962 resultados para Sexually Transmitted Diseases, diagnosis
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and angiographic characteristics of peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy, an uncommon chorioretinal mass lesion, important for its differential diagnosis to choroidal melanoma, but only rarely described in the literature. DESIGN: Retrospective, institutional chart review. METHODS: Institutional chart review of 45 patients (56 eyes) diagnosed with peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy to describe the clinical findings and those obtained by fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), in addition to a review of the histologic findings of an enucleated eye. RESULTS: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy typically was characterized by increased age of the patient (mean, 77 years; range, 60 to 91 years), female preponderance (69%), frequent pigment epithelium detachment, temporal equatorial location, and a highly hemorrhagic and exudative presentation, sometimes extending to the macula. Bilateral involvement (24%) was associated with multiples lesions in the same eye (P < .001) and with nasal extension (P < .001). A neovascular origin was suspected on FA, but was more evident on ICGA. Histologic examination of the enucleated eye did not reveal a neovascular network. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy is a characteristic peripheral degenerative disorder, frequently with benign outcome, although it can be vision threatening because of hemorrhage or exudation. Clinical features are helpful for its diagnosis. FA and ICGA contribute valuable evidence to the hypothesis of a neovascular origin, but further histologic studies are needed to prove this hypothesis.
PURPOSE: To describe a patient with an oculomotor nerve schwannoma who had symptoms of ophthalmoplegic migraine. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: A 23-year-old woman had a history of recurrent headache accompanied by transient right oculomotor palsy since age 7 years. Ophthalmoplegic migraine was diagnosed. She was subsequently found to have a structural lesion of her right oculomotor nerve on magnetic resonance imaging. The magnetic resonance image characteristics were consistent with schwannoma originating from the oculomotor nerve. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates that an intrinsic lesion of the oculomotor nerve (schwannoma) may be associated with a painful relapsing-remitting oculomotor palsy mimicking the clinical syndrome of ophthalmoplegic migraine.
Many significant advances in dermatology were published during 2009, focussing on infectious diseases, inflammatory disorders and oncology. Molecular medicine, as a result of the human genome project, also modifies the field of dermatology. Bioinformatics and biotechnology revolutionize the daily clinical practice in dermatology. A change of paradigm occurs notably in infectious diseases.
Nowadays more and more children survive after an intensive anti-tumoral therapy. The price to pay consists of numerous and relatively frequent long-term sequelae (secondary tumors, neuropsychological deficits, endocrine or cardiac damage). After chemotherapy, we sometimes observe renal side-effects, either tubular (metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, proteinuria, Fanconi syndrome, rickets) or glomerular (acute or chronic decreased GFR). These renal toxic side-effects are encountered especially after cisplatinum and ifosfamide, less frequently after carboplatin and cyclophosphamide. The pediatrician has to be aware of these toxic nephrologic side-effects, to look out for them and monitor carefully the renal function of all paediatric patients receiving these potentially nephrotoxic chemotherapies.
In general practice, vitamin B12 levels are measured when searching an origin for an anemic status (usually megaloblastic anemia), for various neurological disorders (usually polyneuropathy) or for neurocognitive disorders. Although the pathologies associated with vitamin B12 deficiency are well known, hypervitaminemic B12 status is often fortuitous and frequent finding. The aim of this article is to present the disease entities associated with hypervitaminemia B12, the clinical implications of this dysvitaminosis and a practical approach when this laboratory abnormality is found.
The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), comprising Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), continues to present difficulties due to unspecific symptoms and limited test accuracies. We aimed to determine the diagnostic delay (time from first symptoms to IBD diagnosis) and to identify associated risk factors. A total of 1591 IBD patients (932 CD, 625 UC, 34 indeterminate colitis) from the Swiss IBD cohort study (SIBDCS) were evaluated. The SIBDCS collects data on a large sample of IBD patients from hospitals and private practice across Switzerland through physician and patient questionnaires. The primary outcome measure was diagnostic delay. Diagnostic delay in CD patients was significantly longer compared to UC patients (median 9 versus 4 months, P < 0.001). Seventy-five percent of CD patients were diagnosed within 24 months compared to 12 months for UC and 6 months for IC patients. Multivariate logistic regression identified age <40 years at diagnosis (odds ratio [OR] 2.15, P = 0.010) and ileal disease (OR 1.69, P = 0.025) as independent risk factors for long diagnostic delay in CD (>24 months). In UC patients, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID intake (OR 1.75, P = 0.093) and male gender (OR 0.59, P = 0.079) were associated with long diagnostic delay (>12 months). Whereas the median delay for diagnosing CD, UC, and IC seems to be acceptable, there exists a long delay in a considerable proportion of CD patients. More public awareness work needs to be done in order to reduce patient and doctor delays in this target population.
OBJECTIVES: To analyse the prevalence of lifetime recourse to prostitution (LRP) among men in the general population of Switzerland from a trend and cohort perspective. METHODS: Using nine repeated representative cross-sectional surveys from 1987 to 2000, age-specific estimates of LRP were computed. Trends and period effect were analysed as the evolution of cross-sectional population estimates within age groups and overall. Cohort analysis relied on cohorts constructed from the 1989 survey and followed in subsequent waves. Age and cohort effects were modelled using logistic regression and non-parametric monotone regression. RESULTS: Whereas prevalence for the younger groups was found to be logically lower, there was no consistent increasing or decreasing trend over the years; there was no significant period effect. For the 17-30 year age group, the mean estimate over 1987-2000 was 11.5% (range 8.3 to 12.7%); for the 31-45 year group, the mean was 21.5% (range over 1989-2000 20.3 to 23.0%). Regarding cohort analysis, the prevalence of LRP was found to increase steeply in the youngest ages before reaching a plateau near the age of 40 years. At the age of 43 years, the prevalence was estimated to be 22.6% (95% CI 21.1% to 24.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The steep increase in the cohort-wise prevalence of LRP in younger ages calls for a concentration of prevention activities in young people. If the plateauing at approximately 40 years of age is not followed by a further increase later in life, which is not known, then consumers of paid sex would be repeat buyers only, a fact that should be taken into account by prevention.
The sports clinician faces multiple treatment options when dealing with overload injuries, and it is important to evaluate their outcomes. Multiple scores exist, some clincian rated (CRO), others patient rated (PRO), the latter being currently favoured. This review presents some of these scores and we selected the ones we feel are the most appropriate for a sports clinician. We considered these common problems: tennis elbow, rotator cuff issues, groin pain, patellofemoral pain syndrome, achilles tendinopathy and ankle instability. In addition, an activity level score is useful to weigh the result in the context of return to performance. These scores help to create a common language between therapists and to evaluate treatments objectively.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To determine optimum spatial resolution when imaging peripheral arteries with magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eight vessel diameters ranging from 1.0 to 8.0 mm were simulated in a vascular phantom. A total of 40 three-dimensional flash MRA sequences were acquired with incremental variations of fields of view, matrix size, and slice thickness. The accurately known eight diameters were combined pairwise to generate 22 "exact" degrees of stenosis ranging from 42% to 87%. Then, the diameters were measured in the MRA images by three independent observers and with quantitative angiography (QA) software and used to compute the degrees of stenosis corresponding to the 22 "exact" ones. The accuracy and reproducibility of vessel diameter measurements and stenosis calculations were assessed for vessel size ranging from 6 to 8 mm (iliac artery), 4 to 5 mm (femoro-popliteal arteries), and 1 to 3 mm (infrapopliteal arteries). Maximum pixel dimension and slice thickness to obtain a mean error in stenosis evaluation of less than 10% were determined by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Mean errors on stenosis quantification were 8.8% +/- 6.3% for 6- to 8-mm vessels, 15.5% +/- 8.2% for 4- to 5-mm vessels, and 18.9% +/- 7.5% for 1- to 3-mm vessels. Mean errors on stenosis calculation were 12.3% +/- 8.2% for observers and 11.4% +/- 15.1% for QA software (P = .0342). To evaluate stenosis with a mean error of less than 10%, maximum pixel surface, the pixel size in the phase direction, and the slice thickness should be less than 1.56 mm2, 1.34 mm, 1.70 mm, respectively (voxel size 2.65 mm3) for 6- to 8-mm vessels; 1.31 mm2, 1.10 mm, 1.34 mm (voxel size 1.76 mm3), for 4- to 5-mm vessels; and 1.17 mm2, 0.90 mm, 0.9 mm (voxel size 1.05 mm3) for 1- to 3-mm vessels. CONCLUSION: Higher spatial resolution than currently used should be selected for imaging peripheral vessels.
The systematic collection of behavioural information is an important component of second-generation HIV surveillance. The extent of behavioural surveillance among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Europe was examined using data collected through a questionnaire sent to all 31 countries of the European Union and European Free Trade Association as part of a European-wide behavioural surveillance mapping study on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The questionnaire was returned by 28 countries during August to September 2008: 16 reported behavioural surveillance studies (two provided no further details). A total of 12 countries used repeated surveys for behavioural surveillance and five used their Treatment Demand Indicator system (three used both approaches). The data collected focused on drug use, injecting practices, testing for HIV and hepatitis C virus and access to healthcare. Eight countries had set national indicators: three indicators were each reported by five countries: the sharing any injecting equipment, uptake of HIV testing and uptake of hepatitis C virus testing. The recall periods used varied. Seven countries reported conducting one-off behavioural surveys (in one country without a repeated survey, these resulted an informal surveillance structure). All countries used convenience sampling, with service-based recruitment being the most common approach. Four countries had used respondent-driven sampling. Three fifths of the countries responding (18/28) reported behavioural surveillance activities among IDUs; however, harmonisation of behavioural surveillance indicators is needed.
Purpose: to assess the trends of self-reported prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CV RFs: hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes) and their management for period 1992 to 2007 in the Swiss population. Methods: four National health interview surveys conducted between 1992 and 2007 in representative samples of the Swiss population (63,782 subjects overall). Self-reported CV RFs prevalence, treatment and controllevels were computed after weighting. Weights were calculated by raking ratio such that the marginal distribution of the weighted totals conforms to the marginal distribution of the targeted population. Multivariate analysis adjusted on age, sex, education, nationality and SMI was conducted using logistic regression. Results: prevalence of ail CV RFs increased between 1992 and 2007, see table. Although the self-reported prevalence of treatment among subjects with CV RFs increased, and this was confirmed by multivariate analysis: OR for hypocholesterolaemic treatment relative to 1992: 0.64 [0.52-0.78]; 1.39 [1.18-1.65] and 2.00 [1.69-2.36] for 1997, 2002 and 2007, respectively. Still, in 2007, circa 40% of hypertensive, 60% of dyslipidaemic and 50% of diabetic subjects weren't treated. Conversely, an adequate control of CV RFs was reported by treated subjects, with an increase during the study period. This increase was confirmed by multivariate analysis (not shown). Conclusion: the self-reported prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes increased between 1992 and 2007 in the Swiss population. Despite a good control of treated subjects, still a significant percentage of subjects with CV RFs are not treated.
Recent advances in signal analysis have engendered EEG with the status of a true brain mapping and brain imaging method capable of providing spatio-temporal information regarding brain (dys)function. Because of the increasing interest in the temporal dynamics of brain networks, and because of the straightforward compatibility of the EEG with other brain imaging techniques, EEG is increasingly used in the neuroimaging community. However, the full capability of EEG is highly underestimated. Many combined EEG-fMRI studies use the EEG only as a spike-counter or an oscilloscope. Many cognitive and clinical EEG studies use the EEG still in its traditional way and analyze grapho-elements at certain electrodes and latencies. We here show that this way of using the EEG is not only dangerous because it leads to misinterpretations, but it is also largely ignoring the spatial aspects of the signals. In fact, EEG primarily measures the electric potential field at the scalp surface in the same way as MEG measures the magnetic field. By properly sampling and correctly analyzing this electric field, EEG can provide reliable information about the neuronal activity in the brain and the temporal dynamics of this activity in the millisecond range. This review explains some of these analysis methods and illustrates their potential in clinical and experimental applications.
This annual analysis of data provides an overview of HIV and STI epidemiology in Northern Ireland for the calendar year 2009. Information from a variety of sources is collated and analysed in detail, while any evident trends over time are highlightedwithgraphs and tables. As well as a general summary of STI diagnoses and a number of overall conclusions, the report looks specifically at each of the following STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and HIV.
BACKGROUND: Serosorting is practiced by men who have sex with men (MSM) to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. This study evaluates the prevalence of serosorting with casual partners, and analyses the characteristics and estimated numbers of serosorters in Switzerland 2007-2009. METHODS: Data were extracted from cross-sectional surveys conducted in 2007 and 2009 among self-selected MSM recruited online, through gay newspapers, and through gay organizations. Nested models were fitted to ascertain the appropriateness of pooling the datasets. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed on pooled data to determine the association between serosorting and demographic, lifestyle-related, and health-related factors. Extrapolations were performed by applying proportions of various types of serosorters to Swiss population data collected in 2007. RESULTS: A significant and stable number of MSM (approximately 39% in 2007 and 2009) intentionally engage in serosorting with casual partners in Switzerland. Variables significantly associated with serosorting were: gay organization membership (aOR = 1.67), frequent internet use for sexual encounters (aOR = 1.71), having had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) at any time in the past 12 months (aOR = 1.70), HIV-positive status (aOR = 0.52), regularly frequenting sex-on-premises venues (aOR = 0.42), and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with partners of different or unknown HIV status in the past 12 months (aOR = 0.22). Approximately one-fifth of serosorters declared HIV negativity without being tested in the past 12 months; 15.8% reported not knowing their own HIV status. CONCLUSION: The particular risk profile of serosorters having UAI with casual partners (multiple partners, STI history, and inadequate testing frequency) requires specific preventive interventions tailored to HIV status.