1000 resultados para Pacients -- Conducta sexual


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If we create the space in which children and young people can talk openly and in their own language even upon challenging subjects such as sex, then we are likely to learn more from what they tell usâ?T proposes the final UNICEF Ireland report which examines adolescent perspectives on sexual health and behaviour. Key findings in the report included: 63%, and 1 in 5 sixteen year old respondents, reported that they have had sex; 1 in 5 sexually active respondents reported that they did not use a condom the first time that they had sex; 2 in 5 girls who were sexually active reported that they had consumed alcohol before their first sexual experience, compared to 3 in 10 boys; The majority of respondents (54%) reported that they had watched pornography on the internet, and more than one third of the respondents who had watched pornography on the internet believed that it was accurate or educational; Only 1 in 5 respondents reported that they ever speak to their parents about sex. Noting â?~the broad spectrum from which young people living in Ireland draw down information about sexâ?T the UNICEF Ireland report concludes that â?~we must be sure that when a young person is making decisions about their sexual health and behaviour, every opportunity is afforded them in terms of open discussion, understanding, support, information and adviceâ?T Commenting on the Report, Amel Yucef a Youth Health Coordinator at the Base Youth Centre, Ballyfermot said â?oAs the participants in UNICEF Irelandâ?Ts survey have shown, many young people do not feel equipped with the information and support they need to make informed choices about their sexual health. Providing those supports is a priority for us at the Base.â? The Youth Health Programme, that Amel co-ordinates is a HSE funded initiative which was created to respond to the health needs of young people, as identified by the young people of the Dublin 10 area themselves. The Programme delivers community-based and youth-friendly health responses, based upon a harm-reduction model. The Youth Health Programme works towards building the capacity of young people to access health services, while also encouraging those services to deliver in an accessible and youth-friendly way.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Implementació d'un esquema criptogràfic basat en PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) per a gestionar d'una manera segura dins una xarxa de comunicacions els historials mèdics dels pacients.


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The International Longevity Centre - UK��launched a new paper (Wednesday, 6th July 2011). The last taboo: A guide to dementia, sexuality, intimacy and sexual behaviour in care homes, provides care home workers and managers with information and practical advice on this complex, controversial and sensitive issue.The need for affection, intimacy and relationships for people with dementia in care homes has too often been ignored and side-lined in policy and practice. The onset of old age or a cognitive impairment does not erase the need for affection, intimacy and/or relationships. While the issues involved can be complex, controversial and sensitive and may challenge our own beliefs and value system, it is essential that we understand more about them to foster a more person-centred approach to dementia care. Care home residents with dementia often have complex care needs and trying to understand and respond to the more intimate and sexual aspects of a resident’s personality can be challenging.Aimed at care home workers and managers, the guide not only provides essential information on this aspect of dementia care but offers practical advice to support current work-based practices. Set out in an accessible and easy-to-read format, this guide includes case studies, questions, suggestions and a self assessment quiz to promote easy learning. It also provides a possible pathway for care home managers to develop a guiding policy on sexual expression in dementia.The guide for care staff is summarised in 10 key points:1. Some residents with dementia will have sexual or sensual needs.2. Affection and intimacy contribute to overall health and wellbeing for residents.3. Some residents with dementia will have the capacity to make decisions about their needs.4. If an individual in care is not competent to decide, the home has a duty of care towards the individual to ensure they are protected from harm.5. There are no hard and fast rules. Assess each situation on an individual basis6. Remember not everyone with dementia is heterosexual.7. Inappropriate sexual behaviour is not particularly common in dementia.8. Confront your own attitudes and behaviour towards older people and sex generally.9. Communicate – look at how you can improve communication with your colleagues, managers, residents and carers on this subject10. Look after yourself and remember your own needs as a care professional��The full paper is available: The Last Taboo


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Aquest treball presenta una solució basada en criptosistemes de clau pública, certificats i signatures digitals, emprant Java com a llenguatge de programació. Per a estendre la funcionalitat quant a seguretat del Java Developer Kit (JDK) s'utilitza la llibreria criptogràficaIAIK (Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communication).


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This report draws attention to the extent of sexual ill health in England and the wide variation of levels of this ill health between different communities. It highlights relevant policy and initiatives underway to tackle sexual health across England.


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Aquest projecte forma part de l'àrea de seguretat informàtica. Fa una implementació d'un esquema criptogràfic per gestionar de forma segura els historials mèdics dels pacients a través d'una xarxa de comunicacions.


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This summary identifies the issues, presents some findings from our pilot review, and highlights the key policies, guidance and initiatives aimed at improving sexual health services and sexual health in England. A more detailed analysis is in the full report.


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This report is the sixth in the series, "Indications of Public Health in the English Regions" commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer and has been produced jointly by the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) and the Health Protection Agency (HPA). Sexual health is identified as one of the key national priorities for action in the White Paper Choosing Health. Influenced by the broad definition of sexual health provided in the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV, this report presents regional comparative data on a wide range of indicators of sexual health and its determinants, and highlights apparent inequalities.


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The Spanish sand racer (Psammodromus hispanicus) has been recently split into three distinct species: P. hispanicus, P. edwardsianus, and P. occidentalis. Some morphological differences have been reported but there is as yet no description allowing unambiguous identification of the three species. Here, we describe differentiation in body measurements, scalation traits, and colour traits as well as in the degree of sexual dimorphism. Our results show that P. edwardsianus can be easily distinguished by the presence of a supralabial scale below the subocular scale, which is absent in the other two species. Psammodromus hispanicus and P. occidentalis can be distinguished by the number of femoral pores, throat scales and ocelli, and the relative width of the anal scale. The degree of sexual size dimorphism and sexual colour dimorphism substantially differs among species, suggesting that different scenarios of sexual and natural selection may exist for each species. Moreover, sexually selected traits (nuptial colouration, ocelli, and femoral pores) significantly differ among species, suggesting that visual and chemical communication may also differ among species. Such differences could prevent reproduction and gene flow at secondary contact zones, potentially reinforcing isolation and speciation within this group of lizards.


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En aquest projecte final de carrera es presenta un sistema capaç de gestionar i emmagatzemar leshistòries mèdiques dels pacients. El sistema permetrà realitzar operacions de lectura i modificació de dades sobre els expedients mèdics de manera segura i fiable tenint en compte que els accessos a la informació s'efectuen a través d'una xarxa de comunicació.


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En el PFC implementarem en Java una aplicació per gestionar historials mèdics de manerasegura. Està desenvolupada seguint el model de capa de dades, capa de negoci i capa depresentació i el resultat són tres parts que anomenarem ¿part del gestor¿, ¿part del pacient¿ i ¿part del metge¿.


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L'objectiu es dissenyar i implementar un esquema criptogràfic que gestioni de forma segura els historials mèdics dels pacients a través d'una xarxa de comunicacions.


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El PFC té com objectiu dissenyar i implementar un esquema criptogràfic per a garantir un accéssegur a les dades proporcionant mecanismes per salvaguardar la confidencialitat, autenticitat i integritat de les dades i no repudi de les accions portades a terme pels usuaris.


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L'objectiu d'aquest TFC és dissenyar i implementar un gestor d'historial mèdics de pacients segur a través d'una xarxa de comunicacions que garanteixi la privadesa, la integritat, el no-repudi i l'autenticitat.


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The latest series of sexual health factsheets, produced by Sexual Health Information, a partnership between FPA in Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency, provide updated information and statistics on a wide range of sexual health matters. Each factsheet presents key facts, relevant data, and user-friendly examples to support the advice given. Where appropriate, the factsheets also include details of recommended additional resources.