951 resultados para Mineral Research Center
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O trabalho foi realizado na Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, em Belém, Pará, (1º28´ S 48º27´ W de Greenwich), com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da adição da torta de dendê (Elaeis guineensis) como alternativa para suplementação alimentar de ruminantes, em períodos críticos de produção de forragem na Amazônia Oriental. Foram determinadas as características nutricionais da torta de dendê, durante um período de 21 dias, com 16 ovinos, em gaiolas metabólicas individuais, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições, onde os tratamentos (T1, T2, T3 e T4) continham quicuio-da-amazônia (Brachiaria humidicola) e níveis crescentes de 10%, 20%, 30% e 40% de inclusão de torta de dendê. Os consumos de matéria seca, em g/dia e % do peso vivo, foram de 666,6 e 2,5; 686.9 e 2,4; 649,4 e 2,4; e 540,9 e 2,0, de matéria orgânica 706,5; 710,8; 708,1 e 632,3 g/dia, e de proteína bruta 37,3; 42,9; 58,7 e 56,4 g/dia. O consumo de FDN, em g/dia, foi de 584,7; 583,5; 565,2; 527,0. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca foram de 50,3; 47,8; 52,2; e 55,2%, da matéria orgânica de 50,8; 49,6; 53,5; e 56,3% e de proteína bruta de 48,0; 38,7; 66,8; 69,4%, em T1, T2, T3 e T4, respectivamente. A torta de dendê possui potencial produtivo, com elevada disponibilidade de matéria seca e bom valor nutritivo, constituindo-se em alternativa para ser utilizada como suplemento alimentar para ruminantes, principalmente em períodos críticos de estiagem, em níveis em torno de 30%, e possibilita maior consumo e digestibilidade de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, com suprimento adequado de energia.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Este trabalho volta-se a área de inovação e a tecnologia como fator de diferenciação e geração de negócios de base tecnológica a partir de projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento do Centro de Excelência em Eficiência Energética na Amazônia – CEAMAZON, visando identificar e classificar o potencial de empreendimentos oriundos dos projetos dos laboratórios de P&D em energia deste centro. Utilizou-se a metodologia do Radar de negócios em tecnologia e inovação (RANTI) para levantar e gerar um portifólio de negócios em energia, e o potencial de inovação do CEAMAZON para que a sociedade faça uso do conhecimento gerado a partir desse centro de pesquisa para a criação de empresas e negócios por empreendedores, investidores e/ou empresários, a fim de gerar empregos, mais tecnologia e multiplicar a capacidade do CEAMAZON de criar mais projetos de P&D com interface com o mercado.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
This experiment evaluated temperament, vaginal temperature, and plasma cortisol in beef cows from wolf-naive and wolf-experienced origins that were subjected to a simulated wolf encounter. Multiparous, pregnant, nonlactating Angus-crossbreed cows from the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center located near Burns, OR (CON; n = 50), and from a commercial operation near Council, ID (WLF; n = 50), were used. To date, grey wolves are not present around Burns, OR, and thus CON were naive to wolves. Conversely, wolves are present around Council, ID, and WLF cows were selected from a herd that had experienced multiple confirmed wolf-predation episodes from 2008 to 2012. Following a 50-d commingling and adaptation period, CON and WLF cows were ranked by temperament, BW, and BCS and allocated to 5 groups (d 0; 10 CON and 10 WLF cows/group). Groups were individually subjected to the experimental procedures on d 2 (n = 3) and d 3 (n = 2). Before the simulated wolf encounter, cow temperament was assessed and blood samples and vaginal temperatures (using intravaginal data loggers) were collected (presimulation assessments). Cows were then sorted by origin, moved to 2 adjacent drylot pens (10 WLF and 10 CON cows/pen), and subjected to a simulated wolf encounter event for 20 min, which consisted of 1) cotton plugs saturated with wolf urine attached to the drylot fence, 2) continuous reproduction of wolf howls, and 3) 3 leashed dogs that were walked along the fence perimeter. Thereafter, WLF and CON cows were commingled and returned to the handling facility for postsimulation assessments, which were conducted immediately after exposure to wolf-urine-saturated cotton plugs, wolf howl reproduction, and 20-s exposure to the 3 dogs while being restrained in a squeeze chute. Chute score, temperament score, and plasma cortisol concentration increased (P <= 0.01) from pre- to postsimulation assessment in WLF but did not change in CON cows (P >= 0.19). Exit velocity decreased (P = 0.01) from pre-to postsimulation assessment in CON but did not change (P = 0.79) in WLF cows. In addition, WLF cows had a greater (P = 0.03) increase in temperature from pre-to postsimulation assessments compared with CON cows. In conclusion, the simulated wolf encounter increased excitability and fear-related physiological stress responses in cows that originated from a wolf-experienced herd but not in cows that originated from a wolf-naive herd.
The friction phenomena is present in mechanical systems with two surfaces that are in contact, which can cause serious damage to structures. Your understanding in many dynamic problems became the target of research due to its nonlinear behavior. It is necessary to know and thoroughly study each existing friction model found in the literature and nonlinear methods to define what will be the most appropriate to the problem in question. One of the most famous friction model is the Coulomb Friction, which is considered in the studied problems in the French research center Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures et des Systèmes Couplés (LMSSC), where this search began. Regarding the resolution methods, the Harmonic Balance Method is generally used. To expand the knowledge about the friction models and the nonlinear methods, a study was carried out to identify and study potential methodologies that can be applied in the existing research lines in LMSSC and then obtain better final results. The identified friction models are divided into static and dynamic. Static models can be Classical Models, Karnopp Model and Armstrong Model. The dynamic models are Dahl Model, Bliman and Sorine Model and LuGre Model. Concerning about nonlinear methods, we study the Temporal Methods and Approximate Methods. The friction models analyzed with the help of Matlab software are verified from studies in the literature demonstrating the effectiveness of the developed programming
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR