881 resultados para Modified Arc
The Brazilian government has approved many transgenic maize lines for commercialization and has established a threshold of 1% for food labeling, which underscores need for monitoring programs. Thirty four samples including flours and different types of nacho chips were analyzed by conventional and real-time PCR in 2011 and 2012. The events MON810, Bt11, and TC1507 were detected in most of the samples, and NK603 was present only in the samples analyzed in 2012. The authorized lines GA21, T25, and the unauthorized Bt176 were not detected. All positive samples in the qualitative tests collected in 2011 showed a transgenic content higher than 1%, and none of them was correctly labeled. Regarding the samples collected in 2012, all positive samples were quantified higher than the threshold, and 47.0% were not correctly labeled. The overall results indicated that the major genetically modified organisms detected were MON810, TC1507, Bt11, and NK603 events. Some industries that had failed to label their products in 2011 started labeling them in 2012, demonstrating compliance with the current legislation observing the consumer rights. Although these results are encouraging, it has been clearly demonstrated the need for continuous monitoring programs to ensure consumers that food products are labeled properly.
Modified atmosphere is a method of food preservation that provides increased lifetime, decreases deterioration losses, and facilitates marketing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different plastic films in modifying the atmosphere around Eva apples to assure quality maintenance during postharvest storage. The fruits were cleaned and separated into three treatment groups: polypropylene, low density polyethylene, and high density polyethylene packing with a total of 5 fruits per package for each evaluation period. A group of control apples was not submitted to atmospheric modification. After the treatment, all fruits were stored at 0.5±0.5°C (cold storage) for up to 225 days. The analyses were performed at 45, 135, and 225 days after cold storage. Respiration, ethylene production, firmness, mass loss, total pectin, soluble pectin, soluble solids, total acidity, and epidermis background color of each treatment group were evaluated. The high density polyethylene film treatment did not show a decrease in ethylene production during storage and allowed the fruits to maintain a greater firmness and smaller percentage of mass loss during the study period. Moreover, the storage of the Eva apple cultivar under modified atmosphere allowed the preservation of quality for up to seven months.
Stability of minimally processed radicchio (Cichorium intybus L.) was evaluated under modified atmosphere (2% O2, 5% CO2, and 93% N2) on 3, 5, 7 and 10 days of storage at 5°C. The samples were hygienized in sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide solutions to identify the most effective sanitizing solution to remove microorganisms. Microbiological analysis was conducted to identify the presence of coliforms at 35°C and 45°C, mesophilic microorganisms, and yeast and mold. Physicochemical analyses of mass loss, pH, soluble solids, and total acidity were conducted. The color measurements were performed using a Portable Colorimeter model CR-400. The antioxidant activity was determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and 2,2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic methods. The sensory evaluation was carried out using a hedonic scale to test overall acceptance of the samples during storage. The sodium hypochlorite (150 mg.L-1) solution provided greater safety to the final product. The values of pH ranged from 6.17 to 6.25, total acidity from 0.405 to 0.435%, soluble solids from 0.5 to 0.6 °Brix, mass loss from 1.7 to 7.2%, and chlorophyll from 1.068 to 0.854 mg/100g. The antioxidant activity of radicchio did not show significant changes during the first 3 days of storage. The overall acceptance of the sample stored in the sealed package without modified atmosphere was 70%, while the fresh sample was obtained 77% of approval. Although the samples packaged under modified atmosphere had a higher acceptance score, the samples in sealed packages had satisfactory results during the nine days of storage. The use of modified atmosphere, combined with cooling and good manufacturing practices, was sufficient to prolong the life of minimally processed radicchio, Folha Larga cultivar, for up to ten days of storage.
F/A-18-monitoimihävittäjän ohjaajan tehtävän kognitiiviset vaatimukset ovat korkeat. Kognitiivisen kuormituksen taso vaikuttaa hävittäjäohjaajan suoritustasoon ja subjektiivisiin tun-temuksiin. Yerkesin ja Dodsonin periaatteen mukaisesti erittäin matala tai erittäin korkea kuormituksen taso laskee suoritustasoa. Optimaalinen kuormituksen taso ja suoritustaso saa-vutetaan jossain ääripäiden välillä. Hävittäjäohjaajan kognitiivisen kuormituksen tasoon vaikuttaa lentotehtävän suorittamiseen vaadittava henkinen ponnistelu. Vaadittavan ponnistelun taso riippuu tehtävien vaatimustasosta ja määrästä, tehtäviin käytettävissä olevasta ajasta sekä yksilöllisistä ominaisuuksista. Tutkimuksessa mitattiin kognitiivisen kuormituksen tasoa subjektiivisen arvioinnin menetelmällä NASA-TLX (National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Task Load Index) ja MCH (Modified Cooper-Harper) -mittareilla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin mittareiden havaintoarvojen muutosta, sensitiivisyyttä ja yhdenmukaisuutta kognitiivisen kuormituksen tason muuttuessa. Tutkimuksen mittauksiin osallistui 35 Suomen ilmavoimien aktiivisessa palveluksessa olevaa F/A-18-monitoimihävittäjäohjaajaa. Koehenkilöiden lentotuntien keskiarvo F/A-18-monitoimihävittäjällä oli 598 tuntia ja keskihajonta 445 tuntia. Koehenkilöiden tehtävänä oli lentää F/A-18-virtuaalisimulaattorilla 11 ILS (Instrument Landing System) -mittarilähestymistä eri aloitusetäisyyksiltä kiitotien kynnyksestä. Kognitiivisesti kuormitta-van mittarilähestymistehtävän aikana kuormituksen tasoa nostettiin lisätehtävillä ja vähentä-mällä tehtäviin käytettävissä olevaa aikaa. Koehenkilöitä pyydettiin ponnistelemaan mahdollisimman paljon tehtävien suorittamisen aikana hyvän suoritustason ylläpitämiseksi. Tulosten perusteella mittareiden havaintoarvot muuttuivat kognitiivisen kuormituksen tason muuttuessa. Käytettävissä olevan ajan vaikutus kognitiivisen kuormituksen tasoon oli tilastollisesti erittäin merkitsevä. Mittarit olivat sensitiivisiä kognitiivisen kuormituksen tason muutokselle ja antoivat yhdenmukaisia havaintoarvoja.
PCR-based technique for GMO detection is the most reliable choice because of its high sensitivity and specificity. As a candidate of the European Union, Turkey must comply with the rules for launching into the market, traceability, and labeling of GMOs as established by EU legislation. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess soybean products in the Turkish market to verify compliance with legislation using qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay to detect the presence of GM soybean and to quantify its amount of GM soybean in the samples tested positive using real-time PCR. DNA extracted by the modified CTAB method was properly used for PCR amplification of food materials. The amplification of a 118 bp DNA fragment of the lectin gene from soybean by PCR was successfully achieved in all samples. The GMO screening was based on the detection of 35S promoter and NOS terminator sequences. The GM positive samples were subjected to detection of Roundup ReadyTM soybean (RR) using quantitative real-time PCR. It was found that 100% of the tested food samples contained less than 0.1 per cent of EPSPS gene.
Egg yolk was partially replaced (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) with octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA)-modified potato starch in a reduced-fat mayonnaise formulation to curtail the problems associated with high cholesterol and induced allergic reactions. The physicochemical properties included parameters such as: pH, fat content, and emulsion stability of the formulations analyzed. The samples with 75% and 100% egg yolk substitute showed the maximum emulsion stability (>95% after two of months storage), and they were selected according to cholesterol content, particle size distributions, dynamic rheological properties, microstructure, and sensory characteristic. A significant reduction (84-97%) in the cholesterol content was observed in the selected samples. Particle size analysis showed that by increasing the amount of OSA starch, the oil droplets with the peak size of 70 µm engulfed by this compound became larger. The rheological tests elucidated that in the absence of egg yolk, OSA starch may not result in a final product with consistent texture and that the best ratio of the two emulsifiers (OSA starch/egg yolk) to produce stable reduced-fat, low cholesterol mayonnaise is 75/25. The microscopic images confirmed the formation of a stable cohesive layer of starch surrounding the oil droplets emulsified in the samples selected.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää sopiva analyyttinen menetelmä muokatun kraft-sellukuidun substituutioasteen (DS) kvantitatiivista määrittämistä varten. Muokkauksella tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä joko kovalenttisesti tai adsorption avulla tapahtuvaa molekyylin kiinnittymistä sellukuidun pinnalle. Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa käsitellään lyhyesti eri muokkaustapoja ja yhdisteitä joiden avulla voidaan saavuttaa haluttuja ominaisuuksia sellusta valmistetuille lopputuotteille. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosuudessa käydään läpi käyttötarkoitukseen soveltuvimpia suoria ja epäsuoria analyysimenetelmiä. Analyysimenetelmistä kaikkein lupaavimpia testattiin työn kokeellisessa osassa. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin kehittämään muokatulle sellulle kvantitatiivista menetelmää DS:n määrittämiseksi Fourier-muunnos infrapuna-vaimennettu kokonaisheijastus (FTIR-ATR) spektrometrillä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa ei löytynyt yhtään dokumentoitua tutkimusta, jossa FTIR-ATR menetelmää olisi käytetty muokatun sellukuidun kvantitatiiviseen tutkimukseen. Muiden analyysimenetelmien, kuten alkuaineanalyysin, termogravimetrisen analyysin (TGA) ja valomikroskopian avulla pyrittiin tuottamaan lisätietoa muokkauksesta. Kvantitatiivisen FTIR-ATR menetelmän kehitykseen käytetyt muokatut sellukuidut olivat selluloosa-asetaattia ja selluloosa betainaattia. Saatujen tulosten perusteella muokattujen sulfiitti- ja kraft sellukuitujen DS:n kvantitatiivinen määrittäminen on mahdollista FTIR-ATR menetelmällä. Vähäinen kalibrointipisteiden määrä vaikeutti tarkan analyysimenetelmän tekemistä. Kehitetyn menetelmän suurimpina ongelmina olivat kiinteiden näytteiden heterogeenisyys sekä mahdollisten epäpuhtauksien tunnistaminen. Jatkotutkimusten avulla kehitettyä menetelmää on kuitenkin mahdollista käyttää muokattujen sellukuitujen jatkuvaan analysointiin selluteollisuudessa.
Thermal cutting methods, are commonly used in the manufacture of metal parts. Thermal cutting processes separate materials by using heat. The process can be done with or without a stream of cutting oxygen. Common processes are Oxygen, plasma and laser cutting. It depends on the application and material which cutting method is used. Numerically-controlled thermal cutting is a cost-effective way of prefabricating components. One design aim is to minimize the number of work steps in order to increase competitiveness. This has resulted in the holes and openings in plate parts manufactured today being made using thermal cutting methods. This is a problem from the fatigue life perspective because there is local detail in the as-welded state that causes a rise in stress in a local area of the plate. In a case where the static utilization of a net section is full used, the calculated linear local stresses and stress ranges are often over 2 times the material yield strength. The shakedown criteria are exceeded. Fatigue life assessment of flame-cut details is commonly based on the nominal stress method. For welded details, design standards and instructions provide more accurate and flexible methods, e.g. a hot-spot method, but these methods are not universally applied to flame cut edges. Some of the fatigue tests of flame cut edges in the laboratory indicated that fatigue life estimations based on the standard nominal stress method can give quite a conservative fatigue life estimate in cases where a high notch factor was present. This is an undesirable phenomenon and it limits the potential for minimizing structure size and total costs. A new calculation method is introduced to improve the accuracy of the theoretical fatigue life prediction method of a flame cut edge with a high stress concentration factor. Simple equations were derived by using laboratory fatigue test results, which are published in this work. The proposed method is called the modified FAT method (FATmod). The method takes into account the residual stress state, surface quality, material strength class and true stress ratio in the critical place.
The difficulty on identifying, lack of segregation systems and absence of suitable standards for coexistence of non trangenic and transgenic soybean are contributing for contaminations that occur during productive system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of two methods for detecting mixtures of seeds genetically modified (GM) into samples of non-GM soybean, in a way that seed lots can be assessed within the standards established by seed legislation. Two sizes of soybean samples (200 and 400 seeds), cv. BRSMG 810C (non-GM) and BRSMG 850GRR (GM), were assessed with four contamination levels (addition of GM seeds, for obtaining 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% contamination), and two detection methods: immunoassay of lateral flux (ILF) and bioassay (pre-imbibition into 0.6% herbicide solution; 25 ºC; 16 h). The bioassay is efficient in detecting presence of GM seeds in seed samples of non-GM soybean, even for contamination lower than 1.0%, provided that seeds have high physiological quality. The ILF was positive, detecting the presence of target protein in contaminated samples, indicating test effectiveness. There was significant correlation between the two detection methods (r = 0.82; p < 0.0001). Sample size did not influence efficiency of the two methods in detecting presence of GM seeds.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59182
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59183
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59184
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59186
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59190
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59191