997 resultados para Segmental bone defect


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to quantitatively evaluate and qualitatively describe autogenous bone graft healing with or without an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) membrane in ovariectornized rats. Materials and Methods: Eighty Wistar rats, weighing approximately 300 g each, were used. A graft was obtained from the parietal bone and fixed to the sidewall of each animal`s left mandibular ramus. The animals were randomly divided into four experimental groups (n = 20 in each group): group 1, sham operated and autogenous bone graft only- group 2, sham operated and autogenous bone graft covered by e-PTFE membrane; group 3, ovariectornized (OVX) and autogenous bone graft only- group 4, OVX and autogenous bone graft covered by e-PTFE membrane. The animals were sacrificed at five different time points: immediately after grafting or at 7, 21, 45, or 60 days after grafting. Histologic examination and morphometric measurement of the sections were performed, and values were submitted to statistical analyses. Results: Both groups (sham and OVX) experienced loss of the original graft volume when it was not covered by the membrane, whereas use of the membrane resulted in additional bone formation beyond the edges of the graft and under the membrane. Histologic analysis showed integration of the grafts in all animals, although a larger number of marrow spaces was found in OVX groups. Conclusions: Association of bone graft with an e-PTFE membrane resulted in maintenance of its original volume as well as formation of new bone that filled the space under the membrane. Osteopenia did not influence bone graft repair, regardless of whether or not it was associated with e-PTFE membrane, but descriptive histologic analysis showed larger numbers of marrow spaces in the bone graft and receptor bed and formation of new bone in the OVX animals. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:1074-1082


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The objective was to evaluate the influence of dental metallic artefacts on implant sites using multislice and cone-beam computed tomography techniques. Ten dried human mandibles were scanned twice by each technique, with and without dental metallic artefacts. Metallic restorations were placed at the top of the alveolar ridge adjacent to the mental foramen region for the second scanning. Linear measurements (thickness and height) for each cross-section were performed by a single examiner using computer software. All mandibles were analysed at both the right and the left mental foramen regions. For the multislice technique, dental metallic artefact produced an increase of 5% in bone thickness and a reduction of 6% in bone height; no significant differences (p > 0.05) were detected when comparing measurements performed with and without metallic artefacts. With respect to the cone-beam technique, dental metallic artefact produced an increase of 6% in bone thickness and a reduction of 0.68% in bone height. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed when comparing measurements performed with and without metallic artefacts. The presence of dental metallic artefacts did not alter the linear measurements obtained with both techniques, although its presence made the location of the alveolar bone crest more difficult.


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Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of the chemical characteristics and roughness of titanium surfaces on the viability, proliferation and differentiation of osteoblast-like cells cultured in a medium supplemented with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-7 (rhBMP-7). Material and methods: Osteo-1 cells were grown on titanium disks presenting with the following surfaces: (1) machined, (2) coarse grit-blasted and acid-attacked (SLA) and (3) chemically modified SLA (SLAmod) in the absence or presence of 20 ng/ml rhBMP-7 in culture medium. The viability and number of osteo-1 cells were evaluated after 24 h. Analyses of total protein content (TP) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity at 7, 14 and 21 days, collagen content at 7 and 21 days and mineralized matrix formation at 21 days were performed. Results: Cell viability (P=0.5516), cell number (P=0.3485), collagen content (P=0.1165) and mineralized matrix formation (P=0.5319) were not affected by the different surface configurations or by the addition of rhBMP-7 to the medium. Osteo-1 cells cultured on SLA surfaces showed a significant increase in TP at 21 days. The ALPase/TP ratio (P=0.00001) was affected by treatment and time. Conclusion: The results suggest that the addition of rhBMP-7 to the culture medium did not exert any effect on the viability, proliferation or differentiation of osteoblast-like cells grown on the different surfaces tested. All titanium surfaces analyzed allowed the complete expression of the osteoblast phenotype such as matrix mineralization by osteo-1 cells.


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Objectives. The aim of this study was to ultrastructurally examine the influence of simvastatin on bone healing in surgically created defects in rat mandibles. Study design. Bone defects 0.8 mm in diameter were created in the buccal aspect of first mandibular molar roots and filled with 2.5% simvastatin gel, while the controls were allowed to heal spontaneously. The rats were humanely killed 7, 9, 11, or 14 days postoperatively, and the specimens were processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as for colloidal gold immunolabeling of osteopontin. Results. The regenerated alveolar bone in the simvastatin-treated defects presented smaller marrow spaces, and the collagen fibrils were regularly packed exhibiting a lamellar bone aspect. Osteopontin was present through the bone matrix during the wound healing and alveolar bone regeneration. Conclusion. The present study provides evidence that a single topical application of 2.5% simvastatin gel improves the quality of the new bone and decreases bone resorption. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: 170-179)


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Inflammatory cytokines contribute to periapical tissue destruction. Their activity is potentially regulated by suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS), which down-regulate signal transduction as part of an inhibitory feedback loop. We investigated the expression of the cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha); interleukin (IL)-10 and RANKL; and SOCS-1, -2, and -3 by real-time polymerase chain reaction in 57 periapical granulomas and 38 healthy periapical tissues. Periapical granulomas exhibited significantly higher SOCS-1, -2, and -3, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and RANKL messenger RNA levels when compared with healthy controls. Significant positive correlations were found between SOCS1 and IL-10 and between SOCS3 and IL-10. Significant inverse correlations were observed between SOCS1 and TNF-alpha, SOCS1 and RANKL, and SOCS3 and TNF-alpha. Increased SOCS-1, -2, and -3 messenger RNA levels in periapical granulomas may be related to the downregulation of inflammatory cytokines in these lesions; therefore, SOCS molecules may play a role in the dynamics of periapical granulomas development. (J Endod 2008;34:1480-1484)


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This study evaluated the effect of fluoride oil bone fluoride levels and on ectopic bone formation in young and old rats. Eighty male Wistar rats were assigned to four groups (n = 20/g), which differed according to the fluoride concentration in their drinking water (0, 5, 15 and 50 mg/l). When half of the rats were 90 days old, demineralized bone matrix (DBM) was implanted. The other rats received DBM implants when they were 365 day`s old. The animals were killed 28 days after. Fluoride in the femur surface, whole femur and plasma was analyzed with an electrode, The implants were analyzed histomorphometrically. Data were tested for statistically, significant differences by ANOVA, Tukey`s test, t-test and linear regression (p < 0.05). Increases in plasma, femur surface and whole femur fluoride concentrations were observed cis water fluoride levels increased. There was also a trend for increase in plasina and femur fluoride concentrations cis age increased. Significant positive correlations were found between plasma and femur surface, plasina and femur and femur surface and femur fluoride, concentrations. The morphometric analyses indicated all increase in bone formation for younger rats that received 5 mg/l of fluoride in the drinking water. However, this was not statistically, significant. The younger rats that received 50 mg/l of fluoride showed impairment in bone formation. Bone formation was not significantly affected among the older rats. The results suggest that lower doses of fluoride in the drinking water, which slightly increase plasma fluoride levels, may have an anabolic effect oil bone formation in younger rats. Copyright 2008 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of the effect of nicotine on autogenous bone block grafts and to describe events in the initial healing phase and the differences in the repair processes between animals exposed to nicotine and controls. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight female Wistar rats were randomly divided into 2 groups, the nicotine group and the saline group. All animals received either nicotine (3 mg/kg) or saline 4 weeks before the surgical procedure and continued to receive nicotine from surgery to sacrifice at 7, 14, or 28 days. The autogenous bone block graft was harvested from the calvaria and stabilized on the external cortical area near the angle of the mandible. Results: The histologic analyses of the nicotine group depicted a delay in osteogenic activity at the bed-graft interface, as well as impairment of the organization of the granulation tissue that developed instead of blood clot. Nicotine-group specimens exhibited less bone neoformation, and the newly formed bone was poorly cellularized and vascularized. The histometric analysis revealed significantly less bone formation in the nicotine group at both 14 days (23.75% +/- 6.18% versus 51.31% +/- 8.31%) and 28 days (42.44% +/- 8.70% versus 73.00% +/- 4.99%). Conclusion: Nicotine did jeopardize the early healing process of autogenous bone block grafts in rats but did not prevent it.


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This study evaluated the kinetics of fluoride in plasma, femur surface and the whole femur of rats, after chronic exposure to different water fluoride levels was interrupted. Four groups of Wistar rats received drinking water containing 0, 5, 15 or 50 mu g F/ml for 60 days (n = 50/group). The animals were euthanized immediately after exposure to fluoride or after 7, 30, 90 or 180 days (n = 10/subgroup). Plasma and femurs were collected. Fluoride on the femur surface, whole femur and plasma was analyzed with an electrode. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey`s test (p < 0.05). The increase in plasma fluoride levels was significant only for the 50 mu g F/ml group at 0 and 7 days. Regarding bone surface and whole bone, for most groups, significant increases in fluoride concentrations were observed with the increase in water fluoride concentrations at each time of euthanasia. For fluoride doses up to 15 mu g F/ml, femur surface fluoride levels were reestablished 180 days after the exposure was discontinued, which Was not valid for whole femur or for higher fluoride doses. We found a different kinetics of fluoride in plasma,femur surface and the whole femur of rats after chronic exposure to fluoride is interrupted. Copyright 2008 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of periapical radiographs, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) sections, and cone beam volumetric data on the determination of periapical bone destruction in endodontically treated distal root canals of premolar canine teeth. Nontreated mesial roots were used as controls. Study design. Enterococcus faecalis strain (ATCC 29212) was inoculated into 30 root canals of 2 mongrel dogs to induce apical periodontitis. After 60 days, the root canals of the distal roots of the 11 mandibular and 4 maxillary premolars were endodontically treated (n = 15). The mesial root canals were used as controls (no treatment). The bone destruction was evaluated after 6 months by 5 evaluators using periapical radiographs and by CBCT (coronal and sagittal sections). After the experimental period, the area of the lesions in periapical radiographs and CBCT sections were measured in mm(2) using the ImageTool software. A single evaluator measured the volumetric data using the OsiriX software. The comparison between the diagnosis methods in treated root canals and controls was performed using parametric and nonparametric criteria. The Pearson correlation coefficient was computed between radiographic values and CBCT volumetric data in treated root canals and controls. Results. The results showed the presence of chronic apical periodontitis in every inoculated tooth. After 6 months, periapical radiographs, coronal CBCT sections, and volumetric data showed lower bone destruction in endodontically treated teeth in comparison with the control group (P < .05). The 5 evaluators found no differences between the apical periodontitis area of treated teeth and controls when CBCT sagittal sections were used (P > .05). No correlation was found between x-ray and CBCT volumetric values in treated root canals. Conclusions. Although selected CBCT sagittal sections showed similar values of bone destruction in endodontically and nontreated root canals, volumetric CBCT data showed that periapical lesions of endodontically treated root canals had half of the volume of periapical lesions in nontreated root canals. No relationship could be found between the periapical values of bone destruction and volumetric data found in CBCT of treated rood canals. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: 272-279)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term influence of xenogenic grafts on bone crestal height and radiographic density following extraction of teeth. The right and left third lower molars of 22 patients were surgically extracted, and one randomly chosen socket was filled with a xenogenic graft (Gent-Tech). The contralateral molar was left to heal naturally, serving as a paired control. Digital intraoral radiographies were taken at surgery and 2, 6, and 24 months after, to evaluate bone density (BD) and alveolar bone crest to cementoenamel junction distance. The data obtained were subjected to two-way analysis of variance and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). The significant decrease in cementoenamel junction distance observed for both groups was limited to the first 6 months. BD values increased significantly in the first 6 months, with no alterations observed up to 24 months for both groups. BD was higher for the experimental group at all time points (p < 0.05). Socket grafting with the xenogenic materials tested did not changed bone crestal height and bone radiographic density in the long term.


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Background: This prospective and controlled histologic study evaluates the impact of smoking on bone-to-implant contact, the bone density in the threaded area, and the bone density outside the threaded area around microimplants with anodized surface retrieved from human jaws. Methods: A total of 24 subjects (mean age 51.32 +/- 7.5 years) were divided in two groups: smokers (n = 13 subjects) and non-smokers (n = 11 subjects). Each subject received one microimplant with oxidized surface during conventional mandible or maxilla implant surgery. After 8 weeks, the microimplants and the surrounding tissue were removed and prepared for histomorphometric analysis. Results: Three microimplants placed in smokers showed no osseointegration. The newly formed bone showed early stages of maturation, mainly in the non-smokers. Marginal bone loss, gap, and fibrous tissue were present around implants retrieved from smokers. Histometric evaluation indicated that the mean bone-to-implant contact ranged between 25.97% +/- 9.02% and 40.01% +/- 12.98% for smokers and non-smokers, respectively (P <0.001). Smokers presented 28.17% +/- 10.32% of bone density in the threaded area, whereas non-smokers showed 46.34% +/- 19.12%. The mean of bone density outside the threaded area ranged between 18.76% and 25.11% for smokers and non-smokers, respectively (P>0.05). Conclusion: The present data obtained in human subjects confirm that smoking has a detrimental effect on early bone tissue response around oxidized implant surfaces. J Periodontol 2010;81:575-583.


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Fibrous dysplasia is a benign fibro-osseous disease that affects one or more bones. Although its etiology has been defined, the mechanism of spontaneous resolution is still unclear. There is strong evidence indicating the occurrence of stabilization when bone maturation is completed. Deformities that lead to esthetic and functional disorders are observed in almost all cases. Plastic surgery is often recommended when the maxilla and mandible are involved. In the case of mild deformities, careful follow-up during skeletal growth is recommended. We describe here the 23-year follow-up of a patient with monostotic fibrous dysplasia whose disease had stabilized by 13 years of follow-up. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: 229-234)


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Objective. To investigate the expression of bone resorption regulators (receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B [RANK], RANK ligand [RANKL], and osteoprotegerin [OPG]) in calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT), adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT), calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT), odontogenic myxoma (OM), and ameloblastic fibroma (AF). Study design. The expression of these mediators was evaluated by means of immunohistochemistry. Results. All specimens demonstrated positive immunoreactivity to RANK, RANKL, and OPG. The quantification of these mediators in epithelium revealed a similar pattern of expression for RANKL and OPG in CCOT, AOT, CEOT, and AF. With regard to stromal/mesenchymal cells, the majority of AOT and CCOT cases showed a higher content of OPG than RANKL, whereas CEOT, OM, and especially AF had a tendency to present a greater content of RANKL than OPG. Conclusion. Our data indicate that the CCOT, AOT, CEOT, OM, and AF cell constituents express key regulators of bone metabolism that might locally modulate tumor-associated bone resorption. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:548-55)


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Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is a benign lesion with unpredictable biological behaviour ranging from a slow-growing asymptomatic swelling to an aggressive lesion associated with pain, bone and root resorption and also tooth displacement. The aetiology of the disease is unclear with controversies in the literature on whether it is mainly of reactional, inflammatory, infectious, neoplasic or genetic origin. To test the hypothesis that mutations in the SH3BP2 gene, as the principal cause of cherubism, are also responsible for, or at least associated with, giant cell lesions, 30 patients with CGCG were recruited for this study and subjected to analysis of germ line and/or somatic alterations. In the blood samples of nine patients, one codon alteration in exon 4 was found, but this alteration did not lead to changes at the amino acid level. In conclusion, if a primary genetic defect is the cause for CGCG it is either located in SH3BP2 gene exons not yet related to cherubism or in a different gene.


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MMPs are endopeptidases that play a pivotal role in ECM turnover. RECK is a single membrane-anchored MMP-regulator. Here, we evaluated the temporal and spatial expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, and RECK during alveolar bone regeneration. The maxillary central incisor of Wistar rats was extracted and the animals were killed at 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, and 42 days post-operatively (n = 3/period). The hemimaxillae were collected, demineralized and embedded in paraffin. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed by the immunoperoxidase technique with polyclonal antibodies. On day 1, polymorphonuclear cells in the blood clot presented mild immunolabeling for MMPs. During bone remodeling, osteoblasts facing new bone showed positive staining for gelatinases and RECK in all experimental periods. MMPs were also found in the connective tissue and endothelial cells. Our results show for the first time that inactive and/or active forms of MMP-2, MMP-9 and RECK are differentially expressed by osteogenic and connective cells during several events of alveolar bone regeneration. This may be important for the replacement of the blood clot by connective tissue, and in the formation, maturation and remodeling of new bone.