925 resultados para Político, biografia, Brasil
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The paper analyzes the regulatory framework for the Media in Brazil in the Federal Constitution and the nexus between democratization and constitutional process, interpreting relevant actors (government, political parties, civil society) and figured as the themes of communication and institutional political agenda. The obstacles to the regulation of many of the statements remain constitutional (right of communication; seal monopolies / oligopolies; regionalization of cultural production; nationalist character in control of broadcasting; compatibility between segments state, public and commercial; Social Communication Council), that replaces debate on the very principle of the right to communication regulation by analyzing the corresponding decisionmaking processes. This conflictual agenda-setting involves multiple interests, from strictly commercial aspirations of companies operating in this market, going by the increasing share of religious institutions who also want to expand upon practices of proselytizing until the interests of policy makers who also have control over a slice of that business.
Saudada como consequência de um complexo processo de evolução do arcabouço jurídico-institucional brasileiro, a Lei Federal 12.527, denominada Lei de Acesso a Informações, sancionada em 18 de novembro de 2011 e regulamentada no âmbito do Poder Executivo federal pelo Decreto 7.724, de 16 de maio de 2012, atende o pressuposto do direito à informação fixado pela Constituição Federal de 1988. Valores e práticas historicamente construídos podem significar obstáculos e resistências importantes à sua aplicação. Características do próprio texto legal, que vêm à tona quando comparado aos seus congêneres internacionais, também sinalizam possíveis complicadores. Este artigo indica limites que a Lei de Acesso a Informações pode enfrentar à sua consolidação, originários principalmente do campo da cultura político-institucional, que se tornam mais nítidos com o exame de características brasileiras em comparação com outros países que possuem dispositivos semelhantes.
The incipient but quickly expansion action on the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in Africa it is now just having different impact on these societies. One of these relates bear on how users are identified with these tools. Just like that we find individuals identify as bloggers, twitter followers or cyber activist. This contribution analyzes the Senegal’s fact where a successful use of social nets and web 2.0 tools experience (at least in repercussion) as social and political involvement while presidential elections in 2012 is tied to come back an identity: Cyber activist. Senegalese circumstance shows us how this identity has a personal and assertiveness dimension as well collective aspects of belonging to a community. One as much as the other, show us personal traits in contrast to previous beliefs, basically because it fuse and confuse virtual and reality. Due to dynamics from expanding technology, this identity is youthful and urban, but not only. This situation creates new dynamics at least in this affected group. For this reason, besides knowing emergence and evolution of this fact, it raises some of the involvement in social and political involvement from groups traditionally “invisible”. Beyond the new social behavior there are new changes in the rules of the game in order to start new social revolution.
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
In the last decade, Brazilian meat export rates for Muslim religious countries have increased, and also has the immigration of Africans workers able to perform the slaughter following the precepts of Islam - religion that has expanded in the world, and thus, has the halal food segment. Halal, the Islamic ideology, means lawful, authorized by God: are those products that Allah in the Holy Qur'an releases for human consumption. To get halal certification some measures during slaughter/processing food should be taken. In the case of the slaughterhouses the animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim. Consequently, the demand for this skilled labor makes many African-Muslims get jobs in factories owned by BRF Foods, JBS and Marfrig; refugees and with their citizenship rights committed, these individuals live in a socio-political state of exception and overexploitation. In this study we intend to discuss the object of study Islamist workforce in Brazilian halal meat industry using the theoretical reflections of Giorgio Agamben (Homo Sacer in 2002, and State of Exception, 2004) and David Harvey (The Condition of Postmodernity, 2008, and The New Imperialism, 2004) to address the situation of immigrants in the meat business in Brazil, specially those on the halal certification segment, whose working and living conditions were described from academic studies and primary sources (articles in newspapers / magazines, websites, immigration official data). In addition we use the works of Rogério Heasbaert (O mito da desterritorialização, 2007) and Robert Kurz (Os paradoxos dos direitos humanos: inclusão e exclusão na modernidade, 2003) to discuss human mobility in this new century
Currently there are two car models that use electricity in their propulsion systems, the electric vehicle and the hybrid electric vehicle. The electric vehicles are classified as vehicles that use electric motors in their propulsion system and batteries as a power source, on the other hand, the hybrid vehicles are classified as vehicles that use both electric motors and internal combustion engines in their propulsion system, using both batteries and líquid fuels as a power source. The main goal of this work is to analyze the characteristics of electric and hybrid electric vehicles and demonstrate the unfeasibility of the electric vehicle in the current economic, political, energetic and environmental brazilian scenario, for this purpose it was realized a study about the current brazilian situation regarding to electricity generation, current conservation status of road network, lack of electrical infrastructure for charging batteries, national lithium reserves, environmental characteristics, tax incentives, economic scenario, oil market and political positioning related to the implantation of electric or hybrid electric fleets in nacional territory. The operational characteristics analysis of electric and hybrid electric vehicles in this current scenario leads to the conclusion that currently a growth of electric vehicles fleets on a national scale is totally impractical in the Brazil, Thus, the introduction of green vehicles probably will occur primarily with hybrid electric models, motivated mainly due the bigger autonomy of this models compared to electric models, lower cost of hybrid electric models compared to electric models, factors related to the lack of recharging infrastructure and also factors related to political positioning
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Currently there are two car models that use electricity in their propulsion systems, the electric vehicle and the hybrid electric vehicle. The electric vehicles are classified as vehicles that use electric motors in their propulsion system and batteries as a power source, on the other hand, the hybrid vehicles are classified as vehicles that use both electric motors and internal combustion engines in their propulsion system, using both batteries and líquid fuels as a power source. The main goal of this work is to analyze the characteristics of electric and hybrid electric vehicles and demonstrate the unfeasibility of the electric vehicle in the current economic, political, energetic and environmental brazilian scenario, for this purpose it was realized a study about the current brazilian situation regarding to electricity generation, current conservation status of road network, lack of electrical infrastructure for charging batteries, national lithium reserves, environmental characteristics, tax incentives, economic scenario, oil market and political positioning related to the implantation of electric or hybrid electric fleets in nacional territory. The operational characteristics analysis of electric and hybrid electric vehicles in this current scenario leads to the conclusion that currently a growth of electric vehicles fleets on a national scale is totally impractical in the Brazil, Thus, the introduction of green vehicles probably will occur primarily with hybrid electric models, motivated mainly due the bigger autonomy of this models compared to electric models, lower cost of hybrid electric models compared to electric models, factors related to the lack of recharging infrastructure and also factors related to political positioning
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Este texto apresenta alguns dos principais significados que as ONGs assumiram no Brasil, os quais as posicionam diante do desafio do direito à educação. Desafio que abarca, especialmente, a escolarização pública e a definição do campo público e do privado. Nos dois aspectos deste desafio, são descritas as perspectivas seguidas pelas ONGs: a paliativa, a inovadora, a de mudança ou a de pressão política. Em conclusão, afirma que a atuação das ONGs tem vagado com diferentes sentidos, desarticuladamente, no que se refere às condições para realizar a educação como direito: o fortalecimento tanto do Estado quanto da sociedade civil, a interlocução entre estes polos e a influência recíproca entre educação e sistema político.
O artigo descreve o processo de criação do Curso de Obstetrícia da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo. Ele apresenta o projeto político pedagógico e os referenciais teóricos que suportam a formação de obstetrizes, a resistência ou os movimentos que se opõem à formação e ao registro desses profissionais, os desafios que precisam ser superados e, finalmente, as perspectivas nas quais as obstetrizes podem contribuir não só para melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados em saúde, como também para diminuir as taxas de morbidade e mortalidade materna e perinatal e de cesarianas desnecessárias no país.
O papel dos governos locais, antes vistos como mero prestadores de serviços, vem evoluindo, pós-Constituição de 1988, para o de agentes do desenvolvimento local. Neste contexto, eles devem assumir o seu papel constitucional de zelar pelo meio ambiente, tomando a decisão de envolver-se com o tema e capacitando-se através da instituição de um Sistema Municipal de Meio Ambiente - SISMUMA. O SISMUMA é um conjunto de órgãos e entidades do Município que são responsáveis pela preservação, conservação, proteção, defesa, melhoria, recuperação e controle do meio ambiente e uso adequado dos recursos ambientais do Município. Este Sistema é uma estrutura político-administrativa que em última instância visa a inserção do componente ambiental no processo de tomada de decisão local, por meio da formulação, implementação e avaliação de políticas ambientais e integração com outras políticas, considerando a realidade e potencialidade de cada região, em conformidade com os princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável. Este artigo visa caracterizar e contextualizar o SISMUMA no Brasil, discutindo o seu papel estratégico na governança para a sustentabilidade municipal, entendida como processo de articulação e negociação que potencializa a integração do componente ambiental no processo de tomada de decisão local, e consequentemente, no processo de desenvolvimento local.
Actualmente los pueblos indígenas son actores indispensables en el espacio político de la región andina. En estas sociedades se produjo recientemente una ruptura en la larga continuidad de las prácticas coloniales que perduraron luego de las independencias bajo la forma de lo que se ha llamado el "colonialismo interno". El alcance de esta ruptura depende de la estructura política de cada país y de los acontecimientos que marcan sus destinos. Después, los movimientos y gobiernos de izquierda en Brasil, Ecuador, Bolivia y Venezuela cambiaron el paisaje político del continente. Estos proyectos nacionales se han vuelto un poderoso reto para los movimientos indígenas. Este volumen reúne las ponencias del Coloquio Internacional "Etnicidad y Política", organizado conjuntamente por el Área de Historia de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar y la Escuela de Investigación Histórica de la Universidad de Bielefeld, en el marco del proyecto de investigación "Etnización de lo político, negociaciones de inclusión y exclusión en el espacio andino y el espacio sudasiático". Este coloquio, que es la base de la publicación, analizó la situación en la región andina, incluyó algunos apuntes sobre el movimiento afroecuatoriano y abordó los procesos de la coyuntura actual iniciada con la toma de poder de Evo Morales y de Rafael Correa. Contribuyeron a este libro: Christian Büschges, Gonzalo Calque, Olaf Kaltmeier, Carmen Martínez Nava, Pablo Minda Batallas, Pablo Ospina Peralto, Franklin Ramírez Gallegos, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Pablo Stefanoni, Catherine Walsh y León Zamosc.