1000 resultados para Museu Nacional (Brazil)


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Two new species,Culex (Melanoconion) alinkios and Culex (Melanoconion) symbletos are described and defined based on morphological features of the male genitalia. The former is from Vale do Ribeira, Atlantic Forest, southeastern of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and belongs to the Bastagarius subgroup. The latter is from the Parque Nacional do Jaú, state of Amazonas, Brazil, and belongs to the Inhibitator subgroup and is similar to Cx. mesodenticulatus Galindo and Mendez. Diagnostic characters for the identification of the adult males of the species are provided. Two morphological forms (Form 1 and 2), which are similar to Cx. coppenamensis, were also found in the Parque Nacional do Jaú. Form 1 is described and compared with the new species from Vale do Ribeira and Form 2.


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Coprolite samples of human and animal origin from the excavations performed at the archaeological site of Furna do Estrago, at Brejo da Madre de Deus in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil and sent to the Paleoparasitology Laboratory at Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública-Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, were analyzed for mites. After rehydratation and sedimentation of the coprolites, the alimentary contents and the sediments were examined and the mites collected and prepared in definitive whole mounts, using Hoyer's medium. Mites of the following suborders and orders were recovered: suborder Acaridia; order Gamasida; order Ixodida with the familiy Ixodidae (Ixodes sp. and Amblyomma sp. larvae, scutum, idiosoma, gnathosoma); order Oribatida (Aphelacarus sp., Apolohmannia sp., Eophypochthonius sp., Cosmochthonius sp., Pterobates sp., Poronoticae with pteromorphae not auriculate); order Astigmata with the families Atopomelidae (Chirodiscoides caviae), Anoetidae hypopus, Acaridae (Suidasia pontifica), Glycyphagidae (Blomia tropicalis), Pyroglyphidae (Hirstia passericola); order Actinedida with the family Tarsonemidae (Iponemus radiatae). The present work discusses the possibility of the preservation of the mite groups found up to the present day. We also discuss their relationship with the environment and their importance to present populations.


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During a study of the phlebotomines of the Brazilian state of Tocantins, a new species was discovered in Porto Nacional county, here described as Micropygomyia (Silvamyia) echinatopharynx sp. nov. This is only the second species of the subgenus Micropygomyia (Silvamyia) to be described.


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The prevalence of infection by hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) viruses varies among geographical regions. In order to determine the prevalence of HBV and HCV infection in voluntary blood donors we evaluated the prevalence of HBsAg, anti-HBc, and anti-HCV markers of 128,497 blood donor samples collected from 1998 to 2005 in the state of Rio de Janeiro. These markers were analyzed by immunoenzymatic tests, as determined by the Ministry of Health. Data were obtained from the Sorology Laboratory of the Hemoterapy Service of the Instituto Nacional de Câncer, Rio de Janeiro. Overall prevalence estimates were: 0.27% for HBsAg, 3.68% for anti-HBc, and 0.90% for anti-HCV. There was a significant decrease in the overall prevalence of HBsAg (from 0.36 to 0.14%) and anti-HBc (from 6.12 to 2.05%) in the period encompassed between 1998-2005. Similarly, there was a decline in anti-HCV prevalence rates in Brazilian blood donors, from 1.04% in 1998 to 0.79% in 2004, with an increase of HCV prevalence to 1.09% in 2005. These prevalence estimates were higher than those found in other countries, indicating high rates of infection by HBV and HCV and a persistent risk of HBV and HCV transmission by transfusion.


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Estudo histórico descritivo com o objetivo de identificar registros noticiosos sobre a Escola de Enfermagem Alfredo Pinto, antiga Escola Profissional de Enfermeiros e Enfermeiras (EPEE), veiculadas na revista mencionada no período referido. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise documental como técnica de pesquisa. A revista foi publicada de forma ininterrupta durante esse período de 32 anos e 1.632 exemplares foram consultados. Foram encontradas 16 notícias alusivas à EPEE, ao Hospital Nacional de Alienados, à Enfermagem e Cursos de Enfermagem. Desse total, apenas cinco notícias referiam-se diretamente à EPEE. Analisando seu conteúdo despontam duas idéias fundamentais: 1) a EPEE teve duas inaugurações, em 1897 e 1906, o que ratifica o Decreto de criação em 27/09/1890; e, 2) a dificuldade de operacionalização da EPEE, àquela época, em virtude da baixa qualificação dos candidatos a alunos.


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A catalogue is provided with the type material of four superfamilies of "Acalyptrate" (Conopoidea, Diopsoidea, Nerioidea and Tephritoidea) held in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), São Paulo, Brazil. Concerning the taxa dealt with herein, the Diptera collection of MZUSP held 77 holotypes, 4 "allotypes" and 194 paratypes. In this paper, information about data labels, preservation and missing structures of the type specimens is given.


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El autor estudia la creación de una identidad nacional en Brasil durante los siglos XIX y XX, incidiendo en los intereses de las élites gobernantes para formular un determinado discurso integrador de lo indígena y lo africano. / L'autor estudia la creació d'una identitat nacional al Brasil durant els segles XIX i XX, incidint en els interessos de les èlits governants per formular un determinat discurs integrador d'allò indígena i allò africà. / The author studies the creation of a national identity in Brazil during the 19th and 20th century, focus on the elites rulers interests to formulate a determined integrative speech of the ¿native¿ and the ¿African¿.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é situar a problemática da conciliação entre trabalho remunerado e responsabilidades familiares no recente processo de transformação da estrutura das famílias e do mercado de trabalho no Brasil. A partir de dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, é feita uma caracterização das mudanças nas estruturas das famílias brasileiras e da inserção das mulheres no mercado de trabalho de acordo com a estrutura da família. Particularmente, pretendemos mostrar que o baixo desenvolvimento de serviços coletivos que permitem socializar os custos dos cuidados com a família prejudica a quantidade e qualidade da inserção feminina, sobretudo das mães, no mercado de trabalho.


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Medicines are essential instruments to the preservation, maintenance and promotion of Health. The access to the medicine represents an important factor of social inclusion, depending on the availability of the pharmaceutical - active principle contained in the medicine that in 85% of the cases has a synthetic origin. In this scenario the importance of knowing how to make pharmaceuticals and medicines plays a significant role for the viability of the autonomous Health politics necessary for the demands of the major Nations. In this context, this work describes concisely the main aspects involved in the interdisciplinary drug discovery process, identifying the possible gorges for the successful development of innovative drugs in Brazil.


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The goal of this work was to establish the origins of the chemical engineering course at the National School of Chemistry of the University of Brazil (at present, the School of Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). There was a previous Industrial Chemistry course at the Higher School of Agriculture and Veterinary, established in 1920, following the French model. This course was the basis of the creation of the National School of Chemistry in 1933. During the 1940s, teachers and students claimed for a new course in true connection with the needs of the country and to reach full valorization of their job. The structure of the new Chemical Engineering course was approved in 1946 and the first class begun in 1952. This course was of great importance during the Brazilian industrial development during the 1950s and 1960s.


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This article presents a sample of the activities of apothecary Ezequiel Corrêa dos Santos. He was notable not only for his professional career, but also for his political militancy, making an important contribution to the development of pharmaceutical sciences in Brazil, in the XIXth century.


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In the beginning of the 1960's, the university education in chemistry, in Brasil, represented only a professional preparation, with no official post-graduate teaching and research, as yet. The name Federal University Rio de Janeiro, evolved, since January 30, 1959, from University of Brazil, RJ, to Federal University of Guanabara, which, on August 20, 1965, became the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. With the Resolution nº 4, of the University direction, the first Institute of Chemistry was created, to include the Centers of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, and the Medical Sciences. The strictu sensu's system was established only in 1961.


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Brazil is considered a major player in relation to renewable energy sources. Since 2005, the MME have encouraged scientific and technological development to advance the hydrogen economy in the country. In this work we identified the patents based on hydrogen production filed by the INPI by evaluating the energy production in Brazil in conjunction with data held in the BNE and the prediction of hydrogen production made by the CGEE. It can be observed that the country needs substantial technological stimulation, but shows promise for producing renewable energy sources.


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Colonization in the State of Paraná has culminated in the devastation of large forest areas in the entire State. Degraded area recovery programs have emphasized the utilization of native species, but often the species indicated for local reforestation areas are unknown, as those areas are little known floristically. This study aimed to survey native species indicated for reforestation of areas in the Western region of the State of Paraná, classify those species as pioneer, secondary, or climactic, and indicate places of occurrence of matrices where seeds of those species could be collected. Bibliographic surveys in the specialized literature and research in the Herbarium Museu Botânico Municipal de Curitiba (MBM) and Herbarium of Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNOP) were conducted to identify potential species for degraded area recovery in the study of Western region of Paraná. In all, 115 species were selected, of which 22 are pioneer, 73 are secondary, and 20 are climactic. The bibliographic surveys suggests that pioneer species are the most indicated for the initial processes in the degraded areas recovery, while secondary and climactic species play a major role in area enrichment.


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Rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) are opportunistic microorganisms and widely distributed into aqueous environment and soil. Human RGM infections are usually associated with contaminated solutions or medical instruments used during invasive procedures. RGM postsurgical infections have recently emerged in Brazil and have caused national alert, considering the risk factors and epidemiological aspects. This study aimed at analysing the main factors linked to the recent RGM outbreaks, with focus on the national epidemic of Mycobacterium massiliense infections related to the BRA100 strains resistant to 2% glutaraldehyde commercial solutions commonly used for preoperative high-level disinfection. Based on previous studies and laboratorial results of assays and colaborations, it has been observed that the cases have been associated with videolaparoscopy for different applications and elective esthetic procedures, such as lipoaspiration and mammary prosthesis implant. Furthermore, outbreaks between 2004 and 2008 and the epidemic in Rio de Janeiro state may be considered particular Brazilian events. Although there are a few epidemiological published studies, some hypotheses based on common aspects related to most national nosocomial occurrences are possible, such as lack of protocols for cleaning and high-level disinfection, use of 2% glutaraldehyde as high-level disinfectant for surgical instruments, and dissemination of M. massiliense BRA100 by unknown mechanisms.