923 resultados para Osteoma, choristoma, dermolipoma, epibulbar, bone and bones
Bone is continually being removed and replaced through the actions of basic multicellular units (BMU). This constant upkeep is necessary to remove microdamage formed naturally due to fatigue and thus maintain the integrity of the bone. The repair process in bone is targeted, meaning that a BMU travels directly to the site of damage and repairs it. It is still unclear how targeted remodelling is stimulated and directed but it is highly likely that osteocytes play a role. A number of theories have been advanced to explain the microcrack osteocyte interaction but no complete mechanism has been demonstrated. Osteocytes are connected to each other by dendritic processes. The “scissors model" proposed that the rupture of these processes where they cross microcracks signals the degree of damage and the urgency of the necessary repair. In its original form it was proposed that under applied compressive loading, microcrack faces will be pressed together and undergo relative shear movement. If this movement is greater than the width of an osteocyte process, then the process will be cut in a “scissors like" motion, releasing RANKL, a cytokine known to be essential in the formation of osteoclasts from pre-osteoclasts. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate this theoretical model with a specific focus on microscopy and finite element modelling. Previous studies had proved that cyclic stress was necessary for osteocyte process rupture to occur. This was a divergence from the original “scissors model" which had proposed that the cutting of cell material occurred in one single action. The present thesis is the first study to show fatigue failure in cellular processes spanning naturally occurring cracks and it's the first study to estimate the cyclic strain range and relate it to the number of cycles to failure, for any type of cell. Rupture due to shear movement was ruled out as microcrack closing never occurred, as a result of plastic deformation of the bone. Fatigue failure was found to occur due to cyclic tensile stress in the locality of the damage. The strain range necessary for osteocyte process rupture was quantified. It was found that the lower the process strain range the greater the number of cycles to cell process failure. FEM modelling allowed to predict stress in the vicinity of an osteocyte process and to analyse its interaction with the bone surrounding it: simulations revealed evident creep effects in bone during cyclic loading. This thesis confirms and dismisses aspects of the “scissors model". The observations support the model as a viable mechanism of microcrack detection by the osteocyte network, albeit in a slightly modified form where cyclic loading is necessary and the method of rupture is fatigue failure due to cyclic tensile motion. An in depth study was performed focusing on microscopy analysis of naturally occurring cracks in bone and FEM simulation analysis of an osteocyte process spanning a microcrack in bone under cyclic load.
Erkrankungen des Skelettapparats wie beispielsweise die Osteoporose oder Arthrose gehören neben den Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen und Tumoren zu den Häufigsten Erkrankungen des Menschen. Ein besseres Verständnis der Bildung und des Erhalts von Knochen- oder Knorpelgewebe ist deshalb von besonderer Bedeutung. Viele bisherige Ansätze zur Identifizierung hierfür relevanter Gene, deren Produkte und Interaktionen beruhen auf der Untersuchung pathologischer Situationen. Daher ist die Funktion vieler Gene nur im Zusammenhang mit Krankheiten beschrieben. Untersuchungen, die die Genaktivität bei der Normalentwicklung von knochen- und knorpelbildenden Geweben zum Ziel haben, sind dagegen weit weniger oft durchgeführt worden. rnEines der entwicklungsphysiologisch interessantesten Gewebe ist die Epiphysenfuge der Röhrenknochen. In dieser sogenannten Wachstumsfuge ist insbesondere beim fötalen Gewebe eine sehr hohe Aktivität derjenigen Gene zu erwarten, die an der Knochen- und Knorpelbildung beteiligt sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher aus der Epiphysenfuge von Kälberknochen RNA isoliert und eine cDNA-Bibliothek konstruiert. Von dieser wurden ca. 4000 Klone im Rahmen eines klassischen EST-Projekts sequenziert. Durch die Analyse konnte ein ungefähr 900 Gene umfassendes Expressionsprofil erstellt werden und viele Transkripte für Komponenten der regulatorischen und strukturbildenden Bestandteile der Knochen- und Knorpelentwicklung identifiziert werden. Neben den typischen Genen für Komponenten der Knochenentwicklung sind auch deutlich Bestandteile für embryonale Entwicklungsprozesse vertreten. Zu ersten gehören in erster Linie die Kollagene, allen voran Kollagen II alpha 1, das mit Abstand höchst exprimierte Gen in der fötalen Wachstumsfuge. Nach den ribosomalen Proteinen stellen die Kollagene mit ca. 10 % aller auswertbaren Sequenzen die zweitgrößte Gengruppe im erstellten Expressionsprofil dar. Proteoglykane und andere niedrig exprimierte regulatorische Elemente, wie Transkriptionsfaktoren, konnten im EST-Projekt aufgrund der geringen Abdeckung nur in sehr geringer Kopienzahl gefunden werden. Allerdings förderte die EST-Analyse mehrere interessante, bisher nicht bekannte Transkripte zutage, die detaillierter untersucht wurden. Dazu gehören Transkripte die, die dem LOC618319 zugeordnet werden konnten. Neben den bisher beschriebenen drei Exonbereichen konnte ein weiteres Exon im 3‘-UTR identifiziert werden. Im abgeleiteten Protein, das mindestens 121 AS lang ist, wurden ein Signalpeptid und eine Transmembrandomäne nachgewiesen. In Verbindung mit einer möglichen Glykosylierung ist das Genprodukt in die Gruppe der Proteoglykane einzuordnen. Leicht abweichend von den typischen Strukturen knochen- und knorpelspezifischer Proteoglykane ist eine mögliche Funktion dieses Genprodukts bei der Interaktion mit Integrinen und der Zell-Zellinteraktion, aber auch bei der Signaltransduktion denkbar. rnDie EST-Sequenzierungen von ca. 4000 cDNA-Klonen können aber in der Regel nur einen Bruchteil der möglichen Transkripte des untersuchten Gewebes abdecken. Mit den neuen Sequenziertechnologien des „Next Generation Sequencing“ bestehen völlig neue Möglichkeiten, komplette Transkriptome mit sehr hoher Abdeckung zu sequenzieren und zu analysieren. Zur Unterstützung der EST-Daten und zur deutlichen Verbreiterung der Datenbasis wurde das Transkriptom der bovinen fötalen Wachstumsfuge sowohl mit Hilfe der Roche-454/FLX- als auch der Illumina-Solexa-Technologie sequenziert. Bei der Auswertung der ca. 40000 454- und 75 Millionen Illumina-Sequenzen wurden Verfahren zur allgemeinen Handhabung, der Qualitätskontrolle, dem „Clustern“, der Annotation und quantitativen Auswertung von großen Mengen an Sequenzdaten etabliert. Beim Vergleich der Hochdurchsatz Blast-Analysen im klassischen „Read-Count“-Ansatz mit dem erstellten EST-Expressionsprofil konnten gute Überstimmungen gezeigt werden. Abweichungen zwischen den einzelnen Methoden konnten nicht in allen Fällen methodisch erklärt werden. In einigen Fällen sind Korrelationen zwischen Transkriptlänge und „Read“-Verteilung zu erkennen. Obwohl schon simple Methoden wie die Normierung auf RPKM („reads per kilo base transkript per million mappable reads“) eine Verbesserung der Interpretation ermöglichen, konnten messtechnisch durch die Art der Sequenzierung bedingte systematische Fehler nicht immer ausgeräumt werden. Besonders wichtig ist daher die geeignete Normalisierung der Daten beim Vergleich verschieden generierter Datensätze. rnDie hier diskutierten Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Analysen zeigen die neuen Sequenziertechnologien als gute Ergänzung und potentiellen Ersatz für etablierte Methoden zur Genexpressionsanalyse.rn
(9R)-9-hydroxystearic acid (9R-HSA) has been proven to have antitumoral activity because it is shown to inhibit histone deacetylase 1, an enzyme which activates DNA replication, and the (R)-enantiomer has been shown to be more active than the (S)-enantiomer both in vitro and by molecular docking. Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral component of bone and teeth and has been used for over 20 years in prostheses and their coating because it is biocompatible and bioactive. The goal of incorporating 9R-HSA into hydroxyapatite is to have a material that combines the bioactivity of HA with the antitumoral properties of 9R-HSA. In this work, 9R-HSA and its potassium salt were synthesized and the latter was also incorporated into hydroxyapatite. The content of (R)-9-hydroxystearate ion incorporated into the apatitic structure was shown to be a function of its concentration in solution and can reach values higher than 8.5%. (9R)-9-hydroxystearic acid modified hydroxyapatite was extensively characterized to determine the effect of the incorporation of the organic molecule. This incorporation does not significantly alter the unit cell but reduces the size of both the crystals as well as the coherent domains, mainly along the a-axis of hydroxyapatite. This is believed to be due to the coordination of the negatively charged carboxylate group to the calcium ions which are more exposed on the (100) face of the crystal, therefore limiting the growth mainly in this direction. Further analyses showed that the material becomes hydrophobic and more negatively charged with the addition of 9R-HSA but both of these properties reach a plateau at less than 5% wt of 9R-HSA.
We investigated the inflammatory response to, and the osteoinductive efficacies of, four polymers (collagen, Ethisorb, PLGA and Polyactive) that bore either an adsorbed (fast-release kinetics) or a calcium-phosphate-coating-incorporated (slow-release kinetics) depot of BMP-2. Titanium-plate-supported discs of each polymer (n = 6 per group) were implanted at an ectopic (subcutaneous) ossification site in rats (n = 48). Five weeks later, they were retrieved for a histomorphometric analysis of the volumes of ectopic bone and foreign-body giant cells (a gauge of inflammatory reactivity), and the degree of polymer degradation. For each polymer, the osteoinductive efficacy of BMP-2 was higher when it was incorporated into a coating than when it was directly adsorbed onto the material. This mode of BMP-2 carriage was consistently associated with an attenuation of the inflammatory response. For coated materials, the volume density of foreign-body giant cells was inversely correlated with the volume density of bone (r(2) = 0.96), and the volume density of bone was directly proportional to the surface-area density of the polymer (r(2) = 0.97). Following coating degradation, other competitive factors, such as the biocompatibility and the biodegradability of the polymer itself, came into play.
Traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip associated with a fracture of the posterior acetabular wall and of the neck of the femur is a rare injury. A 29-year-old man presented at a level 1 trauma centre with a locked posterior dislocation of the right hip, with fractures of the femoral neck and the posterior wall of the acetabulum after a bicycle accident. An attempted closed reduction had failed. This case report describes in detail the surgical management and the clinical and radiological outcome. Open reduction and fixation with preservation of the intact retinaculum was undertaken within five hours of injury with surgical dislocation of the hip and a trochanteric osteotomy. Two years after operation the function of the injured hip was good. Plain radiographs and MR scans showed early signs of osteoarthritis with some loss of joint space but no evidence of avascular necrosis. The patient had begun skiing and hiking again. The combination of fractures of the neck of the femur and of the posterior wall of the acetabulum hampers closed reduction of a posterior dislocation of the hip. Surgical dislocation of the hip with trochanteric flip osteotomy allows controlled open reduction of the fractures, with inspection of the hip joint and preservation of the vascular supply.
Studies about the influence of patient characteristics on mechanical failure of cups in total hip replacement have applied different methodologies and revealed inconclusive results. The fixation mode has rarely been investigated. Therefore, we conducted a detailed analysis of the influence of patient characteristics and fixation mode on cup failure risks.
Background: Distraction of the periosteum results in the formation of new bone in the gap between the periosteum and the original bone. We postulate that the use of a barrier membrane would be beneficial for new bone formation in periosteal distraction. Methods: To selectively influence the contribution of the periosteum, a distraction plate with perforations was used alone or covered by a collagen barrier membrane. All animals were subjected to a 7-day latency period and a 10-day distraction period with a rate of 0.1 mm/day. Four animals per group with or without a barrier membrane were sacrificed at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after the end of the distraction. The height of new bone generated relative to the areas bound by the parent bone and the periosteum was determined by histomorphometric methods. Results: New bone was found in all groups. At the periphery of the distraction plate, significant differences in bone height were found between the hinge and the distraction screw for the group without barrier membrane at 2 weeks (0.39 ± 0.19 mm) compared to 4 weeks (0.84 ± 0.44 mm; P = 0.002) and 6 weeks (1.06 ± 0.39 mm; P = 0.004). Differences in maximum bone height with and without a barrier membrane were observed laterally to the distraction plate at 2 weeks (1.22 ± 0.64 versus 0.55 ± 0.14 mm; P = 0.019) and 6 weeks (1.61 ± 0.56 versus 0.73 ± 0.33 mm; P = 0.003) of the consolidation period. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, the application of a barrier membrane may be considered beneficial for new bone formation induced by periosteal distraction.
Femoro-acetabular impingement can cause pain and degenerative changes of the hip joint. Traditionally, surgical dislocation of the hip joint has been performed for correction of pathologic abnormalities in the proximal part of the femur and the acetabulum. Failures of surgical treatment are often related to postoperative pain in the groin or in the area of the greater trochanter, associated with this surgical approach. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence and functional impact of pain at the greater trochanter after surgical dislocation of the hip.
Major modifications in the design and techniques of total ankle replacement have challenged the perception that ankle arthrodesis is the treatment of choice for end-stage ankle arthritis. High complication and revision rates have been reported after both procedures.
Mason type III fractures of the radial head are treated by open reduction and internal fixation, resection or prosthetic joint replacement. When internal fixation is performed, fixation of the radial head to the shaft is difficult and implant-related complications are common. Furthermore, problems of devascularisation of the radial head can result from fixation of the plate to the radial neck. In a small retrospective study, the treatment of Mason type III fractures with fixation of the radial neck in 13 cases (group 2) was compared with 12 cases where no fixation was performed (group 1). The mean clinical and radiological follow-up was four years (1 to 9). The Broberg-Morrey index showed excellent results in both groups. Degenerative radiological changes were seen more frequently in group 2, and removal of the implant was necessary in seven of 13 cases. Post-operative evaluation of these two different techniques revealed similar ranges of movement and functional scores. We propose that anatomical reconstruction of the radial head without metalwork fixation to the neck is preferable, and the outcome is the same as that achieved with the conventional technique. In addition degenerative changes of the elbow joint may develop less frequently, and implant removal is not necessary.
A new anterior intrapelvic approach for the surgical management of displaced acetabular fractures involving predominantly the anterior column and the quadrilateral plate is described. In order to establish five 'windows' for instrumentation, the extraperitoneal space is entered along the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle. This is the so-called 'Pararectus' approach. The feasibility of safe dissection and optimal instrumentation of the pelvis was assessed in five cadavers (ten hemipelves) before implementation in a series of 20 patients with a mean age of 59 years (17 to 90), of whom 17 were male. The clinical evaluation was undertaken between December 2009 and December 2010. The quality of reduction was assessed with post-operative CT scans and the occurrence of intra-operative complications was noted. In cadavers, sufficient extraperitoneal access and safe instrumentation of the pelvis were accomplished. In the patients, there was a statistically significant improvement in the reduction of the fracture (pre- versus post-operative: mean step-off 3.3 mm (sd 2.6) vs 0.1 mm (sd 0.3), p < 0.001; and mean gap 11.5 mm (sd 6.5) vs 0.8 mm (sd 1.3), p < 0.001). Lesions to the peritoneum were noted in two patients and minor vascular damage was noted in a further two patients. Multi-directional screw placement and various plate configurations were feasible in cadavers without significant retraction of soft tissues. In the treatment of acetabular fractures predominantly involving the anterior column and the quadrilateral plate, the Pararectus approach allowed anatomical restoration with minimal morbidity related to the surgical access.
Acrylic bone cement is widely used to anchor orthopedic implants to bone and mechanical failure of the cement mantle surrounding an implant can contribute to aseptic loosening. In an effort to enhance the mechanical properties of bone cement, a variety of nanoparticles and fibers can be incorporated into the cement matrix. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are a class of particles that display high potential for use as reinforcement within bone cement. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to quantify the impact of modifying an acrylic cement with various low-loadings of mesoporous silica. Three types of MSNs (one plain variety and two modified with functional groups) at two loading ratios (0.1 and 0.2 wt/wt) were incorporated into a commercially available bone cement. The mechanical properties were characterized using four-point bending, microindentation and nanoindentation (static, stress relaxation, and creep) while material properties were assessed through dynamic mechanical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Four-point flexural testing and nanoindentation revealed minimal impact on the properties of the cements, except for several changes in the nano-level static mechanical properties. Conversely, microindentation testing demonstrated that the addition of MSNs significantly increased the microhardness. The stress relaxation and creep properties of the cements measured with nanoindentation displayed no effect resulting from the addition of MSNs. The measured material properties were consistent among all cements. Analysis of scanning electron micrographs images revealed that surface functionalization enhanced particle dispersion within the cement matrix and resulted in fewer particle agglomerates. These results suggest that the loading ratios of mesoporous silica used in this study were not an effective reinforcement material. Future work should be conducted to determine the impact of higher MSN loading ratios and alternative functional groups. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage acts as a surface growth plate for the underlying epiphyseal bone. Concomitantly, it undergoes a fundamental process of structural reorganization from an immature isotropic to a mature (adult) anisotropic architecture. However, the mechanism underlying this structural transformation is unknown. It could involve either an internal remodelling process, or complete resorption followed by tissue neoformation. The aim of this study was to establish which of these two alternative tissue reorganization mechanisms is physiologically operative. We also wished to pinpoint the articular cartilage source of the stem cells for clonal expansion and the zonal location of the chondrocyte pool with high proliferative activity. METHODS: The New Zealand white rabbit served as our animal model. The analysis was confined to the high-weight-bearing (central) areas of the medial and lateral femoral condyles. After birth, the articular cartilage layer was evaluated morphologically at monthly intervals from the first to the eighth postnatal month, when this species attains skeletal maturity. The overall height of the articular cartilage layer at each juncture was measured. The growth performance of the articular cartilage layer was assessed by calcein labelling, which permitted an estimation of the daily growth rate of the epiphyseal bone and its monthly length-gain. The slowly proliferating stem-cell pool was identified immunohistochemically (after labelling with bromodeoxyuridine), and the rapidly proliferating chondrocyte population by autoradiography (after labelling with (3)H-thymidine). RESULTS: The growth activity of the articular cartilage layer was highest 1 month after birth. It declined precipitously between the first and third months, and ceased between the third and fourth months, when the animal enters puberty. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer followed a corresponding temporal trend. During the first 3 months, when the articular cartilage layer is undergoing structural reorganization, the net length-gain in the epiphyseal bone exceeded the height of the articular cartilage layer. This finding indicates that the postnatal reorganization of articular cartilage from an immature isotropic to a mature anisotropic structure is not achieved by a process of internal remodelling, but by the resorption and neoformation of all zones except the most superficial (stem-cell) one. The superficial zone was found to consist of slowly dividing stem cells with bidirectional mitotic activity. In the horizontal direction, this zone furnishes new stem cells that replenish the pool and effect a lateral expansion of the articular cartilage layer. In the vertical direction, the superficial zone supplies the rapidly dividing, transit-amplifying daughter-cell pool that feeds the transitional and upper radial zones during the postnatal growth phase of the articular cartilage layer. CONCLUSIONS: During postnatal development, mammalian articular cartilage fulfils a dual function, viz., it acts not only as an articulating layer but also as a surface growth plate. In the lapine model, this growth activity ceases at puberty (3-4 months of age), whereas that of the true (metaphyseal) growth plate continues until the time of skeletal maturity (8 months). Hence, the two structures are regulated independently. The structural maturation of the articular cartilage layer coincides temporally with the cessation of its growth activity - for the radial expansion and remodelling of the epiphyseal bone - and with sexual maturation. That articular cartilage is physiologically reorganized by a process of tissue resorption and neoformation, rather than by one of internal remodelling, has important implications for the functional engineering and repair of articular cartilage tissue.