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SUMMARY Both proteasomes and additional proteases play an essential role in the generation of most antigenic peptides presented by MHC class I molecules. Therefore, it is of major importance to characterize the mechanisms leading to the production of correct antigenic peptides to improve the design of vaccines. As a model determinant we used the melanoma-associated protein Melan-A, which contains the immunodominant CTL-epitope Melan-A26/27-35/HLA-A*0201 and against which a high frequency of T lymphocytes has been detected in many melanoma patients. In a first part, we have studied the effects of antigen processing on the induction of a specific T cell response in vivo. Our results have shown that the immunoproteasome, expressed in most cells after exposure to Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and constitutively in some specialized cells such as dendritic cells, does not efficiently process the HLA¬A2-restricted peptide Melan-A26-35. We have produced recombinant lentiviral vectors (rec. 1v) and vaccinia virus (rec. vv) encoding either preprocessed Melan-A26-35(A27L) peptide or full-length Melan-A(A27L). The immunization of HLA-A2/Kb mice with thoses viruses indicates that immunoproteasomes negatively affect the induction of anti-Melan-A T cell responses in animals immunized with vectors coding for the full- length protein. This negative effect was abrogated in HLA-A2/Kb LMP2-/- mice, lacking the immunoproteasomes. Therefore, we can conclude that the expression of immunoproteasomes limits the induction of the anti-Melan-A T cell response. In a second part, we show that the in vitro degradation of a Melan-A26/27-35 precursor by the proteasomes produces both the final antigenic peptide and N-terminally extended intermediates. When human melanoma cells expressing the corresponding fragments were exposed to specific CTL, those expressing the minimal antigenic sequence were recognized more efficiently than those expressing the N-terminally extended intermediates. We demonstrated that the N-terminally extended intermediates were inefficiently trimmed by cytosolic proteases. These results imply that both proteasomes and post-proteasomal peptidases influence the availability of antigenic peptides and that the efficiency of presentation may be affected by conditions that alter the ratio between fully and partially processed proteasomal products. RESUME Le protéasome ainsi que d'autres protéases jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'apprêtement de la plupart des peptides antigéniques présentés par les molécules de MHC classe I. Il est donc particulièrement important de connaître les mécanismes menant à la production du peptide antigénique correct afin de pouvoir mieux définir de futurs vaccins. Nous avons utilisé la protéine associée au mélanome, Melan-A, contenant un épitope immunodominant Melan-A26/27-35/HLA-A*0201 contre lequel une fréquence élevée de lymphocytes T a été detectée dans plusieurs patients atteints de mélanome. Dans une première partie, nous avons étudié les effets de l'apprêtement du peptide antigéniques Melan-A26-35 sur l'induction de cellules T spécifiques dans la souris. Nos résultats ont démontré que l'immunoprotéasome, exprimé dans la plupart des cellules après exposition à de l'IFN-γ et exprimé constitutivement dans certaines cellules spécialisées, telles les cellules dendritiques, n'apprête pas efficacement le peptide antigénique Melan-A26-35 restreint par HLA-A2 in vitro. Nous avons produit des vecteurs lentiviraux recombinants ainsi que des virus vaccinia codant pour le peptide antigénique Melan-A26-35(A27L) et pour la protéine entière Melan-A(A27L). L'immunisation de souris HLA-A2/Kb avec ces virus démontre que l'immunoprotéasome affecte négativement l'induction d'une réponse T contre Melan¬-A dans les souris immunisées avec des virus contenant la séquence de la protéine entière. Cet effet négatif est complètement aboli dans les souris HLA-A2/Kb LMP2-/- qui n'expriment pas l'immunoprotéasome. Deuxièmement, nous avons demontré que la dégradation d'un peptide précurseur contenant Melan-A26/27-35 par le protéasome produit à la fois le peptide antigénique ainsi que des peptides rallongés à leurs extrémités N-terminales. Lorsque ces fragments sont exprimés dans des cellules humaines et exposés à des cellules T cytotoxiques (CTL), celles qui expriment le peptide antigénique final sont reconnus plus efficacement que celles exprimant les peptides rallongés en N-terminus. Nous avons démontré que les peptides rallongés en N-terminus ne sont pas apprêtés efficacement par les peptidases du cytosol. L'inefficacité de l'apprêtement des peptides rallongés dans le cytosol offre un certain avantage pour les peptides directement produits par le protéasome. Ces résultats impliquent donc que le protéasome ainsi que les peptidases post-proteasomales influencent l'accessibilité des peptides antigéniques.


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La complexitat de l’atenció de la salut mental i les toxicomanies, en joves institucionalitzats en centres de justícia juvenil, condicionada tant pels propis dèficits de salut, com per les condicions ambientals de l’internament. L’objectiu de la recerca és analitzar la clínica desadaptativa dels joves interns i la seva associació a la presència d’antecedents de consum de tòxics. El disseny de la recerca és un estudi longitudinal de les urgències mèdiques generades en el Centre Educatiu L’Alzina (Barcelona), des de l’1 de gener de 2001 fins el 31 de desembre del mateix any. La metodologia utilitza l’ajust de models multivariants mitjançant Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) amb error binomial negativa, es calcula el risc de produir-se una demanda per agitació o autolesió, i la seva associació amb la presència d’antecedents de consum de tòxics. Respecte als resultats més destacats: el 59,4% del total de demandes urgents varen ser per episodis d’agitació o autolesió, concentrant-se aquests en el 33% dels interns. Les prevalences de consum de tòxics variaven des d’un 13,2% respecte dels al•lucinògens fins un 71,7% del cannabis, amb un 36,8% de politoxicòmans i un 5,7% d’usuaris de drogues per via parenteral. La població nacional presentà una major prevalença d’hàbits tòxics. Com a principals conclusions de l’estudi, es confirma la hipòtesi general d’una major associació entre antecedents de consum de tòxics i presentació d’episodis de malestar psíquic agut, per bé que limitada al mòdul d’ingrés (inicial). En la resta de grups influirien altres factors, com podria ser la pressió ambiental. Pressió que, almenys en el mòdul intensiu, tot sembla indicar que seria determinant. Els resultats suggereixen doncs, la conveniència de revisar tant les estratègies d’intervenció i abordatge de les toxicomanies, com el disseny ambiental de la institució. S’apunta la necessitat d’investigacions futures amb la incorporació de tècniques qualitatives d’anàlisi. ...


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Les migracions han estat i són una constant en la història. Són fenòmens complexos, multidimensionals i multicausals, en constant evolució i que, en nombroses ocasions, han estat un factor determinant en les transformacions polítiques, socials, econòmiques i culturals de les regions d’origen, de destí i de trànsit. La immigració pot satisfer les necessitats del país d’origen i del país d’acollida. Però en les societats democràtiques planteja un altre repte: com integrar als immigrants com a ciutadans de ple dret? Aquest treball pretén endinsar-nos en la realitat de les migracions actuals a casa nostra, analitzant-la des d’una vessant teòrica i apropant-nos també a aquest fenomen a través d’un estudi de casos amb el qual ens endinsarem en la història de vida dels veritables protagonistes d’aquest episodi de la nostra història


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most important bacterial pathogens based on its incidence and the severity of its associated infections. In addition, severe MRSA infections can occur in hospitalised patients or healthy individuals from the community. Studies have shown the infiltration of MRSA isolates of community origin into hospitals and variants of hospital-associated MRSA have caused infections in the community. These rapid epidemiological changes represent a challenge for the molecular characterisation of such bacteria as a hospital or community-acquired pathogen. To efficiently control the spread of MRSA, it is important to promptly detect the mecA gene, which is the determinant of methicillin resistance, using a polymerase chain reaction-based test or other rapidly and accurate methods that detect the mecA product penicillin-binding protein (PBP)2a or PBP2’. The recent emergence of MRSA isolates that harbour a mecA allotype, i.e., the mecC gene, infecting animals and humans has raised an additional and significant issue regarding MRSA laboratory detection. Antimicrobial drugs for MRSA therapy are becoming depleted and vancomycin is still the main choice in many cases. In this review, we present an overview of MRSA infections in community and healthcare settings with focus on recent changes in the global epidemiology, with special reference to the MRSA picture in Brazil.


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Globularia alypum és un arbust termòfil típic de la regió oest del Mediterrani. Aquest nanofaneròfit té un patró de floració molt ampli. Les poblacions primerenques floreixen des del Juliol fins al Desembre i les poblacions tardanes des del Gener fins a l’Abril. L’objectiu del projecte és esbrinar quins factors climàtics determinen la fenologia de la floració de l’espècie a partir de mostres d’herbari i conèixer l’abast geogràfic d’ambdós patrons de floració a la península Ibèrica i França. També l’estudi d’altres característiques fenològiques en relació amb el clima: els braquiblasts i les espigues de capítols. Els plecs d’herbari han estat georeferenciats per ser utilitzats en un entorn SIG junt amb les dades del clima i s’ha realitzat una anàlisi estadística. El resultats mostren que les poblacions primerenques creixen majoritàriament en zones costaneres mentre que les tardanes ho fan en zones continentals. Les poblacions primerenques creixen en àrees on les temperatures (mitjana, mínima, màxima i mínima del mes més fred) són més altes que les tardanes per l’efecte temperador del mar. Al analitzar totes les poblacions, el nombre de mesos des de la transició floral es correlaciona negativament amb la temperatura mínima mensual i la temperatura mitjana mensual en tots els mesos, mentre que amb la temperatura màxima mensual entre Octubre i Abril. Al estudiar sols les poblacions tardanes les correlacions són similars, però no en les primerenques on no se’n troba cap. Les correlacions entre el nombre de mesos des de la transició floral i les variables climàtiques anuals són iguals, a més de trobar-se una correlació negativa amb la temperatura mínima del mes més fred i l’índex tèrmic, i positiva amb l’índex de continentalitat. No s’ha trobat cap diferència en presència de braquiblasts segons la població, però sí en les espigues de capítols, essent més freqüents en les poblacions primerenques. Es suggereix que la temperatura és un factor més determinant per a les poblacions tardanes, mentre que es desconeix si és la precipitació en les primerenques. Tampoc es té coneixement sobre si les diferències entre els dos patrons són genètiques o fenotípiques i quin mecanisme possibilita el desenvolupament de braquiblasts i espigues de capítols.


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Plasmodium falciparum originated in Africa, dispersed around the world as a result of human migration and had to adapt to several different indigenous anopheline mosquitoes. Anophelines from the New World are evolutionary distant form African ones and this probably resulted in a more stringent selection of Plasmodium as it adapted to these vectors. It is thought that Plasmodium has been genetically selected by some anopheline species through unknown mechanisms. The mosquito immune system can greatly limit infection and P. falciparum evolved a strategy to evade these responses, at least in part mediated by Pfs47, a highly polymorphic gene. We propose that adaptation of P. falciparum to new vectors may require evasion of their immune system. Parasites with a Pfs47 haplotype compatible with the indigenous mosquito vector would be able to survive and be transmitted. The mosquito antiplasmodial response could be an important determinant of P. falciparum population structure and could affect malaria transmission in the Americas.


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The dynamic properties of helix 12 in the ligand binding domain of nuclear receptors are a major determinant of AF-2 domain activity. We investigated the molecular and structural basis of helix 12 mobility, as well as the involvement of individual residues with regard to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) constitutive and ligand-dependent transcriptional activity. Functional assays of the activity of PPARalpha helix 12 mutants were combined with free energy molecular dynamics simulations. The agreement between the results from these approaches allows us to make robust claims concerning the mechanisms that govern helix 12 functions. Our data support a model in which PPARalpha helix 12 transiently adopts a relatively stable active conformation even in the absence of a ligand. This conformation provides the interface for the recruitment of a coactivator and results in constitutive activity. The receptor agonists stabilize this conformation and increase PPARalpha transcription activation potential. Finally, we disclose important functions of residues in PPARalpha AF-2, which determine the positioning of helix 12 in the active conformation in the absence of a ligand. Substitution of these residues suppresses PPARalpha constitutive activity, without changing PPARalpha ligand-dependent activation potential.


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The hepatitis C virus (HCV) encodes approximately 10 different structural and non-structural proteins, including the envelope glycoprotein 2 (E2). HCV proteins, especially the envelope proteins, bind to cell receptors and can damage tissues. Endothelial inflammation is the most important determinant of fibrosis progression and, consequently, cirrhosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the inflammatory response of endothelial cells to two recombinant forms of the HCV E2 protein produced in different expression systems (Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris). We observed the induction of cell death and the production of nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, interleukin-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor A in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) stimulated by the two recombinant E2 proteins. The E2-induced apoptosis of HUVECs was confirmed using the molecular marker PARP. The apoptosis rescue observed when the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine was used suggests that reactive oxygen species are involved in E2-induced apoptosis. We propose that these proteins are involved in the chronic inflammation caused by HCV.


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Chemotherapeutic drug resistance is one of the major causes for treatment failure in high-risk neuroblastoma (NB), the most common extra cranial solid tumor in children. Poor prognosis is typically associated with MYCN amplification. Here, we utilized a loss-of-function kinome-wide RNA interference screen to identify genes that cause cisplatin sensitization. We identified fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) as an important determinant of cisplatin resistance. Pharmacological inhibition of FGFR2 confirmed the importance of this kinase in NB chemoresistance. Silencing of FGFR2 sensitized NB cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis, which was regulated by the downregulation of the anti-apoptotic proteins BCL2 and BCLXL. Mechanistically, FGFR2 was shown to activate protein kinase C-δ to induce BCL2 expression. FGFR2, as well as the ligand fibroblast growth factor-2, were consistently expressed in primary NB and NB cell lines, indicating the presence of an autocrine loop. Expression analysis revealed that FGFR2 correlates with MYCN amplification and with advanced stage disease, demonstrating the clinical relevance of FGFR2 in NB. These findings suggest a novel role for FGFR2 in chemoresistance and provide a rational to combine pharmacological inhibitors against FGFR2 with chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of NB.


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The high occurrence of nosocomial multidrug-resistant (MDR) microorganisms is considered a global health problem. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of a MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain isolated in Brazil that belongs to the endemic clone ST277. The genome encodes important resistance determinant genes and consists of 6.7 Mb with a G+C content of 66.86% and 6,347 predicted coding regions including 60 RNAs.


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Monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) that react with the T-lymphocyte markers called cluster of differentiation CD5 and CD2 were labeled with iodine 131 (131I) and were injected intravenously in nude mice bearing solid subcutaneous xenografts derived from the human T-cell leukemia line Ichikawa. Both MoAb anti-CD5 and anti-CD2 yielded favorable mean tumor to whole-body ratios of 3.8 and 5.1, respectively. These ratios were further increased up to 10.0 for MoAb anti-CD5 and 15.5 for MoAb anti-CD2 by using their F(ab')2 fragments. The tumors could be imaged clearly by external scanning after injection of F(ab')2 fragments from both MoAb. F(ab')2 fragments from MoAb anti-CD2 and of a third MoAb recognizing the clonotypic determinant (Ti) of the antigen receptor expressed by the human T-cell line Jurkat were injected in mice bearing intrasplenic Jurkat xenografts. A selective localization of both fragments in tumor tissue was demonstrated with mean tumor to whole-body ratios of 7.5 and 4.1 for MoAb anti-CD2 and anti-Ti, respectively. These in vivo experimental results may provide useful information for the potential use of radiolabeled MoAb and fragments in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with T-cell lymphoma and different other forms of T-cell malignancies.


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OBJECTIVES To investigate the role of factors that modulate the association between alcohol and mortality, and to provide estimates of absolute risk of death. DESIGN The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC). SETTING 23 centres in 10 countries. PARTICIPANTS 380 395 men and women, free of cancer, diabetes, heart attack or stroke at enrolment, followed up for 12.6 years on average. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES 20 453 fatal events, of which 2053 alcohol-related cancers (ARC, including cancers of upper aerodigestive tract, liver, colorectal and female breast), 4187 cardiovascular diseases/coronary heart disease (CVD/CHD), 856 violent deaths and injuries. Lifetime alcohol use was assessed at recruitment. RESULTS HRs comparing extreme drinkers (≥30 g/day in women and ≥60 g/day in men) to moderate drinkers (0.1-4.9 g/day) were 1.27 (95% CI 1.13 to 1.43) in women and 1.53 (1.39 to 1.68) in men. Strong associations were observed for ARC mortality, in men particularly, and for violent deaths and injuries, in men only. No associations were observed for CVD/CHD mortality among drinkers, whereby HRs were higher in never compared to moderate drinkers. Overall mortality seemed to be more strongly related to beer than wine use, particularly in men. The 10-year risks of overall death for women aged 60 years, drinking more than 30 g/day was 5% and 7%, for never and current smokers, respectively. Corresponding figures in men consuming more than 60 g/day were 11% and 18%, in never and current smokers, respectively. In competing risks analyses, mortality due to CVD/CHD was more pronounced than ARC in men, while CVD/CHD and ARC mortality were of similar magnitude in women. CONCLUSIONS In this large European cohort, alcohol use was positively associated with overall mortality, ARC and violent death and injuries, but marginally to CVD/CHD. Absolute risks of death observed in EPIC suggest that alcohol is an important determinant of total mortality.


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BACKGROUND Job satisfaction of nurses is a determinant factor in the quality and organizational adaptation of clinical management models in the current socio-economic context. The aim of this study was to construct and validate a questionnaire to measure job satisfaction of nurses in the Clinical Management Units in the Andalusian Public Health System. METHODS Clinimetric and cross-sectional study with a sample of 314 nurses of two university hospitals from Seville. Nurses were surveyed in 2011, from March to June. We used the Font Roja questionnaire adapted to our study variables. We performed analyses of correlations, reliability and construct validity, using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test the a priori model. RESULTS The end questionnaire consists of 10 items, whose internal consistency was 0.75, with a percentage of variance explaining of 63.67%. CFA confirmed 4 dimensions (work environment, work relationships, motivation, and recognition): significant χ2 (p < .001); χ2/gl = 2.013; GFI= 0.958, RMR = 0.055 y RMSEA = 0.057; AGFI = 0.927, NFI = 0.878, TLI = 0.902, CFI =0.933 e IFI = 0.935; AIC = 132.486 y ECVI = 0.423. CONCLUSION This new questionnaire (G_Clinic) improves clinimetric values of the Font Roja questionnaire, because it reduces the number of items, improves the reliability of the dimensions, increases the value of variance explained, and allows knowing job satisfaction of nurses in clinical managementt.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A is a membrane-associated multifunctional protein harboring serine protease and RNA helicase activities. It is an essential component of the HCV replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention. Here, we show that membrane association and structural organization of HCV NS3-4A are ensured in a cooperative manner by two membrane-binding determinants. We demonstrate that the N-terminal 21 amino acids of NS4A form a transmembrane alpha-helix that may be involved in intramembrane protein-protein interactions important for the assembly of a functional replication complex. In addition, we demonstrate that amphipathic helix alpha(0), formed by NS3 residues 12-23, serves as a second essential determinant for membrane association of NS3-4A, allowing proper positioning of the serine protease active site on the membrane. These results allowed us to propose a dynamic model for the membrane association, processing, and structural organization of NS3-4A on the membrane. This model has implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex, proteolytic targeting of host factors, and drug design.


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Mutations in PRPF31 are responsible for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP, RP11 form) and affected families show nonpenetrance. Differential expression of the wildtype PRPF31 allele is responsible for this phenomenon: coinheritance of a mutation and a higher expressing wildtype allele provide protection against development of disease. It has been suggested that a major modulating factor lies in close proximity to the wildtype PRPF31 gene on Chromosome 19, implying that a cis-acting factor directly alters PRPF31 expression. Variable expression of CNOT3 is one determinant of PRPF31 expression. This study explored the relationship between CNOT3 (a trans-acting factor) and its paradoxical cis-acting nature in relation to RP11. Linkage analysis on Chromosome 19 was performed in mutation-carrying families, and the inheritance of the wildtype PRPF31 allele in symptomatic-asymptomatic sibships was assessed-confirming that differential inheritance of wildtype chromosome 19q13 determines the clinical phenotype (P < 2.6 × 10(-7) ). A theoretical model was constructed that explains the apparent conflict between the linkage data and the recent demonstration that a trans-acting factor (CNOT3) is a major nonpenetrance factor: we propose that this apparently cis-acting effect arises due to the intimate linkage of CNOT3 and PRPF31 on Chromosome 19q13-a novel mechanism that we have termed "linked trans-acting epistasis."