743 resultados para Oryza glaberrima


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Este trabalho foi conduzido com objetivo de analisar o efeito do tratamento químico sobre a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de arroz com diferentes graus de umidade durante o período de armazenamento. Foram utilizados dois lotes de sementes da cultivar EL PASO 144, com diferentes graus de umidade e níveis de sanidade. Para a formulação da calda fungicida foram adicionados 10 mL (1%), 20 mL (2%), e 30 mL (3%) de água em mistura com fungicida Carboxin/Thiram (300 mL.100 kg -1 de sementes). Iguais porcentagens de água, sem adição do fungicida, além de uma testemunha, constituíram os sete tratamentos. Após, foram embaladas em recipientes herméticos, e armazenadas por oito meses em temperatura ambiente. Foram avaliados o grau de umidade das sementes, a germinação, o vigor e a sanidade. Para avaliação bioquímica das sementes, através da técnica de eletroforese de sistemas enzimáticos, foi determinada a atividade das enzimas fosfatase ácida, álcool desidrogenase, glutamato oxalacetato, transaminase, esterase e α-amilase. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o completamente casualizado, com três repetições. Os efeitos benéficos do tratamento fungicida sobre a qualidade fisiológica são evidentes logo após o tratamento das mesmas. Houve decréscimo na germinação e no vigor das sementes tratadas, intensificado a partir do 60º dia de armazenamento. O fungicida utilizado no tratamento de sementes é eficiente na redução da incidência de fungos associados às mesmas. A alta umidade da semente associada ao fungicida acelera o processo de deterioração durante o armazenamento em embalagem hermética. Não foi possível detectar efeito do fungicida na expressão das enzimas em sementes viáveis.


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O arroz tem expressiva importância no cenário agrícola mundial, dada à extensão de áreas cultivadas e à sua produção. Sua importância e seu crescente consumo no mundo têm levado as instituições de pesquisa à busca cada vez maior por novas tecnologias que possam aumentar a produção de sementes de alta qualidade com um menor custo de produção. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência da aplicação de diferentes doses de silicato de cálcio (0, 800, 1600 e 3200 kg ha-1) no plantio, sobre a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de arroz produzidas e armazenadas por 0, 3 e 6 meses. Foram utilizadas sementes da cultivar Jequitibá, produzidas sob sistema irrigado por inundação, nos municípios de Lambari e Leopoldina - MG. Avaliaram-se o teor de água, germinação, vigor pelo envelhecimento acelerado, emergência e índice de velocidade de emergência e a atividade isoenzimática. O teor de água das sementes de 11,5% permaneceu inalterado durante o armazenamento. Em Lambari, local de solos com baixo teor de Si, houve pequeno efeito favorável do silicato de cálcio aplicado, sobre a qualidade das sementes produzidas. Já em Leopoldina, local de solos com médio teor de Si, a aplicação de silicato de cálcio foi prejudicial à qualidade das sementes produzidas.


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O arroz é, dentre os diversos cereais cultivados no mundo, um dos mais importantes, por se tratar de um alimento básico da maioria da população mundial e uma das culturas mais antigas. O Estado do Rio Grande do Sul ocupa lugar de destaque na cultura, respondendo por 50% da produção nacional sendo que 80% é arroz irrigado. O tiametoxam, é um inseticida sistêmico que é transportado dentro da planta através de suas células e pode ativar várias reações fisiológicas como a expressão de proteínas. Estas proteínas interagem com mecanismos de defesa de estresses, permitindo que a planta suporte melhor condições adversas, tais como secas, baixo pH, alta salinidade de solo, radicais livres, estresses por elevadas temperaturas, efeitos tóxicos de níveis elevados de alumínio, ferimentos causados por pragas, ventos, granizo, ataque de viroses e deficiência de nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do tiametoxam no desempenho fisiológico de sementes de arroz. Foram utilizadas sementes de arroz, das cultivares El Paso, IRGA BR 410, IRGA BR 424 e Olimar tratadas nas concentrações de 0,0, 50, 100, 200, 400 mL do produto para 100 kg de sementes. Para a avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes foram conduzidos os testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, teste de frio, envelhecimento acelerado e comprimento de plântula, parte aérea e radicular. O tratamento de sementes de arroz com tiametoxam favorece positivamente a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. As doses de 300 a 400 mL de produto para 100 kg de semente proporcionam melhor desempenho fisiológico de sementes de arroz.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of X-rays in identifying fissures in artificially dried rice seeds and the relationship between damage and seed performance in the germination test. Irrigated rice seeds of the IRGA 417 and IRGA 420 cultivars were harvested with 23.3 and 24.5% water content respectively and submitted to stationary drying treatments at 32, 38, 44 and 50 °C. X-rays were taken of subsamples of 100 seeds for each treatment, using an MX-20 X-ray equipment. The X-rayed seeds were classified from 1 to 3, where 1 corresponded to seeds without fissures, 2 to seeds with non-severe fissures and 3 to seeds with severe fissures. The same X-rayed seeds were planted and on the seventh day the seedlings (normal or abnormal) and dead seeds were photographed and evaluated to verify any relationship between the fissures and physiological potential. Higher drying temperature increased the percentage of fissures in the two cultivars, which can adversely affect their germination. Seeds with fissures can be identified using X-rays.


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Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho verificar o efeito de fungicida aplicado na parte aérea de plantas de arroz irrigado, produzidas após a época preferencial, sobre a qualidade das sementes colhidas com diferentes graus de umidade. O experimento foi conduzido durante o ano agrícola de 2008/09, utilizando o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial, com cultivo em faixas e, com quatro repetições. O fator principal, em faixas, foi composto por quatro cultivares de arroz irrigado: BR-IRGA 409, IRGA 417, IRGA 422CL e IRGA 423. Na subparcela, a aplicação de fungicida foi realizada na parte aérea das plantas, em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento (T1-testemunha sem aplicação de fungicida, T2-aplicação no estádio R2, T3-aplicação no estádio R3 e T4-aplicação no estádio R2+R4). A colheita do arroz foi realizada na sub-subparcela, com grau de umidade médio das sementes em torno de 24, 22, 20, 18, 16 e 14%. A aplicação do fungicida com mistura formulada de propiconazol+trifloxistrobina, quando realizadas duas aplicações (no estádio R2+R4) mantém elevada a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de arroz. Há redução da germinação e do vigor das sementes de arroz com o atraso da colheita, sendo mais evidenciado para colheitas realizadas com o grau de umidade médio inferior a 22%.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar as condições do teste de lixiviação de potássio para a avaliação do vigor de sementes de arroz. Cinco lotes de sementes da cultivar IRGA 424 e cinco da cultivar Puitá Inta CL foram submetidos a esse teste, cuja eficiência foi comparada à dos testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, frio sem solo, condutividade elétrica massal e emergência de plântulas em campo. A quantidade de potássio exsudada foi determinada em fotômetro de chama, após 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 minutos de imersão de 50 sementes, em água destilada e deionizada nos volumes de 20 e 50 mL a 25 °C. O teste de lixiviação de potássio é eficiente para avaliar o vigor de sementes de arroz. A combinação de 50 sementes puras imersas em 50 mL de água destilada e deionizada, a 25 °C durante 60 minutos representa o procedimento mais eficiente para classificar lotes de sementes de arroz, em função de sua qualidade fisiológica.


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O armazenamento de sementes de arroz irrigado consiste na preservação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes para novos cultivos, podendo associar a aplicação de fungicida na parte aérea das plantas, como auxílio para manter esta qualidade. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar o efeito da mistura fungicida de propiconazol+trifloxistrobina na parte aérea das plantas, em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura do arroz irrigado, sobre a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes produzidas e armazenadas em dois ambientes, por seis meses. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial (4x2x4), sendo os fatores; aplicação da mistura do fungicida propiconazol+trifloxistrobina na parte aérea das plantas nos estádios R2, R3, R2+R4 e sem a aplicação de fungicida durante o ciclo da cultura; dois locais de armazenamento (câmara fria e seca e armazém) e 0, 2, 4 e 6 meses de armazenamento. Conclui-se que o uso de duas aplicações da mistura fungicida (propiconazol+trifloxistrobina) reflete-se positivamente na germinação e no vigor das sementes, bem como na redução da incidência de fungos associados às sementes; o aumento do tempo de armazenamento reduz o vigor e a germinação das sementes, independentemente das condições do armazenamento, no entanto, a incidência de fungos associados às sementes é menor em câmara fria e seca.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of seeds of two cultivars of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.), coated with dolomitic limestone and aluminum silicate. It was used a completely randomized experimental design, with the treatments arranged in a 4 X 2 factorial scheme [4 treatments: dolomitic limestone; dolomitic limestone + aluminum silicate; aluminum silicate, at the dosages of 50 g/100 kg of seeds; and control (without the products) X 2 cultivars: IRGA424 and IRGA 422 CL], totaling eight treatments with four replications each. The variables analyzed were: fresh and dry weights of aerial biomass; plant height; leaf area at 10, 20, and 30 days after emergence (DAE). The physiological quality of seeds was also assessed using tests of: seed emergence; first count of germination; emergence speed index; and field emergence. It was concluded that the coating of rice seeds with dolomitic limestone and aluminum silicate does not affect seed germination and field seedling emergence. Aluminum silicate used via seed coating on cultivar IRGA 424 promoted greater leaf area, after 20 DAE. The dolomitic limestone and the aluminum silicate used via seed coating generated plants with larger dry biomass, after 20 DAE, for the cultivar IRGA 422 CL.


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Development of new technologies, aiming at increasing productivity in different crops, involves constant research on the effectiveness and application of these techniques in seed treatment. In this study, it was aimed at evaluating physiological potential of rice seeds treated with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (strains DFs185, DFs223, DFs306, DFs416), or with two dosages of the insecticide thiamethoxam. The variables assessed were: germination (G); first count of germination (FCG); cold test (CT); length of seedlings aerial parts (LAP), root system (LRS), and total length (TL); emergence speed index (ESI); emergence (E), at 14 days; and dry phytomass (DP). Treatments have had a positive effect on percentage of G, FCG and E. The strain DFs185 has promoted increase in percentage emergence, for five of the six lots assessed. The variables: LAP; LRS; TL; ESI; and DP have undergone low or none influence of treatments; and there has been no toxic effect of rhizobacteria or insecticide thiamethoxam. In the cold test, a negative effect of treatments has been detected. Seed treatment with rhizobacteria, as well as with thiamethoxam, improve quality of low quality rice seeds. The strain DFs185 is promising for treating rice seeds, once it stimulates seed germination and emergence.


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Antioxidants are substances that when present at low concentrations compared to that of an oxidisable substrate significantly delays or inhibits oxidation of that substrate in food products or in living systems. Antioxidants are either endogenous to the body or derived from the diet. Several types of synthetic antioxidants like BHT, BHA, TBHQ etc. are also used in the food industry. However, findings and subsequent publicity has fostered significant consumer resistance to the use of synthetic food additives as antioxidants, colourants etc. and therefore food industry is in search of potential natural antioxidants from edible sources.The major dietary sources of antioxidant phytochemicals are cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, beverages, spices and herbs. In the present study, we have focused on rice bran and its byproducts. Rice is one of the oldest of food crops and has been a staple food in India from very ancient times. It is also the staple food for about 60% of the world's population. Rice bran is a byproduct of the rice milling industry and is a potential commercial source of a healthy edible oil viz. rice bran oil and a variety of bio-active phytochemicals.Defatted rice bran (DRB), a byproduct of rice bran oil extraction, is also a good source of insoluble dietary fiber, protein, phytic acid, inosito I, vitamin B and a variety of other phytochemicals. Though the antioxidant potential of DRB has been demonstrated, it still remained a relatively unexplored source material, which demanded further investigation especially with regard to its detailed phytochemical profile leading to practical application. The focus of the present investigation therefore has been on DRB primarily to establish its phytochemical status and feasibility of using it as a source of bio-active phytochemicals and natural antioxidants leading to value addition of DRB otherwise used as cattle feed. To gain a better understanding of the value of rice bran as a source of phytochemicals, five popular rice varieties of the region viz. PTB 50, PTB 39, PTB 38, JA Y A, and MO 10 and a wild variety (oryza nivara) that is mainly used for medicinal applications in traditional ayurvedic system were characterized along with commercial samples of rice bran. The present study also explains the feasibility of a process for the extraction, enrichment, and isolation of antioxidant compounds from DRB. The antioxidant potential of the extracts were evaluated both in bulk oils and in food relevant model emulsions, using standard in vitro models. Radical scavenging effects, indicative of possible biological effects, were also evaluated.


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This study describes a combined empirical/modeling approach to assess the possible impact of climate variability on rice production in the Philippines. We collated climate data of the last two decades (1985-2002) as well as yield statistics of six provinces of the Philippines, selected along a North-South gradient. Data from the climate information system of NASA were used as input parameters of the model ORYZA2000 to determine potential yields and, in the next steps, the yield gaps defined as the difference between potential and actual yields. Both simulated and actual yields of irrigated rice varied strongly between years. However, no climate-driven trends were apparent and the variability in actual yields showed no correlation with climatic parameters. The observed variation in simulated yields was attributable to seasonal variations in climate (dry/wet season) and to climatic differences between provinces and agro-ecological zones. The actual yield variation between provinces was not related to differences in the climatic yield potential but rather to soil and management factors. The resulting yield gap was largest in remote and infrastructurally disfavored provinces (low external input use) with a high production potential (high solar radiation and day-night temperature differences). In turn, the yield gap was lowest in central provinces with good market access but with a relatively low climatic yield potential. We conclude that neither long-term trends nor the variability of the climate can explain current rice yield trends and that agroecological, seasonal, and management effects are over-riding any possible climatic variations. On the other hand the lack of a climate-driven trend in the present situation may be superseded by ongoing climate change in the future.


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The objective of this study was to report single season effects of wood biochar (char) application coupled with N fertilization on soil chemical properties, aerobic rice growth and grain yield in a clayey Rhodic Ferralsol in the Brazilian Savannah. Char application effected an increase in soil pH, K, Ca, Mg, CEC, Mn and nitrate while decreasing Al content and potential acidity of soils. No distinct effect of char application on grain yield of aerobic rice was observed. We believe that soil properties impacted by char application were inconsequential for rice yields because neither water, low pH, nor the availability of K or P were limiting factors for rice production. Rate of char above 16 Mg ha^(−1) reduced leaf area index and total shoot dry matter by 72 days after sowing. The number of panicles infected by rice blast decreased with increasing char rate. Increased dry matter beyond the remobilization capacity of the crop, and high number of panicles infected by rice blast were the likely cause of the lower grain yield observed when more than 60 kg N ha^(−1) was applied. The optimal rate of N was 46 kg ha^(−1) and resulted in a rice grain yield above 3 Mg ha^(−1).


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Poor adaptation to climate change is a major threat to sustainable rice production in Nigeria. Determinants of appropriate climate-change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria have not been fully investigated. In this study, the determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria were investigated. Data were obtained through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and field survey conducted in the study areas. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as percentage and regression analysis. The major climate change adaptation strategies used by the respondents included; planting improved rice variety such as Federal Agricultural Research Oryza (FARO) (80.5 %), seeking early warning information (80.9 %), shifting planting date until the weather condition was favourable (99.1 %), and using chemical fertilizer on their farms in order to maintain soil fertility (20.5 %). The determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by the farmers, included access to early warning information (β=43.04), access to fertilizer (β=5.78), farm plot size (β=–12.04) and access to regular water supply (β=–24.79). Climate change adaptation required provision of incentives to farmers, training on drought and flood control, and the use of improved technology to obtain higher yield.


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At many locations in Myanmar, ongoing changes in land use have negative environmental impacts and threaten natural ecosystems at local, regional and national scales. In particular, the watershed area of Inle Lake in eastern Myanmar is strongly affected by the environmental effects of deforestation and soil erosion caused by agricultural intensification and expansion of agricultural land, which are exacerbated by the increasing population pressure and the growing number of tourists. This thesis, therefore, focuses on land use changes in traditional farming systems and their effects on socio-economic and biophysical factors to improve our understanding of sustainable natural resource management of this wetland ecosystem. The main objectives of this research were to: (1) assess the noticeable land transformations in space and time, (2) identify the typical farming systems as well as the divergent livelihood strategies, and finally, (3) estimate soil erosion risk in the different agro-ecological zones surrounding the Inle Lake watershed area. GIS and remote sensing techniques allowed to identify the dynamic land use and land cover changes (LUCC) during the past 40 years based on historical Corona images (1968) and Landsat images (1989, 2000 and 2009). In this study, 12 land cover classes were identified and a supervised classification was used for the Landsat datasets, whereas a visual interpretation approach was conducted for the Corona images. Within the past 40 years, the main landscape transformation processes were deforestation (- 49%), urbanization (+ 203%), agricultural expansion (+ 34%) with a notably increase of floating gardens (+ 390%), land abandonment (+ 167%), and marshlands losses in wetland area (- 83%) and water bodies (- 16%). The main driving forces of LUCC appeared to be high population growth, urbanization and settlements, a lack of sustainable land use and environmental management policies, wide-spread rural poverty, an open market economy and changes in market prices and access. To identify the diverse livelihood strategies in the Inle Lake watershed area and the diversity of income generating activities, household surveys were conducted (total: 301 households) using a stratified random sampling design in three different agro-ecological zones: floating gardens (FG), lowland cultivation (LL) and upland cultivation (UP). A cluster and discriminant analysis revealed that livelihood strategies and socio-economic situations of local communities differed significantly in the different zones. For all three zones, different livelihood strategies were identified which differed mainly in the amount of on-farm and off-farm income, and the level of income diversification. The gross margin for each household from agricultural production in the floating garden, lowland and upland cultivation was US$ 2108, 892 and 619 ha-1 respectively. Among the typical farming systems in these zones, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plantation in the floating gardens yielded the highest net benefits, but caused negative environmental impacts given the overuse of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and spatial analysis within GIS were applied to estimate soil erosion risk in the different agricultural zones and for the main cropping systems of the study region. The results revealed that the average soil losses in year 1989, 2000 and 2009 amounted to 20, 10 and 26 t ha-1, respectively and barren land along the steep slopes had the highest soil erosion risk with 85% of the total soil losses in the study area. Yearly fluctuations were mainly caused by changes in the amount of annual precipitation and the dynamics of LUCC such as deforestation and agriculture extension with inappropriate land use and unsustainable cropping systems. Among the typical cropping systems, upland rainfed rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation had the highest rate of soil erosion (20 t ha-1yr-1) followed by sebesten (Cordia dichotoma) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) plantation in the UP zone. This study indicated that the hotspot region of soil erosion risk were upland mountain areas, especially in the western part of the Inle lake. Soil conservation practices are thus urgently needed to control soil erosion and lake sedimentation and to conserve the wetland ecosystem. Most farmers have not yet implemented soil conservation measures to reduce soil erosion impacts such as land degradation, sedimentation and water pollution in Inle Lake, which is partly due to the low economic development and poverty in the region. Key challenges of agriculture in the hilly landscapes can be summarized as follows: fostering the sustainable land use of farming systems for the maintenance of ecosystem services and functions while improving the social and economic well-being of the population, integrated natural resources management policies and increasing the diversification of income opportunities to reduce pressure on forest and natural resources.


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A dual isotopic technique was used to assess the effects of soil type, and residues of Gliricidia sepium, without and with added fertiliser-P on the utilisation of P. Upland rice (Oryza sativa) was grown for 70 days in two tropical acid soils of different P sorbing capacity and P status. Uniformly P-32-labelled soils were treated with inorganic fertiliser-P tagged with P-33, Gliricidia sepium residue applied at planting and 3 weeks earlier, and in a combination of fertiliser-P and Gliricidia applied at and 3 weeks before planting. There were significant responses of shoot and root weights, and total P uptake to Gliricidia- and/or fertiliser-P addition in the Ultisol (low P status) but not the Oxisol (high P status), suggesting that P in the latter soil was not yield limiting, despite the high standard P requirement. Similarly, incorporation of Gliricidia three weeks before planting further increased shoot weight only in the Ultisol. There were generally higher proportions, quantities and percent utilisations of the Gliricidia- P and fertiliser-P in the Ultisol than in the Oxisol. Gliricidia significantly increased the utilisation of fertiliser-P only in the Ultisol. However, early application of Gliricidia increased Gliricidia- P but not fertiliser-P utilisation in the Ultisol. Added fertiliser-P did not influence Gliricidia- P utilisation.