982 resultados para Molecular sequence typing
The interaction of the T cell antigen receptor with a photoreactive antigenic peptide derivative bound covalently to the H-2Kd (Kd) molecule was studied by photoaffinity labeling on cloned, CD8 positive cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The Kd-restricted Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide 253-260 (YIPS-AEKI) was conjugated with iodo-4-azidosalicylic acid at the N terminus and with 4-azidobenzoic acid at the T cell receptor residue Lys-259. Cell-associated or soluble Kd molecules were photoaffinity-labeled with the peptide derivative by selective photoactivation of the N-terminal photoreactive group. Incubation of cell-associated or soluble covalent Kd-peptide derivative complexes (ligands) with cytotoxic T lymphocytes that recognized this peptide derivative and activation of the orthogonal photoreactive group resulted in specific photoaffinity labeling of the T cell receptor. The labeling was inhibitable by an anti-Kd antibody and was absent on Kd-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes of different specificity. The binding of the soluble ligand reached a maximum after 2-4 min at 37 degrees C, after 30 min at 18 degrees C, and after 3 h at 4 degrees C. In contrast, binding of the cell-associated ligand reached a transient maxima after 50 and 110 min at 37 and 18 degrees C, respectively. The degree of binding at 37 degrees C was approximately 30% lower than that at 18 degrees C. No binding took place at 4 degrees C. Inhibition studies with antibodies and drugs indicated that the binding of the cell-associated, but not the soluble ligand, was highly dependent on T cell-target cell conjugate formation, whereas the binding of the soluble ligand was greatly dependent on CD8.
PHO1 has been recently identified as a protein involved in the loading of inorganic phosphate into the xylem of roots in Arabidopsis. The genome of Arabidopsis contains 11 members of the PHO1 gene family. The cDNAs of all PHO1 homologs have been cloned and sequenced. All proteins have the same topology and harbor a SPX tripartite domain in the N-terminal hydrophilic portion and an EXS domain in the C-terminal hydrophobic portion. The SPX and EXS domains have been identified in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) proteins involved in either phosphate transport or sensing or in sorting proteins to endomembranes. The Arabidopsis genome contains additional proteins of unknown function containing either a SPX or an EXS domain. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the PHO1 family is subdivided into at least three clusters. Reverse transcription-PCR revealed a broad pattern of expression in leaves, roots, stems, and flowers for most genes, although two genes are expressed exclusively in flowers. Analysis of the activity of the promoter of all PHO1 homologs using promoter-beta-glucuronidase fusions revealed a predominant expression in the vascular tissues of roots, leaves, stems, or flowers. beta-Glucuronidase expression is also detected for several promoters in nonvascular tissue, including hydathodes, trichomes, root tip, root cortical/epidermal cells, and pollen grains. The expression pattern of PHO1 homologs indicates a likely role of the PHO1 proteins not only in the transfer of phosphate to the vascular cylinder of various tissues but also in the acquisition of phosphate into cells, such as pollen or root epidermal/cortical cells.
We have identified a second cdc25 homolog in Drosophila. In contrast to string (the first homolog identified in Drosophila) this second homolog, twine, does not function in the mitotic cell cycle, but is specialized for meiosis. Expression of twine was observed exclusively in male and female gonads. twine transcripts are present in germ cells during meiosis, and appear only late during gametogenesis, well after the end of the mitotic germ cell divisions. The sterile Drosophila mutant, mat(2)synHB5, which had previously been isolated and mapped to the same genomic region as twine (35F), was found to carry a missense mutation in the twine gene. This missense mutation in twine abolished its ability to complement a mutation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc25. Phenotypic analysis of mat(2)synHB5 mutant flies revealed a complete block of meiosis in males and severe meiotic defects in females.
Ligand-gated ion channels of the Cys loop family are receptors for small amine-containing neurotransmitters. Charged amino acids are strongly conserved in the ligand-binding domain of these receptor proteins. To investigate the role of particular residues in ligand binding of the serotonin 5-HT3AS receptor (5-HT3R), glutamate amino acid residues at three different positions, Glu97, Glu224, and Glu235, in the extracellular N-terminal domain were substituted with aspartate and glutamine using site-directed mutagenesis. Wild type and mutant receptor proteins were expressed in HEK293 cells and analyzed by electrophysiology, radioligand binding, fluorescence measurements, and immunochemistry. A structural model of the ligand-binding domain of the 5-HT3R based on the acetylcholine binding protein revealed the position of the mutated amino acids. Our results demonstrate that mutations of Glu97, distant from the ligand-binding site, had little effect on the receptor, whereas mutations Glu224 and Glu235, close to the predicted binding site, are indeed important for ligand binding. Mutations E224Q, E224D, and E235Q decreased EC50 and Kd values 5-20-fold, whereas E235D was functionally expressed at a low level and had a more than 100-fold increased EC50 value. Comparison of the fluorescence properties of a fluorescein-labeled antagonist upon binding to wild type 5-HT3R and E235Q, allowed us to localize Glu235 within a distance of 1 nm around the ligand-binding site, as proposed by our model.
We report the draft genome sequence of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus. The genome was sequenced using 454 pyrosequencing, and the current assembly and annotation were completed in less than 1 y. Analyses of conserved gene groups (more than 1,200 manually annotated genes to date) suggest a high-quality assembly and annotation comparable to recently sequenced insect genomes using Sanger sequencing. The red harvester ant is a model for studying reproductive division of labor, phenotypic plasticity, and sociogenomics. Although the genome of P. barbatus is similar to other sequenced hymenopterans (Apis mellifera and Nasonia vitripennis) in GC content and compositional organization, and possesses a complete CpG methylation toolkit, its predicted genomic CpG content differs markedly from the other hymenopterans. Gene networks involved in generating key differences between the queen and worker castes (e.g., wings and ovaries) show signatures of increased methylation and suggest that ants and bees may have independently co-opted the same gene regulatory mechanisms for reproductive division of labor. Gene family expansions (e.g., 344 functional odorant receptors) and pseudogene accumulation in chemoreception and P450 genes compared with A. mellifera and N. vitripennis are consistent with major life-history changes during the adaptive radiation of Pogonomyrmex spp., perhaps in parallel with the development of the North American deserts.
Arthroderma benhamiae is a zoophilic dermatophyte belonging to the Trichophyton mentagrophytes species complex. Here, a population of A. benhamiae wild strains from the same geographical area (Switzerland) was studied by comparing their morphology, assessing their molecular variability using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 28S rRNA gene sequencing, and evaluating their interfertility. Sequencing of the ITS region and of part of the 28S rRNA gene revealed the existence of two infraspecific groups with markedly different colony phenotypes: white (group I) and yellow (group II), respectively. For all strains, the results of mating type identification by PCR, using HMG (high-mobility group) and α-box genes in the mating type locus as targets, were in total accordance with the results of mating type identification by strain confrontation experiments. White-phenotype strains were of mating type + (mt+) or mating type - (mt-), whilst yellow-phenotype strains were all mt-. White and yellow strains were found to produce fertile cleistothecia after mating with A. benhamiae reference tester strains, which belonged to a third group intermediate between groups I and II. However, no interfertility was observed between yellow strains and white strains of mt+. A significant result was that white strains of mt- were able to mate and produce fertile cleistothecia with the white A. benhamiae strain CBS 112371 (mt+), the genome of which has recently been sequenced and annotated. This finding should offer new tools for investigating the biology and genetics of dermatophytes using wild-type strains.
Virulence in the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is controlled by cell density via diffusible signalling molecules ('autoinducers') of the N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) type. Two Bacillus sp. isolates (A23 and A24) with AHL-degrading activity were identified among a large collection of rhizosphere bacteria. From isolate A24 a gene was cloned which was similar to the aiiA gene, encoding an AHL lactonase in another Bacillus strain. Expression of the aiiA homologue from isolate A24 in P. aeruginosa PAO1 reduced the amount of the quorum sensing signal N-oxododecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone and completely prevented the accumulation of the second AHL signal, N-butyryl-L-homoserine lactone. This strongly reduced AHL content correlated with a markedly decreased expression and production of several virulence factors and cytotoxic compounds such as elastase, rhamnolipids, hydrogen cyanide and pyocyanin, and strongly reduced swarming. However, no effect was observed on flagellar swimming or on twitching motility, and aiiA expression did not affect bacterial adhesion to a polyvinylchloride surface. In conclusion, introduction of an AHL degradation gene into P. aeruginosa could block cell-cell communication and exoproduct formation, but failed to interfere with surface colonization.
T lymphocytes recognize antigen in the form of peptides that associate with specific alleles of class I or class II major histocompatibility (MHC) molecules. By contrast with the clear MHC allele-specific binding of peptides to purified class II molecules purified solubilized class I molecules either bind relatively poorly or show degenerate specificity. Using photo-affinity labelling, we demonstrate here the specific interaction of peptides with cell-associated MHC class I molecules and show that this involves metabolically active processes.
Development of ectodermal appendages, such as hair, teeth, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and mammary glands, requires the action of the TNF family ligand ectodysplasin A (EDA). Mutations of the X-linked EDA gene cause reduction or absence of many ectodermal appendages and have been identified as a cause of ectodermal dysplasia in humans, mice, dogs, and cattle. We have generated blocking antibodies, raised in Eda-deficient mice, against the conserved, receptor-binding domain of EDA. These antibodies recognize epitopes overlapping the receptor-binding site and prevent EDA from binding and activating EDAR at close to stoichiometric ratios in in vitro binding and activity assays. The antibodies block EDA1 and EDA2 of both mammalian and avian origin and, in vivo, suppress the ability of recombinant Fc-EDA1 to rescue ectodermal dysplasia in Eda-deficient Tabby mice. Moreover, administration of EDA blocking antibodies to pregnant wild type mice induced in developing wild type fetuses a marked and permanent ectodermal dysplasia. These function-blocking anti-EDA antibodies with wide cross-species reactivity will enable study of the developmental and postdevelopmental roles of EDA in a variety of organisms and open the route to therapeutic intervention in conditions in which EDA may be implicated.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand and receptor superfamily members play critical roles in diverse developmental and pathological settings. In search for novel TNF superfamily members, we identified a murine chromosomal locus that contains three new TNF receptor-related genes. Sequence alignments suggest that the ligand binding regions of these murine TNF receptor homologues, mTNFRH1, -2 and -3, are most homologous to those of the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors. By using a number of in vitro ligand-receptor binding assays, we demonstrate that mTNFRH1 and -2, but not mTNFRH3, bind murine TRAIL, suggesting that they are indeed TRAIL receptors. This notion is further supported by our demonstration that both mTNFRH1:Fc and mTNFRH2:Fc fusion proteins inhibited mTRAIL-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells. Unlike the only other known murine TRAIL receptor mTRAILR2, however, neither mTNFRH2 nor mTNFRH3 has a cytoplasmic region containing the well characterized death domain motif. Coupled with our observation that overexpression of mTNFRH1 and -2 in 293T cells neither induces apoptosis nor triggers NFkappaB activation, we propose that the mTnfrh1 and mTnfrh2 genes encode the first described murine decoy receptors for TRAIL, and we renamed them mDcTrailr1 and -r2, respectively. Interestingly, the overall sequence structures of mDcTRAILR1 and -R2 are quite distinct from those of the known human decoy TRAIL receptors, suggesting that the presence of TRAIL decoy receptors represents a more recent evolutionary event.
The siderophore pyochelin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa promotes growth under iron limitation and induces the expression of its biosynthesis genes via the transcriptional AraC/XylS-type regulator PchR. Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 makes the optical antipode of pyochelin termed enantio-pyochelin, which also promotes growth and induces the expression of its biosynthesis genes when iron is scarce. Growth promotion and signalling by pyochelin and enantio-pyochelin are highly stereospecific and are known to involve the pyochelin and enantio-pyochelin outer-membrane receptors FptA and FetA, respectively. Here we show that stereospecificity in signalling is also based on the stereospecificity of the homologous PchR proteins of P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens towards their respective siderophore effectors. We found that PchR functioned in the heterologous species only if supplied with its native ligand and that the FptA and FetA receptors enhanced the efficiency of signalling. By constructing and expressing hybrid and truncated PchR regulators we showed that the weakly conserved N-terminal domain of PchR is responsible for siderophore specificity. Thus, both uptake and transcriptional regulation confer stereospecificity to pyochelin and enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis.
(-)-1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenetylamino)-3-(3,4-dihydroxy)-2-propanol [(-)-RO363] is a highly selective beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (beta(1)AR) agonist. To study the binding site of beta(1)-selective agonist, chimeric beta(1)/beta(2)ARs and Ala-substituted beta(1)ARs were constructed. Several key residues of beta(1)AR [Leu(110) and Thr(117) in transmembrane domain (TMD) 2], and Phe(359) in TMD 7] were found to be responsible for beta(1)-selective binding of (-)-RO363, as determined by competitive binding. Based on these results, we built a three-dimensional model of the binding domain for (-)-RO363. The model indicated that TMD 2 and TMD 7 of beta(1)AR form a binding pocket; the methoxyphenyl group of N-substituent of (-)-RO363 seems to locate within the cavity surrounded by Leu(110), Thr(117), and Phe(359). The amino acids Leu(110) and Phe(359) interact with the phenyl ring of (-)-RO363, whereas Thr(117) forms hydrogen bond with the methoxy group of (-)-RO363. To examine the interaction of these residues with beta(1)AR in an active state, each of the amino acids was changed to Ala in a constitutively active (CA)-beta(1)AR mutant. The degree of decrease in the affinity of CA-beta(1)AR for (-)-RO363 was essentially the same as that of wild-type beta(1)AR when mutated at Leu(110) and Thr(117). However, the affinity was decreased in Ala-substituted mutant of Phe(359) compared with that of wild-type beta(1)AR. These results indicated that Leu(110) and Thr(117) are necessary for the initial binding of (-)-RO363 with beta(1)-selectivity, and interaction of Phe(359) with the N-substituent of (-)-RO363 in an active state is stronger than in the resting state.
A selection gradient was recently suggested as one possible cause for a clinal distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes along an altitudinal transect in the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula (Ehinger et al. 2002). One mtDNA haplotype (H1) rare in lowland, became widespread when approaching the altitudinal margin of the distribution. As H1 differs from the main lowland haplotype by several nonsynonymous mutations (including on ATP6), and as mitochondria play a crucial role in metabolism and thermogenesis, distribution patterns might stem from differences in the thermogenic capacity of different mtDNA haplotypes. In order to test this hypothesis, we measured the nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) associated with different mtDNA haplotypes. Sixty-two shrews, half of which had the H1 haplotype, were acclimated in November at semioutdoor conditions and measured for NST throughout winter. Our results showed the crucial role of NST for winter survival in C. russula. The individuals that survived winter displayed a higher significant increase in NST during acclimation, associated with a significant gain in body mass, presumably from brown fat accumulation. The NST capacity (ratio of NST to basal metabolic rate) was exceptionally high for such a small species. NST was significantly affected by a gender x haplotype interaction after winter-acclimation: females bearing the H1 haplotype displayed a better thermogenesis at the onset of the breeding season, while the reverse was true for males. Altogether, our results suggest a sexually antagonistic cyto-nuclear selection on thermogenesis.
Resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretroviral agents results from target gene mutation within the pol gene, which encodes the viral protease, reverse transcriptase (RT), and integrase. We speculated that mutations in genes other that the drug target could lead to drug resistance. For this purpose, the p1-p6(gag)-p6(pol) region of HIV-1, placed immediately upstream of pol, was analyzed. This region has the potential to alter Pol through frameshift regulation (p1), through improved packaging of viral enzymes (p6(Gag)), or by changes in activation of the viral protease (p6(Pol)). Duplication of the proline-rich p6(Gag) PTAP motif, necessary for late viral cycle activities, was identified in plasma virus from 47 of 222 (21.2%) patients treated with nucleoside analog RT inhibitor (NRTI) antiretroviral therapy but was identified very rarely from drug-naïve individuals. Molecular clones carrying a 3-amino-acid duplication, APPAPP (transframe duplication SPTSPT in p6(Pol)), displayed a delay in protein maturation; however, they packaged a 34% excess of RT and exhibited a marked competitive growth advantage in the presence of NRTIs. This phenotype is reminiscent of the inoculum effect described in bacteriology, where a larger input, or a greater infectivity of an organism with a wild-type antimicrobial target, leads to escape from drug pressure and a higher MIC in vitro. Though the mechanism by which the PTAP region participates in viral maturation is not known, duplication of this proline-rich motif could improve assembly and packaging at membrane locations, resulting in the observed phenotype of increased infectivity and drug resistance.
Recent population genetic studies suggest that staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) was acquired much more frequently than previously thought. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the diversity of SCCmec elements in a local methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) population. Each MRSA isolate (one per patient) recovered in the Vaud canton of Switzerland from January 2005 to December 2008 was analyzed by the double-locus sequence typing (DLST) method and SCCmec typing. DLST analysis indicated that 1,884/2,036 isolates (92.5%) belong to four predominant clones. As expected from the local spread of a clone, most isolates within clones harbored an identical SCCmec type. However, three to seven SCCmec types have been recovered in every predominant DLST clone, suggesting that some of these elements might have been acquired locally. This pattern could also be explained by distinct importations of related isolates into the study region. The addition of a third highly variable locus to further increase the discriminatory power of typing as well as epidemiological data suggested that most ambiguous situations were explained by the second hypothesis. In conclusion, our study showed that even if the acquisition of new SCCmec elements at a local level likely occurs, it does not explain all the diversity observed in the study region.