980 resultados para Original Creative Works - Other


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Acknowledgements The authors are grateful for the input of Professor Blair Smith (University of Dundee): his counsel early in the project, and his advice and comments regarding the search strategy; and Professor Danielle van der Windt (Keele University) for helpful advice and comments. Funding The British Pain Society provided financial assistance to AF with the costs of this project. PC was partly supported by an Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre grant (reference: 18139).


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Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemiology Group for granting permission to use this database. They also thank the data management team in the University of Aberdeen who were the initial conduit for access to these data and also provided validation to the various data cleaning criteria applied. Jeremy J Walker, University of Edinburgh, was invaluable for the original funding application and initial exploration of data. HSRU is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates. Funding Chief Scientist Office (CSO) reference number: CZG/2/571.


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Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses.This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a “regular spherulithic prismatic” microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra.Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a “patchy” appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra.Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.


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When we take a step back from the imposing figure of physical violence, it becomes possible to examine other structurally violent forces that constantly shape our cultural and political landscapes. One of the driving interests in the “turn to Paul” in recent continental philosophy stems from wrestling with questions about the real nature of contemporary violence. Paul is positioned as a thinker whose messianic experience began to cut through the violent masquerade of the existing order. The crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah (a slave and a God co-existing in one body) exposed the empty grounding upon which power resided. The Christ-event signifies a moment of violent interruption in the existing order which Paul enjoins the Gentiles to participate in through a dedication of love for the neighbour. This divine violence aims to reveal and subvert the “powers,” epitomised in the Roman Empire, in order to fulfil the labour of the Messianic now-time which had arrived. The impetus behind this research comes from a typically enigmatic and provocative section of text by the Slovene philosopher, cultural critic, and Christian atheist Slavoj Žižek. He claims that 'the notion of love should be given here all its Paulinian weight: the domain of pure violence… is the domain of love' (2008a, 173). In this move he links Paul’s idea of love to that of Walter Benjamin’s divine violence; the sublime and the cataclysmic come together in this seemingly perverse notion. At stake here is the way in which uncovering violent forces in the “zero-level” of our narrative worldviews aids the diagnosis of contemporary political and ethical issues. It is not enough to imagine Paul’s encounter with the Christ-event as non-violent. This Jewish apocalyptic movement was engaged in a violent struggle within an existing order that God’s wrath will soon dismantle. Paul’s weak violence, inspired by his fidelity to the Christ-event, places all responsibility over creation in the role of the individual within the collective body. The centre piece of this re-imagined construction of the Pauline narrative comes in Romans 13: the violent dedication to love understood in the radical nature of the now-time. 3 This research examines the role that narratives play in the creation and diagnosis of these violent forces. In order to construct a new genealogy of violence in Christianity it is crucial to understand the role of the slave of Christ (the revolutionary messianic subject). This turn in the Symbolic is examined through creating a literary structure in which we can approach a radical Nietzschean shift in Pauline thought. The claim here, a claim which is also central to Paul’s letters, is that when the symbolic violence which manipulates our worldviews is undone by a divine violence, if even for a moment, new possibilities are created in the opening for a transvaluation of values. Through this we uncover the nature of original sin: the consequences of the interconnected reality of our actions. The role of literature is vital in the construction of this narrative; starting with Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men, and continuing through works such as Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener, this thesis draws upon the power of literature in the shaping of our narrative worlds. Typical of the continental philosophy at the heart of this work, a diverse range of illustrations and inspirations from fiction is pulled into its narrative to reflect the symbolic universe that this work was forged through. What this work attempts to do is give this theory a greater grounding in Paul’s letters by demonstrating this radical kenotic power at the heart of the Christ-event. Romans 13 reveals, in a way that has not yet been picked up by Critchley, Žižek, and others, that Paul opposed the biopolitical power of the Roman Empire through the weak violence of love that is the labour of the slaves of Christ on the “now-time” that had arrived.


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Today's society called information society, grows rapidly and undergoes changes in the sources of information under the Information Technology and Communication ("tics"), in this situation it is necessary to develop tools or reference sources that allow the (to) user (a) the accessibility and use of information. It systematized information on the Meritorious Citizen of the Fatherland and Honor that is Costa Rica, since 1847 to 2008, due to its contribution to culture, science, recreation, among others. The overall objective of this research was to make a work print and digital reference, which will collect each of the biographies and works written by (as) Benefactors (as) of the country and citizens (as) of Honor and to facilitate access to information and strengthen outreach conducted by the Library "Victor Manuel Sanabria Martínez" of the Legislature, through its publications, exhibitions and related activities, to publicize its documentary. The variables used for this investigation were:-sources (primary and secondary), Organization of information - tools in various documentation centers and libraries. This was carried out a questionnaire, which was structured in the Excel program, aimed at (as) directors (as) or officers (as) in different libraries and documentation centers, and visits to selected sites for search and selection information. It is important to spread this final graduation in different public and school libraries in the country, since history and culture rescues national, who gave identity to the Costa Rican people. The systematization made by a thematic CD-ROM, provide accessibility to all (as) the (as) citizens (as) who access the Internet through the website of the Legislative Assembly Library and other state institutions wishing through a hyperlink on your "web", to refer the same.


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En Costa Rica se ha hecho poco por realizar el control documental nacional sobre grupos étnicos indígenas, esto puede ser tipificado como una debilidad, dos obras son el universo de fuentes de referencia.La necesidad de contar con el control documental sobre/de grupos étnicos indígenas costarricenses entre 1980-2003, es el propósito que persiguió esta investigación, además brindar un aporte de valor histórico, cultural y científico a aquellas personas interesadas en la temática indígena costarricense.Este control documental pretende agrupar la temática en estudio de dicho período. Es importante mencionar que en Costa Rica existen controles documentales sobre otras temáticas, no así de la temática indígena.Este control facilitará el rescate de la cultura indígena costarricense, es un aporte al control documental nacional y universal, contiene documentos de los años comprendidos entre 1980-2003, el mismo es fundamental para el acceso y disponibilidad de la información que forma parte de la actividad propia del profesional en bibliotecología, el cual se realiza dé acuerdo con las normas y criterios establecidos a nivel nacional e internacional. Además servirá y contribuirá como antecedente para futuros controles documentales sobre esta temática.


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Sin duda el lenguaje fue el primero y más importante instrumento, utilizado en sus inicios, por el hombre para transmitir los conocimientos e información adquirida.Mediante este medio y la memoria, se conservaron y transmitieron tradiciones, rituales, leyendas, plegarias y toda clase de conocimientos de generación en generación. Por ejemplo, en la antigüedad los ancianos de Israel usaban la "mnemotecnia" para transmitir el patrimonio religioso y cultural de su pueblo. Estos podían memorizar el Talmud y la Biblia sin problema y transmitirlos a sus descendientes y discípulos.Con el surgimiento de la escritura, en la noche de los tiempos, el hombre se da cuenta de que sus pensamientos y conocimientos es posible estamparlos por medio de símbolos en rocas, corteza vegetal y cualquier otro material a su alcance, logrando mayor permanencia y tangibilidad. Esto provocó la producción y acumulación de tablillas, papiros y otros materiales escritos, que debían ser custodiados y conservados por personas, que en las bibliotecas más antiguas correspondió a los sacerdotes (pues muchas estaban ubicadas en los templos por considerarse obras sagradas) o al cuidado de sabios y letrados como en la antigua Alejandría.


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Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings on Drummond's Lake only.


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This paper considers the question, ‘what is co-creative media, and why is it a useful idea in social media research’? The term ‘co-creative media’ is now used by Creative Industries researchers at QUT to describe their digital storytelling practices. Digital storytelling is a set of collaborative digital media production techniques that have been used to facilitate social participation in numerous Australian and international contexts. Digital storytelling has been adapted by Creative Industries researchers at QUT as a platform for researching the potential of vernacular creativity in a variety of contexts, including social inclusion of marginalized and disadvantaged groups; inclusion in public histories of narratives that might be overlooked; and articulation of voices that otherwise remain silent in the formulation of social and economic development strategies. The adaption of digital storytelling to different contexts has been shaped by the reflexive, recursive, and pragmatic requirements of action research. Amongst other things, this activity draws attention to the agency of researchers in facilitating these kinds of participatory media processes and outcomes. This discussion serves to problematise concepts of participatory media by introducing the term ‘co-creative media’ and differentiating these from other social media production practices.


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Why Fundamentalism? was an exhibition proposal and critical writing project developed from concept phase through to detailed proposal. It included an edited video document that lay out its core ideas and presented the diverse voices of each collaborator. A number of key themes were engaged around the hot-button (and much misunderstood) concept of Fundamentalism. The proposal included an exhibition layout, developed test imagery, ideas and animations, proposed forms for future works and a process whereby design briefs would lead to subsequent commissions. Two major grant applications were submitted to the Australia Council and Arts Queensland, with the support of State Library of Queensland, the University of Adelaide and numerous others. The project remains at the developed proposal stage awaiting suitable funding----- Critically the show became an active vehicle for drawing and exploring a line of distinction between ideas of ‘what is fundamental’ and ‘fundamentalism’ as it rested in the popular imagination, as well as in political and philosophical debates. It teased out and engaged with a number of key questions that included The Problem of Ungroundedness, A Politics of Finitude, The Post-modern/Pluralist Problem, Silent Fundamentalisms (Voices of Reason and Neo-con Religions), Fundamentalism as a Media Construct, The Pre and Post Cold-war Other, The Pressing Need for Foundations in the West and Islam as Foundationalism (rather than fundamentalism).