976 resultados para Oil of chicken
En el siguiente trabajo se realiza la impregnación de diferentes sustratos poliméricos con agentes biocidas y con un colorante textil, comúnmente empleados en los procesos de acabados textiles. En este estudio se realiza la selección del colorante Disperse Red 167 (DR167), mediante la comparación de solubilidad en CO2 supercrítico (scCO2) entre varios colorantes dispersos. Los agentes biocidas seleccionados han sido; esencia de clavo (eugenol) y aceite esencial de orégano. Se ha realizado la impregnación de diferentes sustratos poliméricos; poliéster (PES), polipropileno (PP), y algodón (CO), en diferentes condiciones. En total se realizaron impregnaciones utilizando diez concentraciones relativas del DR167. El objetivo principal es determinar las condiciones óptimas de procesado para cada sustrato. Para determinar el rendimiento de la tintura en scCO2 se han representado los diagramas cromáticos de las muestras tintadas en diferentes condiciones. Las muestras de PES son las que presentan mayor rendimiento de color, sabiendo que esta es la única fibra que presenta afinidad con el DR167. Para determinar el efecto de inhibición de las bacterias se han realizado ensayos de actividad antimicrobiana y actividad fungicida. Puede indicarse que sí se observó cierta actividad inhibitoria frente algunos microorganismos, como Staphylococcus aureus, mientras que no se observó una actividad inhibitoria importante frente a otros como Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Greece and its creditors seem to be engaged in a game of chicken: both sides expect the other to yield at the last moment. The game will almost certainly end with each side deviating somewhat from its preferred course. This High-Level Brief discusses how a parallel currency could contribute to a resolution of the conflict. In the author's view, it would be the least-bad option for both sides among three possible options on the table.
Apesar de várias evidências do potencial terapêutico dos óleos essenciais em diversas patologias, inclusive em transtornos mentais, os estudos científicos que comprovam esse potencial ainda são escassos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar e comparar de forma sistemática os efeitos dos óleos essenciais de alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis) e petitgrain (Citrus aurantium L.) em modelos animais com ratos nos seguintes parâmetros: atividade motora, depressão, ansiedade e aprendizado. Método: foram utilizados 297 ratos em todo o estudo, sendo: 54 no piloto 1; 66 no piloto 2; 36 no campo aberto; 36 na esquiva discriminativa; 36 no teste de enterrar esferas; 33 na natação forçada e 36 no experimento de aprendizagem. Os principais resultados revelaram que: ratos tratados com 100mg/kg (i.p.) de óleo essencial de alecrim não apresentaram diferença na atividade motora avaliada em campo aberto (p=0.213 teste de Mann-Whitney), tampouco na aprendizagem da resposta de pressão à barra em caixa de Skinner (p=0.098 teste de Mann-Whitney), comparados aos ratos controles que receberam salina 0,9% (1 mL/kg), porém esse mesmo tratamento foi efetivo em modelos de depressão (p=0.006 teste de Mann-Whitney) e ansiedade (teste de esconder esferas - p=0.003 ANOVA). No que diz respeito ao óleo essencial de petitgrain administrado em ratos na dose de 30mg/kg (i.p.), não observou-se diferença na atividade motora (p=0.795 teste de Mann-Whitney), contudo obteve-se efeito ansiolítico (teste de esconder esferas - p=0.028 ANOVA) e antidepressivo (p=0.001 teste de Mann-Whitney) em relação ao controle. Ademais, o óleo de petitgrain proporcionou uma melhora na aprendizagem (p=0.002 teste de Mann-Whitney) se comparado com os animais do grupo controle e os animais tratados com alecrim. Dessa forma podemos concluir que ambos os óleos estudados (alecrim e petitgrain) apresentaram atividades ansiolítica e antidepressiva nos testes realizados e apenas o óleo de petitgrain produziu efeitos na aprendizagem dos animais.
Helicobacter pylori is a spiral, Gram negative, mobile, and microaerophilic bacteria recognized as a major cause of gastritis, ulcer, gastric cancer, and gastric low grade, B cell, mucosa – associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma, constituting an important microorganism in medical microbiology. Its importance comes from the difficulty of treatment because the requirement of multiple drugs use, besides the increasing emergence of resistant and multiresistant strains to antibiotics used in th e clinic. In order to expand safe and effective therapeutic options , chemical studies on medicinal plants by obtaining extracts, fractions, isolated compounds or essential oils with some biological activity has been intensified . Given the above, the objective was to evaluate the inhi bitory activity of organic extracts derived from Syzygium cumini and Encholirium spectabile, with antiulcer history, and the essential oil, obtained from S. cumini, against H. pylori (ATCC 43504) by the disk diffusion method, for qualitative evaluation, an d determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) using the broth microdilution method, for quantitative analysis. Also was evaluated the extracts in vitro toxicity by a hemolytic assay using sheep red blood cells, and VERO and HeLa cells using the MTT assay to analyze cell viability. The extracts of both plant used in antimicrobial assays did not inhibit bacterial growth, however the essential oil of S. cumini (SCFO) proved effective, showing MIC value of 205 μg/mL (0.024 % dilution of the original oil). In the hemolytic assay, the same oil shows moderate toxicity, by promote 25% hemolysis at 1000 μg/mL. Regarding the cytotoxicity in cell culture, the SCFO, at 260 μg/mL, affected the cell viability around 80% of HeLa and 50% of VERO cells. So the oi l obtained from S. cumini leaves has antimicrobial activity against H. pylori and cytotoxicity potential, suggesting a source of new molecule drug candidates, since new stages of toxicity in vitro and in vivo, as well, chemical characterization be evaluate d. Moreover, the development of a prospective drug delivery system can result in a prototype to be used in preclinical tests.
This master's thesis aims to analyze the activity of the operators in a control room of the processes of production on-shore petroleum, with a focus on sociotechnical restrictions that interfere in the decision-making process and the actions of operators and therefore, the strategies (individual and collective) to regulate and maintain the operator action required and the safety of the system, together. The activity in focus involves the supervision and control of the production of thousands of barrels of oil/day in a complex and dispersed production’s structures built in an extension of 80 km. This operational framework highlights the importance of this activity for the fulfilment of the targets local and corporate efficiency, good management of the environment, health and safety of operators. This is an exploratory research and in the field, which uses the methodology of Ergonomic Analysis of the Work, composed of observational techniques and interactional, having as locus control room of the processes of production on-shore oil of an oil company. The population of this research is formed by operators in the control room of an Brazilian oil company. The results showed that the supervisory activity and control of the superheated steam injection is an complex context, demands greater attention, concentration, calculations, comparisons, trend analysis and decision making. The activity is collectively constructed between the control room operator, field operator and the supplier of steam. The research showed that the processes of communication and collaboration between the control room , fields and support staff are the key elements of this activity. The study shows that the operators have the autonomy and the elements necessary for work; and that there is continuous investments to improve the technology used and that the operators report sleep disturbances as a result of chronic exposure to night work. The study contributed with proposals for transformation of this activity: with regard to the installation of a area reserved for food in control room, the update the screens of the supervisory current operating condition, the periodic visits by room operators in the field, standardization of production reports, development assistance and standardization of nomenclature of controlling stations steam systems, to improve the conditions of realization of the activity, improve the quality of products produced by operators and contribute to reduce the possibility of slips or shifts in the activity.
This survey is one of a series of nutritional surveys safefood has commissioned. The others include; Nutritional content of chicken & potato products in deli counters and takeaway outlets (2009) Survey of salt levels in soup in catering establishments on the island of Ireland (2011) Pizza - what’s in that box? – Nutritional content of a range of takeaway and shop-bought pizzas (2012) What’s in that bun? – Nutritional content of a range of takeaway burgers (2012) What’s in your Chinese takeaway? – Nutritional content of a range of takeaway Chinese food (2012) This survey looks at the nutritional content of a popular and convenient "on-the-go" food, the wrap, and sheds light on whether it is a healthy option. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/What%E2%80%99s-in-your-favourite-wraps.aspx#sthash.3UE6R6d4.dpuf
Ernest Mercier est l’un des patrons les plus influents de l'entre-deux-guerres en France. Ses différentes activités industrielles l'ont conduit à siéger sur de vastes pans de l’économie française, notamment du secteur énergétique. La thèse retrace la carrière pétrolière d'un homme qui a joué un rôle central pour le développement d'une industrie devenue stratégique, mais qui est embryonnaire lorsqu'il rejoint ce secteur après la Première Guerre mondiale. Mercier assiste et assure la création d'une industrie pétrolière nationale. Les obstacles se font légion contre les ambitions pétrolières de la France. Elle se présente bien tard sur un marché étroitement contrôlé par de puissants trusts. La recherche et l'exploitation pétrolière demandent d'importantes ressources, et aucune société française n'a les moyens d'une politique indépendante. Certaines banques se lancent alors dans les affaires de pétrole en s'alliant aux grands trusts internationaux. C'est le cas de Paribas; la gestion de ses avoirs roumains représente la première expérience de Mercier dans ce secteur. L'État s'intéresse aussi au pétrole, il devient un acteur incontournable. Le gouvernement français n'a pourtant pas les moyens de ses ambitions dans le domaine pétrolier. La politique nationale mise en place durant l'entre-deux-guerres doit faire appel à l'épargne privée française. La création d'une compagnie nationale, la Compagnie française des pétroles, en 1924 regroupe ainsi les différentes banques et sociétés intéressées au pétrole. Mercier est personnellement choisi par le président Raymond Poincaré pour mener à bien cette mission. Cette carrière s'articule donc autour d'un fragile équilibre entre milieux privés et gouvernement. Mercier devient rapidement l'intermédiaire incontournable qui régit ces relations. La thèse s'appuie sur les archives bancaires et industrielles, mais aussi sur celles du gouvernement français et de ses différents ministères. Cette analyse de la carrière d'Ernest Mercier permet de retracer les origines du secteur pétrolier français et l'action déterminante d'un homme. Elle expose les mécanismes d'influence d'une puissante banque d'affaires et les conflits d'intérêts qu'engendre l'exploitation pétrolière.
The crops are affected by pests and diseases that decrease productivity. Among them are the damping off of seedlings that can occur in pre and post-emergence. In bean crops, cucumber and beet these diseases occur, being caused by various pathogens, especialy fitopathogenic fungi. Several measures are used for the controle of such diseases, among them, is the chemical seed treatment fungicides. However, society has become increasingly concerned about the quality and food and environmental contamination, generation a growting search for sensitive products to humans and the environment. The use of essential oils to control plant pathogens is an example of alternative tested by science in the search for less aggressive technologies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the use of essential oil Aloysia citriodora, in control of pathogens causing damping off in beans, cucumber and beet. This thesis was divided in four chapters, the introductory first, and the other addressing the control of Pythium sp. in beans, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on cucumber, and Fusarium sp. on beet. The methodology consisted of four experiments in each pathosystem, with all the work done at the Federal Technological University of Parana, Campus Dois Vizinhos. In the first experiment evaluated the fungistatic and fungicidal effect of the essential oil of A. citriodora on PDA in vitro in mycelial growth of pathogens studied. In the second experiment evaluated the in vitro effect of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in BD medium on microscope slides, on the germination of sporangia Pythium sp. and conidia Fusarium sp., and in Petri dishes with PDA medium, the sclerotia germination speed index of S. sclerotiorum. In the third experiment, we evaluated in germination test in paper roll (PR), the phytotoxic effect or not the use of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in dry bean seed, cucumber and beet. The variables used to assess this experiment were the germination percentage, mediun green mass per plant and average length of seedlings. In the fourth experiment we assessed the effect of treating bean seeds, cucumber and beet with essential oil contents of A. citriodora, seeds in their subsequent substrates contamined with pathogens studied, Pythium sp., S. sclerotiorum and Fusarium sp. In this experiment we used the following variables: percentage of emergence, percentage of post-emergence damping off, green average mass per plant, average length per plant and biochemical analyzes. The biochemistry of plant tissues evaluated were as follows: protein content, enzymatic activities of peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-liase (PAL), chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases. The in vitro results show that the essential oil has fungistatic and fungicidal effect on mycelial growth, on sporangia germination, conidia and sclerotia of the pathogens studied in this work, wich may be related to its major components, citral and limonene. The oil also exhibits low phytotoxicity to seeds of the species studied, only in beans decreases germination in most studied dosage (0,25%), cucumber also in the higher dosage (0,25%) reduce the length of seedlings, and beet there were no negative effects to the seedlings. In the test in substrate contaminated with the pathogens, the use of essential oil: increased germination and decreased post emergence damping off of beans seedlings; at a concentration of 0,0625% decreases post emergence damping off in cucumber. In biochemical analyzes found an increase in the enzymatic activity of peroxidases and β-1,3-glucanases on beans, and glucanases on cucumber, and increased enzyme activity of peroxidases on beet, showing action in resistance induction at damping off.
In the food industry, Salmonella sp. and other pathogens represent a major threat as potential causes of foodborne diseases. The Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg (SH) has a great importance to public health, being currently the most frequent serotype in the official control analyzes carried out in Brazil’s Southern. In this region are concentrated the largest poultry flocks, contributing over 60 % of Brazilian production of chicken meat. To help prevent and minimize infections by pathogenic bacteria, in addition to attend the standards of biosecurity in the field and good hygiene and sanitizing programs in the industry, there is the possibility to control directly on the poultry breeding. Use of organic acids added in the diet of the fowls has an antibacterial action. In the other hand, the use of probiotics has been shown to prevent enteric diseases. This dissertation was divided into two chapters and aimed to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative reduction of SH in broiler chickens. In the first chapter the aim was to collect information on the prevalence rate of SH strain in broiler chickens. This coefficient was 100 %, being a suitable method for determining the frequency of salmonellosis in broiler chickens. In the second chapter five treatments were evaluated (a positive control and four tests), in order to reduce the colonization of SH in broilers, using organic acids and probiotic during production phase. In SH count related to the colonization of the cecum at 28 days of age differences were observed (p<0,05) among treatments. The Treatment 2 showed a count of 41 most probable number of bacterial cells per gram (MPN/g) with lower counts when compared to the positive control (5.106 MPN/g) and treatment 1 (1.354 MPN/g). The evaluation index of infected birds, there was a difference between treatments. In treatment 2, and treatment 4 reduced 58,34 % and 25 % respectively the number of fowls infected with SH. There was no effect of treatments on the performance. Administration of organic acids and probiotic used in the treatment 2 proved to be an effective tool in the SH control in broilers at 28 days of age.
The objective of this study was to determine the antioxidant effect of essential oregano and alfavaca oil on the fatty acid profile of palm oil, used in industrial potato chips processing, aiming to reduce the oxidative state of palm oil. Essential oregano oil was obtained from industrial residues and commercial essential oregano oil was also acquired. The antioxidant activity of Oregano’s essential oil was taken by DPPH method. The DPPH analysis of the essential oil of oregano residue resulted in an IC50 of 797.04 mg.mL-1 and the essential oil of commercial oregano was 424.25 mg.mL-1. Regarding the content of total phenols, the essential oil of commercial oregano showed 0.167 ± 0.058 ug EAG.g-1. Based on these results, concentrations of 50, 100 e 150ug.g-1 of commercial oregano essential oil was added to palm oil and the fatty acid profile was determined by gas cromatography. Analysis were done with palm oil without being used in frying processes and without added essential oil, as well as with the different essential oil concentrations submitted at three frying processes at one single day. In the second part of the project, the effect of oreganos’s comercial essential oil compared to alfavacão essential oil, at the concentration of 100ug.g-1 in palm oil, and submitted to three frying processes during eleven cycles, was studied. The lipid profile was similar to that described in the literature, which an increase in the number of frying times caused a polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease and, therefore, a proportional increase in saturated fatty acids. It was noted an increase in the amounts of total saturated fatty acids from 43.36% (control) to 43.60% (palm oil with essential oil after 11 frying cycles at the concentration of 100ug.g-1). This fact proves that during the frying process, there is an increase in the rate of formation of saturated fatty acids. However, the addition of oregano essential oil did not provide significant change in the fatty acids of palm oil used in frying process of potato chips. The addition of oregano essential oil in a concentration of 100 ug./mL-1 until the third frying cycle showed a reduction effect of trans fatty acid formation. Although, during 11 frying cycles it was not noticed the essential oil effect under trans fatty acid formation. It can be suggested that this factor may be correlated to the frying time, which may not have been sufficient for significant formation of saturated and trans compounds.
The application of roasted coffee oil directly on freeze dried soluble coffee is used to minimize the formation of fine poder which adhere on the glass packaging, which results in a negative visual appearance, as well as contributes to the aromatic impact when opening the packaging. The coffee oil is considered a high cost product obtained from Arabica coffee beans, previosly selected and roasted, by mechanical press. In Brazil the coffee culture and marketing results in the selection of the beans by type of defects and beverage, the volume of exportation works with types of coffee beans with low quantity of defects resulting in a large volume of defective coffee beans trading on the domestic market. Nevertheless, coffees which present defective grains like green, black-green beans present differences in the final flavor of the roasted coffees. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of the oils extracted from grains classified as normal, green and black-green, at natural and roasted conditions. The oil was obtained by cold extraction using solvents of different polarities, and yield was calculated as well as its fatty acid composition. The oil of the roasted defective coffee grains was also used to prepare drinks of lyophilized soluble coffee in order to verify if jugdes were able to differenciate the sensory caracteristics of the beverages, in comparison to the product prepared using commercial oil obtained by mechanical pressing. Samples of oil obtained from defective grains showed similar extraction yields compared to hot extraction. Cromatographs of oils of the deffective grains did not showed differences compared to normal grains. In relation to the sensory analysis of the soluble coffee beverages, it was verified that when applying oils of light roasted black-green beans or oils of medium and dark roasted green beans obtained with rapid process, judges had more difficulties to distinguish differences between samples. Economic viability demonstrated that with the actual prices of the coffee beans, the use of defective beans could reduce in 64% the costs of the raw beans.
Some quality defects can cause changes in attributes of the meat, among these we can detach the PSE meat (Pale, Soft and Exudative). The PSE meat is pale, flaccid and exudative and result from sudden pH decrease while the carcass is still under high temperature. The identification of PSE meat has been done by measuring pH and L* (Lightness). However, studies suggest that a more precise evaluation of the kinetics of pH and temperature decrease has to be conducted to better understand the etiology of PSE meat in poultry. The aim of this study was to obtain the glycolytic curve for normal and PSE meat of chicken, through the pH, L* and CRA (water holding capacity) analysis. This experiment was conducted with carcasses obtained from a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 35) of Cobb lineage, 50 days old, from the same batch of creation and with the same pre-slaughter fasting time (10h). Samples of breast fillets were obtained from carcasses randomly collected immediately at the output of pre-cooling chiller, and the analysis of pH, temperature and L * were conducted in the same in times 1h35, 2h35, 3h35, 5h35, 8h35, 11h35, 14h35, 17h35, 20h35, 23h35 and 25h35 post mortem. The CRA analyzes were performed at the time of 25h35 post mortem. The pH measurements indicated that only from the 04 time (8h35 post mortem) was possible to verify an indicative of stabilization, being that PSE meat pH was 5,69±0,07, and normal meat was 5,93±0,09. The final pH (25h35 post mortem) was 5,98±0,06 and L* 57,30± 2,39 for normal meat, while for PSE meat the result was 5,72±0,06 and L* 59,44±1,51. To CRA, the average of the samples (67,19±3.13 and 64,45± 2.66) showed a difference between the normal chicken fillets and PSE respectively. The data found in this study are consistent with those reported by own research group in another slaughterhouse and contradicts similar works, but made at room temperature, indicating that for chickens under commercial conditions the resolution of rigor mortis occurs after 8h35 post mortem.
As lipases e os biossurfactantes são compostos produzidos por microrganismos através de fermentações em estado sólido (FES) ou sumberso (FSm), os quais são aplicáveis nas indústrias alimentícia e farmacêutica, na bioenergia e na biorremediação, entre outras. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi otimizar a produção de lipases através de fermentação em estado sólido e fermentação submersa. Os fungos foram selecionados quanto à habilidade de produção de lipases através de FES e FSm e aqueles que apresentaram as maiores atividades lipolíticas foram utilizados na seleção de variáveis significativas e na otimização da produção de lipases nos dois modos de cultivo. Foram empregadas técnicas seqüenciais de planejamento experimental, incluindo planejamentos fracionários, completos e a metodologia de superfície de resposta para a otimização da produção de lipases. As variáveis estudadas na FES foram o pH, o tipo de farelo como fonte de carbono, a fonte de nitrogênio, o indutor, a concentração da fonte de nitrogênio, a concentração do indutor e a cepa do fungo. Na FSm, além das variáveis estudadas na FES, estudaram-se as variáveis concentração inicial de inóculo e agitação. As enzimas produzidas foram caracterizadas quanto à temperatura e pH ótimos e quanto à estabilidade a temperatura e pH. Nas condições otimizadas de produção de lipases, foi avaliada a correlação entre a produção de lipases e bioemulsificantes. Inicialmente foram isolados 28 fungos. Os fungos Aspergillus O- 4 e Aspergillus E-6 foram selecionados como bons produtores de lipases no processo de fermentação em estado sólido e os fungos Penicillium E-3, Trichoderma E-19 e Aspergillus O-8 como bons produtores de lipases através da fermentação submersa. As condições otimizadas para a produção de lipases através de fermentação em estado sólido foram obtidas utilizando-se o fungo Aspergillus O-4, farelo de soja, 2% de nitrato de sódio, 2% de azeite de oliva e pHs inferiores a 5, obtendo-se atividades lipolíticas máximas de 57 U. As condições otimizadas para a produção de lipases na fermentação submersa foram obtidas utilizando-se o fungo Aspergillus O-8, farelo de trigo, 4,5% de extrato de levedura, 2% de óleo de soja e pH 7,15. A máxima atividade obtida durante a etapa de otimização foi 6 U. As lipases obtidas por FES apresentaram atividades máximas a 35ºC e pH 6,0, enquanto que as obtidas por FSm apresentaram ótimos a 37ºC e pH 7,2. A estabilidade térmica das lipases produzidas via FSm foi superior a das lipases obtidas via FES, com atividades residuais de 72% e 26,8% após 1h de exposição a 90ºC e 60ºC, respectivamente. As lipases obtidas via FES foram mais estáveis em pH´s alcalinos, com atividades residuais superiores a 60% após 24 h de exposição, enquanto as lipases produzidas via FSm foram mais estáveis em pH´s ácidos, com 80% de atividade residual na faixa de pH entre 3,5 e 6,5. Na fermentação submersa a correlação entre a produção de lipases e a atividade emulsificante óleo em água (O/A) e água em óleo (A/O) dos extratos foi 95,4% e 86,8%, respectivamente, obtendo-se atividades emulsificantes máximas O/A e A/O de 2,95 UE e 42,7 UE. Embora a maior produção de lipases tenha sido obtida na fermentação em estado sólido, não houve produção concomitante de biossurfactantes. Os extratos da fermentação submersa apresentaram redução da tensão superficial de 50 mN m -1 para 28 mN m -1 e atividade antimicrobiana frente ao microrganismo S. aureus ATCC 25923, com potenciais antimicrobianos de 36 a 43% nos três primeiros dias de fermentação. A fermentação submersa foi a técnica que apresentou os melhores resultados de otimização da produção de lipases, bem como de produção simultânea de biossurfactantes.
Acute phase proteins (APPs) are proteins synthesised predominantly in the liver, whose plasma concentrations increase (positive APP) or decrease (negative APP) as a result of infection, inflammation, trauma and tissue injury. They also change as a result of the introduction of immunogens such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), turpentine and vaccination. While publications on APPs in chickens are numerous, the limited availability of anti-sera and commercial ELISAs has resulted in a lot of information on only a few APPs. Disease is a threat to the poultry industry, as pathogens have the potential to evolve, spread and cause rapid onset of disease that is detrimental to the welfare of birds. Low level, sub-acute disease with non-specific, often undiagnosed causes can greatly affect bird health and growth and impact greatly on productivity and profitability. Developing and validating methods to measure and characterise APPs in chickens will allow these proteins to be used diagnostically for monitoring flock health. Using immune parameters such as APPs that correlate with disease resistance or improvements in production and welfare will allow the use of APPs as selection parameters for breeding to be evaluated. For APPs to be useful parameters on which to evaluate chicken health, information on normal APP concentrations is required. Ceruloplasmin (Cp) and PIT54 concentrations were found to be much lower in healthy birds form commercial production farms than the reported normal values obtained from the literature. These APPs were found to be significantly higher in culled birds from a commercial farm and Cp, PIT54 and ovotransferrin (Ovt) were significantly higher in birds classified as having obvious gait defects. Using quantitative shotgun proteomics to identify the differentially abundant proteins between three pools: highly acute phase (HAP), acute phase (AP) and non-acute phase (NAP), generated data from which a selection of proteins, based on the fold difference between the three pools was made. These proteins were targeted on a individual samples alongside proteins known to be APPs in chickens or other species: serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), Ovt, apolipoprotein A-I (apo-AI), transthyretin (Ttn), haemopexin (Hpx) and PIT54. Together with immunoassay data for SAA, Ovt, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and Cp the results of this research reveal that SAA is the only major APP in chickens. Ovotransferrin and AGP behave as moderate APPs while PIT54 and Cp are minor APPs. Haemopexin was not significantly different between the three acute phase groups. Apolipoprotein AI and Ttn were significantly lower in the HAP and AP groups and as such can be classed as negative APPs. In an effort to identify CRP, multiple anti-sera cross reacting with CRP from other species were used and a phosphorylcholine column known to affinity purify CRP were used. Enriched fractions containing low molecular weight proteins, elutions from the affinity column together with HAP, AP and NAP pooled samples were applied to a Q-Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole–Orbitrap mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) for Shotgun analysis and CRP was not identified. It would appear that CRP is not present as a plasma protein constitutively or during an APR in chickens and as such is not an APP in this species. Of the proteins targeted as possible novel biomarkers of the APR in chickens mannan binding lectin associated serine protease-2, α-2-HS-glycoprotein (fetuin) and major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 10 were reduced in abundance in the HAP group, behaving as negative biomarkers. Myeloid protein and putative ISG(12)2 were positively associated with the acute phase being significantly higher in the HAP and AP groups. The protein cathepsin D was significantly higher in both HAP and AP compared to the NAP indicating that of all the proteins targeted, this appears to have the most potential as a biomarker of the acute phase, as it was significantly increased in the AP as well as the HAP group. To evaluate APPs and investigate biomarkers of intestinal health, a study using re-used poultry litter was undertaken. The introduction of litter at 12 days of age did not significantly increase any APPs measured using immunoassays and quantitative proteomics at 3, 6 and 10 days post introduction. While no APP was found to be significantly different between the challenged and control groups at anytime point, the APPs AGP, SAA and Hpx did increase over time in all birds. The protein apolipoprotein AIV (apo-AIV) was targeted as a possible APP and because of its reported role in controlling satiety. An ELISA was developed, successfully validated and used to measure apo-AIV in this study. While no significant differences in apo-AIV plasma concentrations between challenged and control groups were identified apo-AIV plasma concentrations did change significantly between certain time points in challenged and control groups. Apoliporotein AIV does not appear to behave as an APP in chickens, as it was not significantly different between acute phase groups. The actin associated proteins villin and gelsolin were investigated as possible biomarkers of intestinal health. Villin was found not to be present in the plasma of chickens and as such not a biomarker target. Gelsolin was found not to be differentially expressed during the acute phase or as a result of intestinal challenge. Finally a proteomic approach was undertaken to investigate gastrocnemius tendon (GT) rupture in broiler chickens with a view of elucidating to and identify proteins associated with risk of rupture. A number of proteins were found to be differentially expressed between tendon pools and further work would enable further detailing of these findings. In conclusion this work has made a number of novel findings and addressed a number of data poor areas. The area of chicken APPs research has stagnated over the last 15 years with publications becoming repetitive and reliant on a small number of immunoassays. This work has sought to characterise the classic APPs in chickens, and use a quantitative proteomic approach to measure and categorise them. This method was also used to take a fresh approach to biomarker identification for both the APR and intestinal health. The development and validation of assays for Ovt and apo-AIV and the shotgun data mean that these proteins can be further characterised in chickens with a view of applying their measurement to diagnostics and selective breeding programs.
The Baccharis oreophila Malme belongs to the Asteraceae family. In Brazil are reported 120 species of Baccharis, most located in the South and Southeast regions, the latter presents the highest prevalence, especially in the state of São Paulo. Asteraceae is well known for the production of essential oils, which are liquid, volatile and aromatic substances produced by plants specialized for metabolism possess antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. Thus, this study aimed, perform chemical and evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of essential oil from dried leaves of B. oreophila collected in winter in Piraquara, Paraná. Obtaining essential oil was given by hydrodistillation in Clevenger apparatus, in triplicate, and the analysis was done using a gas chromatograph coupled to mass spectrometry GC / MS. The identification of the components was made based on retention indices calculated from the co-injection of a series of n-alkanes, followed by comparison of their mass spectra with literature. The antimicrobial activity was assessed by disk diffusion method and microdilution. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the methods DPPH equivalent Trolox, ABTS and FRAP equivalent Trolox equivalent ferrous sulfate. The essential oil showed 0.47% yield. They identified 57 components (89.38%), 1.51% were classified as hydrogenated monoterpenes, oxygenated monoterpenes 15.14%, 34.84% and 37.87% hydrogenated sesquiterpenes sesquiterpenes oxygenates. As the major components were detected kusimono (16.37%), spathulenol (16.12%), the δ-cadinene (5.68%) and bicyclogermacrene (4.09%). The antimicrobial activity of essential oil was performed for the microorganisms Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Candida albicans ATCC 18804 and Candida tropicalis ATCC 13803, the results showed that the essential oil showed activity against S. aureus Inhibitory Concentration minimum (CIM) 1250 g/mL. In the evaluation of antioxidant activity essential oil showed antioxidant potential for the three methods evaluated, with values of 1,468 m.mol.L-1, 7.126 m.mol.L-1 and 45.515 m.mol.L-1 for ABTS, DPPH and FRAP, respectively. These results demonstrate that the essential oil of B. oreophila showed antimicrobial potential against S. aureus and interesting antioxidant activity, especially for the reducing power of iron ion, demonstrating their potential for future industrial applications. It is important to emphasize that were not observed in the literature reports highlighting such biological properties of B. oreophila oil.