871 resultados para Regulation of media
The use of mammalian gene expression vectors has become increasingly important for genetic immunization and gene therapy as well as basic research. Essential for the success of these vectors in genetic immunization is the proper choice of a promoter linked to the antigen of interest. Many genetic immunization vectors use promoter elements from pathogenic viruses including SV40 and CMV. Lymphokines produced by the immune response to proteins expressed by these vectors could inhibit further transcription initiation by viral promoters. Our objective was to determine the effect of IFN-g on transgene expression driven by viral SV40 or CMV promoter/enhancer and the mammalian promoter/enhancer for the major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) gene. We transfected the luciferase gene driven by these three promoters into 14 cell lines of many tissues and several species. Luciferase assays of transfected cells untreated or treated with IFN-g indicated that although the viral promoters could drive luciferase production in all cell lines tested to higher or lower levels than the MHC I promoter, treatment with IFN-g inhibited transgene expression in most of the cell lines and amplification of the MHC I promoter-driven transgene expression in all cell lines. These data indicate that the SV40 and CMV promoter/enhancers may not be a suitable choice for gene delivery especially for genetic immunization or cancer cytokine gene therapy. The MHC I promoter/enhancer, on the other hand, may be an ideal transgene promoter for applications involving the immune system.
Apoptosis is a fundamental biological phenomenon in which the death of a cell is genetically and biochemically regulated. Different molecules are involved in the regulation of the apoptotic process. Death receptors, coupled to distinct members of the caspases as well as other adapter molecules, are involved in the initiation of the stress signals (The Indictment). Members of the Bcl-2 family control at the mitochondrial level the decision between life and death (The Judgement). The effector caspases are responsible for all morphological and biochemical changes related to apoptosis including the "eat-me" signals perceived by phagocytes and neighboring cells (The Execution). Finally, apoptosis would have little biological significance without the recognition and removal of the dying cells (The Burial).
The induction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) in etiolated maize (Zea mays) seedlings by UV-B and UV-A radiation, and different levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm) was investigated by measuring changes in activity, protein quantity and RNA levels as a function of intensity and duration of exposure to the different radiations. Under low levels of PAR, exposure to UV-B radiation but not UV-A radiation for 6 to 24 h caused a marked increase in the enzyme levels similar to that observed under high PAR in the absence of UV-B. UV-B treatment of green leaves following a 12-h dark period also caused an increase in NADP-ME expression. Exposure to UV-B radiation for only 5 min resulted in a rapid increase of the enzyme, followed by a more gradual rise with longer exposure up to 6 h. Low levels of red light for 5 min or 6 h were also effective in inducing NADP-ME activity equivalent to that obtained with UV-B radiation. A 5-min exposure to far-red light following UV-B or red light treatment reversed the induction of NADP-ME, and this effect could be eliminated by further treatment with UV-B or red light. These results indicate that physiological levels of UV-B radiation can have a positive effect on the induction of this photosynthetic enzyme. The reducing power and pyruvate generated by the activity of NADP-ME may be used for respiration, in cellular repair processes and as substrates for fatty acid synthesis required for membrane repair.
Effective pump function of the heart depends on the precise control of spatial and temporal patterns of electrical activation. Accordingly, the distribution and function of gap junction channels are important determinants of the conduction properties of myocardium and undoubtedly play other roles in intercellular communication crucial to normal cardiac function. Recent advances have begun to elucidate mechanisms by which the heart regulates intercellular electrical coupling at gap junctions in response to stress or injury. Although responses to increased load or injury are generally adaptive in nature, remodeling of intercellular junctions under conditions of severe stress creates anatomic substrates conducive to the development of lethal ventricular arrhythmias. Potential mechanisms controlling the level of intercellular communication in the heart include regulation of connexin turnover dynamics and phosphorylation.
A close correlation between vitamin D receptor (VDR) abundance and cell proliferation rate has been shown in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, MCF-7 breast cancer and in HL-60 myeloblastic cells. We have now determined if this association occurs in other leukemic cell lines, U937 and K562, and if VDR content is related to c-myc expression, which is also linked to cell growth state. Upon phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) treatment, cells from the three lineages (HL-60, U937 and K562) differentiated and expressed specific surface antigens. All cell lines analyzed were growth inhibited by PMA and the doubling time was increased, mainly due to an increased fraction of cells in the G0/G1 phase, as determined by flow cytometry measurements of incorporated bromodeoxyuridine and cell DNA content. C-myc mRNA expression was down-regulated and closely correlated to cell growth arrest. However, VDR expression in leukemic cell lines, as determined by immunofluorescence and Northern blot assays, was not consistently changed upon inhibition of cell proliferation since VDR levels were down-regulated only in HL-60 cells. Our data suggest that VDR expression cannot be explained simply as a reflection of the leukemic cell growth state.
It is well known that the responses to vasoactive kinin peptides are mediated through the activation of two receptors termed bradykinin receptor B1 (B1R) and B2 (B2R). The physiologically prominent B2R subtype has certainly been the subject of more intensive efforts in structure-function studies and physiological investigations. However, the B1R activated by a class of kinin metabolites has emerged as an important subject of investigation within the study of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS). Its inducible character under stress and tissue injury is therefore a field of major interest. Although the KKS has been associated with cardiovascular regulation since its discovery at the beginning of the last century, less is known about the B1R and B2R regulation in cardiovascular diseases like hypertension, myocardial infarction (MI) and their complications. This mini-review will summarize our findings on B1R and B2R regulation after induction of MI using a rat model. We will develop the hypothesis that differences in the expression of these receptors may be associated with a dual pathway of the KKS in the complex mechanisms of myocardial remodeling.
The adipocyte hormone leptin is thought to serve as a signal to the central nervous system reflecting the status of fat stores. Serum leptin levels and adipocyte leptin messenger RNA levels are clearly increased in obesity. Nevertheless, the factors regulating leptin production are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of in vivo administration of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone and weight loss on serum leptin levels in two independent protocols. Twenty-five obese subjects were studied (18 women and 7 men, mean age 26.6 ± 6 years, BMI 31.1 ± 2.5 kg/m², %fat 40.3 ± 8.3) and compared at baseline to 22 healthy individuals. Serum levels of leptin, insulin, proinsulin and glucose were assessed at baseline and after ingestion of dexamethasone, 4 mg per day (2 mg, twice daily) for two consecutive days. To study the effects of weight loss on serum leptin, 17 of the obese subjects were submitted to a low-calorie dietary intervention trial for 8 weeks and again blood samples were collected. Serum leptin levels were significantly higher in the obese group compared to the control group and a high positive correlation between leptinemia and the magnitude of fat mass was found (r = 0.88, P<0.0001). After dexamethasone, there was a significant increase in serum leptin levels (22.9 ± 12.3 vs 51.4 ± 23.3 ng/ml, P<0.05). Weight loss (86.1 ± 15.1 vs 80.6 ± 14.2 kg, P<0.05) led to a reduction in leptin levels (25.13 ± 12.8 vs 15.9 ± 9.1 ng/ml, P<0.05). We conclude that serum leptin levels are primordially dependent on fat mass magnitude. Glucocorticoids at supraphysiologic levels are potent secretagogues of leptin in obese subjects and a mild fat mass reduction leads to a disproportionate decrease in serum leptin levels. This suggests that, in addition to the changes in fat mass, complex nutritional and hormonal interactions may also play an important role in the regulation of leptin levels.
We are using molecular, biochemical, and genetic approaches to study the structural and regulatory genes controlling the assimilation of inorganic nitrogen into the amino acids glutamine, glutamate, aspartate and asparagine. These amino acids serve as the principal nitrogen-transport amino acids in most crop and higher plants including Arabidopsis thaliana. We have begun to investigate the regulatory mechanisms controlling nitrogen assimilation into these amino acids in plants using molecular and genetic approaches in Arabidopsis. The synthesis of the amide amino acids glutamine and asparagine is subject to tight regulation in response to environmental factors such as light and to metabolic factors such as sucrose and amino acids. For instance, light induces the expression of glutamine synthetase (GLN2) and represses expression of asparagine synthetase (ASN1) genes. This reciprocal regulation of GLN2 and ASN1 genes by light is reflected at the level of transcription and at the level of glutamine and asparagine biosynthesis. Moreover, we have shown that the regulation of these genes is also reciprocally controlled by both organic nitrogen and carbon metabolites. We have recently used a reverse genetic approach to study putative components of such metabolic sensing mechanisms in plants that may be conserved in evolution. These components include an Arabidopsis homolog for a glutamate receptor gene originally found in animal systems and a plant PII gene, which is a homolog of a component of the bacterial Ntr system. Based on our observations on the biology of both structural and regulatory genes of the nitrogen assimilatory pathway, we have developed a model for metabolic control of the genes involved in the nitrogen assimilatory pathway in plants.
Human and animal immune functions present sex dimorphism that seems to be mainly regulated by sex hormones. In the present study, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes total superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were measured in intraperitoneal resident macrophages from adult male and female rats. In addition to comparing males and females, we also examined the regulation of these enzyme activities in macrophages by sex steroids. GSH-Px activity did not differ between male and female macrophages. However, both total SOD and CAT activities were markedly higher in females than in males (83 and 180%). Removal of the gonads in both males and females (comparison between castrated groups) increased the difference in SOD activity from 83 to 138% and reduced the difference in CAT activity from 180 to 86%. Castration and testosterone administration did not significantly modify the activities of the antioxidant enzymes in male macrophages. Ovariectomy did not affect SOD or GSH-Px activity but markedly reduced (48%) CAT activity. This latter change was fully reversed by estrogen administration, whereas progesterone had a smaller effect. These results led us to conclude that differences in the SOD and CAT activities may partially explain some of the differences in immune function reported for males and females. Also, estrogen is a potent regulator of CAT in macrophages and therefore this enzyme activity in macrophages may vary considerably during the menstrual cycle.
For several years it was believed that angiotensin II (Ang II) alone mediated the effects of the renin-angiotensin system. However, it has been observed that other peptides of this system, such as angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)), present biological activity. The effect of Ang II and Ang-(1-7) on renal sodium excretion has been associated, at least in part, with modulation of proximal tubule sodium reabsorption. In the present review, we discuss the evidence for the involvement of Na+-ATPase, called the second sodium pump, as a target for the actions of these compounds in the regulation of proximal tubule sodium reabsorption.
The histone-like protein H1 (H-NS) is an abundant structural component of the bacterial nucleoid and influences many cellular processes including recombination, transcription and transposition. Mutations in the hns gene encoding H-NS are highly pleiotropic, affecting the expression of many unrelated genes. We have studied the role of H-NS on the regulation of hemolysin gene expression in Serratia marcescens. The Escherichia coli hns mutant carrying S. marcescens hemolysin genes on a plasmid constructed by ligation of the 3.2-kb HindIII-SacI fragment of pR02 into pBluescriptIIKS, showed a high level of expression of this hemolytic factor. To determine the osmoregulation of wild-type and hns defective mutants the cells were grown to mid-logarithmic phase in LB medium with 0.06 or 0.3 M NaCl containing ampicillin and kanamycin, whereas to analyze the effect of pH on hemolysin expression, the cells were grown to late-logarithmic phase in LB medium buffered with 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 4.5 to 8.0. To assay growth phase-related hemolysin production, bacterial cells were grown in LB medium supplemented with ampicillin and kanamycin. The expression of S. marcescens hemolysin genes in wild-type E. coli and in an hns-defective derivative at different pH and during different growth phases indicated that, in the absence of H-NS, the expression of hemolysin did not vary with pH changes or growth phases. Furthermore, the data suggest that H-NS may play an important role in the regulation of hemolysin expression in S. marcescens and its effect may be due to changes in DNA topology influencing transcription and thus the amount of hemolysin expression. Implications for the mechanism by which H-NS influences gene expression are discussed.
Desmin is the main intermediate filament (IF) protein of muscle cells. In skeletal muscle, desmin IFs form a scaffold that interconnects the entire contractile apparatus with the subsarcolemmal cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic organelles. The interaction between desmin and the sarcolemma is mediated by a number of membrane proteins, many of which are Ca2+-sensitive. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of the Ca2+ chelator EGTA (1.75 mM) on the expression and distribution of desmin in C2C12 myoblasts grown in culture. We used indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to analyze desmin distribution and expression in C2C12 cells grown in the presence or absence of EGTA. Control C2C12 myoblasts showed a well-spread morphology after a few hours in culture and became bipolar when grown for 24 h in the presence of EGTA. Control C2C12 cells showed a dense network of desmin from the perinuclear region to the cell periphery, whereas EGTA-treated cells showed desmin aggregates in the cytoplasm. RT-PCR analysis revealed a down-regulation of desmin expression in EGTA-treated C2C12 cells compared to untreated cells. The present results suggest that extracellular Ca2+ availability plays a role in the regulation of desmin expression and in the spatial distribution of desmin IFs in myoblasts, and is involved in the generation and maintenance of myoblast cell shape.
The extracellular matrix is a three-dimensional network of proteins, glycosaminoglycans and other macromolecules. It has a structural support function as well as a role in cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation, and survival. The extracellular matrix conveys signals through membrane receptors called integrins and plays an important role in pituitary physiology and tumorigenesis. There is a differential expression of extracellular matrix components and integrins during the pituitary development in the embryo and during tumorigenesis in the adult. Different extracellular matrix components regulate adrenocorticotropin at the level of the proopiomelanocortin gene transcription. The extracellular matrix also controls the proliferation of adrenocorticotropin-secreting tumor cells. On the other hand, laminin regulates the production of prolactin. Laminin has a dynamic pattern of expression during prolactinoma development with lower levels in the early pituitary hyperplasia and a strong reduction in fully grown prolactinomas. Therefore, the expression of extracellular matrix components plays a role in pituitary tumorigenesis. On the other hand, the remodeling of the extracellular matrix affects pituitary cell proliferation. Matrix metalloproteinase activity is very high in all types of human pituitary adenomas. Matrix metalloproteinase secreted by pituitary cells can release growth factors from the extracellular matrix that, in turn, control pituitary cell proliferation and hormone secretion. In summary, the differential expression of extracellular matrix components, integrins and matrix metalloproteinase contributes to the control of pituitary hormone production and cell proliferation during tumorigenesis.
This review focuses on the mechanisms of DNA methylation, DNA methylation pattern formation and their involvement in gene regulation. Association of DNA methylation with imprinting, embryonic development and human diseases is discussed. Furthermore, besides considering changes in DNA methylation as mechanisms of disease, the role of epigenetics in general and DNA methylation in particular in transgenerational carcinogenesis, in memory formation and behavior establishment are brought about as mechanisms based on the cellular memory of gene expression patterns.
The interaction between H+ extrusion via H+-ATPase and Cl- conductance was studied in the C11 clone of MDCK cells, akin to the intercalated cells of the collecting duct. Cell pH (pHi) was measured by fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescein-derived probe BCECF-AM. Control recovery rate measured after a 20 mM NH4Cl acid pulse was 0.136 ± 0.008 pH units/min (dpHi/dt) in Na+ Ringer and 0.032 ± 0.003 in the absence of Na+ (0 Na+). With 0 Na+ plus the Cl- channel inhibitor NPPB (10 µM), recovery was reduced to 0.014 ± 0.001 dpHi/dt. 8-Br-cAMP, known to activate CFTR Cl- channels, increased dpHi/dt in 0 Na+ to 0.061 ± 0.009 and also in the presence of 46 nM concanamycin and 50 µM Schering 28080. Since it is thought that the Cl- dependence of H+-ATPase might be due to its electrogenic nature and the establishment of a +PD (potential difference) across the cell membrane, the effect of 10 µM valinomycin at high (100 mM) K+ was tested in our cells. In Na+ Ringer, dpHi/dt was increased, but no effect was detected in 0 Na+ Ringer in the presence of NPPB, indicating that in intact C11 cells the effect of blocking Cl- channels on dpHi/dt was not due to an adverse electrical gradient. The effect of 100 µM ATP was studied in 0 Na+ Ringer solution; this treatment caused a significant inhibition of dpHi/dt, reversed by 50 µM Bapta. We have shown that H+-ATPase present in MDCK C11 cells depends on Cl- ions and their channels, being regulated by cAMP and ATP, but not by the electrical gradient established by electrogenic H+ transport.