876 resultados para Psychology, Military
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
Con la puesta en marcha y desarrollo de los juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad cometidos durante la última dictadura cívico-militar se inaugura un nuevo espacio de intervención para la psicología. El interés por ampliar y profundizar las posibilidades de trabajar en este campo impulsa a llevar adelante una tarea de investigación, conceptualización y desarrollo acerca de los aportes posibles de la psicología a las problemáticas que plantea el abordaje de las víctimas de los delitos de lesa humanidad en el marco de su tramitación judicial. Se analizará la evolución en el campo jurídico de las variables que permitieron el pasaje de la consideración de los delitos cometidos por el régimen militar a su calificación como delitos de lesa humanidad, condición fundamental que les confiere el carácter de imprescriptibilidad, lo cual habilita el relanzamiento de los juicios por estas causas y la consiguiente osibilidad de intervenir desde nuestra profesión. Para ello será necesario tener en cuenta tanto el análisis de las condiciones de inicio del campo de la salud mental y derechos humanos, como los requerimientos y posibilidades actuales del mismo. En este sentido, se presentará el diseño e implementación de un modelo de Dispositivo de acompañamiento activo dirigido a testigos-víctimas y querellantes en juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad en contexto de acceso a la justicia
This work belongs to the Project "Teaching and learning Psychology: a study of the educational practice in professors and beginners". It is part of an investigation program developed in the context of the subject "Didactic and Practical Planning of Psychology teaching" in which we have been working since 1998. This subject is also considered as the final stage of the formative itinerary for Psychology s professors. The reached results show the incidence that the beliefs and professors' representations have in the teaching processes. By getting into the studies centered in the educational knowledge we guide the inquiry around the development of the professor's professional knowledge and particularly the development of their formation. Our proposal contemplates a formation device which incorporates the observation, reflection, evaluation and self-evaluation of the practice in order to facilitate the reconstruction, significance and re-significance of the teaching and learning processes by giving relevance to the development of the teacher professional knowledge. The analysis of teaching practices process reveals that the mediations that cross the knowledge in the being taught instances are constituted in reflections axes. This involves the future professor's relationship with the knowledge and their projection in the construction of the professional identity.
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
Con la puesta en marcha y desarrollo de los juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad cometidos durante la última dictadura cívico-militar se inaugura un nuevo espacio de intervención para la psicología. El interés por ampliar y profundizar las posibilidades de trabajar en este campo impulsa a llevar adelante una tarea de investigación, conceptualización y desarrollo acerca de los aportes posibles de la psicología a las problemáticas que plantea el abordaje de las víctimas de los delitos de lesa humanidad en el marco de su tramitación judicial. Se analizará la evolución en el campo jurídico de las variables que permitieron el pasaje de la consideración de los delitos cometidos por el régimen militar a su calificación como delitos de lesa humanidad, condición fundamental que les confiere el carácter de imprescriptibilidad, lo cual habilita el relanzamiento de los juicios por estas causas y la consiguiente osibilidad de intervenir desde nuestra profesión. Para ello será necesario tener en cuenta tanto el análisis de las condiciones de inicio del campo de la salud mental y derechos humanos, como los requerimientos y posibilidades actuales del mismo. En este sentido, se presentará el diseño e implementación de un modelo de Dispositivo de acompañamiento activo dirigido a testigos-víctimas y querellantes en juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad en contexto de acceso a la justicia
This paper explores the development of civil–military relations in Myanmar since 1988. After the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) took over the state by means of a coup d’état in 1988, the top generals ruled the country without recourse to significant formal political institutions such as a constitution, elections and parliament. A unique authoritarian regime, where political power was predominantly under the military’s influence, lasted for more than 20 years in the country. It seemed to many observers that the military regime was highly durable and that its dictator, General Than Shwe, had no intention of altering the highly repressive character of the political system. However, a new leader, President Thein Sein, who came to power in March 2011, has decided to implement some political and economic reforms that could undermine the Tatmadaw’s dominant role in politics and the economy. This paper examines the background to this sudden political change in Myanmar, focusing on the relationship between its dictator, the military and the state. This paper’s main argument is that Than Shwe has carefully prepared the transition of 2011 as a generational change in the Tatmadaw and in state leadership. The argument is also made that the challenges created by Thein Sein can be understood as a result of his redefinition of national security and balancing of security-centralism with state-led developmentalism.
2014年6月のイスラーム国(以下ISIS)のメディアへの華々しい登場以降、米国政治を規定する主要な要因の1つとして「恐怖心」がかつてない程の重要性を帯びてきている。本稿では政治心理学的な分析手法を援用しつつ、ISISが何よりも「テロ攻撃集団」としていかに「恐怖心」を醸成するための洗練された戦略を実践しているか、またそれが統計的には圧倒的に中東現地のムスリム一般住民を標的にしており、本来的にS.ハンティントン的な「西欧文明に敵対するイスラーム」という問題を内包していないにもかかわらず、米国エスタブリッシュメントによる他者への「恐怖心」によって如何に本質が曲解されて「ムスリム排斥」のような情緒的な政治主張に向かわせているかの契機を分析する。筆者は論稿中でマキャベリから以降最近に至るまでの政治学関係の議論を渉猟しつつ、「恐怖心」をめぐる問題が「テロル」との関係においていかに扱われてきたかを再検討し、西欧のメディアにおける「テロ集団」としてのISISの登場が政治学的な観点から提起している問題の新しさと古さを跡付けようとする。同時に現在の米国社会を覆っているイスラモフォビアの情緒的反応についてもその淵源が古くかつ政治的に根深い問題から発していることを指摘している。本論稿の分析は直接的にはISISによって政治的な雰囲気が大きく変容するなかで大統領選挙の年を迎えている米国の国内政治を扱うものであるが、ここでの議論は「アラブの春」以降のシリア危機に発する難民問題に直面している欧州(EU)や、2015年11月のパリのテロ多発事件以降緊迫した雰囲気に覆われているフランスの政治状況にも通底しており、その意味では偶々2014年にISIS によって惹起されたとはいえそれ自体が自律的な展開の契機を内包する現代社会の政治的な抑圧的システムのグローバルな拡大と拡散に警鐘を鳴らそうとするものである。
“Behavioral economics” improves the realism of the psychological assumptions underlying economic theory, promising to reunify psychology and economics in the process. Reunification should lead to better predictions about economic behavior and better policy prescriptions.
This paper describes a range of opportunities for military and government applications of human-machine communication by voice, based on visits and contacts with numerous user organizations in the United States. The applications include some that appear to be feasible by careful integration of current state-of-the-art technology and others that will require a varying mix of advances in speech technology and in integration of the technology into applications environments. Applications that are described include (1) speech recognition and synthesis for mobile command and control; (2) speech processing for a portable multifunction soldier's computer; (3) speech- and language-based technology for naval combat team tactical training; (4) speech technology for command and control on a carrier flight deck; (5) control of auxiliary systems, and alert and warning generation, in fighter aircraft and helicopters; and (6) voice check-in, report entry, and communication for law enforcement agents or special forces. A phased approach for transfer of the technology into applications is advocated, where integration of applications systems is pursued in parallel with advanced research to meet future needs.
In the last fifteen years a fundamental shift in the strategic balance in Asia – Pacific has taking place. The article aims at discussing the difficulties the Japan-US military Alliance has adaptating to this new regional strategic environment. It also explains the new strategy that President Obama´s Administration is trying to implement, initially called “Pivot to Asia” and later “Rebalance”. The article tries to show the challenges that this new strategy implies for both Japan and the United States, enumerating different scenarios some of them not very likely and highlighting on the contrary the possibility of a more assertive and military independent Japan.
Recorrentemente apresentada como uma das mais importantes revistas culturais da Argentina no século XX e como uma das mais significativas publicações latino-americanas desse tipo na segunda metade do século passado, Punto de Vista, publicada entre 1978 e 2008, ainda não teve, não obstante a sua relevância, a devida atenção dos historiadores (e mesmo de especialistas de outras áreas). Nos estudos produzidos a seu respeito, os intérpretes se dedicaram predominantemente a analisar a revista durante a ditadura militar de 1976 a 1983, o chamado Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, e/ou se ocuparam, no máximo, de sua inserção na sociedade argentina nos primeiros momentos da redemocratização, após o término da ditadura. Caracterizada por desenvolver, durante os seus trinta anos de circulação, um projeto de crítica política da cultura atento à crítica cultural e literária, à produção ensaística e em periódicos, aos saberes e aos debates específicos como os da Psicologia/Psicanálise e da Arquitetura e aos outros objetos da cultura como as artes plásticas, o cinema, a fotografia, a música, os meios de comunicação (sobretudo a televisão) e a indústria cultural, a revista também problematizou a atuação dos intelectuais enquanto intérpretes da cultura e da política diante dos desafios e das transformações locais e internacionais dos anos 1970 em diante, ofereceu uma crítica da esquerda e do peronismo e se posicionou nos debates a respeito da democracia configurados na Argentina a partir da década de 1980. Punto de Vista foi tomada, neste estudo, como fonte e objeto e foi interpretada entre 1978 e 2008 a partir dos pressupostos da História Intelectual de inspiração francesa. Procurou-se evidenciar algumas das linhas de força da publicação, explicitando como a revista propôs certas políticas da cultura, constituiu uma perspectiva de análise da cultura intelectual e organizou uma avaliação das culturas políticas, além de estruturar um lugar social, político e cultural específico na Argentina, ao mesmo tempo próximo e distante das tradições e dos grupos da esquerda a partir dos quais o periódico se originou.
This paper explores the gap in the literature between what is herein referred to as the "first psychotherapy case" and its impact on the development of the trainee psychotherapist's professional self. The self psychology concepts of identity development, selfobject needs and fulfillment, narcissism, shame, countertransference, and structuralization are incorporated into the theoretical framework from which this developmental milestone is viewed. The theory's emphasis on early experiences and the development of self highlight the distinctiveness of the first case for the therapist. The beginning psychotherapy case poses a unique context for selfobject experiences and the developing self, involving both the therapist's presumably mature needs (assuming an existing cohesive nuclear self) and more infantile needs as the professional, peripheral self develops. As a result, the potential and important implications for the psychotherapist, the patient, training implications for the supervisor, and the ensuing treatment through termination are identified. The intent is to shed light on an area that is understudied thus far, and to begin a conversation as to why and how the impact of the first case on the psychotherapist should be examined. Implications, limitations, and ideas for future exploratory and qualitative research are also discussed.
This article examines the unique experiences of American Indian (AI) female veterans through a generalized qualitative study. Revealed in this study were interesting cultural insights regarding a concentrated, yet largely misunderstood, population within the U.S. military. For this study, six participants were interviewed and data were analyzed to identify common experiences of AI female veterans. The analyses revealed unique roles assumed during military service, a strengthening of cultural values, identity development, and personal empowerment as a result of AI women having served in the military. Discussion, implications, and limitations of this study are also described.
For over a decade, the U.S. military has been engaged in two distinct, yet equally deadly conflicts: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). There are many physical and psychological effects of war necessitating the activation and interventions of a myriad of behavioral health professionals. The purpose of the paper was to understand how and if contemporary military culture may work to support or hinder application of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) approach to issues of psychological health among Soldiers. While the empirical research on efficacy with Soldiers is limited, a review of military culture revealed the promotion of rigid rule following, although effective in combat, influences the emotional control agenda and stigma while in garrison. However, empirical research demonstrating the clinical benefits and flexibility of ACT is rapidly emerging with civilian and Veteran populations. Suggested as a prevention technique utilized early in Soldier's training to increase psychological flexibility, ACT appears to demonstrate much promise in ameliorating the psychological consequences of war.
Sport and Performance Psychology is an ever-evolving specialty. While its development continues, it has not been without its challenges. Sport and performance psychologists work in a variety of settings and often come from similar, yet inherently different, training backgrounds. Individuals from both sport sciences and psychology have made compelling arguments as to which approach provides quality services to their respective clients. The question that remains, however, is what are these quality services? Who are the clients and what do they need from professionals in the field?Collegiate student athletes inherently face a number of typical issues related to their age and development. They also face a number of atypical difficulties as a result of their status as student athletes. As such, they provide an adequate sample of potential presenting issues for sport and performance psychologists. This current study utilized a qualitative, exploratory method to evaluate the presenting issues that brought clients to seek services from professionals.This paper seeks to establish a foundation for the development of a theoretical basis of the psychology of human performance, including both performance and general mental health concerns, and how sport and performance psychologists can most effectively intervene in this process. This paper is based on an analysis of seven years of service delivery within a NCAA Division I athletic department.Results indicate that collegiate student athletes seek services related to performance enhancement and general mental health at relative equal frequency. As such, training and service delivery in both areas would be most beneficial and best serve this population.