1000 resultados para RB32-270


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 uses ribosomal frameshifting for translation of the Gag-Pol polyprotein. Frameshift activities are thought to be tightly regulated. Analysis of gag p1 sequences from 270 plasma virions identified in 64% of the samples the occurrence of polymorphism that could lead to changes in thermodynamic stability of the stem-loop. Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of p1-beta-galactosidase fusion proteins from 10 representative natural stem-loop variants and three laboratory mutant constructs (predicted the thermodynamic stability [Delta G degrees] ranging from -23.0 to -4.3 kcal/mol) identified a reduction in frameshift activity of 13 to 67% compared with constructs with the wild-type stem-loop (Delta G degrees, -23.5 kcal/mol). Viruses carrying stem-loops associated with greater than 60% reductions in frameshift activity presented profound defects in viral replication. In contrast, viruses with stem-loop structures associated with 16 to 42% reductions in frameshift efficiency displayed no significant viral replication deficit.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the cost-utility of an exercise programme vs usual care after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation in patients with chronic low back pain. DESIGN: Cost-utility analysis alongside a randomized controlled trial. SUBJECTS/PATIENTS: A total of 105 patients with chronic low back pain. METHODS: Chronic low back pain patients completing a 3-week functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation were randomized to either a 3-month exercise programme (n = 56) or usual care (n = 49). The exercise programme consisted of 24 training sessions during 12 weeks. At the end of functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation and at 1-year follow-up quality of life was measured with the SF-36 questionnaire, converted into utilities and transformed into quality--adjusted life years. Direct and indirect monthly costs were measured using cost diaries. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated as the incremental cost of the exercise programme divided by the difference in quality-adjusted life years between both groups. RESULTS: Quality of life improved significantly at 1-year follow-up in both groups. Similarly, both groups significantly reduced total monthly costs over time. No significant difference was observed between groups. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was 79,270 euros. CONCLUSION: Adding an exercise programme after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation compared with usual care does not offer significant long-term benefits in quality of life and direct and indirect costs.


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Prevalence and incidence of dementia increase with demographic aging. Benefits of current antidementia drugs are modest, both in cognitive and functional domains. Therefore, interest is growing to evaluate the effects of interventions aiming at preventing cognitive decline and, ideally, dementia onset. Cognitive training and physical activity seem promising. This paper describes recent studies that assessed the benefits of preventive strategies in the domain of dementia, especially in Alzheimer's disease.


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Zola, Émile. Oeuvres diverses, manuscrit(s) autographe(s)


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Durante 150 dias, 12 potras Quarto-de-Milha de 1 ano de idade permaneceram exclusivamente em pastagem de Brachiaria humidicola, num experimento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos, nível 0 (recomendação do NRC, 1989); nível 50 (50% a mais do NRC); nível 100 (100% a mais do NRC), e quatro repetições. Como palatabilizante foram empregadas 270 g de açúcar. Realizaram-se biópsias na asa do osso do ílio de cada potra, no início e final do experimento, para avaliar a mobilização de Ca e a relação Ca:P. As amostras da gramínea, foram coletadas mensalmente para verificação do teor de oxalato e composição químico-bromatológica. Houve efeito de tempo na mobilização de Ca, P e da relação Ca:P (p<0,05), independentemente dos tratamentos. As médias dos três tratamentos, no início e final do período experimental foram, quanto aos teores de Ca, P e da relação Ca:P, respectivamente: 10,05, 5,22, 1,93:1 e 6,24, 4,06, 1,54:1. O teor do oxalato na gramínea variou de 1,18 a 2,00%. A utilização do nível de cálcio suplementar duas vezes superior ao recomendado pelo National Research Council não foi suficiente para impedir a mobilização deste mineral nos ossos de eqüinos pastejando Brachiaria humidicola por longos períodos.


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El presente artículo sostiene, por debajo de la contraposición entre los conceptos dejusticia epicúreo y aristotélico, la existencia de un común denominador a ambos, a saber, la prioridad de un concepto social-natural (no meramente social ni meramente natural) de justicia, previo a todo cálculo de conveniencia, pero no por ello de naturaleza metafísica.En el caso de Epicuro, se trata de un concepto de mínimo al que debe ajustarse el florecimiento individual: el reconocimiento mutuo. En el caso de Aristóteles, de un máximo en la búsqueda del bien común como condición del bien de cada individuo: la pólis gobernada en beneficio de todos los ciudadanos.


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El presente trabajo parte de la definición del sentido filosófico que tiene el momento histórico en el que se escriben las "Enéadas", y de reparar en los topica esenciales que aparecencon carácter de novedad. Seguidamente se centra en la cuestión básica para la comprensión de la metafísica plotiniana, acercadel problema de la "expresión" y la "trascendencia", como conceptos metafísicos detectables de una larga tradición filosófica.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) and thyroid hormone receptors (TR) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily, which regulate lipid metabolism and tissue differentiation. In order to bind to DNA and activate transcription, PPAR requires the formation of heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR). In addition to activating transcription through its own response elements, PPAR is able to selectively down-regulate the transcriptional activity of TR, but not vitamin D receptor. The molecular basis of this functional interaction has not been fully elucidated. By means of site-directed mutagenesis of hPPAR alpha we mapped its inhibitory action on TR to a leucine zipper-like motif in the ligand binding domain of PPAR, which is highly conserved among all subtypes of this receptor and mediates heterodimerization with RXR. Replacement of a single leucine by arginine at position 433 of hPPAR alpha (L433R) abolished heterodimerization of PPAR with RXR and consequently its trans-activating capacity. However, a similar mutation of a leucine residue to arginine at position 422 showed no alteration of heterodimerization, DNA binding, or transcriptional activation. The dimerization deficient mutant L433R was no longer able to inhibit TR action, demonstrating that the selective inhibitory effect of PPAR results from the competition for RXR as well as possibly for other TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, abolition of DNA binding by a mutation in the P-box of PPAR (C122S) did not eliminate the inhibition of TR trans-activation, indicating that competition for DNA binding is not involved. Additionally, no evidence for the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers was found in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. In summary, we have demonstrated that PPAR selectively inhibits the transcriptional activity of TRs by competition for RXR and possibly non-RXR TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, this functional interaction is independent of the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers or competition for DNA binding.


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Com o objetivo de identificar parâmetros de decréscimos de qualidade de milho-pipoca, foram avaliados os efeitos dos métodos de colheita e debulha de grãos, dos teores de umidade inicial, da temperatura do ar de secagem e do tempo de armazenamento sobre a capacidade de expansão das cultivares Zélia e CMS 43. A colheita foi realizada quando ambas as cultivares de milho-pipoca atingiram o teor de umidade de 19% b.u. e, posteriormente, 15% b.u. Foram utilizadas a colheita e debulha manuais e a colheita mecânica com diferentes velocidades do cilindro debulhador. O produto foi submetido à secagem artificial em camada fina. Periodicamente, realizou-se o teste-padrão de qualidade relativo à capacidade de expansão do milho-pipoca. A qualidade do grão foi afetada significativamente pela colheita mecânica e pelo aumento da temperatura do ar de secagem mas não foi reduzida durante o armazenamento. Os melhores valores de capacidade de expansão, com relação à maioria dos tratamentos, foram obtidos depois de 270 dias de armazenamento. O milho-pipoca da cultivar Zélia apresentou-se com qualidade comercial superior à da cultivar CMS 43, porém é necessário salientar que esta última encontra-se ainda em fase de desenvolvimento e melhoramento genético.


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Peripheral neurons can regenerate after axotomy; in this process, the role of cytoskeletal proteins is important because they contribute to formation and reorganization, growth, transport, stability and plasticity of axons. In the present study, we examined the effects of thyroid hormones (T3) on the expression of major cytoskeletal proteins during sciatic nerve regeneration. At various times after sciatic nerve transection and T3 local administration, segments of operated nerves from T3-treated rats and control rats were examined by Western blotting for the presence of neurofilament, tubulin and vimentin. Our results revealed that, during the first week after surgery, T3 treatment did not significantly alter the level of NF subunits and tubulin in the different segments of operated nerves compared to control nerves. Two or 4 weeks after operation, the concentration of NF-H and NF-M isoforms was clearly increased by T3 treatment. Moreover, under T3-treatment, NF proteins appeared more rapidly in the distal segment of operated nerves. Likewise, the levels of betaIII, and of acetylated and tyrosinated tubulin isotypes, were also up-regulated by T3-treatment during regeneration. However, only the tyrosinated tubulin form appeared earlier in the distal nerve segments. At this stage of regeneration, T3 had no effect on the level of vimentin expression. In conclusion, thyroid hormone improves and accelerates peripheral nerve regeneration and exerts a positive effect on cytoskeletal protein expression and transport involved in axonal regeneration. These results help us to understand partially the mechanism by which thyroid hormones enhance peripheral nerve regeneration. The stimulating effect of T3 on peripheral nerve regeneration may have considerable therapeutic potential.


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Résumé de la thèseLa fracturation des roches au cours de phases compressives ou extensives est un souvent évoquée pour expliquer la circulation de fluide au sein des roches cristallines. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, la circulation des fluides lors de l'exhumation tardive des Alpes a été étudiée en utilisant deux approches différentes: analyses structurales de la déformation fragile d'une part et analyses géochimiques des roches et des minéraux (isotopes stables, datations U/Pb, thermochronologie (U-Th)/He) d'autre part. Cette approche combinée a permis de mieux comprendre l'interaction existante entre les fluides métamorphiques et les fluides météoriques, ainsi que leur interaction avec les roches encaissantes. Le travail a été effectué dans la zone Pennique du Valais suisse.La première partie était focalisée sur la déformation fragile, le but étant de définir les différents types de déformations existantes et de déterminer l'âge relatif des différentes familles de failles. Dans la région d'étude, quatre domaines ont été distingués. Chacun d'eux comportent deux types de structures fragiles, certaines sont minéralisées alors que d'autre non. Au sein de chaque domaine, la direction principale des structures minéralisées correspond à l'orientation des accidents tectoniques majeurs de la région (Aosta- Ranzola Line au Sud, Rhône Line au Nord et Simplon Fault Zone à l'Est), alors que les structures non- minéralisées montrent des orientations plus variables. Ainsi, le premier type de structure est interprété comme résultant d'une dislocation tectonique alors que le deuxième type de structure résulterait d'une dislocation gravitaire locale. Il n'est néanmoins pas possible de classer chronologiquement la formation de ces deux types de structure ni d'attribuer un âge relatif aux changements d'orientation des contraintes majeures.La deuxième étude a été effectuée dans la région de la zone de faille du Simplon. Dans cette zone, la composition isotopique des minéraux ayant cristallisé à l'intérieur des fractures tardives permet de distinguer différents types de circulation de fluide. Les valeurs δ180 du quartz de la roche encaissante ainsi que ceux des veines tardives du bloque inférieur de la faille sont comparables. Ces valeurs indiquent un rééquilibrage et un tamponnage isotopique des fluides tardifs au contact de la roche encaissante lors de la fracturation de cette dernière et de la cristallisation des veines tardives. La même situation est observée dans la partie nord du bloque supérieur ainsi que dans sa partie sud. Ceci n'est néanmoins pas le cas pour la partie centrale du bloque supérieur où les valeurs isotopiques des minéraux dans les veines tardives sont approximativement 3 %o plus basses (avec des valeurs extrêmes négatifs), indiquant une contribution d'eau météorique aux fluides circulant dans les veines. Ces données suggèrent qu'une infiltration d'eau météorique a pu avoir lieu dans le bloque supérieur, où la fracturation des roches est plus intensive car le déplacement relatif le long de la faille y fut plus important, et la température maximale du métamorphisme plus basse. La troisième contribution traite de la géo-thermochronologie de la zone de contact entre la klippe de la Dent Blanche et la nappe de Tsaté. De petits zircons euhédraux ont été trouvés dans un plan de faille minéralisé (parallèle à la Faille du Rhône, voir première partie de l'étude), riche en hématite et quartz, de la zone d'étude. Les analyses U/Pb donnent des âges radiométriques autour de 270 - 280 Ma aux zircons extraits de la minéralisation ainsi que ceux extraits de la roche encaissante, ce qui correspond à l'âge de la nappe de la Dent Blanche et non celui de la nappe du Tsaté qui est elle-même classiquement interprétée comme une ophiolite Jurassique de l'Océan Liguro-Piémontais. Ces données suggèrent que les zircons contenus dans la veine ont été hérités de la roche encaissante. Les résultats (U-Th)/He indiquent un âge de refroidissement différent pour la roche encaissante (25.5 ± 2.0 Ma) que celui de la minéralisation (17.7 ±1.4 Ma). Le thermomètre isotopique quartz-hématite indique une température d'équilibre, et donc de mise en place de la minéralisation, d'environ 170 °C, température très proche de la température de -180 °C de fermeture du zircon pour le système (U-Th)/He. Ceci suggère que l'âge de refroidissement des zircons de la minéralisation correspond aussi à l'âge de formation de la faille.Thesis abstractFluid circulation in fractured rocks is a common process in geology, and it is generally the consequence of faulting and fracturing during both tectonic compression and extension. This thesis is focused on fluid circulation during late stages of the Alpine exhumation. After a structural analysis of the late brittle deformation of the studied samples, several analytical methods (stable isotope investigations, U/Pb radiometric dating, (U-Th)/He thermochronology) have been applied to understand the interaction of metamorphic and meteoric fluids with one another as well as with the host rock. This thesis is articulated around three study directions. All studies were conducted in the Penninic Zone of the Valais, Switzerland. The first study deals with late, brittle deformation and focuses on the different deformation styles and on the relative age of the different families of fractures. In order to do this, late brittle structures observed in four different domains have been subdivided as a function of the existence (or not) and type of mineralization. Comparisons between mineralized and non-mineralized strike directions for all four domains show that mineralized structures follow the strike orientation of major tectonic movements indicated in the Penninic Zone of the Valais (Aosta-Ranzola Line to the S, Rhône Line to the Ν and Simplon Fault Zone to the E), whereas non-mineralized fractures have a more variable strike orientation. This difference could be interpreted as indicative of tectonic-related faulting (mineralized structures) vs. local, collapse-related faulting (non-mineralized fractures), but it is not strong enough to indicate a relative age of the late brittle structures, and/or a change in the orientation of the strain field in post-Miocene times. The second studied area is focused on the Simplon Fault Zone (SFZ). Stable isotope analyses of minerals filling these late fractures indicate that there are two different fluid circulation systems in the footwall and hanging wall of the SFZ. In the footwall, δ180 values of quartz from both the host rock and the late veins range from +10 %o to +12 %o. This is consistent with buffering of circulating fluids by the host rock during fracturing and vein precipitation. In the hanging wall, δΙ80 values for quartz crystals from the host rock and the late veins are similar in both the northern and southern parts of the detachment that are both affected by the same degree of metamorphism (greenschist to the Ν and amphibolite to the S). This is not the case in the central part of the SFZ, where there is a jump from amphibolite facies in the footwall to greenschist facies in the hanging wall. δ,80 values for quartz from the hanging wall late veins are approximately 3.0 %o lower (down to negative values in some cases) than the values observed in the footwall These data suggest that infiltration of meteoric water may have occurred in the most fractured parts of the hanging wall, where relative displacement on the SFZ was the greatest and the peak temperature lower. In the less fractured footwall the δ180 values reflect a host rock-buffered system.The third study is focused on geo-thermochronology at the contact between the Dent Blanche nappe and the Tsaté nappe where small, euhedral zircons were found in a hematite- and quartz-rich mineralization on a late normal fault plane parallel to the Rhône Line (see first part of the study). U/Pb analysis indicates that the zircons - both in the late mineralization and in the host rock - have absolute radiometric ages clustering around 270 - 280 Ma, which is the accepted age for intrusive rocks from the Austroalpine Dent Blanche units but not for the Tsaté nappe. The latter is classically interpreted as an ophiolitic remnant of the Jurassic Liguro-Piemontais Ocean. U/Pb analyses suggest that zircons in late mineralization are all inherited from the host rock; however, results of (U-Th)/He analyses indicate that cooling ages for the host rocks are different to the cooling ages for the zircons in late mineralization. Indeed, the calculated cooling age for the Arolla gneiss is 25.5 ± 2.0 Ma, whilst the cooling age for the associated mineralized fault plane is 17.7 ±1.4 Ma. Oxygen stable isotope fractionation between quartz and hematite in the same late mineralization corresponds to temperatures of about 170 °C. The proximity of the calculated emplacement temperature for the mineralization and the lower accepted closure temperature for zircon in the (U-Th)/He system (-180 °C) imply that the age of 17.7 ± 1.4 Ma can also be interpreted as the formation age of this late brittle fault.Résumé grand publicLa circulation des fluides dans les roches fracturées est typique de nombreux processus géologiques, et très souvent est la conséquence de la fracturation des roches. Cette thèse aborde la question de la circulation des fluides pendant les dernières phases du soulèvement des Alpes. Après une analyse structurale de la fracturation directement sur le terrain, plusieurs méthodes géochimiques ont été appliquées pour comprendre l'interaction entre les différents fluides circulants, et avec leur propre roche mère. L'étude, concentrée sur trois directions principales, a été conduite dans la zone Pennique du Valais suisse. La première partie traite de la déformation cassante dans le secteur cité. L'analyse détaillée des fractures a permis de les subdiviser en structures minéralisées et non-minéralisées, sur quatre domaines différents. La comparaison entre les directions des structures minéralisées et non-minéralisées a permis de montrer que les premières suivent l'orientation des accidents tectoniques majeurs de la région, alors que les structures non- minéralisées ont une orientation plus variable. Cette différence pourrait être interprétée comme indication d'une dislocation tectonique (structures minéralisées) contre une dislocation gravitaire locale (structures non-minéralisées), mais elle n'est pas assez forte pour indiquer un âge relatif des structures tardives et/ou un changement de l'orientation des contraintes après -20 Ma vers le présent.A partir de ces observations, la deuxième étude est concentrée dans la région de la faille du Simplon. Les analyses géochimiques sur les minéraux remplissant les structures tardives indiquent qu'il y a deux différents systèmes de circulation des fluides dans les deux parties (toit et mur) de la faille. Dans le mur, les valeurs isotopiques des minéraux cristallisés à partir d'un fluide tardif sont les mêmes de ceux de la roche mère, donc il y a eu rééquilibration chimique entre fluide et roche pendant la fracturation de cette dernière et la précipitation des minéraux. Dans le toit, les valeurs isotopiques dans la roche mère et dans les minéraux des veines tardives sont comparables dans les parties Ν et S de la faille, où les roches du toit et du mur ont atteint une température maximale - pendant phase prograde de la formation des Alpes - comparable. Au contraire, dans la partie centrale, où le mur a atteint des températures maximales plus élevées par rapport au toit, les valeurs géochimiques des minéralisations tardives du toit sont parfois plus basses que les valeurs observées dans le mur. Ces données suggèrent que l'infiltration de l'eau de surface aurait pu se produire dans la partie plus fracturée du toit, où le déplacement relatif le long de la faille était majeur et les températures maximales mineures. Au contraire, les données géochimiques du mur de la partie centrale indiquent un système isotopique équilibré par la roche mère.La troisième partie de ce travail se base sur l'étude géochimique intégrée des isotopes stables d'Oxygène et radioactifs du Plomb, Uranium, Thorium et Hélium, auprès d'une faille normale minéralisée et des roches de la région à cheval entre deux nappes, la nappe de la Dent Blanche et la nappe de Tsaté. Ici, des petits zircons ont été trouvés dans la minéralisation citée, riche en hématite et quartz. L'analyse radiométrique Uranium/Plomb a montré que les zircons dans la minéralisation et dans les roches autour ont des âges comparables (autour 280 Ma). Cela signifie que les zircons dans la minéralisation tardive ont été hérités de la roche mère pendant la fracturation et la circulation des fluides tardives. De l'autre coté, les résultats des analyses Uranium-Thorium/Hélium indiquent que les âges de refroidissement pour les roches mères sont différents comparés aux âges de refroidissement pour les zircons dans la minéralisation tardive: ces derniers sont plus jeunes d'environ 8 Ma (autour 25 Ma et autour 17 Ma respectivement). Les analyses des isotopes de l'oxygène sur quartz et hématite dans la même minéralisation donnent une température de mise en place de cette dernière d'environ 170° C. La température de fermeture du système chimique des zircons dans le système (Uranium-Thorium)/Hélium est d'environ 180 °C: la proximité de ces deux températures implique que l'âge de refroidissement de la minéralisation tardive peut également être interprété comme âge de formation de la faille.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o efeito do número de plantas por parcela na avaliação de famílias de meios-irmãos de milho. Para isso, 25 famílias da população CMS-39 foram avaliadas utilizando um látice 5 x 5 com duas repetições. Cada parcela era constituída por três linhas com 10 m de comprimento. Cada parcela foi subdividida em estratos de 1 m com cinco plantas; associando os estratos contíguos, foi possível obter número de plantas por parcela, que variou de 5 a 135. Utilizando esses diferentes tamanhos de parcelas, foram realizadas 270 análises de variância quanto ao caráter peso da espiga despalhada. A partir dessas análises, foram estimados os parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos com os seus respectivos erros e simulando o ganho esperado com a seleção. Constatou-se que quanto maior o número de plantas, mais precisos foram os experimentos; as parcelas contendo o mesmo número de plantas, porém distribuídos em duas ou três linhas, propiciam maior precisão experimental; o ganho esperado com a seleção decresce com o aumento do número de plantas utilizadas, por parcela.


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Cytosolic acetyl-CoA is involved in the synthesis of a variety of compounds, including waxes, sterols and rubber, and is generated by the ATP citrate lyase (ACL). Plants over-expressing ACL were generated in an effort to understand the contribution of ACL activity to the carbon flux of acetyl-CoA to metabolic pathways occurring in the cytosol. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants synthesizing the polyester polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from cytosolic acetyl-CoA have reduced growth and wax content, consistent with a reduction in the availability of cytosolic acetyl-CoA to endogenous pathways. Increasing the ACL activity via the over-expression of the ACLA and ACLB subunits reversed the phenotypes associated with PHB synthesis while maintaining polymer synthesis. PHB production by itself was associated with an increase in ACL activity that occurred in the absence of changes in steady-state mRNA or protein level, indicating a post-translational regulation of ACL activity in response to sink strength. Over-expression of ACL in Arabidopsis was associated with a 30% increase in wax on stems, while over-expression of a chimeric homomeric ACL in the laticifer of roots of dandelion led to a four- and two-fold increase in rubber and triterpene content, respectively. Synthesis of PHB and over-expression of ACL also changed the amount of the cutin monomer octadecadien-1,18-dioic acid, revealing an unsuspected link between cytosolic acetyl-CoA and cutin biosynthesis. Together, these results reveal the complexity of ACL regulation and its central role in influencing the carbon flux to metabolic pathways using cytosolic acetyl-CoA, including wax and polyisoprenoids.


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Thin overlays, diamond grinding, longitudinal grooving, transverse grooving, and milling have been successful techniques for restoring frictional properties on portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Shotblasting offers a lower cost alternative if successful. Five test sections of shotblasting were placed on IA 9 from Decorah east to the Winneshiek County line (milepost 260.0 to 270.0). Both smooth tire and ribbed tire friction testing (ASTM E274) was performed. The conclusions and recommendations are: Based on the study, friction enhancement by shotblasting has a relatively short service life when measured by the ribbed tire test. However, when measured by the smooth tire test, the friction enhancement is longer lasting. Consideration of shotblasting for friction enhancement may be warranted to gain additional information, particularly when smooth tire friction properties are at issue.


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Durante o ano agrícola de 1998, na Região Nordeste do Brasil, foram realizados experimentos em rede, em blocos casualizados com três repetições, envolvendo a avaliação de 25 cultivares (cultivares e populações) e de 30 híbridos de milho em dezenove e dezesseis ambientes, respectivamente, objetivando conhecer adaptabilidade e estabilidade dessas cultivares para fins de recomendação. Os híbridos apresentaram maiores rendimentos, em média, 21,4% mais que as cultivares. Nos ensaios envolvendo cultivares e populações, o híbrido Cargill 909, utilizado como testemunha, teve um rendimento superior, tanto nos ambientes desfavoráveis quanto nos favoráveis. As cultivares AL 30, BR 5028, BR 106, BR 5011, BR 5033, Sintético Dentado, Sintético Duro e a população CMS 50 expressaram boa adaptação e estabilidade de produção no Nordeste brasileiro. Nos ensaios envolvendo híbridos, Dina 1000, Cargill 333 B, Dina 270, Braskalb XL 360, Master, AG 1051, AG 4051 e Pioneer 3041 apresentaram maior adaptação com estabilidade de produção nos ambientes considerados. Para recomendação específica a ambientes favoráveis destacaram-se os híbridos AG 4051 e Pioneer X 1296 B. Apesar de não se encontrarem híbridos com adaptação específica a ambientes desfavoráveis, a recomendação de materiais com maiores rendimentos nesses ambientes é de interesse para o agricultor, a exemplo do Dina 1000, Cargill 333 B e Braskalb XL 360.