catenina, lo cual dio lugar a su destrucción por el proteosoma, evitando su unión al promotor del gen mdr1 y por tanto reduciendo su expresión. En conclusión las estrategias propuestas en este trabajo incrementaron la citotoxicidad de las células tumorales al aumentar la permeabilidad no solo de la barrera hematoencefálica, sino también de la propia barrera tumoral. Igualmente, la estrategia del “Caballo de Troya” podría ser útil para la terapia de otras enfermedades asociadas al sistema nervioso central. Por otra parte estos estudios indican que el reconocimiento de mecanismos asociados a la expresión de los transportadores ABC podría constituir una herramienta clave en el desarrollo de nuevas terapias anticáncer.


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Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and small Cajal body-specific RNAs (scaRNAs) are non-coding RNAs whose main function in eukaryotes is to guide the modification of nucleotides in ribosomal and spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs, respectively. Full-length sequences of Arabidopsis snoRNAs and scaRNAs have been obtained from cDNA libraries of capped and uncapped small RNAs using RNA from isolated nucleoli from Arabidopsis cell cultures. We have identified 31 novel snoRNA genes (9 box C/D and 22 box H/ACA) and 15 new variants of previously described snoRNAs. Three related capped snoRNAs with a distinct gene organization and structure were identified as orthologues of animal U13snoRNAs. In addition, eight of the novel genes had no complementarity to rRNAs or snRNAs and are therefore putative orphan snoRNAs potentially reflecting wider functions for these RNAs. The nucleolar localization of a number of the snoRNAs and the localization to nuclear bodies of two putative scaRNAs was confirmed by in situ hybridization. The majority of the novel snoRNA genes were found in new gene clusters or as part of previously described clusters. These results expand the repertoire of Arabidopsis snoRNAs to 188 snoRNA genes with 294 gene variants.


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Environmental cues influence the development of stomata on the leaf epidermis, and allow plants to exert plasticity in leaf stomatal abundance in response to the prevailing growing conditions. It is reported that Arabidopsis thaliana ‘Landsberg erecta’ plants grown under low relative humidity have a reduced stomatal index and that two genes in the stomatal development pathway, SPEECHLESS and FAMA, become de novo cytosine methylated and transcriptionally repressed. These environmentally-induced epigenetic responses were abolished in mutants lacking the capacity for de novo DNA methylation, for the maintenance of CG methylation, and in mutants for the production of short-interfering non-coding RNAs (siRNAs) in the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway. Induction of methylation was quantitatively related to the induction of local siRNAs under low relative humidity. Our results indicate the involvement of both transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene suppression at these loci in response to environmental stress. Thus, in a physiologically important pathway, a targeted epigenetic response to a specific environmental stress is reported and several of its molecular, mechanistic components are described, providing a tractable platform for future epigenetics experiments. Our findings suggest epigenetic regulation of stomatal development that allows for anatomical and phenotypic plasticity, and may help to explain at least some of the plant’s resilience to fluctuating relative humidity.


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Quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is a standard assay in molecular medicine for gene expression analysis. Samples from incisional/needle biopsies, laser-microdissected tumor cells and other biologic sources, normally available in clinical cancer studies, generate very small amounts of RNA that are restrictive for expression analysis. As a consequence, an RNA amplification procedure is required to assess the gene expression levels of such sample types. The reproducibility and accuracy of relative gene expression data produced by sensitive methodology as qRT-PCR when cDNA converted from amplified (A) RNA is used as template has not yet been properly addressed. In this study, to properly evaluate this issue, we performed 1 round of linear RNA amplification in 2 breast cell lines (C5.2 and HB4a) and assessed the relative expression of 34 genes using cDNA converted from both nonamplified (NA) and A RNA. Relative gene expression was obtained from beta actin or glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase normalized data using different dilutions of cDNA, wherein the variability and fold-change differences in the expression of the 2 methods were compared. Our data showed that 1 round of linear RNA amplification, even with suboptimal-quality RNA, is appropriate to generate reproducible and high-fidelity qRT-PCR relative expression data that have similar confidence levels as those from NA samples. The use of cDNA that is converted from both A and NA RNA in a single qRT-PCR experiment clearly creates bias in relative gene expression data.


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Allergy to components of the diet is followed by gut inflammation which in children, sometimes progress to mucosal lesions and anaphylaxis. In newborns suffering of cow`s milk allergy, bloody stools, rectal. bleeding and ulcerations are found. The rat systemic anaphylaxis is a suitable model to study the intestinal lesions associated to allergy. In the present study we used this model to investigate some mechanisms involved. We found that 15 min after antigen challenge of sensitized rats, hemorrhagic lesions develop in the small intestine. The lesions were more severe in jejunum and ileum compared to duodenum. Pretreatment of the rats with a platelet-activating factor-receptor antagonist (WEB-2170) reduced the lesions whereas inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide by L-NAME, greatly increased the hemorrhagic lesions and mortality. Both, lesions and mortality were reversed by L-arginine. The hemorrhagic lesions were also significantly reduced by the mast cell stabilizers, disodium cromoglycate and ketotifen as well as by neutrophils depletion (with anti-PMN antibodies) or inhibition of selectin binding (by treatment with fucoidan). Thus, the intestinal hemorrhagic lesions in this model are dependent on ptatelet-activating factor, mast cell granule-derived mediators and neutrophils. Endogenous nitric oxide and supplementation with L-arginine has a protective role, reducing the lesions and preventing mortality. These results contributed to elucidate mechanisms involved in intestinal lesions which could be of relevance to human small bowel injury associated to allergy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The flavivirus NS5 protein is one of the most important proteins of the replication complex, and cellular proteins can interact with it. This study shows for the first time that the yellow fever virus (YFV) NS5 protein is able to interact with U1A, a protein involved in splicing and polyadenylation. We confirmed this interaction by GST-pulldown assay and by co-immunoprecipitation in YFV-infected cells. A region between amino acids 368 and 448 was identified as the site of interaction of the NS5 protein with U1A. This region was conserved among some flaviviruses of medical importance. The implications of this interaction for flavivirus replication are discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The human ZC3H14 gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved Cys(3)His zinc finger protein that binds specifically to polyadenosine RNA and is thus postulated to modulate post-transcriptional gene expression. Expressed sequence tag (EST) data predicts multiple splice variants of both human and mouse ZC3H14. Analysis of ZC3H14 expression in both human cell lines and mouse tissues confirms the presence of multiple alternatively spliced transcripts. Although all of these transcripts encode protein isoforms that contain the conserved C-terminal zinc finger domain, suggesting that they could all bind to polyadenosine RNA, they differ in other functionally important domains. Most of the alternative transcripts encode closely related proteins (termed isoforms 1, 2. 3, and 3short) that differ primarily in the inclusion of three small exons, 9, 10, and 11, resulting in predicted protein isoforms ranging from 82 to 64 kDa. Each of these closely related isoforms contains predicted classical nuclear localization signals (cNLS) within exons 7 and 11. Consistent with the presence of these putative nuclear targeting signals, these ZC3H14 isoforms are all localized to the nucleus. In contrast, an additional transcript encodes a smaller protein (34 kDa) with an alternative first exon (isoform, 4). Consistent with the absence of the predicted cNLS motifs located in exons 7 and 11, ZC3H14 isoform 4 is localized to the cytoplasm. Both EST data and experimental data suggest that this variant is enriched in testes and brain. Using an antibody that detects endogenous ZC3H14 isoforms 1-3 reveals localization of these isoforms to nuclear speckles. These speckles co-localize with the splicing factor, SC35, suggesting a role for nuclear ZC3H14 in mRNA processing. Taken together, these results demonstrate that multiple transcripts encoding several ZC3H14 isoforms exist in vivo. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic ZC3H14 isoforms could have distinct effects on gene expression mediated by the common Cys(3)His zinc finger polyadenosine RNA binding domain. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The 5-year survival rate for oral cavity cancer is poorer than for breast, colon or prostate cancer, and has improved only slightly in the last three decades. Hence, new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. Here we demonstrate by tissue micro array analysis for the first time that RNA-binding protein La is significantly overexpressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Within this study we therefore addressed the question whether siRNA-mediated depletion of the La protein may interfere with known tumor-promoting characteristics of head and neck SCC cells. Our studies demonstrate that the La protein promotes cell proliferation, migration and invasion of lymph node-metastasized hypopharyngeal SCC cells. We also reveal that La is required for the expression of beta-catenin as well as matrix metalloproteinase type 2 (MMP-2) within these cells. Taken together these data suggest a so far unknown function of the RNA-binding protein La in promoting tumor progression of head and neck SCC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: demonstrar se ocorre crescimento pulmonar compensatório (CPC) representado pelos conteúdos de proteínas, DNA e RNA no rato adulto jovem, subnutrido, submetido à trilobectomia pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Utilizamos 137 ratos Wistar, machos, distribuídos por sorteio, em 9 grupos, submetidos a três tratamentos (controle, toracotomia, trilobectomia), sacrificados em três momentos (7, 30 e 90 dias). Na trilobectomia foram extirpados os lobos médio, acessório e caudal direitos. Variáveis estudadas: conteúdos pulmonares de proteínas, DNA e RNA. RESULTADOS: No lobo cranial e pulmão esquerdo o conteúdo protéico foi maior nos trilobectomizados. Ocorreu CPC insuficiente para suprir a perda desta variável, sendo menor nos pulmões dos trilobectomizados. O incremento nos conteúdos de DNA do lobo cranial e pulmão esquerdo dos trilobectomizados foram suficientes para compensar a perda desta variável, resultando num conteúdo de DNA dos pulmões semelhante aos controle. O conteúdo de RNA, nos trilobectomizados, foi maior no lobo cranial e pulmão esquerdo, com maior eficiência no primeiro, insuficiente para que se aproximassem aos obtidos nos demais grupos, ficando menores. CONCLUSÃO: Nos trilobectomizados ocorreu CPC, provavelmente com hiperplasia celular e pouca hipertrofia, devido a grande compensação do DNA e pequena do RNA. Esta foi a grande diferença quando comparamos este resultado ao obtido com animais nutridos, que apresentavam hipertrofia pronunciada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a rare, aggressive, malignant neoplasm usually present with the widespread abdominal serosal involvement and affects mainly adolescents and young adults. When presenting within visceral organs, as kidney, the diagnosis of DSRCT imposes significant difficulties. We present a case of primary DSRCT of the kidney in a 10-year-old boy mimicking clinically and pathologically Wilms tumor. The tumor showed morphologic and immunohistochemical features of DSRCT and the presence of the Ewing sarcoma and Wilm tumor 1 fusion transcripts resulting from the t(11;22) (p13;q12) reciprocal translocation. DSRCT should be considered in the differential diagnosis of Wilm tumor and other small blue-round cell tumors of the kidney. © 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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The cysteine proteinase inhibitor cystatin C inhibited RANKL-stimulated osteoclast formation in mouse bone marrow macrophage cultures, an effect associated with decreased mRNA expression of Acp5, Calcr, Ctsk, Mmp9, Itgb3, and Atp6i, without effect on proliferation or apoptosis. The effects were concentration dependent with half-maximal inhibition at 0.3 μM. Cystatin C also inhibited osteoclast formation when RANKL-stimulated osteoclasts were cultured on bone, leading to decreased formation of resorption pits. RANKL-stimulated cells retained characteristics of phagocytotic macrophages when cotreated with cystatin C. Three other cysteine proteinase inhibitors, cystatin D, Z-RLVG-CHN2 (IC50 0.1 μM), and E-64 (IC 50 3 μM), also inhibited osteoclast formation in RANKL-stimulated macrophages. In addition, cystatin C, Z-RLVG-CHN2, and E-64 inhibited osteoclastic differentiation of RANKL-stimulated CD14+ human monocytes. The effect by cystatin C on differentiation of bone marrow macrophages was exerted at an early stage after RANKL stimulation and was associated with early (4 h) inhibition of c-Fos expression and decreased protein and nuclear translocation of c-Fos. Subsequently, p52, p65, IκBα, and Nfatc1 mRNA were decreased. Cystatin C was internalized in osteoclast progenitors, a process requiring RANKL stimulation. These data show that cystatin C inhibits osteoclast differentiation and formation by interfering intracellularly with signaling pathways downstream RANK. © FASEB.