916 resultados para Prime numbers
Si è calcolata la percentuale di metalli rimossi (R%) da fly ash e scarti industriali ceramici sottoposti a vari tipi di leaching con acqua deionizzata, acido solforico (pH1), attacco alcalino (pH14) e trattamento combinato acido-alcalino. Il parametro R è molto importante perché è in grado di fornire un’indicazione riguardo l’effettiva efficacia di un tipo di leaching rispetto ad un altro. Così facendo è possibile valutare la reale fattibilità del recupero di materie prime critiche (secondo la Commissione Europea) da questi rifiuti. Per quanto riguarda il recupero da fly ash, il trattamento con leaching acido si dimostra il più valido per numero di elementi e percentuale di recupero. Tuttavia, anche se il leaching combinato per certi aspetti può sembrare migliore, bisogna anche considerare i costi di lavorazione, che in questo caso aumenterebbero sensibilmente. Per quanto riguarda gli scarti ceramici, è il leaching combinato a mostrare il miglior potenziale di rimozione dei metalli critici, sia in termini di percentuali che per il numero di elementi rimossi.
The role of dendritic cells (DCs) in disease progression of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is not well understood. With their unique ability to induce primary immune responses as well as immunotolerance, DCs play a critical role in mediation of anti-tumor immune responses. Tumor-infiltrating DCs have been determined to represent important prognostic factors in a variety of human tumors.
Examined the amount of money bet during a week of Pennsylvania's Daily Number game. In this game, players receive a predetermined payoff for picking the 3-digit number (000 to 999) drawn on that day. The betting distribution was distinctly nonuniform. Several betting patterns were identified, such as picking triples and avoiding double 9s. In addition, 121 adults and 215 students were asked to rate selected numbers for randomness, luckiness, and perceived history of winning; to categorize numbers; and to free associate to numbers. It is proposed that people seem to choose highly patterned, available, and/or "lucky" numbers. People apparently do not bet numbers that reflect the random process of the game (do not utilize a representativeness heuristic).
This paper studies the structure of inner functions under the operation of composition, and in particular the notions or primeness and semiprimeness. Results proved include the density of prime finite Blaschke products in the set of finite Blaschke products, the semiprimeness of finite products of thin Blaschke products and their approximability by prime Blaschke products. An example of a nonsemiprime Blaschke product that is a Frostman Blaschke product is also provided.
Abstract This paper studies the structure of inner functions under the operation of composition, and in particular the notions or primeness and semiprimeness. Results proved include the density of prime finite Blaschke products in the set of finite Blaschke products, the semiprimeness of finite products of thin Blaschke products and their approximability by prime Blaschke products. An example of a nonsemiprime Blaschke product that is a Frostman Blaschke product is also provided.
Clinicians find standardized mean differences (SMDs) calculated from continuous outcomes difficult to interpret. Our objective was to determine the performance of methods in converting SMDs or means to odds ratios of treatment response and numbers needed to treat (NNTs) as more intuitive measures of treatment effect.