966 resultados para Recombinant hepatitis B vaccines
The objective of this study was to describe the all-cause mortality of participants in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort compared to the Swiss general population. Patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection attending secondary and tertiary care centres in Switzerland. One thousand six hundred and forty-five patients with HCV infection were followed up for a mean of over 2 years. We calculated all-cause standardized mortality ratios (SMR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) using age, sex and calendar year-specific Swiss all-cause mortality rates. Multivariable Poisson regression was used to model the variability of SMR by cirrhotic status, HCV genotype, infection with hepatitis B virus or HIV, injection drug use and alcohol intake. Sixty-one deaths were recorded out of 1645 participants. The crude all-cause SMR was 4.5 (95% CI: 3.5-5.8). Patients co-infected with HIV had a crude SMR of 20 (95% CI: 11.1-36.1). The SMR of 1.1 (95% CI: 0.63-2.03) for patients who were not cirrhotic, not infected with HBV or HIV, did not inject drugs, were not heavy alcohol consumers (
OBJECTIVES The epidemiological and clinical determinants of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection in sub-Saharan Africa are ill-defined. We determined the prevalence of HDV infection in HIV/hepatitis B virus (HBV)-co-infected individuals in rural Tanzania. DESIGN AND METHODS We screened all hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected adults under active follow-up in the Kilombero and Ulanga Antiretroviral Cohort (KIULARCO) for anti-HDV antibodies. In positive samples, we performed a second serological test and nucleic acid amplification. Demographic and clinical characteristics at initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) were compared between anti-HDV-negative and positive patients. RESULTS Among 222 HIV/HBV-coinfected patients on ART, 219 (98.6%) had a stored serum sample available and were included. Median age was 37 years, 55% were female, 46% had WHO stage III/IV HIV disease and median CD4 count was 179 cells/μL. The prevalence of anti-HDV positivity was 5.0% (95% confidence interval 2.8%-8.9%). There was no significant predictor of anti-HDV positivity. HDV could not be amplified in any of the anti-HDV-positive patients and the second serological test was negative in all of them. CONCLUSIONS We found no confirmed case of HDV infection among over 200 HIV/HBV-co-infected patients in Tanzania. As false-positive serology results are common, screening results should be confirmed with a second test.
Vaccines harboring genes that encode functional oncoproteins are intrinsically hazardous, as their application may lead to introduction of these genes into normal cells and thereby to tumorigenesis. On the other hand, oncoproteins are especially attractive targets for immunotherapy of cancer, as their expression is generally required for tumor growth, making the arisal of tumor variants lacking these antigens unlikely. Using murine tumor models, we investigated the efficacy of polyepitope recombinant adenovirus (rAd) vaccines, which encode only the immunogenic T cell epitopes derived from several oncogenes, for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity. We chose to employ rAd, as these are safe vectors that do not induce the side effects associated with, for example, vaccinia virus vaccines. A single polyepitope rAd was shown to give rise to presentation of both H-2 and human leukocyte antigen-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. Moreover, vaccination with a rAd encoding H-2-restricted CTL epitopes, derived from human adenovirus type 5 early region 1 and human papilloma virus type 16-induced tumors, elicited strong tumor-reactive CTL and protected the vaccinated animals against an otherwise lethal challenge with either of these tumors. The protection induced was superior compared with that obtained by vaccination with irradiated tumor cells. Thus, vaccination with polyepitope rAd is a powerful approach for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity that allows simultaneous immunization against multiple tumor-associated T cell epitopes, restricted by various major histocompatibility complex haplotypes.
A nanotecnologia tornou possível estruturar nanopartículas (NPs), utilizando-se polímeros biodegradáveis e atóxicos, como a quitosana (QS) - capaz de carrear e disponibilizar antígenos para a mucosa, devido sua propriedade mucoadesiva. Uma vacina liofilizada, em comparação a uma formulação líquida, possui inúmeras vantagens, tais como melhora na estabilidade do produto e melhor resistência às variações de temperatura, aumentando sua vida de prateleira e possibilitando melhor logística do produto aos locais onde o acesso à rede refrigerada é difícil; ademais, um produto liofilizado tem sua mucoadesividade aumentada, possibilitando maior tempo de permanência na mucosa. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo observar a resposta imune, em camundongos, de uma vacina desenvolvida por um mecanismo de entrega intranasal do HBsAg (Antígeno de superfície da Hepatite B) encapsulado pelo método de incorporação em nanopartículas de quitosana (NPs) liofilizadas. A formação das NPs foi realizada pela interação eletroestática da quitosana e do TPP (tripolifosfato de sódio), utilizando método de geleificação iônica. Formulações de NPs com glicina 5% apresentaram boas características após reconstituição, umidade residual inferior a 1% e processo de liofilização de 13 horas. Foi avaliada a imunogenicidade da inoculação do HBsAg em formulações de NPs de quitosana líquida e liofilizada, verificando-se que a forma líquida produziu anticorpos IgG contra HBsAg.
O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar fatores virais associados com a evolução para o carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) em pacientes com hepatite B crônica. Para tanto caracterizamos os subgenótipos do HBV, investigamos a ocorrência de mutações nos genes pré-core/core do HBV associadas à presença de CHC avaliamos por análise filogenética a associação de linhagens virais com a ocorrência de CHC e por fim a associação de outros fatores de risco com o desenvolvimento de CHC. Foram incluídos 119 amostras de soro de pacientes com infecção crônica pelo HBV, destas amostras 60 pertencem ao grupo 1 (CHC), que são pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de carcinoma hepatocelular e 59 amostras pertencem ao grupo 2 (sem CHC) que são pacientes com hepatite crônica sem detecção prévia de nódulos hepáticos. Foram obtidas informações acerca da idade, sexo e naturalidade. Além disso, os pacientes responderam a um questionário sobre fatores de riscos associados ao desenvolvimento de CHC. Foram realizados exames bioquímicos, sorológicos, determinação da carga viral, e amplificação por nested PCR e sequenciamento das regiões S/polimerase e pré-core/core do genoma viral para posterior caracterização dos genótipos/subgenótipos do HBV e pesquisa de mutações associadas com evolução da doença hepática. Em relação à idade e sexo não houve grande variação entre os grupos. Quanto à naturalidade a maioria era procedente da região sudeste, seguido pela região nordeste; e por fim seis pacientes eram procedentes de outros países. Com base no sobrenome dos pacientes avaliou-se também a frequência de etnia oriental na casuística estudada, que foi similar nos 2 grupos. O perfil sorológico HBeAg negativo foi o mais frequente nos dois grupos de pacientes, assim como níveis de carga viral abaixo de 2.000 UI/mL. Em relação aos exames bioquímicos foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos níveis séricos de AFP (p= 0,0013), FA (p= 0,0003) e GGT (p= 0,005). Dentre os fatores de risco analisados neste estudo, o consumo de amendoim foi o único que apresentou significância estatística (p= 0,003). A região S/pol foi amplificada e sequenciada com sucesso em 58 amostras (28 do grupo 1 e 30 do grupo 2). Entre as 58 amostras analisadas 4 genótipos e 8 subgenótipos do HBV foram identificados, sendo o subgenótipo A1 o mais frequente nos dois grupos. Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significante na distribuição dos subgenótipos entre os dois grupos de pacientes. Na topologia da árvore filogenética construída com sequências do HBV isoladas dos pacientes incluídos neste estudo e sequências disponíveis no GenBank não se observou padrões de agrupamento associados com o perfil clinico do paciente (com e sem CHC). Foram obtidas sequências de boa qualidade da região précore/ core em 44 amostras, sendo 20 amostras do grupo 1 e 24 do grupo 2. Diversas das mutações investigadas foram identificadas na região précore/ core, as quais foram avaliadas estatisticamente para verificar a existência de diferença na frequência das mesmas entre os grupos de pacientes estudados. Entre as mutações identificadas se destacaram com significância estatística as seguintes mutações: T1768A (p= 0,006), a combinação das mutações C1766T + T1768A (p= 0,043) e G1888H (p= 0,05). Na análise de regressão logística simples foi possível identificar que a chance de um paciente do grupo 2 desenvolver CHC aumenta 14,7 vezes na presença de infecção por cepas do HBV com a mutação T1768A, enquanto que a infecção com cepas do HBV que albergam a mutação G1888H reduz tal chance 2,5 vezes
Introducción: Existe una estimable probabilidad de cobertura vacunal insuficiente entre la población inmigrante. Los estudios realizados se centran en población infantil. Este trabajo explora la opinión y conocimientos sobre vacunas, así como la cobertura vacunal autodeclarada en población adulta inmigrante en edad laboral. Métodos: Estudio transversal basado en un cuestionario específico dirigido a inmigrantes entre 18-65 años residentes en la provincia de Alicante. Se realizó mediante entrevista personal a una muestra de 692 individuos entre febrero y abril de 2010. Resultados: Del total de encuestados, un 56,6% son mujeres, el 90,8% reside en España desde hace menos de 10 años y un 88,7% dispone de tarjeta sanitaria. Las comunidades rumanas y marroquíes son las que menos confianza muestran hacia las vacunas. Las más conocidas son las del tétanos (65,8%), la gripe (56,8%) y la hepatitis B (56,2%); a su vez, las más administradas son las del tétanos y la hepatitis B (entre los marroquíes), y la antigripal (entre los europeos). El colectivo marroquí es el peor vacunado en su país de origen y el que más vacunas ha recibido en España (1,3 vacunas/persona). Un 46,7% refiere haber sido inmunizado alguna vez en España, aconsejados principalmente en su centro de salud o el lugar de trabajo. Un 13,3% del colectivo rumano y un 4,7% del ecuatoriano declararon haber tenido alguna dificultad para ser vacunados. Conclusiones: Aunque existe una opinión general favorable hacia las vacunas, algunas nacionalidades muestran cierta indiferencia o desapego. El estado vacunal y la predisposición a vacunarse difiere entre nacionalidades. Sería muy conveniente reforzar la tarea realizada por los equipos de atención primaria y aprovechar las ocasiones que representa la visita a un centro sanitario para ampliar la cobertura vacunal del colectivo de inmigrantes adultos.
Personen mit einer HIV-Infektion, nach einer Organ- oder einer hämatologischen Stammzelltransplantation oder mit einer funktionalen oder anatomischen Asplenie sind gegenüber Infektionen anfälliger. Sie haben eine grössere Komplikationsrate und ein höheres Risiko für einen chronifizierten Verlauf. Impfungen wären eine ideale primäre Präventionsmassnahme, sind aber – durch dieselben Mechanismen des Immundefektes der zu schwereren Krankheitsverläufen führt – in ihrer Wirksamkeit vermindert. Die Impfungen sollen daher, wenn immer möglich, vor Beginn der Immunsuppression oder später zum Zeitpunkt der minimalsten Immunsuppression, durchgeführt werden. Trotzdem bleibt der Benefit von Impfungen bei immunsupprimierten Personen unbestritten, sofern die Indikationsstellung bezüglich Zeitpunkt und Dosierung (Dosismenge und -anzahl), die zu einem maximalen Ansprechen führt, beachtet wird. Lebendimpfungen sind wegen der Gefahr der unkontrollierten Vermehrung der Impfviren bei schwerer Immunsuppression kontraindiziert. Die Serologie soll unspezifischer gemessen werden, da schwer immunsupprimierte Personen im Falle einer relevanten Exposition durch passive Immunisierung mittels spezifischer oder unspezifischer intravenöser Immunglobuline geschützt werden können.
BACKGROUND Prisoners represent a vulnerable population for blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections which can potentially lead to liver fibrosis and ultimately cirrhosis. However, little is known about the prevalence of liver fibrosis and associated risk factors among inmates in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS Screening of liver fibrosis was undertaken in a randomly selected sample of male inmates incarcerated in Lome, Togo and in Dakar, Senegal using transient elastography. A liver stiffness measurement ≥9.5 KPa was retained to define the presence of a severe liver fibrosis. All included inmates were also screened for HIV, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection. Substances abuse including alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use were assessed during face-to-face interviews. Odds Ratio (OR) estimates were computed with their 95 % Confidence Interval (CI) to identify factors associated with severe liver fibrosis. RESULTS Overall, 680 inmates were included with a median age of 30 years [interquartile range: 24-35]. The prevalence of severe fibrosis was 3.1 % (4.9 % in Lome and 1.2 % in Dakar). Infections with HIV, HBV and HCV were identified in 2.6 %, 12.5 % and 0.5 % of inmates, respectively. Factors associated with a severe liver fibrosis were HIV infection (OR = 7.6; CI 1.8-32.1), HBV infection (OR = 4.8; CI 1.8-12.8), HCV infection (OR = 52.6; CI 4.1-673.8), use of traditional medicines (OR = 3.7; CI 1.4-10.1) and being incarcerated in Lome (OR = 3.3; CI 1.1-9.8) compared to Dakar. CONCLUSIONS HIV infection and viral hepatitis infections were identified as important and independent determinants of severe liver fibrosis. While access to active antiviral therapies against HIV and viral hepatitis expands in Africa, adapted strategies for the monitoring of liver disease need to be explored, especially in vulnerable populations such as inmates.
Metastatic melanoma is poorly responsive to treatment, and immunotherapeutic approaches are potentially beneficial. Predictors of clinical response are needed to identify suitable patients. We sought factors associated with melanoma-specific clinical response following intradermal vaccination with autologous melanoma peptide and particulate hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg)-exposed immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC). Nineteen patients with metastatic melanoma received a maximum of 8, 2-weekly vaccinations of DC, exposed to HBsAg in addition to autologous melanoma peptides. A further 3 patients received an otherwise identical vaccine that did not include HBsAg. Patients were assessed 1-2 monthly for safety, disease volume, and cellular responses to HBsAg and melanoma peptide. There was no significant toxicity. Of 19 patients receiving HBsAg-exposed DC, 9 primed or boosted a cellular response to HBsAg, and 10 showed no HBsAg response. HBsAg-specific responses were associated with in vitro T cell responses to melanoma peptides and to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Zero out of 10 non-HBsAg-responding and 4/9 HBsAg-responding patients achieved objective melanoma-specific clinical responses or disease stabilization- 1 complete and 2 partial responses and I case of stable disease (P=0.018). Development of melanoma-specific cellular immunity and T cell responsiveness to mitogen were greater in the group of patients responding to HBsAg. Therefore stimulation of an immune response to nominal particulate antigen was necessary when presented by melanoma peptide-exposed immature DC, to achieve clinical responses in metastatic melanoma. Since general immune competence may be a determinant of treatment response, it should be assessed in future trials on DC immunotherapy.
Many viruses including HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B, have an outer lipid envelope which maintains inserted viral peptides in the “correct” functional conformation and orientation. Disruption of the lipid envelope by most solvents destroys infectivity and often results in a loss of antigenicity. This communication outlines a novel approach to viral inactivation by specific solvent delipidation which modifies the whole virion rendering it non-infective, but antigenic. Duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) was delipidated using a diisopropylether (DIPE) and butanol mixture and residual infectivity tested by inoculation into day-old ducks. Delipidation completely inactivated the DHBV (p < 0.001). Delipidated DHBV was then used to vaccinate ducks. Three doses of delipidated DHBV induced anti-DHBs antibody production and prevented high dose challenge infection in five out of six ducks. In comparison, five of six ducks vaccinated with undelipidated DHBV and four of four ducks vaccinated with glutaraldehyde inactivated DHBV were unprotected (p < 0.05). Although this solvent system completely inactivated DHBV, viral antigens were retained in an appropriate form to induce immunity. Delipidation of enveloped viruses with specific organic solvents has potential as the basis for development of vaccines.
The use of immunological adjuvants has been established since 1924 and ever since many candidates have been extensively researched in vaccine development. The controlled release of vaccine is another area of biotechnology research, which is advancing rapidly with great potential and success. Encapsulation of peptide and protein drugs within biodegradable microspheres has been amongst the most successful of approaches within the past decade. The present studies have focused on combining the advantages of microsphere delivery systems composed of biodegradable polylactide (PLLA) and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) polymers with that of safe and effective adjuvants. The research efforts were directed to the development of single-dose delivery vehicles which, can be manufactured easily, safely, under mild and favourable conditions to the encapsulated antigens. In pursuing this objective non ionic block copolymers (NIBCs) (Pluronics@ LI01 and L121) were incorporated within poly-dl-lactide (PDLA) micorospheres prepared with emulsification-diffusion method. LI0I and L121 served both as adjuvants and stabilising agents within these vaccine delivery vehicles. These formulations encapsulating the model antigens lysozyme, ovalbumin (OVA) and diphtheria toxoid (DT) resulted in high entrapment efficiency (99%), yield (96.7%) and elicited high and sustained immune response (IgG titres up to 9427) after one single administration over nine months. The structural integrity of the antigens was preserved within these formulations. In evaluating new approaches for the use of well-established adjuvants such as alum, these particles were incorporated within PLLA and PLGA microspheres at much lesser quantities (5-10 times lower) than those contained within conventional alum-adsorbed vaccines. These studies focused on the incorporation of the clinically relevant tetanus toxoid (TT) antigen within biodegradable microspheres. The encapsulation of both alum particles and TT antigen within these micropheres resulted in preparations with high encapsulation efficiency (95%) and yield (91.2%). The immune response to these particles was also investigated to evaluate the secretion of serum IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b after a single administration of these vaccines. The Splenic cells proliferation was also investigated as an indication for the induction of cell mediated immunity. These particles resulted in high and sustained immune response over a period of 14 months. The stability of TT within particles was also investigated under dry storage over a period of several months. NIBC microspheres were also investigated as potential DNA vaccine delivery systems using hepatitis B plasmid. These particles resulted in micro spheres of 3-5 μm diameter and were shown to preserve the integrity of the encapsulated (27.7% entrapment efficiency) hepatitis B plasmid.
Enhanced immune responses for DNA and subunit vaccines potentiated by surfactant vesicle based delivery systems outlined in the present study, provides proof of principle for the beneficial aspects of vesicle mediated vaccination. The dehydration-rehydration technique was used to entrap plasmid DNA or subunit antigens into lipid-based (liposomes) or non-ionic surfactant-based (niosomes) dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV). Using this procedure, it was shown that both these types of antigens can be effectively entrapped in DRV liposomes and DRV niosomes. The vesicle size of DRV niosomes was shown to be twice the diameter (~2µm) of that of their liposome counterparts. Incorporation of cryoprotectants such as sucrose in the DRV procedure resulted in reduced vesicle sizes while retaining high DNA incorporation efficiency (~95%). Transfection studies in COS 7 cells demonstrated that the choice of cationic lipid, the helper lipid, and the method of preparation, all influenced transfection efficiency indicating a strong interdependency of these factors. This phenomenon has been further reinforced when 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE): cholesteryl 3b- [N-(N’ ,N’ -dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol)/DNA complexes were supplemented with non-ionic surfactants. Morphological analysis of these complexes using transmission electron microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) revealed the presence of heterogeneous structures which may be essential for an efficient transfection in addition to the fusogenic properties of DOPE. In vivo evaluation of these DNA incorporated vesicle systems in BALB/c mice showed weak antibody and cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses. Subsequent mock challenge with hepatitis B antigen demonstrated that, 1-monopalmitoyl glycerol (MP) based DRV, is a more promising DNA vaccine adjuvant. Studying these DRV systems as adjuvants for the Hepatitis B subunit antigen (HBsAg) revealed a balanced antibody/CMI response profile on the basis of the HBsAg specific antibody and cytokine responses which were higher than unadjuvated antigen. The effect of addition of MP, cholesterol and trehalose 6,6’-dibehenate (TDB) on the stability and immuno-efficacy of dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) vesicles was investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry showed a reduction in transition temperature of DDA vesicles by ~12°C when incorporated with surfactants. ESEM of MP based DRV system indicated an increased vesicle stability upon incorporation of antigen. Adjuvant activity of these systems tested in C57BL/6j mice against three subunit antigens i.e., mycobacterial fusion protein- Ag85B-ESAT-6, and two malarial antigens - merozoite surface protein-1, (MSP1), and glutamate rich protein, (GLURP) revealed that while MP and DDA based systems induced comparable antibody responses, DDA based systems induced powerful CMI responses.
Plasmid DNA pRc/CMV HBS encoding the S (small) region of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was incorporated by the dehydration-rehydration method into Lipodine™ liposomes composed of 16 μmoles phosphatidylcholine (PC) or distearoyl phosphatidylcholine (DSPC), 8 μmoles of (dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) or cholesterol and 4 μmoles of the cationic lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-3-(trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP) (molar ratios 1:0.5:0.25). Incorporation efficiency was high (89-93% of the amount of DNA used) in all four formulations tested and incorporated DNA was shown to be resistant to displacement in the presence of the competing anionic sodium dodecyl sulphate molecules. This is consistent with the notion that most of the DNA is incorporated within the multilamellar vesicles structure rather than being vesicle surface-complexed. Stability studies performed in simulated intestinal media also demonstrated that dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV) incorporating DNA (DRV(DNA)) were able to retain significantly more of their DNA content compared to DNA complexed with preformed small unilamellar vesicles (SUV-DNA) of the same composition. Moreover, after 4h incubation in the media, DNA loss for DSPC DRV(DNA) was only minimal, suggesting this to be the most stable formulation. Oral (intragastric) liposome-mediated DNA immunisation studies employing a variety of DRV(DNA) formulations as well as naked DNA revealed that secreted IgA responses against the encoded HBsAg were (as early as three weeks after the first dose) substantially higher after dosing with 100 μg liposome-entrapped DNA compared to naked DNA. Throughout the fourteen week investigation, IgA responses in mice were consistently higher with the DSPC DRV(DNA) liposomes compared to naked DNA and correlated well with their improved DNA retention when exposed to model intestinal fluids. To investigate gene expression after oral (intragastric) administration, mice were given 100 μg of naked or DSPC DRV liposome-entrapped plasmid DNA expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (pCMV.EGFP). Expression of the gene, in terms of fluorescence intensity in the draining mesenteric lymph nodes, was much greater in mice dosed with liposomal DNA than in animals dosed with the naked DNA. These results suggest that DSPC DRV liposomes containing DNA (Lipodine™) may be a useful system for the oral delivery of DNA vaccines.
The Bureau of Immunization is part of the Division of Acute Disease Prevention and Emergency Response (ADPER) at the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). The ADPER division provides support, technical assistance and consultation to local hospitals, public health agencies, community health centers, emergency medical service programs and local health care providers regarding infectious diseases, disease prevention and control, injury prevention and public health and health care emergency preparedness and response. The division encompasses the Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology (CADE), the Bureau of Immunization and Tuberculosis (ITB), the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), the Bureau of Communication and Planning (CAP), the Office of Health Information Technology (HIT), and the Center for Disaster Operations and Response (CDOR). The Bureau of Immunization and Tuberculosis includes the Immunization Program, the Tuberculosis Control Program, and the Refugee Health Program. The mission of the Immunization Program is to decrease vaccine‐preventable diseases through education, advocacy and partnership. While there has been major advancement in expanding immunizations to many parts of Iowa’s population, work must continue with public and private health care providers to promote the program’s vision of healthy Iowans living in communities free of vaccine‐preventable diseases. Accomplishing this goal will require achieving and maintaining high vaccination coverage levels, improving vaccination strategies among under‐vaccinated populations, prompt reporting and thorough investigation of suspected disease cases, and rapid institution of control measures. The Immunization Program is comprised of multiple programs that provide immunization services throughout the state: Adolescent Immunization Program, Adult Immunization Program, Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS), Vaccines for Children Program (VFC), Perinatal Hepatitis B Program, and Immunization Assessment Program.
Since the creation of the first viral hepatitis plan in 2004 several documents and advancements have been released that help Iowa plan and prioritize this revision of our hepatitis plan. The Institute of Medicine report identified that current approach to the prevention and control of chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C is not working. As a remedy, the IOM recommends increased knowledge and awareness about chronic viral hepatitis among health care providers, social service providers, and the public; improved surveillance for hepatitis B and hepatitis C; and better integration of viral hepatitis services.