900 resultados para Potential applications
Las imágenes hiperespectrales permiten extraer información con una gran resolución espectral, que se suele extender desde el espectro ultravioleta hasta el infrarrojo. Aunque esta tecnología fue aplicada inicialmente a la observación de la superficie terrestre, esta característica ha hecho que, en los últimos años, la aplicación de estas imágenes se haya expandido a otros campos, como la medicina y, en concreto, la detección del cáncer. Sin embargo, este nuevo ámbito de aplicación ha generado nuevas necesidades, como la del procesado de las imágenes en tiempo real. Debido, precisamente, a la gran resolución espectral, estas imágenes requieren una elevada capacidad computacional para ser procesadas, lo que imposibilita la consecución de este objetivo con las técnicas tradicionales de procesado. En este sentido, una de las principales líneas de investigación persigue el objetivo del tiempo real mediante la paralelización del procesamiento, dividiendo esta carga computacional en varios núcleos que trabajen simultáneamente. A este respecto, en el presente documento se describe el desarrollo de una librería de procesado hiperespectral para el lenguaje RVC - CAL, que está específicamente pensado para el desarrollo de aplicaciones multimedia y proporciona las herramientas necesarias para paralelizar las aplicaciones. En concreto, en este Proyecto Fin de Grado se han desarrollado las funciones necesarias para implementar dos de las cuatro fases de la cadena de análisis de una imagen hiperespectral - en concreto, las fases de estimación del número de endmembers y de la estimación de la distribución de los mismos en la imagen -; conviene destacar que este trabajo se complementa con el realizado por Daniel Madroñal en su Proyecto Fin de Grado, donde desarrolla las funciones necesarias para completar las otras dos fases de la cadena. El presente documento sigue la estructura clásica de un trabajo de investigación, exponiendo, en primer lugar, las motivaciones que han cimentado este Proyecto Fin de Grado y los objetivos que se esperan alcanzar con él. A continuación, se realiza un amplio análisis del estado del arte de las tecnologías necesarias para su desarrollo, explicando, por un lado, las imágenes hiperespectrales y, por otro, todos los recursos hardware y software necesarios para la implementación de la librería. De esta forma, se proporcionarán todos los conceptos técnicos necesarios para el correcto seguimiento de este documento. Tras ello, se detallará la metodología seguida para la generación de la mencionada librería, así como el proceso de implementación de una cadena completa de procesado de imágenes hiperespectrales que permita la evaluación tanto de la bondad de la librería como del tiempo necesario para analizar una imagen hiperespectral completa. Una vez expuesta la metodología utilizada, se analizarán en detalle los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas realizadas; en primer lugar, se explicarán los resultados individuales extraídos del análisis de las dos etapas implementadas y, posteriormente, se discutirán los arrojados por el análisis de la ejecución de la cadena completa, tanto en uno como en varios núcleos. Por último, como resultado de este estudio se extraen una serie de conclusiones, que engloban aspectos como bondad de resultados, tiempos de ejecución y consumo de recursos; asimismo, se proponen una serie de líneas futuras de actuación con las que se podría continuar y complementar la investigación desarrollada en este documento. ABSTRACT. Hyperspectral imaging collects information from across the electromagnetic spectrum, covering a wide range of wavelengths. Although this technology was initially developed for remote sensing and earth observation, its multiple advantages - such as high spectral resolution - led to its application in other fields, as cancer detection. However, this new field has shown specific requirements; for example, it needs to accomplish strong time specifications, since all the potential applications - like surgical guidance or in vivo tumor detection - imply real-time requisites. Achieving this time requirements is a great challenge, as hyperspectral images generate extremely high volumes of data to process. For that reason, some new research lines are studying new processing techniques, and the most relevant ones are related to system parallelization: in order to reduce the computational load, this solution executes image analysis in several processors simultaneously; in that way, this computational load is divided among the different cores, and real-time specifications can be accomplished. This document describes the construction of a new hyperspectral processing library for RVC - CAL language, which is specifically designed for multimedia applications and allows multithreading compilation and system parallelization. This Diploma Project develops the required library functions to implement two of the four stages of the hyperspectral imaging processing chain - endmember and abundance estimations -. The two other stages - dimensionality reduction and endmember extraction - are studied in the Diploma Project of Daniel Madroñal, which complements the research work described in this document. The document follows the classical structure of a research work. Firstly, it introduces the motivations that have inspired this Diploma Project and the main objectives to achieve. After that, it thoroughly studies the state of the art of the technologies related to the development of the library. The state of the art contains all the concepts needed to understand the contents of this research work, like the definition and applications of hyperspectral imaging and the typical processing chain. Thirdly, it explains the methodology of the library implementation, as well as the construction of a complete processing chain in RVC - CAL applying the mentioned library. This chain will test both the correct behavior of the library and the time requirements for the complete analysis of one hyperspectral image, either executing the chain in one processor or in several ones. Afterwards, the collected results will be carefully analyzed: first of all, individual results -from endmember and abundance estimations stages - will be discussed and, after that, complete results will be studied; this results will be obtained from the complete processing chain, so they will analyze the effects of multithreading and system parallelization on the mentioned processing chain. Finally, as a result of this discussion, some conclusions will be gathered regarding some relevant aspects, such as algorithm behavior, execution times and processing performance. Likewise, this document will conclude with the proposal of some future research lines that could continue the research work described in this document.
Auxetic materials (or metamaterials) have negative Poisson ratios (NPR) and display the unexpected properties of lateral expansion when stretched, and equal and opposing densification when compressed. Such auxetic materials are being used more frequently in the development of novel products, especially in the fields of intelligent expandable actuators, shape-morphing structures, and minimally invasive implantable devices. Although several micromanufacturing technologies have already been applied to the development of auxetic materials and devices, additional precision is needed to take full advantage of their special mechanical properties. In this study, we present a very promising approach for the development of auxetic materials and devices based on the use of deep reactive ion etching (DRIE). The process stands out for its precision and its potential applications to mass production. To our knowledge, it represents the first time this technology has been applied to the manufacture of auxetic materials with nanometric details. We take into account the present capabilities and challenges linked to the use of DRIE in the development of auxetic materials and auxetic-based devices.
En la presente tesis doctoral se ha realizado un estudio utilizando diferentes técnicas de crecimiento (RPE-MOCVD y spray pyrolysis) y estructuras (nanohilos, pozos y puntos cuánticos y capas) con el objetivo de desarrollar dispositivos que cubran desde el rango visible hasta el ultravioleta. Es por esta razón por la que se han elegido materiales basados en ZnO, debido a la posibilidades que estos ofrecen para variar su bandgap en un amplio rango de energías. Prueba de ello es que en este estudio se ha conseguido cubrir un rango espectral desde 1.86 hasta 4.11 eV, estudiandose además fenómenos físicos como son la difusión e incorporaci ón de la aleación o la adsorción de gases en la super_cie, lo que ha permitido la fabricación de diferentes fotodetectores de gran sensibilidad. Por todo ello, los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis suponen una gran contribución al conocimiento de las propiedades físicas de las aleaciones de Zn(Cd)O y Zn(Mg)O para potenciales aplicaciónes en dispositivos que operen en el rango visible y ultravioleta del espectro, respectivamente. En esta memoria se da en primer lugar una visión de las propiedades de materiales basados en ZnO, entrando en detalle en una de las ventajas que este presenta, la facilidad que tiene este material para formar nanoestructuras. En el capítulo 3 se dan los conceptos teóricos necesarios para comprender las propiedades ópticas de este tipo de materiales, mostrando también los resultados más reseñables obtenidos en ZnO. En los capítulos referentes a los resultados se pueden diferenciar dos grandes bloques. En el primer bloque de resultados se han analizado nanohilos y pozos cuánticos de Zn(Cd)O crecidos por la técnica de RPE-MOCVD (Capítulos 4 y 5). En el segundo se expondrá el estudio realizado sobre capas y puntos cuánticos de Zn(Mg)O crecidos por la técnica spray pyrolysis como se describe en mayor detalle a continuación. Nanohilos y pozos cuánticos de Zn(Cd)O crecidos por RPE-MOCVD Teóricamente aleando el ZnO con CdO es posible disminuir el valor del band- gap desde 3.37 eV hasta 0.95 eV, cubriendo por completo el espectro visible. El desarrollo del ternario Zn(Cd)O permitiría la fabricación de heteroestructuras y pozos cuánticos, muy importantes en el desarrollo de dispositivos optoelectrónicos que cubran la parte visible del espectro. Sin embargo, la diferencia de estructura cristalina entre estos dos materiales junto a la baja solubilidad del Cd y su alta presión de vapor, di_culta la obtención de material de alta calidad cristalina con alto contenido en Cd. En esta tesis doctoral se ha realizado una completa caracterización óptica y estructural de nanohilos de Zn(Cd)O credidos por la técnica de RPE-MOCVD. Estos nanohilos tinene unas longitudes comprendidas entre 1 y 3 _m y diámetros entre 100 y 200 nm. La concentración máxima introducida de Cd en estas estructuras ha sido de hasta un 54% manteniendo la estructura wurtzita del ZnO, siendo este el mayor contenido de Cd introducido hasta la fecha en nanostructuras basada en ZnO. Este hecho se traduce en una variación de la energía de emisión entre 3.31 y 1.86 eV con el aumento en Cd. El uso de diferentes técnicas de alta resoluci ón de caracterización estructural ha permitido demostrar la presencia de una sola fase estructural wurtzita sin observarse ningún indicio de separación de fases ni acumulación de Cd a lo largo del nanohilo para todos los contenidos de Cd. Con el propósito de fabricar dispositivos en nanohilos individuales, parte de esta tesis doctoral ha estado dedicada a estudiar el impacto que el recocido térmico tiene en las propiedades ópticas y eléctricas de nanohilos de Zn(Cd)O. El recocido térmico es un proceso clave en la optimización de dispositivos, ya sea para la obtenci ón de contactos óhmicos, reducción de defectos o difusión de dopantes por ejemplo. En este estudio se ha observado una mejora muy signi_cativa de las propiedades de emisión de los nanohilos cuando estos eran recocidos a temperaturas mayores que la de crecimiento (300 oC). En las muestras con Cd se ha observado además que el recocido también produce un desplazamiento de la emisión hacia mayores energías debido a una reducción homogénea del contenido de Cd. Medidas de fotoluminiscencia con resolución temporal muestran el impacto que tiene la localización del excitón en las _uctuaciones de potencial, debidas a una distribución estadística del Cd, en la dinámica de los portadores. Comparando el tiempo de vida de los portadores entre los nanohilos recocidos y sin recocer se ha observado un aumento de este parámetro en las estructuras recocidas. Este aumento es fundamentalmente debido a una reducción de centros de recombinación no radiativa asociados a defectos presentes a lo largo del nanohilo. Además, se ha estudiado la evolución de los tiempos de vida de los portadores en función de la temperatura, registrándose una menor estabilidad con la temperatura de los tiempos de vida en las muestras recocidas. Este resultado sugiere que el recocido térmico consigue reducir parte del desorden de la aleación en la estructura. Tras haber caracterizados los nanohilos se desarrollaron una serie de procesa dos para la fabricación de dispositivos basados en nanohilos individuales. Se fabricaron en concreto fotodetectores sensibles al UV, en los que se observó también la alta sensibilidad que muestran a la adsorción de gases en la super_cie, incrementada por la gran relación super_cie/volúmen característica de las nanoestructuras. Estos procesos de adsorción observados tienen un impacto directo sobre las propiedades ópticas y electricas de los dispositivos como se ha demostrado. Por ello que en esta tesis se hayan estudiado en detalle este tipo de procesos, ideando maneras para tener un mayor control sobre ellos. Finalmente se crecieron estructuras de pozos cuántico de ZnCdO/ZnO en nanohilos con contenidos de Cd nominales de 54 %. Las medidas ópticas realizadas mostraron como al aumentar la anchura del pozo de 0.7 a 10 nm, la emisión relacionada con el pozo se desplazaba entre 3.30 y 1.97 eV. Este gran desplazamiento representa el mayor obtenido hasta la fecha en pozos cuánticos de ZnCdO/ZnO. Sin embargo, al caracterizar estructuralmente estas muestras se observó la presencia de procesos de difusión de Cd entre el pozo y la barrera. Como se ha podido medir, este tipo de procesos reducen sustancialmente la concentración de Cd en el pozo al difundirse parte a la barrera. cambiando completamente la estructura de bandas nominal de estas estructuras. Este estudio demuestra la importancia del impacto de los procesos de difusión en la interpretación de los efectos de con_namiento cuántico para este tipo de estructuras. Capas y puntos cuánticos de Zn(Mg)O crecidos por spray pyrolysis La técnica de spray pyrolysis, debido a su simplicidad, bajo coste y capacidad de crecer sobre grandes áreas conservando una alta calidad cristalina presenta un gran interés en la comunidad cientí_ca para el potencial desarrollo de dispositivos comerciales. En esta tesis se ha estudiado las propiedades ópticas y eléctricas de capas y puntos cuánticos de Zn(Mg)O crecidos por esta técnica. Al contrario que pasa con el Cd, al introducir Mg en la estructura wurtzita de ZnO se consigue aumentar el bandgap del semiconductor. Sin embargo, al igual que pasa con el CdO, la diferencia de estructura cristalina entre el ZnO y el MgO limita la cantidad de Mg que se puede incorporar, haciendo que para una cierta concentración de Mg aparezcan el fenómeno de separación de fases. En esta tesis se ha conseguido incorporar hasta un contenido de Mg del 35% en la estructura wurtzita del ZnO utilizando la técnica de spray pyrolysis, resultado que representa la mayor concentración de Mg publicada hasta la fecha. Este hecho ha posibilitado variar la energía del borde de absorción desde 3.30 a 4.11 eV. En estas capas se ha realizado una completa caracterización óptica observándose una diferencia entre las energías del borde de absorción y del máximo de emisión creciente con el contenido en Mg. Esta diferencia, conocida como desplazamiento de Stokes, es debida en parte a la presencia de _uctuaciones de potencial producidas por un desorden estadístico de la aleación. Se han fabricado fotodetectores MSM de alta calidad utilizando las capas de Zn(Mg)O previamente caracterizadas, observándose un desplazamiento del borde de absorción con el aumento en Mg desde 3.32 a 4.02 eV. Estos dispositivos muestran altos valores de responsividad (10-103 A/W) y altos contrastes entre la responsividad bajo iluminación y oscuridad (10-107). Estos resultados son en parte debidos a la presencia de mecanismos de ganancia y una reducción de la corriente de oscuridad en las muestras con alto contenido de Mg. Utilizando esta misma técnica de crecimiento se han crecido puntos de Zn(Mg)O con concentraciones nominales de Mg entre 0 y 100 %, con dimensiones medias entre 4 y 6 nm. Las medidas estructurales realizadas muestran que hasta un valor de Mg de 45 %, los puntos están compuestos por una única fase estructural, wurtzita. A partir de esa concentración de Mg aparece una fase cúbica en los puntos, coexistiendo con la fase hexagonal hasta una concentración nominales del 85 %. Para concentraciones mayores de Mg, los puntos muestran una única fase estructural cúbica. Medidas de absorción realizadas en estos puntos de Zn(Mg)O muestran un desplazamiento del borde de absorción entre 3.33 y 3.55 eV cuando la concentraci ón de Mg en los puntos aumenta hasta el 40 %. Este desplazamiento observado es debido solamente a la fase wurtzita del Zn(Mg)O donde se incorpora el Mg. ABSTRACT This PhD theis presents a study using di_erent growth techniques (RPEMOCVD and spray pyrolysis) and structures (nanowires, quantum dots and wells and layers) in order to develop devices that extend from the visible to the ultraviolet range. For this reason ZnO based materials have been choosen, because they o_er the possibility to tunne the bandgap in this energy range. Proof of this is that this study has managed to cover a spectral range from 1.86 to 4.11 eV, also being studied physical phenomena such as di_usion and incorporation of alloy or adsorption of gases on the surface, allowing the develop di_erent highly sensitive photodetectors. Therefore, the results obtained in this thesis are a great contribution two large blockso the knowledge of the physical properties of alloys Zn(Cd)O and Zn(Mg)O for potential applications in devices that operate in the visible and ultraviolet range, respectively. In the _rst chapter, the general properties of ZnO-based materials are presented, showing the facilities that these kind of materials o_er to obtain di_erent nanoestructures. In Chapter 3, optical theoretical concepts are given to understand the optical properties of these materials, also showing the most signi_cant results of ZnO. In the chapters related with the results, two blocks could be distinguish. In the _rst one, Zn(Cd)O nanowires and quantum wells grown by RPE-MOCVD have been analyzed (Chapters 4 and 5). The second block of results shows the study performed in Zn(Mg)O _lms and quantum dots grown by spray pyrolysis. Zn(Cd)O nanowires and quantum wells grown by RPE-MOCVD In summary, the results of the PhD thesis are a great contribution to the knowledge of the physical properties of Zn(Cd)O and Zn(Mg)O alloys and their application for high performance devices operating in the visible and UV ranges, respectively. The performance of the device is still limited due to alloy solubility and p-doping stability, which opens a door for future research in this _eld. Theoretically, annealing ZnO with CdO allows to reduce the bandgap from 3.37 to 0.95 eV, covering the whole visible spectrum. The development of ZnCdO alloys allows the fabrication of heterostructures and quantum wells, necessary for the development of high performance optoelectronic devices. However, the di_erent crystal structures between CdO and ZnO and the low solubility of Cd and its high vapor pressure, hinders the growth of ZnCdO alloys with high Cd contents. In this PhD thesis Zn(Cd)O nanowires have been optically and structurally characterized, obtaining a maximum Cd content of 54% while maintaining their wurtzite structure. This Cd content, which allows lowering the bandgap down to 1.86 eV, is the highest concentration ever reported in nanostructures based on ZnO. The combination of optical and structural characterization techniques used during this thesis has allowed the demonstration of the presence of a single wurtzite structure, without observing any indication of phase separation or Cd accumulation along the nanowire. Annealing processes are essential in the fabrication of optoelectronic devices. For this reason, a complete study of the annealing e_ects in the optical and electrical properties of Zn(Cd)O nanowires has been performed. In the _rst place, annealing nanowires at higher temperatures than their growth temperature (300 oC) allows a signi_cant improvement of their emission properties. However, in the samples that contain Cd a shift in the emission towards higher energies has been observed due to a homogeneous reduction of the Cd content in the nanowires. Time resolved photoluminescence measurements show the impact of the exciton localization in the potential _uctuations due to a statistical alloy disorder. An increase in the carrier lifetime has been obtained for the annealed nanowires. This increase is mainly due to the reduction of non-radiative recombination centers associated with the defects present in the material. Furthermore, temperature dependent time resolved photoluminescence measurements suggest a reduction of the alloy disorder in the annealed samples. In this thesis, single nanowire photodetectors with a high responsivity in the UV range have been demonstrated. Due to the high surface/volume ratio, these structures are very sensitive to gas adsorption at the surface, which largely de_nes the optical and electrical properties of the material and, therefore, of the device. With the aim of obtaining time stable devices, the dynamic adsorption-desorption processes have been studied, developing di_erent approaches that allow a higher control over them. Finally, ZnCdO/ZnO quantum wells have been grown with a nominal Cd concentration of 54% inside the well. The performed optical measurements show that increasing the well width from 0.7 to 10 nm, shifts the emission related with the well from 3.30 to 1.97 eV. This result represents the highest shift reported in the literature. However, a detailed structural characterization shows the presence of di_usion phenomena which substantially reduce the concentration of Cd in the well, while increasing it in the barrier. This type of phenomena should be considered when ac curately interpretating the quantum con_nement e_ects in Zn(Cd)O/ZnO quantum wells. Theoretically, annealing ZnO with CdO allows to decrease the bandgap from 3.37 to 0.95 eV, covering the whole visible spectrum. Zn(Mg)O _lms and quantum dots grown by spray pyrolysis Due to its simplicity, low-cost and capacity to grow over large areas conserving a high crystal quality, spray pyrolysis technique presents a great interest in the scienti_c community for developing comercial devices. In this thesis, a complete study of the optical and structural properties of Zn(Mg)O _lms and quantum dots grown by spray pyrolysis has been performed. Contrary to Zn(Cd)O alloys, when introducing Mg in the ZnO wurtzite structure an increase in the bandgap in obtained. Once again, the di_erence in the crystal structure of ZnO and MgO limits the amount of Mg that can be introduced before phase separation appears. In this PhD thesis, a maximum Mg content of 35% has been incorporated in the wurtzite structure using spray pyrolysis. This variation in the Mg content translates into an increase of the absorption edge from 3.30 to 4.11 eV. Up to this date, this result represents the highest Mg content introduced by spray pyrolysis in a ZnO wurzite structure reported in the literature. The comparison of the emission and absorption spectra shows the presence of an increasing Stokes shift with Mg content. This phenomenon is partialy related with the presence of potential _uctuations due to an statistic alloy disorder. MSM photodetectors have been processed on previously characterized Zn(Mg)O _lms. These devices have shown a shift in the absorption edge from 3.32 to 4.02 eV with the increase in Mg content, high responsivity values (10-103 A/W) and high contrast ratios between illuminated and dark responsivities (10-107). These values are explained by the presence of a gain mechanism and a reduction of dark current in the ZnMgO samples. Zn(Mg)O quantum dots have also been grown using spray pyrolysis with Mg concentrations between 0 and 100% and with average widths ranging 4 to 6 nm. Structural measurements show that at a Mg concentration of 45% the cubic phase appears, coexisting with the hexagonal phase up to an 85% concentration of Mg content. From 85% onwards the quantum dots show only the cubic phase. Absorption measurements performed in these structures reveal a shift in the absorption edge from 3.33 to 3.55 eV when the Mg content increases up to 40 %.
The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid participates in the MINISAT 01 program as the experiment CPLM responsible. This experiment aims at the study of the fluid behaviour in reduced gravity conditions. The interest of this study is and has been widely recognised by the scientific community and has potential applications in the pharmaceutical and microelectronic technologies (crystal growth), among others. The scientific team which has developed the CPLM experiment has a wide experience in this field and had participate in the performance of a large number of experiments on the fluid behaviour in reduced gravity conditions in flight (Spacelab missions, TEXUS sounding rockets, KC-135 and Caravelle aeroplanes, drop towers, as well as on earth labs (neutralbuoyancy and small scale simulations). The experimental equipment used in CPLMis a version of the payload developed for experimentation on drop towers and on board microsatellites as the UPM-Sat 1, adapted to fly on board MINISAT 01.
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is an emerging technology with an increasing number of potential applications to transfer power from a transmitter to a mobile receiver over a relatively large air gap. However, its widespread application is hampered due to the relatively low efficiency of current Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems. This study presents a concept to maximize the efficiency as well as to increase the amount of extractable power of a WPT system operating in nonresonant operation. The proposed method is based on actively modifying the equivalent secondary-side load impedance by controlling the phase-shift of the active rectifier and its output voltage level. The presented hardware prototype represents a complete wireless charging system, including a dc-dc converter which is used to charge a battery at the output of the system. Experimental results are shown for the proposed concept in comparison to a conventional synchronous rectification approach. The presented optimization method clearly outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in terms of efficiency and extractable power.
Photon bursts from single diffusing donor-acceptor labeled macromolecules were used to measure intramolecular distances and identify subpopulations of freely diffusing macromolecules in a heterogeneous ensemble. By using DNA as a rigid spacer, a series of constructs with varying intramolecular donor-acceptor spacings were used to measure the mean and distribution width of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiencies as a function of distance. The mean single-pair FRET efficiencies qualitatively follow the distance dependence predicted by Förster theory. Possible contributions to the widths of the FRET efficiency distributions are discussed, and potential applications in the study of biopolymer conformational dynamics are suggested. The ability to measure intramolecular (and intermolecular) distances for single molecules implies the ability to distinguish and monitor subpopulations of molecules in a mixture with different distances or conformational states. This is demonstrated by monitoring substrate and product subpopulations before and after a restriction endonuclease cleavage reaction. Distance measurements at single-molecule resolution also should facilitate the study of complex reactions such as biopolymer folding. To this end, the denaturation of a DNA hairpin was examined by using single-pair FRET.
Immigration is an important force shaping the social structure, evolution, and genetics of populations. A statistical method is presented that uses multilocus genotypes to identify individuals who are immigrants, or have recent immigrant ancestry. The method is appropriate for use with allozymes, microsatellites, or restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and assumes linkage equilibrium among loci. Potential applications include studies of dispersal among natural populations of animals and plants, human evolutionary studies, and typing zoo animals of unknown origin (for use in captive breeding programs). The method is illustrated by analyzing RFLP genotypes in samples of humans from Australian, Japanese, New Guinean, and Senegalese populations. The test has power to detect immigrant ancestors, for these data, up to two generations in the past even though the overall differentiation of allele frequencies among populations is low.
We have developed a technique called the generation of longer cDNA fragments from serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) tags for gene identification (GLGI), to convert SAGE tags of 10 bases into their corresponding 3′ cDNA fragments covering hundred bases. A primer containing the 10-base SAGE tag is used as the sense primer, and a single base anchored oligo(dT) primer is used as an antisense primer in PCR, together with Pfu DNA polymerase. By using this approach, a cDNA fragment extending from the SAGE tag toward the 3′ end of the corresponding sequence can be generated. Application of the GLGI technique can solve two critical issues in applying the SAGE technique: one is that a longer fragment corresponding to a SAGE tag, which has no match in databases, can be generated for further studies; the other is that the specific fragment corresponding to a SAGE tag can be identified from multiple sequences that match the same SAGE tag. The development of the GLGI method provides several potential applications. First, it provides a strategy for even wider application of the SAGE technique for quantitative analysis of global gene expression. Second, a combined application of SAGE/GLGI can be used to complete the catalogue of the expressed genes in human and in other eukaryotic species. Third, it can be used to identify the 3′ cDNA sequence from any exon within a gene. It can also be used to confirm the reality of exons predicted by bioinformatic tools in genomic sequences. Fourth, a combined application of SAGE/GLGI can be applied to define the 3′ boundary of expressed genes in the genomic sequences in human and in other eukaryotic genomes.
We have developed a semi-synthetic approach for preparing long stretches of DNA (>100 bp) containing internal chemical modifications and/or non-Watson–Crick structural motifs which relies on splint-free, cell-free DNA ligations and recycling of side-products by non-PCR thermal cycling. A double-stranded DNA PCR fragment containing a polylinker in its middle is digested with two restriction enzymes and a small insert (∼20 bp) containing the modification or non-Watson–Crick motif of interest is introduced into the middle. Incorrect products are recycled to starting materials by digestion with appropriate restriction enzymes, while the correct product is resistant to digestion since it does not contain these restriction sites. This semi-synthetic approach offers several advantages over DNA splint-mediated ligations, including fewer steps, substantially higher yields (∼60% overall yield) and ease of use. This method has numerous potential applications, including the introduction of modifications such as fluorophores and cross-linking agents into DNA, controlling the shape of DNA on a large scale and the study of non-sequence-specific nucleic acid–protein interactions.
Mass spectrometry and fluorescent probes have provided direct evidence that alkylating agents permeate the protein capsid of naked viruses and chemically inactivate the nucleic acid. N-acetyl-aziridine and a fluorescent alkylating agent, dansyl sulfonate aziridine, inactivated three different viruses, flock house virus, human rhinovirus-14, and foot and mouth disease virus. Mass spectral studies as well as fluorescent probes showed that alkylation of the genome was the mechanism of inactivation. Because particle integrity was not affected by selective alkylation (as shown by electron microscopy and sucrose gradient experiments), it was reasoned that the dynamic nature of the viral capsid acts as a conduit to the interior of the particle. Potential applications include fluorescent labeling for imaging viral genomes in living cells, the sterilization of blood products, vaccine development, and viral inactivation in vivo.
Omega−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential components required for normal cellular function and have been shown to exert many preventive and therapeutic actions. The amount of n−3 PUFAs is insufficient in most Western people, whereas the level of n−6 PUFAs is relatively too high, with an n−6/n−3 ratio of >18. These two classes of PUFAs are metabolically and functionally distinct and often have important opposing physiological functions; their balance is important for homeostasis and normal development. Elevating tissue concentrations of n−3 PUFAs in mammals relies on chronic dietary intake of fat rich in n−3 PUFAs, because mammalian cells lack enzymatic activities necessary either to synthesize the precursor of n−3 PUFAs or to convert n−6 to n−3 PUFAs. Here we report that adenovirus-mediated introduction of the Caenorhabditis elegans fat-1 gene encoding an n−3 fatty acid desaturase into mammalian cells can quickly and effectively elevate the cellular n−3 PUFA contents and dramatically balance the ratio of n−6/n−3 PUFAs. Heterologous expression of the fat-1 gene in rat cardiac myocytes rendered cells capable of converting various n−6 PUFAs to the corresponding n−3 PUFAs, and changed the n−6/n−3 ratio from about 15:1 to 1:1. In addition, an eicosanoid derived from n−6 PUFA (i.e., arachidonic acid) was reduced significantly in the transgenic cells. This study demonstrates an effective approach to modifying fatty acid composition of mammalian cells and also provides a basis for potential applications of this gene transfer in experimental and clinical settings.
The incorporation of potentially catalytic groups in DNA is of interest for the in vitro selection of novel deoxyribozymes. A series of 10 C5-modified analogues of 2′-deoxyuridine triphosphate have been synthesised that possess side chains of differing flexibility and bearing a primary amino or imidazole functionality. For each series of nucleotide analogues differing degrees of flexibility of the C5 side chain was achieved through the use of alkynyl, alkenyl and alkyl moieties. The imidazole function was conjugated to these C5-amino-modified nucleotides using either imidazole 4-acetic acid or imidazole 4-acrylic acid (urocanic acid). The substrate properties of the nucleotides (fully replacing dTTP) with Taq polymerase during PCR have been investigated in order to evaluate their potential applications for in vitro selection experiments. 5-(3-Aminopropynyl)dUTP and 5-(E-3-aminopropenyl)dUTP and their imidazole 4-acetic acid- and urocanic acid-modified conjugates were found to be substrates. In contrast, C5-amino-modified dUTPs with alkane or Z-alkene linkers and their corresponding conjugates were not substrates. The incorporation of these analogues during PCR has been confirmed by inhibition of restriction enzyme digestion using XbaI and by mass spectrometry of the PCR products.
In previous studies we showed that 5 days of treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and stem cell factor (SCF) mobilized murine repopulating cells to the peripheral blood (PB) and that these cells could be efficiently transduced with retroviral vectors. We also found that, 7-14 days after cytokine treatment, the repopulating ability of murine bone marrow (BM) increased 10-fold. In this study we examined the efficiency of gene transfer into cytokine-primed murine BM cells and extended our observations to a nonhuman primate autologous transplantation model. G-CSF/SCF-primed murine BM cells collected 7-14 days after cytokine treatment were equivalent to post-5-fluorouracil BM or G-CSF/SCF-mobilized PB cells as targets for retroviral gene transfer. In nonhuman primates, CD34-enriched PB cells collected after 5 days of G-CSF/SCF treatment and CD34-enriched BM cells collected 14 days later were superior targets for retroviral gene transfer. When a clinically approved supernatant infection protocol with low-titer vector preparations was used, monkeys had up to 5% of circulating cells containing the vector for up to a year after transplantation. This relatively high level of gene transfer was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Engraftment after transplantation using primed BM cells was more rapid than that using steady-state bone marrow, and the fraction of BM cells saving the most primitive CD34+/CD38- or CD34+/CD38dim phenotype increased 3-fold. We conclude that cytokine priming with G-CSF/SCF may allow collection of increased numbers of primitive cells from both the PB and BM that have improved susceptibility to retroviral transduction, with many potential applications in hematopoietic stem cell-directed gene therapy.
We describe a transgenic mouse line carrying the cre transgene under the control of the adenovirus EIIa promoter that targets expression of the Cre recombinase to the early mouse embryo. To assess the ability of this recombinase to excise loxP-flanked DNA sequences at early stages of development, we bred EIIa-cre transgenic mice to two different mouse lines carrying loxP-flanked target sequences: (i) a strain with a single gene-targeted neomycin resistance gene flanked by 1oxP sites and (ii) a transgenic line carrying multiple transgene copies with internal loxP sites. Mating either of these loxP-carrying mouse lines to EIIa-cre mice resulted in first generation progeny in which the loxP-flanked sequences had been efficiently deleted from all tissues tested, including the germ cells. Interbreeding of these first generation progeny resulted in efficient germ-line transmission of the deletion to subsequent generations. These results demonstrate a method by which loxP-flanked DNA sequences can be efficiently deleted in the early mouse embryo. Potential applications of this approach are discussed, including reduction of multicopy transgene loci to produce single-copy transgenic lines and introduction of a variety of subtle mutations into the line.
A new approach to the analysis of metabolic pathways involving poorly water-soluble intermediates is proposed. It relies upon the ability of the hydrophobic intermediates formed by a sequence of intracellular reactions to cross the membrane(s) and partition between aqueous and organic phases, when cells are incubated in the presence of a nonpolar and nontoxic organic solvent. As a result of this thermodynamically driven efflux of the formed intermediates from the cell, they accumulate in the organic medium in sufficient quantities for GC-MS analysis and identification. This enables direct determination of the sequence of chemical reactions involved with no requirement for the isolation of each individual metabolite from a cell-free extract. The feasibility of the proposed methodology has been demonstrated by the elucidation of the biosynthesis of (R)-gamma-decalactone from (R)-ricinoleic acid catalyzed by the yeast Sporidiobolus ruinenii grown in the presence of decane. The corresponding 4-hydroxy-acid intermediates, formed in the course of beta-oxidation of (R)-ricinoleic acid, were simultaneously observed in a single experiment on the same chromatogram. Potential applications of this proposed methodology are briefly discussed.