991 resultados para Prior distribution


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The design of magnetic cores can be carried out by taking into account the optimization of different parameters in accordance with the application requirements. Considering the specifications of the fast field cycling nuclear magnetic resonance (FFC-NMR) technique, the magnetic flux density distribution, at the sample insertion volume, is one of the core parameters that needs to be evaluated. Recently, it has been shown that the FFC-NMR magnets can be built on the basis of solenoid coils with ferromagnetic cores. Since this type of apparatus requires magnets with high magnetic flux density uniformity, a new type of magnet using a ferromagnetic core, copper coils, and superconducting blocks was designed with improved magnetic flux density distribution. In this paper, the designing aspects of the magnet are described and discussed with emphasis on the improvement of the magnetic flux density homogeneity (Delta B/B-0) in the air gap. The magnetic flux density distribution is analyzed based on 3-D simulations and NMR experimental results.


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Resumo: Com base no conceito de implementação de intenções (Gollwitzer, 1993, 1999) e na teoria do contexto de resposta de Kirsch & Lynn (1997), o presente trabalho testou a eficácia de uma intervenção combinada de implementação de intenções com hipnose e sugestão pós-hipnótica na promoção da adesão a uma tarefa simples (avaliação do humor) e uma tarefa difícil (actividade física). Os participantes são estudantes universitários de uma universidade na Nova Jérsia, (N=124, Estudo 1, EUA) e em Lisboa (N=323, Estudo 2, Portugal). Em ambos os estudos os participantes foram seleccionados a partir de uma amostra mais vasta baseado num escrutínio da sua sugestibilidade hipnótica avaliada por meio da Escala de Grupo de Sugestibilidade Hipnótica de Waterloo-Stanford (WSGC): Forma C. O Estudo 1 usou um desenho factorial do tipo 2x2x3 (tipo de intenção formada x hipnose x nível de sugestionabilidade) e o Estudo 2 usou um desenho factorial do tipo 2 x 2x 2 x 4 (tipo de tarefa x tipo de intenção formada x hipnose x nível de sugestionabilidade). No Estudo 1 foi pedido aos participantes que corressem todos os dias e durante três semanas durante 5 minutos, que medissem a sua pulsação antes e depois da actividade física e que mandassem um e-mail ao experimentador, fornecendo assim uma medida comportamental e uma medida de auto-relato. Aos participantes no grupo de intenções de meta foi apenas pedido que corressem todos os dias. Aos participantes no grupo de implementação de intenções foi pedido que especificasses com exactidão quando e onde iriam correr e enviar o e-mail. Para além disso, cerca de metade dos participantes foram hipnotizados e receberam uma sugestão pós-hipnótica em que lhes foi sugerido que o pensamento de correr todos os dias lhes viria à mente sem esforço no momento apropriado. A outra metade dos participantes não recebeu qualquer sugestão hipnótica. No Estudo 2 foi seguido o mesmo procedimento, mas a cerca de metade dos participantes foi atribuída uma tarefa fácil (enviar um Adherence to health-related behaviors ix SMS com a avaliação diária do seu estado de humor naquele momento) e à outra metade da amostra foi atribuída a tarefa de exercício físico atrás descrita (tarefa difícil). Os resultados do estudo 1 mostraram uma interacção significativa entre o nível de sugestionabilidade dos participantes e a sugestão pós-hipnótica (p<.01) indicando que a administração da sugestão pós-hipnótica aumentou a adesão nos participantes muito sugestionáveis, mas baixou a adesão nos participantes pouco sugestionáveis. Não se encontraram diferenças entre os grupos que formaram intenções de meta e os que formaram implementação de intenções. No Estudo 2 os resultados indicaram que os participantes aderiram significativamente mais à tarefa fácil do que à tarefa difícil (p<.001). Os resultados não revelaram diferenças significativas entre as condições implementações de intenções, hipnose e as duas estratégias combinadas, indicando que a implementação de intenções não foi eficaz no aumento da adesão às duas tarefas propostas e não beneficiou da combinação com as sugestões pós-hipnóticas. A utilização da hipnose com sugestão pós-hipnótica significativamente reduziu a adesão a ambas as tarefas. Dado que não existiam instrumentos em Português destinados a avaliar a sugestionabilidade hipnótica, traduziu-se e adaptou-se para Português Escala de Grupo de sugestibilidade hipnótica de Waterloo-Stanford (WSGC): Forma C. A amostra Portuguesa (N=625) apresentou resultados semelhantes aos encontrados nas amostras de referência em termos do formato da distribuição dos padrões da pontuação e do índice de dificuldade dos itens. Contudo, a proporção de estudantes portugueses encontrada que pontuaram na zona superior de sugestionabilidade foi significativamente inferior à proporção de participantes na mesma zona encontrada nas amostras de referência. No sentido de lançar alguma luz sobre as razões para este resultado, inquiriu-se alguns dos participantes acerca das suas atitudes face à hipnose utilizando uma versão portuguesa da Escala de Valência de Atitudes e Crenças face à Hipnose e comparou-se com a opinião de Adherence to health-related behaviors xAbstract: On the basis of Gollwitzer’s (1993, 1999) implementation intentions’ concept, and Kirsch & Lynn’s (1997) response set theory, this dissertation tested the effectiveness of a combined intervention of implementation intentions with hypnosis with posthypnotic suggestions in enhancing adherence to a simple (mood report) and a difficult (physical activity) health-related task. Participants were enrolled in a university in New Jersey (N=124, Study 1, USA) and in two universities in Lisbon (N=323, Study 2, Portugal). In both studies participants were selected from a broader sample based on their suggestibility scores using the Waterloo-Stanford Group C (WSGC) scale of hypnotic susceptibility and then randomly assigned to the experimental groups. Study 1 used a 2x2x3 factorial design (instruction x hypnosis x level of suggestibility) and Study 2 used a 2 x 2x 2 x 4 factorial design (task x instructions x hypnosis x level of suggestibility). In Study 1 participants were asked to run in place for 5 minutes each day for a three-week period, to take their pulse rate before and after the activity, and to send a daily email report to the experimenter, thus providing both a self-report and a behavioral measure of adherence. Participants in the goal intention condition were simply asked to run in place and send the e-mail once a day. Those in the implementation intention condition were further asked to specify the exact place and time they would perform the physical activity and send the e-mail. In addition, half of the participants were given a post-hypnotic suggestion indicating that the thought of running in place would come to mind without effort at the appropriate moment. The other half did not receive a posthypnotic suggestion. Study 2 followed the same procedure, but additionally half of the participants were instructed to send a mood report by SMS (easy task) and half were assigned to the physical activity task described above (difficult task). Adherence to health-related behaviors vii Study 1 result’s showed a significant interaction between participant’s suggestibility level and posthypnotic suggestion (p<.01) indicating that posthypnotic suggestion enhanced adherence among highly suggestible participants, but lowered it among low suggestible individuals. No differences between the goal intention and the implementation intentions groups were found. In Study 2, participants adhered significantly more (p<.001) to the easy task than to the difficult task. Results did not revealed significant differences between the implementation intentions, hypnosis and the two conditions combined, indicating that implementation intentions was not enhanced by hypnosis with posthypnotic suggestion, neither was effective as single intervention in enhancing adherence to any of the tasks. Hypnosis with posthypnotic suggestion alone significantly reduced adherence to both tasks in comparison with participants that did not receive hypnosis. Since there were no instruments in Portuguese language to asses hypnotic suggestibility, the Waterloo-Stanford Group C (WSGC) scale of hypnotic susceptibility was translated and adapted to Portuguese and was used in the screening of a sample of college students from Lisbon (N=625). Results showed that the Portuguese sample has distribution shapes and difficulty patterns of hypnotic suggestibility scores similar to the reference samples, with the exception of the proportion of Portuguese students scoring in the high range of hypnotic suggestibility, that was found lower than the in reference samples. In order to shed some light on the reasons for this finding participant’s attitudes toward hypnosis were inquired using a Portuguese translation and adaptation of the Escala de Valencia de Actitudes y Creencias Hacia la Hipnosis, Versión Cliente, and compared with participants with no prior hypnosis experience (N=444). Significant differences were found between the two groups with participants without hypnosis experience scoring higher in factors indicating misconceptions and negative attitudes about hypnosis.


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Abdominal angiostrongyliasis is a parasitic disease caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis, a metastrongylid nematode with wide geographic distribution, occurring from the United States to Argentina. In Brazil, the disease has been reported from the States of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Federal District of Brasilia and Minas Gerais. We report here a case of abdominal angiostrongyliasis in a 9-year-old girl, from Itatiba, State of Espirito Santo, Brazil, submitted to exploratory laparotomy for acute abdomen. Extensive inflammatory lesions of terminal ileum and cecum, with perforations of the first, were present, and ileocecal resection was performed. The pathological picture was characterized by transmural inflammatory granulomatous reaction, extensive eosinophilic infiltration, eosinophilic vasculitis and the presence of worms within a mesenteric artery branch, with histological features of metastrongylid nematodes. This case report contributes to a better knowledge of the geographic distribution of this parasite in Brazil, suggesting that abdominal angiostrongyliasis may represent a disease of medical importance, more than a rarity of academic interest.


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RESUMO - Os trabalhadores dos ginásios com piscinas apresentam maior prevalência de lesões fúngicas, como a Tinea pedis e a onicomicose, devido às características intrínsecas da sua actividade profissional, pois apresentam mais horas por dia de exposição à contaminação fúngica das superfícies. Esta situação verifica-se não só por serem os que mais frequentam os locais possíveis de estarem contaminados, como é o caso de balneários, vestiários e zona envolvente às piscinas, mas também porque algumas das actividades desenvolvidas são realizadas com os pés descalços. Além disso, a utilização de roupa sintética e de calçado ocluso, que retêm a sudação excessiva, favorece o desenvolvimento fúngico. Constituiu objectivo deste trabalho conhecer o risco de infecção e/ou lesão (Tinea pedis e onicomicose) nos trabalhadores dos ginásios com piscina e a sua eventual relação com a exposição à contaminação fúngica (ar e superfícies) dos locais de trabalho. Foram descritas as variáveis ambientais e biológicas que influenciam a infecção e/ou lesão fúngica em ambiente profissional e exploradas eventuais associações entre essas mesmas variáveis. Foram também conhecidas as diferenças da contaminação fúngica das superfícies entre as duas principais estações do ano (Verão e Inverno) e entre antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção. O estudo realizado possui uma componente transversal, em que se pretendeu descrever os fenómenos ambientais e biológicos da contaminação fúngica em ambiente profissional e explorar eventuais associações entre variáveis; uma componente longitudinal, em que foram conhecidas as diferenças sazonais da contaminação fúngica das superfícies; e, ainda, uma componente quase experimental, em que foi analisada a distribuição fúngica nas superfícies antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção. Na vertente transversal foi considerada uma amostra de 10 ginásios com piscina e outra amostra de, pelo menos, 10 profissionais de cada estabelecimento, perfazendo um total de 124 trabalhadores (75 Homens - 60,48% e 49 Mulheres - 39,52%). Foram realizadas 258 colheitas biológicas aos pés dos trabalhadores, efectuada a avaliação ambiental da contaminação fúngica dos estabelecimentos através de 50 colheitas de amostras de ar e 120 colheitas de amostras de superfícies (60 antes e 60 depois da lavagem e desinfecção) e efectuados os respectivos processamento laboratorial e identificação fúngica. Foram também avaliadas as variáveis ambientais temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar, preenchidas 10 grelhas de observação, com o objectivo de efectuar o registo de informação sobre as variáveis que xx influenciam a exposição ocupacional às espécies fúngicas e, ainda, completadas 124 grelhas de observação inerentes à colheita de material biológico, de modo a realizar o registo dos profissionais com lesão e outras informações pertinentes para a análise laboratorial. Todos os 124 trabalhadores responderam a um questionário, em simultâneo à realização das colheitas biológicas, de modo a conhecer algumas das variáveis individuais e profissionais com pertinência para o presente estudo. Num dos estabelecimentos, foram também estudadas as diferenças da contaminação fúngica das superfícies entre antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção e, ainda, entre as duas estações do ano (Verão e Inverno). Nesse estabelecimento, foram realizadas 36 colheitas de superfícies antes e 36 colheitas depois da lavagem e desinfecção, em 6 dias diferentes da semana, durante 6 semanas sequenciais em cada estação do ano, completando um total de 72 colheitas de superfícies. Foi ainda criado e aplicado um método para estabelecer um padrão de exposição profissional a fungos nas superfícies, de modo a permitir definir níveis semi-quantitativos de estimação do risco de infecção fúngica dos trabalhadores dos ginásios com piscinas. Para o critério da Gravidade, considerou-se que a gravidade da contaminação e, consequentemente, da possível lesão, está intimamente relacionada com a espécie fúngica envolvida. Foram calculadas as médias da contaminação fúngica por cada estabelecimento antes da lavagem e desinfecção, de modo a estabelecer os níveis de Frequência e, em relação à Exposição, foram estabelecidos intervalos para agrupar as horas semanais de trabalho. Dos 124 trabalhadores que participaram no estudo, 58 (46,8%) possuíam lesões visíveis. Nesses 58, as Leveduras foram as mais isoladas (41,4%), seguidas dos Dermatófitos (24,1%) e de Fungos Filamentosos Não Dermatófitos (6,9%). Candida parapsilosis e Rhodotorula sp. foram as Leveduras mais frequentemente isoladas (20,2%); no caso dos Dermatófitos, Trichophyton rubrum foi a espécie mais frequente (55,5%) e, relativamente aos Fungos Filamentosos Não Dermatófitos, Penicillium sp. foi o mais isolado (15,6%), seguido do género Fusarium (12,5%). No que concerne à contaminação fúngica das superfícies, 37 fungos filamentosos foram isolados. Fusarium foi o género mais frequente, antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção (19,1% - 17,2%). Em relação aos fungos leveduriformes, 12 leveduras diferentes foram identificadas, tendo sido os géneros Cryptococcus (40,6%) e Candida (49,3%) os mais frequentes antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção, respectivamente. Em relação à contaminação fúngica do ar, foram identificados 25 fungos filamentosos diferentes, em que os 3 géneros mais frequentemente isolados foram Cladosporium (36,6%), Penicillium (19,0%) e Aspergillus (10,2%). Relativamente às leveduras, foi identificado o género xxi Rhodotorula (87,5%) e as espécies Trichosporon mucoides e Cryptococcus unigutulattus (12,5%). Verificou-se associação, ao nível de significância de 5%, entre lesão visível e horas semanais e entre lesão visível e tempo de profissão, comprovando a influência da duração da exposição ao factor de risco (contaminação fúngica do ambiente profissional), para a presença de lesão visível nos trabalhadores expostos (Tinea pedis e onicomicose), ficando demonstrada a relação entre a exposição ao factor de risco em estudo – exposição profissional a fungos – com os efeitos para a saúde. As variáveis ambientais avaliadas (temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar) não influenciaram a contaminação fúngica do ar e das superfícies, não tendo sido evidenciada nenhuma relação estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). Contudo, verificou-se influência do número de ocupantes que frequentaram cada um dos estabelecimentos nas médias das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado nas superfícies antes da lavagem e desinfecção. Não se verificou correlação entre os resultados quantitativos da contaminação fúngica do ar e a das superfícies dos 10 estabelecimentos monitorizados. No entanto, verificaram-se diferenças significativas, ao nível de significância de 10%, entre a contaminação fúngica das superfícies e a contaminação fúngica do ar (p<0,1), tendo-se constatado que apesar de 50% dos valores mais baixos terem sido superiores na contaminação fúngica do ar, a contaminação fúngica das superfícies apresentou-se com maior variabilidade quantitativa. Em relação às diferenças significativas na contaminação fúngica das superfícies nos 10 estabelecimentos entre antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção, apenas se verificou redução significativa (p<0,05) da contaminação fúngica depois da lavagem e desinfecção nos balneários e vestiários masculinos em relação aos fungos leveduriformes. No estabelecimento seleccionado, verificou-se que a relação entre a contaminação fúngica e a temperatura e humidade relativa não foi significativa (p>0,05) em ambas as estações do ano e também não se constatou influência dos ocupantes nos valores médios das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado das superfícies antes da lavagem e desinfecção em ambas as estações de ano. Em quase todas as situações em que se verificaram diferenças significativas entre as duas estações do ano, verificou-se um aumento das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado no Inverno, com excepção do total das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado antes da lavagem e desinfecção nos balneários e vestiários masculinos em que se verificou aumento no Verão. Constatou-se também que apenas ocorreu redução da xxii contaminação fúngica depois da lavagem e desinfecção nas escadas de acesso no Inverno e nos balneários e vestiários masculinos no Verão. Com a aplicação do método para estabelecer um padrão de exposição profissional a fungos nas superfícies obteve-se, nos 10 estabelecimentos, com Nível de Risco Mínimo 65 locais (54,2%), com Nível de Risco Médio 23 locais (19,2%) e com Nível de Risco Elevado 32 locais (26,6%). Próximo do jacuzzi e junto ao tanque foram os locais com mais classificações de Nível de Risco Elevado. No estabelecimento seleccionado verificou-se que, no Verão, depois da lavagem e desinfecção, ocorreu um maior número de locais classificados no Nível de Risco Elevado e, no Inverno, constatou-se a situação inversa, tendo sido observado maior número de locais com Nível de Risco Elevado antes da lavagem e desinfecção. Junto ao tanque e nas escadas de acesso à zona envolvente ao jacuzzi e tanque foram os locais com mais classificações de Nível de Risco Elevado, no Verão e no Inverno. Foram isolados nas superfícies fungos comuns aos isolados nos trabalhadores. Antes da lavagem e desinfecção, 30,3% dos fungos foram isolados nas superfícies e nos trabalhadores e depois desses procedimentos 45,5% dos fungos foram também isolados comummente. As Leveduras foram as mais isoladas comummente e as que se verificaram mais frequentes antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção da superfícies e, também, nos resultados das colheitas biológicas realizadas aos trabalhadores, foram o género Rhodotorula e a espécie Candida parapsilosis, permitindo confirmar que a infecção fúngica dos trabalhadores está relacionada com a contaminação fúngica das superfícies. Concluiu-se que é necessária a intervenção em Saúde Ocupacional no âmbito da vigilância ambiental e da vigilância da saúde, com o intuito de diminuir a prevalência das infecções fúngicas. Para a prossecução desse objectivo, sugere-se a implementação de medidas preventivas, nomeadamente: o controlo da contaminação fúngica das superfícies mediante procedimentos de lavagem e desinfecção eficazes, de modo a minimizar a contaminação fúngica das superfícies; a identificação precoce da infecção através da realização de colheitas biológicas periódicas aos trabalhadores, inseridas num protocolo de vigilância da saúde; e, ainda, a sensibilização para a aplicação de medidas de higiene pessoal e o tratamento das patologias. A aplicação do método criado para estabelecer um padrão de exposição profissional a fungos nas superfícies servirá não só para a estimação do risco de infecção fúngica dos trabalhadores de ginásios com piscinas, mas também para facilitar o estabelecimento de valores fúngicos de referência, a implementação de medidas correctivas adequadas e imediatas e, ainda, a prevenção de infecções fúngicas, não só nos ginásios com piscina, mas também noutros contextos profissionais. ------------ SUMMARY - Gyms with swimming pools workers have higher prevalence of fungal injuries, such as Tinea pedis and onychomycosis. This is due to their work intrinsic characteristics, since they have more hours per day of exposure to surfaces fungal contamination. This occurs not only because they attend sites most likely to be contaminated, such as showers, changing rooms and pool surrounding area, but also because some of the activities are done barefoot. Furthermore, synthetic clothing and occluded footwear use, which retain the excessive sweating, promotes fungal development. The aim of this study was to know gymnasiums with swimming pool workers infection and/or injury (Tinea pedis and onychomycosis) risk, and its possible relationship with exposure to workplace fungal contamination (air and surfaces). This study describes environmental and biological variables that influence infection and/or fungal injury in a professional setting and explored possible associations between these variables. Differences in surfaces fungal contamination between the two main seasons (summer and winter), as well between before and after cleaning and disinfection were known. It was developed a study with an cross-sectional perspective, that aimed to describe the biological and environmental phenomena of fungal contamination in a professional environment and explore possible associations between variables; an longitudinal perspective in which were known surfaces fungal contamination seasonal differences; and also with an almost experimental perspective that analyzed surfaces fungal distribution before and after cleaning and disinfection. The cross-sectional perspective comprised 10 gyms with swimming pool sample, and another sample of, at least, 10 professionals in each establishment totalling 124 workers (75 men – 60,48%, and 49 women – 39,52%). Were performed 258 biological samples at workers feet, environmental fungal contamination evaluation from the establishments through 50 air samples and 120 surfaces samples (60 before and 60 after cleaning and disinfection) and conducted their laboratory processing and fungal identification. Were also evaluated environmental variables, such as temperature, relative humidity and air velocity completed 10 observation grids, in order to obtain data about variables that affect occupational exposure to fungal species, and also completed 124 observation grids inherent to biological material collection, in order to know the professionals with injury and other relevant information for laboratory analysis. All 124 workers answered to a questionnaire at the same time that occur biological samples collection, in order to xxv obtain information about some of the individual and professional variables with relevance to this study. In one of the establishments were also studied differences concerning surfaces fungal contamination between before and after cleaning and disinfection, and also between two main seasons (summer and winter). In this setting, there were performed 36 surfaces samples before and 36 surfaces samples after cleaning and disinfection on 6 different week days for 6 sequential weeks in each season, totalling 72 surfaces samples. It was also created and implemented a method to establish a pattern for surfaces fungal occupational exposure, in order to help define semi-quantitative levels estimation to fungal infection risk in gyms with swimming pools workers. For Gravity criterion it was considered that contamination severity and, thus, the possible injury are closely related to implicate fungal species. Was calculated fungal contamination average by each establishment prior cleaning and disinfection, in order to establish Frequency levels. Regarding Exposure, were established weekly hours group intervals spent in professional activity. From the 124 professionals tested, 58 (46,8%) had visible injuries. In the 58 workers, Yeasts were the most isolated (41,4%), followed by Dermatophytes (24,1%) and Other Filamentous Fungi Besides Dermatophytes (6,9%). Candida parapsilosis and Rhodotorula sp. were the most frequently isolated Yeasts (20,2% for each), from Dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum was the most frequently isolated species (55,5%) and from Other Filamentous Fungi Besides Dermatophytes, Penicillium sp. was the most frequent (15,6%), followed by Fusarium genera (12,5%). Regarding surfaces fungal contamination, 37 filamentous fungi were isolated. Fusarium genera was the most frequent, before and after cleaning and disinfection (19,1% - 17,2%). Considering yeasts, 12 different yeasts were identified, being Cryptococcus (40,6%) and Candida (49,3%) genera the more frequent before and after cleaning and disinfection, respectively. In relation to air fungal contamination, 25 different filamentous fungi were identified and the 3 most frequently isolated genera were Cladosporium (36,6%), Penicillium (19,0%) and Aspergillus (10,2%). For yeasts, were identified Rhodotorula genera (87,5%), and also the species Trichosporon mucoides and Cryptococcus unigutulattus (12,5%). Was found association with 5% significance level, between visible injury and weekly hours and between visible injury and occupation time, confirming exposure duration influence to risk factor (work environment fungal contamination) for the visible injury presence in exposed workers (Tinea pedis and onychomycosis), being confirmed the relation between the study exposure risk - occupational exposure to fungi - with health effects. xxvi Environmental variables evaluated (temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) did not affect air and surfaces fungal contamination and wasn’t found no statistically significant relation (p>0,05). However, there was evidence that occupant’s number influence surfaces colony forming units mean per square meter before cleaning and disinfection. There was no correlation between quantitative data from air fungal contamination and surfaces fungal contamination from the 10 establishments monitored. However, there were significant differences with 10% significance level, between surfaces and air fungal contamination (p<0,1), and despite 50% of the lowest rates were higher in air fungal contamination, it was found that surfaces fungal contamination had more quantitative variability. Regarding differences from the 10 establishments surfaces fungal contamination, between before and after cleaning and disinfection, there was only a significant reduction (p<0,05) in fungal contamination after cleaning and disinfection in male changing rooms for yeasts. In the selected establishment, it was found that relation between fungal contamination and temperature and relative humidity was not significant (p>0,05) in both seasons, and also there wasn’t no influence observed from occupants in surfaces colony forming units mean per square meters before cleaning and disinfection in both seasons. In almost all situations where significant differences between the two seasons were shown, there was a colony-forming units per square meter increase in winter. There was an exception in total colony forming units per square meter before cleaning and disinfection in male changing room’s exception, where there was an increase in summer. Furthermore, was found that only occur a reduction in fungal contamination after cleaning and disinfection, on access stairs in winter, as well as in male changing rooms in summer. With application from the method to establish pattern for surfaces fungal occupational exposure, it was obtained, in the 10 establishments, 65 sites with Low Risk Level (54,2%), 23 sites with Average Risk Level (19,2%) and 32 sites with High Risk Level (26,6%). Near swimming pool and jacuzzi were the places with more High Risk Level classifications. In the selected establishment, was found that in the summer, after cleaning and disinfection, there were a greater number of sites classified as High Risk Level, and in winter it was found the opposite situation, being noted more places with High Risk Level before cleaning and disinfection. Next to swimming pool and access stairs to swimming pool and jacuzzi were the places with more High Risk Level classifications in Summer and Winter. Were isolated common fungi in surfaces and in workers. Prior to cleaning and disinfection 30,3% of fungi were isolated on surfaces and workers, and after 45,5% of fungi were also xxvii commonly isolated. The Yeasts were the most commonly isolated and the most frequent before and after surfaces cleaning and disinfection, and also in workers biological samples, were Rhodotorula genera and Candida parapsilosis, allowing confirming that workers fungal infection is related with surfaces fungal contamination. It was concluded that Occupational Health intervention it is necessary, in environmental monitoring and health surveillance perspective, in order to reduce fungal infections prevalence. To achieve this objective, preventive measures implementation it’s recommended, including: surfaces fungal contamination control, through effective cleaning and disinfecting in order to minimize surfaces fungal contamination; early infection identification by performing periodic biological sampling from workers, included in a health surveillance protocol; and also personal hygiene and diseases treatment awareness. Application of the created method to establish pattern for surfaces fungal occupational exposure, will be useful not only for estimating workers from gymnasiums with swimming pools fungal infection risk, but also to facilitate fungal reference values stipulation, effective and corrective measures implementation, and also, fungal infections prevention, not only in gymnasiums with swimming pool, but also in other professional settings.----------------- RÉSUMÉ - Les travailleurs des gymnases avec des piscines présentent souvent des infections fongiques, telles que Tinea pedis et aussi des onychomycoses, dues à leur activité professionnel, parce qu’ils restent plus longtemps tout prés des surfaces avec une certaine contamination fongique. Toute cette situation est due non seulement parce qu’ils sont ceux qui fréquentent plus souvent les places plus contaminées: des balnéaires, des vestiaires et des zones autour des piscines, mais aussi ils réalisent des activités aux pieds nus ou avec des chaussures très fermés et encore quelques fois avec des vêtements synthétiques. Tout cela emmène à une grande sudation ce qui aidera au développement fongique. Un objective de ce travaille a été connaître le risque d’infection et/ou présence de lésion (Tinea pedis et des onychomycoses) dans les travailleurs des gymnases avec des piscines et leur éventuel rapport avec l’exposition à la contamination fongique (de l’air et des surfaces) dans leurs locaux de travaille. On a décrit aussi des variables d’environnement et biologiques qui ont une certaine influence dans les infections fongiques dans tout l’environnement professionnel et aussi approfondir des éventuels associations entre ces même variables. On a encore reconnu des différences de la contamination fongique avant et après des lavages et désinfection de ces surfaces. Aussi on a trouvé des différences de contamination en Été et en Hiver. Cet étude a un composante transversale, en visant la description des phénomènes de contamination fongique biologique et de l'environnement dans un environnement professionnel et l’étude des associations possibles entre les variables; une composante longitudinale dans laquelle ils étaient connus comme des variations saisonnières de la contamination fongique des surfaces, et même; un quasi-composante expérimentale, où elle a examiné la répartition des champignons surfaces avant et après le lavage et la désinfection. Dans la composante transversale on été considérés 1 échantillons de 10 gymnases avec des piscines et un autre échantillon de au moins 10 professionnels de chaque établissement dans un total 124 travailleurs (75 hommes - 60,48% et 49 femmes - 39,52%). On a réalisé 258 prélèvements aux pieds des travailleurs et on a effectué en simultané la validation par contamination fongique de l’environnement par 50 prélèvements de l’air et par 120 prélèvements de surfaces (60 avant et 60 après des lavages et des désinfections) et on a effectué leur traitement en laboratoire et l’identification fongique. On a fait aussi l’évaluation des variables de l’environnement, la température, l’humidité relative et la vitesse de l’air. On a remplie 10 tableaux xxix d’observation, avec l’objective d’obtenir des informations sur les variables qu’influenceront l’exposition occupationnel aux souches fongiques, et encore 124 tableaux d’observation liée au prélèvement du matériel biologique, pour réaliser le registre des professionnels avec des lésions et des autres informations pertinentes pour une analyse laboratoire. Tous ces 124 travailleurs ont rempli un questionnaire au même temps que les prélèvements biologiques, afin de connaître quelques variables individuels et professionnels importants pour cet étude. Dans un des établissements on a aussi étudié les différences fongiques des surfaces parmi avant et après les lavages et de la désinfection et encore parmi l’Été et l’Hiver. Dans ce même établissement on a réalisé 36 prélèvements des surfaces avant et 36 après des lavages et de la désinfection, pendant 6 jours différents de la semaine, pendant 6 semaines en chaque saison de l’année, dans un total de 72 prélèvements des surfaces. On a encore crié et appliqué une méthode pour établir un standard d’exposition professionnelle au fungi sur les surfaces, afin de permettre la définition des niveaux semi quantitative d’estimation des risques d’infection fongique des travailleurs des gymnases avec des piscines. Pour le critère de Gravité, il a été considéré que la gravité de la contamination, et donc les possibles dommages, est étroitement liée aux espèces fongiques impliquées. Nous avons calculé la moyenne de la contamination fongique par chaque établissement avant le lavage et la désinfection afin d'établir les niveaux de Fréquence et, par rapport à l'Exposition, ont été crées pour regrouper les intervalles d'heures hebdomadaires consacrées à l'activité professionnelle en question. Sur les 124 travailleurs qui ont participé à l'étude, 58 (46,8%) avaient des lésions visibles. Parmi ces 58, les Levures ont été les plus isolées (41,4%), suivis par des Dermatophytes (24,1%) et des Filamenteux Non Dermatophytes (6,9%). Candida parapsilosis and Rhodotorula sp. ont été les Levures les plus fréquemment isolées (20,2%); dans le cas des Dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum est le plus fréquent (55,5%) et pour les Filamenteux Non Dermatophytes, Penicillium sp. a été le plus isolé (15,6%), suivi par Fusarium sp. (12,5%). En ce qui concerne la contamination fongique des surfaces, 37 champignons filamenteux ont été isolés. Le genre Fusarium est le plus fréquent avant et après le lavage et la désinfection (19,1% - 17,2%). Pour la levure, 12 levures différentes ont été identifiées, ayant été Cryptococcus sp. (40,6%) et Candida sp. (49,3%) les plus fréquents avant et après le lavage et la désinfection, respectivement. En ce qui concerne la contamination fongique de l'air, on a identifié 25 différents champignons filamenteux, où les 3 genres les plus fréquemment isolés étaient Cladosporium (36,6%), Penicillium (19,0%) et Aspergillus (10,2%). Pour les levures, il a été identifié le genre xxx Rhodotorula (87,5%) et les espèces Trichosporon mucoides et Cryptococcus unigutulattus (12,5%). On a vérifié une association, au niveau de signification de 5%, entre les lésions visibles et les heures hebdomadaires et entre les lésions visibles et la durée d’occupation, ce qui confirme l'influence de la durée de l'exposition aux facteurs de risque (contamination fongique dans le milieu de travail) pour la présence des lésions visibles chez les travailleurs exposés (Tinea pedis et onychomycose), en démontrant une relation entre l'exposition au facteur de risque dans ces études - l'exposition professionnelle aux champignons - avec les effets sur la santé. Les variables environnementales évalué (température, humidité relative et la vitesse de l'air) ne modifient pas la contamination fongique de l'air et des surfaces; donc, n'a pas été démontré aucune relation statistiquement significative (p>0,05). Cependant, il y a une influence du nombre d'occupants qui ont participé à chacun des établissements en moyenne des unités formant colonie par mètre carré sur la surface avant le lavage et la désinfection. Il n'y avait pas de corrélation entre les résultats quantitatifs de la contamination fongique de l'air et des surfaces des 10 établissements surveillés, cependant il existe des différences importantes, au niveau de signification de 10% entre la contamination fongique des surfaces et de la contamination fongique de l'air (p <0,1), on a constaté que malgré 50% des niveaux les plus bas étaient plus élevés dans la contamination fongique de l'air, la contamination fongique des surfaces présentée une plus grande variabilité quantitativement. En ce qui concerne les différences de la contamination fongique des surfaces dans les 10 établissements entre avant et après le lavage et la désinfection, il y avait seulement une réduction significative (p<0,05) de la contamination fongique après le lavage et la désinfection dans les balnéaires et vestiaires pour les hommes par rapport aux levures. Lors de l'établissement choisi, on a constaté que le rapport entre la contamination fongique et la température et l'humidité relative n'était pas significatif (p>0,05) dans les deux saisons et aussi on n’a pas observé l'influence des occupants en moyenne des unités formant colonie par mètres carrés de surfaces avant le lavage et la désinfection dans les deux saisons de l'année. Dans presque toutes les situations ou on a vérifié des différences significatives entre les deux saisons, il ya eu une augmentation des unités formant des colonies par mètre carré en Hiver, à l'exception du total des unités formant des colonies par mètre carré avant le lavage et désinfection dans les balnéaires et vestiaires des hommes où il y a eu une augmentation en Été. On a également été constaté que seulement a eu une réduction de la contamination des xxxi champignons après la désinfection de l'escalier d'accès en Hiver et dans les balnéaires et vestiaires des hommes en Été. Avec la méthode pour établir standard d’exposition professionnelle au fungi sur les surfaces on a obtenu dans les 10 établissements, avec le Niveau de Risque Faible de 65 places (54,2%), avec le Niveau de Risque Moyen 23 places (19,2%) et 32 places avec le Niveau de Risque Élevé (26,6%). Près du jacuzzi et près de la piscine sont les lieux avec des plus évaluations de Niveau de Risque Élevé. Lors de l'établissement choisi, il a été constaté que, dans l'Été, après le lavage et la désinfection, un plus grand nombre de places évaluées comme présentant un Niveau de Risque Élevé et en Hiver on a constaté la situation inverse avec de nombreux points de Niveau de Risque Élevé avant le lavage et la désinfection. A côté de la piscine et les escaliers ont été les lieux avec plus grands classifications de Niveau de Risque Élevé en Été et en Hiver. On a isolé, chez les travailleurs, des champignons communs aux isolés sur les surfaces. Avant le lavage et la désinfection, 30,3% des champignons ont été isolés sur les travailleurs et sur les surfaces et, après ces procédures, 45,5% des champignons ont été isolés fréquemment. Les levures les plus souvent isolées et les plus fréquentes avant et après le lavage et la désinfection des surfaces, et aussi dans les résultats d'échantillons biologiques prélevés sur les travailleurs, étaient du genre Rhodotorula et les espèces de Candida parapsilosis, ce qui permet confirmer que l'infection fongique des travailleurs est liée à la contamination fongique des surfaces. On a conclu qu’il est nécessaire l'intervention en Santé Occupationnelle sous la surveillance de l'environnement et sous la surveillance de la santé, afin de réduire la prévalence des infections fongiques. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous suggérons la mise en oeuvre de mesures préventives, y compris: le contrôle de la contamination fongique des surfaces par des méthodes de lavage et de désinfection afin de minimiser la contamination fongique des surfaces, l'identification précoce de l'infection avec des prélèvements biologiques périodiques, notamment un protocole pour la surveillance de la santé, et aussi la conscience du sens de l'hygiène personnelle et le traitement des pathologies. La méthode mise en place pour l’établissement d’un standard d’exposition professionnelle au fungi sur les surfaces, servira à estimer non seulement le risque d'infection fongique des travailleurs dans les gymnases avec des piscines, mais aussi pour faciliter l'établissement de valeurs de référence de champignons, l'application des mesures correctives immédiates et appropriées, et aussi la prévention des infections fongiques, non seulement dans les gymnases avec piscine, mais aussi dans d'autres contextes professionnels.


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Scorpion stings were surveyed in the Montes Municipality of the State of Sucre, Venezuela, aiming to extend the information on these poisonous accidents by characterizing their geographic distribution. From 1980 to 1990, 184 cases of scorpion stings were recorded with an incidence rate of 38.6 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. The locality of San Fernando presented the highest incidence (68.3(0)/000) of poisonous accidents. The highest percentages of severe cases were recorded in the towns of Arenas (27%), San Lorenzo (21%), and Cocollar (19%), which are located at the foot of the Turimiquire Mountains. This region is a dispersion area of scorpions of the Tityus genus. Our results show that this region of the State of Sucre is endemic for scorpion stings which are an important public health problem.


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RESMO: Introdução: A anemia de células falciformes doença hereditária, com repercussão multi-orgânica, tem grande variabilidade na sua expressão clínica. Daí o interesse do estudo de indicadores de prognóstico. A investigação realizada foi precedida de um resumo histórico incidindo sobre a compreensão de aspectos fundamentais da doença ao longo dos tempos. Na primeira parte do estudo e após revisão bibliográfica, foram referidos dados da fisiopatologia como base para os estudos que integram a presente dissertação. Abordou-se o estado da arte relativamente às complicações, aos indicadores de prognóstico e à terapêutica utilizada. Objectivos: Constituíram objectivos deste estudo realizado numa amostra populacional representativa: identificar as lesões a nível dos sistemas cardio-respiratório e nervoso central, avaliando-se as respectivas repercussões; avaliar a presença de indicadores de prognóstico entre as variáveis seleccionadas; estudar a eficácia e toxicidade da HU nos doentes com as formas graves da ACF. Para a prossecução destes objectivos foram delineados para além do estudo global três estudos específicos: Estudo 1- repercussão no sistema cardio-respiratório; Estudo 2- repercussão no sistema nervoso central; Estudo 3- terapêutica com hidroxiureia. Doentes e métodos: Procedeu-se a um estudo prospectivo e multi-institucional durante um período de três anos tendo-se seleccionado para a amostra, e de acordo com critérios pré-definidos, 30 doentes com ACF na fase estável da doença, com idades compreendidas entre os sete e os 18 anos, todos de origem africana à excepção de um caucasiano. O diagnóstico baseou-se em técnicas de electroforese e estudo molecular que definiu o genotipo da doença e a presença da delecção da -talassémia assim como os haplotipos da amostra populacional. Foram utilizadas diferentes metodologias para avaliar a existência de lesão pulmonar e cerebral. Através do estudo estatístico foram seleccionadas diversas variáveis como hipotéticos indicadores de prognóstico. Estudo 1. Para determinar a existência de lesão a nível pulmonar usaram-se duas metodologias diferentes, a avaliação da função pulmonar com estudo da saturação da Hb em O2 no sangue arterial e a tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução. Estudou-se também a possível disfunção cardíaca como repercussão da lesão pulmonar, através do ecocardiograma, e os indicadores de prognóstico com significado estatístico para a lesão encontrada. Estudo 2. O desenho deste estudo foi sobreponível ao anterior, mas com metodologia adequada para o SNC. Procedeu-se ao estudo das lesões cerebrais por meio de exames imagiológicos, (RMN-CE e DTC) e de testes psicológicos. Correlacionaram-se as três metodologias utilizadas e a importância de cada uma para a decisão de atitudes terapêuticas preventivas. Estudo 3. Consistiu num estudo aberto prospectivo não controlado com nove crianças e adolescentes com formas graves de ACF, com o objectivo de avaliar a eficácia da terapêutica com hidroxiureia, durante um período de 24 meses. Todos os doentes completaram no mínimo 15 meses de terapêutica, com uma dose final média de 194 mg/K/dia. Resultados globais: Durante o período anterior à investigação caracterizou-se a amostra populacional estudada quanto ao fenotipo genético, clínico e hematológico de acordo com os critérios utilizados por outros investigadores. Verificou-se: predomínio do haplotipo Bantu na forma homozigótica em 53% dos doentes; número total de EVO ≥3/ano em 87,5% dos doentes; crises de sequestração em 18,75%; dactilites no primeiro ano de vida em 31,2%; quadro de sépsis grave apenas num doente; crises de hiper-hemólise em 50%; e STA em 59,38% dos doentes. Quanto ao fenotipo hematológico evidenciaram-se como factores de risco reticulocitose (13,1x103/l) e hiperbilirrubinémia (2,5 mg/dl) e como factores de bom prognóstico a presença de delecção de um gene da -talassémia em 46,9% dos doentes e valor médio de Hb 8,1 g/dl. Resultados dos estudos parcelares: Estudo 1. Deste estudo infere-se que a DPR ligeira foi diagnosticada em 70% dos doentes, uma vez que as alterações da difusão não foram estatisticamente significativas, o estudo dos gases no sangue não evidenciaram resultados anormais e a TCAR evidenciou alterações em 43,3% dos doentes. Apenas num doente se verificou doença pulmonar obstrutiva relacionada com maior número da STA.O estudo da disfunção cardíaca encontrada em 86,7% dos doentes não reflecte a repercussão da DPR a nível cardíaco, podendo estar associada às alterações fisiopatológicas da própria anemia crónica. Encontraram-se indicadores de prognóstico hematológicos e clínicos. Entre os primeiros, valores de Hb ≥8,5 g/dl e de HbF ≥13% foram considerados indicadores de bom prognóstico para a lesão pulmonar. Em relação aos parâmetros clínicos, as STA não foram consideradas indicadoras de prognóstico para a DPR ao contrário do que se verificou com o número de EVO. Pela análise dos parâmetros genéticos e socio-económicos provou-se a ausência de relação estatisticamente significativa com lesão pulmonar. Estudo 2. Pela RMN-CE foram diagnosticados ES em 33,3% com uma localização preferencial na substância branca profunda em 26,6% dos doentes. Relativamente aos parâmetros hematológicos seleccionados, o valor médio da HbF 8,6% constituíu um indicador de bom prognóstico para o aparecimento de ES, enquanto o valor médio de leucócitos 12.39x103/μl foi considerado um indicador de mau prognóstico. No estudo do DTC apenas um doente apresentou aumento da velocidade do fluxo cerebral na ACM igual a 196 cm/segundos, associado a vasculopatia grave. Os testes psicológicos alterados em 80% dos doentes mostraram ser o método mais sensível para detectar alterações do neurodesenvolvimento, mas sem correlação com os ES em 10% dos doentes. Realça-se a baixa percentagem de DTC patológicos encontrados neste estudo em relação ao número elevado de ES e de testes psicológicos alterados, não se verificando concordância entre os três exames. Dos indicadores de prognóstico estudados a -talassémia foi considerada um factor de protecção para o coeficiente de inteligência da escala de Wechsler. Em relação a parâmetros clínicos estudados os doentes com maior número de EVO, tem em média valores inferiores nos testes psicológicos. Estudo 3. Neste estudo verificou-se que o valor médio da HbF aumentou significativamente de 7,0±4% para 13,7±5,3% (p=0,028) ao fim de 15 meses de terapêutica com hidroxiureia. Clinicamente todos os doentes responderam significativamente com uma redução de 80% no número de EVO, 69% no número de internamentos, 76% no número de dias de hospitalização e 67% no número de transfusões. Deste modo comprovou-se não só a eficácia desta terapêutica neste grupo pediátrico como também a falta de efeitos secundários significativos. Considera-se a necessidade de estudos mais prolongados e em grande séries, para com segurança se usar a HU antes que a lesão orgânica se estabeleça, portanto logo nos primeiros anos de vida. Conclusão: Na amostra populacional estudada foram evidenciadas lesões pulmonares e cerebrais na grande maioria dos doentes que condicionaram a sua qualidade de vida. Foram identificados indicadores de prognóstico que poderão eventualmente ditar medidas terapêuticas precoces com o objectivo de diminuir a morbilidade e a mortalidade neste grupo etário. Demonstrou-se que a terapêutica com a HU foi eficaz e bem tolerada----------ABSTRACT: Background: Sickle cell anemia (SCA), a hereditary disease characterized by pain and lifetime multi-organic lesion, is a challenge for all that work with carriers of this disease. The clinical expression variability of SCA is a constant reality and a problem to be solved in the current world of investigation, for which the knowledge of prognostic indicators responsible for the different aspects of clinical evolution diversity wiil be an added value. The study is preceded by a historical summary of the most important factors in the evolution of SCA, which are in themselves, an incentive for future research. In the first part of the study, after an extensive bibliographical revision, physiopathology data is referred to in general and specifically regarding the target organs, that constituted the base for the studies presented in the dissertation. The state of the art for the complications to be studied, the choice of prognostic indicators and the therapeutics application, were approached for the renewed interest in the theme. Aims: In regard to the investigation, the objective was to study the lesions in the most affected organs of a chosen pediatric group, to investigate prognostic indicators for lung and cerebral lesions and to evaluate the protective effect of hydroxyurea in children with severe outcomes. Patients and methods: A prospective and multi-institutional study was carried out during a three-year period, February 1998 to March 2001, with children and adolescents followed up at a Immunohematology Outpatient Clinic of Dona Estefânia's Hospital, Lisbon. Based in predefined criteria, 30 children with SCA were selected in a stable phase of the disease, aged from seven to 18 years old, all of whom were of African origin with exception of one who was Caucasian. The diagnosis was based on electrophoresis techniques and molecular study that allowed to define the genotype, the presence of deletional alpha-thalassemia as well as haplotypes in the population. Different methodologies were used to evaluate the existence of lung and cerebral lesion. Statistical study of the different variables selected the prognostic indicators. In Study 1, to determine the existence of lung lesion two different methodologies were used: pulmonar function study with arterial blood gases determination; and high resolution computerized tomography. Heart dysfunction as a repercussion of lung lesion was also studied through echocardiography, and prognostic indicators were statistically significant for lesions found. The design of Study 2 was similar to Study 1, but with the appropriate methodology for CNS. After neurological examination, which was normal in all patients (control group), cerebral lesions were studied with imagiologic exams (MRN-CE and TCD) and psychological tests. These three methodologies were correlated and the importance of each one in the decision of the therapeutic profilactic attitudes. Study 3 consisted of a controlled prospective open study in children with severe forms of SCA, with the aim of the evaluating therapeutic effectiveness of hydroxyurea, during a period of 24 months. Results: In the global overall study preceding the Studies 1,2 and 3, there were a prevalence of haplotype Bantu (53%) and other risk factors, namely the number of VOC (87,5%), sequestration crisis (18,75%), dactilytis in first year of life(31,2%), hyperhemolysis crisis (50%) and ATC in more than half of the patients (59,38%). This group of bad prognostic indicators, associated with the population of the lower class according to the Graffar scale, demonstrates the importance of primary health care services, information provided to the children and their relatives, as well as the interest in prophylactic therapeutics, specific screening and prenatal diagnosis. Study 1. It was evident from this study that slight RPD was diagnosed in 70% of the patients, because alterations of the diffusion had no statistical significance and arterial blood gases determinations were normal. Only one patient had restrictive lung disease related with numerous ACS. However ACS was not considered a prognostic indicator for RPD, contrary to the number of EVO. HRTC revealed discreet fibrotic lines that could be related with slight RPD, but the lack of correlation of these two exams (33%) supports the value of lung function tests for precocious diagnosis of RPD. Heart dysfunction was found in 86,7% of patients, does not reflect the repercussion of RPD, but with the physiopathology of chronic anemia. Hematologic and clinical prognostic indicators were found. Good prognostic indicators for the non-evolution of RPD with average Hb values of ≥ 8,5 g/dl and average HbF values of ≥13%, respectively. The genetic and social-economic factors had no statistical significance; nevertheless, they were more prevalent among Bantu haplotype (53,3%) in patients with RPD. Study 2. RMN-CE detected SI in 33,3% of the patients, with preferential location in deep white substance in 26,6% and in front lobe in 20%. This distribution can be related to structural aspects of the brain and with the high sensibility of this organ to hypoxia. From the hematological parameters selected, average HbF value 8,6% and average leucocyte count 12.39x103/μl were prognostic indicators with different meaning to SI. The increase in the total bilirubin related to hyperhemolysis clinically explains the genesis of SI In the TCD study, only one patient had increased cerebral flow speed >196 cm/sec in CMA, which corresponded to serious vasculopathy in AngioMR. This patient never present previously neurological symptoms and had several hyperhemolysis crisis and VOC as risk factors. Low percentage of pathological TCD in this study, in relation to the high number of SI and altered tests, although without correlation among the three exams, is probably attributed to factors related to the methodology, aspects of cerebral physiopathology or perhaps a sign of good prognostic if the duration of study had not been so short. TCD should be used as a screening method in the age groups with higher risk of AVC and should never be considered separately in prophylactic therapeutics indication. Psychological tests were the most sensitive method to detect neurodevelopment impairment; in 80% of patients the neuropsychologics tests were altered, but without correlation with SI (10%). Since SI can become evident during the first two years of life and develop with time, the first psychological tests should be carried out between 3 and 5 years of age to timely be referred to special education and stimulation programs. Prognostic indicators to psychological tests were also found: alpha-thalassemia was found to be a protection factor of the IQ, just as other hematologic factors (hematocrit, MGCV and erythrocytes count). In relation to clinical parameters, although without statistical significance, patients with larger number of VOC had average lower scores versus the average in tests, except in TP. Results from different studies were conclusive as to the type of lesion found and the importance of prognostic indicators. Study 3. All the patients completed a minimum of 15 months therapeutic treatment with the final average daily dose of 19±4 mg/kg/day. The average value of the fetal hemoglobin increased significantly from 7,0±3,9% to 13,7±5,3% (p=0.028). The HbF average values increased from 6% to 15% after 15 months of therapeutic treatment. Clinically there was a reduction of 80% in the number of VOE , 69% in the number of hospitalization, 76% in the number of days of hospitalization and 67% in the number of transfusions. Once again the effectiveness of this treatment in this pediatric group, as well as the lack of any significant secondary effects, was evident. The study confirms the need for further detailed research in order to safely effect the appropriate treatment prior to the development of organic lesions, which ideally should be in the first year of life. Conclusions: These results allow us to clarify the importance of either pulmonary lesions or either nervous central system impairment among patients, children and adolescents, with sickle cell anemia. These lesions were demonstrated in most of the patients studied compromising their quality of life and the mortality. The treatment with HU is proved to be effective and having low toxicity.


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This paper proposes a PSO based approach to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point by identifying new investments in distribution energy systems. The statistical failure and repair data of distribution components is the main basis of the proposed methodology that uses a fuzzyprobabilistic modeling for the components outage parameters. The fuzzy membership functions of the outage parameters of each component are based on statistical records. A Modified Discrete PSO optimization model is developed in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution energy system components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power to any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study that considers a 180 bus distribution network.


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This paper proposes a methodology to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point through the identification of new investments. The methodology uses a fuzzy set approach to model the uncertainty of outage parameters, load and generation. A DC fuzzy multicriteria optimization model considering the Pareto front and based on mixed integer non-linear optimization programming is developed in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution networks components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power to all customers in the distribution network at the minimum possible cost for the system operator, while minimizing the non supplied energy cost. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study which considers an 33 bus distribution network.


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A methodology to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point through the identification of new investments in distribution network components is proposed in this paper. The method minimizes the investment cost as well as the cost of energy not supplied in the network. A DC optimization model based on mixed integer non-linear programming is developed considering the Pareto front technique in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution networks components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power for any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator, while minimizing the energy not supplied cost. Thus, a multi-objective problem is formulated. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study which considers a 180 bus distribution network


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The high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution networks and the competitiveenvironment of electricity markets impose the use of new approaches in several domains. The networkcost allocation, traditionally used in transmission networks, should be adapted and used in the distribu-tion networks considering the specifications of the connected resources. The main goal is to develop afairer methodology trying to distribute the distribution network use costs to all players which are usingthe network in each period. In this paper, a model considering different type of costs (fixed, losses, andcongestion costs) is proposed comprising the use of a large set of DER, namely distributed generation(DG), demand response (DR) of direct load control type, energy storage systems (ESS), and electric vehi-cles with capability of discharging energy to the network, which is known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G). Theproposed model includes three distinct phases of operation. The first phase of the model consists in aneconomic dispatch based on an AC optimal power flow (AC-OPF); in the second phase Kirschen’s andBialek’s tracing algorithms are used and compared to evaluate the impact of each resource in the net-work. Finally, the MW-mile method is used in the third phase of the proposed model. A distributionnetwork of 33 buses with large penetration of DER is used to illustrate the application of the proposedmodel.


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The use of distribution networks in the current scenario of high penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) is a problem of great importance. In the competitive environment of electricity markets and smart grids, Demand Response (DR) is also gaining notable impact with several benefits for the whole system. The work presented in this paper comprises a methodology able to define the cost allocation in distribution networks considering large integration of DG and DR resources. The proposed methodology is divided into three phases and it is based on an AC Optimal Power Flow (OPF) including the determination of topological distribution factors, and consequent application of the MW-mile method. The application of the proposed tariffs definition methodology is illustrated in a distribution network with 33 buses, 66 DG units, and 32 consumers with DR capacity.


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Thirty six cases of acute disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis in 3 to 12 year-old children, natives of the state of Rio de Janeiro, were seen in the period 1981-1996. All patients were residents in the rural region of 15 counties, scattered on the Southwestern part of this state. The rural region of two neighboring counties, where 16 cases (44.4%) occurred, was visited. It exhibited the environmental conditions that are considered favorable to the survival of P. brasiliensis. The most important of these conditions, abundant watercourses and autochthonous forest, are distributed on well defined and limited areas, in which the dwellings are also localized. Probably, a careful epidemiological study of forthcoming cases of the disease in children may facilitate the search for the micro-niche of the fungus.


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Low back problems are associated with decreased quality of life. Specific exercises can improve quality of life, resulting in better professional performance and functionality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of following a 21-month exercise program on the quality of life of warehouse workers. The population included 557 male warehouse workers from a food distribution company in Oporto, Portugal. Upon application of the selection criteria, 249 workers were deemed eligible, which were randomized into two groups (125 in the intervention group and 124 in the control group). Then, subjects were asked to volunteer for the study, the sample being formed by 229 workers (112 in the intervention group and 117 in the control group). All subjects completed the SF-36 questionnaire prior to beginning the program and on the 11th and 21st months following it. The exercises were executed in the company facilities once a day for 8 min. Data were analyzed using SPSS® 17.0 for Windows®. After 11 months of following the exercise program, there was an increase in all scores for the experimental group, with statistically significant differences in the dimensions physical functioning (0.019), bodily pain (0.010), general health (0.004), and rolephysical (0.037). The results obtained at the end of the study (21 months) showed significant improvements in the dimensions physical functioning (p = 0.002), rolephysical (p = 0.007), bodily pain (p = 0.001), social functioning (p = 0.015), role-emotional (p = 0.011), and mental health (p = 0.001). In the control group all dimensions showed a decrease in mean scores. It can be concluded that the implementation of a low back specific exercise program has changed positively the quality of life of warehouse workers.


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The process of Competences Recognition, Validation and Certification , also known as Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL), is an innovative means of attaining school certificates for individuals without an academic background. The main objective of this process is to validate what people have learned in informal contexts, in order to attribute academic certificates. With the increasing interest of the qualification of workers and governmental support, more and more Portuguese organizations promote this process within their facilities and their work hours. This study explores the relationship between the promotion of this Human Resource Development Programme and employee’s attitudes (Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment) and behaviours (Extra-role Organizational Citizenship Behaviours) towards the organization they work for. Results of a cross-sectional survey of Portuguese Industrial Workers (N=135) showed that statistical significant results are in the higher levels of Voice Behaviours (a dimension of Extra-role Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the groups of workers who were involved or had graduated from the firm promoted APL process.