998 resultados para Relato de casos [Tipos de publicação]


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A ausncia de dentes posteriores inferiores representa dificuldades no planejamento e controle de prteses parciais removveis, pois o suporte proporcionado por dentes e mucosa, que apresentam caractersticas anatmicas diferentes. O planejamento de prteses parciais removveis apoiadas sobre implantes na regio distal torna a prtese dento-implanto-suportada e no dento-muco-suportada sendo, uma opo aos casos de extremidade livre. Por meio deste relato de caso, um paciente portador de arco classe II de Kennedy foi reabilitado com prtese parcial removvel apoiada sobre implante na regio distal. A colocao do implante resultou em uma ocluso mais estvel, o que melhorou a funcionalidade da prtese e proporcionou maior conforto ao paciente. Observou-se que esta resoluo pode ser uma alternativa vivel de tratamento, pois apresenta custo reduzido em relao prtese fixa sobre implantes, entretanto, requer um acompanhamento em longo prazo com uma srie de casos para tornar-se um mtodo rotineiro de tratamento.


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A ausncia de dentes posteriores inferiores representa dificuldades no planejamento e controle de prteses parciais removveis, pois o suporte proporcionado por dentes e mucosa, que apresentam caractersticas anatmicas diferentes. O planejamento de prteses parciais removveis apoiadas sobre implantes na regio distal torna a prtese dento-implanto-suportada e no dento-muco-suportada sendo, uma opo aos casos de extremidade livre. Por meio deste relato de caso, um paciente portador de arco classe II de Kennedy foi reabilitado com prtese parcial removvel apoiada sobre implante na regio distal. A colocao do implante resultou em uma ocluso mais estvel, o que melhorou a funcionalidade da prtese e proporcionou maior conforto ao paciente. Observou-se que esta resoluo pode ser uma alternativa vivel de tratamento, pois apresenta custo reduzido em relao prtese fixa sobre implantes, entretanto, requer um acompanhamento em longo prazo com uma srie de casos para tornar-se um mtodo rotineiro de tratamento.


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Skeletal muscle consists of muscle fiber types that have different physiological and biochemical characteristics. Basically, the muscle fiber can be classified into type I and type II, presenting, among other features, contraction speed and sensitivity to fatigue different for each type of muscle fiber. These fibers coexist in the skeletal muscles and their relative proportions are modulated according to the muscle functionality and the stimulus that is submitted. To identify the different proportions of fiber types in the muscle composition, many studies use biopsy as standard procedure. As the surface electromyography (EMGs) allows to extract information about the recruitment of different motor units, this study is based on the assumption that it is possible to use the EMG to identify different proportions of fiber types in a muscle. The goal of this study was to identify the characteristics of the EMG signals which are able to distinguish, more precisely, different proportions of fiber types. Also was investigated the combination of characteristics using appropriate mathematical models. To achieve the proposed objective, simulated signals were developed with different proportions of motor units recruited and with different signal-to-noise ratios. Thirteen characteristics in function of time and the frequency were extracted from emulated signals. The results for each extracted feature of the signals were submitted to the clustering algorithm k-means to separate the different proportions of motor units recruited on the emulated signals. Mathematical techniques (confusion matrix and analysis of capability) were implemented to select the characteristics able to identify different proportions of muscle fiber types. As a result, the average frequency and median frequency were selected as able to distinguish, with more precision, the proportions of different muscle fiber types. Posteriorly, the features considered most able were analyzed in an associated way through principal component analysis. Were found two principal components of the signals emulated without noise (CP1 and CP2) and two principal components of the noisy signals (CP1 and CP2 ). The first principal components (CP1 and CP1 ) were identified as being able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types. The selected characteristics (median frequency, mean frequency, CP1 and CP1 ) were used to analyze real EMGs signals, comparing sedentary people with physically active people who practice strength training (weight training). The results obtained with the different groups of volunteers show that the physically active people obtained higher values of mean frequency, median frequency and principal components compared with the sedentary people. Moreover, these values decreased with increasing power level for both groups, however, the decline was more accented for the group of physically active people. Based on these results, it is assumed that the volunteers of the physically active group have higher proportions of type II fibers than sedentary people. Finally, based on these results, we can conclude that the selected characteristics were able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types, both for the emulated signals as to the real signals. These characteristics can be used in several studies, for example, to evaluate the progress of people with myopathy and neuromyopathy due to the physiotherapy, and also to analyze the development of athletes to improve their muscle capacity according to their sport. In both cases, the extraction of these characteristics from the surface electromyography signals provides a feedback to the physiotherapist and the coach physical, who can analyze the increase in the proportion of a given type of fiber, as desired in each case.


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El escritor misionero Juan Enrique Acua (1915-1988) fue adems titiritero y productor cultural y form parte del grupo literario tringulo que introdujo la vanguardia a la provincia en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Su potica y narrativa presentan un universo ficcional donde cobran importancia los bordes genricos y culturales propios de Misiones. De este modo, se evidencia una escritura sumamente localista con lneas de fuga que desacomodan un paisaje que si bien resulta familiar es un espacio otro. El concepto de relato de orilla es el resultado de un proceso de trabajo (que culmin en mi tesis de Licenciatura) en el marco del proyecto de investigacin denominado La memoria literaria de Misiones a cargo de la Dra. Mercedes Garca Sarav, en el cual indagamos manuscritos no ditos de escritores misioneros a partir de exponer y aplicar metodologas provenientes de la Gentica Textual. La propuesta de acercamiento a estos tipos de discursos implic, adems, reflexionar sobre los bordes de una escritura todava en proceso, en el sentido del tratamiento de los textos en clave gentica. Todo ello, redund en la construccin de un continuum terico crtico para indagar y revisar la demarcacin de bordes geogrficos que a su vez generan zonas-otras (de desborde). ste y otros procedimientos de anlisis ofrecen la posibilidad de una lectura enriquecedora relativa a la apropiacin de trminos como gnero y frontera.


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El trabajo releva la presencia de las universidades argentinas en la prensa de alcance nacional. Sistematizaremos la mencin de ellas en la versin digital de los diarios para observar frecuencia de aparicin y contenidos que se asocian. Partimos de la hiptesis de que los medios hegemnicos slo registran los eventos de universidades delinterior del pascuando se vinculan con hechos curiosos o violentos. Interesa indagar en qu casos particulares la referencia a dichas universidades se vincula con la produccin y difusin acadmica del conocimiento cientfico, entre otras. Constituimos el corpus con fragmentos de textos periodsticos que permiten examinar estructuras gramaticales para develar las representaciones que la prensa naturaliza a travs de esas formas. Seguimos consideraciones terico-metodolgicas de la Lingstica Crtica sobre el nivel sintctico: cuando aparece una distorsin en la estructura superficial existe una manipulacin ideolgica del sentido. Incluimos parte de la teora de las transformaciones: en el relato de un acontecimiento, cualquier alteracin del esquema causa-consecuencia construye una ideologa por la cual percibimos los hechos de otra manera. Asimismo, para establecer correlaciones semnticas en lo discursivo, analizaremos los trminos en funcin de tipos de significado y valor eufrico/disfrico de la base lxica. Por otra parte, desde la Teora de la Enunciacin, distinguiremos palabras objetivas y subjetivas: los hechos enunciativos estn constituidos por las huellas lingsticas de la presencia del locutor en su enunciado, denominadas subjetivemas. Adems de los pronombres, rasgos espaciales y temporales como marcas enunciativas, seleccionaremos unidades lxicas como sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos y adverbios. La existencia de los subjetivemas se fundamenta en que toda unidad lxica implica una interpretacin del mundo, esto es, una ideologa en el sentido que asumimos en nuestro trabajo desde el Anlisis Crtico del Discurso. Como complemento de las perspectivas interpretativas mencionadas, realizaremos la cuantificacin previa de referencias mediante el Anlisis de Contenido como apoyo metodolgico. A tal fin, el estudio prev la utilizacin de una herramienta tecnolgica diseada ad hoc, para el conteo de frecuencia, relevamiento de contextos lingsticos de aparicin y asociaciones lxicas en la frase, como sistematizacin previa al trabajo cualitativo de valoracin de estructuras lxico-semnticas y morfo-sintcticas. The research reflects the presence of Argentine universities in nationwide media. We will systematize their mention on online version of La Nacin and Clarn newspapers to observe their frequency of appearance and the contents they are related to. With the hypothesis that hegemonic media only register events in universities from inside the country when they are related to curious or violent events, we will investigate in which particular cases the reference to such universities is related to the production and academic diffusion of scientific knowledge. We built up the corpus with fragments from articles which allow us to examine the deep grammatical structures to reveal the representation press naturalizes through these forms. We follow theoretical-methodological considerations of Critical Linguistics (CL) about the syntactical level: when a distortion in the superficial structure appears, there exists an ideological manipulation of meaning. Also, to establish semantic correlations on the discursive field, we will analyze terms as regards types of meaning and euphoric/disphoric value of lexical basis. From the Theory of Enunciation, we will distinguish between objective and subjective words (“subjectivemes”): lexical unit implies an interpretation of the world, that is, an ideology in the way we assume in our work from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). As a complement to CL and CDA, we will carry out a previous quantification using a technological tool designed ad hoc.


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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The change in the economic world and the emergence of Internet as a tool for communication and integration among the markets have forced organizations to adopt a different structure, process-oriented with a focus on information management. Thus, information technology has gained prominence in the organizational context, increasing its complexity and range of services provided by this function. Moreover, outsourcing has become an important model for flexible corporate structure, helping organizations to achieve better results when carrying out their activities and processes and be more competitive. To make the IT outsourcing, it is necessary to follow certain steps that range from strategic assessment to the management of outsourced service. Such steps can influence the form of contracting services, varying the types of service providers and contractors. Thus, the study aimed to identify how this IT outsourcing process influences the use of models for contracting services. For this, a study was conducted in multiple cases study involving two companies in Rio Grande do Norte State, specifically the health sector. Data collection was carried out with the CIOs of the companies surveyed through semi-structured interviews. According to the results obtained, it was found that the outsourcing process more structured influences the use of a more advanced contracting model. However, there are features found in these steps carrying more clearly this influence, as the goals pursued by outsourcing, the criteria used in selecting the supplier, a contract negotiation, how to transition services and the use of methods management, but can vary depending on the level of maturity in the relationship of the companies examined. Moreover, it was found that the use of contracting model may also influence how it is developed the IT outsourcing process, requiring or not its more formalized and organization


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Introduo - Amputao uma cirurgia destrutiva / construtiva, nestas situaes a restaurao da capacidade da marcha s pode ocorrer mediante: uma adaptao na marcha, uma utilizao tima da musculatura remanescente e a utilizao de uma prtese. Na bibliografia est descrito que 85% de todas as amputaes so do membro inferior, sendo a amputao transtibial a amputao mais frequente; com uma predominncia em indivduos do sexo masculino (75% dos casos), com idades compreendidas entre os 50 e 75 anos e existindo um predomnio das amputaes de etiologia vascular. De acordo com alguns autores, estes dados so tambm uma realidade em Portugal. Os indivduos que sofrem uma amputao da extremidade inferior apresentam uma deteriorao funcional variada, neste tipo de amputaes, quer sejam amputados unilaterais ou bilaterais, transfemorais ou transtibiais, existem alteraes na marcha que resultam numa diminuio da mobilidade. Existem diferentes fatores que podem influenciar o padro de marcha de um amputado: derivados da protetizao; que afetam a interface membro residual / prtese; relativos ao segmento intermdio da prtese; que dependem do mecanismo articular e os relacionados com a poro distal das prteses. Apesar destes fatores, os estudos em que se analisa o efeito do tipo de mecanismo protsico sobre a marcha do amputado transtibial so reduzidos. No existindo bases cientficas claras para a seleo dos mecanismos que melhor se adaptam a cada caso, usualmente o mdico que prescreve a prtese escolhe uma ou outra, de acordo com as suas preferncias pessoais, com a moda ou com a sua experincia profissional. Neste sentido torna-se importante desenvolver metodologias que possibilitem ao profissional prescritor avaliar, com dados quantificveis qual a melhor escolha (personalizada ao paciente), quais os componentes mais indicados no fabrico de uma prtese. Objetivo do estudo - O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar qual dos ps protsicos melhor se adequa funcionalidade do sujeito. Apresentando uma metodologia de avaliao de componentes protsicos (ps) que possa ser reproduzida periodicamente.


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La osteognesis imperfecta (OI), es una patologa poco frecuente y muy heterognea desde el punto de vista clnico y gentico. Su caracterstica principal es la fragilidad sea, habindose descrito varios tipos. Generalmente es causada por mutaciones en los genes que codifican para las cadenas α1 y α2 del pro-colgeno tipo 1 (COL1A1 y COL1A2) con herencia autosmica dominante. Comunicamos los casos de dos pacientes (padre e hija) con OI cuyo estudio gentico muestra una mutacin en COL1A1 no conocida previamente: la delecin de una Guanina, G(c.3524delG). Se repasan aspectos clnicos, de herencia y opciones reproductivas de los pacientes afectados.


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El presente documento presenta los principales conceptos asociados con el tema de Inversin Extranjera Directa (IED). Inicialmente se presentan varias definiciones de la IED provenientes de organizaciones internacionales y de la reglamentacin nacional. Posteriormente, se mencionan los diferentes tipos de IED, as como de los factores motivadores que actan a favor de la internacionalizacin de las empresas, identificando especialmente aquellos que favorecen la decisin de las firmas de invertir por fuera del pas. Finalmente, se hace nfasis en los beneficios de la IED tanto para los pases emisores como para los receptores y en los efectos negativos que surgen en las empresas y economas involucradas.


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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Dissertao (mestrado)—Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Cincias Exatas, Departamento de Cincia da Computao, 2015.


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The change in the economic world and the emergence of Internet as a tool for communication and integration among the markets have forced organizations to adopt a different structure, process-oriented with a focus on information management. Thus, information technology has gained prominence in the organizational context, increasing its complexity and range of services provided by this function. Moreover, outsourcing has become an important model for flexible corporate structure, helping organizations to achieve better results when carrying out their activities and processes and be more competitive. To make the IT outsourcing, it is necessary to follow certain steps that range from strategic assessment to the management of outsourced service. Such steps can influence the form of contracting services, varying the types of service providers and contractors. Thus, the study aimed to identify how this IT outsourcing process influences the use of models for contracting services. For this, a study was conducted in multiple cases study involving two companies in Rio Grande do Norte State, specifically the health sector. Data collection was carried out with the CIOs of the companies surveyed through semi-structured interviews. According to the results obtained, it was found that the outsourcing process more structured influences the use of a more advanced contracting model. However, there are features found in these steps carrying more clearly this influence, as the goals pursued by outsourcing, the criteria used in selecting the supplier, a contract negotiation, how to transition services and the use of methods management, but can vary depending on the level of maturity in the relationship of the companies examined. Moreover, it was found that the use of contracting model may also influence how it is developed the IT outsourcing process, requiring or not its more formalized and organization


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Dissertao (mestrado)—Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Cincias da Sade, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincias da Sade, 2015.