998 resultados para Obesity -- Teenagers -- Girona


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Rapid response to: Patrick Basham and John Luik. Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? Yes. BMJ 2008; 336: 244. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39458.495127.AD


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This study was performed to analyse the prevalence of obesity in children living in six different areas of the north-east of Italy. The study included 1523 children (749 male, 774 female), divided into four age categories (4, 8, 10, 12 +/- 0.5 years of age, respectively). The physical characteristics of the children were measured by trained and standardized examiners. In accordance with the guidelines on the Italian Consensus Conference on Obesity (Rome, 4-6 June 1991), a child was defined as obese when his weight was higher than 120% of the weight predicted for height, as calculated from the Tanner's tables. On average, the prevalence of obesity was higher in males than in females (15.7% vs. 11%). The highest prevalence was seen in 10-year-old males (23.4%). The prevalence increased with age both in males (4 years = 3.6%, 8 years = 11.2%, 10 years = 23.4%, 12 years = 17.3%) and in females (4 years = 2%, 8 years = 13.3%, 10 years = 12.7%, 12 years = 11.9%). This tendency was maintained when calculating the obesity prevalence by other methods, such as BMI, triceps skinfold and fat mass, although the magnitude of the prevalence was different depending on the criteria used to define it. A consensus on more precise criteria to define obesity is needed for a better diagnosis of obesity in childhood and to allow a more reliable measurement and comparison of the prevalence of obesity among populations.


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BACKGROUND: Obesity and African American ethnicity are established independent risk factors for the development of chronic kidney disease. No data exist about the association between obesity and renal hemodynamics in the African region. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: 301 nondiabetic participants (97 lean, 108 overweight, and 96 obese) of African descent with a positive family history of hypertension from the Seychelles islands. PREDICTOR: Body mass index (BMI). OUTCOMES: Glomerular hyperfiltration, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), and filtration fraction. MEASUREMENTS: GFR and ERPF were measured using inulin and para-aminohippurate clearances, respectively. Participants' baseline demographics, laboratory data, and blood pressure were measured using standard techniques. RESULTS: The prevalence of glomerular hyperfiltration (defined as GFR >or=140 mL/min) increased across BMI categories (7.2%, 14.8%, and 27.1% for lean, overweight, and obese participants, respectively; P < 0.001). Higher BMI was associated with higher median GFR (99, 110, and 117 mL/min for lean, overweight, and obese participants, respectively; P < 0.001), ERPF (424, 462, and 477 mL/min, respectively; P = 0.01), and filtration fraction (0.23, 0.24, and 0.25; P < 0.001). Multivariate analyses adjusting for age, sex, blood pressure, fasting glucose level, and urinary sodium excretion and accounting for familial correlations confirmed the associations between high BMI (>25 kg/m(2)) and increased GFR, ERPF, and filtration fraction. No association between BMI categories and GFR was found with adjustment for body surface area. LIMITATIONS: Participants had a positive family history of hypertension. CONCLUSION: Overweight and obesity are associated with increased GFR, ERPF, and filtration fraction and a high prevalence of glomerular hyperfiltration in nondiabetic individuals of African descent. The absence of associations between BMI categories and GFR indexed for body surface area raises questions regarding the appropriateness of indexing GFR for body surface area in overweight populations.


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Menopause and premature gonadal steroid deficiency are associated with increases in fat mass and body weight. Ovariectomized (OVX) mice also show reduced locomotor activity. Glucose-dependent-insulinotropic-polypeptide (GIP) is known to play an important role both in fat metabolism and locomotor activity. Therefore, we hypothesized that the effects of estrogen on the regulation of body weight, fat mass, and spontaneous physical activity could be mediated in part by GIP signaling. To test this hypothesis, C57BL/6 mice and GIP-receptor knockout mice (Gipr(-/-)) were exposed to OVX or sham operation (n = 10 per group). The effects on body composition, markers of insulin resistance, energy expenditure, locomotor activity, and expression of hypothalamic anorexigenic and orexigenic factors were investigated over 26 wk in all four groups of mice. OVX wild-type mice developed obesity, increased fat mass, and elevated markers of insulin resistance as expected. This was completely prevented in OVX Gipr(-/-) animals, even though their energy expenditure and spontaneous locomotor activity levels did not significantly differ from those of OVX wild-type mice. Cumulative food intake in OVX Gipr(-/-) animals was significantly reduced and associated with significantly lower hypothalamic mRNA expression of the orexigenic neuropeptide Y (NPY) but not of cocaine-amphetamine-related transcript (CART), melanocortin receptors (MCR-3 and MCR-4), or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). GIP receptors thus interact with estrogens in the hypothalamic regulation of food intake in mice, and their blockade may carry promising potential for the prevention of obesity in gonadal steroid deficiency.


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[cat] Una qüestió clau sobre la producció de salut relativament poc explorada es refereix a la influència dels factors socioeconòmics i mediambientals sobre el pes i l’obesitat. Aquesta problemàtica adquireix particular rellevància quan es comparen dos països Mediterranis com Itàlia i Espanya. És interessant adonar-se que l’obesitat a Espanya és 5 punts percentual més elevada al 2003 mentre que a l’any 1990 era aproximadament la mateixa en ambdós països. Aquesta article presenta una descomposició no lineal dels gaps o diferencials en taxes de sobrepès (índex de massa corporal – IMC- entre 25 i 29.9 9 kg/m2), obesitat classe 1 (IMC≥30 kg/m2) i classe 2 (IMC≥35 kg/m2) entre Espanya i Itàlia per gènere i grups d’edat. En explicar aquests gaps entre països aïllem les influències dels estils de vida, els efectes socioeconòmics i els mediambientals. Els nostres resultats indiquen que quan no es controla pels efectes mediambientals (efectes de grup o ‘peer effects’) els hàbits alimentaris i el nivell educatiu són els principals predictors del gaps totals entre països (36-52%), si bé aquests dos factors exerceixen un impacte diferenciat segons gènere i edat. Un tant paradoxalment, quan controlem pels efectes de grup aquests predictors perden la seva capacitat explicativa i els efectes de grup passen a explicar entre el 46-76% dels gaps en sobrepès i obesitat i mostren un patró creixent amb l’edat.


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To assess the distribution of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and C-reactive protein (CRP) according to the different definitions of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO). SUBJECTS/METHODS: A total of 881 obese (body mass index (BMI) > or =30 kg/m2) subjects derived from the population-based CoLaus Study participated in this study. MHO was defined using six sets of criteria including different combinations of waist, blood pressure, total high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein -cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, homeostasis model, high-sensitivity CRP, and personal history of cardiovascular, respiratory or metabolic diseases. IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α were assessed by multiplexed flow cytometric assay. CRP was assessed by immunoassay. RESULTS: On bivariate analysis some, but not all, definitions of MHO led to significantly lower levels of IL-6, TNF-α and CRP compared with non-MH obese subjects. Most of these differences became nonsignificant after multivariate analysis. An posteriori analysis showed a statistical power between 9 and 79%, depending on the inflammatory biomarker and MHO definition considered. Further increasing sample size to overweight+obese individuals (BMI > or =25 kg/m2, n=2917) showed metabolically healthy status to be significantly associated with lower levels of CRP, while no association was found for IL-1β. Significantly lower IL-6 and TNF-α levels were also found with some but not all MHO definitions, the differences in IL-6 becoming nonsignificant after adjusting for abdominal obesity or percent body fat. CONCLUSIONS: MHO individuals present with decreased levels of CRP and, depending on MHO definition, also with decreased levels in IL-6 and TNF-α. Conversely, no association with IL-1β levels was found.


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Western societies can reduce avoidable mortality and morbidity by better understanding the relationship between obesity and chronic disease. This paper examines the joint determinants of obesity and of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol. It analyzes a broadly representative Spanish dataset, the 1999 Survey on Disabilities, Impairments and Health Status, using a health production theoretical framework together with a seemingly unrelated probit model approach that controls for unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity. Its findings provide suggestive evidence of a positive and significant, although specification-dependent, association between obesity and the prevalence of chronic illness


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Obesity has progressively become a global epidemic that constitutes one of the biggest current health problems worldwide. Pregnancy is a risk factor for excessive weight gain. Factors that may predict development of obesity in later life mainly include gestational weight gain, pre-pregnancy nutritional status, age, parity and race. Change in lifestyle factors, such as eating habits, enrollment in physical activity, smoking and duration of lactation, in addition to the above factors, may also contribute to the development of obesity but are still not fully understood. Women who retain more body weight after pregnancy have, in general, larger pregnancy body weight gain, higher pre-pregnancy body mass index, marked weight changes in previous pregnancies, lactate slightly less and stop smoking during pregnancy to a larger extent. In addition, irregular eating habits and decreased leisure time activity after delivery influence postpartum weight retention. Taking into consideration the epidemic of obesity, with all its adverse long-term consequences, there is an increasing need to promote counseling before, during and after pregnancy on the role of diet and physical activity in reproductive health.


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En el presente trabajo se describen y figuran siete especies diferentes de Archaeogastropoda (Gastropoda) procedentes de los yacimientos del Empordà, Girona (España).


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En la presente nota se señala por vez primera la presencia de dos gasterópodos en el yacimiento pliocénico de Vilacolum (Girona), Bittium (S.S.) reticulatum DA COSTA y Scala (Hirtoscala) muricata RISSO, este último citado por vez primera en el Negeno espaol. Se acompaña de un catálogo actualizado de toda la fauna estudiada hasta el presente en dicho yacimiento ampliándose con especies hasta ahora no citadas de Crustceos y Equínidos halladas por nosotros


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En el presente trabajo se da un cuadro de distribución geográfica y estratigráfica de las 115 especies de Gasterpodos conocidos hasta la actualidad en el Plioceno de Empordà, Girona.


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En esta nota se da una lista de los Moluscos fósiles hallados en las arcillas azules de la base de los niveles de Sant Mori-Sant Miquel de Fluva y otra de la a fauna contenida en los niveles amarillentos superiores. La primera demuestra que las arcillas azules basales corresponden a un Plioceno inferior-medio, mientras que tanto los niveles arenosos como los calcareníticos de la zona de Sant Mori-Sant Miquel de Fluvià corresponderían a un Plioceno medio-superior.


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En el presente trabajo se describen y figuran las diferentes especies de VOLUTACEA (NEOGASTROPODA, GASTROPODA) rocedeiites de los yacimientos pliocénicos del Empordà, Girona España).