548 resultados para Sanidade avícola


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As bebidas lácteas fermentadas são produtos formulados contendo iogurte, soro de leite, polpa de frutas, além de outras matérias-primas e aditivos permitidos. O produto final deve apresentar os micro-organismos de forma viável e abundante. Sua popularidade vem aumentando significativamente, principalmente devido aos seus benefícios nutricionais, ao menor custo do produto para o fabricante, à redução do preço final para o consumidor e por apresentar baixa viscosidade, sendo consumida como bebida suave e refrescante. Apesar do processo de fabricação ser considerado simples, utilizando-se principalmente os equipamentos disponíveis nas indústrias lácteas, estes produtos podem estar sujeitos à contaminação microbiana, quando não atendidas as condições elementares de higiene e sanidade. Tal contaminação pode ser representada por leveduras, coliformes totais, termotolerantes e bolores. Considerando os aspectos mencionados, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de bebidas lácteas fermentadas, com adição de polpas de frutas, comercializadas na região de São José do Rio Preto û SP, por meio das seguintes análises microbiológicas: contagem de bolores e leveduras, determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes totais, temotolerantes e pesquisa de Escherichia coli e de Salmonella spp. Foi ainda efetuada a determinação do pH eletrométrico. Após a obtenção dos resultados verificou-se que 20% das amostras analisadas não atenderam ao padrão microbiológico estabelecido na legislação vigente, para coliforme termotolerentes, evidenciando positividade na pesquisa de Escherichia coli, sendo por este motivo, considerados como produtos em condições sanitárias insatisfatórias, portanto, produtos impróprios para o consumo humano.(AU)


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Com o crescimento significativo da pecuária brasileira houve a evolução de medidas sanitárias de controle, prevenção e erradicação de enfermidades animais que assolam o país. De uma maneira peculiar, ao se falar sobre as doenças animais que são de grande relevância para a economia e sociedade brasileira, é indispensável citar a febre aftosa. Essa enfermidade, também conhecida como foot and mouth disease, economicamente, é a mais importante presente na pecuária: infecciosa, com caráter agudo e febril, altamente contagiosa, que afeta animais de cascos fendidos e causa lesões vesiculares, úlceras e erosões. Características como ampla gama de hospedeiros no qual pode se instalar, elevada quantidade de partículas virais em excreções respiratórias, rápida taxa de replicação e variados modos de transmissão, fazem da febre aftosa uma doença de escolha para a erradicação. Desde a regulamentação do serviço de defesa sanitária animal no país, em 1934, já se percebia a importância de controlar a mesma. Em 1951, o Programa Nacional de Controle de Febre Aftosa (PNCFA) foi o primeiro programa nacional de saúde animal a ser implantado no Brasil. Com os avanços no setor de defesa sanitária, houve, em 1992, a implantação do Programa Nacional de Erradicação e Prevenção da Febre Aftosa (PNEFA). Em um processo de transformação gradual, nota-se que todo esse controle e pesquisa epidemiológica dessa infecção em nosso país proporcionaram avanços iminentes para seu combate e, consequentemente, para a sanidade dos animais e qualidade dos produtos e derivados de origem animal: como se pode verificar através da evolução das regiões reconhecidas livres dessa doença e da ausência de casos nos últimos oito anos


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The expression of immune response as a leukocytic infiltrate by CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the epithelium and in the intestinal lamina propria of chicks fed Lactobacillus spp or cecal microflora (CM) and experimentally challenged or not with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) was studied using immunohistochemistry. Three hundred and twenty day-of-hatch broiler chicks were divided into four groups of 80 birds each and orally received L. reuteri, L. salivarius, L. acidophilus, or CM. Each group was subdivided into four subgroups of 20 birds each, classified as follows: a subgroup did not receive any oral treatment (negative control), subgroup treated with L. spp or CM, subgroup treated with L. spp or CM and challenged with SE, and subgroup only challenged with SE (positive control). The results show that the oral treatment with L. reuteri, L. salivarius, L. acidophilus, or CM and challenge or not with SE stimulated bird immune response as determined by the leukocytic infiltrate by CD8+ lymphocytes followed by CD4+ in the epithelium and in the lamina propria of the duodenum, jejunum, and cecum of chicks up to 12 days of age. CD8+ lymphocyte number was significantly higher in the intestine of chicks receiving CM and challenged with SE. The duodenum, followed by the jejunum, were the segments in which the immune response, as shown by T, CD4+ and CD8+ cells, was stimulated with the greatest intensity.


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Our goal was to trace the inclusion of poultry offal meal (OM) in diets by using carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotopic ratios of different tissues in order to contribute for the development of an independent technology for the certification of the feeding of broilers reared on diets with no addition of animal ingredients. Eighty one-day-old chicks were randomly distributed into five experimental treatments, that is, diets containing increasing levels of OM inclusion (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16% OM), with four replicates of four birds each. At 42 days of age, four birds per treatment (n=4) were randomly selected, weighed, and sacrificed to collect breast muscle (Pectoralis major), keel and tibia samples to determine their isotopic ratios (13C/12C e 15N/14N). It was observed that 13C and 15N enrichment increased as a function of increasing OM inclusion in all diets. The analyses of the Pectoralis major showed that that only treatments with 8 and 16% OM dietary inclusion were different form those in the control group (0% OM). on the other hand, when the keel and tibia were analyzed, in addition to 8 and 16% OM), the treatment with 4% OM inclusion was also different from the control group. The use of isotopic ratios of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes is an alternative to trace OM inclusion in broiler diets as it is capable of tracing OM levels below those usually practiced by the poultry industry in Brazil.


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Studies on the detection of animal by-products in poultry meat are rare, and non-existent on quail meat. This study aimed at detectiong increasing levels of poultry offal meal (POM) in quail meat, using carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) stable isotopes technique. Sixty four on-day-old male quails derived from a commercial farm were randomly distributed into seven different groups, which were fed experimental diets containing 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 15% of POM. Diets were formulated to contain equal energy, protein, and amino acid levels. Four individuals per treatment were sacrificed at 42 days of age for breast muscle (Pectoralis major), keel, and tibia collection, which were subsequently submitted to analyses. Isotopic δ13C and δ15N enrichment was observed in all analyzed tissues, with the lowest detection level of 3% dietary inclusion of poultry offal meal.


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This study was conducted to determine the effect of the air temperature variation on the mean surface temperature (MST) of 7-to 35-day-old broiler chickens using infrared thermometry to estimate MST, and to study surface temperature variation of the wings, head, legs, back and comb as affected by air temperature and broiler age. One hundred Cobb(R) broilers were used in the experiment. Starting on day 7, 10 birds were weekly selected at random, housed in an environmental chamber and reared under three distinct temperatures (18, 25 and 32 degrees C) to record their thermal profile using an infrared thermal camera. The recorded images were processed to estimate MST by selecting the whole area of the bird within the picture and comparing it with the values obtained using selected equations in literature, and to record the surface temperatures of the body parts. The MST estimated by infrared images were not statistically different (p > 0.05) from the values obtained by the equations. MST values significantly increased (p < 0.05) when the air temperature increased, but were not affected by bird age. However, age influenced the difference between MST and air temperature, which was highest on day 14. The technique of infrared thermal image analysis was useful to estimate the mean surface temperature of broiler chickens.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O extraordinário desenvolvimento da produção avícola, particularmente no setor de frango de corte, tornou o Brasil um importante produtor e exportador de carne de frango. Esse fato aliado a proibição da utilização de cama de frango como ração para ruminantes pela Instrução Normativa nº15 de 17 de julho de 2001, fez com que este resíduo se tornasse um problema ecológico e de saúde pública de alta relevância, tanto pelo volume de resíduos gerado, quanto pela composição do mesmo, que pode conter diversos fármacos utilizados neste tipo de manejo, além de uréia, que após a oxidação natural no ambiente, resulta em nitrato que tem alto poder de contaminação de mananciais hídricos, principalmente subterrâneos. Dentre as substâncias que podem estar presentes na cama de frango, estão os antimicrobianos, utilizados como promotores de crescimento das aves. No Brasil, são pouquíssimos os trabalhos dedicados a investigar a ocorrência e o impacto ambiental de antimicrobianos. Desta maneira, este trabalho teve como objetivo otimizar e validar método para análise de três fluoroquinolonas (ciprofloxacina, norfloxacina e enrofloxacina) em cama de frango. O método estudado baseou-se em trabalhos da literatura em que moléculas similares foram analisadas em diversas matrizes, compreendendo a extração em ultrassom com acetonitrila acidificada com ácido acético (3% v/v) e análise por CLAE-FLU, modo isocrático com a fase móvel composta por 0,02 M H3PO4:ACN (83:17, v/v). Foram avaliados os parâmetros cromatográficos quanto à resolução, eficiência, linearidade e limites de detecção e quantif-1 para os três analitos. O tempo de análise do método cromatográfico otimizado é de 7,5 minutos. Avaliou-se também o efeito de matriz que foi significativo para norfloxacina e ciprofloxacina, correspondendo a 16 e 20%, respectivamente. Para a enrofloxacina a amostra...


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We interviewed 21 farmers in order to access which sanitary practices adopted in the production systems of beef cattle on farms located in São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rondonia. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach to the collection of data obtained through questionnaire and personal interview with the landowners. We questioned the attitudes and sanitation procedures in these current production systems such as veterinary assistance, preventive health practices and disease surveillance, knowledge of health hazards for the safe production of food, animal feed, vaccine and immunizations, registration system, measures with newborns, products used in the environment and animals, grace period, employee training, destination of the dead animals, among others. Along with the data found that only 30% of properties had veterinary care, 67% said they meet the expiration dates of the products, although it was not mentioned on the products if there were any. In only 48% of properties were veterinarians who prescribed drugs to animals. Only two of the owners confirmed buying and using expired products in animals and only 48% have received some training on the property. In this setting, it is evident that farmers should be better prepared for insertion of its products in a highly demanding and competitive market. In this context, add value to the product depends mainly on the condition of sanitation of the herds.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The sheep industry has become increasingly prominent in agribusiness, transforming the stage production of Brazil, and thus contributes more to the socio-economic development of the country. The work aimed to verify the occurrence of brucellosis and leptospirosis in sheep from northwestern São Paulo state. In addition to determining the prevalence of major Leptospira in the region and to trace the diagnosis of sheep breeding in this part of the country. All the 1222 sheep serum samples from 49 properties did not react serologically to evidentiary testing for brucellosis, compared to antigens of B. abortus and B. ovis used in the testing of 2-ME and IDGA, respectively. The Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) test revealed that 19.14% (232/1212) of samples were positive for one or more serovars, with titles ranging from 100 to 800. The most frequent serovar was hebdomadis in the region, with Sentot and Sherman (18.10%, 11.64% and 8.62%, respectively). By profiling the system of sheep farming in the region, we found that most herds are composed of more than one race being the main purpose is for the court. According to the scheme adopted immunoprophylactics there is a homogeneous set schedule. It adopts the use of anti-helminth, non-prescription veterinary antibiotic. There is also the presence of diarrhea and abortions and the lack of criteria for los ovinos on management, making it the need for emergency development of programs for disease control, schema immunoprophylactics adequate sanitation and hygienic measures in sheep breeding.