854 resultados para Negative emotion
This thesis applies x-ray diffraction to measure he membrane structure of lipopolysaccharides and to develop a better model of a LPS bacterial melilbrane that can be used for biophysical research on antibiotics that attack cell membranes. \iVe ha'e Inodified the Physics department x-ray machine for use 3.'3 a thin film diffractometer, and have lesigned a new temperature and relative humidity controlled sample cell.\Ve tested the sample eel: by measuring the one-dimensional electron density profiles of bilayers of pope with 0%, 1%, 1G :VcJ, and 100% by weight lipo-polysaccharide from Pse'udo'lTwna aeTuginosa. Background VVe now know that traditional p,ntibiotics ,I,re losing their effectiveness against ever-evolving bacteria. This is because traditional antibiotic: work against specific targets within the bacterial cell, and with genetic mutations over time, themtibiotic no longer works. One possible solution are antimicrobial peptides. These are short proteins that are part of the immune systems of many animals, and some of them attack bacteria directly at the membrane of the cell, causing the bacterium to rupture and die. Since the membranes of most bacteria share common structural features, and these featuret, are unlikely to evolve very much, these peptides should effectively kill many types of bacteria wi Lhout much evolved resistance. But why do these peptides kill bacterial cel: '3 , but not the cells of the host animal? For gramnegative bacteria, the most likely reason is that t Ileir outer membrane is made of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which is very different from an animal :;ell membrane. Up to now, what we knovv about how these peptides work was likely done with r !10spholipid models of animal cell membranes, and not with the more complex lipopolysa,echaricies, If we want to make better pepticies, ones that we can use to fight all types of infection, we need a more accurate molecular picture of how they \vork. This will hopefully be one step forward to the ( esign of better treatments for bacterial infections.
Psychopathy is associated with well-known characteristics such as a lack of empathy and impulsive behaviour, but it has also been associated with impaired recognition of emotional facial expressions. The use of event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine this phenomenon could shed light on the specific time course and neural activation associated with emotion recognition processes as they relate to psychopathic traits. In the current study we examined the PI , N170, and vertex positive potential (VPP) ERP components and behavioural performance with respect to scores on the Self-Report Psychopathy (SRP-III) questionnaire. Thirty undergraduates completed two tasks, the first of which required the recognition and categorization of affective face stimuli under varying presentation conditions. Happy, angry or fearful faces were presented under with attention directed to the mouth, nose or eye region and varied stimulus exposure duration (30, 75, or 150 ms). We found that behavioural performance to be unrelated to psychopathic personality traits in all conditions, but there was a trend for the Nl70 to peak later in response to fearful and happy facial expressions for individuals high in psychopathic traits. However, the amplitude of the VPP was significantly negatively associated with psychopathic traits, but only in response to stimuli presented under a nose-level fixation. Finally, psychopathic traits were found to be associated with longer N170 latencies in response to stimuli presented under the 30 ms exposure duration. In the second task, participants were required to inhibit processing of irrelevant affective and scrambled face distractors while categorizing unrelated word stimuli as living or nonliving. Psychopathic traits were hypothesized to be positively associated with behavioural performance, as it was proposed that individuals high in psychopathic traits would be less likely to automatically attend to task-irrelevant affective distractors, facilitating word categorization. Thus, decreased interference would be reflected in smaller N170 components, indicating less neural activity associated with processing of distractor faces. We found that overall performance decreased in the presence of angry and fearful distractor faces as psychopathic traits increased. In addition, the amplitude of the N170 decreased and the latency increased in response to affective distractor faces for individuals with higher levels of psychopathic traits. Although we failed to find the predicted behavioural deficit in emotion recognition in Task 1 and facilitation effect in Task 2, the findings of increased N170 and VPP latencies in response to emotional faces are consistent wi th the proposition that abnormal emotion recognition processes may in fact be inherent to psychopathy as a continuous personality trait.
Female enthusiasm towards engaging in physical education (PE) significantly decreases with age as it provides females with positive and negative emotional experiences. This study examined emotions within four grade nine female PE soccer and fitness classes (N = 67). Emotional patterns were studied over time and across two units of instruction and in relation to student grades. A mixed-method approach was utilized assessing the state emotions of shame, enjoyment, anxiety, and social physique anxiety (SPA). Results revealed unsatisfactory internal consistency for shame and thus it was removed. Statistical analysis revealed no significant changes in emotions over time, whereas qualitative analysis found that state emotions were inconsistent. Statistical analysis indicated that students in the fitness classes reported significantly higher levels of anxiety and SPA on the final class (p < .01). Qualitative analysis signaled different origins and themes of students‟ emotions. No predictive relationship between emotion and students‟ grade was found.
Previously, studies investigating emotional face perception - regardless of whether they involved adults or children - presented participants with static photos of faces in isolation. In the natural world, faces are rarely encountered in isolation. In the few studies that have presented faces in context, the perception of emotional facial expressions is altered when paired with an incongruent context. For both adults and 8- year-old children, reaction times increase and accuracy decreases when facial expressions are presented in an incongruent context depicting a similar emotion (e.g., sad face on a fear body) compared to when presented in a congruent context (e.g., sad face on a sad body; Meeren, van Heijnsbergen, & de Gelder, 2005; Mondloch, 2012). This effect is called a congruency effect and does not exist for dissimilar emotions (e.g., happy and sad; Mondloch, 2012). Two models characterize similarity between emotional expressions differently; the emotional seed model bases similarity on physical features, whereas the dimensional model bases similarity on underlying dimensions of valence an . arousal. Study 1 investigated the emergence of an adult-like pattern of congruency effects in pre-school aged children. Using a child-friendly sorting task, we identified the youngest age at which children could accurately sort isolated facial expressions and body postures and then measured whether an incongruent context disrupted the perception of emotional facial expressions. Six-year-old children showed congruency effects for sad/fear but 4-year-old children did not for sad/happy. This pattern of congruency effects is consistent with both models and indicates that an adult-like pattern exists at the youngest age children can reliably sort emotional expressions in isolation. In Study 2, we compared the two models to determine their predictive abilities. The two models make different predictions about the size of congruency effects for three emotions: sad, anger, and fear. The emotional seed model predicts larger congruency effects when sad is paired with either anger or fear compared to when anger and fear are paired with each other. The dimensional model predicts larger congruency effects when anger and fear are paired together compared to when either is paired with sad. In both a speeded and unspeeded task the results failed to support either model, but the pattern of results indicated fearful bodies have a special effect. Fearful bodies reduced accuracy, increased reaction times more than any other posture, and shifted the pattern of errors. To determine whether the results were specific to bodies, we ran the reverse task to determine if faces could disrupt the perception of body postures. This experiment did not produce congruency effects, meaning faces do not influence the perception of body postures. In the final experiment, participants performed a flanker task to determine whether the effect of fearful bodies was specific to faces or whether fearful bodies would also produce a larger effect in an unrelated task in which faces were absent. Reaction times did not differ across trials, meaning fearful bodies' large effect is specific to situations with faces. Collectively, these studies provide novel insights, both developmentally and theoretically, into how emotional faces are perceived in context.
The study of peers as an influence on sport participation has received minimal exploration. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine how peer created motivational climates (task-involved and ego-involved) impact positive and negative affective states of intramural sport participants post-participation. Three hundred and fifteen intramural sport participants (N=315) at a Canadian university completed a questionnaire after participating in their intramural sport. Hierarchical regression analyses and MANCOVAs were used to examine the effects of peer motivational climates on positive and negative affect. Results revealed that task-involved peer climates are more conducive of positive affective states post-participation whereas ego-involved climates result in lesser positive affective states and more negative affective states. Teams that promote improvement and effort instead of intra-team competition and conflict will have more positive recreational sport experiences. Future research should explore other psychological outcomes that can result from peer created motivational climates in recreational sport team settings.
A photograph negative of Donald Ziraldo working a machine.
A photograph negative of Donald Ziraldo working in wine production. The date is unknown, but thought to be between 1975 & 1978.
A number of studies have found a significant link between sleep and psychosocial functioning among university students. A critical examination of this literature, however, indicates that one important gap within the literature is the need for longitudinal studies that specifically test for bidirectional associations between these two constructs. The main purpose of my dissertation was to address this gap by conducting three studies that examined bidirectional associations between sleep and psychosocial functioning among a sample of university students. Participants were 942 (71.5% female) undergraduate students enrolled at a Canadian university, who completed survey assessments annually for three consecutive years, beginning in their first year of university. In the first study, I assessed bidirectional associations between two sleep characteristics (sleep quality and sleep duration) and three psychosocial functioning variables (academics, friendship quality, and intrapersonal adjustment). Results based on cross-lagged models indicated a significant bidirectional association between sleep quality and intrapersonal adjustment, such that more sleep problems predicted more negative intrapersonal adjustment over time, and vice versa. Unidirectional associations indicated that both higher academic achievement and more positive friendship quality were significant predictors of less sleep problems over time. In the second study, in which I examined bidirectional associations between sleep and media use, results provided support only for unidirectional associations; such that more sleep problems predicted increases in both time spent watching television and time spent engaged in online social networking. In the third study of my dissertation, in which I examined social ties at university and sleep quality, results indicated a significant bidirectional association, such that more positive social ties predicted less sleep problems over time, and vice versa. Importantly, emotion regulation was a significant mediator of this association. Findings across the three studies, highlight the importance of determining the direction of effects between different sleep characteristics and various aspects of university students’ psychosocial functioning, as such findings have important implications for both methodology and practice. A better understanding of the nature of the associations between sleep and psychosocial functioning will equip students, parents and university administrators with the tools necessary to facilitate successful adjustment across the university years.
Subjective well-being (SWB) refers to how individuals evaluate and experience their lives in positive ways, and encompasses global judgments of life satisfaction (LS), as well as the frequency of positive and negative affect (PA and NA, respectively) in one’s life. To inform the current ambiguity concerning the structure of SWB, the aim of this Masters thesis was to evaluate the structure of SWB based on whether the three components of SWB change together or independently naturally, over time and following experimental manipulation. In Study 1, associations among changes in LS, PA, and NA were evaluated using a longitudinal approach tracking natural changes in the components over periods of three months and three years. Results indicated that change in one component was related to change in the other two components. In Study 2, an experimental design was used to manipulate each SWB component individually, and evaluate changes in all three components following each manipulation. Manipulation materials designed to target LS only were effective (i.e., led to heightened focus on LS, and not PA or NA) and created an increase in both LS and PA. Manipulation materials designed to target PA and NA only were not effective (i.e., led to heightened focus on the target component, as well as on LS). Furthermore, in both studies the strength of an individual’s SWB (assessed in terms of structural consistency and structural ambivalence in Study 1 and Study 2, along with subjective ambivalence in Study 2) did not consistently moderate the degree to which changes in the components were associated with one another. Together, these findings indicate that the structure of SWB may be complex and dynamic, rather than static. Alternatively, the components of SWB may not be easily manipulated in isolation of one another. Implications for existing structural models of SWB are discussed.
A brand-harm crisis not only affects the scandalized brand, but may also influence competing brands. Thus, marketers of competing brands need to develop response strategies for reducing negative spillover effects. This research takes a competitor’s perspective and introduces two types of response strategies used to convey a sense of denial: sensegiving and sensehiding. It also investigates how the effects of response strategies are contingent upon brand relatedness and individual thinking styles. The results from three experimental studies show that using a sensegiving strategy reduces negative spillover effects more than using a sensehiding strategy. Additionally, the studies suggest that the observed difference in the effects of response strategy tends to be greater when the level of brand relatedness is high than when it is low. However, individual thinking styles (holistic vs. analytic) seem to have little impact on consumers’ responses to the two denial strategies. This research contributes to the brand-harm crisis literature and provides novel insights into a competitor’s response to potential negative spillover effects.
Affiliation: Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal
Un certain nombre de théories pédagogiques ont été établies depuis plus de 20 ans. Elles font appel aux réactions de l’apprenant en situation d’apprentissage, mais aucune théorie pédagogique n’a pu décrire complètement un processus d’enseignement en tenant compte de toutes les réactions émotionnelles de l’apprenant. Nous souhaitons intégrer les émotions de l’apprenant dans ces processus d’apprentissage, car elles sont importantes dans les mécanismes d’acquisition de connaissances et dans la mémorisation. Récemment on a vu que le facteur émotionnel est considéré jouer un rôle très important dans les processus cognitifs. Modéliser les réactions émotionnelles d’un apprenant en cours du processus d’apprentissage est une nouveauté pour un Système Tutoriel Intelligent. Pour réaliser notre recherche, nous examinerons les théories pédagogiques qui n’ont pas considéré les émotions de l’apprenant. Jusqu’à maintenant, aucun Système Tutoriel Intelligent destiné à l’enseignement n’a incorporé la notion de facteur émotionnel pour un apprenant humain. Notre premier objectif est d’analyser quelques stratégies pédagogiques et de détecter les composantes émotionnelles qui peuvent y être ou non. Nous cherchons à déterminer dans cette analyse quel type de méthode didactique est utilisé, autrement dit, que fait le tuteur pour prévoir et aider l’apprenant à accomplir sa tâche d’apprentissage dans des conditions optimales. Le deuxième objectif est de proposer l’amélioration de ces méthodes en ajoutant les facteurs émotionnels. On les nommera des « méthodes émotionnelles ». Le dernier objectif vise à expérimenter le modèle d’une théorie pédagogique améliorée en ajoutant les facteurs émotionnels. Dans le cadre de cette recherche nous analyserons un certain nombre de théories pédagogiques, parmi lesquelles les théories de Robert Gagné, Jerome Bruner, Herbert J. Klausmeier et David Merrill, pour chercher à identifier les composantes émotionnelles. Aucune théorie pédagogique n’a mis l’accent sur les émotions au cours du processus d’apprentissage. Ces théories pédagogiques sont développées en tenant compte de plusieurs facteurs externes qui peuvent influencer le processus d’apprentissage. Nous proposons une approche basée sur la prédiction d’émotions qui est liée à de potentielles causes déclenchées par différents facteurs déterminants au cours du processus d’apprentissage. Nous voulons développer une technique qui permette au tuteur de traiter la réaction émotionnelle de l’apprenant à un moment donné au cours de son processus d’apprentissage et de l’inclure dans une méthode pédagogique. Pour atteindre le deuxième objectif de notre recherche, nous utiliserons un module tuteur apprenant basé sur le principe de l’éducation des émotions de l’apprenant, modèle qui vise premièrement sa personnalité et deuxièmement ses connaissances. Si on défini l’apprenant, on peut prédire ses réactions émotionnelles (positives ou négatives) et on peut s’assurer de la bonne disposition de l’apprenant, de sa coopération, sa communication et l’optimisme nécessaires à régler les problèmes émotionnels. Pour atteindre le troisième objectif, nous proposons une technique qui permet au tuteur de résoudre un problème de réaction émotionnelle de l’apprenant à un moment donné du processus d’apprentissage. Nous appliquerons cette technique à une théorie pédagogique. Pour cette première théorie, nous étudierons l’effet produit par certaines stratégies pédagogiques d’un tuteur virtuel au sujet de l’état émotionnel de l’apprenant, et pour ce faire, nous développerons une structure de données en ligne qu’un agent tuteur virtuel peut induire à l’apprenant des émotions positives. Nous analyserons les résultats expérimentaux en utilisant la première théorie et nous les comparerons ensuite avec trois autres théories que nous avons proposées d’étudier. En procédant de la sorte, nous atteindrons le troisième objectif de notre recherche, celui d’expérimenter un modèle d’une théorie pédagogique et de le comparer ensuite avec d’autres théories dans le but de développer ou d’améliorer les méthodes émotionnelles. Nous analyserons les avantages, mais aussi les insuffisances de ces théories par rapport au comportement émotionnel de l’apprenant. En guise de conclusion de cette recherche, nous retiendrons de meilleures théories pédagogiques ou bien nous suggérerons un moyen de les améliorer.
On étudie l’application des algorithmes de décomposition matricielles tel que la Factorisation Matricielle Non-négative (FMN), aux représentations fréquentielles de signaux audio musicaux. Ces algorithmes, dirigés par une fonction d’erreur de reconstruction, apprennent un ensemble de fonctions de base et un ensemble de coef- ficients correspondants qui approximent le signal d’entrée. On compare l’utilisation de trois fonctions d’erreur de reconstruction quand la FMN est appliquée à des gammes monophoniques et harmonisées: moindre carré, divergence Kullback-Leibler, et une mesure de divergence dépendente de la phase, introduite récemment. Des nouvelles méthodes pour interpréter les décompositions résultantes sont présentées et sont comparées aux méthodes utilisées précédemment qui nécessitent des connaissances du domaine acoustique. Finalement, on analyse la capacité de généralisation des fonctions de bases apprises par rapport à trois paramètres musicaux: l’amplitude, la durée et le type d’instrument. Pour ce faire, on introduit deux algorithmes d’étiquetage des fonctions de bases qui performent mieux que l’approche précédente dans la majorité de nos tests, la tâche d’instrument avec audio monophonique étant la seule exception importante.
Des sons émotionnels furent présentés comme stimuli cibles lors d'une tâche auditive de type oddball. Les effets acoustiques furent départagés des effets émotionnels à l'aide d'une tâche contrôle similaire utilisant une version brouillée des sons originaux et dépourvue de propriétés émotionnelles. Les résultats du oddball émotionnel qui ont différé du oddball contrôle ont montré des effets de valence inversés dans les composantes électrophysiologiques P2 et P300; la valence négative ayant une amplitude plus grande dans la fenêtre de 130-270ms mais moins intense autour de 290-460ms, lorsque comparée aux valences positives et neutres. Les résultats P2 peuvent être interprétés comme une mobilisation attentionnelle précoce privilégiant les stimuli potentiellement dangereux, tandis que les résultats de la P300 pourrait indiquer une évaluation moins détaillée de ces stimuli.
La présente étude avait pour but de déterminer si un programme de prévention de la violence par l’entraînement aux habiletés en résolution de conflits et en médiation pouvait avoir une incidence sur la motivation scolaire et le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école. De par ses trois missions fondamentales (instruire, qualifier et socialiser), l’école québécoise est pour l’élève à la fois un milieu de vie et un milieu d’apprentissage. Toutefois, des problèmes de comportement et de motivation à apprendre peuvent freiner la réussite de certains jeunes. Pour remédier à la situation, des programmes visant à améliorer le comportement des élèves et à prévenir la violence à l’école ont été mis sur pied et évalués, indiquant une amélioration de certains comportements. Quelques études ont aussi noté une corrélation entre ces programmes et la motivation à apprendre. Sachant que l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école sont des variables qui agissent positivement sur la motivation à apprendre, il est pertinent de se demander si un tel programme peut avoir une incidence sur ces variables. Des analyses secondaires de données issues du Rapport final d’évaluation des impacts du programme Vers le pacifique pour les quatre années de sa mise en œuvre (Bowen, 2006) ont été effectuées afin de vérifier si le programme Vers le Pacifique avait un impact sur les buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance et déterminer quels comportements appris grâce au programme agissaient sur ces deux mêmes variables. De plus, le sexe des participants, ainsi que le niveau d’implantation du programme dans les écoles, ont été considérés dans les analyses. Les résultats aux analyses de variance ont révélé que le programme Vers le pacifique n’avait pas d’incidence sur les buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance. Peu importe le groupe et le sexe, les buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance ont diminué au deuxième temps de mesure. Toutefois, un des comportements appris grâce à Vers le pacifique, la gestion des émotions, agit positivement sur l’adoption de buts de maîtrise. À la lumière de ces résultats, qui cadrent avec certaines théories présentes dans la littérature, il est recommandé aux praticiens d’intégrer de manière plus explicite un volet motivationnel au programme Vers le pacifique, dans le but de contrer la diminution des buts de maîtrise et du sentiment d’appartenance et ainsi favoriser le développement de la motivation à apprendre et la réussite scolaire.