912 resultados para Rotter I-E test


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In questa tesi viene seguito il lavoro di test delle schede ROD del layer 2 del Pixel Detector dell’ esperimento ATLAS, che mira a verificare la loro corretta funzionalità, prima che vengano spedite nei laboratori del CERN. Queste nuove schede gestiscono i segnali in arrivo dal Pixel Detector di ATLAS, per poi inviarli ai computer per la successiva elaborazione. Le schede ROD andranno a sostituire le precedenti schede SiROD nella catena di acquisizione dati dell’esperimento, procedendo dal nuovo strato IBL, e proseguendo con i tre layer del Pixel Detector, corroborando l’aggiornamento tecnologico e prestazionale necessario in vista dell’incremento di luminosità dell’esperimento.


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Il recente sviluppo commerciale di smartphone, tablet e simili dispositivi, ha portato alla ricerca di soluzioni hardware e software dotate di un alto livello di integrazione, in grado di supportare una potenza di calcolo e una versatilità di utilizzo sempre più crescenti, pur mantenendo bassi i consumi e le dimensioni dei dispositivi. Questo sviluppo ha consentito parallelamente a simili tecnologie di trovare applicazione in tanti altri settori, tra i quali quello biomedicale. Il lavoro esposto in questa tesi si inserisce nel contesto appena descritto e, in particolare, consiste nello sviluppo di un sistema WBAN ideato per garantire maggiore flessibilità, controllo e personalizzazione nella terapia riabilitativa dei pazienti affetti da Morbo di Parkinson. In questo campo è stata dimostrata l'efficacia, in termini di miglioramento delle condizioni di vita dell'individuo, dell'esercizio fisico e in particolare di una serie di fisioterapie riabilitative specifiche. Tuttavia manca ancora uno strumento in grado di garantire più indipendenza, continuità e controllo,per le persone affette da MP, durante l'esecuzione di questi esercizi; senza che sia strettamente necessario l'intervento di personale specializzato per ogni seduta fisioterapeutica. Inoltre manca un sistema che possa essere comodamente trasportato dal paziente nelle attività di tutti i giorni e che consenta di registrare e trasmettere eventi particolari legati alla patologia, come blocchi motori e cadute accidentali. Il presente lavoro di tesi tratta della realizzazione di un Firmware per la gestione di un Nodo Centrale che funge da master in una rete WBAN a tre nodi. L'obbiettivo è quello di integrare in tale firmware le funzioni di acquisizione dati dai sensori on-board, comunicazione tra i nodi della rete e gestione delle periferiche hardware secondarie; in particolare per lo sviluppo è stato usato un Sistema Operativo Real-Time (RTOS) del quale sono esposti vantaggi e svantaggi dell’utilizzo.


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Lo scoppio della crisi finanziaria globale del 2007 ha rappresentato un evento epocale che ha interessato una varietà di ambiti: l’economia, la finanza, il diritto, la sociologia e anche la comunicazione. Molti linguisti e ricercatori del settore terminologico si sono concentrati sulle conseguenze di questo capovolgimento nella comunicazione che ha accolto in misura crescente anglicismi finanziari provenienti dagli Stati Uniti. I documenti istituzionali, ma soprattutto la stampa generalista e finanziaria sono dovuti ricorrere per esigenze denotative agli anglicismi al fine di illustrare le cause di questo evento e proporre delle soluzioni adeguate per attenuarne gli effetti. Dopo la crisi, infatti, le autorità di vigilanza finanziaria europee hanno iniziato a mettere in campo una serie di riforme della regolamentazione finanziaria volte a prevenire la comparsa di nuove crisi sistemiche: lo stress testing costituisce uno degli strumenti che la vigilanza europea ha adottato allo scopo di valutare lo stato di salute dei bilanci degli istituti di credito e per vagliarne la solidità e la resistenza a crisi simili a quella esplosa nel 2007. Il nostro elaborato si propone di osservare in ottica diacronica il trattamento degli anglicismi finanziari del dominio dello stress testing nella comunicazione istituzionale della Banque de France e della Banca d’Italia e nella stampa economico-finanziaria francese e italiana. Per la realizzazione di tale indagine abbiamo adottato un approccio diacronico teso all’osservazione del trattamento dell’anglicismo stress test in un arco temporale che dai primi anni Duemila arriva fino ad oggi. Ai fini dell’indagine abbiamo costruito due corpora comparabili di testi istituzionali tratti dal sito Web della Banque de France e da quello della Banca d’Italia, delimitando la ricerca al dominio dello stress testing. Abbiamo successivamente compilato due corpora comparabili con testi tratti da La Tribune e Milano Finanza per osservare il trattamento degli anglicismi finanziari in un genere testuale differente, benché specializzato. Abbiamo assunto il 2007, anno di inizio della crisi, come spartiacque, suddividendo i corpora in vari subcorpora e selezionando i testi da includervi in base alla data di pubblicazione. L’obiettivo che ci siamo prefissati è quello di osservare se nel dominio dello stress testing abbia avuto luogo un’evoluzione concettuale e se questa sia riscontrabile anche dal trattamento degli anglicismi finanziari, con un focus particolare sull’anglicismo stress test.


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Un ambito di largo interesse nel campo dell’elettronica, è quello delle misure di corrente a larga banda, in cui la richiesta per sistemi a basso costo è aumentata sensibilmente nel corso del tempo. La causa di questo interessamento è dovuto al più frequente utilizzo di sistemi switched power ad alta frequenza, che necessitano di sensori di correnti isolati e ad alte prestazioni. L’intero lavoro prende in considerazione un sensore di nuova generazione per le misure di corrente, capace di raggiungere prestazioni oltre lo stato dell’arte. L’elaborato presentato vede, quindi, come obiettivo la creazione di un setup stabile per effettuare misure sui chip prodotti. Partendo dallo studio di fattibilità, della componentistica necessaria e dei compromessi per mantenere i costi, si giunge ad una soluzione flessibile e adatta alle misurazioni richieste. L’elaborato partirà con una introduzione sugli effetti fisici e la descrizione del componente fondamentale, passando a test funzionali effettuati su setup provvisori atti a ottenere informazioni basilari per la prosecuzione del lavoro. Infine verranno concepite e realizzate due schede a circuiti stampati per rispondere alle esigenze di progetto.


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In questa tesi abbiamo provato a definire fino a che punto le misure di sensori siano affidabili, creando un simulatore che sia in grado di analizzare, qualitativamente e quantitativamente, le prestazioni di sensori inerziali facenti parte di sistemi di navigazione inerziale. Non ci siamo soffermati troppo sulle dinamiche dovute agli errori deterministici, che sono eliminabili facilmente mediante prove sperimentali e test, ma abbiamo puntato ad uno studio approfondito riguardante gli errori dovuti a processi stocastici casuali. Il simulatore, programmato sulla piattaforma MATLAB/Simulink, prende i dati grezzi contenuti all’interno dei datasheets dei sensori e li simula, riportando risultati numerici e grafici degli errori risultanti dall’utilizzo di quei specifici sensori; in particolare, esso mette in luce l’andamento degli errori di posizione, velocità ed assetto ad ogni istante di tempo della simulazione. L’analisi effettuata all’interno dell’elaborato ha successivamente condotto all’identificazione dei giroscopi laser come i sensori che soffrono meno di questi disturbi non-sistematici, portandoli ad un livello sopraelevato rispetto ai MEMS ed ai FOG.


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Background Small airway disease frequently occurs in chronic lung diseases and may cause ventilation inhomogeneity (VI), which can be assessed by washout tests of inert tracer gas. Using two tracer gases with unequal molar mass (MM) and diffusivity increases specificity for VI in different lung zones. Currently washout tests are underutilised due to the time and effort required for measurements. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a simple technique for a new tidal single breath washout test (SBW) of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and helium (He) using an ultrasonic flowmeter (USFM). Methods The tracer gas mixture contained 5% SF6 and 26.3% He, had similar total MM as air, and was applied for a single tidal breath in 13 healthy adults. The USFM measured MM, which was then plotted against expired volume. USFM and mass spectrometer signals were compared in six subjects performing three SBW. Repeatability and reproducibility of SBW, i.e., area under the MM curve (AUC), were determined in seven subjects performing three SBW 24 hours apart. Results USFM reliably measured MM during all SBW tests (n = 60). MM from USFM reflected SF6 and He washout patterns measured by mass spectrometer. USFM signals were highly associated with mass spectrometer signals, e.g., for MM, linear regression r-squared was 0.98. Intra-subject coefficient of variation of AUC was 6.8%, and coefficient of repeatability was 11.8%. Conclusion The USFM accurately measured relative changes in SF6 and He washout. SBW tests were repeatable and reproducible in healthy adults. We have developed a fast, reliable, and straightforward USFM based SBW method, which provides valid information on SF6 and He washout patterns during tidal breathing.


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A 7-month-old male kitten was presented with chronic constipation and retarded growth. Clinical examination revealed disproportional dwarfism with mild skeletal abnormalities and a palpable thyroid gland. The presumptive diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism was confirmed by low serum total thyroxine (tT(4)) concentration prior to and after the administration of thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH), increased endogenous TSH concentration and abnormal thyroid scintigraphic scan. The kitten had abnormal liver function tests and decreased insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) concentration, both of which returned to normal in correspondence with an improvement of the clinical signs after 6 weeks of thyroxine therapy. Congenital hypothyroidism is a rare disease that may present with considerable variation in clinical manifestation. In cases in which clinical signs are ambiguous, disorders such as portosystemic shunt and hyposomatotropism have to be taken into account as differential diagnosis. As hypothyroidism may be associated with abnormal liver function tests and low IGF-1 concentrations, test results have to be interpreted carefully.


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This study investigates whether a 6-wk intermittent hypoxia training (IHT), designed to avoid reductions in training loads and intensities, improves the endurance performance capacity of competitive distance runners. Eighteen athletes were randomly assigned to train in normoxia [Nor group; n = 9; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) = 61.5 +/- 1.1 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)] or intermittently in hypoxia (Hyp group; n = 9; VO2 max = 64.2 +/- 1.2 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)). Into their usual normoxic training schedule, athletes included two weekly high-intensity (second ventilatory threshold) and moderate-duration (24-40 min) training sessions, performed either in normoxia [inspired O2 fraction (FiO2) = 20.9%] or in normobaric hypoxia (FiO2) = 14.5%). Before and after training, all athletes realized 1) a normoxic and hypoxic incremental test to determine VO2 max and ventilatory thresholds (first and second ventilatory threshold), and 2) an all-out test at the pretraining minimal velocity eliciting VO2 max to determine their time to exhaustion (T(lim)) and the parameters of O2 uptake (VO2) kinetics. Only the Hyp group significantly improved VO2 max (+5% at both FiO2, P < 0.05), without changes in blood O2-carrying capacity. Moreover, T(lim) lengthened in the Hyp group only (+35%, P < 0.001), without significant modifications of VO2 kinetics. Despite similar training load, the Nor group displayed no such improvements, with unchanged VO2 max (+1%, nonsignificant), T(lim) (+10%, nonsignificant), and VO2 kinetics. In addition, T(lim) improvements in the Hyp group were not correlated with concomitant modifications of other parameters, including VO2 max or VO2 kinetics. The present IHT model, involving specific high-intensity and moderate-duration hypoxic sessions, may potentialize the metabolic stimuli of training in already trained athletes and elicit peripheral muscle adaptations, resulting in increased endurance performance capacity.


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OBJECTIVE: (I) To compare the oral microflora at implant and tooth sites in subjects participating in a periodontal recall program, (II) to test whether the microflora at implant and tooth sites differ as an effect of gingival bleeding (bleeding on probing (BOP)), or pocket probing depth (PPD), and (III) to test whether smoking and gender had an impact on the microflora. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected from 127 implants and all teeth in 56 subjects. Microbiological data were identified by the DNA-DNA checkerboard hybridization. RESULTS: PPD> or =4 mm were found in 16.9% of tooth, and at 26.6% of implant sites (P<0.01). Tooth sites with PPD> or =4 mm had a 3.1-fold higher bacterial load than implant sites (mean difference: 66%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 40.7-91.3, P<0.001). No differences were found for the red, orange, green, and yellow complexes. A higher total bacterial load was found at implant sites with PPD> or =4 mm (mean difference 35.7 x 10(5), 95% CI: 5.2 (10(5)) to 66.1 (10(5)), P<0.02 with equal variance not assumed). At implant sites, BOP had no impact on bacterial load but influenced the load at tooth sites (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: BOP, and smoking had no impact on bacteria at implant sites but influenced the bacterial load at tooth sites. Tooth sites harbored more bacteria than implant sites with comparable PPD. The 4 mm PPD cutoff level influenced the distribution and amounts of bacterial loads. The subject factor is explanatory to bacterial load at both tooth and implant sites.


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Traditionally, the use of Bayes factors has required the specification of proper prior distributions on model parameters implicit to both null and alternative hypotheses. In this paper, I describe an approach to defining Bayes factors based on modeling test statistics. Because the distributions of test statistics do not depend on unknown model parameters, this approach eliminates the subjectivity normally associated with the definition of Bayes factors. For standard test statistics, including the _2, F, t and z statistics, the values of Bayes factors that result from this approach can be simply expressed in closed form.


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Although the diagnosis of Gitelman syndrome (GS) and Bartter syndrome (BS) is now feasible by genetic analysis, implementation of genetic testing for these disorders is still hampered by several difficulties, including large gene dimensions, lack of hot-spot mutations, heavy workup time, and costs. This study evaluated in a cohort of patients with genetically proven GS or BS diagnostic sensibility and specificity of a diuretic test with oral hydrochlorothiazide (HCT test). Forty-one patients with GS (22 adults, aged 25 to 57; 19 children-adolescents, aged 7 to 17) and seven patients with BS (five type I, two type III) were studied; three patients with "pseudo-BS" from surreptitious diuretic intake (two patients) or vomiting (one patient) were also included. HCT test consisted of the administration of 50 mg of HCT orally (1 mg/kg in children-adolescents) and measurement of the maximal diuretic-induced increase over basal in the subsequent 3 h of chloride fractional clearance. All but three patients with GS but no patients with BS and pseudo-BS showed blunted (<2.3%) response to HCT; patients with BS and the two patients with pseudo-BS from diuretic intake had increased response to HCT. No overlap existed between patients with GS and both patients with BS and pseudo-BS. The response to HCT test is blunted in patients with GS but not in patients with BS or nongenetic hypokalemia. In patients with the highly selected phenotype of normotensive hypokalemic alkalosis, abnormal HCT test allows prediction with a very high sensitivity and specificity of the Gitelman genotype and may avoid genotyping.


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The GH-IGF axis has profound effects on the local and systemic regulation of bone metabolism and may be important for quality of fracture healing. To test the hypothesis that deficiency of the GH/IGF axis may play a role in the pathogenesis of fracture non-union we investigated whether alterations of serum concentrations of the GH-IGF axis could be related to failed fracture healing compared to timely fracture healing in trauma patients. Serum probes were prospectively collected from 186 patients with surgical treatment of long bone fractures up to 6 months after surgery. Samples from 14 patients with atrophic type of non-union have been compared to 14 matched patients with normal bone healing. Postoperative time courses of serum concentrations have been analyzed using commercially available chemiluminescence sandwich assays (GH), fully automated assay systems (IGF-I, IGFBP-3) or sandwich immunometric assays (ALS). Comparison between both collectives revealed significantly lower serum concentrations of GH dependent ALS during early (1st week after surgery) and of both IGFBP-3 and ALS during late stages of fracture healing (6 and 8 weeks after surgery) in non-union patients, coinciding clinically with failed fracture healing. Tendentially lower serum levels of IGF-I in the non-union group over the entire investigation period were statistically not significant. We have been able to show time courses of serum concentrations of the GH/IGF-I axis during normal and failed fracture healing in humans. An impairment of the GH/IGF-I axis might be involved in the biochemical mechanisms determining delayed or failed fracture healing.


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Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) plantations have been established in Michigan with expectations of mixed final product goals: pulpwood, boltwood and possibly sawlogs. The effects of alternative treatments on tree and stand attributes were examined in: the Atlantic Mine trial, thinned in spring 2006 with three alternatives: (1) every fifth row removal plus crown thinning, (2) every third row removal plus crown thinning and (3) every third row removal plus thinning from below; the Crane Lake trial, thinned in fall 2004 with two alternatives: (1) every third row removal and (2) every third row removal plus thinning from above; the Middle Branch East trial, thinned in fall 2004 with two alternatives: (1) every third row removal plus one in three remaining trees and (2) every third row removal plus one in five remaining trees. All trials included control plots where no thinning was applied. The trials were established in the field as a randomized complete block experiments, in which individual trees were measured in 3-4 fixed-area plots located within each treatment unit. Growth responses of diameter at breast height, height, live crown length, stand basal area and stand volume were examined along with their increments. The Tukey multiple comparison test was used to detect significant differences between treatments in their effect on tree growth response. The results showed that diameter increment increased with increasing thinning intensity and was significantly larger in thinned plots compared to unthinned. Treatments did not substantially affect average tree height increment. Stand basal area increment was significantly larger in the control plot only the year after the harvest. Volume increment was significantly larger in controls, but did not differ considerably among remaining treatments. However, the ratio of volume increment to standing volume was significantly smaller in unthinned plots compared to thinned. Since thinning treatments in all trials hardly ever differed significantly in their effect on stand growth response, mainly due to the relatively short time of the evaluation, heavier thinnings should be favored due to higher volume increment rates and shorter time needed to reach desirable diameters. Nevertheless, economic evaluation based on obtained results will be conducted in the future in order to make final decisions about the most profitable treatment.