996 resultados para Pathogenicity genes
Waddlia chondrophila is an emerging pathogen causing miscarriages in humans and abortions in ruminants. The full genome of this Chlamydia-related bacterium has been recently completed, providing new insights into its biology and evolution. Moreover, new cell biology approaches and the use of novel inhibitors have allowed detailed investigations of its interaction with host cells.
Twenty-eight Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates that exhibited an extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistance profile from a city in the Northeast of Brazil were analysed by PCR and DNA sequencing in order to determine the occurrence of blaCTX-M genes and class 1 integrons. We determined the occurrence of the blaCTX-M-2 gene in six K. pneumoniae isolates and describe the first detection of the blaCTX-M-28 gene in South America. Seven isolates carried class 1 integrons. Partial sequencing analysis of the 5'-3'CS variable region in the class 1 integrons of three isolates revealed the presence of aadA1, blaOXA-2 and dfr22 gene cassettes.
Astrocytes play a key role in the neurometabolic coupling through the glycogen metabolism and the ''Astrocyte-Neuron Lactate Shuttle'' (ANLS). We previously reported that brain glycogen metabolism was affected by sleep deprivation (SD). Therefore, it is of prime interest to determine if a similar sleep loss also affects the ANLS functioning in astrocytes. To address this issue, we sleep deprived transgenic mice expressing the GFP under the control of the GFAP promoter and in which astrocytes can be isolated by FACS. The levels of expression of genes related to ANLS were assessed by qRT-PCR in the GFP-positive cells (GFPþ). The FVB/NTg( GFAP-GFP)Mes14/j mice were weaned at P20-P21 and underwent an instrumental 6 h SD at P23-P27. The SD was realized using the ''CaResS'' device which has been designed to minimize stress during SD. Control group corresponds to undisturbed mice. At the end of SD, mice were sacrificed and their cerebral cortex was rapidly dissected, cut in small pieces and enzymatically digested. After cell dissociation, GFPþ and GFP- cells were sorted by FACS and treated for RNA extraction. A quantitative RTPCR was realized using specific probes against different genes involved in ANLS. Results indicate that genes encoding the LDHb, the GLT1, the alpha2 subunit of the Na/KATPase pump as well as the GLUT1, were significantly increased in the GFPþ cells from SD mice. No significant change was observed in the GFP- cells from the same group. These results indicate that this approach is suitable to determine the transcriptional signature of SD in glial cells from juvenile animals. They also indicate that sleep loss induces transcriptional changes of genes involved in ANLS specifically in astrocytes. This could suggest that an adaptation of the ANLS at the transcriptional levels exists in pathophysiological conditions where neuronal activity is enhanced.
Adiponectin has a variety of metabolic effects on obesity, insulin sensitivity, and atherosclerosis. To identify genes influencing variation in plasma adiponectin levels, we performed genome-wide linkage and association scans of adiponectin in two cohorts of subjects recruited in the Genetic Epidemiology of Metabolic Syndrome Study. The genome-wide linkage scan was conducted in families of Turkish and southern European (TSE, n = 789) and Northern and Western European (NWE, N = 2,280) origin. A whole genome association (WGA) analysis (500K Affymetrix platform) was carried out in a set of unrelated NWE subjects consisting of approximately 1,000 subjects with dyslipidemia and 1,000 overweight subjects with normal lipids. Peak evidence for linkage occurred at chromosome 8p23 in NWE subjects (lod = 3.10) and at chromosome 3q28 near ADIPOQ, the adiponectin structural gene, in TSE subjects (lod = 1.70). In the WGA analysis, the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) most strongly associated with adiponectin were rs3774261 and rs6773957 (P < 10(-7)). These two SNPs were in high linkage disequilibrium (r(2) = 0.98) and located within ADIPOQ. Interestingly, our fourth strongest region of association (P < 2 x 10(-5)) was to an SNP within CDH13, whose protein product is a newly identified receptor for high-molecular-weight species of adiponectin. Through WGA analysis, we confirmed previous studies showing SNPs within ADIPOQ to be strongly associated with variation in adiponectin levels and further observed these to have the strongest effects on adiponectin levels throughout the genome. We additionally identified a second gene (CDH13) possibly influencing variation in adiponectin levels. The impact of these SNPs on health and disease has yet to be determined.
Despite the high prevalence of colon cancer in the world and the great interest in targeted anti-cancer therapy, only few tumor-specific gene products have been identified that could serve as targets for the immunological treatment of colorectal cancers. The aim of our study was therefore to identify frequently expressed colon cancer-specific antigens. We performed a large-scale analysis of genes expressed in normal colon and colon cancer tissues isolated from colorectal cancer patients using massively parallel signal sequencing (MPSS). Candidates were additionally subjected to experimental evaluation by semi-quantitative RT-PCR on a cohort of colorectal cancer patients. From a pool of more than 6000 genes identified unambiguously in the analysis, we found 2124 genes that were selectively expressed in colon cancer tissue and 147 genes that were differentially expressed to a significant degree between normal and cancer cells. Differential expression of many genes was confirmed by RT-PCR on a cohort of patients. Despite the fact that deregulated genes were involved in many different cellular pathways, we found that genes expressed in the extracellular space were significantly over-represented in colorectal cancer. Strikingly, we identified a transcript from a chromosome X-linked member of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) H family that was frequently and selectively expressed in colon cancer but not in normal tissues. Our data suggest that this sequence should be considered as a target of immunological interventions against colorectal cancer.
Caveolae are involved in physical compartmentalization between different groups of signaling events. Its main component, CAV1, modulates different pathways in cellular physiology. The emerging evidence pointing to the role of CAV1 in cancer led us to study whether different alleles of this gene are associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). Since one of the most characterized enzymes regulated by CAV1 is eNOS, we decided to include both genes in this study. We analyzed five SNPs in 360 unrelated CRC patients and 550 controls from the general population. Two of these SNPs were located within eNOS and three within the CAV1 gene. Although haplotype distribution was not associated with CRC, haplotype TiA (CAV1) was associated with familiar forms of CRC (p<0.05). This was especially evident in CRC antecedents and nuclear forms of CRC. If both CG (eNOS) and TiA (CAV1) haplotypes were taken together, this association increased in significance. Thus, we propose that CAV1, either alone or together with eNOS alleles, might modify CRC heritability.
The sequencing of the complete genome of Anaplasma marginale has enabled the identification of several genes that encode membrane proteins, thereby increasing the chances of identifying candidate immunogens. Little is known regarding the genetic variability of genes that encode membrane proteins in A. marginale isolates. The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of conservation of the predicted amino acid sequences of OMP1, OMP4, OMP5, OMP7, OMP8, OMP10, OMP14, OMP15, SODb, OPAG1, OPAG3, VirB3, VirB9-1, PepA, EF-Tu and AM854 proteins in a Brazilian isolate of A. marginale compared to other isolates. Hence, primers were used to amplify these genes: omp1, omp4, omp5, omp7, omp8, omp10, omp14, omp15, sodb, opag1, opag3, virb3, VirB9-1, pepA, ef-tu and am854. After polimerase chain reaction amplification, the products were cloned and sequenced using the Sanger method and the predicted amino acid sequence were multi-aligned using the CLUSTALW and MEGA 4 programs, comparing the predicted sequences between the Brazilian, Saint Maries, Florida and A. marginale centrale isolates. With the exception of outer membrane protein (OMP) 7, all proteins exhibited 92-100% homology to the other A. marginale isolates. However, only OMP1, OMP5, EF-Tu, VirB3, SODb and VirB9-1 were selected as potential immunogens capable of promoting cross-protection between isolates due to the high degree of homology (over 72%) also found with A. (centrale) marginale.
Recent studies have revealed that our sex chromosomes differentiated relatively recently from ancestral autosomes in the common ancestor of placental and marsupial mammals (therians). Here, we show that the therian X started to accumulate new retroduplicate genes with overall sex-biased expression upon therian sex chromosome differentiation. This process reached its peak within the first approximately 90 million years of sex chromosome evolution and then leveled off. Taken together, our observations suggest that the major sex-related functional remodeling of the X was completed relatively soon after the origination of therian sex chromosomes.
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are characterized by a high expression of IL-2 receptor α chain (CD25) and of forkhead box P3 (FOXP3), the latter being essential for their development and function. Another major player in the regulatory function is the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated molecule-4 (CTLA-4) that inhibits cytotoxic responses. However, the regulation of CTLA-4 expression remains less well explored. We therefore studied the microRNA signature of circulating CD4(+) Tregs isolated from adult healthy donors and identified a signature composed of 15 differentially expressed microRNAs. Among those, miR-24, miR-145, and miR-210 were down-regulated in Tregs compared with controls and were found to have potential target sites in the 3'-UTR of FOXP3 and CTLA-4; miR-24 and miR-210 negatively regulated FOXP3 expression by directly binding to their two target sites in its 3'-UTR. On the other hand, miR-95, which is highly expressed in adult peripheral blood Tregs, positively regulated FOXP3 expression via an indirect mechanism yet to be identified. Finally, we showed that miR-145 negatively regulated CTLA-4 expression in human CD4(+) adult peripheral blood Tregs by binding to its target site in CTLA-4 transcript 3'-UTR. To our knowledge, this is the first identification of a human adult peripheral blood CD4(+) Treg microRNA signature. Moreover, unveiling one mechanism regulating CTLA-4 expression is novel and may lead to a better understanding of the regulation of this crucial gene.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are major post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression, yet their origins and functional evolution in mammals remain little understood due to the lack of appropriate comparative data. Using RNA sequencing, we have generated extensive and comparable miRNA data for five organs in six species that represent all main mammalian lineages and birds (the evolutionary outgroup) with the aim to unravel the evolution of mammalian miRNAs. Our analyses reveal an overall expansion of miRNA repertoires in mammals, with threefold accelerated birth rates of miRNA families in placentals and marsupials, facilitated by the de novo emergence of miRNAs in host gene introns. Generally, our analyses suggest a high rate of miRNA family turnover in mammals with many newly emerged miRNA families being lost soon after their formation. Selectively preserved mammalian miRNA families gradually evolved higher expression levels, as well as altered mature sequences and target gene repertoires, and were apparently mainly recruited to exert regulatory functions in nervous tissues. However, miRNAs that originated on the X chromosome evolved high expression levels and potentially diverse functions during spermatogenesis, including meiosis, through selectively driven duplication-divergence processes. Overall, our study thus provides detailed insights into the birth and evolution of mammalian miRNA genes and the associated selective forces.
The pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans is heterogeneous and is associated with the expression of virulence factors. This study aimed to correlate the pathogenicity of C. neoformans var. grubii in BALB/c mice with in vitro virulence factors, fluconazole minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and molecular profiles, before and after animal passage. Ten environmental isolates and one ATCC strain of C. neoformans var. grubii mating type α were evaluated. Most isolates (91%) killed 50% or more of the infected animals by day 24 postinfection and were recovered from the lungs and brains of surviving animals on days 7 and 14 postinfection. The burden of yeast in the lungs was more variable than that in the brain. The differences in the expression of virulence factors (growth at 37ºC, presence and size of the capsule and production of melanin, urease, proteinase and phospholipase) by most isolates pre and postpassage in animals were not statistically significant. The fluconazole MICs in postpassaged lines differed by a one-dilution from the MIC of the corresponding prepassaged line for six isolates. Using molecular typing [polymerase chain reaction-fingerprinting with (GACA)4 and M13], eight isolates were identified as VNI and three as VNII. We concluded that different isolates with the same molecular and phenotypic profiles, including isolates that are markedly hypervirulent, span a wide range of virulence and there were no changes in virulence factors in the postpassaged lines when compared with the corresponding nonpassaged lines.
Distribution of Toscana virus (TOSV) is evolving with climate change, and pathogenicity may be higher in nonexposed populations outside areas of current prevalence (Mediterranean Basin). To characterize genetic diversity of TOSV, we determined the coding sequences of isolates from Spain and France. TOSV is more diverse than other well-studied phleboviruses (e.g.,Rift Valley fever virus).
The global emergence and spread of malaria parasites resistant to antimalarial drugs is the major problem in malaria control. The genetic basis of the parasite's resistance to the antimalarial drug chloroquine (CQ) is well-documented, allowing for the analysis of field isolates of malaria parasites to address evolutionary questions concerning the origin and spread of CQ-resistance. Here, we present DNA sequence analyses of both the second exon of the Plasmodium falciparum CQ-resistance transporter (pfcrt) gene and the 5' end of the P. falciparum multidrug-resistance 1 (pfmdr-1) gene in 40 P. falciparum field isolates collected from eight different localities of Odisha, India. First, we genotyped the samples for the pfcrt K76T and pfmdr-1 N86Y mutations in these two genes, which are the mutations primarily implicated in CQ-resistance. We further analyzed amino acid changes in codons 72-76 of the pfcrt haplotypes. Interestingly, both the K76T and N86Y mutations were found to co-exist in 32 out of the total 40 isolates, which were of either the CVIET or SVMNT haplotype, while the remaining eight isolates were of the CVMNK haplotype. In total, eight nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were observed, six in the pfcrt gene and two in the pfmdr-1 gene. One poorly studied SNP in the pfcrt gene (A97T) was found at a high frequency in many P. falciparum samples. Using population genetics to analyze these two gene fragments, we revealed comparatively higher nucleotide diversity in the pfcrt gene than in the pfmdr-1 gene. Furthermore, linkage disequilibrium was found to be tight between closely spaced SNPs of the pfcrt gene. Finally, both the pfcrt and the pfmdr-1 genes were found to evolve under the standard neutral model of molecular evolution.
Applications of genetic constructs with multiple promoters, which are fused with reporter genes and simultaneous monitoring of various events in cells, have gained special attention in recent years. Lentiviral vectors, with their distinctive characteristics, have been considered to monitor the developmental changes of cells in vitro. In this study, we constructed a novel lentiviral vector (FUM-M), containing two germ cell-specific promoters (Stra8 and c-kit), fused with ZsGreen and DsRed2 reporter genes, and evaluated its efficiency in different cells following treatments with retinoic acid and DMSO. Several cell lines (P19, GC-1 spg and HEK293T) were transduced with this vector, and functional capabilities of the promoters were verified by flow cytometry and quantitative RT-PCR. Our results indicate that FUM-M shows dynamic behavior in the presence and absence of extrinsic factors. A correlation was also observed between the function of promoters, present in the lentiviral construct and the endogenous level of the Stra8 and c-kit mRNAs in the cells. In conclusion, we recommend this strategy, which needs further optimization of the constructs, as a beneficial and practical way to screen chemical inducers involved in cellular differentiation toward germ-like cells.
Since Staphylococcus aureus expresses multiple pathogenic factors, studying their individual roles in single-gene-knockout mutants is difficult. To circumvent this problem, S. aureus clumping factor A (clfA) and fibronectin-binding protein A (fnbA) genes were constitutively expressed in poorly pathogenic Lactococcus lactis using the recently described pOri23 vector. The recombinant organisms were tested in vitro for their adherence to immobilized fibrinogen and fibronectin and in vivo for their ability to infect rats with catheter-induced aortic vegetations. In vitro, both clfA and fnbA increased the adherence of lactococci to their specific ligands to a similar extent as the S. aureus gene donor. In vivo, the minimum inoculum size producing endocarditis in > or =80% of the rats (80% infective dose [ID80]) with the parent lactococcus was > or =10(7) CFU. In contrast, clfA-expressing and fnbA-expressing lactococci required only 10(5) CFU to infect the majority of the animals (P < 0.00005). This was comparable to the infectivities of classical endocarditis pathogens such as S. aureus and streptococci (ID80 = 10(4) to 10(5) CFU) in this model. The results confirmed the role of clfA in endovascular infection, but with a much higher degree of confidence than with single-gene-inactivated staphylococci. Moreover, they identified fnbA as a critical virulence factor of equivalent importance. This was in contrast to previous studies that produced controversial results regarding this very determinant. Taken together, the present observations suggest that if antiadhesin therapy were to be developed, at least both of the clfA and fnbA products should be blocked for the therapy to be effective.