828 resultados para Shoes factories


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This project set out to investigate the effects of the recent massive social transitions in Eastern Europe on the everyday social lives of the inhabitants of three very different nations: Georgia, Russia and Hungary. It focused in particular on the availability and nature of the support networks available to three different segments of each of the societies (manual workers, students and entrepreneurs) and the impact of network participation on psychological and physical well-being. The group set four specific questions to investigate: the part played by individual psychological beliefs in the formation and maintenance of social networks and the consequent formation of trusting relations; the implication of the size and quality of these networks for mental health; the nature of the social groups inhabited by the respondents and the implication of their work schedule and daily routines on the maintenance of a social and family life; and an analysis of how cultures vary in their social networks and intimacy. Three different methods were used to examine social support and its implications: structured questionnaires, semi-structured short interviews and a media analysis of newspaper materials. The questionnaires were administered to 150 participants in each country, equally divided between students studying full time, manual workers employed in factories, and business people (small kiosk owners, whose work and life style differs considerably from that of the manual workers). The questionnaires investigated various predictors of social support including the locus of control, relationship beliefs, individualism-collectivism and egalitarianism, demographic variables (age, gender and occupation), social support, both in general and in relation to significant events that have occurred since the transition from communism. Those with an internal locus of control were more likely to report a higher level of social support, as were collectivists, while age too was a significant predictor, with younger respondents enjoying higher levels of support, regardless of the measures of support employed. Respondents across the cultures referred to a decline of social support and the group also found a direct correlation between social support and mental health outcomes. All 450 respondents were interviewed on their general responses to changes in their lives since the fall of communism and the effects of their work lives on their social lives and the home environment. The interviews revealed considerable variations in the way in which work-life offered opportunities for a broader social life and also provided a hindrance to the development of fulfilling relationships. Many of the work experiences discussed were culture specific, with work having a particularly negative impact on the social life of Russian entrepreneurs but being seen much more positively in Georgia. This may reflect the nature of support offered in a society as overall support levels were lowest in Russia, meaning that social support may be of particular importance there. The way in cultural values and norms about personal relationships are transmitted in a culture is a critical issue for social psychologists and the group examined newspaper articles in those newspapers read by the respondents in each of the three countries. These revealed a number of different themes. The concept of a divided society and its implications for personal relationships was clearest in Russian and Hungary, where widely-read newspapers dwelt on the contrast between "new Russians/Hungarians" and the older, poorer ones and extended considerable sympathy to those suffering from neglect in institutions. Magyar Nemzet, a paper widely read by Hungarian students reflects the generally more pessimistic tone about personal relationships in Russia and Hungary and gave a particularly detailed analysis of the implications this holds for human relations in a modern society. In Georgia, however, the tone of the newspapers is more positive, stressing greater social cohesion. Part of this cohesion is framed in the context of religion, with the church appealing to a broader egalitarianism, whereas in less egalitarian Hungary appeals by the Church are centred more on the nuclear family and its need for expansion in both size and influence. The division between the sexes was another prominent issue in Hungary and Russia, while the theme of generational conflict also emerged in Hungarian and Georgian papers, although with some understanding of "young people today". The team's original expectation that the different newspapers read by the different groups of respondents would present differing images of personal relationships was not fulfilled, as despite variations in style, they found little clear "ideological targeting" of any particular readership. They conclude that the vast majority of respondents recognised that the social transition from communism has had a significant impact on the well-being of social relationships and that this is a pertinent issue for all segments of society. While the group see the data collected as a source to be worked on for some time in the future, their initial impressions include the following. Social support is clearly an important concern across all three countries. All respondents (including the students) lament the time taken up by their heavy work schedules and value their social networks and family ties in particular. The level of social support differs across the countries investigated, with Georgian apparently enjoying significantly higher levels of social support. The analysis produced an image of a relatively cohesive and egalitarian society in which even the group most often seen as distant from the general population, business people, is supported by a strong social network. In contrast, the support networks available to the Russian respondents seem particularly weak and reflect a general sense of division and alienation within the culture as a whole. The implications of low levels of social support may vary across countries. While Russians reported the lowest level of mental health problems, the link between social support and mental health may be strongest in that country. In contrast, in Hungary it is the link between fatalism and mental health problems which is particularly strong, while in Georgia the strongest correlation was between mental health and marital quality, emphasising the significance of the marital relationship in that country.


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Autonomous system applications are typically limited by the power supply operational lifetime when battery replacement is difficult or costly. A trade-off between battery size and battery life is usually calculated to determine the device capability and lifespan. As a result, energy harvesting research has gained importance as society searches for alternative energy sources for power generation. For instance, energy harvesting has been a proven alternative for powering solar-based calculators and self-winding wristwatches. Thus, the use of energy harvesting technology can make it possible to assist or replace batteries for portable, wearable, or surgically-implantable autonomous systems. Applications such as cardiac pacemakers or electrical stimulation applications can benefit from this approach since the number of surgeries for battery replacement can be reduced or eliminated. Research on energy scavenging from body motion has been investigated to evaluate the feasibility of powering wearable or implantable systems. Energy from walking has been previously extracted using generators placed on shoes, backpacks, and knee braces while producing power levels ranging from milliwatts to watts. The research presented in this paper examines the available power from walking and running at several body locations. The ankle, knee, hip, chest, wrist, elbow, upper arm, side of the head, and back of the head were the chosen target localizations. Joints were preferred since they experience the most drastic acceleration changes. For this, a motor-driven treadmill test was performed on 11 healthy individuals at several walking (1-4 mph) and running (2-5 mph) speeds. The treadmill test provided the acceleration magnitudes from the listed body locations. Power can be estimated from the treadmill evaluation since it is proportional to the acceleration and frequency of occurrence. Available power output from walking was determined to be greater than 1mW/cm³ for most body locations while being over 10mW/cm³ at the foot and ankle locations. Available power from running was found to be almost 10 times higher than that from walking. Most energy harvester topologies use linear generator approaches that are well suited to fixed-frequency vibrations with sub-millimeter amplitude oscillations. In contrast, body motion is characterized with a wide frequency spectrum and larger amplitudes. A generator prototype based on self-winding wristwatches is deemed to be appropriate for harvesting body motion since it is not limited to operate at fixed-frequencies or restricted displacements. Electromagnetic generation is typically favored because of its slightly higher power output per unit volume. Then, a nonharmonic oscillating rotational energy scavenger prototype is proposed to harness body motion. The electromagnetic generator follows the approach from small wind turbine designs that overcome the lack of a gearbox by using a larger number of coil and magnets arrangements. The device presented here is composed of a rotor with multiple-pole permanent magnets having an eccentric weight and a stator composed of stacked planar coils. The rotor oscillations induce a voltage on the planar coil due to the eccentric mass unbalance produced by body motion. A meso-scale prototype device was then built and evaluated for energy generation. The meso-scale casing and rotor were constructed on PMMA with the help of a CNC mill machine. Commercially available discrete magnets were encased in a 25mm rotor. Commercial copper-coated polyimide film was employed to manufacture the planar coils using MEMS fabrication processes. Jewel bearings were used to finalize the arrangement. The prototypes were also tested at the listed body locations. A meso-scale generator with a 2-layer coil was capable to extract up to 234 µW of power at the ankle while walking at 3mph with a 2cm³ prototype for a power density of 117 µW/cm³. This dissertation presents the analysis of available power from walking and running at different speeds and the development of an unobtrusive miniature energy harvesting generator for body motion. Power generation indicates the possibility of powering devices by extracting energy from body motion.


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Since product take-back is mandated in Europe, and has effects for producers worldwide including the U.S., designing efficient forward and reverse supply chain networks is becoming essential for business viability. Centralizing production facilities may reduce costs but perhaps not environmental impacts. Decentralizing a supply chain may reduce transportation environmental impacts but increase capital costs. Facility location strategies of centralization or decentralization are tested for companies with supply chains that both take back and manufacture products. Decentralized and centralized production systems have different effects on the environment, industry and the economy. Decentralized production systems cluster suppliers within the geographical market region that the system serves. Centralized production systems have many suppliers spread out that meet all market demand. The point of this research is to help further the understanding of company decision-makers about impacts to the environment and costs when choosing a decentralized or centralized supply chain organizational strategy. This research explores; what degree of centralization for a supply chain makes the most financial and environmental sense for siting facilities; and which factories are in the best location to handle the financial and environmental impacts of particular processing steps needed for product manufacture. This research considered two examples of facility location for supply chains when products are taken back; the theoretical case involved shoe resoling and a real world case study considered the location of operations for a company that reclaims multiple products for use as material inputs. For the theoretical example a centralized strategy to facility location was optimal: whereas for the case study a decentralized strategy to facility location was best. In conclusion, it is not possible to say that a centralized or decentralized strategy to facility location is in general best for a company that takes back products. Each company’s specific concerns, needs, and supply chain details will determine which degree of centralization creates the optimal strategy for siting their facilities.


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Inflammatory alterations of the feet due to rheumatoid arthritis very often reduce the patient's quality of life. We present the pathogenetic mechanisms and discuss practicable and efficient prophylactic and therapeutic methods. A method recently developed by our occupational therapist for placing foot pads correctly in shoes is described.


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The pads of the bovine digital cushion, which serves as a shock absorber, have specific anatomical structures to cope with the substantial forces acting within the claw. To gain more information on the lipid composition and content of the pads, horn shoes from 12 slaughtered heifers and cows were removed and different samples of the pads excised with a scalpel. Pad lipids were extracted and the fatty acid composition determined by gas chromatography. Fat from perirenal and subcutaneous adipose tissues served as a comparison. Overall, this fat contained a higher quantity of extracted lipids than that of the claw pads and did not differ between heifers and cows. In contrast, lipid content in the pads was significantly higher in the cows than in the heifers. In both groups, the lipid content of the middle and abaxial pads, which are situated directly under the distal phalanx, was lower than in the pads of the other locations. The lipids in all pads contained >77% monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), differing sharply from the adipose tissue with values <51%. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) a significantly higher proportion of arachidonic acid (AA) was found in the heifer pads than in those of the cows, whereas the proportion of AA was similar in the adipose tissue of all animals. The proportion of AA in the pad lipids also varied between the defined locations with the highest proportion found in locations that showed the lowest lipid content and was related to the age of the animal.


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Flexible und wandelbare Fabrikstrukturen sind von hoher Bedeutung, wenn Produktionsstätten in einem turbulenten Umfeld langfristig wettbewerbsfähig bleiben sollen; darin sind sich Forschung und Praxis einig. Während der jüngsten weltweiten Wirtschaftskrise wurden Experten aus dem Airline-Catering-Umfeld befragt, wie Betriebe dieser Branche auf starke Veränderungen vorbereitet sind. Vorgespräche und Analysen des Autors legten die Vermutung nahe, dass diese Dienstleistungsbranche besonderen Flexibilitätsanforderungen unterliegt. Im Rahmen einer detaillierten Studie, deren Erkenntnisse in einer Dissertation zusammengefasst werden, sind Interviews mit Experten geführt worden. Aus den Ergebnissen der Interviews wurden Schlussfolgerungen auf erforderliche, flexible Materialflusstechniklösungen, im Speziellen Elektrohängebahnen (EHB), und bauliche Anpassungen nach dem „Konzept Internet der Dinge“ gezogen. Szenarioanalysen zu Wirtschaftlichkeits- und Risikoaspekten durchleuchteten die generierten Ansätze. Anschließend an die quantitative Analyse wurden die Ansätze ebenfalls durch eine qualitative Bewertung herkömmlichen Lösungen gegenübergestellt. Die aufgebaute Bewertungsmethode ist sowohl geeignet, um in zukünftigen Projekten die Entscheidung für oder gegen eine wandelbare Ausführung zu treffen, als auch andere Branchen auf die grundsätzliche Sinnhaftigkeit des Einsatzes wandelbarer Materialflusstechnik zu überprüfen.


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Introduction . Compared to most equine horse breeds which are able to walk, trot and canter /gallop, the gait repertoire of the Icelandic horses additionally includes the lateral gait tölt and frequently also the pace. With respect to the tölt gait, special shoeing, saddling and riding techniques have been developed for Icelandic horses in order to enhance its expressiveness and regularity. Toes are left unnaturally long and heavy shoes and paddings, as well as weighted boots are used to enforce the individual gait predisposition. For the same reason, the rider is placed more caudally to the horse's centre of mass as compared to other riding techniques. The biomechanical impact of these methods on the health of the locomotor system has so far never been subject of systematic research. Objectives . The aims of the presented study are (1) to describe the kinetic and kinematic characteristics of the tölt performed on a treadmill, (2) to understand the mechanical consequences of shoeing manipulation (long hooves, weighted boots) on the loading and protraction movement of the limbs, as well as (3) to study the pressure distribution and effects on the gait pattern of 3 different saddle types used for riding Icelandic horses. Materials and methods . Gait analysis was carried out in 13 Icelandic horses at walk and at slow and medium tölting and trotting speeds on a high-speed treadmill instrumented for measuring vertical ground reaction forces as well as temporal and spatial gait variables. Kinematic data of horse, rider and saddle were measured simultaneously. Gait analysis was first carried out with high, long hooves (SH) without and in combination with weighted boots (ad aim (2)). Afterwards, horses were re-shod according to current horseshoeing standards (SN) and gait analysis was repeated (ad aims (1) and (2)). In a second trial, horses were additionally equipped with a pressure sensitive saddle mat and were ridden with a dressage-like saddle (SDres), an Icelandic saddle (Slcel) and a saddle cushion (SCush) in the standard saddle position (ad aim 3). Results and conclusions . Compared to trot at the same speed, tölting horses had a higher stride rate and lower stride impulses. At the tölt loading of the forelimbs was increased in form of higher peak vertical forces (Fzpeak) due to shorter relative stance durations (StDrel). Conversely, in the hindlimbs, longer StDrel resulted in lower Fzpeak. Despite the higher head-neck position at tölt, there was no measurable shift in weight to the hindlimbs. Footfall rhythm was in most horses laterally coupled at the tölt and frequently had a slight fourbeat and a very short suspension phase at trot; underlining the fact that performance of correct gaits in Icelandic horses needs special training. Gait performance as it is currently judged in competition could be improved using a shoeing with SH, resulting in a 21 ± 5 mm longer dorsal hoof wall, but also a weight gain of 273 ± 50 g at the distal limb due to heavier shoeing material. Compared to SN, SH led to a lower stride rate, a longer stride length and a higher, but not wider, forelimb protraction arc, which were also positively associated with speed. At the tölt, the footfall rhythm showed less tendency to lateral couplets and at the trot, the suspension phase was longer. However, on the long term, SH may have negative implications for the health of the palmar structures of the distal foot by increased limb impulses, higher torques at breakover (up to 20%); as well as peak vertical forces at faster speeds. Compared to the shoeing style, the saddle type had less influence on limb forces or movements. The slight weight shift to the rear with SCush and Slcel may be explained by the more caudal position of the rider relative to the horse's back. With SCush, pressure was highest under the cranial part of the saddle, whereas the saddles with trees had more pressure under the caudal area.


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This study explored the effects of unstable shoe design on oxygen consumption. Methods. Oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were measured in 16 individuals while barefoot, wearing unstable shoes (Masai Barefoot Technology) and wearing conventional sport shoes while standing and walking on a treadmill and for 5 individuals while walking around a 400 m track. Results. When wearing the MBT shoes, a significant (p < 0.01) increase of 9.3 ± 5.2% in VO2 was measured while standing quietly for 6 min. No differences in VO2 and HR were observed between the MBT shoes or weight-adjusted conventional shoes (to match the weight of the MBT shoes) while walking on a treadmill. However, significant increases (p < 0.01) in VO2 (4.4 ± 8.2%) and HR (3.6 ± 7.3%) were observed for the MBT shoes compared with being barefoot. No significant differences in VO2 and HR were recorded while walking around a 400 m track either with MBT shoes, weight-adjusted conventional shoes or barefoot. Nonetheless, a comparison of the MBT shoes with barefoot revealed a tendency for VO2 to be higher when wearing the MBT shoes (7.1 ± 6.5%, p < 0.1) although HR was not significantly affected. Conclusions. The unstable shoe design predominantly effects oxygen consumption while standing, most likely due to increased muscle activity of the lower extremities.


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La producción de aceite de oliva genera distintos subproductos entre los cuales el efluente o alpechín representa un serio problema mediambiental. En los países productores el alpechín es un residuo muy contaminante debido a su elevada composición orgánica, sus efectos inhibitorios y la tendencia de sus componentes a sufrir oxidación biológica. Estas características y la estacionalidad de su producción dificultan su eliminación. La industria del aceite de oliva está actualmente en expansión en Argentina. En Mendoza, dicha actividad tiene una gran tradición y un impacto ambiental considerable. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los caracteres físico- químicos de los efluentes de fábricas de aceite oliva en Mendoza (Argentina) para conocer la realidad de la industria local y rever las especificaciones legales para efluentes. Los efluentes de dos fábricas fueron evaluados en tres puntos de muestreo: agua de entrada al proceso, salida de la fábrica y pileta de deposición final de los efluentes. Se analizó el contenido de iones, pH, conductividad eléctrica, DBO y DQO. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que las características del efluente dependen del método de extracción utilizado y la eventual dilución con agua de lavado. La calidad del agua subterránea utilizada en el proceso no es un factor determinante para lograr un efluente fácilmente tratable. El problema medioambiental que se plantea es la producción de un efluente con alto contenido orgánico, salino y bajo pH, caracteres que impiden su vuelco en cursos de agua superficial o red de cloacas, por no cumplir con los requisitos indicados en la normativa vigente. Por lo tanto, las fábricas elaboradoras de aceite de oliva serán las encargadas de que dichos efluentes reciban un adecuado proceso de depuración que permita su eliminación o reutilización.


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El desarrollo de la industria azucarera en la República Dominicana requirió mano de obra para el corte de caña y el trabajo en el ingenio. La dificultad en atraer trabajadores locales resultó en la contratación de obreros de las islas inglesas Anguila, St. Kitts, Antigua, Nevis, Tórtola, etc., donde el masivo desempleo provocado por la industrialización facilitaba el traslado de los isleños hacia las zafras dominicanas. En San Pedro de Macorís, lugar de su asentamiento, se los llamaba despectivamente “cocolos". Esta ponencia intenta estudiar la historia y delineación de estos obreros inmigrantes, su conducta, su idiosincrasia y modo de vida en el ingenio desde la narrativa dominicana del siglo XX. Las obras seleccionadas son un espejo del racismo, del rechazo cultural y de la explotación de los cocolos en el cañaveral. Cabe destacar que las novelas recientes asumen tardíamente una actitud reivindicatoria ante la ausencia de estudios críticos al respecto.


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Las aguas residuales son potenciales portadoras de enteroparásitos patógenos para el hombre cuya dosis infectiva puede ser mínima y prolongado el tiempo de sobrevivencia de huevos y quistes en el ambiente. La reglamentación limita la presencia de huevos de helmintos y, hasta el año 2000, no proponía una técnica para su detección. Este trabajo se realizó para caracterizar parasitológicamente los efluentes procedentes de agroindustrias. La capacitación en la identificación microscópica demandó la confección de fichas que describen las características de huevos de helmintos. Se efectuaron ensayos con muestras de bodegas y aceiteras en los puntos detectados de contaminación. Los métodos fueron adaptados a las particularidades de los efluentes. Los resultados no señalaron presencia de helmintos; no obstante, se hallaron Cyclospora e Isospora, protozoarios que, por su alto poder infectivo, también constituyen un riesgo para el hombre. Sin embargo, no están contemplados por la legislación. Respecto a helmintos, es necesario un estudio comparativo de las técnicas de detección para efluentes agroindustriales, con el fin de establecer las que optimicen su recuperación. En cuanto a otras especies es preciso continuar investigando su presencia para evaluar la conveniencia de incorporarlas a la reglamentación.


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Entre 1950 y 1990, la fabricación seriada de cerámica mendocina era de consumo popular. Su producción era artesanal y semi-industrial fabricándose, mayormente, objetos de adorno. Muchos establecimientos incorporaban algunos utilitarios relacionados a la vajilla; aproximadamente el 40% hacía juegos de té y café; pero sólo un pequeño porcentaje se dedicaba principalmente a la fabricación de vajilla, con una producción más completa. Luego del relevamiento de las piezas y a partir de la reconstrucción del contexto, se realizó un análisis formal, funcional y tecnológico, detectándose dos tendencias en cuanto al aspecto formal y diseño utilizado.