939 resultados para Pasiones del alma
Il modello afflussi-deflussi e di erosione Kineros2, fisicamente basato, distribuito e a scala di evento, è stato applicato a due bacini idrografici montani della provincia di Bologna (Italia) al fine di testare e valutare il suo funzionamento in ambiente appenninico. Dopo la parametrizzazione dei due bacini, Kineros2 è stato calibrato e validato utilizzando dati sperimentali di portata e di concentrazione dei solidi sospesi, collezionati alla chiusura dei bacini grazie alla presenza di due stazioni di monitoraggio idrotorbidimetrico. La modellazione ha consentito di valutare la capacità del modello di riprodurre correttamente le dinamiche idrologiche osservate, nonchè di trarre conclusioni sulle sue potenzialità e limitazioni.
Providing support for multimedia applications on low-power mobile devices remains a significant research challenge. This is primarily due to two reasons: • Portable mobile devices have modest sizes and weights, and therefore inadequate resources, low CPU processing power, reduced display capabilities, limited memory and battery lifetimes as compared to desktop and laptop systems. • On the other hand, multimedia applications tend to have distinctive QoS and processing requirementswhichmake themextremely resource-demanding. This innate conflict introduces key research challenges in the design of multimedia applications and device-level power optimization. Energy efficiency in this kind of platforms can be achieved only via a synergistic hardware and software approach. In fact, while System-on-Chips are more and more programmable thus providing functional flexibility, hardwareonly power reduction techniques cannot maintain consumption under acceptable bounds. It is well understood both in research and industry that system configuration andmanagement cannot be controlled efficiently only relying on low-level firmware and hardware drivers. In fact, at this level there is lack of information about user application activity and consequently about the impact of power management decision on QoS. Even though operating system support and integration is a requirement for effective performance and energy management, more effective and QoSsensitive power management is possible if power awareness and hardware configuration control strategies are tightly integratedwith domain-specificmiddleware services. The main objective of this PhD research has been the exploration and the integration of amiddleware-centric energymanagement with applications and operating-system. We choose to focus on the CPU-memory and the video subsystems, since they are the most power-hungry components of an embedded system. A second main objective has been the definition and implementation of software facilities (like toolkits, API, and run-time engines) in order to improve programmability and performance efficiency of such platforms. Enhancing energy efficiency and programmability ofmodernMulti-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) Consumer applications are characterized by tight time-to-market constraints and extreme cost sensitivity. The software that runs on modern embedded systems must be high performance, real time, and even more important low power. Although much progress has been made on these problems, much remains to be done. Multi-processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) are increasingly popular platforms for high performance embedded applications. This leads to interesting challenges in software development since efficient software development is a major issue for MPSoc designers. An important step in deploying applications on multiprocessors is to allocate and schedule concurrent tasks to the processing and communication resources of the platform. The problem of allocating and scheduling precedenceconstrained tasks on processors in a distributed real-time system is NP-hard. There is a clear need for deployment technology that addresses thesemulti processing issues. This problem can be tackled by means of specific middleware which takes care of allocating and scheduling tasks on the different processing elements and which tries also to optimize the power consumption of the entire multiprocessor platform. This dissertation is an attempt to develop insight into efficient, flexible and optimalmethods for allocating and scheduling concurrent applications tomultiprocessor architectures. It is a well-known problem in literature: this kind of optimization problems are very complex even in much simplified variants, therefore most authors propose simplified models and heuristic approaches to solve it in reasonable time. Model simplification is often achieved by abstracting away platform implementation ”details”. As a result, optimization problems become more tractable, even reaching polynomial time complexity. Unfortunately, this approach creates an abstraction gap between the optimization model and the real HW-SW platform. The main issue with heuristic or, more in general, with incomplete search is that they introduce an optimality gap of unknown size. They provide very limited or no information on the distance between the best computed solution and the optimal one. The goal of this work is to address both abstraction and optimality gaps, formulating accurate models which accounts for a number of ”non-idealities” in real-life hardware platforms, developing novel mapping algorithms that deterministically find optimal solutions, and implementing software infrastructures required by developers to deploy applications for the targetMPSoC platforms. Energy Efficient LCDBacklightAutoregulation on Real-LifeMultimediaAp- plication Processor Despite the ever increasing advances in Liquid Crystal Display’s (LCD) technology, their power consumption is still one of the major limitations to the battery life of mobile appliances such as smart phones, portable media players, gaming and navigation devices. There is a clear trend towards the increase of LCD size to exploit the multimedia capabilities of portable devices that can receive and render high definition video and pictures. Multimedia applications running on these devices require LCD screen sizes of 2.2 to 3.5 inches andmore to display video sequences and pictures with the required quality. LCD power consumption is dependent on the backlight and pixel matrix driving circuits and is typically proportional to the panel area. As a result, the contribution is also likely to be considerable in future mobile appliances. To address this issue, companies are proposing low power technologies suitable for mobile applications supporting low power states and image control techniques. On the research side, several power saving schemes and algorithms can be found in literature. Some of them exploit software-only techniques to change the image content to reduce the power associated with the crystal polarization, some others are aimed at decreasing the backlight level while compensating the luminance reduction by compensating the user perceived quality degradation using pixel-by-pixel image processing algorithms. The major limitation of these techniques is that they rely on the CPU to perform pixel-based manipulations and their impact on CPU utilization and power consumption has not been assessed. This PhDdissertation shows an alternative approach that exploits in a smart and efficient way the hardware image processing unit almost integrated in every current multimedia application processors to implement a hardware assisted image compensation that allows dynamic scaling of the backlight with a negligible impact on QoS. The proposed approach overcomes CPU-intensive techniques by saving system power without requiring either a dedicated display technology or hardware modification. Thesis Overview The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. The first part is focused on enhancing energy efficiency and programmability of modern Multi-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs). Chapter 2 gives an overview about architectural trends in embedded systems, illustrating the principal features of new technologies and the key challenges still open. Chapter 3 presents a QoS-driven methodology for optimal allocation and frequency selection for MPSoCs. The methodology is based on functional simulation and full system power estimation. Chapter 4 targets allocation and scheduling of pipelined stream-oriented applications on top of distributed memory architectures with messaging support. We tackled the complexity of the problem by means of decomposition and no-good generation, and prove the increased computational efficiency of this approach with respect to traditional ones. Chapter 5 presents a cooperative framework to solve the allocation, scheduling and voltage/frequency selection problem to optimality for energyefficient MPSoCs, while in Chapter 6 applications with conditional task graph are taken into account. Finally Chapter 7 proposes a complete framework, called Cellflow, to help programmers in efficient software implementation on a real architecture, the Cell Broadband Engine processor. The second part is focused on energy efficient software techniques for LCD displays. Chapter 8 gives an overview about portable device display technologies, illustrating the principal features of LCD video systems and the key challenges still open. Chapter 9 shows several energy efficient software techniques present in literature, while Chapter 10 illustrates in details our method for saving significant power in an LCD panel. Finally, conclusions are drawn, reporting the main research contributions that have been discussed throughout this dissertation.
Composite porcelain enamels are inorganic coatings for metallic components based on a special ceramic-vitreous matrix in which specific additives are randomly dispersed. The ceramic-vitreous matrix is made by a mixture of various raw materials and elements and in particular it is based on boron-silicate glass added with metal oxides(1) of titanium, zinc, tin, zirconia, alumina, ecc. These additions are often used to improve and enhance some important performances such as corrosion(2) and wear resistance, mechanical strength, fracture toughness and also aesthetic functions. The coating process, called enamelling, depends on the nature of the surface, but also on the kind of the used porcelain enamel. For metal sheets coatings two industrial processes are actually used: one based on a wet porcelain enamel and another based on a dry-silicone porcelain enamel. During the firing process, that is performed at about 870°C in the case of a steel substrate, the enamel raw material melts and interacts with the metal substrate so enabling the formation of a continuous varying structure. The interface domain between the substrate and the external layer is made of a complex material system where the ceramic vitreous and the metal constituents are mixed. In particular four main regions can be identified, (i) the pure metal region, (ii) the region where the metal constituents are dominant compared with the ceramic vitreous components, (iii) the region where the ceramic vitreous constituents are dominant compared with the metal ones, and the fourth region (iv) composed by the pure ceramic vitreous material. It has also to be noticed the presence of metallic dendrites that hinder the substrate and the external layer passing through the interphase region. Each region of the final composite structure plays a specific role: the metal substrate has mainly the structural function, the interphase region and the embedded dendrites guarantee the adhesion of the external vitreous layer to the substrate and the external vitreous layer is characterized by an high tribological, corrosion and thermal shock resistance. Such material, due to its internal composition, functionalization and architecture can be considered as a functionally graded composite material. The knowledge of the mechanical, tribological and chemical behavior of such composites is not well established and the research is still in progress. In particular the mechanical performances data about the composite coating are not jet established. In the present work the Residual Stresses, the Young modulus and the First Crack Failure of the composite porcelain enamel coating are studied. Due to the differences of the porcelain composite enamel and steel thermal properties the enamelled steel sheets have residual stresses: compressive residual stress acts on the coating and tensile residual stress acts on the steel sheet. The residual stresses estimation has been performed by measuring the curvature of rectangular one-side coated specimens. The Young modulus and the First Crack Failure (FCF) of the coating have been estimated by four point bending tests (3-7) monitored by means of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique(5,6). In particular the AE information has been used to identify, during the bending tests, the displacement domain over which no coating failure occurs (Free Failure Zone, FFZ). In the FFZ domain, the Young modulus has been estimated according to ASTM D6272-02. The FCF has been calculated as the ratio between the displacement at the first crack of the coating and the coating thickness on the cracked side. The mechanical performances of the tested coated specimens have also been related and discussed to respective microstructure and surface characteristics by double entry charts.
Introduction Postnatal human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is usually asymptomatic in term babies, while preterm infants are more susceptible to symptomatic CMV infection. Breastfeeding plays a dominant role in the epidemiology of transmission of postnatal CMV infection, but the risk factors of symptomatic CMV infection in preterm infants are unknown. Patients and Methods Between December 2003 and August 2006, eighty Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) preterm infants (gestational age ≤ 32 weeks and birth weight < 1500 g), admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of St Orsola-Malpighi General Hospital, Bologna were recruited. All of them were breastfed for at least one month. During the first week of life, serological test for CMV was performed on maternal blood. Furthermore, urinary CMV culture was performed in all the infants in order to exclude a congenital CMV infection. Urine samples from each infant were collected and processed for CMV culture once a week. Once every 15 days a blood sample was taken from each infant to evaluate the complete blood count, the hepatic function and the C reactive protein. In addition, samples of fresh breast milk were processed weekly for CMV culture. A genetic analysis of virus variant was performed in the urine of the infected infants and in their mother’s milk to confirm the origin of infection. Results We evaluated 80 VLBW infants and their 68 mothers. Fifty-three mothers (78%) were positive for CMV IgG antibodies, and 15 (22%) were seronegative. In the seronegative group, CMV was never isolated in breast milk, and none of the 18 infants developed viruria; in the seropositive group, CMV was isolated in 21 out of 53 (40%) mother’s milk. CMV was detected in the urine samples of 9 out of 26 (35%) preterm infants, who were born from 21 virolactia positive mothers. Six of these infants had clinically asymptomatic CMV infection, while 3 showed a sepsis-like illness with bradycardia, tachypnea and repeated desaturations. Eight out of nine infants showed abnormal hematologic values. The detection of neutropenia was strictly related to CMV infection (8/9 infected infants vs 17/53 non infected infants, P<.005), such as the detection of an increase in conjugated bilirubin (3/9 infected infants vs 2/53 non infected infants, P<.05). The degree of neutropenia was not different between the two groups (infected/non infected). The use of hemoderivatives (plasma and/or IgM–enriched immunoglobulin) in order to treat a suspected/certain infection in newborn with GE< 28 ws was seen as protective against CMV infection (1/4 infected infants vs 18/20 non infected infants [GE<28 ws]; P<.05). Furthermore, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (defined both as oxygen-dependency at 30 days of life and 36 ws of postmenstrual age) correlated with symptomatic infection (3/3 symptomatic vs 0/6 asymptomatic: P<.05). Conclusion Our data suggest that CMV infection transmitted to preterm newborn through human milk is always asymptomatic when newborns are clinically stable. Otherwise, the infection can worsen a preexisting disease such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Human milk offers many nutritional and psychological advantages to preterm newborns: according to our data, there’s no reason to contraindicate it neither to pasteurize the milk of all the mothers of preterm infants who are CMV seropositive.
L’analisi condotta nella tesi mira ad indagare le determinanti del debito delle piccole e medie imprese italiane: la domanda di ricerca è indirizzata a capire se la struttura finanziaria di queste ultime segue i modelli teorici sviluppati nell’ambito della letteratura di Corporate Finance o se, d’altro canto, non sia possibile prescindere dalle peculiarità delle piccole e medie imprese per spiegare il ricorso alle diverse fonti di finanziamento. La ricerca empirica effettuata nella dissertazione vuole essere un tentativo di coniugare le teorie di riferimento e le evidenze empiriche relative alle piccole e medie imprese italiane, analizzandone il comportamento attraverso lo studio del campione di dati fornito da Capitalia, relativo alla Nona Indagine per il periodo 2001-2003. Il campione in oggetto fa riferimento a circa 4000 imprese con più di 10 addetti, prevalentemente del settore manifatturiero. Per indagare le determinanti del debito nelle sue componenti più tradizionali, si sono prese in considerazione il debito commerciale e il debito bancario a breve termine come forme di finanziamento correnti mentre, tra le forme di finanziamento di medio-lungo periodo, le variabili usate sono state il ricorso al debito bancario a lungo termine e a strumenti obbligazionari. Inoltre, si è ricorso anche a misure più tradizionali di leva finanziaria, quali il rapporto di indebitamento, la proporzione tra debiti bancari, sia di breve che di lungo periodo, e l’ammontare dei finanziamenti esterni rispetto al valore dell’impresa, distinguendo anche qui, tra finanziamenti a breve e a lungo termine. L’analisi descrittiva ha mostrato il massiccio ricorso al debito bancario e, in generale, alle forme di indebitamento a breve. Le imprese di dimensioni minori, più giovani e opache tendono a ricorrere alle fonti interne e a forme di indebitamento a breve, mentre le imprese maggiormente dimensionate mostrano una struttura del debito più articolata. Questo ha suggerito la definizione di una diversa misura di debito, che tiene conto della complessità della sua struttura all’interno delle imprese, in base ad un ricorso di tipo gerarchico alle fonti di finanziamento: il grado di complessità dipende dalle tipologie e dalla quantità dei contratti di debito conclusi dall’impresa . E’ plausibile pensare che le imprese ricorrano prima alle fonti interne di finanziamento, perché prive di costi, e poi all’indebitamento nei confronti di diversi stakeholders: rispetto alla prossimità e alla facilità dell’ottenimento del finanziamento, è sembrato naturale pensare che un’impresa ricorra dapprima al debito commerciale, poi al debito bancario e solo infine all’emissione di obbligazioni, in un ordine gerarchico. Ne consegue che se un’impresa (non) ha contratto debiti con fornitori, banche e mercato, la complessità della struttura del suo debito è massima (nulla). L’analisi econometrica successiva è stata indirizzata in tre direzioni. In primis, l’analisi longitudinale dei dati è stata volta ad evidenziare se la struttura finanziaria delle PMI risponde ad un particolare modello teorico, in accordo con le teoria tradizionali di riferimento. In secondo luogo, l’analisi delle determinanti si è allargata allo studio degli aspetti peculiari delle imprese medio-piccole. Infine, si è indagato se, nell’ambito delle imprese di dimensioni minori, si osservano comportamenti omogenei oppure se determinate scelte nelle fonti di finanziamento sono da ricondurre all’esistenza di alcuni vincoli. Quindi, partendo dalla rassegna dei principali riferimenti nella letteratura, costituiti dalla Trade-off theory (Modigliani e Miller, 1963, De Angelo e Masulis, 1980, Miller, 1977), dalla Pecking order theory (Myers 1984, Myers e Majluf, 1984) e dalla Financial growth cycle theory (Berger e Udell, 1998), una prima serie di analisi econometriche è stata rivolta alla verifica empirica delle teorie suddette. Una seconda analisi mira, invece, a capire se il comportamento delle imprese possa essere spiegato anche da altri fattori: il modello del ciclo di vita dell’impresa, mutuato dalle discipline manageriali, così come il contesto italiano e la particolarità del rapporto bancaimpresa, hanno suggerito l’analisi di altre determinanti al ricorso delle diverse fonti di debito. Di conseguenza, si sono usate delle opportune analisi econometriche per evidenziare se la struttura proprietaria e di controllo dell’impresa, il suo livello di complessità organizzativa possano incidere sulla struttura del debito delle imprese. Poi, si è indagato se il massiccio ricorso al debito bancario è spiegato dalle peculiarità del rapporto banca-impresa nel nostro Paese, rintracciabili nei fenomeni tipici del relationship lending e del multiaffidamento. Ancora, si sono verificati i possibili effetti di tale rapporto sulla complessità della struttura del debito delle imprese. Infine, l’analisi della letteratura recente sulla capital structure delle imprese, l’approccio sviluppato da Fazzari Hubbard e Petersen (1988) e Almeida e Campello (2006 , 2007) ha suggerito un ultimo livello di analisi. La presenza di vincoli nelle decisioni di finanziamento, legati essenzialmente alla profittabilità, alla dimensione delle imprese, alle sue opportunità di crescita, e alla reputazione verso l’esterno, secondo la letteratura recente, è cruciale nell’analisi delle differenze sistematiche di comportamento delle imprese. Per di più, all’interno del lavoro di tesi, così come in Almeida e Campello (2007), si è ipotizzato che la propensione agli investimenti possa essere considerata un fattore endogeno rispetto alla struttura del debito delle imprese, non esogeno come la letteratura tradizionale vuole. Per questo motivo, si è proceduto ad un ultimo tipo di analisi econometrica, volta a rilevare possibili differenze significative nel comportamento delle imprese rispetto al ricorso alle fonti di finanziamento a titolo di debito: nel caso in cui esse presentino una dimensione contenuta, una bassa redditività e una scarsa reputazione all’esterno infatti, vi dovrebbe essere un effetto di complementarietà tra fonti interne ed esterne. L’effetto sarebbe tale per cui non sussisterebbe, o per lo meno non sarebbe significativa, una relazione negativa tra fonti interne ed esterne. Complessivamente, i risultati delle analisi empiriche condotte, supportano sia le teorie classiche di riferimento nell’ambito della disciplina della Corporate finance, sia la teoria proposta da Berger e Udell (1998): le variabili che risultano significative nella spiegazione della struttura del debito sono principalmente quelle relative alla dimensione, all’età, al livello e alla qualità delle informazioni disponibili. Inoltre, il ricorso a fonti interne risulta essere la primaria fonte di finanziamento, seguita dal debito. Il ricorso a fonti esterne, in particolare al debito bancario, aumenta quanto più l’impresa cresce, ha una struttura solida e la capacità di fornire delle garanzie, e ha una reputazione forte. La struttura del debito, peraltro, diventa più complessa all’aumentare della dimensione, dell’età e del livello di informazioni disponibili. L’analisi della struttura proprietaria e della componente organizzativa all’interno delle imprese ha evidenziato principalmente che la struttura del debito aumenta di complessità con maggiore probabilità se la proprietà è diffusa, se vi è un management indipendente e se la piramide organizzativa è ben definita. Relativamente al rapporto banca-impresa, i principali risultati mostrano che l’indebitamento bancario sembra essere favorito dai fenomeni di relationship lending e dal multiaffidamento. Tali peculiarità assumono tratti diversi a seconda della fase del ciclo di vita delle imprese della Nona Indagine. Infine, per quanto attiene all’ultima tipologia di analisi condotta, le evidenze empiriche suggeriscono che le piccole e medie imprese possano essere soggette a delle restrizioni che si riflettono nell’ambito delle loro politiche di investimento. Tali vincoli, relativi alla dimensione, ai profitti conseguiti e alla reputazione all’esterno, aiutano a spiegare le scelte di finanziamento delle PMI del campione.
In Italia, il contesto legislativo e l’ambiente competitivo dei Confidi è profondamente mutato negli ultimi anni a seguito dell’emanazione di due nuove normative: la “Legge Quadro” sui Confidi e la nuova regolamentazione del capitale di vigilanza nelle banche (c.d. "Basilea 2"). la Legge Quadro impone ai Confidi di adottare uno dei seguenti status societari: i) ente iscritto all’albo di cui all’art. 106 del Testo Unico Bancario (TUB); ii) ente iscritto all’albo di cui all’art. 107 del Testo Unico Bancario; iii) banca cooperativa di garanzia collettiva dei fidi. Fermi restando i requisiti soggettivi sui garanti ammessi da Basilea 2, la modalità tecnica finora utilizzata dai Confidi non risponde ai requisiti oggettivi. Il pensiero strategico si enuclea nelle seguenti domande: A) qual è la missione del Confidi (perché esistono i Confidi)? B) Quali prodotti e servizi dovrebbero offrire per raggiungere la loro missione? C) Quale modello organizzativo e di governance si conforma meglio per l'offerta dei prodotti e servizi individuati come necessari per il raggiungimento della missione? Le riflessioni condotte nell’ambito di un quadro di riferimento delineato dal ruolo delle garanzie nel mercato del credito bancario, dalle “Nuove disposizioni di vigilanza prudenziale per le banche”, dalla “Legge Quadro” sui e, infine, dall’assetto istituzionale ed operativo dei Confidi si riassumono nelle seguenti deduzioni: Proposizione I: segmentare la domanda prima di adeguare l’offerta; Proposizione II: le operazioni tranched cover sono un'alternativa relativamente efficiente per l'operatività dei Confidi, anche per quelli non vigilati; Proposizione III: solo i Confidi‐banca hanno la necessità di dotarsi di un rating esterno; Proposizione IV: le banche sono nuovi Clienti dei Confidi: offrire servizi di outsourcing (remunerati), ma non impieghi di capitale; Proposizione V: le aggregazioni inter settoriali nel medesimo territorio sono da preferirsi alle aggregazioni inter territoriali fra Confidi del medesimo settore. Alle future ricerche è affidato il compito di verificare: quali opzioni strategiche nel concreato siano state applicate; quali siano state le determinati di tali scelte; il grado di soddisfacimento dei bisogni degli stakeholder dei Confidi; misurare i benefici conseguiti nell'efficienza allocativa del credito.
Many efforts have been devoting since last years to reduce uncertainty in hydrological modeling predictions. The principal sources of uncertainty are provided by input errors, for inaccurate rainfall prediction, and model errors, given by the approximation with which the water flow processes in the soil and river discharges are described. The aim of the present work is to develop a bayesian model in order to reduce the uncertainty in the discharge predictions for the Reno river. The ’a priori’ distribution function is given by an autoregressive model, while the likelihood function is provided by a linear equation which relates observed values of discharge in the past and hydrological TOPKAPI model predictions obtained by the rainfall predictions of the limited-area model COSMO-LAMI. The ’a posteriori’ estimations are provided throw a H∞ filter, because the statistical properties of estimation errors are not known. In this work a stationary and a dual adaptive filter are implemented and compared. Statistical analysis of estimation errors and the description of three case studies of flood events occurred during the fall seasons from 2003 to 2005 are reported. Results have also revealed that errors can be described as a markovian process only at a first approximation. For the same period, an ensemble of ’a posteriori’ estimations is obtained throw the COSMO-LEPS rainfall predictions, but the spread of this ’a posteriori’ ensemble is not enable to encompass observation variability. This fact is related to the building of the meteorological ensemble, whose spread reaches its maximum after 5 days. In the future the use of a new ensemble, COSMO–SREPS, focused on the first 3 days, could be helpful to enlarge the meteorogical and, consequently, the hydrological variability.