474 resultados para Moduli
Poly(methylvinylether-co-maleic acid) (PMVE/MA) is commonly used as a component of pharmaceutical platforms, principally to enhance interactions with biological substrates (mucoadhesion). However, the limited knowledge on the rheological properties of this polymer and their relationships with mucoadhesion has negated the biomedical use of this polymer as a mono-component platform. This study presents a comprehensive study of the rheological properties of aqueous PMVE/MA platforms and defines their relationships with mucoadhesion using multiple regression analysis. Using dilute solution viscometry the intrinsic viscosities of un-neutralised PMVE/MA and PMVE/MA neutralised using NaOH or TEA were 22.32 ± 0.89 dL g-1, 274.80 ± 1.94 dL g-1 and 416.49 ± 2.21 dL g-1 illustrating greater polymer chain expansion following neutralisation using Triethylamine (TEA). PMVE/MA platforms exhibited shear-thinning properties. Increasing polymer concentration increased the consistencies, zero shear rate (ZSR) viscosities (determined from flow rheometry), storage and loss moduli, dynamic viscosities (defined using oscillatory analysis) and mucoadhesive properties, yet decreased the loss tangents of the neutralised polymer platforms. TEA neutralised systems possessed significantly and substantially greater consistencies, ZSR and dynamic viscosities, storage and loss moduli, mucoadhesion and lower loss tangents than their NaOH counterparts. Multiple regression analysis enabled identification of the dominant role of polymer viscoelasticity on mucoadhesion (r > 0.98). The mucoadhesive properties of PMVE/MA platforms were considerable and were greater than those of other platforms that have successfully been shown to enhance in vivo retention when applied to the oral cavity, indicating a positive role for PMVE/MA mono-component platforms for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications.
This study describes the design and characterisation of the rheological and mechanical properties of binary polymeric systems composed of 2-Hydroxypropylcellulose and ɩ-carrageenan, designed as ophthalmic viscoelastic devices (OVDs). Platforms were characterised using dilute solution, flow and oscillatory rheometry and texture profile analysis. Rheological synergy between the two polymers was observed both in the dilute and gel states. All platforms exhibited pseudoplastic flow. Increasing polymer concentrations significantly decreased the loss tangent and rate index yet increased the storage and loss moduli, consistency, gel hardness, compressibility and adhesiveness, the latter being related to the in-vivo retention properties of the platforms. Binary polymeric platforms exhibited unique physicochemical properties, properties that could not be engineered using mono-polymeric platforms. Using characterisation methods that provide information relevant to their clinical performance, low-cost binary platforms (3% hydroxypropylcellulose and either 1% or 2% ɩ-carrageenan) were identified that exhibited rheological, textural and viscoelastic properties advantageous for use as OVDs.
La presente trattazione descrive l’ottimizzazione del prototipo di un generatore termoelettrico da integrare in caldaie a biomassa. La tecnologia termoelettrica consente di generare potenza elettrica a partire da un flusso di calore. Sebbene tale tecnologia presenti caratteristiche di elevata affidabilità e silenziosità, essa richiede ulteriori sforzi tecnologici nella ricerca dell’integrazione ottimale con un impianto termico, ed è inoltre necessaria una progettazione accurata dell’elettronica di controllo. Nella prima sezione del testo vengono descritti i principi fisici alla base di questa tecnologia e le tecniche per la conversione della potenza generata dai moduli termoelettrici (o ad effetto Seebeck) al fine di renderla fruibile da una tipica utenza domestica. Nel secondo capitolo si riporta lo stato dell’arte dell’applicazione della tecnologia termoelettrica in caldaie a biomassa e alcuni casi di implementazione recenti, sottolineando le configurazioni utilizzate, i principali problemi riscontrati nello sviluppo e nella sperimentazione, e le modifiche conseguentemente adottate per superarli. Il terzo capitolo analizza il prototipo sviluppato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università di Bologna e descrive il processo di dimensionamento dei componenti meccanici e le proposte di ottimizzazione a seguito dei risultati dei primi collaudi. Viene infine sviluppato un modello matematico per confrontare, in funzione dei costi di produzione e di esercizio, le possibilità di sostituzione dei metodi di generazione di energia elettrica convenzionali con l’impianto di cogenerazione termoelettrica realizzato, considerando anche aspetti di impatto ambientale. Tali analisi e ottimizzazioni consistono in un primo miglioramento necessario a rendere la tecnologia termoelettrica applicabile alle caldaie a biomassa stand-alone e a permettere una generazione continua di energia elettrica nelle regioni in cui le infrastrutture sono poco affidabili.
Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la première cause de mortalité dans le monde et les anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAAs) font partie de ce lot déplorable. Un anévrisme est la dilatation d’une artère pouvant conduire à la mort. Une rupture d’AAA s’avère fatale près de 80% du temps. Un moyen de traiter les AAAs est l’insertion d’une endoprothèse (SG) dans l’aorte, communément appelée la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR), afin de réduire la pression exercée par le flux sanguin sur la paroi. L’efficacité de ce traitement est compromise par la survenue d’endofuites (flux sanguins entre la prothèse et le sac anévrismal) pouvant conduire à la rupture de l’anévrisme. Ces flux sanguins peuvent survenir à n’importe quel moment après le traitement EVAR. Une surveillance par tomodensitométrie (CT-scan) annuelle est donc requise, augmentant ainsi le coût du suivi post-EVAR et exposant le patient à la radiation ionisante et aux complications des contrastes iodés. L’endotension est le concept de dilatation de l’anévrisme sans la présence d’une endofuite apparente au CT-scan. Après le traitement EVAR, le sang dans le sac anévrismal coagule pour former un thrombus frais, qui deviendra progressivement un thrombus plus fibreux et plus organisé, donnant lieu à un rétrécissement de l’anévrisme. Il y a très peu de données dans la littérature pour étudier ce processus temporel et la relation entre le thrombus frais et l’endotension. L’étalon d’or du suivi post-EVAR, le CT-scan, ne peut pas détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Il y a donc un besoin d’investir dans une technique sécuritaire et moins coûteuse pour le suivi d’AAAs après EVAR. Une méthode récente, l’élastographie dynamique, mesure l’élasticité des tissus en temps réel. Le principe de cette technique repose sur la génération d’ondes de cisaillement et l’étude de leur propagation afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu étudié. Cette thèse vise l’application de l’élastographie dynamique pour la détection des endofuites ainsi que de la caractérisation mécanique des tissus du sac anévrismal après le traitement EVAR. Ce projet dévoile le potentiel de l’élastographie afin de réduire les dangers de la radiation, de l’utilisation d’agent de contraste ainsi que des coûts du post-EVAR des AAAs. L’élastographie dynamique utilisant le « Shear Wave Imaging » (SWI) est prometteuse. Cette modalité pourrait complémenter l’échographie-Doppler (DUS) déjà utilisée pour le suivi d’examen post-EVAR. Le SWI a le potentiel de fournir des informations sur l’organisation fibreuse du thrombus ainsi que sur la détection d’endofuites. Tout d’abord, le premier objectif de cette thèse consistait à tester le SWI sur des AAAs dans des modèles canins pour la détection d’endofuites et la caractérisation du thrombus. Des SGs furent implantées dans un groupe de 18 chiens avec un anévrisme créé au moyen de la veine jugulaire. 4 anévrismes avaient une endofuite de type I, 13 avaient une endofuite de type II et un anévrisme n’avait pas d’endofuite. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été réalisés à l’implantation, puis 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois après le traitement EVAR. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et des coupes macroscopiques ont été produits au sacrifice. Les régions d’endofuites, de thrombus frais et de thrombus organisé furent identifiées et segmentées. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions furent comparées. Celles-ci furent différentes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Également, le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (1) et le DUS (3) ont échoué. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, le deuxième objectif de ce projet fut de caractériser l’évolution du thrombus dans le temps, de même que l’évolution des endofuites après embolisation dans des modèles canins. Dix-huit anévrismes furent créés dans les artères iliaques de neuf modèles canins, suivis d’une endofuite de type I après EVAR. Deux gels embolisants (Chitosan (Chi) ou Chitosan-Sodium-Tetradecyl-Sulfate (Chi-STS)) furent injectés dans le sac anévrismal pour promouvoir la guérison. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été effectués à l’implantation et après 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et un examen histologique ont été réalisés au sacrifice afin d’évaluer la présence, le type et la grosseur de l’endofuite. Les valeurs du module d’élasticité des régions d’intérêts ont été identifiées et segmentées sur les données pathologiques. Les régions d’endofuites et de thrombus frais furent différentes de façon significative comparativement aux autres régions (P < 0.001). Les valeurs d’élasticité du thrombus frais à 1 semaine et à 3 mois indiquent que le SWI peut évaluer la maturation du thrombus, de même que caractériser l’évolution et la dégradation des gels embolisants dans le temps. Le SWI a pu détecter des endofuites où le DUS a échoué (2) et, contrairement au CT-scan, détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Finalement, la dernière étape du projet doctoral consistait à appliquer le SWI dans une phase clinique, avec des patients humains ayant déjà un AAA, pour la détection d’endofuite et la caractérisation de l’élasticité des tissus. 25 patients furent sélectionnés pour participer à l’étude. Une comparaison d’imagerie a été produite entre le SWI, le CT-scan et le DUS. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions (endofuite, thrombus) furent identifiées et segmentées. Celles-ci étaient distinctes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Le SWI a détecté 5 endofuites sur 6 (sensibilité de 83.3%) et a eu 6 faux positifs (spécificité de 76%). Le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (2) ainsi que le DUS (2) ont échoué. Il n’y avait pas de différence statistique notable entre la rigidité du thrombus pour un AAA avec endofuite et un AAA sans endofuite. Aucune corrélation n’a pu être établie de façon significative entre les diamètres des AAAs ainsi que leurs variations et l’élasticité du thrombus. Le SWI a le potentiel de détecter les endofuites et caractériser le thrombus selon leurs propriétés mécaniques. Cette technique pourrait être combinée au suivi des AAAs post-EVAR, complémentant ainsi l’imagerie DUS et réduisant le coût et l’exposition à la radiation ionisante et aux agents de contrastes néphrotoxiques.
La tesi nasce dalla volontà di agire sull’area della Darsena di Ravenna, strategica in quanto via d’acqua navigabile che congiunge il mare con il centro città ma dal potenziale ancora poco sfruttato. Il progetto è studiato per essere inserito come catalizzatore urbano, creando spazi di interazione attraverso elementi modulari galleggianti e riconfigurabili per adattarsi a programmi d’uso flessibili; tali elementi si aggregano formando un sistema che ristruttura lo spazio dell’attuale banchina, cambiandone la percezione da barriera a waterfront urbano. La necessità di ottenere una struttura con capacità di crescita e flessibilità programmatica sfocia in un approccio modulare seguendo il principio massima variazione/minimo numero di elementi i cui principi aggregativi si basano sulla tassellazione “Cairo”. Vengono studiate le possibilità di incorporare variazione ed eterogeneità all’interno del sistema senza comprometterne la modularità fino ad integrare percorsi multilivello. La definizione delle morfologie delle parti che compongono i moduli si basano sullo studio dei principi di galleggiamento, stabilità e yacht design: a partire dalla forma dello scafo adatta ai principi di tiling definiti in precedenza, tutte le parti che compongono le varie tipologie di modulo sono progettate cercando continuità e integrazione tettonica (geometrica, strutturale, funzionale e percettiva). Vengono proposte soluzioni integrate sia per le problematiche tipiche delle strutture galleggianti sia per l’inserimento di attività all’interno della soluzione architettonica. Vengono prototipati di una serie di moduli, scelti in modo da dimostrare i principi di ricombinazione, continuità, modularità e tiling.
Questo elaborato si propone di approfondire lo studio dei campi finiti, in modo particolare soffermandosi sull’esistenza di una base normale per un campo finito, in quanto l'utilizzo di una tale base ha notevoli applicazioni in ambito crittografico. Vengono trattati i seguenti argomenti: elementi di base della teoria dei campi finiti, funzione traccia e funzione norma, basi duali, basi normali. Vengono date due dimostrazioni del Teorema della Base Normale, la seconda delle quali fa uso dei polinomi linearizzati ed è in realtà un po' più generale, in quanto si riferisce ai q-moduli.
Dopo alcuni risultati preliminari di algebra commutativa, la tesi introduce e sviluppa lo studio del funtore di tensorizzazione e del funtore Hom, e dei loro derivati Tor e Ext su moduli generici e con esempi di calcolo su Z.
L’elaborato propone una descrizione generale dei dispositivi protesici transtibiali, dalla storia, al processo di protesizzazione dei pazienti amputati alla struttura costitutiva modulare. Particolare importanza viene, inoltre, conferita all’analisi biomeccanica del movimento, della quale è data descrizione delle tecniche, della strumentazione, e dei risultati che vengono ottenuti nelle indagini di soggetti amputati rispetto alle persone normodotate. Considerazioni sulla biomeccanica di pazienti protesizzati transtibialmente offrono interessanti spunti di riflessione sulle componenti meccaniche, idrauliche ed elettroniche dei dispositivi modulari, delle quali si descrive in modo completo la struttura e il funzionamento, facendo riferimento ai brevetti tecnici più noti. Verranno, infine, riportati risultati di recenti studi e ricerche che evidenziano come l’utilizzo nei moduli prostesici transtibiali di caviglie idrauliche a controllo elettronico dello smorzamento sia la soluzione ottimale per ottenere risultati biomeccanicamente migliori, sia dal punto di vista dell’efficienza del movimento che per quanto riguarda l’equilibrio.
We consider SU(3)-equivariant dimensional reduction of Yang Mills theory over certain cyclic orbifolds of the 5-sphere which are Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. We obtain new quiver gauge theories extending those induced via reduction over the leaf spaces of the characteristic foliation of the Sasaki-Einstein structure, which are projective planes. We describe the Higgs branches of these quiver gauge theories as moduli spaces of spherically symmetric instantons which are SU(3)-equivariant solutions to the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations on the associated Calabi-Yau cones, and further compare them to moduli spaces of translationally-invariant instantons on the cones. We provide an explicit unified construction of these moduli spaces as Kahler quotients and show that they have the same cyclic orbifold singularities as the cones over the lens 5-spaces. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
In recent years, many tidal turbine projects have been developed using composites blades. Tidal turbine blades are subject to ocean forces and sea water aggressions, and the reliability of these components is crucial to the profitability of ocean energy recovery systems. The majority of tidal turbine developers have preferred carbon/epoxy blades, so there is a need to understand how prolonged immersion in the ocean affects these composites. In this study the long term behaviour of different carbon/epoxy composites has been studied using accelerated ageing tests. A significant reduction of composite strengths has been observed after saturation of water in the material. For longer immersions only small further changes in these properties occur. No significant changes have been observed for moduli nor for composite toughness. The effect of sea water ageing on damage thresholds and kinetics has been studied and modelled. After saturation, the damage threshold is modified while kinetics of damage development remain the same.
A detailed non-equilibrium state diagram of shape-anisotropic particle fluids is constructed. The effects of particle shape are explored using Naive Mode Coupling Theory (NMCT), and a single particle Non-linear Langevin Equation (NLE) theory. The dynamical behavior of non-ergodic fluids are discussed. We employ a rotationally frozen approach to NMCT in order to determine a transition to center of mass (translational) localization. Both ideal and kinetic glass transitions are found to be highly shape dependent, and uniformly increase with particle dimensionality. The glass transition volume fraction of quasi 1- and 2- dimensional particles fall monotonically with the number of sites (aspect ratio), while 3-dimensional particles display a non-monotonic dependence of glassy vitrification on the number of sites. Introducing interparticle attractions results in a far more complex state diagram. The ideal non-ergodic boundary shows a glass-fluid-gel re-entrance previously predicted for spherical particle fluids. The non-ergodic region of the state diagram presents qualitatively different dynamics in different regimes. They are qualified by the different behaviors of the NLE dynamic free energy. The caging dominated, repulsive glass regime is characterized by long localization lengths and barrier locations, dictated by repulsive hard core interactions, while the bonding dominated gel region has short localization lengths (commensurate with the attraction range), and barrier locations. There exists a small region of the state diagram which is qualified by both glassy and gel localization lengths in the dynamic free energy. A much larger (high volume fraction, and high attraction strength) region of phase space is characterized by short gel-like localization lengths, and long barrier locations. The region is called the attractive glass and represents a 2-step relaxation process whereby a particle first breaks attractive physical bonds, and then escapes its topological cage. The dynamic fragility of fluids are highly particle shape dependent. It increases with particle dimensionality and falls with aspect ratio for quasi 1- and 2- dimentional particles. An ultralocal limit analysis of the NLE theory predicts universalities in the behavior of relaxation times, and elastic moduli. The equlibrium phase diagram of chemically anisotropic Janus spheres and Janus rods are calculated employing a mean field Random Phase Approximation. The calculations for Janus rods are corroborated by the full liquid state Reference Interaction Site Model theory. The Janus particles consist of attractive and repulsive regions. Both rods and spheres display rich phase behavior. The phase diagrams of these systems display fluid, macrophase separated, attraction driven microphase separated, repulsion driven microphase separated and crystalline regimes. Macrophase separation is predicted in highly attractive low volume fraction systems. Attraction driven microphase separation is charaterized by long length scale divergences, where the ordering length scale determines the microphase ordered structures. The ordering length scale of repulsion driven microphase separation is determined by the repulsive range. At the high volume fractions, particles forgo the enthalpic considerations of attractions and repulsions to satisfy hard core constraints and maximize vibrational entropy. This results in site length scale ordering in rods, and the sphere length scale ordering in Janus spheres, i.e., crystallization. A change in the Janus balance of both rods and spheres results in quantitative changes in spinodal temperatures and the position of phase boundaries. However, a change in the block sequence of Janus rods causes qualitative changes in the type of microphase ordered state, and induces prominent features (such as the Lifshitz point) in the phase diagrams of these systems. A detailed study of the number of nearest neighbors in Janus rod systems reflect a deep connection between this local measure of structure, and the structure factor which represents the most global measure of order.
We study proper actions of groups $G \cong \Z/2\Z \ast \Z/2\Z \ast \Z/2\Z$ on affine space of three real dimensions. Since $G$ is nonsolvable, work of Fried and Goldman implies that it preserves a Lorentzian metric. A subgroup $\Gamma < G$ of index two acts freely, and $\R^3/\Gamma$ is a Margulis spacetime associated to a hyperbolic surface $\Sigma$. When $\Sigma$ is convex cocompact, work of Danciger, Gu{\'e}ritaud, and Kassel shows that the action of $\Gamma$ admits a polyhedral fundamental domain bounded by crooked planes. We consider under what circumstances the action of $G$ also admits a crooked fundamental domain. We show that it is possible to construct actions of $G$ that fail to admit crooked fundamental domains exactly when the extended mapping class group of $\Sigma$ fails to act transitively on the top-dimensional simplices of the arc complex of $\Sigma$. We also provide explicit descriptions of the moduli space of $G$ actions that admit crooked fundamental domains.
Accurate estimation of road pavement geometry and layer material properties through the use of proper nondestructive testing and sensor technologies is essential for evaluating pavement’s structural condition and determining options for maintenance and rehabilitation. For these purposes, pavement deflection basins produced by the nondestructive Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) test data are commonly used. The nondestructive FWD test drops weights on the pavement to simulate traffic loads and measures the created pavement deflection basins. Backcalculation of pavement geometry and layer properties using FWD deflections is a difficult inverse problem, and the solution with conventional mathematical methods is often challenging due to the ill-posed nature of the problem. In this dissertation, a hybrid algorithm was developed to seek robust and fast solutions to this inverse problem. The algorithm is based on soft computing techniques, mainly Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) as well as the use of numerical analysis techniques to properly simulate the geomechanical system. A widely used pavement layered analysis program ILLI-PAVE was employed in the analyses of flexible pavements of various pavement types; including full-depth asphalt and conventional flexible pavements, were built on either lime stabilized soils or untreated subgrade. Nonlinear properties of the subgrade soil and the base course aggregate as transportation geomaterials were also considered. A computer program, Soft Computing Based System Identifier or SOFTSYS, was developed. In SOFTSYS, ANNs were used as surrogate models to provide faster solutions of the nonlinear finite element program ILLI-PAVE. The deflections obtained from FWD tests in the field were matched with the predictions obtained from the numerical simulations to develop SOFTSYS models. The solution to the inverse problem for multi-layered pavements is computationally hard to achieve and is often not feasible due to field variability and quality of the collected data. The primary difficulty in the analysis arises from the substantial increase in the degree of non-uniqueness of the mapping from the pavement layer parameters to the FWD deflections. The insensitivity of some layer properties lowered SOFTSYS model performances. Still, SOFTSYS models were shown to work effectively with the synthetic data obtained from ILLI-PAVE finite element solutions. In general, SOFTSYS solutions very closely matched the ILLI-PAVE mechanistic pavement analysis results. For SOFTSYS validation, field collected FWD data were successfully used to predict pavement layer thicknesses and layer moduli of in-service flexible pavements. Some of the very promising SOFTSYS results indicated average absolute errors on the order of 2%, 7%, and 4% for the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) thickness estimation of full-depth asphalt pavements, full-depth pavements on lime stabilized soils and conventional flexible pavements, respectively. The field validations of SOFTSYS data also produced meaningful results. The thickness data obtained from Ground Penetrating Radar testing matched reasonably well with predictions from SOFTSYS models. The differences observed in the HMA and lime stabilized soil layer thicknesses observed were attributed to deflection data variability from FWD tests. The backcalculated asphalt concrete layer thickness results matched better in the case of full-depth asphalt flexible pavements built on lime stabilized soils compared to conventional flexible pavements. Overall, SOFTSYS was capable of producing reliable thickness estimates despite the variability of field constructed asphalt layer thicknesses.
In this paper, we show that if X is a smooth variety of general type of dimension m≥3 for which the canonical map induces a triple cover onto Y, where Y is a projective bundle over P1 or onto a projective space or onto a quadric hypersurface, embedded by a complete linear series (except Q3 embedded in P4), then the general deformation of the canonical morphism of X is again canonical and induces a triple cover. The extremal case when Y is embedded as a variety of minimal degree is of interest, due to its appearance in numerous situations. For instance, by looking at threefolds Y of minimal degree we find components of the moduli of threefolds X of general type with KX3=3pg−9,KX3≠6, whose general members correspond to canonical triple covers. Our results are especially interesting as well because they have no lower dimensional analogues.
In this paper we show that if X is a smooth variety of general type of dimension m≥2 for which its canonical map induces a double cover onto Y, where Y is the projective space, a smooth quadric hypersurface or a smooth projective bundle over P1, embedded by a complete linear series, then the general deformation of the canonical morphism of X is again canonical and induces a double cover. The second part of the article proves the non-existence of canonical double structures on the rational varieties above mentioned. Our results have consequences for the moduli of varieties of general type of arbitrary dimension, since they show that infinitely many moduli spaces of higher dimensional varieties of general type have an entire “hyperelliptic” component. This is in sharp contrast with the case of curves or surfaces of lower Kodaira dimension.