925 resultados para Purpose of implementation


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Background: Newfoundland and Labrador has a high incidence of type 1 diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a complication of type 1 diabetes. A clinical practice guideline was developed for the treatment of pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) to standardize care in all Emergency Departments and improve patient outcomes. Rural emergency nurses are requires to maintain their competency and acquire new knowledge as stated by the Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (ARNNL). Purpose: The purpose of this practicum was to develop a self-learning module for rural emergency nurses to increase their knowledge and understanding of the clinical practise guideline to assess, treat, and prevent pediatric ketoacidosis. Methods: Two methodologies were used in this practicum. A review of the literature and consultations with key stakeholders were completed. Results: The self-learning module created was composed of three units and focused on the learning needs of rural emergency nurses in the areas of assessment, treatment, and prevention of pediatric DKA. Conclusion: The goal of the practicum was to increase rural emergency nurses’ knowledge and implementation of the clinical practice guideline when assessing and treating children and families experiencing DKA to improve patient outcomes. A planned evaluation of the self-learning module will be conducted following dissemination of the module throughout the rural Emergency Departments.


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Large marine areas and regional seas present a challenge in terms of management. They are often bordered by numerous maritime jurisdictions; with multi-use and multi-sector environments; involving varying governance arrangements; and generation of sufficient levels of data to best inform decision-makers. Marine management at the regional scale involves a range of mechanisms and approaches to ensure all relevant stakeholders have an opportunity to engage in the process; and these approaches can differ in their legal and regulatory conditions. At present, no such comparable structures exist at the transnational level for the ecosystem-based management of the Celtic Sea. Against this backdrop, a participative process, involving representatives from differing sectors of activity in the Celtic Sea spanning four Member States, was established for the purpose of identifying realistic and meaningful management principles in line with the goals of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.


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X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging constitutes one of the most widely used diagnostic tools in radiology today with nearly 85 million CT examinations performed in the U.S in 2011. CT imparts a relatively high amount of radiation dose to the patient compared to other x-ray imaging modalities and as a result of this fact, coupled with its popularity, CT is currently the single largest source of medical radiation exposure to the U.S. population. For this reason, there is a critical need to optimize CT examinations such that the dose is minimized while the quality of the CT images is not degraded. This optimization can be difficult to achieve due to the relationship between dose and image quality. All things being held equal, reducing the dose degrades image quality and can impact the diagnostic value of the CT examination.

A recent push from the medical and scientific community towards using lower doses has spawned new dose reduction technologies such as automatic exposure control (i.e., tube current modulation) and iterative reconstruction algorithms. In theory, these technologies could allow for scanning at reduced doses while maintaining the image quality of the exam at an acceptable level. Therefore, there is a scientific need to establish the dose reduction potential of these new technologies in an objective and rigorous manner. Establishing these dose reduction potentials requires precise and clinically relevant metrics of CT image quality, as well as practical and efficient methodologies to measure such metrics on real CT systems. The currently established methodologies for assessing CT image quality are not appropriate to assess modern CT scanners that have implemented those aforementioned dose reduction technologies.

Thus the purpose of this doctoral project was to develop, assess, and implement new phantoms, image quality metrics, analysis techniques, and modeling tools that are appropriate for image quality assessment of modern clinical CT systems. The project developed image quality assessment methods in the context of three distinct paradigms, (a) uniform phantoms, (b) textured phantoms, and (c) clinical images.

The work in this dissertation used the “task-based” definition of image quality. That is, image quality was broadly defined as the effectiveness by which an image can be used for its intended task. Under this definition, any assessment of image quality requires three components: (1) A well defined imaging task (e.g., detection of subtle lesions), (2) an “observer” to perform the task (e.g., a radiologists or a detection algorithm), and (3) a way to measure the observer’s performance in completing the task at hand (e.g., detection sensitivity/specificity).

First, this task-based image quality paradigm was implemented using a novel multi-sized phantom platform (with uniform background) developed specifically to assess modern CT systems (Mercury Phantom, v3.0, Duke University). A comprehensive evaluation was performed on a state-of-the-art CT system (SOMATOM Definition Force, Siemens Healthcare) in terms of noise, resolution, and detectability as a function of patient size, dose, tube energy (i.e., kVp), automatic exposure control, and reconstruction algorithm (i.e., Filtered Back-Projection– FPB vs Advanced Modeled Iterative Reconstruction– ADMIRE). A mathematical observer model (i.e., computer detection algorithm) was implemented and used as the basis of image quality comparisons. It was found that image quality increased with increasing dose and decreasing phantom size. The CT system exhibited nonlinear noise and resolution properties, especially at very low-doses, large phantom sizes, and for low-contrast objects. Objective image quality metrics generally increased with increasing dose and ADMIRE strength, and with decreasing phantom size. The ADMIRE algorithm could offer comparable image quality at reduced doses or improved image quality at the same dose (increase in detectability index by up to 163% depending on iterative strength). The use of automatic exposure control resulted in more consistent image quality with changing phantom size.

Based on those results, the dose reduction potential of ADMIRE was further assessed specifically for the task of detecting small (<=6 mm) low-contrast (<=20 HU) lesions. A new low-contrast detectability phantom (with uniform background) was designed and fabricated using a multi-material 3D printer. The phantom was imaged at multiple dose levels and images were reconstructed with FBP and ADMIRE. Human perception experiments were performed to measure the detection accuracy from FBP and ADMIRE images. It was found that ADMIRE had equivalent performance to FBP at 56% less dose.

Using the same image data as the previous study, a number of different mathematical observer models were implemented to assess which models would result in image quality metrics that best correlated with human detection performance. The models included naïve simple metrics of image quality such as contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and more sophisticated observer models such as the non-prewhitening matched filter observer model family and the channelized Hotelling observer model family. It was found that non-prewhitening matched filter observers and the channelized Hotelling observers both correlated strongly with human performance. Conversely, CNR was found to not correlate strongly with human performance, especially when comparing different reconstruction algorithms.

The uniform background phantoms used in the previous studies provided a good first-order approximation of image quality. However, due to their simplicity and due to the complexity of iterative reconstruction algorithms, it is possible that such phantoms are not fully adequate to assess the clinical impact of iterative algorithms because patient images obviously do not have smooth uniform backgrounds. To test this hypothesis, two textured phantoms (classified as gross texture and fine texture) and a uniform phantom of similar size were built and imaged on a SOMATOM Flash scanner (Siemens Healthcare). Images were reconstructed using FBP and a Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE). Using an image subtraction technique, quantum noise was measured in all images of each phantom. It was found that in FBP, the noise was independent of the background (textured vs uniform). However, for SAFIRE, noise increased by up to 44% in the textured phantoms compared to the uniform phantom. As a result, the noise reduction from SAFIRE was found to be up to 66% in the uniform phantom but as low as 29% in the textured phantoms. Based on this result, it clear that further investigation was needed into to understand the impact that background texture has on image quality when iterative reconstruction algorithms are used.

To further investigate this phenomenon with more realistic textures, two anthropomorphic textured phantoms were designed to mimic lung vasculature and fatty soft tissue texture. The phantoms (along with a corresponding uniform phantom) were fabricated with a multi-material 3D printer and imaged on the SOMATOM Flash scanner. Scans were repeated a total of 50 times in order to get ensemble statistics of the noise. A novel method of estimating the noise power spectrum (NPS) from irregularly shaped ROIs was developed. It was found that SAFIRE images had highly locally non-stationary noise patterns with pixels near edges having higher noise than pixels in more uniform regions. Compared to FBP, SAFIRE images had 60% less noise on average in uniform regions for edge pixels, noise was between 20% higher and 40% lower. The noise texture (i.e., NPS) was also highly dependent on the background texture for SAFIRE. Therefore, it was concluded that quantum noise properties in the uniform phantoms are not representative of those in patients for iterative reconstruction algorithms and texture should be considered when assessing image quality of iterative algorithms.

The move beyond just assessing noise properties in textured phantoms towards assessing detectability, a series of new phantoms were designed specifically to measure low-contrast detectability in the presence of background texture. The textures used were optimized to match the texture in the liver regions actual patient CT images using a genetic algorithm. The so called “Clustured Lumpy Background” texture synthesis framework was used to generate the modeled texture. Three textured phantoms and a corresponding uniform phantom were fabricated with a multi-material 3D printer and imaged on the SOMATOM Flash scanner. Images were reconstructed with FBP and SAFIRE and analyzed using a multi-slice channelized Hotelling observer to measure detectability and the dose reduction potential of SAFIRE based on the uniform and textured phantoms. It was found that at the same dose, the improvement in detectability from SAFIRE (compared to FBP) was higher when measured in a uniform phantom compared to textured phantoms.

The final trajectory of this project aimed at developing methods to mathematically model lesions, as a means to help assess image quality directly from patient images. The mathematical modeling framework is first presented. The models describe a lesion’s morphology in terms of size, shape, contrast, and edge profile as an analytical equation. The models can be voxelized and inserted into patient images to create so-called “hybrid” images. These hybrid images can then be used to assess detectability or estimability with the advantage that the ground truth of the lesion morphology and location is known exactly. Based on this framework, a series of liver lesions, lung nodules, and kidney stones were modeled based on images of real lesions. The lesion models were virtually inserted into patient images to create a database of hybrid images to go along with the original database of real lesion images. ROI images from each database were assessed by radiologists in a blinded fashion to determine the realism of the hybrid images. It was found that the radiologists could not readily distinguish between real and virtual lesion images (area under the ROC curve was 0.55). This study provided evidence that the proposed mathematical lesion modeling framework could produce reasonably realistic lesion images.

Based on that result, two studies were conducted which demonstrated the utility of the lesion models. The first study used the modeling framework as a measurement tool to determine how dose and reconstruction algorithm affected the quantitative analysis of liver lesions, lung nodules, and renal stones in terms of their size, shape, attenuation, edge profile, and texture features. The same database of real lesion images used in the previous study was used for this study. That database contained images of the same patient at 2 dose levels (50% and 100%) along with 3 reconstruction algorithms from a GE 750HD CT system (GE Healthcare). The algorithms in question were FBP, Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR), and Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction (MBIR). A total of 23 quantitative features were extracted from the lesions under each condition. It was found that both dose and reconstruction algorithm had a statistically significant effect on the feature measurements. In particular, radiation dose affected five, three, and four of the 23 features (related to lesion size, conspicuity, and pixel-value distribution) for liver lesions, lung nodules, and renal stones, respectively. MBIR significantly affected 9, 11, and 15 of the 23 features (including size, attenuation, and texture features) for liver lesions, lung nodules, and renal stones, respectively. Lesion texture was not significantly affected by radiation dose.

The second study demonstrating the utility of the lesion modeling framework focused on assessing detectability of very low-contrast liver lesions in abdominal imaging. Specifically, detectability was assessed as a function of dose and reconstruction algorithm. As part of a parallel clinical trial, images from 21 patients were collected at 6 dose levels per patient on a SOMATOM Flash scanner. Subtle liver lesion models (contrast = -15 HU) were inserted into the raw projection data from the patient scans. The projections were then reconstructed with FBP and SAFIRE (strength 5). Also, lesion-less images were reconstructed. Noise, contrast, CNR, and detectability index of an observer model (non-prewhitening matched filter) were assessed. It was found that SAFIRE reduced noise by 52%, reduced contrast by 12%, increased CNR by 87%. and increased detectability index by 65% compared to FBP. Further, a 2AFC human perception experiment was performed to assess the dose reduction potential of SAFIRE, which was found to be 22% compared to the standard of care dose.

In conclusion, this dissertation provides to the scientific community a series of new methodologies, phantoms, analysis techniques, and modeling tools that can be used to rigorously assess image quality from modern CT systems. Specifically, methods to properly evaluate iterative reconstruction have been developed and are expected to aid in the safe clinical implementation of dose reduction technologies.


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This study conceptualised and measured children’s well-being in Ireland and considered how such conceptualisations and approaches to the measurement of well-being might inform social policy for children and families living in Ireland. This research explored what is meant by children’s well-being and how it can be conceptualised and measured so as to reflect the multi-dimensionality of the concept. The study developed an index of well-being that was both theoretically and methodologically robust and could be meaningfully used to inform social policy developments for children and their families. For the first time, an index of well-being for children was developed using an explicitly articulated unifying theory of children’s well-being. Moreover, for the first time an index of wellbeing was developed for 13-year old children living in Ireland using data from Wave 2 of the national longitudinal study of children. The Structural Model of Child Well-being (SMCW), the theoretical framework that underpins the development of this study’s index, offers a comprehensive understanding of well-being. The SMCW builds on, and integrates, a range of already-established theories concerning children’s development, their agency, rights and capabilities into a unifying theory that explains well-being in its entirety. This conceptualisation of well-being moves beyond the narrow focus on child development adopted in some recent studies of children’s well-being and which perpetuate individualised and self-responsibilising conceptualisations of well-being. This study found that the SMCW can be meaningfully applied, both theoretically and operationally, to the construction of an index of well-being for children. While it was not the purpose of this study to validate the SMCW, in the process of developing the index, I concluded that there was a theoretical ‘fit’ between the conceptual orientation of the SMCW and the wider children’s well-being literature. The ‘nested’ structure of the SMCW facilitated the identification of domains, sub-domains and indicators of well-being reflecting typical conventions of index construction. The findings from the resulting index, in both its categorical and continuous forms, demonstrated how a comprehensive theory of well-being can be used to illustrate how children are faring and which children are experiencing poorer or better well-being. Furthermore, this study demonstrated how the SMCW and the resultant index can be meaningfully used to support the implementation and review of the national policy framework for children and young people in Ireland.


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This dissertation studies the context-aware application with its proposed algorithms at client side. The required context-aware infrastructure is discussed in depth to illustrate that such an infrastructure collects the mobile user’s context information, registers service providers, derives mobile user’s current context, distributes user context among context-aware applications, and provides tailored services. The approach proposed tries to strike a balance between the context server and mobile devices. The context acquisition is centralized at the server to ensure the usability of context information among mobile devices, while context reasoning remains at the application level. Hence, a centralized context acquisition and distributed context reasoning are viewed as a better solution overall. The context-aware search application is designed and implemented at the server side. A new algorithm is proposed to take into consideration the user context profiles. By promoting feedback on the dynamics of the system, any prior user selection is now saved for further analysis such that it may contribute to help the results of a subsequent search. On the basis of these developments at the server side, various solutions are consequently provided at the client side. A proxy software-based component is set up for the purpose of data collection. This research endorses the belief that the proxy at the client side should contain the context reasoning component. Implementation of such a component provides credence to this belief in that the context applications are able to derive the user context profiles. Furthermore, a context cache scheme is implemented to manage the cache on the client device in order to minimize processing requirements and other resources (bandwidth, CPU cycle, power). Java and MySQL platforms are used to implement the proposed architecture and to test scenarios derived from user’s daily activities. To meet the practical demands required of a testing environment without the impositions of a heavy cost for establishing such a comprehensive infrastructure, a software simulation using a free Yahoo search API is provided as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the design approach in a most realistic way. The integration of Yahoo search engine into the context-aware architecture design proves how context aware application can meet user demands for tailored services and products in and around the user’s environment. The test results show that the overall design is highly effective,providing new features and enriching the mobile user’s experience through a broad scope of potential applications.


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Introduction: Current physical activity levels among children and youth are alarmingly low; a mere 7% of children and youth are meeting the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines (Colley et al., 2011), which means that the vast majority of this population is at risk of developing major health problems in adulthood (Janssen & Leblanc, 2010). These high inactivity rates may be related to suboptimal experiences in sport and physical activity stemming from a lack of competence and confidence (Lubans, Morgan, Cliff, Barnett, & Okely, 2010). Developing a foundation of physical literacy can encourage and maintain lifelong physical activity, yet this does not always occur naturally as a part of human growth (Hardman, 2011). An ideal setting to foster the growth and development of physical literacy is physical education class. Physical education class can offer all children and youth an equal opportunity to learn and practice the skills needed to be active for life (Hardman, 2011). Elementary school teachers are responsible for delivering the physical education curriculum, and it is important to understand their will and capacity as the implementing agents of physical literacy development curriculum (McLaughlin, 1987). Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the physical literacy component of the 2015 Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum policy through the eyes of key informants, and to explore the resources available for the implementation of this new policy. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with seven key informants of the curriculum policy development, including two teachers. In tandem with the interviews, a resource inventory and curriculum review were conducted to assess the content and availability of physical literacy resources. All data were analyzed through the lens of Hogwood and Gunn’s (1984) 10 preconditions for policy implementation. Results: Participants discussed how implementation is affected by: accountability, external capacity, internal capacity, awareness and understanding of physical literacy, implementation expertise, and policy climate. Discussion: Participants voiced similar opinions on most issues, and the overall lack of attention given to physical education programs in schools will continue to be a major dilemma when trying to combat such high physical inactivity levels.


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In Canada, increases in rural development has led to a growing need to effectively manage the resulting municipal and city sewage without the addition of significant cost- and energy- expending infrastructure. Storring Septic Service Limited is a family-owned, licensed wastewater treatment facility located in eastern Ontario. It makes use of a passive waste stabilization pond system to treat and dispose of waste and wastewater in an environmentally responsible manner. Storring Septic, like many other similar small-scale wastewater treatment facilities across Canada, has the potential to act as a sustainable eco-engineered facility that municipalities and service providers could utilize to manage and dispose of their wastewater. However, it is of concern that the substantial inclusion of third party material could be detrimental to the stability and robustness of the pond system. In order to augment the capacity of the current facility, and ensure it remains a self-sustaining system with the capacity to safely accept septage from other sewage haulers, it was hypothesized that pond effluent treatment could be further enhanced through the incorporation of one of three different technology solutions, which would allow the reduction of wastewater quality parameters below existing regulatory effluent discharge limits put in place by Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC). Two of these solutions make use of biofilm technologies in order to enhance the removal of wastewater parameters of interest, and the third utilizes the natural water filtration capabilities of zebra mussels. Pilot-scale testing investigated the effects of each of these technologies on treatment performance under both cold and warm weather operation. This research aimed to understand the important mechanisms behind biological filtration methods in order to choose and optimize the best treatment strategy for full-scale testing and implementation. In doing so, a recommendation matrix was elaborated provided with the potential to be used as a universal operational strategy for wastewater treatment facilities located in environments of similar climate and ecology.


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Background: Over the past decade, annual heath exams have been de-emphasized for the general population but emphasized for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The purpose of this project was to determine if there has been an increase in the uptake of the health exam among adults with IDD in Ontario, to what extent, and the effect on the quality of preventive care provided. Methods: Using administrative health data, the proportion of adults (18-64 years old) with IDD who received a health exam (long appointment, general assessment, and “true” health exam), a high value on the primary care quality composite score (PCQS), and a health exam or high PCQS each year was compared to the proportion in a propensity score matched sample of the general population. Negative binomial and segmented negative binomial regression controlling for age and sex were used to determine the relative risk of having a health exam/high PCQS/health exam or PCQS over time. Results: Pre joinpoint, the long appointment and general assessment health exam definitions saw a decrease and the “true” health exam saw an increase in the likelihood of adults having a health exam. Post joinpoint, all health exam definitions saw a decrease in the likelihood of adults having a health exam. Pre joinpoint, all PCQS measures (high PCQS, long appointment or high PCQS, “true” health exam or high PCQS) saw an increase in the likelihood for adults to achieve a high PCQS or high PCQS/have a health exam. Post joinpoint, all PCQS measures saw a decrease in the likelihood for adults to achieve a high PCQS or high PCQS/have a health exam. Achieving a high PCQS was strongly associated with having a health exam regardless of health exam definition or IDD status. Conclusions: Despite the publication of guidelines, only a small proportion of adults with IDD are receiving health exams. This indicates that the publication of guidelines alone was not sufficient to change practice. More targeted measures, such as the implementation of an IDD-specific health exam fee code, should be considered to increase the uptake of the health exam among adults with IDD.


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Underground hardrock mining can be very energy intensive and in large part this can be attributed to the power consumption of underground ventilation systems. In general, the power consumed by a mine’s ventilation system and its overall scale are closely related to the amount of diesel power in operation. This is because diesel exhaust is a major source of underground air pollution, including diesel particulate matter (DPM), NO2 and heat, and because regulations tie air volumes to diesel engines. Furthermore, assuming the size of airways remains constant, the power consumption of the main system increases exponentially with the volume of air supplied to the mine. Therefore large diesel fleets lead to increased energy consumption and can also necessitate large capital expenditures on ventilation infrastructure in order to manage power requirements. Meeting ventilation requirements for equipment in a heading can result in a similar scenario with the biggest pieces leading to higher energy consumption and potentially necessitating larger ventilation tubing and taller drifts. Depending on the climate where the mine is located, large volumes of air can have a third impact on ventilation costs if heating or cooling the air is necessary. Annual heating and cooling costs, as well as the cost of the associated infrastructure, are directly related to the volume of air sent underground. This thesis considers electric mining equipment as a means for reducing the intensity and cost of energy consumption at underground, hardrock mines. Potentially, electric equipment could greatly reduce the volume of air needed to ventilate an entire mine as well as individual headings because they do not emit many of the contaminants found in diesel exhaust and because regulations do not connect air volumes to electric motors. Because of the exponential relationship between power consumption and air volumes, this could greatly reduce the amount of power required for mine ventilation as well as the capital cost of ventilation infrastructure. As heating and cooling costs are also directly linked to air volumes, the cost and energy intensity of heating and cooling the air would also be significantly reduced. A further incentive is that powering equipment from the grid is substantially cheaper than fuelling them with diesel and can also produce far fewer GHGs. Therefore, by eliminating diesel from the underground workers will enjoy safer working conditions and operators and society at large will gain from a smaller impact on the environment. Despite their significant potential, in order to produce a credible economic assessment of electric mining equipment their impact on underground systems must be understood and considered in their evaluation. Accordingly, a good deal of this thesis reviews technical considerations related to the use of electric mining equipment, especially ones that impact the economics of their implementation. The goal of this thesis will then be to present the economic potential of implementing the equipment, as well as to outline the key inputs which are necessary to support an evaluation and to provide a model and an approach which can be used by others if the relevant information is available and acceptable assumptions can be made.


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Model Driven Engineering uses the principle that code can automatically be generated from software models which would potentially save time and cost of development. By this methodology, a systems structure and behaviour can be expressed in more abstract, high level terms without some of the accidental complexity that the use of a general purpose language can bring. Models are the actual implementation of the system unlike in traditional software development where models are often used for documentation purposes only. However once the code is generated from the model, testing and debugging activities tend to happen on the code level and the model is not updated. We believe that monitoring on the model level could potentially facilitate quality assurance activities as the errors are detected in the early phase of development. In this thesis, we create a Monitoring Configuration for an open source model driven engineering tool called PapyrusRT in Eclipse. We support the run-time monitoring of UML-RT elements with a tracing tool called LTTng. We annotate the model with monitoring information to be used by the code generator for adding tracepoint statements for the corresponding elements. We provide the option of a timing specification to discover latency errors on the model. We validate the results by creating and tracing real time models in PapyrusRT.


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Greenhouses have become an invaluable source of year-round food production. Further development of viable and efficient high performance greenhouses is important for future food security. Closing the greenhouse envelope from the environment can provide benefits in space heating energy savings, pest control, and CO2 enrichment. This requires the application of a novel air conditioning system to handle the high cooling loads experienced by a greenhouse. Liquid desiccant air-conditioning (LDAC) have been found to provide high latent cooling capacities, which is perfect for the application of a humid greenhouse microclimate. TRNSYS simulations were undertaken to study the feasibility of two liquid desiccant dehumidification systems based on their capacity to control the greenhouse microclimate, and their cooling performance. The base model (B-LDAC) included a natural gas boiler, and two cooling systems for seasonal operation. The second model (HP-LDAC) was a hybrid liquid desiccant-heat pump dehumidification system. The average tCOPdehum and tCOPtotal of the B-LDAC system increased from 0.40 and 0.56 in January to 0.94 and 1.09 in June. Increased load and performance during a sample summer day improved these values to 3.5 and 3.0, respectively. The average eCOPdehum and eCOPtotal values were 1.0 and 1.8 in winter, and 1.7 and 2.1 in summer. The HP-LDAC system produced similar daily performance trends where the annual average eCOPdehum and eCOPtotal values were 1.3 and 1.2, but the sample day saw peaks of 2.4 and 3.2, respectively. The B-LDAC and HP-LDAC results predicted greenhouse temperatures exceeding 30°C for 34% and 17% of the month of July, respectively. Similarly, humidity levels increased in summer months, with a maximum of 14% of the time spent over 80% in May for both models. The percentage of annual savings in space heating energy associated with closing the greenhouse to ventilation was 34%. The additional annual regeneration energy input was reduced by 26% to 526 kWhm-2, with the implementation of a heat recovery ventilator on the regeneration exhaust air. The models also predicted an electrical energy input of 245 kWhm-2 and 305 kWhm-2 for the B-LDAC and HP-LDAC simulations, respectively.


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New immigrants to Canada are generally in similar or better physical and mental health than people born in Canada, however, many studies suggest that their health tends to decline quickly after immigration. Lower physical activity levels among new immigrants might be contributing to this phenomenon. There is a paucity of information regarding the physical activity behaviour of the Canadian immigrant population in general and of West Asian women, such as Iranians (Persians), in particular. Given that this group is characterised by an increasing population growth and lower rates of physical activity, it is critical to understand how best to address physical activity promotion in this population. Purpose: To understand the physical activity experiences of Persian women recently immigrated to Toronto, Canada in order to develop recommendations for the design and implementation of tailored physical activity programs. Methods: A qualitative interpretive description approach was chosen to collect and describe ideas, experiences, and perceptions of physical activity within 10 new immigrant women. Using an inductive approach, two fundamental techniques of immersion and crystallization were used throughout the analysis. Thematic analysis was conducted by performing a sequential process of open and axial coding. Emerged themes were further conceptualized through a socio-ecological lens. Results: The facilitators and barriers to physical activity among the women were situated within five overarching categories, 1) Perceptions about physical activity, 2) New physical environment and social structure, 3) Cultural heritage values, 4) Settlement and immigration factors, and 5) Physical activity program features. Discussion: Findings revealed that Persian new immigrant women’s engagement in physical activity after immigration is influenced by factors across the individual, sociocultural, environmental, institutional, and policy levels. Newcomer women’s physical activity was influenced by their transition from their society of origin to the host society and the challenges and successes experienced throughout the settlement and acculturation process. The most noticeable barrier to physical activity in Canada for the women emerged as the lack of communication of physical activity information to newcomers. A set of recommendations is provided for developing efficient physical activity programs for Persian immigrant women, which may also be relevant for other immigrant groups in Canada.


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Automated acceptance testing is the testing of software done in higher level to test whether the system abides by the requirements desired by the business clients by the use of piece of script other than the software itself. This project is a study of the feasibility of acceptance tests written in Behavior Driven Development principle. The project includes an implementation part where automated accep- tance testing is written for Touch-point web application developed by Dewire (a software consultant company) for Telia (a telecom company) from the require- ments received from the customer (Telia). The automated acceptance testing is in Cucumber-Selenium framework which enforces Behavior Driven Development principles. The purpose of the implementation is to verify the practicability of this style of acceptance testing. From the completion of implementation, it was concluded that all the requirements from customer in real world can be converted into executable specifications and the process was not at all time-consuming or difficult for a low-experienced programmer like the author itself. The project also includes survey to measure the learnability and understandability of Gherkin- the language that Cucumber understands. The survey consist of some Gherkin exam- ples followed with questions that include making changes to the Gherkin exam- ples. Survey had 3 parts: first being easy, second medium and third most difficult. Survey also had a linear scale from 1 to 5 to rate the difficulty level for each part of the survey. 1 stood for very easy and 5 for very difficult. Time when the partic- ipants began the survey was also taken in order to calculate the total time taken by the participants to learn and answer the questions. Survey was taken by 18 of the employers of Dewire who had primary working role as one of the programmer, tester and project manager. In the result, tester and project manager were grouped as non-programmer. The survey concluded that it is very easy and quick to learn Gherkin. While the participants rated Gherkin as very easy.


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The Department of Health has published a report entitled - An assessment of the economic cost of smoking in Ireland.  The study was carried out for the Department of Health by ICF International.  The purpose of this study is to contribute to the evidence base of tobacco consumption and its effects in Ireland, to help support the implementation of the recommendations made in The Tobacco Free Ireland report (2013).


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Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a case study regarding the deployment of a previously developed model for the integration of management systems (MSs). The case study is developed at a manufacturing site of an international enterprise. The implementation of this model in a real business environment is aimed at assessing its feasibility. Design/methodology/approach – The presented case study takes into account different management systems standards (MSSs) progressively implemented, along the years, independently. The implementation of the model was supported by the results obtained from an investigation performed according to a structured diagnosis that was conducted to collect information related to the organizational situation of the enterprise. Findings – The main findings are as follows: a robust integrated management system (IMS), objectively more lean, structured and manageable was found to be feasible; this study provided an holistic view of the enterprise’s global management; clarifications of job descriptions and boundaries of action and responsibilities were achieved; greater efficiency in the use of resources was attained; more coordinated management of the three pillars of sustainability – environmental, economic and social, as well as risks, providing confidence and added value to the company and interested parties was achieved. Originality/value – This case study is pioneering in Portugal in respect to the implementation, at the level of an industrial organization, of the model previously developed for the integration of individualized MSs. The case study provides new insights regarding the implementation of IMSs including the rationalization of several resources and elimination of several types of organizational waste leveraging gains of efficiency. Due to its intrinsic characteristics, the model is able to support, progressively, new or revised MSSs according to the principles of annex SL (normative) – proposals for MSSs – of the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission, that the industrial organization can adopt beyond the current ones.