997 resultados para Parecer técnico sobre medicamento


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A promoção do uso racional de medicamentos (URM) é necessária para se evitar quaisquer conseqüências inadequadas relacionadas ao uso de medicamentos. O profissional atuante deve transmitir todas as informações relevantes sobre o produto, assim como a forma adequada de uso, quantidade a ser utilizada, os cuidados que devem ser tomados e também os possíveis efeitos adversos que possam aparecer. A interação do profissional farmacêutico com o paciente é uma etapa indispensável e muito importante na dispensação, e com o prévio conhecimento e com o auxílio de material técnico para consulta, o farmacêutico é capaz de realizar uma boa dispensação, fornecendo o medicamento correto que foi prescrito e, principalmente, dando informação necessária sobre o uso do medicamento em questão. O usuário está sujeito a riscos oferecidos pelo uso inadequado do medicamento, e isso deve ser evitado no ato da dispensação do produto pelo profissional atuante. Todo medicamento apresenta seus riscos, até mesmo quando utilizado de forma adequada. Por isso, a educação do paciente em relação ao medicamento é imprescindível para que o seu consumo proporcione o máximo benefício, minimizando os possíveis efeitos indesejáveis. Os riscos do uso de medicamentos fazem com que o paciente fique susceptível aos chamados Problemas Relacionados com os Medicamentos (PRM’s), que são problemas de saúde apresentados como reações negativas pelo uso do medicamento, e tem como conseqüência o aparecimento de efeitos adversos ou o efeito terapêutico necessário não ocorra. Esse usuário que não recebe a devida atenção farmacêutica no ato da aquisição e dispensação do medicamento, ou seja, não é alertado sobre possíveis reações que o medicamento possa causar e também a maneira de usar o medicamento, pode contribuir para a sua não adesão ao tratamento. Um dos principais problemas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The prescription of strength training intensity (ST) by maximum repetition (RM) is characterized by a decrease in the number of repetitions in multiple series. Some studies have shown that reductions in the intensity of exercise can optimize the volume of training with similar acute neuromuscular behaviors. The objective of the study was to investigate the acute effect of two different ST intensities on the training volume, maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and rate of force development (RFD) in elderly women. The study included eight trained women (66.7 ± 6.7 years; 7.6 ± 17.8 kg; 159 cm; 29.33 ± 5.80 kg/m²). They underwent to three experimental conditions: two different intensities of ST (100% and 80% of 15-RM) on a chair for Leg Extension and a control condition. In the condition to 100% of 15 RM, all participants performed three sets to the concentric muscle fatigue, whereas in the condition to 80% involved the use of two sets of 15 repetitions and only the third to the concentric muscle fatigue. The order of experimental conditions was randomized. The MVC and RFD were determined on the basis of the isometric forcetime curve analysis which was obtained by a force transducer fixed on the unit Bonnet Chair, in the pre and after four and ten minutes for each experimental conditions. The total volume was calculated by multiplying the number of repetitions in three sets by the load in kg. Descriptive statistical analysis procedures were employed (mean ± standard deviation) in addition to two-way ANOVA. The level of significance was set at p <0.05. It was neither main effect of moment or condition, nor condition x moment interaction for MVC and RFD. For the total volume, no significant difference was noted between the conditions (100 and 80% of 15-RM). For sustainability of ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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In the current historical period marked by globalization and neoliberal policies have seen the pursuit of expanded reproduction of capital by corporations, which make from the deepening territorial division of labor, ie, the increasing presence of its circuit productive space within steps towards the relations between capital and labor. This capital increase is made possible mainly by exploiting precarious forms of labor. In Brazil today, much of the population enjoys the possibilities of consumption, due mainly to the policy measures implemented in the last decade, this situation favors further expansion of large companies in our territory, thus the circuit analysis of spatial production of cosmetics contributes to a political debate about the uses of the national territory. Given that companies are organizations whose actions occur inseparably technical systems that make up the territory, this course conclusion work seeks to understand the circuit of production space and cooperation circles cosmetics company Natura Cosmetics S/A


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O parto é um evento natural e fisiológico permeado por aspectos culturais de grande simbolismo nas sociedades humanas. Representa um ritual de chegada ao mundo e reflete nossos valores a respeito de conceitos como vida e natureza. Dentro da discussão sobre o pensamento técnico científico e os novos paradigmas, o tema é atual e importante para as questões da saúde e do desenvolvimento social. Procuro ilustrar os paralelos existentes entre as práticas culturais que envolvem o parto e a relação homem-natureza, tendo na figura das parteiras tradicionais um eixo de conexão. O trabalho aborda também o saber tradicional representando uma forma mais saudável, sistêmica, integrada e ecológica de bem-nascer. As parteiras assumem uma importante função social nas comunidades em que se encontram, são acolhedoras da vida, curandeiras, benzedeiras, detentoras de uma sabedoria tradicional em muitos casos passada por gerações através da oralidade e pela vivência, caracterizando o tradicionalismo nessas comunidades quanto às questões de cura e saúde. Para tanto será utilizada uma revisão bibliográfica somada a reflexões e discussão sobre o tema a partir da literatura


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O triatlo é uma modalidade combinada envolvendo outras três modalidades de endurance: natação, ciclismo e corrida, o que torna as necessidades biomecânicas e fisiológicas da modalidade combinada diferente das demandas e adaptações sofridas por treinamentos realizados nas modalidades de forma isolada. A fadiga imposta pela modalidade prévia poderá ser determinante no bom desempenho do atleta nas modalidades subseqüentes e neste sentido é importante analisarmos não apenas a influência do ciclismo sobre a corrida onde existe maior semelhança entre as fibras musculares recrutadas predominantemente, como a influência da natação sobre as demais modalidades. Algumas estratégias podem ser adotadas afim de minimizar a perda de performance que uma modalidade irá exercer sobre a subseqüente relacionadas a especificidade do treinamento e geração de adaptações específicas, estratégias de ritmo de prova, possibilidade de utilização do vácuo durante o percurso de ciclismo e da esteira na natação, utilização de roupas de neoprene na natação e adaptações na geometria do quadro da bicicleta.


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Acoustic communication is essential in mammals and has three main functions: acquisition of information about the environment, intraspecific communication and detection of predators and prey. Studies indicate that the introduction of sounds produced by anthropogenic activities such as military exercises, use of sonar and activities related to the extraction of oil and natural gas can cause interference in cetacean communication. Recently, the discovery of pre-salt tends to increase these activities. After a decade since the launch date of IBAMA`s licensing and before the imminent increase in exploration activities in Brazil, it is essential to conduct studies to monitor closely the impact of this type of activity on the marine ecosystem. Thus, this study aims to identify potential impacts that the process of oil and natural gas exploration and production might have on the communication of baleen whales. Data from literature on bioacoustics and ecology of these animals were linked with technical-scientific data regarding this type of activity. 310 documents related to the topic were analyzed. Among them only 81 documents are of academic origin, and the others mostly action plans and reports from government agencies. 80% of the documents do not have any species as a focus, and in the remaining 20%, 17% were focused on the Greenland Whale (Balaena mysticetus) and 22% on the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). The main impacts identified in this study were the increased frequency and amplitude of vocalization, reduction or cessation of more elaborate songs and masking problems


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A falta de pesquisas em Fitovigilância contribui para o baixo índice de relatos de efeitos adversos de plantas medicinais e medicamentos fitoterápicos. Eventos adversos a medicamentos constituem um problema de saúde pública, e aqueles decorrentes do uso concomitante de plantas medicinais e medicamentos sintéticos vêm se tornando cada vez mais frequentes. Indicar possíveis interações medicamentosas e reações adversas decorrentes do uso concomitante de plantas medicinais, medicamentos fitoterápicos e sintéticos prescritos pelo médico. O estudo foi realizado no período de março de 2011 à fevereiro de 2012, na Clínica de Hipertensão do Serviço Especial de Saúde de Araraquara (SESA), da Escola de Saúde Pública - USP. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada. O trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UNESP sob parecer nº 28/2011. Foram entrevistados 48 pacientes, sendo 35 mulheres (72,9%) e 13 homens (27,1%), a faixa etária média dos entrevistados é de 60-69 anos, sendo a idade mínima de 33 anos e a máxima, de 92 anos, além da maioria possuir escolaridade até o Ensino Médio. 93,7% dos pacientes relataram utilizar algum medicamento frequentemente e 85,4% relataram usar e/ou que já usaram alguma planta medicinal. A maioria adquiriu conhecimento sobre o uso da planta através da família, de vizinhos ou por conta própria. Vale ressaltar que 87,8% dos pacientes não avisam ou nunca avisaram ao seu médico se estão ou estavam utilizando planta medicinal antes ou durante o tratamento, e relataram desconhecer os riscos do uso concomitante destes produtos. Os resultados demonstraram a importância da implantação da Fitovigilância no SESA, garantindo uma melhor interação entre médico e paciente no momento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Ensuring availability of quality water for human consumption causes becomes an increasing number of studies for the analysis of effluent before and after treatment, so that its release into receiving bodies do not cause significant changes in the river water and on the biological communities related to them. The biomarkers of toxicity have long been used to verify the potential toxic effluent and its correlation with the treatment efficiency of them. In this context, the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia stands out because it is a benthic aquatic organism highly sensitive to environmental changes. In this study, to evaluate the interference of the release of treated wastewater of oil refinery in Rio Atibaia, we sought to determine the toxicity on population dynamics of Ceriodaphnia dubia microcrustacean in water samples upstream and downstream from the launch site, compared with samples from Rio Jaguarí at the point of capture by the company itself and treated effluent. We have studied the number of offspring produced in 10 replicates, each starting with a test individual of up to 24 hours for each sample and correlated the results with physical-chemical and microbiological tests performed by a laboratory technician. For most tests, the results indicate that the treated effluent gives sub-lethal toxicity to the microcrustacean, as delay the onset of the reproductive cycle of the same


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The objective of the present study was to compare the effects of a high speed isokinetic training (180°.s-1) and an isometric training (75°) on the maximum rate of force development (RFDmax) measured in the isokinetic and isometric modes. Twenty seven male non active subjects participated of this study (Mean + SD = body mass 78.6 + 14.1 kg; stature 175.1 + 8.9 cm; age 22.6 + 3.8 years). They were randomly divided into three groups: Control (GC); Isokinetic training (GISOC) and; Isometric training (GISOM). The subjects were submitted in different days to the following pre training protocols: 1) Familiarization to the isokinetic dynamometer tests; 2) Five maximum concentric isokinetic contractions of the knee extensors (180°.s-1) to access the maximum concentric torque (TMC) and the concentric RFDmax; 3) Two maximum isometric contractions of the knee extensors (75°) to access the maximum isometric torque (TMI) and the isometric RFDmax. The same tests were repeated after the training period, but without the familiarization session. Eighteen training sessions were performed (3 times per week). The GISOC performed the entire training whit concentric isokinetic contractions whit the speed of 180°.s-1. The GISOM performed the entire training whit isometric contractions whit the angle between the thigh end the leg being 75° (0° = full knee extension). TMI, TMC, concentric RFDmax, isometric RFDmax values of the GC was not different between pre and post training. GISOM increased only the TMI and the GSIOC increased the TMC, concentric RFDmax and isometric RFDmax. Furthermore, the GISOC had a higher percentage increase of the isometric RFDmax than the isokinetic RFDmax. Based on these results, it is possible to conclude that the increase in maximum strength corresponded to the training specificity theory, unlike to the RFDmax. Thus the use of isometric contraction ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Conventional resistance training (TRC) is capable to generate muscular responses according to provided stimuli, as, training volume and intensity. The TRC results in force gains in general. Studies aim this gain to neural adaptation initially, followed by hypertrophy gains. However, studies that used TRC associated to blood flow restriction (RFS) found rise in force and hypertrophy without necessarily detecting rise in neural activity. Therefore this review had as objective, bring up literature data that report this fact and yet, speculate possible elucidation about this responses inversion


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of unilateral isokinetic strength training at high speed (180°.s-1) of the dominant leg on the rate of force development (RFD) of the contralateral limb. The study included 18 male individuals, apparently healthy, with an average of 23 years, and without regular practice of physical activities. The subjects were divided randomly into two groups: control group (GC) and isokinetic group (GISOC). Assessments were made of the values of peak isometric torque (PT isom) and RFD of both lower limbs in the pre-training. So, the GISOC underwent an isokinetic strength training with high speed (180°.s-1) for 6 weeks, with the dominant leg only and then reassessed. It was found that there was no significant improvement in value of PT isom (p> 0.05), and the RFD for the dominant limb had a significant improvement (p< 0.05) compared to the pre-training and that there was no transfer of values to the contralateral side (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that the isokinetic training at high speed was not enough for significant cross education


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Aspects are discussed on the chirality of drugs and their action in the human body, the benefits of using a drug in enantiomerically pure form and why, even today, despite the risks, many drugs are marketed as racemic mixture. Among the methods of separation there is the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) which can be given in different ways using chiral additives in the mobile phase as in the system of ligand exchange in the ion pair system and the system of cavity or inclusion. Note also the wide variety of chiral stationary phases available in the market that allow high specificity using them according to the need and purpose of the method. The review of the topic is extremely important since it is a matter of public interest world that brings into play issues and financial policies


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Steel industry is a sector heavily dependent on energy, both electrical and thermal. Since the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of finished products to customers, through mergers, casting, rolling, heat treatment, inspection, among others, high amounts of energy are demanded, generating very significant costs to the productive chain in its entirety . Therefore, any alternative that favors the reduction in energy consumption or barateie the cost of this is very welcome. Within this context, this paper aims to make a technical and economic analysis of installing a cogeneration plant in the field rolling in a non-integrated steel mill. Two configurations are proposed plants, with one being the use of heat from waste gases from furnaces existing in the area mentioned and another with the use of heat from waste gases from an internal combustion engine. Both proposals are evaluated technically and later is done the economic analysis, calculating the financial return (pay back) in relation to the investment required, operation and maintenance of the plant