932 resultados para Rio Negro [South America]
A chegada dos primeiros habitantes há cerca de 15.000 anos e de colonos portugueses e escravos africanos, desde o século 15, em sucessivas migrações na América do Sul, levaram à formação de populações miscigenadas com raízes consideravelmente diversificadas. É notável a heterogeneidade populacional decorrente dessas migrações e do processo de amalgamento de indígenas a partir dos contatos entre os diferentes grupos étnicos, iniciados com a colonização da América pelos europeus. A despeito da elevada miscigenação, ainda se pode encontrar no Brasil populações que, majoritariamente, mantém a identidade genética dos seus ancestrais mais remotos. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar a ancestralidade da população de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Amazonas, com fortes traços fenotípicos ameríndios, e da tribo indígena Terena de Mato Grosso do Sul. Para isto, foram estudados marcadores uniparentais paternos ligados à região não recombinante do cromossomo Y e maternos presentes na região controle do DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA). Em relação à herança paterna, foram genotipados 31 indivíduos de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, sendo que os Terena já haviam sido estudados sob este aspecto. Quanto ao mtDNA, foram estudados 76 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e 51 Indivíduos do sexo masculino de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro e dos Terena, respectivamente. A análise de marcadores Y-SNPs possibilitou a caracterização de 55% dos cromossomos Y dos indivíduos de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro como pertencentes ao haplogrupo Q1a3a*, característico de ameríndio. Através do mtDNA, foi verificado que o haplogrupo A é o mais frequente nas duas populações, com percentuais de 34% e 42% em Santa Isabel do Rio Negro e na tribo Terena, respectivamente, observando-se no tocante à ancestralidade materna a não ocorrência de diferenciação genética significativa entre as duas populações. Por outro lado, a análise do cromossomo Y revelou a ocorrência de distância genética significativa entre elas, o que pode ser resultante da diferença entre os tamanhos das amostras populacionais ou refletir diferenças entre rotas migratórias dos ameríndios anteriormente à colonização. Os resultados mostram ainda que os genomas mitocondriais autóctones foram melhor preservados, e que novos haplogrupos do cromossomo Y foram introduzidos recentemente na população ameríndia. É, portanto, possível concluir que a população de Santa Isabel do Rio Negro e a tribo indígena Terena apresentam um significativo grau de conservação da ancestralidade ameríndia, apesar do longo histórico de contato com europeus e africanos, os outros povos formadores da população brasileira.
The literature on species diversity of phytoplankton of tropical lakes is scarce, and for the main part comes from studies of the big lakes in Africa, or deep lakes in South America, leaving a gap in the information about small shallow tropical lakes. In the present work the phytoplankton species composition and diversity of 27 shallow lakes and ponds in Costa Rica (Central America) was studied. The species composition was found to agree with other studies of tropical lakes, with a dominance of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, or in some cases Bacillariophyta or Euglenophyta; and a general paucity of Chrysophyta and Cryptophyta. Species richness varied considerably among the lakes, and tended to decrease with an increase in lake elevation. A low evenness in the species abundances was found, with one or more species outnumbering the rest by several orders of magnitude. Individual species abundances and species composition was found to vary with time in Rio Cuarto Lake, a meromictic lake situated in a region with low seasonal change in precipitation. In comparison with the phytoplankton of temperate lakes, the phytoplankton of the tropical lakes studied tended to have a lower evenness of species abundances, although species richness may be similar to temperate figures in some cases. Diversity indices sensitive to changes in the abundance of rare species tend to be higher in the tropical lakes studied; diversity indices sensitive to changes in the numbers of abundant species tend to be similar between the temperate and tropical lakes examined.
1. Prochilodus lineatus (Prochilodontidae, Characiformes) is a migratory species of great economic importance both in fisheries and aquaculture that is found throughout the Jacui, Paraiba do Sul, Parana, Paraguay and Uruguay river basins in South America. Earlier population studies of P. lineatus in the rio Grande basin (Parana basin) indicated the existence of a single population; however, the range of this species has been fragmented by the construction of several dams. Such dams modified the environmental conditions and could have constrained the reproductive migration of P. lineatus, possibly leading to changes in the population genetic structure. 2. In order to evaluate how genetic diversity is allocated in the rio Grande basin, 141 specimens of P. lineatus from eight collection sites were analysed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) with 15 restriction enzymes. 3. Forty-six haplotypes were detected, and 70% of them are restricted. The mean genetic variability indexes (h = 0.7721 and pi = 1.6%) were similar to those found in natural populations with a large effective size. Fst and Exact Test values indicated a lack of structuring among the samples, and the model of isolation by distance was tested and rejected. 4. The haplotype network indicated that this population of P. lineatus has been maintained as a single variable stock with some differences in the genetic composition (haplotypes) between samples. Indications of population expansion were detected, and this finding was supported by neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analyses. 5. The present study focused on regions between dams to serve as a parameter for further evaluations of genetic variability and the putative impact of dams and repopulation programmes in natural populations of P. lineatus. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A new species of Neotropical freshwater stingray, family Potamotrygonidae, is described from the Rio Nanay in the upper Rio Amazonas basin of Peru. Potamotrygon tigrina, n. sp., is easily distinguished from all congeners by its conspicuous dorsal disc coloration, composed of bright yellow to orange vermiculations strongly interwoven with a dark-brown to deep-black background. Additional features that in combination diagnose P. tigrina, n. sp., include the presence of a single angular cartilage, low and not closely grouped dorsal tail spines, and coloration of tail composed of relatively wide and alternating bands of creamy white and dark brown to black. Potamotrygon tigrina is closely related to Potamotrygon schroederi Fernandez-Yepez, 1958, which occurs in the Rio Negro (Brazil) and Rio Orinoco (Venezuela, Colombia). Both species are very similar in proportions and counts, and share features hypothesized to be derived within Potamotrygonidae, related to their specific angular cartilage morphology, distal tail color, dorsal tail-spine pattern, and ventral lateral-line system. To further substantiate the description of P. tigrina, n. sp., we provide a redescription of P. schroederi based on material from the Rio Negro (Brazil) and Rio Orinoco (Venezuela). Specimens from the two basins differ in number of vertebral centra and slightly in size and frequency of rosettes on dorsal disc, distinctions that presently do not warrant their specific separation. Potamotrygon tigrina is frequently commercialized in the international aquarium trade but virtually nothing is known of its biology or conservation status.
The main Precambrian tectonic units of Uruguay include the Piedra Alta tectonostratigraphic terrane (PATT) and Nico Perez tectonostratigraphic terrane (NPTT), separated by the Sarandi del Yi high-strain zone. Both terranes are well exposed in the Rio de La Plata craton (RPC). Although these tectonic units are geographically small, they record a wide span of geologic time. Therefore improved geological knowledge of this area provides a fuller understanding of the evolution of the core of South America. The PATT is constituted by low-to medium-grade metamorphic belts (ca. 2.1 Ga); its petrotectonic associations such as metavolcanic units, conglomerates, banded iron formations, and turbiditic deposits suggest a back-arc or a trench-basin setting. Also in the PATT, a late to post-orogenic, arc-related layered mafic complex (2.3-1.9 Ga), followed by A-type granites (2.08 Ga), and finally a taphrogenic mafic dike swarm (1.78 Ga) occur. The less thoroughly studied NPTT consists of Palaeoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic sequences (ca. 2.2 Ga), mylonites and postorogenic and rapakivi granites (1.75 Ga). The Brasiliano-Pan African orogeny affected this terrane. Neoproterozoic cover occurs in both tectonostratigraphic terranes, but is more developed in the NPTT. Over the past 15 years, new isotopic studies have improved our recognition of different tectonic events and associated processes, such as reactivation of shear zones and fluids circulation. Transamazonian and Statherian tectonic events were recognized in the RPC. Based on magmatism, deformation, basin development and metamorphism, we propose a scheme for the Precambrian tectonic evolution of Uruguay, which is summarized in the first Palaeoproterozoic tectonic map of the Rio de La Plata craton.
Espécimes de Hypholoma (Fr.) P. Kumm. e Stropharia (Fr.) Quél., ambos pertencentes à família Strophariaceae Singer & A.H. Sm., de ocorrência no estado do Rio Grande do Sul foram estudados. O estudo baseou-se em coletas realizadas pelo autor no período entre março de 2004 e setembro de 2005, e também na revisão do material depositado em herbários do estado, Brasil e exterior. As análises macro e microscópica dos basidiomas foram realizadas segundo metodologia usual para estudo de fungos agaricóides, e todo o material coletado encontra-se preservado no Herbário do Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (ICN). Neste estudo, concluiu-se que o gênero Hypholoma está representado no Rio Grande do Sul pelas seguintes espécies: H. aurantiacum (Cooke) Faus, H. ericaeum (Pers.: Fr.) Kühner, e H. subviride (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Dennis. Da mesma forma, o gênero Stropharia encontra-se representado no estado por: S. acanthocystis Cortez & R.M. Silveira, S. aeruginosa (Curtis: Fr.) Quél., S. alcis var. austrobrasiliensis Cortez & R.M. Silveira, S. apiahyna (Speg.) Cortez & R.M. Silveira, S. araucariae Cortez & R.M. Silveira, S. coronilla (Bull.: Fr.) Quél., S. dorsipora Esteve-Rav. & Barrasa, S. earlei Norvell & Redhead, S. rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill e S. semiglobata (Batsch: Fr.) Quél. Dentre estas, Stropharia acanthocystis, S. alcis var. austrobrasiliensis e S. araucariae, são descritos como novos táxons para a ciência; S. apiahyna é proposta como uma nova combinação; S. dorsipora, S. aeruginosa e S. earlei são citadas, respectivamente, pela primeira vez para a América do Sul, Brasil e Rio Grande do Sul. São apresentadas chaves de identificação, descrições e ilustrações macro e microscópicas de todas as espécies estudadas.
The marsh deer is the largest neotropical cervid with morphological and ecological adaptations to wetlands and riparian habitats. Historically, this now endangered species occupied habitats along the major river basins in South America, ranging from southern Amazonia into northern Argentina to the Parana river delta. This particularly close association with wetlands makes marsh deer an excellent species for studying the effects of Pleistocene climatic changes on their demographic and phylogeographic patterns. We examined mitochondrial DNA variation in 127 marsh deer from 4 areas distributed throughout the Rio de]a Plata basin. We found 17 haplotypes in marsh deer from Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina that differed by 1-8 substitutions in a 601 bp fragment of mitochondrial control region sequence, and 486 bp of cytochrome b revealed only 3 variable sites that defined 4 haplotypes. Phylogeny and distribution of control region haplotypes suggest that populations close to the Pantanal area in central Brazil underwent a rapid population expansion and that this occurred approximately 28,000-25,000 years BP. Paleoclimatic data from this period suggests that there was a dramatic increase for precipitation in the medium latitudes in South America and these conditions may have fostered marsh deer's population growth.
O segundo satélite da Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira (SCD2/MECB) foi colocado em órbita em 23 de Outubro de 1998 e carrega a bordo um experimento de células solares. Célula solar de silício é um dispositivo semicondutor, que pode medir a intensidade da radiação visível e parte da radiação infravermelha (400-1100 nm). O experimento permite medir simultaneamente a insolação direta e parte da radiação solar que é refletida pela Terra para o espaço. Os dados do experimento célula solar são transmitidos em tempo real pela telemetria do satélite e recebidos pela estação terrestre em Cuiabá, MT-Brasil (16°S; 56°W). Este fato limita a cobertura espacial para um círculo sobre a América do Sul. O albedo planetário é obtido dentro desta cobertura e seus valores podem ser agrupados em períodos temporais (anual, sazonal ou mensal), ou podem ser estudados para várias localizações (latitude e longitude) durante a vida do satélite. O coeficiente de transmissão atmosférica ou índice de claridade (Kt), medido em estações meteorológicas na superfície da Terra, junto com o valor medido simultaneamente do albedo planetário, permite calcular o coeficiente de absorção atmosférica (Ka). O método desenvolvido neste trabalho para avaliar Ka considera que o albedo planetário é composto por duas partes: uma refletividade local e uma refletividade não local. Considerando este novo conceito, é definida uma taxa de absorção atmosférica (denominada Ra) que é a razão entre Ka e a potência de irradiância solar líquida, que não atravessou a atmosfera (100%-Kt). A taxa de absorção atmosférica assim definida é independente da cobertura de nuvens. O histograma de freqüência de Ra mostra os valores de 0,86±0,07 e 0,88±0,09 sobre as cidades de Botucatu-SP e do Rio de Janeiro-RJ, durante os anos de 1999 até 2006, respectivamente.
Nowadays, Brazil has both the greatest goat herd and the greatest goat milk production of South America. The state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in northeast of Brazil, has an average year production of three thousand cubic meters of goat milk in natura. Part of this milk production is homemade and it comes from small farms, which unite in rural cooperatives created to encourage the production and implementation of industrial processes for preservation and processing of milk. Results presented by literature and obtained from preliminary essays in this thesis show that non conventional dryer of spouted bed with inert particles is able to produce powder milk from in natura milk (cattle or goat), with the same quality of spray dryer, however, operating at low cost. The method of drying in spouted bed consists of injecting milk emulsion on the bed of inert particles gushed by hot air. This emulsion covers the particles with a thin film, which dries and is reduced to powder during the circulation of inerts inside the bed. The powder is dragged by exhaustion air and separated in the cyclone. The friction among particles resulted from the particles circulation, encourages high taxes of shear in the thin film of emulsion, breaking the cohesive forces and making this process possible. Studying the drying process and the powder goat milk production in one unit of spouted bed with inert particles, seeing the development of a low cost technological route for powder milk production is the aim of this thesis. The powder milk produced by this route must attend the local demand of food industries which need an intermediate product to be used as a food ingredient (ice-cream, milk candy). In order to reach this aim, this thesis approaches the aspects related to physical, thermodynamics and physic-chemicals characteristics of goat milk, whose complete data are still inexistent in the literature. The properties of materials are of great importance to the project of any process which involves the operations of transportation of movement, heat and mass quantity, such as the dryers which operate in fluid dynamically active regime, like the spouted bed. It was obtained new data related to the goat milk properties in function of concentration of solids and temperature. It is also important to mention the study developed about the kinetic of solids retention in the bed of inert particles during the drying of goat milk. It was found more adequate processes conditions to the proposed technological route to be implemented in small and micro-industries, with simplifications in the system of milk injection as well as in the form of operation of the dryer. Important data were obtained for a posterior stage of this research which involves the v modeling, simulation, control and optimization of the process. The results obtained in this thesis, in relation to process performance as well as to the quality of produced powder milk validate the proposal of using the spouted bed dryer in the production of powder goat milk
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Hemigrammus parana is described from the upper rio Parana system, in the area of influence of the Ilha Solteira reservoir in states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The new species differs from all congeners by the combination of the following characters: absence of humeral spot; presence of a roughly triangular or rectangular conspicuous black caudal spot, extending from base to tip of middle caudal-fin rays, its greatest depth at base of caudal-fin rays; and anal-fin rays iii-iv, 18-23.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Uma síntese das espécies de peixes de cabeceiras do rio Tietê é apresentada com base em material de coleções zoológicas e novas coletas realizadas. São referidas para região 56 espécies pertencentes a sete ordens e 16 famílias, aumentando significativamente números anteriores. Os resultados mostram que as cabeceiras do rio Tietê possuem uma composição ictiofaunistica bastante peculiar, distinta daquela encontrada no restante do Alto rio Paraná, mostrando acentuado grau de endemismo e grande similaridade com bacias hidrográficas litorâneas, corroborando a hipótese de captura de rios da região por drenagens costeiras e vice e versa no passado. Dentre as espécies encontradas na região, oito são endêmicas (14,3%), 13 são encontradas nas cabeceiras do rio Tietê e drenagens litorâneas da região sudeste do Brasil (23,2%), dez ocorrem em todo Alto rio Paraná (17,9%), cinco são encontradas no Alto rio Paraná e drenagens litorâneas da região sudeste do Brasil (8,9%), enquanto 13 espécies mostram uma ampla distribuição na América do Sul (23,2%), das quais parte ainda precisa ter a identidade confirmada. A diversidade de espécies é acrescida de pelo menos cinco espécies novas pertencentes aos gêneros Cyphocharax, Characidium, Astyanax, Pareiorhina e Australoheros e quatro novos registros são feitos para Characidium cf. zebra, Scleromystax barbatus, Crenicicla britskii e Synbranchus cf. marmoratus. Pelo menos sete espécies introduzidas estão estabelecidas na região, enquanto outras dez espécies são relacionadas em listas de espécies ameaçadas.
This paper presents the gravity survey refinement of the Paraíba do Sul river valley, east region of São Paulo state, by acquisition of 646 gravity stations. Further than the traditional Free-Air and Bouguer corrections, it was necessary to apply the Terrain Correction due the proximity of the Mantiqueira and Mar mountain ranges. An enhanced understanding of Taubaté Basin structural framework was the main objetive of this work. As result, we present the Bouguer Gravity Map of the east region of São Paulo State and the Residual Bouguer Gravity Map generated by Upward Continuation and High-pass filtering. The 2D Gravity Modeling was applied in 4 sections, using bi-dimensional models for the bodies that produced the anomalies (Talwani Method). After integrating the gravity data with the interpretation of 11 seismic sections, it was possible to delineate the Taubate Basin structural framework, which shows an utmost sedimentary thickness of 800 m in the depocenters. It was also interpreted an ultramaphic alkaline plug in the subsurface of Caçapava city.