850 resultados para Open and closed shop


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The results of experiments in open channels and closed pipelines show two kinds of patterns for the vertical distribution of particle concentration (i.e., pattern I and pattern II). The former shows a pattern of maximum concentration at some location above the bottom and the downward decay of the concentration below the location. The latter always shows an increase of the particle concentration downward over the whole vertical, with the maximum value at the bottom. Many investigations were made on the pattern II, but few were made on pattern I. In this paper, a particle velocity distribution function is first obtained in the equilibrium state or in dilute steady state for the particle in two-phase flows, then a theoretical model for the particle concentration distribution is derived from the kinetic theory. More attention is paid to the predictions of the concentration distribution of pattern I and comparisons of the present model are made with the data measured by means of laser doppler anemometry (LDA). Very good agreements are obtained between the measured and calculated results.


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Introduction [pdf, 0.27 MB] Methods [pdf, 0.15 MB] Results and discussion [pdf, 2.1 MB] Conclusions [pdf, 0.12 MB] Appendix A: Data gathering review, results and balancing [pdf, 0.3 MB] Appendix B: Data tables [pdf, 0.35 MB] Appendix C: BASS Workshop on the "Development of a conceptual model of the subarctic Pacific Basin ecosystems" [pdf, 0.16 MB] Appendix D: BASS/MODEL Workshop on "Higher trohic level modeling" [pdf, 0.24 MB] Appendix E: BASS/MODEL Workshop to review ecosystem models for the subarctic Pacific gyres [pdf, 4.39 MB] Appendix F: BASS/MODEL Workshop on "Perturbation analysis" on subarctic Pacific gyre ecosystem models using ECOPATH/ECOSIM" [pdf, 0.37 MB] Appendix G: Proposal for a BASS Workshop on "Linkages between open and coastal systems" [pdf, 0.15 MB] References [pdf, 0.14 MB] (97 page document)


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This report describes the working of National Centers for Coastal Ocean Service (NCCOS) Wave Exposure Model (WEMo) capable of predicting the exposure of a site in estuarine and closed water to local wind generated waves. WEMo works in two different modes: the Representative Wave Energy (RWE) mode calculates the exposure using physical parameters like wave energy and wave height, while the Relative Exposure Index (REI) empirically calculates exposure as a unitless index. Detailed working of the model in both modes and their procedures are described along with a few sample runs. WEMo model output in RWE mode (wave height and wave energy) is compared against data collected from wave sensors near Harkers Island, North Carolina for validation purposes. Computed results agreed well with the wave sensors data indicating that WEMo can be an effective tool in predicting local wave energy in closed estuarine environments. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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The development of an openly available layer of scholarly and scientific content requires access to all types of output from the scholarly and scientific process. Interoperable and sustainable infrastructure components are invaluable elements and the content should be clearly licensed for re-use. Open Knowledge will improve the discoverability and re-usability of content across the sectors, to the benefit of higher education and research and will help the (European) knowledge economy to move forward. In Autumn 2013, scoping sessions took place with experts to discuss their views around the value of making knowledge open and the steps which need to be taken to achieve this. These discussions are collected in the Knowledge Exchange discussion paper on Open Knowledge.


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[EN] Atemschaukel approaches the falling apart and survival in a historically loaded space, such as a labour camp. This novel offers a relevant research field for the space analysis, focused from the perspective of the Spatial Turn, as not only this theoretical frame but also Herta Müller herself conceive of space as a process, unterstood as a reciprocal interaction with the social practice, thus as a spatial and social construct. The representation of space in Atemschaukel is described in this article as a “swinging movement between boxes and abyss”, where the discourse of Leopold Auberg’s memories oscillates between closed and square spaces, on one hand, and open and giddy spaces, on the other hand. In this oscillating movement it is the open spaces that will most clearly show the process of inner destruction of the subject in such oppressive situations as on labour camps, as well as the permanent damages of deportation.


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Understanding the mechanisms of enzymes is crucial for our understanding of their role in biology and for designing methods to perturb or harness their activities for medical treatments, industrial processes, or biological engineering. One aspect of enzymes that makes them difficult to fully understand is that they are in constant motion, and these motions and the conformations adopted throughout these transitions often play a role in their function.

Traditionally, it has been difficult to isolate a protein in a particular conformation to determine what role each form plays in the reaction or biology of that enzyme. A new technology, computational protein design, makes the isolation of various conformations possible, and therefore is an extremely powerful tool in enabling a fuller understanding of the role a protein conformation plays in various biological processes.

One such protein that undergoes large structural shifts during different activities is human type II transglutaminase (TG2). TG2 is an enzyme that exists in two dramatically different conformational states: (1) an open, extended form, which is adopted upon the binding of calcium, and (2) a closed, compact form, which is adopted upon the binding of GTP or GDP. TG2 possess two separate active sites, each with a radically different activity. This open, calcium-bound form of TG2 is believed to act as a transglutaminse, where it catalyzes the formation of an isopeptide bond between the sidechain of a peptide-bound glutamine and a primary amine. The closed, GTP-bound conformation is believed to act as a GTPase. TG2 is also implicated in a variety of biological and pathological processes.

To better understand the effects of TG2’s conformations on its activities and pathological processes, we set out to design variants of TG2 isolated in either the closed or open conformations. We were able to design open-locked and closed-biased TG2 variants, and use these designs to unseat the current understanding of the activities and their concurrent conformations of TG2 and explore each conformation’s role in celiac disease models. This work also enabled us to help explain older confusing results in regards to this enzyme and its activities. The new model for TG2 activity has immense implications for our understanding of its functional capabilities in various environments, and for our ability to understand which conformations need to be inhibited in the design of new drugs for diseases in which TG2’s activities are believed to elicit pathological effects.


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Atualmente, a irradiação por micro-ondas tem se mostrado uma boa fonte de energia para a realização de sínteses orgânicas, devido a uma série de vantagens que essa nova tecnologia apresenta. Entretanto, ainda existem poucos estudos sobre polimerizações assistidas por micro-ondas. Neste trabalho foram realizadas a síntese da 2-fenil-2-oxazolina e a sua polimerização, em solução e em massa, assistidas por micro-ondas e pelo método convencional (térmico). As reações irradiadas por micro-ondas foram feitas empregando-se vaso aberto ou fechado, e nas polimerizações foram usados como iniciadores o iodeto de metila e o eterado de trifluoreto de boro. Os heterocíclicos e os polímeros produzidos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho e ressonância magnética nuclear de núcleo de hidrogênio. Para as reações assistidas por micro-ondas os rendimentos foram bons e compatíveis com os obtidos pelo método convencional. Para a reação de síntese da 2-fenil-2-oxazolina o rendimento ficou na faixa de 70% e de suas polimerizações em torno de 80%, sendo as reações irradiadas por micro-ondas realizadas em um tempo reacional muito inferior ao do método térmico. A técnica de irradiação de micro-ondas para as reações estudadas se mostrou eficiente para os parâmetros utilizados na síntese do monômero e na sua polimerização em massa.


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[ES]Ikasnabar es una conferencia para hablar de tendencias en educación, sobre las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito educativo y conocer personas que están generando buenas ideas y prácticas en su quehacer diario. Este libro intenta recoger todo ello con las contribuciones de autores noveles y de renombre que buscan la excelencia en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Tres tendencias importantes de aprendizaje se están expandiendo. Microcontenidos, aprendizaje móvil y MOOCs son la cara de una misma moneda: microaprendizaje con contenido rico, abierto y desmenuzado. A medida que el consumo de Internet desde dispositivos móviles aumenta, el aprendizaje móvil con tecnologías como HTML5, software para MOOC, plataformas de contenidos de vídeo, etc., están siendo algunas de las claves de la nueva revolución en el ámbito educativo. El microcontenido hace referencia a los pequeños trozos de información digital en un estado permanente de flujo y circulación. Es a menudo un único tema, limitado en longitud, que se consume rápidamente y con frecuencia limitado por el software o por el dispositivo. Se trata de la puesta en común de recursos. Se basa en la interacción humano-a-humano con los medios de comunicación de Internet. El otro tema central de esta conferencia es el de los MOOC realizados por los profesores que quieren tomar ventaja en el comienzo de esta nueva era de la educación abierta con calidad. MOOCs son, básicamente, cursos abiertos y es necesario recordar los puntos esenciales de este tipo de instrucción. Los miniMOOCs son alternativas con menos horas en el proceso de aprendizaje. Hoy en día, un buen MOOC podrá ser la mejor tarjeta de presentación para profesores, expertos y estudiantes. Vivimos en tiempos de cambio con ámbitos en los que se mezcla el aprendizaje formal e informal, y las universidades y colegios deberíamos estar atentos a esto.


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[EUS] Lan honen helburua egoera posturala eta bizkarreko minaren pertzepzioaren azterketa sakonagoa egitea da. Bizkarreko min zein desoreka posturalek gaur egun duten nagusitasuna ikusita, egoera azaleratu eta honen kausak zeintzuk diren ezagutu nahi dira. Honetarako UPV-EHUko Jarduera Fisikoaren eta Kirolaren Zientzien Fakultateko ikasleen (n=25) postura-aldaketak zein bizkarreko minaren magnitudea eta pertzepzioa nolakoak diren aztertuko ditugu. Egindako analisia longitudinala izan da. Ikasketetan sartu zirenean lehenengo neurketa egin zitzaien eta ikasketen azkeneko urtean azken neurketa. QPS-200 Shekel Posture Analyzer erremintari esker pisuaren banaketaren datu numerikoak lortu ditugu. Bizkarreko mina eta pertzepzioari dagozkienez, NASS osasun galdetegia erabili izan da. Posturaren neurketek erakutsi dutenez, bariazio handiena pertsonen artekoa da. Hetereogeneotasun handiena aurre-atze banaketak azaleratu duelarik, gehienbat lehenengo neurketan (2012: DS=9,33 begiak zabalik eta DS=9,99 begiak itxita; 2014: DS=7,37 begiak zabalik eta DS=7,94 begiak itxita). Aurkitu den efektu signifikatibo bakarra (p<0.05), bestalde, neurketa data da. Bizkarreko minaren pertzepzioak gora egin du urteak aurrera joan ahala (subjektuen %64 2012an; subjektuen %72 2014an) baina egunerokotasunean minak sortzen dituen zailtasunak behera egin du (%28 2012an; %20 2014an).


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O estudo em questão teve como objetivo analisar a atuação do enfermeiro nas práticas educativas na Estratégia de Saúde da Família considerando os princípios da Educação Popular e Saúde. É um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa e análise temático-categorial proposta por Bardin. O cenário foi o município do Rio de janeiro, em duas clínicas da família situadas na AP 3.1. Os sujeitos foram 17 enfermeiros. A coleta de dados foi realizada no mês de Agosto de 2012. As entrevistas foram gravadas e realizadas com ICD formulado previamente. Este foi dividido em: caracterização dos sujeitos com 5 questões fechadas e 3 abertas e um roteiro de entrevistas que foi composto por três tópicos e um total de 8 questões abertas. O projeto foi encaminhado ao Comitê de ética e pesquisa da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro, respeitando os preceitos éticos de pesquisas com seres humanos. Após a análise dos dados foi possível a construção de quatro categorias. A primeira trata das ações desenvolvidas pelos enfermeiros na ESF; foi possível verificar nesta categoria que o grande quantitativo de funções desempenhado pelo enfermeiro faz com que as práticas educativas sejam colocadas, em alguns casos, em segundo plano. A segunda aborda a dinâmica de realização da prática educativa; esta compreende duas subcategorias: o planejamento da prática educativa e as características destas práticas pelo enfermeiro. Com a mesma percebeu-se que as práticas são planejadas mensalmente em uma reunião de equipe com a presença de todos os profissionais onde eles opinam e decidem qual grupo será realizado e que temática será abordada. Na segunda subcategoria, verificou-se que diante das características extraídas das falas, as práticas educativas realizadas são focadas nos modelos tradicionais de transmissão de informações. A terceira categoria analisou alguns princípios da EPS, que emergiram das falas dos enfermeiros como escuta ativa e valorização do saber popular. Por fim, a quarta categoria, é subdividida em duas subcategorias que compreendem as facilidades e dificuldades atribuídas pelo enfermeiro para o desenvolvimento de práticas educativas. Nela, surgiram aspectos como o desinteresse da população na atividade e a grande quantidade de falta nos grupos educativos. Dentre as facilidades, está a satisfação do usuário, a divulgação que os indivíduos fazem na comunidade e a participação do ACS durante o desenvolvimento da prática. Portanto, percebe-se que há uma priorização das atividades educativas focada no processo saúde-doença, no qual o foco principal é a patologia e mudança de hábito. Desta forma, faz-se necessário que os profissionais se coloquem disponíveis para ouvir a população na construção de uma relação que considere o ser humano como um todo, a fim de respeitar sua cultura e sua crença, e saibam fazer deste espaço um campo para o desenvolvimento de práticas educativas que se aproximem do que é apresentado na EPS.


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The diet of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the area of Pavlof Bay, Alaska, was studied in the early 1980s by Albers and Anderson (1985). They found that the dominant prey species were forage species like pandalid shrimp, capelin (Mallotus villosus), and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). The shrimp fishery in Pavlof Bay began in 1968 and closed in 1980 because of low shrimp abundance (Ruccio and Worton1). Survey data indicate that, during the period between 1972 and 1997, the abundance of forage species such as pandalid shrimp and capelin declined and higher trophic-level groundfish such as Pacific cod increased. There is a general recognition that a long-term ocean climate shift in the Gulf of Alaska has been partially responsible for the observed reorganization of the community structure (Anderson and Piatt, 1999).


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An experimental and theoretical investigation of premixed turbulent combustion in an engine simulator is presented. The distribution of hydroxyl radicals formed in the combustion of propane/air mixtures was visualized by 2D-LIF and used to monitor the progress of the combustion process. For stoichiometric mixtures, images showed a continuous wrinkled flame front, while in lean (λ=1.5) mixtures, local flame extinction was observed as discontinuities in the reaction zone. A bright active reaction zone was still observed in flame inlets and closed concave structures. The effects of self-absorption and of collisional quenching on the fluorescence signal are considered and appear to have only a minor net influence on the shape and width of the flame front. The images are evaluated and interpreted in terms of the Lewis number effect and the laminar flamelet model. Analysis was performed by determining the contour lines of the images (specifically, the ratios of average maximum to equilibrium OH concentration) and comparing with corresponding ratios from unstrained flame simulations. The results show that although the degree of turbulence is not high enough for straining effects to be important, flamelet curvature does play a significant role in the combustion of lean mixtures; this is manifested by a mean effective flame velocity that is less than the laminar burning velocity. © 1991 Combustion Institute.


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Carp seed traders in Bangladesh are considered as one of the poorest, most vulnerable and least studied sub-population. Millions of fingerlings are transported annually to various parts of the country using bus tops and/or truck-beds in open and hand agitated method by the traders and as a result they encounter mass seed mortality. They are the key players in augmenting aquaculture activities by distributing fish fry and fingerlings to the fish farmers. Assessment of the seed sources and the livelihood of the traders are important to identify their point of entry to the aquaculture sector and further improvement. Status of household asset, income profiles, and risks involved were examined using DFID's sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) framework. Tools used to collect data included group discussions (GD), semi-structured and structured household (HH) survey. Samples (n=637) were randomly drawn purposefully from 10% of the carp seed traders within 11 districts. Sampled HH were classified into six land classes.


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Planktonic community in floodplain wetlands embodies the energy transfer through this phase and indicates trophic status of lake. Originally rich bottom coupled with a conducive physicochemical environment encourages fast colonization of the plankton population. Present investigation was carried out in two floodplain wetlands having characteristics of open (Amda beel) and closed (Suguna beel) system. The physicochemical parameters of water and soil of the investigated heels were by and large conducive for planktonic growth. The density of plankton population varied between 1,346 and 2,170 u/l in Suguna bed whereas in Amda beel it ranged from 1,030 to 1,802 u/l. Seasonal fluctuations in water column were conspicuous and mostly dependent on the replenished resources and volume, A mixed and balanced population of diversified fauna constituted the plankton population of the investigated ecosystems. Mostly the diversity was observed to be maximum during winter seasons with coincidence of favorable temperature, dissolved oxygen and other physico-chemical parameters of water besides optimum solar penetration. Richness of planktonic structure in closed system (Suguna) resulted in higher fish production (1,570,05 kg/ha/yr) than that of open system (Amda) (384.4 kg/ha/yr).


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Lightweight materials, structures and coupling mechanisms are very important for realizing advanced flight vehicles. Here, we obtained the geometric structures and morphologies of the elytra of beetles and ascertained its coupling zone by using the histological section technique and SEM. We set up a three-dimensional motion observing system to monitor the opening and closing behaviour of elytra in beetles and to determine the motion mechanism. We constructed a force measuring system to measure the coupling forces between elytra. The results show that elytra open and close by rotating about a single axle, where the coupling forces may be as high as 160 times its own bodyweight, the elytra coupling with the tenon and mortise mechanism, surface texture and opening angle between elytra heavily influence the coupling forces. These results may provide insights into the design mechanism and structure for future vehicles of flight.