974 resultados para Promoting growth bacteria
Background: Increased popularity of vegetarianism, lactose intolerance, and the high cholesterol content in dairy products, are all factors that have recently increased the demand for nondairy probiotic products. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of refrigeration on the viability of probiotics and asses someof the chemical and sensory characteristics in cornelian cherry juice. Results: The Iranian native probiotic strain (L. casei T4) showed greater viability compared to industrial types (viable count of 8.67 log cfu/mL versus <6.0 log cfu/mL at d 28). However, this most tolerant Iranian strain, could not withstand the conditions of ‘Natural juice’ at pH 2.6 for more than 7 d. Following a pH adjusted treatment (to pH ~3.5), the viability of the strain was improved to 28 d with some evidence of increased growth of the probiotic. However, the level of antioxidant activity, anthocyanin and phenolic compounds, revealed a slight decrease during cold storage. The changes in the chemical profile of the sample containing L. casei T4 indicated fermentation activity during cold storage. Sensory evaluation results showed significant differences between samples containing L. casei TD4 and other samples in taste, odor and overall acceptance in a complimentary way. Conclusions: The results showed that low pH and presence of inhibitor phenolic compounds of cornelian cherry juice have negative effect on viability of probiotics, especially industrial strains during refrigerated storage.
The incredible rapid development to huge volumes of air travel, mainly because of jet airliners that appeared to the sky in the 1950s, created the need for systematic research for aviation safety and collecting data about air traffic. The structured data can be analysed easily using queries from databases and running theseresults through graphic tools. However, in analysing narratives that often give more accurate information about the case, mining tools are needed. The analysis of textual data with computers has not been possible until data mining tools have been developed. Their use, at least among aviation, is still at a moderate level. The research aims at discovering lethal trends in the flight safety reports. The narratives of 1,200 flight safety reports from years 1994 – 1996 in Finnish were processed with three text mining tools. One of them was totally language independent, the other had a specific configuration for Finnish and the third originally created for English, but encouraging results had been achieved with Spanish and that is why a Finnish test was undertaken, too. The global rate of accidents is stabilising and the situation can now be regarded as satisfactory, but because of the growth in air traffic, the absolute number of fatal accidents per year might increase, if the flight safety will not be improved. The collection of data and reporting systems have reached their top level. The focal point in increasing the flight safety is analysis. The air traffic has generally been forecasted to grow 5 – 6 per cent annually over the next two decades. During this period, the global air travel will probably double also with relatively conservative expectations of economic growth. This development makes the airline management confront growing pressure due to increasing competition, signify cant rise in fuel prices and the need to reduce the incident rate due to expected growth in air traffic volumes. All this emphasises the urgent need for new tools and methods. All systems provided encouraging results, as well as proved challenges still to be won. Flight safety can be improved through the development and utilisation of sophisticated analysis tools and methods, like data mining, using its results supporting the decision process of the executives.
Several Cronobacter outbreaks have implicated contaminated drinking water. This study assessed the impact of granular activated carbon (GAC) on the microbial quality of the water produced. A simulated water filter system was installed by filling plastic columns with sterile GAC, followed by sterile water with a dilute nutrient flowing through the column at a steady rate. Carbon columns were inoculated with Cronobacter on the surface, and the effluent monitored for Cronobacter levels. During a second phase, commercial faucet filters were distributed to households for 4-month use. Used filters were backwashed with sterile peptone water, and analyzed for Cronobacter, total aerobic plate count, coliform bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae. Cronobacter colonized the simulated GAC and grew when provided minimal levels of nutrients. Backwashed used filters used in home settings yielded presumptive Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas and other waterborne bacteria. Presumptive Cronobacter strains were identified as negative through biochemical and genetic test.
The use of riverine dissolved organic matter by the heterotrophic bacteria associated with a culture of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and release of simple nitrogen compounds were studied in an experimental series. Bacteria reduced the bulk of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) by half, but when associated with M. aeruginosa, DON was excreted and its concentration rose by 13%. During the stationary growth phase bacteria released ammonium, doubling the concentration of ammonia as well as of nitrates. Bacteria associated with M. aeruginosa consumed riverine DON and joined the ammonification and nitrification process, supplying cyanobacteria with simple nitrogen compounds.
Synthetic biology, by co-opting molecular machinery from existing organisms, can be used as a tool for building new genetic systems from scratch, for understanding natural networks through perturbation, or for hybrid circuits that piggy-back on existing cellular infrastructure. Although the toolbox for genetic circuits has greatly expanded in recent years, it is still difficult to separate the circuit function from its specific molecular implementation. In this thesis, we discuss the function-driven design of two synthetic circuit modules, and use mathematical models to understand the fundamental limits of circuit topology versus operating regimes as determined by the specific molecular implementation. First, we describe a protein concentration tracker circuit that sets the concentration of an output protein relative to the concentration of a reference protein. The functionality of this circuit relies on a single negative feedback loop that is implemented via small programmable protein scaffold domains. We build a mass-action model to understand the relevant timescales of the tracking behavior and how the input/output ratios and circuit gain might be tuned with circuit components. Second, we design an event detector circuit with permanent genetic memory that can record order and timing between two chemical events. This circuit was implemented using bacteriophage integrases that recombine specific segments of DNA in response to chemical inputs. We simulate expected population-level outcomes using a stochastic Markov-chain model, and investigate how inferences on past events can be made from differences between single-cell and population-level responses. Additionally, we present some preliminary investigations on spatial patterning using the event detector circuit as well as the design of stationary phase promoters for growth-phase dependent activation. These results advance our understanding of synthetic gene circuits, and contribute towards the use of circuit modules as building blocks for larger and more complex synthetic networks.
The black band disease (BBD) microbial consortium often causes mortality of reef-building corals. Microbial chemical interactions (i.e., quorum sensing (QS) and antimicrobial production) may be involved in the BBD disease process. Culture filtrates (CFs) from over 150 bacterial isolates from BBD and the surface mucopolysaccharide layer (SML) of healthy and diseased corals were screened for acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) and Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) QS signals using bacterial reporter strains. AHLs were detected in all BBD mat samples and nine CFs. More than half of the CFs (~55%) tested positive for AI-2. Approximately 27% of growth challenges conducted among 19 isolates showed significant growth inhibition. These findings demonstrate that QS is actively occurring within the BBD microbial mat and that culturable bacteria from BBD and the coral SML are able to produce QS signals and antimicrobial compounds. This is the first study to identify AHL production in association with active coral disease.
The overall objective of this thesis was to study the effects of regular and high (super-) doses of phytase in the gut of broilers, with the aim of documenting the mechanism of their action leading to improvements in animal health. Phytase is often supplemented to commercial broiler diets to facilitate the hydrolysis of plant phytate and release of phosphorus for utilisation. Although not the original intention of its addition, phytase supplementation leads to improvements in growth performance parameters and enhanced nutrient utilisation. Further benefits have also been observed following the addition of super-doses of phytase which are not explained by an increase in phosphorus release, and thus have been termed ‘extra-phosphoric effects’. Using diets formulated to be adequate or marginally deficient in available phosphorus (aP; forming the negative control, NC), phytase was supplemented at 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg phytase in the first study (both super-doses) and the partitioning of nutrients within the body was investigated. It appeared that there were some metabolic changes between 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg, switching between protein and fat accretion, potentially as a consequence of nutrient availability, although these changes were not reflected by changes in growth performance parameters. However, the loss of the NC treatment without phytase on day 12 limits the comparison of the phytase within the NC treatment, but does allow for comparison of each dose at adequate or low dietary aP levels. As expected, a greater degree of phytate hydrolysis was achieved with 3,000 than with 1,500 FTU/kg phytase, but changes in carcass accretion characteristics were greater with 1,500 than 3,000 FTU/kg. Using these findings and the observation that there were no further changes in the parameters measured by increasing phytase from 1,500 to 3,000 FTU/kg (aside from phytate hydrolysis), 1,500 FTU/kg phytase was selected as the super-dose to be used in subsequent studies. The next study considered the influence of regular (500 FTU/kg) and super doses (1,500 FTU/kg) of phytase from within the gut. Overall, it was observed that changes were occurring to the gut environment, which ultimately would influence the absorptive capacity and conditions for further phytate hydrolysis. Dietary treatment influenced gut conditions such as pH, intestinal morphology and bacterial populations which can subsequently influence nutrient utilisation and potential for growth. The subsequent study was designed to investigate the effects within the gut in more detail. The release of nutrients from phytate hydrolysis and their bioavailability within the digesta can influence conditions within intestine, facilitating enhanced absorption. One of the parameters investigated was the expression of genes involved in the transport of nutrients in the intestine. Overall, there were few significant dietary treatment influences on gene expression in the intestine, however there was a dose-dependent response of phytase on the expression of the jejunual divalent mineral transporter. This indicates a change in divalent mineral bioavailability in the intestine, with correlations with inositol phosphate esters (IPs) being identified. This is likely explained by the IPs produced by phytase hydrolysis and accumulating in the digesta, differing between regular and high doses of phytase. It became apparent that interactions between the products of phytate hydrolysis (IP3, IP4) and minerals in the digesta had the potential to influence the gut environment and subsequent nutrient bioavailability and overall phytase action. The final study was designed to increase the content of the IPs, and investigate the influence of phytase under these conditions. As the complete hydrolysis of phytate to myo-inositol has been reported to be beneficial due to its proposed insulin mimetic effects, myo-inositol was also supplemented to one of the diets to see if any further benefits would be observed when supplemented alongside super-doses of phytase. Neither increased concentrations of the higher IP esters (IP6, IP5 and IP4) nor myo-inositol (myo-) had any effect on broiler growth performance, however there were still apparent beneficial influences of phytase supplementation. The results suggest considerable and important interactions between minerals and IP esters within the digesta, which ultimately have the potential to influence gut conditions and thus nutrient utilisation and growth performance. Reduced concentrations of blood glucose in the high IP ester diet with additional phytase supplementation suggest some insulin-like effects of myo- production. Additionally, the lack of effect of myo- supplementation on blood glucose and insulin concentrations suggests a difference between the structure of phytase-produced myo- and supplemented myo-. Although there were no improvements in growth performance by increasing phytase from 500 to 1,500 FTU/kg, there were changes occurring at the level of the gut and expression of genes in the intestine, influencing nutrient utilisation and the partitioning of nutrients within the body. There are many factors to be considered when supplementing phytase, with dietary nutrient content and nutrient release and IP production during phytate hydrolysis having an influence on phytase action, nutrient absorption and conditions within the gut. Super-doses of phytase may be beneficial for maintaining optimal gut conditions, clearing IP esters from the digesta, reducing their potential to form complexes with minerals and other nutrients, ultimately influencing the efficiency of production.
Pine wilt disease (PWD) results from the interaction of three elements: the pathogenic nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus; the insect-vector, Monochamus sp.; and the host tree, mostly Pinus species. Bacteria isolated from B. xylophilus may be a fourth element in this complex disease. However, the precise role of bacteria in this interaction is unclear as both plant-beneficial and as plant-pathogenic bacteria may be associated with PWD. Using whole genome sequencing and phenotypic characterization, we were able to investigate in more detail the genetic repertoire of Serratia marcescens PWN146, a bacterium associated with B. xylophilus. We show clear evidence that S. marcescens PWN146 is able to withstand and colonize the plant environment, without having any deleterious effects towards a susceptible host (Pinus thunbergii), B. xylophilus nor to the nematode model C. elegans. This bacterium is able to tolerate growth in presence of xenobiotic/organic compounds, and use phenylacetic acid as carbon source. Furthermore, we present a detailed list of S. marcescens PWN146 potentials to interfere with plant metabolism via hormonal pathways and/or nutritional acquisition, and to be competitive against other bacteria and/or fungi in terms of resource acquisition or production of antimicrobial compounds. Further investigation is required to understand the role of bacteria in PWD. We have now reinforced the theory that B. xylophilus-associated bacteria may have a plant origin.
This study aims to evaluate the phenotypical characteristics of bacterial isolates from mulungu (Erythrina velutina Willd.) nodules and determinate their Box-PCR fingerprinting. All bacteria were evaluated by the following phenotypic characteristics: growth rate, pH change, colony color and mucus production. The bacterial isolates able to re-nodulate the original host were also evaluated regarding its tolerance to increased salinity and different incubation temperatures, ability to growth using different carbon sources, intrinsic antibiotic resistance and ?in vitro? auxin biosynthesis. The molecular fingerprints were set up using the Box-PCR technique and the isolates were clustered by their profiles. Among the 22 bacterial isolates obtained, eight were able to re-nodulate the original host. Among the nodule inducing isolates, some were tolerant to 1% of NaCl and 39° C and all of them metabolized the maltose, fructose, glucose, sucrose and arabinose, were resistant to rifampicin and produced auxin. The bacteria showed low genetic similarity among them and reference strains, which indicates the great genetic variability of the isolates. The results of this work are the first reports about the bacterial isolates able to nodulate this species. A more deep study of these bacteria may reveal the existence of isolates tolerant to environmental stresses and suitable as a future mulungu inoculant.
Background:In vitrocell suspension cultivation systems have been largely reported assafe and standardized methods for production of secondary metabolites with medicinaland agricultural interest.Capsicum annuumis one of the most widely grown vegetablein the world and its biological activities have been demonstrated against insects, fungi,bacteria and other groups of organisms. The determination of procedures for thededifferentiation of cells into callus cells and the subsequent study of the callus growthpattern are necessary for the establishment of cellsuspensions and also to subsidizestudies regarding the bioactivity of its secondarymetabolites. To date, no study hasdescribed the development of protocols for callus induction inC. annuumL. cv. Etna. Objective:The objective of this study was to establish a protocol for dedifferentiationof leaf cells of the cultivarC. annuumcv. Etna and to determine the growth pattern ofthe calluses with a focus on the deceleration phase, when the callus cells must besubcultured into a liquid medium in order to establish cell suspension cultivationsaiming at the production of secondary metabolites.Results:The treatment that resultedin the highest %CI, ACCC and callus weight was thecombination of 4.52 μ M 2,4-D +0.44 μ M BA. The calluses produced were friable andwhitish and their growth patternfollowed a sigmoid shape. The deceleration phase started on the 23rdday of cultivation.Conclusion:Callus induction in leaf explants ofC. annuumcv. Etnacan be achieved inMS medium supplemented with 4.52 μ M 2,4-D + 0.44 μ MBA, which results in highcellular proliferation; in order to start a cell suspension culture, callus cells on the 23rdday of culture should be used.
Waste management worldwide has received increasing attention from global policies in recent years. In particular, agro-industrial streams represent a global concern due to the huge volumes generated and a high number of residues, which produce an environmental and economic impact on the ecosystem. The use of biotechnological approaches to treat these streams could allow the production of desirable by-products to be reinjected into the production cycle through sustainable processes. Purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) are targeted as microorganisms capable to reduce the pressure of agro-industrial streams on environmental issues, due to their metabolic versatility (autotrophic and/or heterotrophic growth under different conditions). This Ph.D. research project aims to assess the effectiveness of PPB cultivation for industrial streams valorisation in the applications of biogas desulfurization and microbial protein production. For these purposes, the first part of the present work is dedicated to the cultivation of purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) for biogas streams upgrading, cleaning biogas from sulfur compounds (H2S), and producing elemental sulfur (S0), potentially suitable as a slow-release fertilizer. The second part of the thesis, instead, sees the application of purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) on streams rich in organics, such as molasses, generating biomass with high content of proteins and pigments, useful as supplements in animal feed. The assessment of the main metabolic mechanisms involved in the two processes is evaluated at a laboratory scale using flasks and a photobioreactor, to define the consumption of substrates and the accumulation of products both in the autotrophic (on biogas) and in heterotrophic grow (on molasses). In conclusion, the effectiveness of processes employing PPB for a sustainable valorisation of several agro-industrial streams has been proved promising, using actual residues, and coupling their treatments with the production of added-value by-products.
L’energia da onda potrebbe assumere un ruolo fondamentale per la transizione energetica durante i prossimi decenni, grazie alla sua continuità nel tempo molto superiore rispetto ad altre risorse rinnovabili e alla sua vasta distribuzione nello spazio. Tuttavia, l’energia da onda è ancora lontana dall’essere economicamente sostenibile, a causa di diverse problematiche tecnologiche e alle difficoltà finanziarie associate. In questa ricerca, si è innanzitutto affrontata una delle maggiori sfide tecniche, nello specifico la progettazione e modellazione di sistemi di ancoraggio per i dispositivi galleggianti, proponendo possibili soluzioni per la modellazione numerica di sistemi di ancoraggio complessi e per l’ottimizzazione dei dispositivi stessi. Successivamente sono state analizzate le possibili sinergie strategiche di installazioni per lo sfruttamento della energia da onda con altre risorse rinnovabili e la loro applicazione nel contesto di aree marine multiuso. In particolare, una metodologia per la valutazione della combinazione ottimale delle risorse rinnovabili è stata sviluppata e verificata in due diversi casi studio: un’isola e una piattaforma offshore. Si è così potuto evidenziare l’importante contributo della risorsa ondosa per la continuità energetica e per la riduzione della necessità di accumulo. Inoltre, è stato concepito un metodo di supporto decisionale multicriteriale per la valutazione delle opzioni di riuso delle piattaforme offshore alla fine della loro vita operativa, come alternativa al decommissionamento, nell’ottica di una gestione sostenibile e della ottimizzazione dell’uso dello spazio marino. Sulla base dei criteri selezionati, l’inclusione di attività innovative come la produzione di energia da onda si è dimostrata essere rilevante per rendere vantaggioso il riuso rispetto al decommissionamento. Numerosi studi recenti hanno infatti sottolineato che, nell’ambito della “crescita blu”, i mercati come l’oil&gas, le attività offshore e le isole stimoleranno lo sviluppo di tecnologie innovative come lo sfruttamento dell’energia da onda, promuovendo la sperimentazione e fornendo un importante contributo all’avanzamento tecnico e alla commercializzazione.
Ewing sarcoma (EWS) and CIC-DUX4 sarcoma (CDS) are pediatric fusion gene-driven tumors of mesenchymal origin characterized by an extremely stable genome and limited clinical solutions. Post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms are crucial for understanding the development of this class of tumors. RNA binding proteins (RBPs) play a crucial role in the aggressiveness of these tumors. Numerous RBP families are dysregulated in cancer, including IGF2BPs. Among these, IGF2BP3 is a negative prognostic factor in EWS because it promotes cell growth, chemoresistence, and induces the metastatic process. Based on preliminary RNA sequencing data from clinical samples of EWS vs CDS patients, three major axes that are more expressed in CDS have been identified, two of which are dissected in this PhD work. The first involves the transcription factor HMGA2, IGF2BP2-3, and IGF2; the other involves the ephrin receptor system, particularly EphA2. EphA2 is involved in numerous cellular functions during embryonic stages, and its increased expression in adult tissues is often associated with pathological conditions. In tumors, its role is controversial because it can be associated with both pro- and anti-tumoral mechanisms. In EWS, it has been shown to play a role in promoting cell migration and neoangiogenesis. Our study has confirmed that the HMGA2/IGF2BPs/IGF2 axis contributes to CDS malignancy, and Akt hyperactivation has a strong impact on migration. Using loss/gain of function models for EphA2, we confirmed that it is a substrate of Akt, and Akt hyperactivation in CDS triggers ligand-independent activation of EphA2 through phosphorylation of S897. Moreover, the combination of Trabectedin and NVP/BEZ235 partially inhibits Akt/mTOR activation, resulting in reduced tumor growth in vivo. Inhibition of EphA2 through ALWII 41_27 significantly reduces migration in vitro. The project aim is the identification of target molecules in CDS that can distinguish it from EWS and thus develop new targeted therapeutic strategies.
Negli ultimi decenni sono state registrate preoccupati fenomeni di mortalità della vongola Chamelea gallina, in particolare nell’area costiera emiliano-romagnola e di cui non sono ancora state chiarite le cause. Il presente studio si è occupato di caratterizzare la comunità microbica associata alla vongola nella ghiandola digestiva, utilizzando il sequenziamento della regione ipervariabile V3-V4 del gene rRNA 16S, al fine di individuare fenomeni di disbiosi in aree ad elevata mortalità. Sono state quindi esplorate le variazioni stagionali (da luglio a novembre) nella struttura del microbiota della vongola e nell'ecosistema microbico dell'acqua di mare circostante, in quattro siti scelti ad hoc, secondo un gradiente di incidenza storica di mortalità, da Nord a Sud, tra le aree di Ravenna e Rimini. Lo stato di salute della vongola e del suo microbiota associato sono stati esplorati tramite, rispettivamente, l’indice di condizione e lo studio mediante NGS della composizione dell’ecosistema microbico intestinale. I nostri dati, sebbene preliminari, dimostrano come tra le aree Nord e Sud ci sia un comportamento differente e reciproco relativamente all’andamento stagionale dei valori di diversità interna (alfa) al microbiota della vongola, che si riduce dall’estate all’autunno nelle aree Nord (Ravenna e Lido di Savio), mentre aumenta - nello stesso periodo di tempo - nelle aree Sud (Rimini e Cesenatico). A conferma dei dati di alfa diversità, l’analisi mediante PCoA delle variazione del microbiota della vongola tra i quattro siti di indagine stratificate per stagione, dimostrano profonde differenze tra i due estremi nord-sud. In particolare, l’analisi integrata dei dati storici di produttività, indice di condizione e dinamica del microbiota della g.d. ci ha consentito di discriminare cinque famiglie microbiche come potenziali Growth Promoting Bacteria, poiché associate ad un picco di indice di condizione che si registra nelle aree a bassa mortalità, nel mese di settembre.
In this study, we investigated the effect of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) deficiency on gap junctional connexin 36 (Cx36) islet content and on the functional and growth response of pancreatic beta-cells in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. After 60 days on regular or HF diet, the metabolic state and morphometric islet parameters of wild-type (WT) and LDLr-/- mice were assessed. HF diet-fed WT animals became obese and hypercholesterolaemic as well as hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant, characterizing them as prediabetic. Also they showed a significant decrease in beta-cell secretory response to glucose. Overall, LDLr-/- mice displayed greater susceptibility to HF diet as judged by their marked cholesterolaemia, intolerance to glucose and pronounced decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. HF diet induced similarly in WT and LDLr-/- mice, a significant decrease in Cx36 beta-cell content as revealed by immunoblotting. Prediabetic WT mice displayed marked increase in beta-cell mass mainly due to beta-cell hypertrophy/replication. Nevertheless, HF diet-fed LDLr-/- mice showed no significant changes in beta-cell mass, but lower islet-duct association (neogenesis) and higher beta-cell apoptosis index were seen as compared to controls. The higher metabolic susceptibility to HF diet of LDLr-/- mice may be explained by a deficiency in insulin secretory response to glucose associated with lack of compensatory beta-cell expansion.