973 resultados para Palm, A. J
Buriti and patawa are two endemic palm trees from the Amazon region. Their pulps are traditionally consumed by the local population, but are underused and lesser known worldwide. Nutritional composition, fatty acid and tocopherol contents of the two palm pulps were determined by modern analytical methods: Gas Chromatography (CG) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), based on the standards of AOCS (AMERICAN..., 2002) and AOAC (ASSOCIATION..., 1997), respectively. Buriti and patawa fruit pulps are highly nutritive, with respectively, high fat content (38.4% and 29.1% of dry matter (DM)), protein content (7.6% and 7.4% of DM) and dietary fibers (46% and 44.7% of DM). Buriti pulp can be considered healthy food due its high content of vitamin E (1169 µg.g-1 DM). Patawa pulp is highly oleaginous and its fatty acid composition is very similar to the ones of healthy oils, such as olive oil.
Availability of analytical standards is a critical aspect in developing methods for quantitative analysis of anthocyanins. The anthocyanins cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside were isolated from samples of freeze-dried açaà (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.), which is a round and purple well-known palm fruit in Brazil, and then used as standards. The isolation of the anthocyanins was performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), using an adapted six-channel selection valve. The identification of anthocyanin pigments in açaà was based on mass spectrometric data for molecular ions and MS-MS product ions and on previous published data. After the collection procedure, standards with a high purity grade were obtained and an external standard curve of each anthocyanin was plotted.
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of artificial supplements prepared with soybean protein isolate, brewer's yeast, mixture of soybean protein isolate with brewer's yeast, linseed oil, palm oil, and a mixture of linseed oil with palm oil on the physicochemical and microbiological composition of royal jelly produced by Africanized honey bee colonies. Considering these results, providing supplements for Africanized honeybee colonies subjected to royal jelly production can help and strengthen the technological development of the Brazilian beekeeping industry increasing its consumption in the national market. This research presents values of royal jelly a little different from those established by the Brazilian legislation. This fact shows that is important to discuss or change the official method for royal jelly analysis. The characterization of physicochemical and microbiological parameters is important in order to standardize fresh, frozen, and lyophilized royal jelly produced by Africanized honeybees.
Bacuri (Scheelea phalerata Mart.) is a type of palm fruit tree widely distributed in the Brazilian Cerrado. The objective of this paper was to study the almonds of bacuri, in their form in natura and processed, focusing on their nutritional value through the profile of amino acids, anti-nutritional factors and in vivo digestibility. Raw and toasted samples of the almond presented a high level of proteins and fiber. Proteins of raw bacuri almond showed no limiting amino acid when compared to the ones recommended by FAO/WHO, and histidine was the most limiting essential amino acid in the toasted almonds. The almond of bacuri does not present anti- nutritional factors. In an assay with rats fed with control (casein), tests (bacuri almond flours) and aproteic diets, we verified the quantity of ration ingested and body weight gain, determining the urinary and metabolic nitrogen. Rats treated with the test diets presented inferior values of True Digestibility (DV), (82.9 and 72.3%, respectively for the raw and toasted almonds) when compared to the control group (92.3%). The raw bacuri almond presented a superior nutritional value to the one found in the toasted almond.
Akara is one of Brazil's national treasures prepared from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp), grated onions and salt and deep-fried in crude palm oil. The results of this study on akara preparation methods showed that, in general, cowpeas were soaked for up 3 hours at room temperature, and the seed coats were then removed. The akara makers preferred the olho de pombo cultivar, because of its cream hue, or the macassar cultivar because it produces a crispier paste. The seeds purchased from street markets had lower ranges of InsP6, InsP5, and InsP4 (1.03-7.62 ∝mol.g- 1; 0.14-1.31 ∝mol.g- 1; and 0.0-0.10 ∝mol.g- 1, respectively) than both the paste and akara (6.72-19.24 ∝mol.g- 1; 1.29-4.57 ∝mol.g- 1; 0.0-0.76 ∝mol.g- 1; 3.31-13.71 ∝mol.g- 1; 0.0-4.48 ∝mol.g- 1; and 0.0-1.32 ∝mol.g- 1). These results suggest that other beans or cowpea varieties have been used in the preparation of akara and that the phytate levels do not affect its nutritional quality.
Although the greatest variety of Brazilian flora is in the Amazon region, the Southern region of Brazil also has an estimated number of at least 5,000 species of vascular native plants. These species have been neglected as potential food sources, remaining unknown and under-utilized and limiting the potential variety in the diet of Brazilians and other peoples. Therefore the aim of this study was to characterize the mineral composition and content present in seven native fruit species of Southern Brazil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The essential element concentrations in the fruit samples were higher or similar to the values reported for traditional fruits. The araticum-do-mato fruit samples had high concentrations of the elements Ca, K, and Cu, and trace elements such as Pb and Sr. Mandacaru-de-três-quinas had predominance of Ba, Bi, and Ga, and the essential elements Mg and Mn. Uvaia and guabiroba had the highest levels of Al and Cr, but uvaia had high levels of Fe and Zn. The pindo palm had high amounts of Cd and Ni, and the yellow guava had high concentrations of Na, while red guava had high levels of Co.
Monien menestyvien yritysten epäonnistuminen 2000-luvulla puutteellisen valvonnan takia sekä tä-män hetkinen talouden kehitys ovat saaneet organisaatiot kiinnittämään yhä enemmän huomiota corporate governanceen ja näin ollen myös sisäiseen tarkastukseen. Sisäisen tarkastuksen tehtävä-kenttä on laajentunut ja muuttunut yhä haastavammaksi. Talouden epävarmuus on muuttanut riski-kenttien painopisteitä, niin yksityisellä kuin julkisellakin sektorilla, ja näin ollen vaikuttanut myös sisäisen tarkastuksen toimintoihin, joiden tarkoituksena on luoda järjestelmällinen lähestymistapa organisaatioiden valvonta-, riskienhallinta- sekä johtamis- ja hallintoprosessien tuloksellisuuden ke-hittämiseen ja arviointiin. Kuntalain vuoden 2014 alusta voimaan astunut muutos on velvoittanut kunnallisia organisaatioita kiinnittämään enemmän huomiota sisäiseen valvontaan ja tarkastukseen. Vuoden 2013 tilinpäätöksestä lähtien kunnan toimintakertomuksessa on tullut olla arvio todennäköi-sestä tulevasta kehityksestä, tiedot riskienhallinnasta ja sisäisen valvonnan järjestämisestä sekä kes-keisiä johtopäätöksiä. Tämän konstruktiivisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on muodostaa Satakunnan sairaanhoitopiirille sisäisen tarkastuksen päätöksentekomalli. Päätöksentekomallin tarkoituksena on toimia apuvälineenä johdolle sisäistä tarkastusta järjestettäessä ja tuoda esille sisäisen tarkastuksen järjestämisen kannalta tärkeimmät asiat. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osiossa tarkastellaan sisäistä tarkastusta ja sen eri järjes-tämismahdollisuuksia, ulkoistamista, osittaista ulkoistamista ja organisaation sisäisesti järjestettyä tarkastusta. Teoreettinen osuus perustuu sisäisen tarkastuksen tutkimuksiin ja kirjallisuuteen sekä IIA:n ohjeistukseen. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus käsittelee Satakunnan sairaanhoitopiirin sisäistä tarkastusta ja perustuu Satakunnan sairaanhoitopiiriltä saatuihin sisäisen tarkastuksen materiaaleihin sekä sisäiseen tarkastukseen osallistuvien henkilöiden haastatteluihin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi sisäisen tarkastuksen päätöksentekomalli Satakunnan sairaanhoitopii-rille. Mallin soveltuvuutta testattiin haastattelemalla Satakunnan sairaanhoitopiirin edustajia. Erona aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, tämän päätöksentekomallin tarkoituksena on tarjota kokonaisvaltainen päätöksentekomalli sisäisen tarkastuksen järjestämiseen, ottaen huomioon kaikki järjestämismuodot sekä keskeisimmät askeleet sisäisen tarkastuksen organisoimisessa.
Abstract Three groups of pigs were fed three different diets, namely a diet rich in saturated fatty acids (palm oil-based, PO), a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-rich diet (corn oil-based, CO), and a PUFA-rich diet (corn oil-based) supplemented with red wine solids (RWS), which was added to the diet (CO+RWS) in order to assess the protective effect on the oxidative status of the pork meat. The addition of corn oil favourably modulates the FAs profile of the backfat, and to a lesser extent of the intramuscular fat of semimembranosus muscle, without causing adverse effects on the meat quality or on its oxidative stability. Moreover, these parameters were not affected by the addition of the RWS in the CO+RWS diet.
The objective of this study was to investigate the morphology, anatomy and germination behaviour of Phoenix roebelenii seeds. Biometric data were obtained by measuring 100 seeds extracted from recently harvested fruits and air-dried for one day. Four replications of 50 seeds each were previously treated with Vitavax-Thiran and then put to germinate in Sphagnum sp. in plastic trays at room temperature. Morphological details of the seeds were documented with the help of a scanning electronic microscope and then drawings were made with the help of a clear camera coupled to a stereomicroscope. Permanent lamina containing embryo sections were prepared to study its anatomy. The mean dimensions of the seeds were: length of 10.32mm, width of 5.21mm and thickness of 3.91mm. The weight of one thousand seeds was of 151.1g and the mean number of units.kg-1 was 6,600. Germination started between 27 and 58 days after sowing. The seeds are of the albuminous type, the endosperm is hard and the embryo (which is not clearly differentiated) occupies a lateral and peripheral position. During seed germination, seedling protrusion begins with the opening of an operculum, through which the cotyledon petiole is emitted with the embryonic axis at its tip. The portion of the cotyledon petiole that remains inside the seeds acts as a haustorium for the absorption of nutrients from the endosperm. The plumule emerges through a rift in the posterior part of the cotyledon. Secondary roots are observed to grow from the anterior part of the primary root.
Imprimatur: J. M. af Tengström.
Imprimatur: F. Granbom.
1937/07 (A65,N4).
1904/01 (A38,NOUV SER,T31).
1913/01 (A47,NOUV SER,T49).