990 resultados para Rose-bengal


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The purpose of this study is to clarify the sedimentary history and chemical characteristics of clay minerals found in sediments deposited in the distal part of the Bengal Fan since the Himalayas were uplifted 17 m.y. ago. A total of seventy-eight samples were collected from three drilled cores which were to be used for the clay mineral analyses by means of XRD and ATEM. The results obtained from the analyses show that individual clay mineral species in the sediment samples at each site have similar features when the samples are of the same age, whereas these species have different features in samples of differing geological ages. Detrital clay minerals such as illite and chlorite were deposited in greater amounts than kaolinite and smectite during the Early to Middle Miocene. This means that the Himalayan uplift was vigorous at least until the Middle Miocene. In the Pliocene chemical weathering was more prevalent so that instead, in the distal part of the Bengal Fan, kaolinite shows the highest concentrations. This would accord with weaker uplift in the Himalayas. In the Pleistocene period, vigorous Himalayan uplift is characterized by illite-rich sediment in place of kaolinite. In the Holocene, smectite shows the highest concentration in place of the illite and kaolinite which were the predominant clay minerals of the earlier periods. Increasing smectite concentration suggests the Himalayan uplift to have been stable after the Pleistocene period. The smectite analyzed here is found to be dioctahedral Fe-beidellite, and it originated largely from the augite-basalt on the Indian Deccan Traps. The tri-octahedral chlorite is subdivided into three sub-species, an Fe-type, a Mg-type and an intermediate type. The mica clay mineral can be identified as di-octahedral illite which is rich in potassium. The chemical composition and morphology of each clay mineral appears to exhibit no change with burial depth in the sedimentary columns. This implies that there was no systematic transformation of clay minerals with time.


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Os isotopic compositions and OS and Re concentrations were measured in H2O2-H2SO4 leachates and bulk sediment samples from Holes 717C and 718C of ODP Leg 116 in the Bengal Fan. Os isotopic results indicate that, at the sediment surface, the leachable Os fraction is derived from seawater. In contrast, leachable Os from Ganges River sediments has 187Os/188Os ratios (Pegram et al., 1994, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(94)90172-4) much higher than the marine value. This difference suggests that the leachable radiogenic Os carried by the river sediments is completely released to the oceans prior to sediment deposition in the Fan. A simple calculation, assuming these sediments to be typical of those delivered by the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system, suggests that this process can account for a substantial part of the rise in the seawater Os isotopic ratio observed over the past 16 m.y. Bengal Fan leachate 187Os/188Os ratios increase with increasing depositional age, in contrast to the seawater Os isotopic ratio, which decreases with increasing age. Several lines of evidence suggest that, at the time of sediment burial, the leachate Os compositions most likely reflected the seawater values. Thus, the current divergence is probably the result of post-depositional processes. One such process, in situ radiogenic ingrowth of 187Os, can be excluded because the measured Re concentrations of these sediments are too low. Similarly, since most of the bulk rock Os isotopic ratios were lower than those of the associated leachates, the high leachate 187Os/188Os values cannot be explained by in situ sediment alteration. Instead, it is proposed that the increase with age results from radiogenic OS brought in by thermoconvective circulation from further upslope in the Fan. The ultimate source of this 187Os would then be alteration of radiogenic sediments or post-depositional radioactive decay of Re in sediments rich in organic carbon. Finally, the divergence between the results obtained on Bengal Fan sediments and those obtained in the open ocean (Pegram et al., 1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90132-F) by the same leaching technique suggest that Os sediment leachate data must be interpreted with caution.


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Early Miocene to Quaternary sediments drilled from the Bengal Fan are divided into six zones by modal proportions of heavy minerals. The sediments were mostly derived from the Himalayas. Detritus from the Indian subcontinent is found sporadically in clay-rich sediments that were deposited during periods of slow sedimentation, when the deep-sea channel migrated away from the drilled sites. The oldest sediments, ranging from 17 to about 15 Ma, were derived mostly from the Precambrian and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the lower Himalayas. At about 15 Ma, metamorphic terrains were eroded in the source area. Further large-scale unroofing of metamorphic rocks occurred around 11 Ma. After 10 Ma, the major constituents in the drainage basin or the drainage pattern changed a few times. Between 3.5 and 0.5 Ma, a large peridotite body was unroofed by uplift and successive erosion of the central Himalayas. At this time, the single large river that had supplied detritus to the early Bengal Fan was divided into the Indus and Ganges rivers.


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