988 resultados para Orientação para o americano latin


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The review of the terms used as keywords in three journals (published in Mexico and Chile) and the Brazilian meetings of regional and urban research are used to analyze the trends in housing research. Their dynamics are interpreted in the light of the general changes identified for urban and regional  research, synthesized by other authors as the emergence of new research topics and agents of urban change (civil society, participation, environment, gender) and the process of globalization (in its facets  of productive restructuration, job flexibility, social exclusion) as a general framework of analysis. It is found that the central themes of research in housing relate primarily to government action in  housing. New concerns, such as citizen participation, the environment or gender are linked to these actions as normative elements to the evaluation of programs or policies, but not as autonomous fields of study of the housing.In addition to this central concern, a significant growth of academic  production and  ome indication of the internationalization of research are mentioned


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Desde el siglo xix, con la formación de los Estados nacionales en Latinoamérica, se han promovido proyectos integracionistas aún no concluidos. Actualmente se resalta la necesidad de la integración entre países en distintos aspectos: económico, político, militar, diplomático.El primer propósito es analizar históricamente los proyectos de integración en América Latina y dar una mirada al concepto de “panamericanismo”, que surgió en 1890 tras la Conferencia Internacional Americana: examinando el “panamericanismo” como concepto y como política que estuvo estrechamente ligada al surgimiento de Estados Unidos como potencia mundial, y el “panamericanismo”, desde la posición latinoamericana, entendido como el esfuerzo por parte del gobierno norteamericano por controlar política y militarmente a las distintas naciones del continente para favorecer en última instancia su expansión económica (Bobbio, Matteucci y Pasquino, 2002).El propósito final es destacar los intentos de integración en el siglo xx, especialmente desde los proyectos aparecidos en la década del sesenta hasta la formación del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) en 1994; asimismo, observar las dificultades que ha tenido históricamente la comunidad regional, y analizar la experiencia del Mercosur como el más serio proceso de integración latinoamericano –vigente en los comienzos del siglo xxi– en el ámbito económico e, incluso, político.---Integration projects in Latin America during the 20th century: the ‘Mercosur’ and the dream that continues effectiveFrom the nineteenth century, with the formation of the national states in Latin America, have promoted an integrationist projects unfinished. Nowadays, the need of the integration is highlighted between countries in different aspects: economic, political, military man, diplomat.The first intention is to analyze historically the projects of integration in Latin America, and to give a look to the concept “Pan Americanism”, which arose in 1890 after the International American Conference: examining the “Pan Americanism” as concept and as politics that was closely linked to the emergence of The United States as world power, and the “Pan Americanism”, from the Latin-American position, understood as the effort on the part of the North American government for controlling politics and militarily to the different nations of the continent to promote its eventual economic expansion (Bobbio, Matteucci and Pasquino, 2002).The final intention is to emphasize the attempts of integration in the twentieth century, specially, from the projects appeared in the decade of sixty up to the formation of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) in 1994. Likewise, to observe the difficulties that the regional community has had historically, and to analyze the experience of the Mercosur as the most serious Latin-American process of integration –in force in the beginning of the twenty-first century– in the economic area and, enclosedly, political.Key words: Latin America, pan americanism, integration, Mercosur, twentieth century---Projetos de interrogação na América Latina durante o século xx: O Mercosul e o sonho que continua vigenteDesde o século XIX, com a formação dos Estados nacionais na Latino-América, se têm promovido projetos integracionistas ainda não concluídos. Atualmente se ressalta a necessidade da integração entre países em distintos aspectos: econômico, político, militar, diplomático.O primeiro propósito é analisar historicamente os projetos de interrogação na América Latina e dar uma olhada ao conceito de “pan-americanismo”, que surgiu em 1890 depois da Conferencia Internacional Americana: examinado o “panamericanismo” como conceito e como política que esteve estreitamente ligada ao surgimento de Estados Unidos como potencia mundial, e o “pan-americanismo”, desde a posição latino-americana, entendido como o esforço por parte do governo norte-americano por controlar política e militarmente às distintas nações do continente para favorecer em última instância sua expansão econômica (Bobbio, Matteucci e Pasquino, 2002).O propósito final é destacar as tentativas de interrogação no século XX, especialmente desde os projetos aparecidos na década do sessenta até a formação do Mercado Comum do Sul – Mercosul (Mercado Común del Sur – Mercosur) em 1994; assim mesmo, observar as dificuldades que tem tido historicamente a comunidade regional, e analisar a experiência do Mercosul como mais importante processo de integração latino-americano –vigente a princípios do século XXI- no âmbito econômico e, inclusive, político.Palavras chave: Latino-américa, pan-americanismo, integração, Mercosul, século XX


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Determinar si los instrumentos políticos/jurídicos con los que cuenta la OEA para el fortalecimiento, la protección y la promoción de la Democracia Representativa, han ayudado a los países latinoamericanos a hacerle frente al nuevo tipo de democracia


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Mediante el estudio comparativo entre el sistema probatorio del “Common Law” Americano y el régimen probatorio del “ Civil Law” Colombiano, se pretende dar una perspectiva general del manejo que se le da a las pruebas en dos sistemas jurídicos


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La trata de personas, se ha identificado como un problema creciente a nivel global, construyéndose como la tercera actividad delictiva más lucrativa, después del tráfico de drogas y armas respectivamente, generando entre 7000 y 10000 millones de dólares anuales


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Este documento ofrece un análisis sociológico del papel que cumplía el honor como valor en la sociedad neogranadina a finales de la Colonia a partir de algunos conceptos clave que ofrecen autores clásicos de la disciplina. El honor se puede enmarcar dentro de lo que algunos autores han denominado solidaridades sociales o conciencia colectiva. Es decir, dentro del conjunto de creencias y valores compartidos por los integrantes de una misma sociedad. Dado que para la época estudiada la herencia española en torno al honor ya había logrado un alto nivel de arraigo, es posible pensar que el interés por proteger el honor hacía parte del sentimiento común en la sociedad neogranadina. Y es que el hecho de que la noción de honor estuviese anclada en los valores religiosos, que tanto la Iglesia como la Corona promovieron, condujo a que el fundamento del honor tuviese un carácter moral, logrando así una alta difusión dentro del territorio americano. La idea del honor determinaba, en buena medida, los parámetros del orden social deseado.


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In this paper we reviewed the models of volatility for a group of five Latin American countries, mainly motivated by the recent periods of financial turbulence. Our results based on high frequency data suggest that Dynamic multivariate models are more powerful to study the volatilities of asset returns than Constant Conditional Correlation models. For the group of countries included, we identified that domestic volatilities of asset markets have been increasing; but the co-volatility of the region is still moderate.


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In the context of economic growth and recovering socio-economic conditions, many Latin American countries have implemented deep educational reforms since the beginning of the century. This paper aims to analyse whether these changes have promoted equality of educational opportunities in the region. Both the access and knowledge and skills dimensions are evaluated for six important countries, deepening the analysis for Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, in order to better understand the trends observed. Results point to reasonable progress in access, but reflect an unsatisfactory evolution of the level and distribution of knowledge and skills as reflected by PISA test scores.


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We assess inequality of opportunity in educational achievement in six Latin American countries, employing two waves of PISA data (2006 and 2009). By means of a non-parametric approach using a decomposable inequality index, GE(0), we rank countries according to their degree of inequality of opportunity. We work with alternative characterizations of types: school type (public or private), gender, parental education, and combinations of those variables. We calculate incremental contributions of each set of circumstances to inequality. We provide rankings of countries based on unconditional inequalities (using conventional indices) and on conditional inequalities (EOp indices), and the two sets of rankings do not always coincide. Inequality of opportunities range from less than 1% to up to 27%, with substantial heterogeneity according to the year, the country, the subject and the specificication of circumstances. Robustness checks based on bootstrap and the use of an alternative index confirm most of the initial results.


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In this paper we analyze the spread of shocks across assets markets in eight Latin American countries. First, we measure the extent of markets reactions with the Principal Components Analysis. And second, we investigate the volatility of assets markets based in ARCH-GARCH models in function of the principal components retained in the first stage. Our results do not support the existence of financial contagion, but of interdependence in most of the cases and a slight increase in the sensibility of markets to recent shocks.


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Financial integration has been pursued aggressively across the globe in the last fifty years; however, there is no conclusive evidence on the diversification gains (or losses) of such efforts. These gains (or losses) are related to the degree of comovements and synchronization among increasingly integrated global markets. We quantify the degree of comovements within the integrated Latin American market (MILA). We use dynamic correlation models to quantify comovements across securities as well as a direct integration measure. Our results show an increase in comovements when we look at the country indexes, however, the increase in the trend of correlation is previous to the institutional efforts to establish an integrated market in the region. On the other hand, when we look at sector indexes and an integration measure, we find a decreased in comovements among a representative sample of securities form the integrated market.


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This paper examines the impact on old age poverty and the fiscal cost of universal minimum oldage pensions in Latin America using recent household survey data for 18 countries. Alleviatingold age poverty requires different approach from other age groups and a minimum pension islikely to be the only alternative available. First we measure old age poverty rates for all countries.Second we discuss the design of minimum pensions schemes, means-tested or not, as wellas the disincentive effects that they are expected to have on the economic and social behavior ofhouseholds including labor supply, saving and family solidarity. Third we use the household surveysto simulate the fiscal cost and the impact on poverty rates of alternative minimum pensionschemes in the 18 countries. We show that a universal minimum pension would substantiallyreduce poverty among the elderly except in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay where minimumpension systems already exist and poverty rates are low. Such schemes have much tobe commended in terms of incentives, spillover effects and administrative simplicity but have ahigh fiscal cost. The latter is a function of the age at which benefits are awarded, the prevailinglongevity, the generosity of benefits, the efficacy of means testing, and naturally the fiscal capacityof the country.


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Latin America is well known as an inequitable region. As it is recognized, inequality and corruption perception weaken the way that political institutions works and the democratic system. Focusing on Latin American and Caribbean countries, this paper analyzes what are the elements shaping tax morale. In particular, how the context influences ethical grounds decisions such as the predisposition to pay taxes is analyzed, using the survey carried out in 2005 by Latinobarometro. The objective is to analyze how country performance determines tax morale. To do so, four probitmodels are estimated using Gini index, Transparency International Corruption Perception Index and Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPpc) as explanatory variables. As expected we found that some socio-demographic variables play a relevant role. Interestingly, we also found that, in this attitude, LAC countries do not register a gender bias. However, those are not our main contributions to the literature on the field. The most important results are linked to: 1) the levelmatters, GDPpc increases the probability of people having tax morale, 2) moreover, income distributionalso influence on tax morale but in opposite direction and 3) corruption perception also reduces tax morale. Those results show that the quality of institutions matters and therefore, the way that democracy works play a relevant role.


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Esta monografía analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera compartida por Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay y sus decisiones en Política Exterior durante 1996 y 2006. Se explica cómo el Crimen Organizado Transnacional y sus efectos en la gobernabilidad de los Estados pueden ser un motivo para el análisis de la situación como un Complejo de Seguridad Regional. A partir de la conceptualización de Seguridad Regional de Barry Buzan y Ole Waever y de Robert Stewart y Derrick Frazier, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación que permite exponer los factores que conllevaron a el surgimiento de un Complejo de Seguridad Regional entre Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay para diezmar los efectos del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera.