924 resultados para Mechanistic
L’ubiquitination est une modification post-traductionnelle qui joue un rôle majeur dans la régulation d’une multitude de processus cellulaires. Dans cette thèse, je discuterai de la caractérisation de deux protéines, BRCA1 et BAP1, soit deux suppresseurs de tumeurs fonctionnellement reliés. BRCA1, une ubiquitine ligase qui catalyse la liaison de l’ubiquitine à une protéine cible, est mutée dans les cancers du sein et de l'ovaire. Il est bien établi que cette protéine aide à maintenir la stabilité génomique suite à un bris double brin de l’ADN (BDB), et ce, à l’aide d’un mécanisme de réparation bien caractérisé appelé recombinaison homologue. Cependant, les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 suite à des stresses génotoxiques n’impliquant pas directement un BDB ne sont pas pleinement élucidés. Nous avons démontré que BRCA1 est régulée par dégradation protéasomale suite à une exposition des cellules à deux agents génotoxiques reconnus pour ne pas directement générer des BDBs, soit les rayons UV, qui provoquent la distorsion de l’hélice d’ADN, et le méthyle méthanesulfonate (MMS), qui entraîne l’alkylation de l’ADN. La dégradation de BRCA1 est réversible et indépendante des kinases associées à la voie des PI3 kinase, soit ATM, ATR et DNA-PK, protéines qui sont rapidement activées par les dommages à l’ADN. Nous proposons que la dégradation de BRCA1 prévienne son recrutement intempestif, ainsi que celui des facteurs qui lui sont associés, à des sites de dommages d’ADN qui ne sont pas des BDBs, et que cette régulation coordonne la réparation de l’ADN. L’enzyme de déubiquitination BAP1 a initialement été identifiée comme une protéine capable d’interagir avec BRCA1 et de réguler sa fonction. Elle est également connue pour sa capacité à se lier avec les protéines du groupe Polycomb, ASXL1 et ASXL2. Cependant, l’importance de ces interactions n’a toujours pas été établie. Nous avons démontré que BAP1 forme deux complexes protéiques mutuellement exclusifs avec ASXL1 et ASXL2. Ces interactions sont critiques pour la liaison de BAP1 à l’ubiquitine ainsi que pour la stimulation de son activité enzymatique envers l’histone H2A. Nous avons également identifié des mutations de BAP1 dérivées de cancers qui empêchent à la fois son interaction avec ASXL1 et AXSL2, et son activité de déubiquitinase, ce qui fournit un lien mécanistique direct entre la déubiquitination de H2A et la tumorigenèse. Élucider les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 et BAP1 menera à une meilleure compréhension de leurs rôles de suppresseurs de tumeurs, permettant ainsi d’établir de nouvelles stratégies de diagnostic et traitement du cancer.
Tout médicament administré par la voie orale doit être absorbé sans être métabolisé par l’intestin et le foie pour atteindre la circulation systémique. Malgré son impact majeur sur l’effet de premier passage de plusieurs médicaments, le métabolisme intestinal est souvent négligé comparativement au métabolisme hépatique. L’objectif de ces travaux de maîtrise est donc d’utiliser, caractériser et développer différents outils in vitro et in vivo pour mieux comprendre et prédire l’impact du métabolisme intestinal sur l’effet de premier passage des médicaments comparé au métabolisme hépatique. Pour se faire, différents substrats d’enzymes du métabolisme ont été incubés dans des microsomes intestinaux et hépatiques et des différences entre la vitesse de métabolisme et les métabolites produits ont été démontrés. Afin de mieux comprendre l’impact de ces différences in vivo, des études mécanistiques chez des animaux canulés et traités avec des inhibiteurs enzymatiques ont été conduites avec le substrat métoprolol. Ces études ont démontré l’impact du métabolisme intestinal sur le premier passage du métoprolol. De plus, elles ont révélé l’effet sur la vidange gastrique du 1-aminobenzotriazole, un inhibiteur des cytochromes p450, évitant ainsi une mauvaise utilisation de cet outil dans le futur. Ces travaux de maîtrise ont permis d’améliorer les connaissances des différents outils in vitro et in vivo pour étudier le métabolisme intestinal tout en permettant de mieux comprendre les différences entre le rôle de l’intestin et du foie sur l’effet de premier passage.
Brasses are widely used as constructional materials in marine environment due to their anticorrosive,antifouling and mechanical properties.However, its resistance to corrosion and fouling may vary according to local marine environmental condition and the seasons.The dezincification of brass is one of the forms of selective corrosion which has attracted the attention of researchers for the last two decades.Many of the dezincification mechanistic studies have been performed in noncomplex media and hence their conclusions cannot be extended to esturine water,which is of great significance since brass is extensively used in marine environment.Inhibited α brasses are largely immune to dezincication and the effect of tin and arsenic addition to α/beta brasses is not so reliable in controlling the dezincification. There have been many cases of dezincification in duplex brasses in both freshwater and seawater.Though there is some protection methods such as inhibitors,electro deposition and electro polymerization,there is no reliable method of inhibiting the dezincification of two-phase brass.Organic coatings are effectively used for the protection metals due to their capacity to act a physical barrieer between the metal surface and corrosive environment.Hence,pure epoxy coating is selected for this as it has antocorrosiion effect on brass.The dezincification behaviour of brass of the present study has been highlighted in terms of corrosion rate,weight gain/loss,corrosion current and polarization resistence,open circuit potential,dezincification factor. The marine fouling as biomass on brass was assessed and presented in this thesis, The physicochemical properties of estuarine water were correlated with corrosion behaviour of brass.The deterioration of the brass subjected to the effect of estuarine water was also investigated as a measure of loss in mechanical properties such as tensile strength,yield strength,percntage elongation and percentage reduction in area.To validate dezincification data,visual observation,spot analysis,surface morphology before and after removal of corrosion products and corrosion product analysis were performed.The dezincification behavior of epoxy coated brass of the present study has beenhighlighted in terms of corrosion rate ,weight gain/loss,corrosion current and polarization resistance,open circuit potential.dezincification factor.The marine fouling as biomass on epoxy coated brass subjeted to the effect of estuarine water was also investigated as ameasure of loss in mechanical properties such as tensile strength,percentage elongation and percentage reduction in area.The results of dezincification behavior of brass and epoxy coated brass in Cochin estuary water has been presented and discussed.Attempt has been made to correlate the dezincification behavior of brass with epoxy coated brass.
In this introduction part, importance has been given to the elastomeric properties of polyurethanes. Emphasis has been laid to this property based on microphase separation and how this could be modified by modifying the segment lengths, as well as the structure of the segments. Implication was also made on the mechanical and thermal properties of these copolymers based on various analytical methods usually used for characterization of polymers. A brief overview of the challenges faced by the polyurethane chemistry was also done, pointing to the fact that though polyurethane industry is more than 75 years old, still a lot of questions remain unanswered, that too mostly in the synthesis of polyurethanes. A major challenge in this industry is the utilization of more environmental friendly “Green Chemistry Routes” for the synthesis of polyurethanes which are devoid of any isocyanates or harsh solvents.The research work in this thesis was focused to develop non-isocyanate green chemical process for polyurethanes and also self-organize the resultant novel polymers into nano-materials. The thesis was focused on the following three major aspects:(i) Design and development of novel melt transurethane process for polyurethanes under non-isocyanate and solvent free melt condition. (ii) Solvent induced self-organization of the novel cycloaliphatic polyurethanes prepared by the melt transurethane process into microporous templates and nano-sized polymeric hexagons and spheres. (iii) Novel polyurethane-oligophenylenevinylene random block copolymer nano-materials and their photoluminescence properties. The second chapter of the thesis gives an elaborate discussion on the “Novel Melt Transurethane Process ” for the synthesis of polyurethanes under non-isocyanate and solvent free melt condition. The polycondensation reaction was carried out between equimolar amounts of a di-urethane monomer and a diol in the presence of a catalyst under melt condition to produce polyurethanes followed by the removal of low boiling alcohol from equilibrium. The polymers synthesized through this green chemical route were found to be soluble (devoid of any cross links), thermally stable and free from any isocyanate entities. The polymerization reaction was confirmed by various analytical techniques with specific references to the extent of reaction which is the main watchful point for any successful polymerization reaction. The mechanistic aspects of the reaction were another point of consideration for the novel polymerization route which was successfully dealt with by performing various model reactions. Since this route was successful enough in synthesizing polyurethanes with novel structures, they were employed for the solvent induced self-organization which is an important area of research in the polymer world in the present scenario. Chapter three mesmerizes the reader with multitudes of morphologies depending upon the chemical backbone structure of the polyurethane as well as on the nature and amount of various solvents employed for the self-organization tactics. The rationale towards these morphologies-“Hydrogen Bonding ” have been systematically probed by various techniques. These polyurethanes were then tagged with luminescent 0ligo(phenylene vinylene) units and the effects of these OPV blocks on the morphology of the polyurethanes were analyzed in chapter four. These blocks have resulted in the formation of novel “Blue Luminescent Balls” which could find various applications in optoelectronic devices as well as delivery vehicles.
Studies on the chemistry of vulcanization” play a central role in the efforts to achieve better product performance from natural and synthetic rubbers. They provide rubber technologists with an increasingly realistic picture of molecular framework of vulcanizates, from which relation between physical properties and chemical constitution may be deduced. Moreover, these studies are also aimed at the understanding of the vulcanization process, in sufficiently advanced chemical mechanistic terms, so that the effect of changes on vulcanizate structure can rationally be predicted.“ The study of accelerator activity ofthe binary system containing ATU with TMTD, and with MBTS in sulphur vulcanization of dry natural rubber using standard procedures for compounding and vulcanization is described in the third chapter. The study of the gum vulcanizates form part I of this chapter The behaviour of the experimental mixes were compared with those of the controls containing thiourea; diphenyl guanidine
Poisoning by pesticides from agricultural fields is a serious water pollution problem and its environmental long-term effect may result in the incidence of poisoning of fish and other aquatic life forms (jyothi and Narayan, 1999). Fishes like Heteropneustesfbssilis and C/arius batrac/nus are especially prone to serious pesticide pollution as their habitat is mostly the agriculture area. Though only few studies are conducted in this area, it can be assessed from the local information that, population of such fish is on the verge of vulnerability due to extensive use of pesticides. The knowledge of sublethal effects of xenobiotic compounds on hematological parameters, enzyme activities and metabolite concentrations is very important to delineate the fish health status and provide a future understanding of ecological impacts. These pesticides act by causing inhibition of cholinesterase enzymes (ChE) by formation of enzyme inhibitor complex (O'Brien, 1976) and damaging the nervous system. These effects may result in metabolic disorders. Associated to cholinesterase activities, a study of other enzymes such as phosphatases and aminotransferases close to intermediary metabolite determination provides a wider view of metabolism. Interest in toxicological aspects has grown in recent years and research is now increasingly focused on mechanistic aspects of oxidative damage and cellular responses in biological system. The term ‘biomarker’ is generally used in a broad sense to include almost any measurement reflecting an interaction between a biological system and a potential hazard, which may be chemical, physical or biological (WHO, 1993). As biomarker stands for immediate responses, they are used as early warning signals of biological effects caused by environmental pollutants. The present work attempts to assess the toxicity of organophosphorus insecticide monocrotophos on the experimental organism selected for this study namely stinging catfish (Heteropneustesfossi/is) (Bloch), and to probe into the stress responses of the organism
the author has designed few barrelene molecules in such a way that the structural features of these compounds will enable them to undergo intriguing triplet state mediated di- -methane rearrangement. The strategy involved the preparation of dibenzobarrelenes appended with a fused ring systems, thereby restricting the rotational freedom of the bridgehead substituent. We describe these systems as ‘tethered barrelenes’. These tethered barrelenes enabled us to examine the effect of orientation and the nature of the bridgehead-substituents in controlling the regioselectivity of di-π-methane rearrangement in a more systematic fashion. In this background, the thesis entitled “SYNTHESIS AND PHOTOCHEMICAL TRANSFORMATIONS OF A FEW TETHERED BARRELENES” reveals our attempts to explore the factors controlling the regioselectivity of di-π-methane rearrangement displayed by dibenzobarrelenes. Moreover, we have observed interesting dark reactions of suitable substituted tethered dibenzosemibullvalenes in a few cases
The scope of the work was to synthesis few biologically active derivatives of curcumin. The derivatives were prepared by altering the keto-enol centre of curcumin by various reagents. This particular reaction centre for preparing derivative was selected keeping in mind the controversy regarding the major site responsible for antioxidant mechanism of curcumin. Most of the mechanistic study done earlier was by varying the constituents in one or both of the phenol ring present in the curcumin. The alterations at the keto-enol moiety may throw an insight into the role of the diketo moiety towards the antioxidant mechanism. Since recently curcumin has been suggested as a chemotherapeutic agent for various ailments, we also decided to check the DNA intercalating property of the derivatives synthesised.
Zusammenfassung - Der sekundäre Botenstoff zyklisches Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) reguliert viele fundamentale zelluläre Prozesse wie Zellproliferation, Differenzierung, Energiemetabolismus und Genexpression. In eukaryotischen Zellen vermittelt die cAMP-abhängige Proteinkinase (PKA) die meisten biologischen Funktionen von cAMP. Die PKA besteht aus jeweils zwei regulatorischen (R) und katalytischen (C) Untereinheiten, die zusammen einen inaktiven Holoenzymkomplex bilden, der durch cAMP aktiviert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Bindung von cAMP und cAMP-Analoga an die R Untereinheit der PKA unter funktionellen und mechanistischen Aspekten untersucht. Eine neue, auf Fluoreszenzpolarisation basierende Methode wurde entwickelt, um die Affinität von cAMP-Analoga in einem homogenen Ansatz schnell, reproduzierbar und nicht radioaktiv zu quantifizieren. Zur detaillierten Untersuchung des Bindungsmechanismus von cAMP und cAMP Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden thermodynamische Studien im direkten Vergleich mittels isothermaler Titrationskalorimetrie und kinetischen Analysen (Oberflächenplasmonresonanz, SPR) durchgeführt, wodurch thermodynamische Signaturen für das Bindungsverhalten der Nukleotide an die R Untereinheit der PKA erhalten werden konnten. Durch Interaktionsstudien an mutagenisierten R Untereinheiten wurde der intramolekulare Aktivierungsmechanismus der PKA in Bezug auf cAMP-Bindung, Holoenzymkomplex-Formierung und -Aktivierung untersucht. Die dabei erhaltenen Ergebnisse wurden mit zwei Modellen der cAMP-induzierten Konformationsänderung verglichen, und ein Aktivierungsmechanismus postuliert, der auf konservierten hydrophoben Aminosäuren basiert. Für in vivo Untersuchungen wurden zusammen mit Kooperationspartnern membranpermeable, fluoreszierende cAMP Analoga entwickelt, die Einblicke in die Dynamik der cAMP-Verteilung in Zellen erlauben. Neu entwickelte, Festphasen gebundene cAMP-Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden in einem (sub)proteomischen Ansatz dazu genutzt, natürliche Komplexe der R Untereinheit und des PKA-Holoenzyms aus Zelllysaten zu isolieren und zu identifizieren. Diese Untersuchungen fließen letztlich in einem systembiologischen Ansatz zusammen, der neue Einblicke in die vielschichtigen cAMP gesteuerten Netzwerke und Regulationsprozesse erlaubt.
Das Dissertationsprojekt befasst sich mit dem synthetischen Potential acyclischer Diaminocarbene (aDACs; Verbindungen des Typs (R2N)2C:) und prüft dabei insbesondere deren Reaktivität gegenüber Kohlenmonoxid (CO). Grundlage des Vorhabens ist eine Aufsehen erregende Beobachtung von SIEMELING et al. (Chem. Sci., 2010, 1, 697): Der Prototyp der aDACs, das Bis(diisopropylamino)carben, ist in der Lage CO zu aktivieren. Dabei wird zunächst ein intermediäres Keten des Typs (R2N)2C=C=O generiert, das in Folge einer intramolekularen Reaktion ein stabiles β-Lactamderivat ausbildet. Eine Sensation, schließlich ging man in der Fachwelt bis dato davon aus, dass cyclische und acyclische Diaminocarbene für derartige Reaktionen nicht elektrophil genug seien. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war eine systematische Auslotung der aDAC-Reaktivität gegenüber CO. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Untersuchungen ist es gelungen, das Feld der literaturbekannten aDACs von 12 auf 19 zu erweitern. Die Carbene, ihre Formamidiniumsalz-Vorstufen, sowie die korrespondierenden Carben–Metallkomplexe konnten in den meisten Fällen vollständig charakterisiert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass manche Isopropyl-substituierten aDACs in inertem Lösemittel einer β-Umlagerung unterliegen sowie, dass eine solche intramolekulare Reaktivität innerhalb dieser Substanzklasse nicht trivial ist: Zum Teil ganz ähnlich substituierte aDACs sind in Lösung unbegrenzt haltbar. Die Reaktivität gegenüber CO konnte an etwa einem Dutzend aDACs studiert werden. Lediglich in einem Fall zeigte sich das Carben inert. In einem sterisch überfrachteten Fall entstand in einer regio- und stereoselektiven Folgereaktion ein biologisch aktives bicyclisches β-Lactamderivat. In den meisten Fällen ergaben sich betainische Oxyallylspezies des Typs [(R2N)2C]2CO als intermolekulare Folgeprodukte. Die mechanistische Scheidelinie zwischen intra- und intermolekularer Keten-Folgereaktion konnte anhand der Carbonylierung sterisch ganz ähnlich substituierter aDACs aufgezeigt werden. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse liefern deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass das chemische Verhalten der aDACs gegenüber CO eher durch feinste elektronische Unterschiede als durch den sterischen Anspruch der Carben-Substituenten beeinflusst wird. Mit Hilfe von In-Situ-IR-Spektroskopie gelang es in manchen Fällen, bei denen eine Isolierung der Carbonylierungsprodukte nicht glückte, die Generierung hochreaktiver Oxyallylspezies zu belegen. Weiterhin konnte im Zuge der In-Situ-IR-Studien das zuvor nur postulierte Diaminoketen als primäres Carbonylierungsprodukt dingfest gemacht werden (ν(C=C=O) = 2085 1/cm): Es handelt sich hierbei um den ersten experimentellen Nachweis eines Diaminoketens überhaupt.
Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) is a key transducer in the NO-cGMP signaling pathway. In this line, PKG has been considered an important drug target for treating hypertensive cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. However, the investigation of PKG’s allosteric activation mechanism has been hampered by a lack of structural information. One of the fundamental questions on the cGMP-dependent activation of PKG is how the enzyme can distinguish cGMP over cAMP and selectively respond to cGMP. To ensure proper signaling, PKG must have developed unique features to ensure its activation upon the right activation signal. In this thesis, the cGMP-selective activation mechanism of PKG was studied through determining crystal structures of three truncated constructs of the regulatory domain [CNB-A (92-227), CNB-B (271-369), and CNB-A/B (92-351)] of PKG Iβ in the absence or presence of cyclic nucleotides. Herein, two individual CNB domain structures with biochemical data revealed that the C-terminal CNB domain (CNB-B) is responsible for cGMP selectivity, while the N-terminal CNB-domain (CNB-A) has a higher binding affinity for both cGMP and cAMP without showing any selectivity. Based on these crystal structures, mutagenesis studies were performed in which the critical residues for cyclic nucleotide selectivity and activation were identified. Furthermore, we discovered that the conformational changes of the C-terminal helix of the CNB-B that bridges between the regulatory and catalytic domains including the hydrophobic capping interaction are crucial for PKG activation. In addition, to observe the global conformation of the activated R-domain, I solved a co-crystal structure of the CNB-A/B with cGMP. Although a monomeric construct was crystallized, the structure displays a dimer. Strikingly, the CNB-A domain and its bound cGMP provide a key interface for this dimeric interaction. Using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the existence of the cGMP-mediated dimeric interface within the CNB domains was confirmed. Furthermore, measuring cGMP-binding affinities (EC50) of the dimeric interface mutants as well as determining activation constants (Ka) revealed that the interface formation is important for PKG activation. To conclude, this thesis study provides a new mechanistic insight in PKG activation along with a newly found interface that can be targeted for designing PKG-specific activity modulators.
OBJETIVOS: Describir y comparar los cambios dinámicos de la geometría del anillo mitral durante todo el ciclo cardiaco en pacientes con insuficiencia mitral isquémica y pacientes con válvula mitral normal. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Los estudios ecocardiográficos analizados fueron 37, 23 con insuficiencia mitral isquémica y 14 con válvula mitral normal. La reconstrucción del anillo se realizó en la estación de trabajo Xcelera (Philips Medial Systems) mediante la herramienta de análisis mitral (MVQ), en 5 momentos del ciclo cardiaco: Comienzo de Sístole, Mitad de Sístole, Final de Sístole, Mitad de Diástole y Final de Diástole. RESULTADOS: El anillo del grupo control, fue más dinámico, con sus menores dimensiones al final de la diástole, presentando incremento progresivo durante la sístole. Los cambios en el perímetro y el área, fueron significativos entre el comienzo y mitad de la sístole (p:0.087 y p: 0.055). En el grupo con insuficiencia mitral isquémica, el anillo fue más estático. Todas las dimensiones en este grupo, fueron mayores en los cinco momentos del ciclo cardiaco. (p < 0.1). El anillo también fue más plano, con un índice morfológico anular menor al del grupo control (p:0.087). DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: En pacientes sin insuficiencia mitral, el anillo es una estructura dinámica. Durante la sístole, las menores dimensiones se produjeron al comienzo de este periodo y la conformación en silla de montar se mantuvo, protegiendo contra la insuficiencia mitral. El anillo del grupo con insuficiencia mitral fue más estático y plano, perdiendo los mecanismos protectores.
El presente proyecto tiene como objeto identificar cuáles son los conceptos de salud, enfermedad, epidemiología y riesgo aplicables a las empresas del sector de extracción de petróleo y gas natural en Colombia. Dado, el bajo nivel de predicción de los análisis financieros tradicionales y su insuficiencia, en términos de inversión y toma de decisiones a largo plazo, además de no considerar variables como el riesgo y las expectativas de futuro, surge la necesidad de abordar diferentes perspectivas y modelos integradores. Esta apreciación es pertinente dentro del sector de extracción de petróleo y gas natural, debido a la creciente inversión extranjera que ha reportado, US$2.862 millones en el 2010, cifra mayor a diez veces su valor en el año 2003. Así pues, se podrían desarrollar modelos multi-dimensional, con base en los conceptos de salud financiera, epidemiológicos y estadísticos. El termino de salud y su adopción en el sector empresarial, resulta útil y mantiene una coherencia conceptual, evidenciando una presencia de diferentes subsistemas o factores interactuantes e interconectados. Es necesario mencionar también, que un modelo multidimensional (multi-stage) debe tener en cuenta el riesgo y el análisis epidemiológico ha demostrado ser útil al momento de determinarlo e integrarlo en el sistema junto a otros conceptos, como la razón de riesgo y riesgo relativo. Esto se analizará mediante un estudio teórico-conceptual, que complementa un estudio previo, para contribuir al proyecto de finanzas corporativas de la línea de investigación en Gerencia.
El concepto de organización saludable cada vez toma más fuerza en el ámbito empresarial y académico, a razón de su enfoque integral y al impacto generado en distintos grupos de interés. Debido a su reciente consolidación como concepto, existe un limitado cuerpo de investigación en torno al tema. Para contribuir a la generación de conocimiento en este sentido, se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio el cual tenía como objetivo identificar la relación existente entre la implementación de prácticas saludables en las organizaciones y los valores culturales. En el estudio participaron 66 sujetos a quienes se les administró un cuestionario compuesto por nueve variables, cinco provenientes del modelo de Hofstede (1980) y cuatro más que evaluaban la implementación de prácticas organizacionales saludables. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los valores culturales predicen la implementación de prácticas saludables.
Introducción: La dismenorrea se presenta como una patología cada vez más frecuente en mujeres de 16-30 años. Dentro de los factores asociados a su presentación, el consumo de tabaco ha revelado resultados contradictorios. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la asociación entre el consumo de cigarrillo y la presentación de dismenorrea, y determinar si los trastornos del ánimo y la depresión, alteran dicha asociación. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de prevalencia analítica en mujeres de la Universidad del Rosario matriculadas en pregrado durante el primer semestre de 2013, para determinar la asociación entre el consumo de tabaco y la presentación de dismenorrea. En el estudio se tuvieron en cuenta variables tradicionalmente relacionadas con dismenorrea, incluyendo las variables ansiedad y depresión como potenciales variables de confusión. Los registros fueron analizados en el programa Estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics Versión 20.0. Resultados: Se realizaron 538 cuestionarios en total. La edad promedio fue 19.92±2.0 años. La prevalencia de dismenorrea se estimó en 89.3%, la prevalencia de tabaquismo 11.7%. No se encontró una asociación entre dismenorrea y tabaquismo (OR 3.197; IC95% 0.694-14.724). Dentro de las variables analizadas, la depresión y la ansiedad constituyen factores de riesgo independientes para la presentación de dismenorrea con una asociación estadísticamente significativa p=0.026 y p=0.024 respectivamente. El análisis multivariado encuentra como factor determinante en la presentación de dismenorrea, la interacción de depresión y ansiedad controlando por las variables tradicionales p<0.0001. Sin embargo, esta asociación se pierde cuando se analiza en la categoría de dismenorrea severa y gana relevancia el uso de métodos de anticoncepción diferentes a los hormonales, mientras que el hecho de haber iniciado la vida sexual presenta una tendencia limítrofe de riesgo. Conclusiones: No se puede demostrar que el tabaco es un factor asociado a la presentación de dismenorrea. Los trastornos del ánimo y la ansiedad constituyen factores determinantes a la presentación de dismenorrea independientemente de la presencia de otros concomitantes. Las variables de asociación se modifican cuando la variable dependiente se categoriza en su estado más severo. Se necesitan estudios más amplios y detallados para establecer dicha asociación.