1000 resultados para OPAL


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Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene sediments from near the crest (Site 689B, water depth 2080 m) and flank (water depth 2914 m) of the Maud Rise (62°S) have been investigated by coarse fraction analysis and have revealed the following: (1) The middle Eocene (50-40 Ma) was a period of pure carbonate sedimentation, with good preservation of carbonate microfossils. No opal > 40 µm is present. (2) In the late Eocene (40-36.5 Ma) opal fossils (mainly radiolaria, and some diatoms > 40 µm) appeared for the first time. Three maxima in opal sedimentation (Eocene/Oligocene boundary, middle early Oligocene and early/late Oligocene boundary) are separated by increases in carbonate sedimentation. The dissolution of carbonate fossils is strong in the opal-rich layers. Opal sedimentation is attributed to cooling and probably more vigorous atmospheric circulation and increased upwelling. (3) Carbonate dissolution increased with water depth in the Oligocene, whereas in the middle Eocene excellent carbonate preservation in the deeper Site 690B and stronger dissolution in the shallower Site 689B is attributed to different bottom-water characteristics. The middle Eocene bottom water probably was formed by strong evaporation at low latitudes, whereas by the earliest Oligocene formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) had set in. (4) Current influence, not on top but on the flank of the Maud Rise, could be recorded by means of larger grain sizes of benthonic and planktonic microfossils. (5) Ice-rafted debris was not found. Quartz and other minerals are very rare and not larger than 125 µm and may have been supplied by ice as well as by wind or by deep currents. Mica contents were up to 10 times higher in the middle Eocene on the flank compared to on the crest of the Maud Rise, indicating deep current supply.


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Insoluble residues of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary deep-sea samples from slope, trench, and oceanic plate sites south of Guatemala were examined, specifically for the distribution of clay minerals in the <2-µm fraction and of silt grains in the 20-63-µm fraction. Widespread "oceanic" particles (biogenic opal, rhyolitic glass) and their diagenetic products (smectite, clinoptilolite, heulandite) were distinguished from terrigenous material - illite, kaolinite, chlorite, plagioclase, quartz, and heavy minerals. The main results of this investigation are: (1) At Site 494 on the slope immediately adjacent to the trench, terrigenous supplies testify to a slope position of the whole sequence back to the Late Cretaceous. (2) At Site 495 on the Pacific Cocos Plate, "oceanic" and terrigenous sedimentation are clearly separated. Whereas the pelagic sedimentation prevailed in the early Miocene, terrigenous minerals appeared in the middle Miocene in the clay fraction, and in the early Pliocene in the coarse silt fraction. These terrigenous supplies are interpreted as having been transported by suspension clouds crossing the slope and even the trench. The alternative, however, an eolian transport, cannot be excluded.


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An investigation of the quantitative composition of the coarse (> 40 µm) and clay (< 2 µm) fraction of HPC 532, DSDP Leg 75, in 1300 m water depth on the eastern Walvis Ridge off Southwest Africa yielded the following results: (1) The sediments reflect a complete Latest Miocene to Recent depositional history. Sedimentation rates vary between 2.3 and 7.8 cm/ka. (2) Preservation of calcium carbonate is subject to strong variations: short-term (< 100,000 years) and long-term (about 1 m.y.) cycles in carbonate dissolution have been observed, with strongest dissolution occurring during periods of lowered sea level. (3) Upwelling influence from the near-coastal upwelling centre has been detected by means of the opal content: interglacial periods show high opal contents, because the Benguela Current turned westward at about 20°S and carried opal-laden upwelled water to the west. Sediments from glacial periods, however, show opal minima. Besides these short-term cyclic variations in opal content, long-term cycles have been found, with maximum upwelling influence in the latest Pliocene/early Quaternary. (4) Each CaCO3 dissolution minimum (maximum) is correlated with an opal maximum (minimum) throughout the sediment sequence. (5) The oceanographic system off southwest Africa remained essentially unchanged since the latest Miocene: sea level rose and fell periodically on a small and on a large scale, and the Benguela Current flowed southeast-northwest and turned to the west at the latitude of Site 532 during interglacial periods, when sea level was high. (6) The climate in the near-coastal area of southwest Africa in the latitude of Site 532 has probably been arid throughout the investigated period.


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Sediments recovered by drilling during Legs 58, 59, and 60 in the North and South Philippine Sea have been analyzed by X-ray diffractometry. The CaCO3 content was measured separately. The sites encompass several volcanic ridges and intervening inter-arc basin troughs as well as sites on the Mariana arc fore-arc sediment prism and the Mariana Trench. The sediments at all sites received major volcanogenic input from the various arcs; they tend to be rich in volcanic glass, with associated quartz, feldspar, pyroxenes and amphibole. Carbonate is a major component only at Site 445 at the southern end of the Daito Ridge, and at Site 448 on the Palau-Kyushu Ridge. All other sites were either deep relative to the carbonate compensation depth or had very high non-carbonate sedimentation rates. Clay minerals are mainly smectite and illite with lesser variable proportions of chlorite and kaolinite. Smectite predominates over illite except at sites in the Shikoku Basin and the Daito Ridge, and at one site in the Mariana Trench. At several sites, smectite increases and illite decreases with depth. Principal zeolites are phillipsite and clinoptilolite. Analcime occurs in some samples.


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Based on the study of 10 sediment cores and 40 core-top samples from the South China Sea (SCS) we obtained proxy records of past changes in East Asian monsoon climate on millennial to bidecadal time scales over the last 220,000 years. Climate proxies such as global sea level, estimates of paleotemperature, salinity, and nutrients in surface water, ventilation of deep water, paleowind strength, freshwater lids, fluvial and/or eolian sediment supply, and sediment winnowing on the sea floor were derived from planktonic and benthic stable-isotope records, the distribution of siliciclastic grain sizes, planktonic foraminifera species, and the UK37 biomarker index. Four cores were AMS-14C-dated. Two different regimes of monsoon circulation dominated the SCS over the last two glacial cycles, being linked to the minima and maxima of Northern Hemisphere solar insolation. (1) Glacial stages led to a stable estuarine circulation and a strong O2-minimum layer via a closure of the Borneo sea strait. Strong northeast monsoon and cool surface water occurred during winter, in part fed by an inflow from the north tip of Luzon. In contrast, summer temperatures were as high as during interglacials, hence the seasonality was strong. Low wetness in subtropical South China was opposed to large river input from the emerged Sunda shelf, serving as glacial refuge for tropical forest. (2) Interglacials were marked by a strong inflow of warm water via the Borneo sea strait, intense upwelling southeast of Vietnam and continental wetness in China during summer, weaker northeast monsoon and high sea-surface temperatures during winter, i.e. low seasonality. On top of the long-term variations we found millennial- to centennial-scale cold and dry, warm and humid spells during the Holocene, glacial Terminations I and II, and Stage 3. The spells were coeval with published variations in the Indian monsoon and probably, with the cold Heinrich and warm Dansgaard-Oeschger events recorded in Greenland ice cores, thus suggesting global climatic teleconnections. Holocene oscillations in the runoff from South China centered around periodicities of 775 years, ascribed to subharmonics of the 1500-year cycle in oceanic thermohaline circulation. 102/84-year cycles are tentatively assigned to the Gleissberg period of solar activity. Phase relationships among various monsoon proxies near the onset of Termination IA suggest that summer-monsoon rains and fluvial runoff from South China had already intensified right after the last glacial maximum (LGM) insolation minimum, coeval with the start of Antarctic ice melt, prior to the d18O signals of global sea-level rise. Vice versa, the strength of winter-monsoon winds decreased in short centennial steps only 3000-4000 years later, along with the melt of glacial ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.


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Flux of siliceous plankton and taxonomic composition of diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages were determined from sediment trap samples collected in coastal upwelling-influenced waters off northern Chile (30°S, CH site) under "normal" or non-El Niño (1993-94) and El Niño conditions (1997-98). In addition, concentration of biogenic opal and siliceous plankton, and diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages preserved in surface sediments are provided for a wide area between 27° and 43°S off Chile. Regardless of the year, winter upwelling determines the maximum production pattern of siliceous microorganisms, with diatoms numerically dominating the biogenic opal flux. During the El Niño year the export is markedly lower: on an annual basis, total mass flux diminished by 60%, and diatom and silicoflagellate export by 75%. Major components of the diatom flora maintain much of their regular seasonal cycle of flux maxima and minima during both sampling periods. Neritic resting spores (RS) of Chaetoceros dominate the diatom flux, mirroring the influence of coastal-upwelled waters at the CH trap site. Occurrence of pelagic diatoms species Fragilariopsis doliolus, members of the Rhizosoleniaceae, Azpeitia spp. and Nitzschia interruptestriata, secondary components of the assemblage, reflects the intermingling of warmer waters of the Subtropical Gyre. Dictyocha messanensis dominates the silicoflagellate association almost year-around, but Distephanus pulchra delivers ca. 60% of its annual production in less than three weeks during the winter peak. The siliceous thanatocoenosis is largely dominated by diatoms, whose assemblage shows significant qualitative and quantitative variations from north to south. Between 27° and 35°S, the dominance of RS Chaetoceros, Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides and Skeletonema costatum reflects strong export production associated with occurrence of coastal upwelling. Both highest biogenic opal content and diatom concentration at 35° and 41°-43°S coincide with highest pigment concentrations along the Chilean coast. Predominance of the diatom species Thalassiosira pacifica and T. poro-irregulata, and higher relative contribution of the silicoflagellate Distephanus speculum at 41°-43°S suggest the influence of more nutrient-rich waters and low sea surface temperatures, probably associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Water.


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Through scanning electron microscope analysis of sediment microfabric, we have evaluated variations in high-resolution shipboard physical properties (index properties and shear strength), sediment components (smear slide determinations), and shore-based calcium carbonate and biogenic silica data from Site 751 (Kerguelen Plateau). The stratigraphic section at this site records a change in biogenic ooze composition from predominantly calcareous (nannofossil) to siliceous (diatom) ooze from ~23 Ma to the present, reflecting expansion of Antarctic water masses during the late Neogene. The profound change in physical properties and sediment character at 40.1 mbsf (~5-6 Ma) evidently records the northward movement of the Polar Front and a change in absolute accumulation rates of sediment at this site. Trends in geotechnical properties with depth at Site 751 allowed us to subdivide the sedimentary column into a number of geotechnical units that reflect changes in depositional and postdepositional processes with time. Geotechnical properties are sensitive to changing sedimentary inputs of primarily siliceous and calcareous microfossils. This allows us to study the physical nature of biostratigraphically-identified hiatuses and variations in environmental conditions linked to the migration of the Polar Front across this region. The analysis of geotechnical properties permits a more detailed division of the sedimentary column than is possible from shipboard lithologic descriptions alone. Our study of the sedimentary microfabric indicates that randomly oriented, elongate pennate diatom valves compose the sediments with highest porosity and water content values, and the lowest density values (wet bulk, dry bulk, and grain density). Conversely, sediments composed of nannofossils and disassociated nannofossil crystallites and little or no siliceous remains have the lowest porosity and water content values, and the highest density values. Samples of mixed siliceous/calcareous composition have intermediate physical property values, but these vary according to the nature of the sedimentary matrix and the state of preservation of individual skeletal elements.


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Empirical relationships between physical properties determined non-destructively by core logging devices and calibrated by carbonate and opal measurements determined on discrete samples allow extraction of carbonate and opal records from the non-destructive measurements in biogenic settings. Contents of detrital material can be calculated as a residual. For carbonate and opal the correlation coefficients (r) are 0.954 and ?0.916 for sediment density, ?0.816 and 0.845 for compressional-wave velocity, 0.908 and ?0.942 for acoustic impedance, and 0.886 and ?0.865 for sediment color (lightness). Carbonate contents increase in concert with increasing density and acoustic impedance, decreasing velocity and lighter sediment color. The opposite is true for opal. The advantages of deriving the sediment composition quantitatively from core logging are: (i) sampling resolution is increased significantly, (ii) non-destructive data can be gathered rapidly, and (iii) laboratory work on discrete samples can be reduced. Applied to paleoceanographic problems, this method offers the opportunity of precise stratigraphic correlations and of studying processes related to biogenic sedimentation in more detail. Density is most promising because it is most strongly affected by changes in composition.


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We reconstructed changes of temperature, salinity, and productivity within the southern Peru-Chile Current during the last 8000 years from a high-resolution sediment core recovered at 41°S using alkenones, isotope ratios of planktic foraminifera, biogenic opal, and organic carbon. Paleotemperatures and paleosalinities reached maximum values at ~5500 years ago and thereafter declined to modern values, whereas paleoproductivity continuously increased throughout the last 8000 years. We ascribe these long-term Holocene trends primarily to latitudinal shifts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The concurrence with shifts in the position of the Southern Westerlies points to a common response of atmospheric and oceanographic circulation patterns off southern Chile. Millennial- to centennial-scale fluctuations of paleotemperatures and paleosalinities, on the other hand, lag displacements in the position of the Southern Westerlies but reveal a significant correlation to short-term temperature changes in Antarctica, indicating a high-latitude control of the ACC at these timescales.


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Sediments were sampled and oxygen profiles of the water column were determined in the Indian Ocean off west and south Indonesia in order to obtain information on the production, transformation, and accumulation of organic matter (OM). The stable carbon isotope composition (d13Corg) in combination with C/N ratios depicts the almost exclusively marine origin of sedimentary organic matter in the entire study area. Maximum concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) of 3.0% and 0.31%, respectively, were observed in the northern Mentawai Basin and in the Savu and Lombok basins. Minimum d15N values of 3.7 per mil were measured in the northern Mentawai Basin, whereas they varied around 5.4 per mil at stations outside this region. Minimum bottom water oxygen concentrations of 1.1 mL L**1, corresponding to an oxygen saturation of 16.1%, indicate reduced ventilation of bottom water in the northern Mentawai Basin. This low bottom water oxygen reduces organic matter decomposition, which is demonstrated by the almost unaltered isotopic composition of nitrogen during early diagenesis. Maximum Corg accumulation rates (CARs) were measured in the Lombok (10.4 g C m**-2 yr**-1) and northern Mentawai basins (5.2 g C m**-2 yr**-1). Upwelling-induced high productivity is responsible for the high CAR off East Java, Lombok, and Savu Basins, while a better OM preservation caused by reduced ventilation contributes to the high CAR observed in the northern Mentawai Basin. The interplay between primary production, remineralisation, and organic carbon burial determines the regional heterogeneity. CAR in the Indian Ocean upwelling region off Indonesia is lower than in the Peru and Chile upwellings, but in the same order of magnitude as in the Arabian Sea, the Benguela, and Gulf of California upwellings, and corresponds to 0.1-7.1% of the global ocean carbon burial. This demonstrates the relevance of the Indian Ocean margin off Indonesia for the global OM burial.


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A detailed age model for core 17957-2 of the southern South China Sea was developed based on delta18O, coarse fraction, magnetostratigraphy, and biostratigraphy for the last 1500 kyr. The delta18O record has clear ~100-kyr cycles after the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (MPR) at the entrance of marine isotopic stage (MIS) 22. Planktonic foraminifera responded to the MPR immediately, showing the increased sea surface temperature (SST) and dissolution after the MPR. Benthic foraminifera did not respond to it until the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary. Since the MPR, the depth of thermocline gradually became shallower until MISs 6-5. This major change within MISs 6-5 was also reflected in the decreased SSTs and increased productivity and Deep Water Mass. Thus two major Pleistocene paleoceanographic changes were found: One was around the MPR; the other occurred within MISs 6-5, which speculatively might be ascribed to the reorganization of surface and deep circulation, possibly induced by tectonic forces.