999 resultados para Proteínas de soro de leite
The objective of this study was to evaluate the sorption and leaching of thiamethoxam in dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (LVAd), dystroferric Red Latosol (LVdf) and Red-Yellow Argisol (PVAd) with coffee under the effect of sewage sludge doses. There was thiamethoxam sorption decreasing at higher doses of sewage sludge in LVAd and LVdf. In the PVAd, sorption was higher in samples that received the highest dose of sewage sludge. At 150 days after the application of thiamethoxam, the compound began to be detected in the effluent, in all soils. Dissolved organic carbon had no influence on the thiamethoxam leaching.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the adsorption of the herbicide Diuron onto smectite and Fe oxides minerals. Ninety mg of each mineral, 1 mL of 0.15 mol L-1 CaCl2 and 8 mL of Diuron (0.25-10.00 mg L-1) were used in triplicates. These materials were shaken, ultra centrifuged and the supernatant collected and analysed on a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The Diuron presented low adsorption onto clay mineral fractions. Adsorption was greater onto Fe oxides at pH 7.0, possibly due to proximity to the point of zero charge of these minerals.
This paper regards the implementation of the QuEChERS method for the analysis by GC-FPD of 53 different pesticides from the organophosphate class, in whole UHT and pasteurized milk. Selectivity, linearity, repeatability, recovery and limits of detection and quantification were evaluated. Of all pesticide recoveries, 51 were considered satisfactory since the values ranged from 70 to 120% with RSD < 20%. The quantification limits ranged from 0.005 to 0.4 mg kg-1. The QuEChERS method was suitable for determination of 52 pesticides, presenting several advantages - quick, cheap, easy, effective, rugged and safe - with regard to other traditional methodologies.
Analytical methods were developed and validated to determine residues of veterinary drugs in buffalo milk and meat, using the QuEChERS method and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Both milk and meat, at 2 g of sample, 4 mL of acetonitrile, 0.8 g of MgSO4 and 0.2 g of NaCl, were used in the liquid-liquid partition, whereas 50 mg of C18, 50 mg of PSA and 150 mg of MgSO4 were employed in the dispersive solid-phase extraction (d-SPE). The methods showed sensitivity, precision and accuracy. The quantitation limits were in agreement with the maximum residue limit established by the Codex Alimentarius, FAO and WHO.
The convenience of the multivariate optimization of SPME procedures through ANOVA calculated using Doehlert designs has been demonstrated for twelve PCBs in the complex matrix of milk. For this study, the main parameters of the extraction were selected and valued through univariate and multivariate optimization. In addition, the analysis of variance allowed identification of the statistically significant variables in this model: high temperature (95 ºC) and ionic strength (36% m/v) proved significant for all the PCBs while intermediate time (70 min) and low methanol concentration (5% v/v) also contributed to the extraction of the majority of these PCBs.
The use of veterinary drugs in food producing animals may result in the presence of residues in foods, including milk and eggs. Immunoassay or microbiological tests are used to screen for residues, but chromatographic methods are needed to confirm positive results. In most methods, the sample is extracted with acetonitrile, submitted to clean up or directly analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Results of the Brazilian governmental monitoring programs from 2006 to 2011 have shown that the antiparasitic ivermectin was the drug most frequently found in milk. Residues in eggs are only monitored by one of the programs, and few studies have reported the incidence of veterinary drugs in this matrix in Brazil.
Considering the possibility that pesticides used in cattle raising produce residues in milk and cause harm to public health, this study developed a multiresidue method for determination of pesticide residues in bovine milk, using a modified QuEChERS method for sample preparation, and quantification by GC-MS/MS. The method proved to be efficient, resulting in satisfactory recoveries in the range 71.1 to 117.4%, for 45 of the 48 compounds analyzed with RSD values < 17.3%. The method LOD and LOQ were3.0 and 10.0 µg L-1, respectively, except for cyfluthrin which showed 7.5 and 25.0 µg L-1.
The peanut is an oleaginous plant of high nutritional value, a source of protein and a trypsin inhibitor. Trypsin inhibitors are proteins present in the vegetable kingdom, considered anti-nutritional factors for animals. However, there have been several recent reports about their heterologous and beneficial effects on human health. These important effects have been the focus of studies investigating these inhibitors in foods. The aim of the present study was to isolate and determine the estimated molecular mass and specific inhibitory activity, for trypsin in the Japanese peanut, peanut butter, and peanut nougat using the techniques of precipitation with ammonium sulfate and affinity chromatography on trypsin - Sepharose CNBr 4B. The techniques used in this study were efficient for isolating the protein inhibitors with antitryptic specific activity of 694 UI mg-1, 823 UI mg-1 and 108 UI mg-1 for the Japanese peanut, peanut nougat, and peanut butter, respectively. The techniques featured high selectivity of the adsorbent, with consequent efficiency in isolation, given the low amount of dosed proteins and specific antitryptic activity presented by the products studied. The various health-related benefits show the importance of detecting and isolating efficient trypsin inhibitors in foods, taking into account the health claims attributed to the vegetable and its high consumption by humans.
The binding of [Ru(PAN)(PPh3)2(ISN)]Cl (PAN = 1-(2'-Pyridylazo)-2-naphtholate) to bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated by spectroscopic techniques. According to analysis of the results from the Stern-Volmer equation, the ruthenium complex is able to quench the fluorescence intensity of BSA via a dynamic mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters were calculated (ΔH = 30.3 kJ mol-1; ΔS = 195.4 J mol-1 K-1), indicating that hydrophobic force is the main interaction driving force. The site marker competitive experiments revealed that the binding site of ruthenium complex was in the sub-domain IIA of BSA. FTO glass with a film of BSA-[Ru(PAN)(PPh3)2(ISN)]Cl was used as an ascorbic acid sensor. The linear range of the modified electrode was between 1 and 8 × 10-6 mol L-1.
Samples of whole fluid pasteurized, UHT and powdered milk were analyzed for the presence of organophosphorus pesticide residues (OPR) using the QuEChERS method with detection by GC-FPD and confirmation by UPLC-MS/MS. A total of 23% of fluid milk samples and 27% of powdered milk samples contained at least one organophosphorus residue. The OPR found in the samples showed these can reach the milk and remain even after pasteurization, sterilization and drying processes. Some domestic sanitary residues were also present in the powdered milk samples. These residues have no LMR in Brazilian food legislation and are therefore not taken into account in food intake evaluations. There was an unidentified chromatographic peak in 30% of all the liquid and powdered milk samples, indicating the presence of some other contaminant.
The binding of [RuCl2(L)] (L = N,N-bis(7-methyl-2-pyridylmethylene)-1,3-diiminopropane) to bovine and human serum albumin was investigated by the fluorescence quenching technique. The comparison of the quenching effect of serum albumin fluorescence by ruthenium complex allowed the estimation of subdomain IB in BSA and subdomain IIA in HSA as the binding sites for this complex. The results of fluorescence titration revealed that ruthenium complex quenches the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA through a dynamic quenching mechanism, while HSA has a static quenching mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters indicated that hydrophobic forces played a major role in the binding of ruthenium complex to proteins. The process of binding was a spontaneous process in which Gibbs free energy change was negative.
Objetivou-se caracterizar isolados de Rhizoctonia solani AG1 e AG4 e isolados binucleados de Rhizoctonia spp. patogênicos a Eucalyptus, por meio de eletroforese de proteínas, em gel de poliacrilamida, e de isoenzimas (ACP, 6-PGDH, LAP, SOD, MDH e IDH), em gel de amido. Para comparação, incluíram-se alguns isolados brasileiros de outros hospedeiros e isolados-padrões de R. solani AG1, procedentes do Japão. Observaram-se diferenças nos padrões gerais de proteínas e nos fenótipos isoenzimáticos entre isolados binucleados e multinucleados e entre isolados de diferentes grupos e subgrupos de anastomose. Isolados de R. solani AG1, procedentes do Brasil e Japão, apresentaram baixa similaridade nos padrões de proteínas e de isoenzimas. Isolados brasileiros morfologicamente semelhantes a R. solani AG1-IB (microesclerodiais) apresentaram padrões de proteínas similares e um maior número de fenótipos isoenzimáticos idênticos entre si. Esta tendência foi independente do hospedeiro e da origem geográfica. Variações nos padrões de proteínas e de isoenzimas foram também observadas dentre isolados brasileiros de R. solani AG4. Discute-se o uso da eletroforese de proteínas e isoenzimas na caracterização de isolados de Rhizoctonia spp. e em estudos genéticos e filogenéticos de fungos deste gênero.
Detectar a presença da bactéria Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli em material de propagação da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.) é importante para direcionar o controle do raquitismo-da-soqueira. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se produzir anticorpo policlonal específico contra Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), visando utilizá-lo em método sorológico para detecção do patógeno. Para isso, o antígeno foi preparado a partir de células intactas, após lavagem por centrifugação de cultura-pura em tampão fosfato salino 0,01 M (PBS) e diálise em glutaraldeido 2% em PBS. O plano de imunização em coelho consistiu de duas injeções intramusculares da mistura 1:1 do antígeno com adjuvante Freund (completo e incompleto, a intervalos de 21 dias) e duas injeções subcutâneas do antígeno puro, a intervalos de dez dias. O anti-soro foi testado pelo método de Dot Blot com revelação por peroxidase para se determinar: (i) título do anticorpo e (ii) reação contra Lxx, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria e bactérias endofíticas de cana-de-açúcar (Azospirillum brasilense, A. lipoferum, Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans, H. seropedicae e Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus). A maior diluição analisada do anti-soro 1:20.000 mostrou reação fortemente positiva e específica contra Lxx e ausência de reação contra as demais bactérias. A purificação da fração IgG (Imunoglobulina G) não resultou em melhoria na reatividade e especificidade do anti-soro. Estimou-se o nível de detecção do método a partir de suspensão bacteriana em 2x10(6) células/ml.
Em lavouras de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) da cultivar Carioca Comum, no município de Londrina, Estado do Paraná, foram encontradas plantas com sintomas de necrose da haste, mosaico clorótico leve e porte reduzido, semelhantes aos sintomas causados por infecção viral. Exames de microscopia eletrônica revelaram a presença de partículas isométricas. Em testes de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar os extratos foliares de plantas infetadas reagiram positivamente com anti-soro específico para o Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV). O vírus foi purificado e a massa molecular de sua proteína capsidial foi estimada em 30 kDa, valor esperado para proteínas do capsídeo de vírus do gênero Sobemovirus. A gama de hospedeiras do SBMV isolado no Paraná foi restrita ao feijoeiro e a algumas cultivares de soja (Glycine max). A separação de dois vírus isométricos comuns em infecções mistas no feijoeiro foi possível através da reação de imunidade ao SBMV apresentada por Crotalaria sp, Chenopodium quinoa e Mucuna deeringiana, e da reação de susceptibilidade dessas mesmas hospedeiras ao Bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV).
Na análise de leite por espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma induzido (ICP-OES) o produto comercial CFA-C, constituído por aminas terciárias, vêm sendo usado com sucesso como diluente em fase única. Devido ao custo do produto e possibilidades de contaminação durante o armazenamento, decidiu-se desenvolver um outro reagente de propriedades equivalentes ao referido produto. Testes qualitativos mostraram que o produto não contém ácido bórico nem EDTA. Em uma titulação potenciométrica de uma solução aquosa 10% v/v CFA-C com HCl obtiveram-se dois picos potenciométricos e deduziu-se que 90% do ácido foi consumido para neutralização da amina livre e 10% foi gasto para protonar um ânion de ácido fraco usado para formar um tampão de razão molar 10:1, do tipo R3N/R3NH+. Em uma simulação desse reagente preparou-se uma solução 6,06 mol L-1 de monoetanolamina (MEA) e 0,20 mol L-1 ácido cítrico, triprótico, para formar um tampão do mesmo tipo, 10:1, baseado na propriedade do íon citrato em complexar Ca(II). Outro tampão citrato mais diluído (1,52 mol L-1) foi preparado usando trishidroximetilaminometano (TRIS), que é uma amina menos solúvel. Essas misturas foram caracterizadas por análise potenciométrica e termoanalítica. O comportamento desses novos tampões amina/citrato foi adequado e comparável ao produto comercial.