995 resultados para Oregon
This is the latest edition of a book which is the standard introductory text for newcomers to the legal system of Northern Ireland. After explaining how law-making has evolved in Northern Ireland, particularly since the partition of Ireland in 1921, the book devotes separate chapters to the current constitutional position of Northern Ireland, to the making of legislation and case law for that jurisdiction, and to the influence of EU and European Convention law. It examines the principles of public law applying in Northern Ireland and outlines the role of some of the public authorities there. It then moves to chapters on criminal law and criminal procedure, followed by chapters on private law and civil procedure. It ends by examining the legal professions, legal education, the legal aid regimes and legal costs. There are also appendices with sample sources of law. Throughout the book, the focus is on conveying in comprehensible terms the essential features of this small, but historically very controversial, legal jurisdiction.
Far-travelled volcanic ashes (tephras) from Holocene eruptions in Alaska and the Pacific northwest have been traced to the easternmost extent of North America, providing the basis for a new high-precision geochronological framework throughout the continent through tephrochronology (the dating and correlation of tephra isochrons in sedimentary records). The reported isochrons are geochemically distinct, with seven correlated to documented sources in Alaska and the Cascades, including the Mazama ash from Oregon (w7600 years old) and the eastern lobe of the White River Ash from Alaska (~1150 years old). These findings mark the beginning of a tephrochronological framework of enhanced precision across North America, with applications in palaeoclimate, surface process and archaeological studies. The particle travel distances involved (up tow7000 km) also demonstrate the potential for continent-wide or trans-Atlantic socio-economic disruption from similar future eruptions.
This report surveys the legislative and judicial developments in human rights law within Northern Ireland in the years 2009 and 2010, highlighting the respects in which the law was or was not in compliance with international human rights standards, in particular those laid down in the European Convention on Human Rights.
This piece contemplates whether the common law could fill the gaps in human rights protection if the UK's Human Rights Act 1998 were to be repealed. It looks at how the common law protected human rights before the Act came into force, what difference the Act has made, how the common law has become side-lined as a result, how in recent cases it has begun to play a more central role, and what more more needs to be done to develop it in ways which ensure that if the Human Rights Act were to be repealed it would not be particularly missed.
This is a report of the variety of developments in human rights law in Northern Ireland during the calendar year 2013. It pays particular attention to references to human rights issues in judicial decisions taken within Northern Ireland.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a eficácia da aplicação de um programa que visa o desenvolvimento psicomotor e a resiliência em crianças brasileiras (de classes desfavorecidas) e portuguesas (meio rural). Foram implementados 3 estudos: no primeiro, exploratório, foi realizado um programa de intervenção na área da resiliência com 76 crianças portuguesas e 151 crianças brasileiras com idades entre os 3 e os 5 anos de idade, divididas em Grupo Experimental (submetido ao programa de intervenção Strong Start Pré- K, da Universidade do Oregon, adaptado às realidades portuguesa e brasileira) e Grupo Controlo (sem intervenção),avaliadas pelo questionário WeBeST (Well-Being Screening Tool) antes e depois da intervenção. O segundo estudo realizado numa ONG brasileira pretende avaliar o efeito da psicomotricidade e foi dividido em duas fases: fase A, que contou 32 crianças brasileiras de 5 anos de idade, que frequentam a Instituição em período integral e 28 crianças que frequentam em meio período. Na fase B foi aplicado um programa de intervenção (nas 28 crianças da fase A) para se avaliar o efeito dessa intervenção. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado na área foi o Inventário Portage, adaptado e operacionalizado para a população brasileira, que consta de 580 itens divididos em seis áreas (Autocuidados, Cognição, Desenvolvimento Motor, Estimulação Infantil, Linguagem e Socialização). O terceiro estudo avaliou apenas nas crianças de 5 anos, os efeitos da resiliência e psicomotricidade nas 28 crianças brasileiras da fase A e B (do estudo 2) e em 35 crianças portuguesas (do estudo 1). Pudemos constatar no primeiro estudo que quer as crianças portuguesas, quer as brasileiras submetidas ao programa de intervenção na área da resiliência obtiveram melhores resultados que as não submetidas ao mesmo programa. Quanto aos resultados obtidos na fase A do segundo estudo na área da psicomotricidade, as crianças da ONG brasileira, que frequentavam o período integral obtiveram melhores resultados que as não requentavam. Já na fase B, estas ao serem submetidas ao programa de intervenção específico, obtiveram resultados significativos, o que sugere que o Programa de intervenção foi eficaz, quer para as crianças que o tiveram anteriormente no período integral, quer para as que foram submetidas a ele na fase posterior. No último estudo, as crianças brasileiras apresentaram melhores resultados que as portuguesas. Não foi possível fazer um estudo comparativo entre Portugal e Brasil, relativamente à área da psicomotricidade, visto que na realidade portuguesa, desde os anos 70 é obrigatória na educação pré-escolar a psicomotricidade. São referidas algumas implicações psicopedagógicas resultantes deste tipo de intervenção, perspetivando a melhoria da qualidade de ensino e aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de personalidades resilientes das crianças.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015
This paper presents the design and implementation of a dual–tracking Radio Frequency (RF) front–end for a multi–constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiver. The RF frond–end is based on the direct RF conversion architecture, which employs sub–Nyquist sampling (also known as subsampling) at RF. The dual–tracking RF front–end is composed of a few RF components that are duplicated to form the two RF channels. Employing a dual–channel Analogue–to–Digital Converter (ADC) enables synchronisation of the RF channels and minimises the errors resulting from the differences in the satellite clocks and the propagation delay between the two RF channels. The digitised GNSS signals are processed by two separate acquisition and tracking engines that are driven by the front–end’s master clock. This setup provides two synchronised receivers that are integrated onto one piece of hardware. The hardware is intended to be used for research applications such as multipath mitigation, scintillation assessment, and advanced satellite clock and spatial frame transformation modelling.
A growing body of critical literature seeks to identify conceptual and practical problems accompanying the realisation of mainstream ‘eco-city’ initiatives around the world. However, little attention has been paid to the status of the ‘city’ itself within the broader discourse. If eco-cities are to be more than experimental ‘technological showcases’, and aim to transform urban life more generally, the question of what types of ‘cityness’ will ensue is of considerable importance. To effect a more significant sustainability transition, eco-city plans and policies may need somehow to encompass a more nuanced conceptualisation of cities as complex, unpredictable, and emergent spaces. The incompatibility of such a conceptualisation with liberal-modernist modes of planning means that radically innovative new approaches to eco-city development may need to be found. This thesis considers whether the eco-city, theorised as a multiple process of real-world experimentation, may shed some light on how ‘cityness’ might better be planned for in future. To do so, it conceptualises cityness through the lens of ‘publicness’. It makes an original contribution to knowledge by developing a new theoretical model of publicness as an ‘assemblage’ of space and behaviour, with an ‘emergent’ and ‘civic’ modality. It thereby extends recent debates over the idea of ‘urban assemblage’, and makes innovative links between theories of planning and of the public. This model informs the analysis of original empirical research, investigating the conceptualisation of the public in an international sample of official eco-city documents, and exploring the publicness of two implemented initiatives, in Portland, Oregon (US) and newly built Sejong City (South Korea). The research finds that publicness tends to be poorly articulated in mainstream eco-city plans and policies, with potentially negative implications for sustainability in the ‘urban age’. However, it also argues that state institution-led planning – even when experimental ‘governance’ approaches are adopted – may inevitably be limited in its ability to encompass the emergent public life of the city. The thesis concludes by considering the prospects for overcoming or more productively acknowledging these limits in future.
This paper uses some data from Igbo-English intrasentential codeswitching involving mixed nominal expressions to test the Matrix Language Frame (MLF) model. The MLF model is one of the most highly influential frameworks used successfully in the study of grammatical aspects of codeswitching. Three principles associated with it, the Matrix Language Principle, the Asymmetry Principle and the Uniform Structure Principle, were tested on data collected from informal conversations by educated adult Igbo-English bilinguals resident in Port Harcourt. The results of the analyses suggest general support for the three principles and for identifying Igbo-English as a ‘classic’ case of codeswitching.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
This dissertation addressed several questions relevant to vocational interests and personality characteristics, examining (a) the roles of personality, vocational interests, and sexual fantasies in defining a general factor of Masculinity/Femininity (M/F) (Study 1), (b) the validity of a new measure of vocational interests (Study 2), and (c) the individual difference characteristics that discriminate between students in various academic majors, and that predict academic outcomes (Study 3). In Study 1, vocational interests, personality, and sexual fantasies were examined to find whether these variables would yield a general Masculinity/Femininity (M/F) factor, and whether that factor would still emerge when controlling for participant sex. The results of Study 1 revealed that a general factor of M/F did emerge. When sex was removed, the loadings of vocational interests decreased from high to very low, suggesting that the link of vocational interests with other indicators of M/F is mainly due to sex differences in these variables. The purpose of Study 2 was to validate the Oregon Vocational Interest Scales (ORVIS), a new public domain vocational interests questionnaire designed to measure eight vocational interest scales. ORVIS scores obtained in a college and community sample were compared with those of two personality measures and two cognitive ability tests. Results from this study showed that the ORVIS scales were reliable and showed good construct validity. The purpose of Study 3, using the ORVIS along with the HEXACO-PI and tests of cognitive ability, was to examine the individual difference characteristics of students in different academic majors, and to use the congruence between a student's academic major and vocational interests as a predictor of academic outcomes, such as GPA, academic major change, and satisfaction with major. The results of Study 3 revealed that students in different academic majors show theoretically meaningful differences in personality, abilities, and interests. Conscientiousness and math ability were found to be the best predictors of academic outcomes. However, congruence between major and interests did not add significant predictive validity to any of these outcomes beyond personality and ability. Together, these three studies show the role of vocational interests in defming MlF and in predicting various academic outcomes.