971 resultados para NS-Verfolgte


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Cette recherche vise à étudier l’impact d’interventions réalisées par les parents dans l’unité néonatale de soins intensifs. Plus spécifiquement, le premier objectif est de documenter les effets différentiels de la Méthode Mère Kangourou « MMK » accompagnée ou non du Massage en incubateur «MI » ou du Massage en Position Kangourou « MPK » et des Soins Traditionnels «ST » accompagnés ou non du massage dans l’incubateur sur la croissance physique mesurée par le poids, la taille et le périmètre crânien pendant une période de 5 et 15 jours dans l’unité néonatale et l’impact à 40 semaines d’âge gestationnel. Le second objectif est de comparer, chez des enfants qui bénéficient de la « MMK » la valeur ajoutée du « MPK » ou du «MI » sur le neuro-développement à 6 et 12 mois d’âge corrigé de l’enfant. Un échantillon total de 198 enfants et leur famille a été recruté de la façon suivante dans trois hôpitaux de Bogota. Dans chaque hôpital, 66 sujets ont été répartis aléatoirement à deux conditions. Ces hôpitaux ont été choisis afin de tester les effets de diverses conditions expérimentales et de diminuer les bais de sélection. Dans chaque hôpital, deux techniques ont été assignées aléatoirement. Il s’agit, dans le premier, de la « MMK & MPK » vs « MMK & MI ». Dans le second, « MMK sans massage » vs « MMK & MI ». Dans le troisième, « MI » a été comparé aux « ST » ce qui implique une absence de contact physique continu des bébés avec leurs parents. Les résultats rapportés dans le premier article sont à l’effet que, dans le premier hôpital, il y a un effet compensatoire de l’intervention « MMK & MPK » sur la perte physiologique du poids de l’enfant prématuré dans les 15 premiers jours de vie avec un impact sur le poids à 40 semaines d’âge gestationnel, sur la durée du portage kangourou et sur la durée d’hospitalisation totale. Aucun effet sur le périmètre crânien ou la taille n’est apparu. Dans le deuxième hôpital, aucune différence significative n’est rapportée pour le poids sauf quand l’intervention est commencée après le 10ième jours de vie alors que l’enfant « MPK» semble grossir mieux que le «MMK avec MI». Finalement, dans le troisième hôpital il n’y a aucun effet du massage sur les variables anthropométriques, le groupe avec MI grossissant moins vite avec un léger impact sur le poids à 40 semaines. Cela pourrait être dû à la perte de chaleur due à l’ouverture de l’incubateur quand l’enfant est très immature. Dans le second article, les 66 enfants de l’hôpital sont répartis aléatoirement dans le groupe « MMK & MPK» vs le groupe « MMK & MI», ont complété, à 6 et 12 mois d’âge corrigé, un test de neuro-développement, le Griffiths. Les résultats à 6 mois ne montrent aucune différence entre les 2 interventions, mais a 12 mois le IQ semble dépendant du nombre de jours d’hospitalisation de l’enfant, cette durée d’hospitalisation correspond au temps que met l’enfant à se stabiliser physiquement et correspond également au temps que mettent la mère et l’enfant à s’adapter à la méthode kangourou. Une fois, l’adaptation kangourou réussie, la dyade mère enfant sort avec l’enfant toujours en position kangourou. Le temps d’hospitalisation correspond au temps que met l’enfant à être éligible à l’apprentissage de la MMK par la mère. À 12 mois les deux groupes montrent des résultats équivalents, mais des différences positives sont apparues pour le groupe « MMK & MPK» dans les sous échelle Coordination Oculo Manuelle et Audition et Langage du test Griffiths. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats suggèrent que la pratique des deux interventions non traditionnelles peut contribuer à une meilleure croissance physique dans nos cohortes. Le gain de poids du bébé, notamment, est affecté par l’intervention MPK (Hôpital 1) ou sans l’ajout du Massage (Hôpital 2). Par ailleurs, le massage en incubateur n’a pas de différence significative en comparaison aux soins traditionnels, ces interventions ont toutefois un impact mineur (tendances) sur le neuro développement à 6 et 12 mois d’âge corrigé dans cette étude.


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«O diabo foge da Cruz», diz-se. E diz-se também: «Cruzes canhoto!»; «Cruz, credo!» e noutras aflições que se está «entre a Cruz e a espada», ou «entre a Cruz e a caldeirinha». Para mostrar o valor da perseverança emprega-se a expressão «levar a Cruz ao Calvário» e em desespero máximo e personalizado: «és a minha Cruz»… Vivemos num tempo em que há pouco espaço para a espiritualidade, as indústrias do entretenimento tudo varrem, o que exige esforço surge como aterrador e o que se relaciona com sacrifício quase não tem lugar. À partida a Cruz não é um sinal sedutor para esta época a não ser transformada numa bela joia que se põe ao pescoço. Convém ir um pouco mais atrás para entender esta marca.Quando se transforma um objecto sacro num objecto museológico a função estética prevalece sobre a catequética, torna-se sobretudo um “objecto de consumo visual” que se protege do tempo e do tacto. É uma outra forma de separar e interditar, perpetuando um estatuto exclusivo ao objecto.Centrei-me em catorze cruzes que se encontram na Diocese do Funchal, o número canónico das estações da Via Sacra, antes de se acrescentar uma décima quinta que corresponde à Ressureição. Veremos peças que se encontram muito bem estudadas e de que existe já abundante bibliografia. A minha intenção é que o nosso olhar repouse sobre a Cruz e se assemelhe ao olhar terno de Cristo, como aquele que dirigiu ao jovem rico «Jesus, fitando nele o olhar, sentiu afeição por ele» (Mc 10, 21).


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O trabalho objetiva compreender a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia, levando-se em conta mudanças e permanências referentes à dinâmica e à caracterização de cidades consideradas ribeirinhas em três contextos sub-regionais distintos (Sudeste do Pará, Oeste Paraense e baixo Tocantins), na Amazônia oriental brasileira. A contribuição geográfica da análise assenta-se nas repercussões decorrentes da reestruturação mais recente do espaço amazônico e seus rebatimentos na forma de articulação da cidade com o rio, considerando espaços de vivências (laços) e de fluxos (nós) que marcam a organização intra-urbana atual. Para esse empreendimento, assume-se a perspectiva teórico-metodológica que considera o espaço geográfico como sendo relacional e multidimensional (concebido, percebido e vivido). Do ponto de vista empírico, o procedimento metodológico considerou três cidades paraenses (Marabá, Santarém e Cametá), de nível intermediário na rede urbana regional. A partir delas procurou-se destacar o papel que a cidade ribeirinha amazônica assume em realidades sub-regionais que se inseriram de forma diferenciada nas políticas de ordenamento territorial das últimas décadas. Com base em levantamentos de campo são sistematizados elementos das particularidades socioespaciais das três sub-regiões consideradas e que demarcam espacialidades e territorialidades diversas em nível intra-urbano, sugerindo, em consequência, políticas públicas diferenciadas quando se considera a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia.


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O trabalho objetiva compreender a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia, levando-se em conta mudanças e permanências referentes à dinâmica e à caracterização de cidades consideradas ribeirinhas em três contextos sub-regionais distintos (Sudeste do Pará, Oeste Paraense e baixo Tocantins), na Amazônia oriental brasileira. A contribuição geográfica da análise assenta-se nas repercussões decorrentes da reestruturação mais recente do espaço amazônico e seus rebatimentos na forma de articulação da cidade com o rio, considerando espaços de vivências (laços) e de fluxos (nós) que marcam a organização intra-urbana atual. Para esse empreendimento, assume-se a perspectiva teórico-metodológica que considera o espaço geográfico como sendo relacional e multidimensional (concebido, percebido e vivido). Do ponto de vista empírico, o procedimento metodológico considerou três cidades paraenses (Marabá, Santarém e Cametá), de nível intermediário na rede urbana regional. A partir delas procurou-se destacar o papel que a cidade ribeirinha amazônica assume em realidades sub-regionais que se inseriram de forma diferenciada nas políticas de ordenamento territorial das últimas décadas. Com base em levantamentos de campo são sistematizados elementos das particularidades socioespaciais das três sub-regiões consideradas e que demarcam espacialidades e territorialidades diversas em nível intra-urbano, sugerindo, em consequência, políticas públicas diferenciadas quando se considera a relação cidade-rio na Amazônia.


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Apresenta-se, neste trabalho, um estudo realizado sobre a qualidade de enlace e alcance de conectividade entre os nós de uma rede de sensores sem fio, a partir de dois indicadores: o de intensidade de sinal recebido e o de qualidade de enlace. O ambiente agrícola considerado foi um vinhedo cultivado sob cobertura plástica, cujas variáveis ambientais de importância foram monitoradas, por influenciarem no desenvolvimento fisiológico das videiras, afetando o rendimento e a qualidade das uvas produzidas. A incorporação de tecnologias que permitam um melhor gerenciamento dessa variabilidade microclimática é importante para a viticultura brasileira, bem como a realização de levantamentos experimentais para aperfeiçoar o uso das redes de sensores sem fio em ambientes agrícolas. Dos resultados obtidos, quantificou-se a interferência que os vegetais exercem sobre a comunicação, principalmente perto do dossel das videiras, sendo discutidos no trabalho.


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Discrete event-driven simulations of digital communication networks have been used widely. However, it is difficult to use a network simulator to simulate a hybrid system in which some objects are not discrete event-driven but are continuous time-driven. A networked control system (NCS) is such an application, in which physical process dynamics are continuous by nature. We have designed and implemented a hybrid simulation environment which effectively integrates models of continuous-time plant processes and discrete-event communication networks by extending the open source network simulator NS-2. To do this a synchronisation mechanism was developed to connect a continuous plant simulation with a discrete network simulation. Furthermore, for evaluating co-design approaches in an NCS environment, a piggybacking method was adopted to allow the control period to be adjusted during simulations. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated through case studies which simulate a networked control scenario in which the communication and control system properties are defined explicitly.


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Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) is the most common surrogate measurement for assessing the bone strength of the proximal femur associated with osteoporosis. Additional factors, however, contribute to the overall strength of the proximal femur, primarily the anatomical geometry. Finite element analysis (FEA) is an effective and widely used computerbased simulation technique for modeling mechanical loading of various engineering structures, providing predictions of displacement and induced stress distribution due to the applied load. FEA is therefore inherently dependent upon both density and anatomical geometry. FEA may be performed on both three-dimensional and two-dimensional models of the proximal femur derived from radiographic images, from which the mechanical stiffness may be redicted. It is examined whether the outcome measures of two-dimensional FEA, two-dimensional, finite element analysis of X-ray images (FEXI), and three-dimensional FEA computed stiffness of the proximal femur were more sensitive than aBMD to changes in trabecular bone density and femur geometry. It is assumed that if an outcome measure follows known trends with changes in density and geometric parameters, then an increased sensitivity will be indicative of an improved prediction of bone strength. All three outcome measures increased non-linearly with trabecular bone density, increased linearly with cortical shell thickness and neck width, decreased linearly with neck length, and were relatively insensitive to neck-shaft angle. For femoral head radius, aBMD was relatively insensitive, with two-dimensional FEXI and threedimensional FEA demonstrating a non-linear increase and decrease in sensitivity, respectively. For neck anteversion, aBMD decreased non-linearly, whereas both two-dimensional FEXI and three dimensional FEA demonstrated a parabolic-type relationship, with maximum stiffness achieved at an angle of approximately 15o. Multi-parameter analysis showed that all three outcome measures demonstrated their highest sensitivity to a change in cortical thickness. When changes in all input parameters were considered simultaneously, three and twodimensional FEA had statistically equal sensitivities (0.41±0.20 and 0.42±0.16 respectively, p = ns) that were significantly higher than the sensitivity of aBMD (0.24±0.07; p = 0.014 and 0.002 for three-dimensional and two-dimensional FEA respectively). This simulation study suggests that since mechanical integrity and FEA are inherently dependent upon anatomical geometry, FEXI stiffness, being derived from conventional two-dimensional radiographic images, may provide an improvement in the prediction of bone strength of the proximal femur than currently provided by aBMD.


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Purpose. To investigate evidence-based visual field size criteria for referral of low-vision (LV) patients for mobility rehabilitation. Methods. One hundred and nine participants with LV and 41 age-matched participants with normal sight (NS) were recruited. The LV group was heterogeneous with diverse causes of visual impairment. We measured binocular kinetic visual fields with the Humphrey Field Analyzer and mobility performance on an obstacle-rich, indoor course. Mobility was assessed as percent preferred walking speed (PPWS) and number of obstacle-contact errors. The weighted kappa coefficient of association (κr) was used to discriminate LV participants with both unsafe and inefficient mobility from those with adequate mobility on the basis of their visual field size for the full sample and for subgroups according to type of visual field loss and whether or not the participants had previously received orientation and mobility training. Results. LV participants with both PPWS <38% and errors >6 on our course were classified as having inadequate (inefficient and unsafe) mobility compared with NS participants. Mobility appeared to be first compromised when the visual field was less than about 1.2 steradians (sr; solid angle of a circular visual field of about 70° diameter). Visual fields <0.23 and 0.63 sr (31 to 52° diameter) discriminated patients with at-risk mobility for the full sample and across the two subgroups. A visual field of 0.05 sr (15° diameter) discriminated those with critical mobility. Conclusions. Our study suggests that: practitioners should be alert to potential mobility difficulties when the visual field is less than about 1.2 sr (70° diameter); assessment for mobility rehabilitation may be warranted when the visual field is constricted to about 0.23 to 0.63 sr (31 to 52° diameter) depending on the nature of their visual field loss and previous history (at risk); and mobility rehabilitation should be conducted before the visual field is constricted to 0.05 sr (15° diameter; critical).


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IEC Technical Committee 57 (TC57) published a series of standards and technical reports for “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation” as the IEC 61850 series. Sampled value (SV) process buses allow for the removal of potentially lethal voltages and damaging currents inside substation control rooms and marshalling kiosks, reduce the amount of cabling required in substations, and facilitate the adoption of non-conventional instrument transformers. IEC 61850-9-2 provides an inter-operable solution to support multi-vendor process bus solutions. A time synchronisation system is required for a SV process bus, however the details are not defined in IEC 61850-9-2. IEEE Std 1588-2008, Precision Time Protocol version 2 (PTPv2), provides the greatest accuracy of network based time transfer systems, with timing errors of less than 100 ns achievable. PTPv2 is proposed by the IEC Smart Grid Strategy Group to synchronise IEC 61850 based substation automation systems. IEC 61850-9-2, PTPv2 and Ethernet are three complementary protocols that together define the future of sampled value digital process connections in substations. The suitability of PTPv2 for use with SV is evaluated, with preliminary results indicating that steady state performance is acceptable (jitter < 300 ns), and that extremely stable grandmaster oscillators are required to ensure SV timing requirements are met when recovering from loss of external synchronisation (such as GPS).


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A trend in design and implementation of modern industrial automation systems is to integrate computing, communication and control into a unified framework at different levels of machine/factory operations and information processing. These distributed control systems are referred to as networked control systems (NCSs). They are composed of sensors, actuators, and controllers interconnected over communication networks. As most of communication networks are not designed for NCS applications, the communication requirements of NCSs may be not satisfied. For example, traditional control systems require the data to be accurate, timely and lossless. However, because of random transmission delays and packet losses, the control performance of a control system may be badly deteriorated, and the control system rendered unstable. The main challenge of NCS design is to both maintain and improve stable control performance of an NCS. To achieve this, communication and control methodologies have to be designed. In recent decades, Ethernet and 802.11 networks have been introduced in control networks and have even replaced traditional fieldbus productions in some real-time control applications, because of their high bandwidth and good interoperability. As Ethernet and 802.11 networks are not designed for distributed control applications, two aspects of NCS research need to be addressed to make these communication networks suitable for control systems in industrial environments. From the perspective of networking, communication protocols need to be designed to satisfy communication requirements for NCSs such as real-time communication and high-precision clock consistency requirements. From the perspective of control, methods to compensate for network-induced delays and packet losses are important for NCS design. To make Ethernet-based and 802.11 networks suitable for distributed control applications, this thesis develops a high-precision relative clock synchronisation protocol and an analytical model for analysing the real-time performance of 802.11 networks, and designs a new predictive compensation method. Firstly, a hybrid NCS simulation environment based on the NS-2 simulator is designed and implemented. Secondly, a high-precision relative clock synchronization protocol is designed and implemented. Thirdly, transmission delays in 802.11 networks for soft-real-time control applications are modeled by use of a Markov chain model in which real-time Quality-of- Service parameters are analysed under a periodic traffic pattern. By using a Markov chain model, we can accurately model the tradeoff between real-time performance and throughput performance. Furthermore, a cross-layer optimisation scheme, featuring application-layer flow rate adaptation, is designed to achieve the tradeoff between certain real-time and throughput performance characteristics in a typical NCS scenario with wireless local area network. Fourthly, as a co-design approach for both a network and a controller, a new predictive compensation method for variable delay and packet loss in NCSs is designed, where simultaneous end-to-end delays and packet losses during packet transmissions from sensors to actuators is tackled. The effectiveness of the proposed predictive compensation approach is demonstrated using our hybrid NCS simulation environment.


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Background Although there are recommendations for the management of osteoarthritis (OA), little is known about how people with OA actually manage this chronic condition. Purpose The aims of this study were to identify the non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies most commonly used for the management of hip or knee OA, in a community-based sample of adults, and to compare these with evidence-based recommendations. Methods A questionnaire was mailed to 2200 adult members of Arthritis Queensland living in Brisbane, Australia. It included questions about OA symptoms, management therapies and demographic characteristics. Results Of the 485 participants (192 men, 293 women) with hip or knee OA who completed the questionnaire, most had mild to moderate symptoms. Ninety-six percent of participants (aged 27–95 years) reported using at least one non-pharmacological therapy, and 78% reported using at least one pharmacological therapy. The most common currently used non-pharmacological strategy was range-of-motion exercises (men 52%, women 61%, p=0.05) and the most common frequently used pharmacological strategy was glucosamine/chondroitin (men 51%, women 60%, ns). For the most highly recommended strategies, 65% of men and 54% of women had never attended an information/education course (p=0.04), and fewer than half (46% of women and 42% of men, p=0.03) were frequent users of anti-inflammatory agents. Conclusion The findings suggest that many people with knee or hip OA do not follow the most highly endorsed of the OARSI (Osteoarthritis Research Society International) recommendations for management of OA. Health professionals should be encouraged to recommend evidence-based therapies to their patients.


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Transmission smart grids will use a digital platform for the automation of high voltage substations. The IEC 61850 series of standards, released in parts over the last ten years, provide a specification for substation communications networks and systems. These standards, along with IEEE Std 1588-2008 Precision Time Protocol version 2 (PTPv2) for precision timing, are recommended by the both IEC Smart Grid Strategy Group and the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards for substation automation. IEC 61850, PTPv2 and Ethernet are three complementary protocol families that together define the future of sampled value digital process connections for smart substation automation. A time synchronisation system is required for a sampled value process bus, however the details are not defined in IEC 61850-9-2. PTPv2 provides the greatest accuracy of network based time transfer systems, with timing errors of less than 100 ns achievable. The suitability of PTPv2 to synchronise sampling in a digital process bus is evaluated, with preliminary results indicating that steady state performance of low cost clocks is an acceptable ±300 ns, but that corrections issued by grandmaster clocks can introduce significant transients. Extremely stable grandmaster oscillators are required to ensure any corrections are sufficiently small that time synchronising performance is not degraded.


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Lower energy and protein intakes are well documented in patients on texture modified diets. In acute hospital settings, the provision of appropriate texture modified foods to meet industry standards is essential for patient safety and nutrition outcomes. The texture modified menu at an acute private hospital was evaluated in accordance with their own nutritional standards (NS) and Australian National Standards (Dietitians Association of Australia and Speech Pathology Australia, 2007). The NS documents portion sizes and nutritional requirements for each menu. Texture B and C menus were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively over 9 days of a 6 day cyclic menu for breakfast (n=4), lunch (n=34) and dinner (n=34). Results indicated a lack of portion control, as specified by the NS, across all meals including breakfast (65–140%), soup (55–115%), meat (45–165%), vegetables (55–185%) and desserts (30–300%). Dilution factors and portion sizes influenced the protein and energy availability of Texture B & C menus. While the Texture B menu provided more energy, neither menu met the NS. Limited dessert options on the Texture C menu restricted the ability of this menu to meet protein NS. A lack of portion control and menu items incorrectly modified can compromise protein and energy intakes. Strategies to correct serving sizes and provision of alternate protein sources were recommended. Suggestions included cost-effectively increasing the variety of foods to assist protein and energy intake and the procurement of standardised equipment and visual aids to assist food preparation and presentation in accordance with texture modified guidelines and the NS.


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We investigated the potential of an extract of Lycopodium obscurum L.; stigmastane-3-oxo-21-oic acid (SA), to enhance osteogensis of mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. SA at a concentration of 16 µM was found to have no significant effect upon the viability of the cells, thus concentrations of 8 µM and 16 µM of SA were used in all further experiments. Both concentrations of SA had an inhibitory affect upon alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) after 8 days incubation, however, after 16 days activity was restored to control levels. However Alizarin red S staining showed increased levels of mineralization for both concentrations after 16 days culture. Real time PCR showed inhibition of genes Runx2 and Osterix genes responsible for the up-regulation of ALP. However early time point (8 days) up-regulation of bone matrix mineralization genes OPN and OCN, and late time point (16 days) up-regulation of both Jun-D and Fra-2 mRNA expression was significantly enhanced. These results suggest a potential me-chanism of SA in enhancing bone fracture healing is through the up-regulating bone matrix minera-lization.