997 resultados para Relatório anual 1983


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The Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park was established in 1960 and the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary in 1975. Field studies, funded by NOAA, were conducted in 1980 - 1981 to determine the state of the coral reefs and surrounding areas in relation to changing environmental conditions and resource management that had occurred over the intervening years. Ten reef sites within the Sanctuary and seven shallow grass and hardbottom sites within the Park were chosen for qualitative and quantitative studies. At each site, three parallel transects not less than 400 m long were run perpendicular to the reef or shore, each 300 m apart. Observations, data collecting and sampling were done by two teams of divers. Approximately 75 percent of the bottom within the 18-m isobath was covered by marine grasses, predominantly turtle grass. The general health of the seagrasses appeared good but a few areas showed signs of stress. The inner hardbottom of the Park was studied at the two entrances to Largo Sound. Though at the time of the study the North Channel hardbottom was subjected to only moderate boat traffic, marked changes had taken place over the past years, the most obvious of which was the loss of the extensive beds of Sargassum weed, one of the most extensive beds of this alga in the Keys. Only at this site was the green alga Enteromorpha encountered. This alga, often considered a pollution indicator, may denote the effects of shore run off. The hardbottom at South Channel and the surrounding grass beds showed signs of stress. This area bears the heaviest boat traffic within the Park waters causing continuous turbidity from boat wakes with resulting siltation. The offshore hardbottom and rubble areas in the Sanctuary appeared to be in good health and showed no visible indications of deterioration. Damage by boat groundings and anchors was negligible in the areas surveyed. The outer reefs in general appear to be healthy. Corals have a surprising resiliency to detrimental factors and, when conditions again become favorable, recover quickly from even severe damage. It is, therefore, a cause for concern that Grecian Rocks, which sits somewhat inshore of the outer reef line, has yet to recover from die-off in 1978. The slow recovery, if occurring, may be due to the lower quality of the inshore waters. The patch reefs, more adapted to inshore waters, do not show obvious stress signs, at least those surveyed in this study. It is apparent that water quality was changing in the keys. Water clarity over much of the reef tract was observed to be much reduced from former years and undoubtedly plays an important part in the stresses seen today over the Sanctuary and Park. (PDF contains 119 pages)


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Forward: Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary (LKNMS) was designated in 1981 to protect and promote the study, teaching, and wise use of the resources of Looe Key Sanctuary (Plate A). In order to wisely manage this valuable resource, a quantitative resource inventory was funded by the Sanctuary Programs Division (SPD), Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in cooperation with the Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA; the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), University of Miami; the Fisher Island Laboratory, United States Geological Survey; and the St. Petersburg Laboratory, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources. This report is the result of this cooperative effort. The objective of this study was to quantitatively inventory selected resources of LKNMS in order to allow future monitoring of changes in the Sanctuary as a result of human or natural processes. This study, referred to as Phase I, gives a brief summary of past and present uses of the Sanctuary (Chapter 2); and describes general habitat types (Chapter 3), geology and sediment distribution (Chapter 4), coral abundance and distribution (Chapter 5), the growth history of the coral Montastraea annularis (Chapter 6), reef fish abundance and distribution (Chapter 7), and status of selected resources (Chapter 8). An interpretation of the results of the survey are provided for management consideration (Chapter 9). The results are expected to provide fundamental information for applied management, natural history interpretation, and scientific research. Numerous photographs and illustrations were used to supplement the report to make the material presented easier to comprehend (Plate B). We anticipate the information provided will be used by managers, naturalists, and the general public in addition to scientists. Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs were taken at Looe Key Reef by Dr. James A. Bohnsack. The top photograph in Plate 7.8 was taken by Michael C. Schmale. Illustrations were done by Jack Javech, NMFS. Field work was initiated in May 1983 and completed for the most part by October 1983 thanks to the cooperation of numerous people and organizations. In addition to the participating agencies and organizations we thank the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute and the Division of Parks and Recreation, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources for their logistical support. Special thanks goes to Billy Causey, the Sanctuary Manager, for his help, information, and comments. We thank in alphabetical order: Scott Bannerot, Margie Bastian, Bill Becker, Barbara Bohnsack, Grant Beardsley, John Halas, Raymond Hixon, Irene Hooper, Eric Lindblad, and Mike Schmale. We dedicate this effort to the memory of Ray Hixon who participated in the study and who loved Looe Key. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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Trata da avaliação de desempenho realizada na Secretaria de Polícia do Senado, analisando a atual situação em que tal processo avaliativo se dá, bem como propondo alternativas e críticas, com o objetivo de ações de melhorias


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Analisa os fluxos de informação relativos à tramitação de medidas provisórias na Coordenação de Elaboração de Autógrafos do Senado Federal e do Congresso Nacional, um órgão da estrutura do Senado


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Analisa a ferramenta Delegacia Virtual da Polícia do Senado Federal, disponibilizada por meio da Intranet da Instituição, com vistas a possibilitar o registro de ocorrências de maneira remota ao público interno.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Trata-se de relatório de intervenção que estuda a modelagem de processos e de informações, quando o foco for a automação na Câmara dos Deputados. Esse estudo tem como objetivo propor uma forma de gestão integrada das atividades de modelagem, as quais são realizadas por diferentes setores, a fim de agregar valor aos interessados do processo, como área de TI e a própria área de negócio.


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Propõe um sistema de recompensas compatível com o planejamento estratégico instituído e com as necessidades institucionais e que se afaste os modelos informais de concessão de benefícios que, por vezes, deturpam a estrutura de carreiras da instituição.


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tem como objeto os serviços prestados pelo Núcleo de TI da Polícia do Senado Federal e tem por escopo intervir na forma como esses serviços são avaliados, buscando aplicar aspectos da gestão da qualidade nessa mensuração.


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Relatório de Intervenção apresentado como requisito parcial para aprovação na disciplina Práticas de Gestão no Legislativo do Curso de Mestrado Profissional em Poder Legislativo, do Programa de Pós-Graduação do Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento da Câmara dos Deputados/Cefor.


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Esse planejamento visa propiciar condições para que a Secretaria da Comissão exerça suas atribuições com eficiência. A CSPCCO é uma Comissão Permanente, cujas atribuições e competências gerais estão previstas na Constituição Federal e no Regimento interno da Câmara dos Deputados. A Comissão permanece inclusive na ausência de membros ou nos recessos, períodos em que fica impedida de deliberar.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é registrar criticamente a percepção do processo de implantação da gestão estratégica no Departamento de Finanças, Orçamento e Contabilidade da Câmara dos Deputados, refletindo na implantação da gestão estratégica na própria Câmara, fazendo um paralelo entre o que foi feito e o que precisa ser feito para que a gestão estratégica seja efetivamente implantada no órgão em estudo, incentivando outros órgãos da Câmara a fazerem o mesmo com o objetivo de alcançar a implementação da gestão estratégica em todos os órgãos da Casa Legislativa.