963 resultados para Ontario. Clerk of Forestry


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The Deaths page from the Bell Family Bible listing the deaths of Jane Tyrrell in 1886, William C. Tyrrell in 1898, and Lewis Tyrrell in 1908. This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell family of St. Catharines, Ontario. Relatives of the Bell family were former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.The handwritten entry appears to read as follows: "Jane Tyrrell, died March 1st 1886 age 64 yrs. William C. Tyrrell died January 15th 1898 by accident in Albany N.Y. age 33 yrs 3 months Lewis Tyrrell died September 25th 1908 at his late residence Vine and Welland Ave. St. Catharines age 81 yrs 5 months." There are various spellings of the Tyrrell name within the Bell family archive. Other forms of the name include Tyrell, Tyrrill, and Terrell.


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A page from the Bell Family Bible entitled "Miscellaneous" recording the dates and places of birth of the children of Charles and Mary Bell. The birth dates for the eight children listed range from 1895 to 1918. There is also a single entry under the heading "Age of Children of Delbert Bell". This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell of St. Catharines. The Bell family is descended from former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.The handwritten entries appear to be as follows: "Ages of the children of Charles and Mary Bell are Wilbert Otto Bell born November 7th 1895 Erie Pa. Edna Beatrice Bell born May 25th 1897 Erie Pa. Lewis Terrell Bell born April 8th 1899 St. Catharines Ont. Gertrude Bell born November 26th 1902 St. Catharines Ont. Charles Henry Bell born June 6th 1906 St. Catharines Ont. Richard Wilson Bell born March 19th 1911 William Willoughby Bell born May 2nd 1912 both in St. Catharines Ontario Age of Children of Delbert Bell March 12th 1918 Delbert Charlie Bell"


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The origins of the Welland County Fair date back to the founding of the County of Welland in 1852. A provincial charter was issued in 1853 to create the Welland County Agricultural Society that was to operate the Fair. In 1970, the Welland County Fair became the Niagara Regional Exhibition, and the Society became known as the Niagara Regional Agriculture Society. The Society seeks to “encourage interest, promote improvements in and advance the standards of agriculture, domestic industry and rural life”. The Welland Festival of Arts was developed in 1986 in order to revitalize the town’s economy. An “outdoor art gallery” was created by painting murals on buildings that depicted the town’s heritage, a concept successfully adopted by the town of Chemainus, B.C. The first mural was completed in the summer of 1988, and by 1991 there were a total of 28 murals around the city. The endeavour proved successful: in the years that followed the creation of the Festival, two new hotels were constructed, a third was expanded, and there was an addition to the Seaway Mall to accommodate the increased tourist traffic. Optimist International is a non-profit organization that strives to “bring out the best in kids” . The first Canadian club was formed in Toronto in 1924. The Welland branch of the Optimist Club was founded in 1937. The first Welland County General Hospital opened in 1908. As the population increased, it became necessary to expand the existing facilities. Additions were made to the original structure with an East wing in 1930 and a children’s ward in 1931. However, in the 1950’s, the hospital was operating beyond optimum capacity and the need for a larger facility was clear. It was decided that a new hospital would be built, which opened in April 1960. The new hospital had 259 beds and 51 bassinets. Further additions were made in 1967 and 1978. The County of Welland was formed in 1850 when it was officially separated from Lincoln County, however, the two counties continued to operate together until 1856 when a new County building and jail for Welland County were completed. That same year, the first meeting of the Council of the Corporation of Welland County took place. The final meeting of the Council took place on December 18, 1969. The following year, the County of Welland merged with Lincoln County to form the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The Welland Mills in Thorold, Ont., was built in 1846-1847 by Jacob Keefer and is thought to have been one of the largest flour mills in Upper Canada. Ownership of the mill changed several times over the years and previous owners include the Howland family, the Hedley Shaw Milling Company and the Maple Leaf Milling Company. In 1986, the building received a heritage plaque from the Ontario Heritage Foundation, an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation. At this time, the mill was no longer in operation and was being used for storage by Fraser, Inc. By 2006, the dilapidated building had been redeveloped into18 apartments and 2 floors of commercial space, while maintaining many heritage features. The building is currently known as the Welland Mills Centre.


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Govan was an ancient settlement, former burgh and now a district in Glasgow, Scotland. It is situated 2.5 miles west of Glasgow City Centre, on the south bank of the River Clyde, opposite the mouth of the River Kelvin and the district of Patrick. Archaeological evidence shows that there was a church and burial ground here as early as 600-800 AD. Numerous carved tombstones dating from 900- 1100 have been found. Govan was a village comprised of thatched cottages until well into the 19th century. It became a shipbuilding town in the early 19th century.


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Lopez, Scribner and Mahitivanichcha (2001) discuss the limited volume of literature that directly addresses ethnic minority parents' involvement in their children's education and they call upon researchers to fill this gap in the literature. This study is one such positive step with its focus on exploring how ethnic minority parents of secondary school students in southern Ontario understand their involvement in their children's education. Participants in the study included three ethnic minority parents recruited from a local adult education centre, and my parents who, as ethnics minority parents, also faced challenges trying to support their children as we progressed through the Ontario educational system. Primary data were collected through in-depth, open-ended interviews approximately one hour in length. Each of the five participants was interviewed twice. Secondary data included Ontario Ministry of Education documents that addressed programs, policies, and supports for ethnic minority students in Ontario secondary schools. Fieldnotes and a research journal also provided secondary data. The findings highlight, among other things, the challenges the participants faced as ethnic minority parents with a deep desire to support their children's education, but often lacking the cultural capital valued in the Ontario school system to meet that goal. As well, I benefited greatly from this research learning about the various ways in which, in my future work as a teacher of ethnic minority students, I can integrate the knowledge, skills, and experiences of ethnic minorities into my practice to ensure that parents of the non-dominant culture have an opportunity to become highly involved in the education of their children.


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The St. Catharines and District Labour Council was founded in May 1957 by unionized workers from St. Catharines, Thorold, Merritton, Port Dalhousie and Grimsby. They sought to improve the social and economic welfare of workers; promote the organization of workers into unions for their mutual benefit, regardless of race, creed, colour, or national origin; encourage the sale of union-made goods and services; promote worker education; provide workers with a voice in politics; and safeguard the democratic nature of the labour movement. The Council, affiliated with both the Canadian Labour Congress and the Ontario Federation of Labour, was instrumental in assisting local workers with their labour disputes, including Canadian Pulp and Paper workers at Abitibi Provincial Paper in Thorold [1975-76], and Gallaher Paper [1999], workers at the St. Catharines Eaton’s store [1985], as well as smaller disputes such as that between the part-time secretarial staff and the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board [1972] and workers of the Skyway Lumber Company [1972]. The Council also assisted the community at large by offering a Community Counseling Service [1971-1976] to help citizens with issues concerning various government agencies, social services and Acts, such as the Vacation Pay Act, Landlord and Tenant Act, Employment Standards Act, unemployment insurance claims and workman’s compensation claims. Other projects that the Council organized included an annual Education Institute [1958-1965] and the annual publication of Labour Review, a summary of the Council’s past year. The Labour Council continued to operate until 2010, when several local Labour Councils merged to form the Niagara Regional Labour Council.


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An obituary describing the life of Dr. Truman Raymond of Welland County. The article recounts the many accomplishments of Dr. Raymond and his involvement in the Temperance movement. His sons are mentioned, including the predeceased Erastus B. Raymond, Esq., and his eldest son Lorenzo D. Raymond , Esq, who is appointed to the office of Clerk of Peace for Welland County. Dr. Raymond resided with his son Lorenzo at the time of his death.


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A summons "in the court of Requests - Upper Canada" Niagara District Division for a debt of three pounds, one shillings and six pence. Summons to appear before the Court of Requests, Robert Osborn vs. John Shadwick, signed by Walter Sumner, clerk of the court, 1841.


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This project reviewed current research on mental health and Canadian children, and then examined the practice of mindfulness as a means of supporting well-being and circumventing the potential detrimental effects of mental health problems. By contextualizing these findings within the recently released educational vision of the Ontario Ministry of Education (2014), which identifies well-being as one of the core principles of education in Ontario, this project investigated how mindfulness-based practices can be brought into the primary grade classroom. The ultimate purpose of this project is the development of a handbook for Ontario teachers of students in grades 1 to 3 (ages 6 to 8). This resource was developed from a comprehensive literature review and provides educators with easy-to-follow activities to use in the classroom to encourage the development of resilience and emotional well-being through mindfulness. The handbook also includes additional information and resources regarding both mindfulness and mental health that may be helpful to teachers, students, and parents.


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A press release from Youth for Diefenbaker, 1 August 1967. The release reads: "Hamilton Student Appointed Youth for Dief Representative. The youngest delegate to the conservative leadership convention, 15 year old Sean O'Sullivan of Hamilton, has been named Western Ontario representative of the Youth for Diefenbaker movement. This movement was formed in Ottawa to engage support of Canada's young conservatives for John Diefenbaker at the leadership convention. According to Mr. O'Sullivan, there is growing support for Mr. Diefenbaker and he will have an announcement to make in that regard at a press conference on Friday August Fourth at the Connaught Hotel."


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The marriage certificate of Mr. Hamilton K. Woodruff of St. Catharines and Miss Julia C. Cleveland of Erie, Pennsylvania. This is certificate no. 5221 signed by James C. Wilson. This is accompanied by 2 envelopes; one envelope is from Henry L. Rea, clerk of courts, Erie Pennsylvania to Mr. H. K. Woodruff, the other envelope just says "marriage certificate Mrs. H. K. Woodruff", Nov. 21, 1894.


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This project presents a primer for secondary French Immersion teachers that facilitates the use of French oral communicative activities in secondary Canadian and World Studies courses. The primer supports collaborative and inclusive teaching strategies that invite students to speak and develop their oral French communication skills. The primer is divided into 2 main components: (a) Rationale for the Primer, and (b) the Strategies themselves, comprising succinct descriptions as well as potential uses and suggestions. A critical content analysis of various Ontario Ministry of Education documents was undertaken in order to explore the importance of oral communication in second-language learning in Ontario secondary schools. Furthermore, holistic and invitational education perspectives were examined in order to define the advantages of collaborative learning. Moreover, research in the stream of French Immersion studies was also referenced to frame the relevance of second-language learning and the significant role the French Immersion teacher plays. The aforementioned research contributes to the advancement of theory and practice regarding the importance of opportunities for oral French communication in secondary Canadian and World Studies courses.


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Broadside advertising the appearance of the Prince of Wales, Albert Edward, who was Queen Victoria’s eldest son. He was to become Edward VII. The visit took place on Tuesday, the 18th of September in 1860. The broadside measures 20 cm. x 17.5 cm. The Royal Coat of Arms is featured on the top. Different typefaces are used throughout the broadside. The Broadside reads: "The Prince's Visit to St. Catharines. His Royal Highness will be at St. Catharines on Tuesday, the 18th Sept. 1860. The Committee of Management express the earnest hope that the Inhabitants of the Counties of Lincoln & Welland Generally, will manifest their Loyalty by joining in an enthusiastic demonstration to the Prince. Come Early to get Seats! As the accommodation in the Amphitheatre will be limited. A Grand Procession Of Firemen and other Public Bodies will be formed, accompanied by Bands of Music. A Royal Salute Will be fired by the St. Catharines Volunteer Artillery Company; and British Cheers will be given by the assembled assembled thousands. A General Illumination in the Evening! God Save The Queen! C.P. Camp, Sec'y to Committee. St. Catharines, September 15, 1860."


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)"


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Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’amélioration des soins et des services de santé et touche aux relations entre 3 grands thèmes de l’analyse des organisations de santé : la gouvernance, le changement et les pratiques professionnelles. En nous appuyant sur l’analyse organisationnelle contemporaine, nous visons à mieux comprendre l’interface entre l’organisation et les pratiques cliniques. D’une part, nous souhaitons mieux comprendre comment l’organisation structure et potentialise les pratiques des acteurs. D’autre part, dans une perspective d’acteurs stratégiques, nous souhaitons mieux comprendre le rôle des pratiques des professionnels dans l’actualisation de leur profession et dans la transformation et l’évolution des organisations. Notre étude se fonde sur l’hypothèse qu’une synergie accrue entre l’organisation et les pratiques des professionnels favorisent l’amélioration de la qualité des soins et des services de santé. En 2004, le gouvernement ontarien entreprend une importante réforme des soins et services dans le domaine du cancer et revoit les rôles et mandats du Cancer Care Ontario, l’organisation responsable du développement des orientations stratégiques et du financement des services en cancer dans la province. Cette réforme appelle de nombreux changements organisationnels et cliniques et vise à améliorer la qualité des soins et des services dans le domaine de l’oncologie. C’est dans le cadre de cette réforme que nous avons analysé l’implantation d’un système de soins et de services pour améliorer la performance et la qualité et analysé le rôle des pratiques professionnelles, spécifiquement les pratiques infirmières, dans la transformation de ce système. La stratégie de recherche utilisée correspond à l’étude approfondie d’un cas correspondant à l’agence de soins et de services en oncologie en Ontario, le Cancer Care Ontario, et des pratiques professionnelles infirmières évoluant dans ce modèle. Le choix délibéré de ce cas repose sur les modalités organisationnelles spécifiques à l’Ontario en termes de soins en oncologie. La collecte de données repose sur 3 sources principales : les entrevues semi-structurées (n=25), l’analyse d’une abondante documentation et les observations non participatives. La thèse s’articule autour de trois articles. Le premier article vise à définir le concept de gouvernance clinique. Nous présentons l’origine du concept et définissons ses principales composantes. Concept aux frontières floues, la gouvernance clinique est axée sur le développement d’initiatives cliniques et organisationnelles visant à améliorer la qualité des soins de santé et la sécurité des patients. L’analyse de la littérature scientifique démontre la prédominance d’une vision statique de la gouvernance clinique et d’un contrôle accentué des pratiques professionnelles dans l’atteinte de l’efficience et de l’excellence dans les soins et les services. Notre article offre une conception plus dynamique de la gouvernance clinique qui tient compte de la synergie entre le contexte organisationnel et les pratiques des professionnels et soulève les enjeux reliés à son implantation. Le second article s’intéresse à l’ensemble des leviers mobilisés pour institutionnaliser les principes d’amélioration continue de la qualité dans les systèmes de santé. Nous avons analysé le rôle et la portée des leviers dans l’évolution du système de soins en oncologie en Ontario et dans la transformation des pratiques cliniques. Nos données empiriques révèlent 3 phases et de nombreuses étapes dans la transformation du système. Les acteurs en position d’autorité ont mobilisé un ensemble de leviers pour introduire des changements. Notre étude révèle que la transformation du Cancer Care Ontario est le reflet d’un changement radical de type évolutif où chacune des phases est une période charnière dans la transformation du système et l’implantation d’initiatives de qualité. Le troisième article pose un regard sur un levier spécifique de transformation, celui de la communauté de pratique, afin de mieux comprendre le rôle joué par les pratiques professionnelles dans la transformation de l’organisation des soins et ultimement dans le positionnement stratégique de la profession infirmière. Nous avons analysé les pratiques infirmières au sein de la communauté de pratique (CDP) des infirmières en pratique avancée en oncologie. En nous appuyant sur la théorie de la stratégie en tant que pratique sociale, nos résultats indiquent que l’investissement de la profession dans des domaines stratégiques augmente les capacités des infirmières à transformer leurs pratiques et à transformer l’organisation. Nos résultats soulignent le rôle déterminant du contexte dans le développement de capacités stratégiques chez les professionnels. Enfin, nos résultats révèlent 3 stratégies émergentes des pratiques des infirmières : une stratégie de développement de la pratique infirmière en oncologie, une stratégie d’institutionnalisation des politiques de la CDP dans le système en oncologie et une stratégie de positionnement de la profession infirmière. Les résultats de notre étude démontrent que l’amélioration de la qualité des soins et des services de santé est située. L’implantation de transformations dans l’ensemble d’un système, tel que celui du cancer en Ontario, est tributaire d’une part, des capacités d’action des acteurs en position d’autorité qui mobilisent un ensemble de leviers pour introduire des changements et d’autre part, de la capacité des acteurs à la base de l’organisation à s’approprier les leviers pour développer un projet professionnel, améliorer leurs pratiques professionnelles et transformer le système de soins.