988 resultados para Nanostructures


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A major focus of research in nanotechnology is the development of novel, high throughput techniques for fabrication of arbitrarily shaped surface nanostructures of sub 100 nm to atomic scale. A related pursuit is the development of simple and efficient means for parallel manipulation and redistribution of adsorbed atoms, molecules and nanoparticles on surfaces – adparticle manipulation. These techniques will be used for the manufacture of nanoscale surface supported functional devices in nanotechnologies such as quantum computing, molecular electronics and lab-on-achip, as well as for modifying surfaces to obtain novel optical, electronic, chemical, or mechanical properties. A favourable approach to formation of surface nanostructures is self-assembly. In self-assembly, nanostructures are grown by aggregation of individual adparticles that diffuse by thermally activated processes on the surface. The passive nature of this process means it is generally not suited to formation of arbitrarily shaped structures. The self-assembly of nanostructures at arbitrary positions has been demonstrated, though these have typically required a pre-patterning treatment of the surface using sophisticated techniques such as electron beam lithography. On the other hand, a parallel adparticle manipulation technique would be suited for directing the selfassembly process to occur at arbitrary positions, without the need for pre-patterning the surface. There is at present a lack of techniques for parallel manipulation and redistribution of adparticles to arbitrary positions on the surface. This is an issue that needs to be addressed since these techniques can play an important role in nanotechnology. In this thesis, we propose such a technique – thermal tweezers. In thermal tweezers, adparticles are redistributed by localised heating of the surface. This locally enhances surface diffusion of adparticles so that they rapidly diffuse away from the heated regions. Using this technique, the redistribution of adparticles to form a desired pattern is achieved by heating the surface at specific regions. In this project, we have focussed on the holographic implementation of this approach, where the surface is heated by holographic patterns of interfering pulsed laser beams. This implementation is suitable for the formation of arbitrarily shaped structures; the only condition is that the shape can be produced by holographic means. In the simplest case, the laser pulses are linearly polarised and intersect to form an interference pattern that is a modulation of intensity along a single direction. Strong optical absorption at the intensity maxima of the interference pattern results in approximately a sinusoidal variation of the surface temperature along one direction. The main aim of this research project is to investigate the feasibility of the holographic implementation of thermal tweezers as an adparticle manipulation technique. Firstly, we investigate theoretically the surface diffusion of adparticles in the presence of sinusoidal modulation of the surface temperature. Very strong redistribution of adparticles is predicted when there is strong interaction between the adparticle and the surface, and the amplitude of the temperature modulation is ~100 K. We have proposed a thin metallic film deposited on a glass substrate heated by interfering laser beams (optical wavelengths) as a means of generating very large amplitude of surface temperature modulation. Indeed, we predict theoretically by numerical solution of the thermal conduction equation that amplitude of the temperature modulation on the metallic film can be much greater than 100 K when heated by nanosecond pulses with an energy ~1 mJ. The formation of surface nanostructures of less than 100 nm in width is predicted at optical wavelengths in this implementation of thermal tweezers. Furthermore, we propose a simple extension to this technique where spatial phase shift of the temperature modulation effectively doubles or triples the resolution. At the same time, increased resolution is predicted by reducing the wavelength of the laser pulses. In addition, we present two distinctly different, computationally efficient numerical approaches for theoretical investigation of surface diffusion of interacting adparticles – the Monte Carlo Interaction Method (MCIM) and the random potential well method (RPWM). Using each of these approaches we have investigated thermal tweezers for redistribution of both strongly and weakly interacting adparticles. We have predicted that strong interactions between adparticles can increase the effectiveness of thermal tweezers, by demonstrating practically complete adparticle redistribution into the low temperature regions of the surface. This is promising from the point of view of thermal tweezers applied to directed self-assembly of nanostructures. Finally, we present a new and more efficient numerical approach to theoretical investigation of thermal tweezers of non-interacting adparticles. In this approach, the local diffusion coefficient is determined from solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. The diffusion equation is then solved numerically using the finite volume method (FVM) to directly obtain the probability density of adparticle position. We compare predictions of this approach to those of the Ermak algorithm solution of the Langevin equation, and relatively good agreement is shown at intermediate and high friction. In the low friction regime, we predict and investigate the phenomenon of ‘optimal’ friction and describe its occurrence due to very long jumps of adparticles as they diffuse from the hot regions of the surface. Future research directions, both theoretical and experimental are also discussed.


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Pt/nanostructured molybdenum oxide (MoO3) /SiC Schottky diode based gas sensors were fabricated for hydrogen (H2) gas sensing. Due to the enhanced performance, which is ascribed to the application of MoO3 nanostructures, these devices were used in reversed bias. MoO3 characterization by scanning electron microscopy showed morphology of randomly orientated nanoplatelets with thicknesses between 50 and 500 nm. An α-Β mixed phase crystallographic structure of MoO3 was characterized by x-ray diffraction. At 180 °C, 1.343 V voltage shift in the reverse I-V curve and a Pt/ MoO3 barrier height change of 20 meV were obtained after exposure to 1% H2 gas in synthetic air. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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We synthesized vertically aligned nail-shaped ZnO nanocrystal arrays on silicon substrates via a combination of a carbothermal reduction method and textured ZnO seeding layers that were precoated on silicon substrates by thermally decomposing zinc acetate, and studied their optical properties using cathodoluminescence (CL) and photoluminescence techniques. The ZnO nanonails show a sharp band-gap edge UV emission and a defect-related broad green emission. Monochromatic CL images of an individual ZnO nanonail show variations in spatial distributions of respective CL bands that had different origins. We attribute the spatial variation of CL images to an uneven distribution of luminescent defects and/or a structure-related light out-coupling from hexagonal ZnO nanostructures. The most distinct CL feature from the hexagonal head of an individual ZnO nanonail was the occurrence of a series of distinct resonant peaks within the visible wavelength range. It appeared that the head of a nanonail played the role of a hexagonal cavity so that polarizationdependent whispering gallery modes were stimulated by electron beam excitation.


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For the filling and reconstruction of non-healing bone defects, the application of porous ceramic scaffold as bone substitutes is considered to be a reasonable choice. In bone tissue engineering, an ideal scaffold must satisfy several criterias such as open porosity, having high compressive strength (it depends where in body, and if external fixatures are used) and the practicability for cell migration. Many researchers have focused on enhancing the mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite scaffolds by combining it with other biomaterials, such as bioglass and polymers. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of suitable scaffolds based on porous biomaterials. In this study, zirconia scaffolds from two different templates (polyurethane (PU) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) templates) were successfully fabricated with dissimilar fabrication techniques. The scaffold surfaces were further modified with mesoporous bioglass for the purpose of bone tissue engineering. In the study of PU template scaffold, high porosity (~88%) sol-gel derived yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) scaffold was prepared by a polyurethane (PU) foam replica method using sol-gel derived zirconia for the first time, and double coated with Mesoporous Bioglass (MBGs) coating. For the ABS template scaffold, two types of templates (cube and cylinder) with different strut spacings were used and fabricated by a 3D Rapid Prototyper. Subsequently, zirconia scaffolds with low porosity (63±2.8% to 68±2.5%) were fabricated by embedding the zirconia powder slurry into the ABS templates and burning out the ABS to produce a uniform porous structure. The zirconia scaffolds were double coated with mesoporous bioglass by dip coating for the first time. The porosities of the scaffolds were calculated before and after coating. The microstructures were then examined using scanning electron microscopy and the mechanical properties were evaluated using compressive test. Accordingly, relationships between microstructure, processing and mechanical behaviour of the porous zirconia was discussed. Scaffold biocompatibility and bioactivity was also evaluated using a bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) proliferation test and a simulated body fluid test.


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This chapter analyses the poly(3-hexylthiophene) self-assembly on carbon nanotubes and the interaction between the two materials forming a new hybrid nanostructure. The chapter starts with a review of the several studies investigating polymers and biomolecules self-assembled on nanotubes. Then conducting polymers and polythiophenes are briefly introduced. Accordingly, carbon nanotube structure and properties are reported in Sect. 3. The experimental section starts with the bulk characterisation of polymer thin films with the inclusion of uniformly distributed carbon nanotubes. By using volume film analysis techniques (AFM, TEM, UV–Vis and Raman), we show how the polymer’s higher degree of order is a direct consequence of interaction with carbon nanotubes. Nevertheless, it is through the use of nanoscale analysis and molecular dynamic simulations that the self-assembly of the polymer on the nanotube surface can be clearly evidenced and characterised. In Sect. 6, the effect of the carbon templating structure on the P3HT organisation on the surface is investigated, showing the chirality-driven polymer assembly on the carbon nanotube surface. The interaction between P3HT and CNTs brings also to charge transfer, with the modification of physical properties for both species. In particular, the alteration of the polymer electronic properties and the modification of the nanotube mechanical structure are a direct consequence of the P3HT p-p stacking on the nanotube surface. Finally, some considerations based on molecular dynamics studies are reported in order to confirm and support the experimental results discussed.


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Semiconductor epitaxial nanostructures have been recently proposed as the key building blocks of many innovative applications in materials science and technology. To bring their tremendous potential to fruition, a fine control of nanostructure size and placement is necessary. We present a detailed investigation of the self-ordering process in the prototype case of Ge/Si heteroepitaxy. Starting from a bottom-up strategy (step-bunching instabilities), our analysis moves to lithographic techniques (scanning tunneling lithography, nanomechanical stamping, focused ion beam patterning) with the aim of developing a hybrid approach in which the exogenous intervention is specifically designed to suit and harness the natural self-organization dynamics of the system.


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We report a method for controlling the exposed facets and hence the dimensionality and shape of ZnO nanocrystals using a non-hydrolytic aminolysis synthesis route. The effects of changes to reaction conditions on ZnO formation were investigated and possible self-assembly mechanisms proposed. The crystal facet growth and hence morphologies of the ZnO nanocrystals were controlled by varying reaction temperature and the reactant ratio. Four distinct ZnO nanocrystal types were produced (nanocones, nanobullets, nanorods and nanoplates). The relative photocatalytic activities of the exposed facets of these ZnO nanostructures were also examined, which showed the activities obviously depended on the reactivity of exposed crystal facets in the order: {1011}>>{0001}, {1010}.


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ZnO nanoparticles with highly controllable particle sizes(less than 10 nm) were synthesized using organic capping ligands in Zn(Ac)2 ethanolic solution. The molecular structure of the ligands was found to have significant influence on the particle size. The multi-functional molecule tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane (THMA) favoured smaller particle distributions compared with ligands possessing long hydrocarbon chains that are more frequently employed. The adsorption of capping ligands on ZnnOn crystal nuclei (where n = 4 or 18 molecular clusters of(0001) ZnO surfaces) was modelled by ab initio methods at the density functional theory (DFT) level. For the molecules examined, chemisorption proceeded via the formation of Zn...O, Zn...N, or Zn...S chemical bonds between the ligands and active Zn2+ sites on ZnO surfaces. The DFT results indicated that THMA binds more strongly to the ZnO surface than other ligands, suggesting that this molecule is very effective at stabilizing ZnO nanoparticle surfaces. This study, therefore, provides new insight into the correlation between the molecular structure of capping ligands and the morphology of metal oxide nanostructures formed in their presence.


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The elastic properties of 1D nanostructures such as nanowires are often measured experimentally through actuation of the nanowire at its resonance frequency, and then relating the resonance frequency to the elastic stiffness using elementary beam theory. In the present work, we utilize large scale molecular dynamics simulations to report a novel beat phenomenon in [110]oriented Ag nanowires. The beat phenomenon is found to arise from the asymmetry of the lattice spacing in the orthogonal elementary directions of the [110] nanowire, i.e. the [-110] and [001] directions, which results in two different principal moments of inertia. Because of this, actuations imposed along any other direction are found to decompose into two orthogonal vibrational components based on the actuation angle relative to these two elementary directions, with this phenomenon being generalizable to <110> FCC nanowires of different materials (Cu, Au, Ni, Pd and Pt). The beat phenomenon is explained using a discrete moment of inertia model based on the hard sphere assumption, the model is utilized to show that surface effects enhance the beat phenomenon, while the effect is reduced with increasing nanowires cross-sectional size or aspect ratio. Most importantly, due to the existence of the beat phenomena, we demonstrate that in resonance experiments only a single frequency component is expected to be observed, particularly when the damping ratio is relatively large or very small. Furthermore, for a large range of actuation angles, the lower frequency is more likely to be detected than the higher one, which implies that experimental predictions of Young’s modulus obtained from resonance may in fact be under predictions. The present study therefore has significant implications for experimental interpretations of Young’s modulus as obtained via resonance testing.


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In the past few years, remarkable progress has been made in unveiling novel and unique optical properties of strongly coupled plasmonic nanostructures. However, application of such plasmonic nanostructures in biomedicine remains challenging due to the lack of facile and robust assembly methods for producing stable nanostructures. Previous attempts to achieve plasmonic nano-assemblies using molecular ligands were limited due to the lack of flexibility that could be exercised in forming them. Here, we report the utilization of tailor-made hyperbranched polymers (HBP) as linkers to assemble gold nanoparticles (NPs) into nano-assemblies. The ease and flexibility in tuning the particle size and number of branch ends of a HBP makes it an ideal candidate as a linker, as opposed to DNA, small organic molecules and linear or dendrimeric polymers. We report a strong correlation of polymer (HBP) concentration with the size of the hybrid nano-assemblies and “hot-spot” density. We have shown that such solutions of stable HBP-gold nano-assemblies can be barcoded with various Raman tags to provide improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) compared with non-aggregated NP systems. These Raman barcoded hybrid nano-assemblies, with further optimization of NP shape, size and “hot-spot” density, may find application as diagnostic tools in nanomedicine.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanopyramids were synthesized by a one-pot route in a non-aqueous and surfactantfree environment. The synthesized metal oxide was characterized using SEM, XRD, and TEM to investigate the surface morphology and crystallographic phase of the nanostructures. It was observed that the ZnO nanopyramids were of uniform size and symmetrical, with a hexagonal base and height of ∼100 nm. Gas sensing characterization of the ZnO nanopyramids when deposited as thin-film onto conductometric transducers were performed towards NOx and C2H5OH vapor of different concentrations over a temperature range of 22–350 ◦C. It was observed that the sensors responded towards NO2 (10 ppm) and C2H5OH(250 ppm) analytes best at temperatures of 200 and 260 ◦C with a sensor response of 14.5 and 5.72, respectively. The sensors showed satisfactory sensitivity, repeatability as well as fast response and recovery towards both the oxidizing and the reducing analyte. The good performance was attributed to the low amount of organic impurities, large surface-to-volume ratio and high crystallinity of the solvothermally synthesized ZnO nanopyramids.


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ZnO is a wide band-gap semiconductor that has several desirable properties for optoelectronic devices. With its large exciton binding energy of ~60 meV, ZnO is a promising candidate for high stability, room-temperature luminescent and lasing devices [1]. Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on ZnO homojunctions had been reported [2,3], while preparing stable p-type ZnO is still a challenge. An alternative way is to use other p-type semiconductors, ether inorganic or organic, to form heterojunctions with the naturally n-type ZnO. The crystal structure of wurtzite ZnO can be described as Zn and O atomic layers alternately stacked along the [0001] direction. Because of the fastest growth rate over the polar (0001) facet, ZnO crystals tend to grow into one-dimensional structures, such as nanowires and nanobelts. Since the first report of ZnO nanobelts in 2001 [4], ZnO nanostructures have been particularly studied for their potential applications in nano-sized devices. Various growth methods have been developed for growing ZnO nanostructures, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Metal-organic CVD (MOCVD), aqueous growth and electrodeposition [5]. Based on the successful synthesis of ZnO nanowires/nanorods, various types of hybrid light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were made. Inorganic p-type semiconductors, such as GaN, Si and SiC, have been used as substrates to grown ZnO nanorods/nanowires for making LEDs. GaN is an ideal material that matches ZnO not only in the crystal structure but also in the energy band levels. However, to prepare Mg-doped p-GaN films via epitaxial growth is still costly. In comparison, the organic semiconductors are inexpensive and have many options to select, for a large variety of p-type polymer or small-molecule semiconductors are now commercially available. The organic semiconductor has the limitation of durability and environmental stability. Many polymer semiconductors are susceptible to damage by humidity or mere exposure to oxygen in the air. Also the carrier mobilities of polymer semiconductors are generally lower than the inorganic semiconductors. However, the combination of polymer semiconductors and ZnO nanostructures opens the way for making flexible LEDs. There are few reports on the hybrid LEDs based on ZnO/polymer heterojunctions, some of them showed the characteristic UV electroluminescence (EL) of ZnO. This chapter reports recent progress of the hybrid LEDs based on ZnO nanowires and other inorganic/organic semiconductors. We provide an overview of the ZnO-nanowire-based hybrid LEDs from the perspectives of the device configuration, growth methods of ZnO nanowires and the selection of p-type semiconductors. Also the device performances and remaining issues are presented.


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A novel gold coated femtosecond laser nanostructured sapphire surface – an “optical nose” - based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for detecting vapours of explosive substances was investigated. Four different nitroaromatic vapours at room temperature were tested. Sensor responses were unambiguous and showed response in the range of 0.05 – 15 uM at 25 °C. The laser fabricated substrate nanostructures produced up to an eight-fold increase in Raman signal over that observed on the unstructured portions of the substrate. This work demonstrates a simple sensing system that is compatible with commercial manufacturing practices to detect taggants in explosives which can undertake as part of an integrated security or investigative mission.


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Cerium ions (Ce3+) can beselectively doped into the TiO2(B) core of TiO2(B)/anatase core–shell nanofibers by means of a simple one-pot hydrothermal treatment of a starting material of hydrogen trititanate (H2Ti3O7) nanofibers. These Ce3+ ions (≈0.202 nm) are located on the (110) lattice planes of the TiO2(B) core in tunnels (width≈0.297 nm). The introduction of Ce3+ ions reduces the defects of the TiO2(B) core by inhibiting the faster growth of (110) lattice planes. More importantly, the redox potential of the Ce3+/Ce4+ couple (E0(Ce3+/Ce4+)=1.715 V versus the normal hydrogen electrode) is more negative than the valence band of TiO2(B). Therefore, once the Ce3+-doped nanofibers are irradiated by UV light, the doped Ce3+ ions in close vicinity to the interface between the TiO2(B) core and anatase nanoshell can efficiently trap the photogenerated holes. This facilitates the migration of holes from the anatase shell and leaves more photogenerated electrons in the anatase nanoshell, which results in a highly efficient separation of photogenerated charges in the anatase nanoshell. Hence, this enhanced charge-separation mechanism accelerates dye degradation and alcohol oxidation processes. The one-pot treatment doping strategy is also used to selectively dope other metal ions with variable oxidation states such as Co2+/3+ and Cu+/2+ ions. The doping substantially improves the photocatalytic activity of the mixed-phase nanofibers. In contrast, the doping of ions with an invariable oxidation state, such as Zn2+, Ca2+, or Mg2+, does not enhance the photoactivity of the mixed-phase nanofibers as the ions could not trap the photogenerated holes.


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Titanium dioxide is one of the most basic materials in our daily life, which has emerged as an excellent photocatalyst material for environmental purification and photovoltaic material working in dye-sensitized solar cell. We present two types of TiO2 architectures which are constructed by plates and sheets, respectively, and both subunits are dominant with {001} facets. The photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange in UV/supported-TiO2 systems was investigated and the mechanism was discussed. The experimental results show that photocatalytic degradation rate is favoured by larger surface area. The sheet structure shows superior photocatalytic activity than plate structure. Moreover, the materials with sheet structure were also used to investigate the photovoltaic property. The power conversion efficiency is 7.57%, indicating the materials with this unique structure are excellent in photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications.